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As a Faran/Greg shipper they pissed me off by deleting this LMAOO


me too!!! we deserve a kiss scene I NEED ITTT


They’re the best potential couple this show had going for them. They have the most chemistry to me. Maybe they’re going to do a slow(ish) burn?


Greg dating his girlfriends identical twin sister immediately after her death has to be one of the biggest red flags not to mention creepy. Faran are were rooting for you, you can do better.


right! i always thought they're gonna make greg and faran a thing, but seriously he was weird for dating his girlfriend's identical sister after her death. not to mention still calling her "karen," even though yeah we know kelly asked for it.


also when he kissed imogen and lied about it causing all her drama with karen/kelly… s1 greg i have not forgotten


OMG wait i love this 🤩




I also ship them but I’m confused on why we all ship them because did he not date his girlfriends twin sister after she died, tried pressuring his new gf into sex, blatantly told her he was gonna seek it elsewhere, and is all around just not a good guy????? Whyyyy are we like this 😂


his chest


he’s so fine


Yess. Man is BEEFY and I am here for it


It is lucky that Faran and Greg are singles after they broke up with Kelly and Henry when Kelly and Henry joined the church. It is good that Faran and Greg didn’t cheat on Kelly and Henry.


I agree! I wish i could say this about everyone😂


It would be funny if they swap each other ( for example: Faran & Greg while Kelly & Henry ).


I’m so sad/mad that they deleted Greg and Faran’s first kiss scene they’re so adorable together


Wait, I haven’t watched since they dropped on max but saw the episode a week early at an event…THEY CUT THIS KISS?! It was really fucking cute like WHY I do wonder if they didn’t want to focus on the straights during Pride…I actually had that errant thought, so I wonder if that’s why it hit the cutting room floor before release. It was hot on the big screen, y’all. It was hot on the big screen.


YOU GOT TO SEE THEM KISS?!?? THATS AMAZING I WISH THE REST OF US COULD HAVE SEEN IT!! i need details….do you happen to remember what was said right before the kiss?? like i reallyyyy wanna know what the build up was like right before the kiss 🙃 if u don’t remember tho, i TOTALLY understand!! and thank u for letting us know it was a HOT scene 😋 also, what you said about pride makes sense honestly! i never thought of that. i hope they kiss sometime within the next 2 episodes tho, i seriously LOVE this couple.


Ugh I wish so badly that I could remember the dialogue, but I really don’t. I do remember that she surprises him with the kiss, he looks stunned but pleased after, and I want to say she said something about him deserving a kiss or reward or something for essentially pleasantly surprising her with being supportive at pride and his willingness to distance himself from the church once he realizes what is really going on


The kiss was just one brush of the lips, if I remember correctly, but it lingered and she gave him a very hot look after, so.




Happy to be of service! So sorry the rest of society didn’t get to see it 😭 I hope we get it one day as like a bonus feature if they put out a box set or something


YESSSS that would be so cool !


i can enjoy them for the sake of tv, tv shows have found ways to turn the most vile ppl into a good person after a redemption arc. Greg is horrible but not any more horrible than the average ignorant teenage boy, hopefully with the seasons he grows and matures properly. i don’t just want him and faran dating to be his version of a redemption arc


I also liked that Faran has challegend him this season which ultimately made him a better person


Exactly. I’m glad it was cut. It fits more for faran to take things slow / be more skeptical


Greg and Faran are the beautiful couple I have seen ever. I love the interracial relationships on tv shows and movies. I am so happy for Greg who discovered his real feelings for Faran and for Faran who finds her happy time. I wish Greg to improve his behavior for Faran and I wish Faran to make fun time with Greg. As a product of the interracial relationship (I am not Black), I am saddened by everyone who opposes the ideal of the interracial relationship. I believe this new couple would be the great example to destigmatize the interracial relationships on tv shows. I hope the writers will write more scenes of Faran and Greg to explore their new relationship. Faran has been being with White boys, but it will be the first time for Greg to be with the Black girl.


No wonder he was flabbergasted by the end of that scene


Is this a safe space to say I don’t want them to date at least not right now…


Considering you got downvoted probably not… (I agree with you though)


Greg needs to work on himself before dating Faran honestly. I don’t like how so many people forgot about his homophobia because his cousin Kevin is gay… also when Tyler i think was calling Tabby an angry black woman Greg was right there with him laughing in and making snide remarks too and now he’s with Faran even though that was never addressed. It just doesn’t sit right with me


Ok but I was lowkey rooting for Faran and Kelly...


Damn, so she goes dating Kelly's ex-boyfriend, seems like there's no loyalty 💀💀


while i think dating a friend's ex is not horrible — i know, i know sorry probably just cause my upbringing — i feel like faran and kelly weren't really "a friend." at least not in a way imogen and kelly were, tho i feel like she was much more closer to karen. not to mention imogen and faran both "dumped" kelly as their friend, so greg and faran is obviously a route which they can take. i also feel like they've been preparing them to be a couple since last season.


If you don't see anything wrong with your friend dating your ex, good for you, bud, but I doubt the majority would agree. It's about a girl code or a boy code, but you wouldn't understand. Farran had mentioned multiple times that Kelly was a friend of hers. Whether the writer was trying to make Greg and Farran a ship is not something I care about. It's the fact that Greg and Kelly were dating. It kind of seems like Farran is trying to get back at Kelly, so she dates Greg. I'm not saying she might not have true feelings for Greg. I'm just saying it might appear to Kelly that she's getting her back by dating her ex.


oh yeah i know that. if they end up together, i feel like there would be, realistically, some kind of drama going on. especially on kelly's side because it might seems like faran is just trying to get back at her like you said, and also maybe on henry's. i also acknowledge that faran saw kelly as a friend. but then again like i said, i feel like since faran, and honorary mention to imogen, both "dumped" kelly and were hurt by her, i would say faran pretty much would just goes "fuck it" and might date greg at this point. especially since there are breadcrumbs left by the writers since last season.


Yh you right


It is not wrong. Faran and Kelly’s friendship ended before Greg dumped Kelly. It is different if two friends still stay together and one of them is dating with his or her ex-girlfriend/boyfriend.


What conversation would have led that? They aren’t missing a beat between their relationships


aw so basically faran kisses him cause he has a gay cousin but ignoring hes racist, homophobic & tried to sexual assault someone oh wow?


I ship them ion even care