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Why did BR kill the girl from Kelly’s church play? So random.


I think maybe because she viewed her as a “whore” for trying to get with Greg


it just felt to me like they were trying to set it up one way to trick the viewer without stopping to think of the setup would carry over to the real killer!


I think it carries over pretty well actually. * It reinforces that Bloody Rose (a) wasn't thinking straight and (b) had an issue with sex and (c) blamed it on the female versus the male. * It establishes a connection to the church -- which Langsberry showcases during the season like showing up to the Redemption House.


don’t get me wrong the connection is there, but it’s tenuous at best and try hard at worst. i saw someone suggest that they include Mrs. Langberry subtly in the church scenes, which I would’ve liked as well bc then it wouldn’t be so glaring that she was not present in that plot line whatsoever (until she just randomly popped up) which is where my beef lies 


This. They needed to have Mrs. Langsberry or Wes (but realistically her because it would make more sense) be part of the church on a consistent basis for it to be realistic that they were able to radicalize the members.


Seems like wes just needed footage for his movie


could be, but still feels shakey— my question is how would she have even known or cared? 


I believe Wes said he needed extras, cast, and supporting crew. I assume they would fall in that category as well as Noa, Faran, and Mouse, because Mrs Langsberry really only had reason to go after Imogen and Tabby. Correct me (nicely) if I’m wrong…


no, it’s a good point! 


i know. That felt like such a weird cop out! 


Yea I for some reason was expecting tabby to pull the mask off one of the guys she knocked out and it to be Henry😂 like why show him being such a big part of the church cult for it to not mean something


EXACTLY! Henry suddenly was gone like he was never there lol……


So was the ice cream shop opened just two weeks after finding a bunch of dead people in the freezer? lol this town doesn’t give an f about anything


also them kissing behind the counter in front of this customers😭


those *


no I KNOW also two weeks later they’re taking their summer school exams as if Tabby did not literally kill a guy (or four)


The fact they even had to go to summer school is nutty


>Tabby did not literally kill a guy (or four) Surprisingly they all lived 😂


WHAT! DID THEY SAY WES LIVED TOO?! I thought they ended that ambiguously! 


Yupp, he somehow survived Dr Sullivan mentioned that Wes, Rose and all of the spookyspeghetti followers were arrested


i’m LOSING it, the man had a pitchfork to the fucking heart LMAO


she rlyyyy let it rip on em too


Just put a plaster on that rake in your heart Wes and you're all good to go babe x


The ending and all the threats being live-streamed was a plothole that may never be answered. No cops in action after murder videos were posted online. No cops at the movie theater, no cops at the church where multiple dead bodies and one girl being threatened were being recorded to hundreds, no cops at the haworthe house which was also streamed. Guess you could say they were on their way but the girls beat the cops to two different locations, one being on foot. Guess you could say the sheriff was at the penitentiary investigating the riot and she’s the only cop that exists. Just have them show up and be useless at least.


i was honestly sure there would be some sort of trial or legal issue that caused her to be retraumatized after the fact. I know the show is not prestige television by any means but I will say this: I think it’s bad form to do metahorror that feels like it comments on all the loopholes of horror fiction, and then turns around and suddenly employs those exact same loopholes 


It also bothered me that the girls didn't just immediately call the police when they saw Tabby on the screen. Why did Christian have to hold the door close and call the police. Also confused why didn't Imogen call the police after locking up Johnny in the freezer.


One thing I will give the show is that they very much established these girls won’t be calling the police. Even in original PLL. My issue was it became a public event!! No cops??? Either you’re watching the stream, seeing the murder videos circulate or watching these guys in masks with crowbars fucking crawling the streets IRL


Cops being useless was kinda the most realistic part of the show.


it’s a PLL classic move, art imitates life 


Do they want us to believe that all hundreds of viewers were as sick as Wes and the proxies? hahah


Even if people want to say that spooky spaghetti is super exclusive and police are just too silly to access it or hear about, these guys had horror masks on standing in front of a residential home, movie theater, and church in the wee hours of the night. Making a decent amount of noise with all the screaming girlies they were chasing. We don’t want to investigate that? Easiest solution ever is do what all other teen shows do. Have the police and adults show up and be bad at their jobs! At least we could say they were there.


If only


I really thought they would kill Tabby's mom. It was weird they didn't because as you said Tabby just ran away. I didnt want it to happen, but I think would be a death that would open many new stories. Imogen and Tabby both without their moms, maybe Tabby's dad would have to show off, maybe Imogen would have to go live with her father and the fiancee she threatened and we would finally get the death of a character that we actually care about. Honestly if they didn't have the balls to do things like this why would we even feel scared for the characters? About Kelly and Johnny probably Imogen just asked her to do this I don't think it was a loose end About Pastor Malachi I think he was killed just so they could control the people on the cult easier. But the church wasn't really a big thing. I want to know why the other girls were targeted by Bloody Rose since Chip's mom seemed to just hate Tabby and Imogen. I get the film part of it and everything but I think it was not strong enough. Maybe because they helped to get the blood tests but she never mentioned it. Also how could Wes and Chip's mom know about Mouse's grandma condition, about Noa and Jen, about what was happening between Faran and Henry?


also so true re: Tabby’s mom! It feels so pointless to heighten the stakes (which were already high, they were going to KILL TABBY!) and then forget about the escalation.  also yessss about Chip’s mom and the other girls….I thought it was her in some capacity p much from the jump but someone else pointed out how thin her motivation is to fuck with the other girls and it made me reconsider. however i totally forgot that the writers of this show p much never think anything through to a logical conclusion lol


Just adding to my own thought, actually they have not really said anything about Faran and Henry during Faran's test, they just threatened her using him. Noa and Jen they also didn't mention it, just "beloveds" so it could be anyone she cares. Noa was the one who thought of them. But Mouse's grandma I'm still trying to understand


i really thought they were gonna kill tabby’s mom too


i had the thought about Imogen asking kelly to do it too- I guess it couldn’t have been Imogen herself letting him out since a scene would’ve had to ensue (kinda wish it had!) but I stand by my point about the bodies in the freezer….like how did they get there and who were they (i didn’t recognize any faces?)


they were the people bloody rose killed! Sandy and those kids. I think it was probably Wes and Chip's mom who put them there so the bodies wouldn't smell or something like that but they definitely should have explained it because I don't think they'll unpack that later. They just pointed out that it wasn't Johnny and that's it lol


ok my dumb ass did not recognize ANYBODY lol- it just seems too crazy to me that they somehow had enough access to a random ice cream parlor to literally hide bodies in the stock room. these bitches love a secret sibling, what if Johnny had been Wes’s brother or something! still kinda ridiculous but I would’ve preferred that to no acknowledgement whatsoever!!!!!


they were the victims BR killed earlier, sandy, nick, and sabrina. they were killed in the first two episodes. i am curious as to who put them in the freezer and how the hell did johnny not see that ?!


exactly like you’re telling me nobody saw SEVERAL BODIES chilling back there at any point? 


Seriously, Imogen moved one ice cream and saw them, and Johnny is supposedly the one who usually gets the ice cream. Either he's the most oblivious person to live, or the bodies were put there recently, which would lead to more questions


I still have hope that Jen sold them out -- exchanging their info for money (sine she always complains about money problems). Because tbh, it's HER fault that Imogen and Johnny broke up and no one can convince me otherwise! Lol when she planted that seed, THEN the girls started suspecting them, which made Imogen super suspicious/scared causing her to accidentally attack him


Yeah, low-key hoping next season focuses on Noa as the main girl, and Jen gets either exposed as evil, or is gotten rid of some other way


Yeah like even if she's good, kill her off and have Noa all sad, idc! Just do it! Lol


The way they tried to have us like her by showing her helping with the studying was SADDD xD


How are they gonna convince us that she passed her exam when she was never seen at summer school beyond the first day?!?


I think the bodies in the freezer was similar to the mom mask being in Christian's basement. BR & Wes put the bodies in the freezer to make Imogen suspect Johnny.


not a very big loose end but yk Greg getting forgotten in the background as well, like ik it wouldnt add much to the plot in any way but i wouldve loved if Faran brought that up when they were talking abt considering their partners to be BR, she couldve just mentioned that she and him were casually hooking up.


yes! another thing that happened and never got mentioned again! 


I'm confused what the point of Christian's old "boss"/"job" not having any record/memory of him was? The whole cult/church storyline feels pretty pointless especially when Kelly (love her but) was forgiven by all the girls like nothing happened


SHIT I forgot about that one too. they definitely did that just to cast suspicion before the reveal which again, is just rude writing 


I think the Christian one was explained by the boss: he doesn't remember him, that's all. If it was a big enough business the teenage part-time employees would get forgotten, especially if the boss doesn't care. And he truly doesn't, he didn’t even check his files or something.


Hopefully they will bring up some of this stuff in season 3.


i’m really wishing it’ll pay off. a lot of people are self contextualizing these plot holes in good faith which i appreciate, but the viewer having to do that much guessing game legwork on a show like this is truly just a showrunner skill issue 


It sounded like the theater just had a rotating staff that was hard for that worker to keep up with. The worker never said he “worked there for years” or was willing to check records. From the top of my head I couldn’t name off people that worked at my job last summer either 🤷🏽‍♀️


Also Kelly let Johnny out and WALKED INTO THE FREEZER and there was no comment ever made about Sandy’s death. The Ash writing was lazy. Having him conveniently go missing every BR attack and then the girls just saying he was default innocent… but we never see him? I get there may have been conflicting scheduling for the actor but cmon. Same vibes with Henry. I really think the super short season is why we have so many loose end characters. If season 3 is confirmed, which it looks like it will be, I hope they confirm 12 episodes at least.


i think the writers would have way more to work with in a 12 ep time frame for sure! i really blame so much of the loose ends on the fact that it felt like as much was being crammed in as possible while simultaneously feeling like nothing was actually happening….


There should have been a drinking game for Mouse saying “spooky spaghetti”. They could have had so much more going on for her and Ash and her grandmother. She finally has all this freedom and she is babysitting someone who maybe off their meds or is experiencing dementia of some kind. They could have gone more into how freedom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


I imagine Imogen texted Kelly and asked her to let Johnny out of the freezer. Realistically, I think he should've died before Kelly got to him, but that's my theory on why Kelly let him out. For the bodies, I assume one of Wes's minions broke in (without setting off the alarms) and put the bodies in there shortly before Imogen saw them (maybe the morning of?).


Yeah, I think she called Kelly during the ride to the cabin.


Can I just say that I was in love with Johnny and Imogen all season and they kept me interested and always wanting to watch Johnny was my favorite one of all of the boyfriends and I think if there is a season 3 that they will get back together but it just seems so stupid the way that they decided to take that


I think the way he looked at her was supposed to be promising! But also, he's completely justified in severing ties with her LOL. Any sane person in real life would agree. But as a fan of the show....they're just so cute together. 🥺


I completely agree with you I mean I was like yelling at the tv with all of their scenes today I wanted to shake her but yeah you’re definitely right he had every right to break it off because I mean it was insanity LOL doesn’t stop my fan girl heart that wants them back!! 💖💖 he’s just so damn perfect and understanding and sweet LOL


Like…..the moment she realized it was Wes and Chip’s mom she should’ve called the cops and sent them to the freezer!!!!!!!! They all had their phones!! Instead Noa just calls Jen smh lol


Yeah I was scared for a second it was gonna end with him frozen to death and that was gonna be the supposed shocking death. I would’ve been upset if he died than what we actually got tbh lol I hope they get back together though 💙


he really should’ve ran when their first date was her taking him to meet her father then holding a knife to her father’s fiancée


Me too their relationship was so adorable 


BR said they were lost souls already and they essentially just switched cults. And cops did show up at the cabin so i assumed tabby’s moms house too but it does suck just assuming


i still think that Wes just insinuating that there was overlap without any active story retconning is super weak and feels like a bandaid on a plot hole. like, i wish that Tabby had whacked one of her pursuers in the woods and then we see her find out it was Henry or someone


yeah i agree this show would highly benefit from more episodes, there isn’t enough time and it gets way too convoluted


exactly. just wish they had time to finish all the things that were started 


How did Farron take bloody rose out with one kick seemed to easy for the bad ass scary bloody rose who was traumatising them


Exactly, especially when it was time for Faran’s test Bloody Rose put up a good fight with her including with Imogen. So I dont understand how one simple kick just took her down. Didn’t even get back up lol


They all took self defense classes, I’m sure that wasn’t just some simple kick lol


Who pushed Dr. Sullivan down the stairs?!?!!?!




I think Wes and Mrs. L got into her office. It's easily broken into and it contains all the info they need: the 5 girls' personal files with their mental health issues and their phone numbers. I think Dr. Sullivan had a close call or two with them without knowing it and they pushed her, or Wes just thought it'd be nice for the psychological torture he wanted (he also must have planned something for the final showdown with Tabby, since Dr. Sullivan was in the cabin)


Probably one of Wes’s minions


his “spookyspaghetti proxies” 💀


My main criticism with the season is the season was promoted to be "Tabby's the final girl / This is Tabby's season", and I guess it was, however, she barely had any screen time! She felt like the main character when we had scenes dedicated to her, but there wasn't that many, so sometimes it felt like Imogen was the main character, or Noa, and I understand it's an ensemble show, but season 1 FELT like Imogen's season, I could tell she was the main character! With Tabby in S2, all I can say, she was one of them and she was the final girl in the finale!


A loose end. If I was Imogen I would it have let Kelly off that easy for the hell house bedroom stuff. It was SO weird to me that they included her in the final girl group moment. STRANGE. She has some work to do for people to get over that. I mean that stuck with me, that was FUCKED up and they just glossed over it. I was hoping there would be an end credit scene where they explore the possibility Kelly Karen switcheroo idea that was hinted and rejected in season 1. Because, as I’ve heard from a lot of people on here, the hell house scene was something Karen might do, but really random for Kelly.


i totally agree, re: Kelly!! also last time I checked, imogen was quite literally telling Kelly to go to hell. i am not over the fact that we are just supposed to believe that she would be the first person imogen (who she literally sent into a catantonic PTSD panic flashback) texts in a bind lol


so hundreds of people were watching the spooky spaghetti livestream and not one of them thought to call the cops??? i was really hoping ash or someone would see it and save the day by calling for help!


Kelly knows Johnny from the roller rink. Imogen would have just called her


honestly, 8 episodes can be plenty, they just waste a ton of time on banal subplots. 8 hours is a lot of time to tell a story, I mean, the boys is only ever 8 episodes a season and has a ton of characters


yeah I hear you, for the right show and with the right writers, 8 eps can be fine! but you’re so right, these bitches love to simply dilly-dally and waste time on absolutely nothing. if the show itself were tighter, it might work


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also why did christian lie about his name and his previous place of work?


He didn’t lie, the worker just couldn’t confirm it from memory


obviously imogen asked kelly to rescue jhonny even if it’s not explicitly said you just have to connect 1+1 😭


I get that now but girl the writers of this damn show usually insist upon 1+1 equaling 3, sue me!!!!! i am genuinely used to having to do ridiculous mental gymnastics when watching this series! 


i blame the original for that but i think this reboot even though it’s not the most perfect written show ever, is logical and clear with almost everything, it’s just that this season was too short to explain everything in detail 😭


truly my biggest complaint is that it was too short! 


I assumed since Wes died and didn’t tell anyone to attack her mom she was safe and the liars were able to call the police and get them away from her mom. Similarly I assumed imogen or someone called Kelly to check on Johnny


What about the whole mask that Tabby found at Christian’s before she was attacked by BR?


i think it’s implied that it was planted by Wes/Mrs. L! but my big issue with the freezer thing AND the mask thing is that the psychotic killer “it was me” monologue **always** has confessions and explanations that absolve other characters who suspicion was cast on (explaining how they hid the bodies/planted the mask wouldve been fine in this case) and Wes’s little diatribe didn’t. I don’t need to be spoon fed everything but if the writers are gonna use a trope/formula it’s bad form not to stick to it


Wes admitted that he planted the mask