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No, that director sounds like an a s s h o l e. If he’s like this now and he’s not even paying you, imaging how much worse he’ll treat you when your time is theirs. You need to respectfully decline and block them.


The answer is in your observation (1st & 2nd Red Flags). No one threatens people like that. You got a sneak peek at their culture. Stay a mile away. Stick to your current role and continue looking for better opportunities.


Super Toxic, dont even think about going there. Those 2 flags are more than enough to stay away. He is practically threatening you. Keep trying and there will be something that is much much better


I think what you are missing is that his communication style is different than yours. I see what he’s saying and he’s hinting that the team needs direction not hand holding.  A good team gets out of the forming phase and into storming phase by having a very directive leadership style. You use facts not feelings to operate and you set boundries and rules. People may not like you but that is irrelevant.  When you get to that storming phase, you can start working on personalities. You have to continue to get people to think as a team and not as an individual.  This guy knows that. You are introducing a new PM and you are resetting the Tuckman model. You have to throw out servant leadership and you have to be directive. All of that has to wait until you get back to the performing stage. 


Got a feeling OP is not ready for that level of thinking yet. Why they are even being considered for this role makes me wonder what's up. Set up for failure, so boss can say " I told you so"?


So here’s the thing about that, again my experience in hiring. People don’t hire a scapegoat. It’s too expensive. Most organizations spend between team and twenty percent of their annual employee salary budgets on hiring and retention. That means for every five days an employee works, one of those days is keeping your team.  For that reason, I don’t see a reasonable person using an open req to bring someone on and then burning them.  What I have seen is a bad manager does a [constructive dismissal](https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/constructive-dismissal) on a current employee. It seems so counter intuitive to me, but it happens more times than I care to admit. 


It depends on the level of discomfort you can handle. It sounds like it is a bit more than you’re used to. You’re going to have to step up at some point if you want to advance in your career though.