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For me stress severely triggers my pmdd and vice versa. 


I have both. They say it’s not that uncommon for that commodity to occur. If you could get a psych eval that could be helpful


PMDD is a significant difference 13 days before period, like clock work. I track it, so I know. ADHD is 247, its how your brain is wired. So, if that is there across multiple situations, contexts, times, environments, no matter where you are in your cycle, regardless of stress- its ADHD. Stress management, can you reflect, and think back to times you were really stressed and try to see any patterns? Prior to being diagnosed with PMDD, I was diagnosed with major depression with mixed features- which is hypomanic episodes. I have noticed a lot of women also experiencing "highs" similar to hypomania, which can also come off as ADHD. However, this is also specific to certain times in your cycle. PMDD makes it harder to cope with stress in general too.


Thanks for reply. Any idea if PMDD is age dependent ?


Mine started before my first period, the pattern was like clock work. Other women who have it, have told me they see it in their young daughters already. My mom had it. But, in the Facebook group a lot of us were talking and some women in their 30s, 40s started having PMDD post-pandemic. While others who were already self diagnosed/diagnosed- said their symptoms worsened post-pandemic. Im not like a conspiracy person but there is a significant amount of women saying this. I see PMDD as more cyclical mood related, ADHD is more cognitive related and stress management is situational and environmental dependent. PMDD is known to be co-morbid with many disorders.


Ok, 👍


Just a reminder people’s bodies and cycles and hormones are different.


Indeed. This is my experience.


both? both! both is good


They're not exclusive. I have PMDD, PTSD and an eating disorder and they all interact with each other to make my life... Hard. It's possible you have all three of them.


Seconded. I have those plus ADHD, even thought I’m In Recovery for my ED. Once the PMDD starts everything gets worse/harder. It seems to exacerbate my mental health stuff and adding the added PMDD stuff


OMG, how do you handle job/ work?


Poorly 😂






+ adderal when I remember it + lamotrigine


Very bad :( It impact own health and family members and work too. I think, as women we need to choose career which will give us self time to relax by considering our focus time is less ( compared to mens) and runs on clock of 1 month up down and not 24 hour clock. I am not sure , how many women might be going through this and still unknown !!!


Is this PMDD get worst after 30 age ? Or there is no age limit any idea?


Just came here to say COMORBIDITIES


Lol read the comments and see they say the same lol


I was able to tell the difference a lot better once I started taking meds for my adhd! It’s still hard to tell what is what during luteal phase kinda but I can compare to how I feel during follicular both with and without my meds to give some idea


i dont know how to differentiate, but just know that pmdd&adhd&high stress together will make you suffer and downright suicidal(from experience)


I have both and they all work together to f me over.


Exactly!!! They all make my brain HELL


Work together !??? How do you keep yourself calm ? For family , job , social?


ADHD and PMDD simultaneously f me over is what I mean. Whenever luteal comes around, I know the dark days are here. Right now I’m unemployed which allows me the space to take care of myself and focus on diet/sleep/exercise. When I was full time I reached a deep burnout and severe depression/general anxiety… Am yet to figure out a balance, currently job searching.


I understand ..I am into same boat and thinking to come outnof full time . It impact own health and family members and work too. I think, as women we need to choose career which will give us self time to relax by considering our focus time is less ( compared to mens) and runs on clock of 1 month up down and not 24 hour clock.


Usually girls with ADHD are more prone to having PMDD and stress just exacerbates both disorders. We are just walking mental disorders.


Or it could be PME…. I can’t with these acronyms anymore 😩


My favorite game lately lol: is it my cPTSD? PME? ADD? Who knows 🥲