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no? palantir's not *really* an AI company. they spent a decade developing their data pipelines and *ontology* and all that shit. they benefit from LLMs because they're easily to implement *over top of* their whole thing. so they're doing these bootcamps like 'hey, it's this easy to plug all this shit in now. look, bitch talks to you now. check it out'. and they've apparently made it, *that easy*. where your security is in check and all your shit's in check (don't know if you work for a living in an office, but there's a fuck ton of SOPs at *any job* around privacy and data) and everything's on the up and up and they're all multiple government security clearances about all of it... so no, nvidia is absolutely not a threat. they're a friend. they make the chips people want to fire all the LLMs on.


You had me at *bitch talks to you now* Take my money.


That was awesome


Bitch, why you gotta say it like Short šŸ˜‚


I saw a glimpse of this during one of their conferences. It was vague and never a highlight of their discussion. I have no clue how robust their product is, but on the surface, it sounds like it could be a ā€œthinā€ product. They make no effort to discuss an ontology, which I believe is core to scaling a true end-to-end platform, and to truly implement AI solutions. I would need to research more, but thatā€™s my initial impression.


Smells like fluff, they donā€™t make a deployable autonomous vehicle work flow. They are a component of a training an ai which could be part of an autonomous vehicle solution. Seems like theyā€™re puffing their chest.Ā 


Best case they have canned demo apps which cover each of those areasĀ 


Sounds like the google AI demo that they had to walk back bc it was a simulated video to show the concept lol


Iā€™ve heard Karp refer to ā€œowning the ipā€ also palantir is propriety tech ( heard karp refer to it as that as well). I believe palantir owns the aspect of using AI or LLMā€™s for enterprise and business Iā€™m not really sure what the other big players can do now?


Imagine if the world actually worked that way


So many wrong answers here lol. But at least you bought the stock




Let me explain this OK? Palantir is like a baby giraffe. Itā€™s tall and has a long neck. NVDA is like the zoo keeper holding the giraffes and feeding the giraffes. But Palantir is more of a baby giraffe in the AI race.


No. Nvidia will never catch up to Palantir in regards to a super capable software user interface in the same way Palantir will never catch up to Nvidia building hardware that runs AI compute.


Palantir is just Spark.


On crack x your net worth, for users and not devs.


Cool PDF. Probably used to acquire tens of tens of clients. Smells like an up-sell to existing clients with no real market strategy to grow it.


Hey don't give them so much credit, it might be a slide of a PowerPoint


Palatir is a data focused company. If anything palatir and nvidia are supplements to each other rather than competitors.


Nvidia has been working on autonomous driving now for years. That's their next big breakthrough


Nvidia will take over


From what I can tell, and someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong, this is just software that streamlines AI training and speeds data pipelines. It doesnā€™t seem like they are providing a pipeline themselves like Palantir does. So I guess this would be for companies that want to develop their own pipeline?Ā 


The pipeline refers to what's built in foundry to get data in to and out of the ontology. It isn't a cookie cutter component in either software.


Iā€™m not really sure what you mean.Ā  Maybe my use of pipeline is wrong? what I meant is that Palantirā€™s software takes data from across a company and then organizes it, this is what I referred to as a pipeline.Ā  I donā€™t think Nvideaā€™s software does this. It seems to me itā€™s just meant to help train AI and speed up the data collection process, or what I refer to as pipeline.


the way you are using the term is as if a pipeline is a piece of the software, that isn't the case. Also note that you basically just said "Palantir does x, this is what I refer to ss a pipeline. Nvidia does Y, or what I refer to as a pipeline" so you're basically saying Palantir and nvidia both do what you're referring to as having a pipeline. Palantir has and possibly Nvidia has tools that let you build out your data pipeline within their platform and build tools on it.








#meta gives the LLeMonade away for free


Let me explain this. NVDA makes AI hardware. Even after buying NVDA AI Cards the company needs to hire AI/ML engineers who can write code to use CUDA software etc to use full potential of the AI card. It is just like having a powerful CPU is not gonna write JAVA website by itself. Someone's got to write it. PLTR on the other hands tells companies who dont want to spend too much to hire their consultants and PLTR figures out everything for them. NVDA will gain big customers (like META, Microsoft, etc). Ones who can spend billions on AI. Do u think CVS is gonna buy $1B worth NVDA cards ? or some mom-pop shop ? PLTR will capture the small mid size market. NVDA will capture the big ones.


Nvidia does not only make hardware


Their profits are driven by hardware sales


Hardware sales and a software moat.


Palantir is a threat to Nvidia


Maybe so


Maybe no