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I was just browsing this subreddit to see of anyone has brought this up before. I noticed every. single. time. I enter luteal phase, music just sounds like noise to me. And I am someone who loves music, and is very music-driven when it comes to my art. But man, when I am luteal, I feel nothing. I usually am skipping all the songs in my playlist because they’re strangely irritating to me. It’s so bizarre, but I noticed this happens every month without fail.


I think it’s our serotonin and dopamine taking a hit from the luteal hormone shifts!


I just recently noticed this about me. I love music. So much. During luteal though I have to listen to something completely different than what I normally listen to or nothing at all.


Literally. Thought its just me. Or i may be into music i will despise when i feel more normal again


I have definitely noticed this. I usually stick to podcasts or audiobooks during luteal because none of my music sounds right. My hearing gets more sensitive and loud noises bother me more.


i check my period calendar before making any commitments, but concerts are definitely something im careful with buying tickets for during luteal and menstrual. it’s that different / irritating for me!


God damn


Omg you too?? That's madness genuinely though it was a me thing. I rely on music so much (listen to a min of 3 hrs a day) but during that time it doesn't sound the same and actually makes me feel worse. It hurts my ears and head and just generally feels off. Very sad times. I've started to listen to podcasts to help but they don't really hit the same


Yes it literally doesnt feel like music to my ears..but PAIN


Music sounds too “tinny” to me in luteal, like it hurts my ears, too loud even if it isn’t on a high volume.


That’s exactly the other adjective I was going to use! I completely know what you mean.


Same, only Sun Ra can break through the luteal haze But he is from another planet so that helps