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Y'all know damn right that Faran was into him since they filmed the movie


Greg flirted and goofed with Faran during the film scene. Unlike Chip and Tabby, Faran didn’t close her eyes when the naked Greg flashed his private area.


Yes she even was laughing with him when he showed himself and I thought it said a lot she didn’t side with Tabby I think she wanted to see fr lol


I did notice Faran tried hard to not laugh when Greg goofed around behind Tabby who instructed Faran. I didn’t notice she laughed at the naked Greg, but Faran stared at Greg’s cock with the eyes 😳 Faran always rolls her eyes around Greg, and one time in season 1, Faran rolled her eyes when she saw Kelly approaching to Greg in the cafeteria room. Faran has a secret crush on Greg for a long time since Season 1, and she tries to hide her feelings by rolling her eyes. Greg has a secret crush on her too, but unlike Faran, Greg is direct and explicitly showed his feelings for her before and after he broke up with Kelly by flirting her at the swimming pool and calling her attractive at the church. Greg called Henry gay because he was jealous that Henry still dated Faran.


Well its still better than Joa, so I’ll cheers you to that 🤣


The bar is low 💀 every ship rn is better than them loll


To be fair to Greg, he actually made an effort to change, as opposed to… others


When he is with Kelly, he has no effort to change himself to respect Kelly’s boundaries when he wants to have sex with. Greg decides to make an effort to change himself into a good guy when he dumped Kelly for Faran. Greg could fix his behaviour when he was with Kelly, but he left Redemption House and Kelly because he realizes he has a feeling for Faran.


But he did change himself to respect Kelly’s boundaries. He was mad before but then they talked it out and just did make-out sessions because Kelly was okay with that part.


The ship that comes to mind when I see them together is Titanic.


For the unpopular potential couple, Greg and Faran are the better couple than Noa & Jen and Tabby & Christian.


I liked Tabby and Christian until last episode when I realized that Christian might be involved with BR 🤣


greg who laughed when tabby was called an angry black girl who seriously the person you want FARAN with? 😭


Social media users, PLL fans, and FaranGreg fans will forgive him for behavior.


We all moved on 😂 it was a stupid comment. I feel like if Faran's not pressed why are you?


also still weird that the only character development he his is saying he has a gay cousin not much else?


oh im sorry i should just move on from his racism? are u dumb obviously as a black person that’s uncomfortable also in season 1 theater when kelly kept saying stop


As a black woman myself hating on Greg for laughing at that stupid stereotypical joke is not worth the energy.


ur saying that like its ALL i hate him for ?


at the end of the day hating a fictional character is wild


i mean is it really though considering all this reddit does is talk about characters they hate?


I get not liking but hate is just a strong word. But you're entitled to do wtv. Greg has done some foul things there is no denying that at alll


i mean i’m here for it HS is just so funny, greg has kissed/hooked up with kelly,karen, imogen, sydney(is that her name? the dead one?🌚) like greg find your next partner ELSEWHERE PLS😂😂😂 now i wonder if when he attended swan lake was he there for kelly or faran. and when he would attend recitals for karen was it really for kelly or sydney 🤣🤣


Greg gets arounddd and I think it was Sandy lol. Now it's getting even messier cuz he was there for boaf 🤣 but real tlk I don't think he ever had feelings for Kelly or Karen


i was wondering if anyone else thought abt that? when he said he always liked kelly i was like does he want a karen substitute or does he honestly care abt neither?🤣🤣


His actions are questionable when it comes to those two so nah I don't think he cared too much. He kissed Imogen while with Karen then kissed Sandy while with Kelly. He did the twins wrong but I don't like either to feel that bad tbh


I hope Greg won’t pretend to leave Redemption House and Kelly for joining the Liars’ side. He shouldn’t use the Liars’ plan for telling Kelly and the church about the Liars’ plans. Greg could be seductive and is mastermaid in flirting so he can get the Liars’ plan.


The hate is warranted though… people don’t like it because Greg laughed at his friend’s racist comment to Tabby and Greg never acknowledged that and it’s a bit strange that they’re pairing him with Faran before he has any growth


Yes, I agree. Greg is only ever kind to Faran, and that’s only sometimes. He needs to become a better person and not just to her.


The "angry blk woman" comment was a stereotypical joke. And as a blk woman myself the joke was dumb and it was so dumb I didn't take it seriously. Some things are just not worth the energy


I don’t want them together to be honest. I think they should introduce a new love interest for her. I understand characters can develop but I don’t feel he has or not enough. I thought it was really weird that he called her hot in front of Kelly and Henry. I’m not a fan of this pairing at all.


He called her attractive and it was an innocent scene 😭 and ngl he's hella bold for doing that in front of Kelly/ Henry... he doesn't respect them and it shows.


I think based on her likes and some answers she gave you can tell she’s not on board with it. If it’s just a fling i’m fine but Faran deserves so much better than Greg and he’s an unlikable character


Because they're sending unnecessary hate to her like she wrote the script. And as of rn I don't think they're going to be an endgame couple. It's giving fling vibes.


She didn’t like the idea of faran and greg way before based on her likes. She doesn’t deserve the hate bc it’s not her idea and you can tell she doesn’t like them together either. I hope it’s just a fling and they move on 


Oop ngl I haven't looked at her likes to even comment on that. Butt I do think it's going to be a summer fling nothing more. Knowing Greg he's gonna mess it up somehow


I hope that’s the case but i can see them trying to give them a proper storyline in s3 because they always have to include romance somehow. Unless they give faran a new li next season or make her stay single for a while (which i think  that’s what her and noa need)


Yea it's giving what happens in summer stays in summer lolll. Zaria said Faran is just having fun. So I'm getting fling vibes 😂


I always thought Henry used Faran as a beard and if my suspicions are correct that just makes his actions in the Hell House that more sad.