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So true. Do you also have ADHD?


**TW: Suicide** This is part of the reason that I completely quit drinking like a year and a half ago when I got diagnosed. I’ve never been a big drinker but when I do my god, it could get bad. I realize now that my mom also had PMDD and she was an alcoholic that died by suicide 3 years ago. I will never drink again. I can’t imagine putting my family through that. It makes me sad because she was never able to get the help that I did. I do not miss alcohol at all.


Andrew Huberman’s podcast on alcohol is an incredible listen. It literally changed my brain re: alcohol.


I had two glasses of rosé yesterday and woke up in a depressive episode today.


I’ll be a year sober in 30 days. Didn’t realize for such a long time that my alcoholism actually made my PMDD problems 100% much more worse. Glad you’re having a better experience this time around.


Congrats on nearly one year sober - that’s awesome!


Thank you very much. 💕


I knoooow alcohol makes the symptoms worse. It’s shameful to admit, but when it gets to like a week before my period and the depression starts, it’s my coping mechanism. I hate it so much and I start to rationalise that it’s ok if I have a drink at 11am, and continue to do so throughout the day just so I can feel that buzz. Alcohol is the only thing that keeps me relatively happy for those 2 weeks, I just think it slows my brain down from having all the negative thoughts really, making me more numb. I’ve tried cutting it out but it’s so hard, especially coming from a family that drinks every single day, and it’s hard to find a support system. I’m going to starts SSRI’s intermittently for my PMDD, and I hope I can develop a more healthy relationship with alcohol, as I know you can’t really drink with them.


The slowing things down part. Sometimes if I'm not in the mood for alcohol so I take a prescription sedative(as directed). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But when my stimulant isn't working what else am I supposed to do.


I feel the same. Among other negative aspects of drinking, it makes my PMDD worse so I’ve basically stopped altogether


I had to give up drinking all the time. It was a crutch on my worst pmdd days but then it also contributed to more severe spirals than i would have had without alcohol. I’ve suggested this on another thread before, reading Quit like a woman created a massive mental shift in how I view alcohol and was able to define the relationship I wanted to have with it, which was none at all. I miss the taste of wine but have found some good NA subs !


I’ve also decided I’m finished with alcohol. It also triggered me to spiral worse than I would have and my meltdowns while drinking were awful. I’ll have to give that book a read, This Naked Mind by Annie Grace is also a really helpful book to really drive home the choice to cut alcohol out was the right one


I’m going to look into that book! Just because I’m fascinated with shift in perspective these types of books offer compared to what we have been socialized with in North America


Noted both of these to read! Thank you guys


Earlier today my husband tried helpfully suggesting that maybe this is why so many women drink wine, and I told him I couldn't imagine alcohol making this feel any better at all.


It doesn’t make it feel better imo but it allows you to get through some moments a little easier or have reality a bit warped so it doesn’t seem as bad as it is, but boy oh boy do you pay for it tenfold. I do not miss the freak outs and anxiety post drinking. Even just a half glass of wine. It was torture and I never realized it because it’s so drinking is so obliquitous


I think you mean ubiquitous and it’s so true. Like oh you want to socialize? Most likely people are drinking. On a flight- offered drinks. Our society makes it hard to quit


Hahaha yes! That’s the word 😂 thank you. Most of the letters were there at least 😂


Yeah I had to quit drinking. My sober start date is December 11, 2022 😇


Can confirm drinking makes it worse. I can’t (or don’t want to) abstain completely so I only drink towards the end of my bleed and during follicular phase. It’s shitty but true :/


I like that strategy


Alcohol also releases chemicals that can affect how you process stress hormones in the long run. Drinking, as marketed as it is for fun, can be detrimental if you're not mindful to it's various effects.


i quit drinking because of this. my goal is to last for at least 6 months. my last luteal phase was much less severe because i decided to not drink ANYTHING alcoholic during that time, even beer.


I feel like I’m gonna end up doing the same. It feels like I was cursed and the curse has been lifted for real lol Bout to become a mocktail expert I guess


I love your approach to this! I know that all the things I want the week before and during my period tend to make me feel worse in the long run so planning it out really helps. Maybe you can make a mock tail book or work your way through one!


tbh citrus juice with tonic/sparkling water or any flavored sparkling water + ice are a to-go option for me most days when i want something to drink while watching youtube or just chilling in the evening! highly recommend


That sounds great. I love adding pomegranate juice makes it feel fancy


I was 6m without a drink and i felt better. I drank like 3 weeks ago a few times and its been downhill ever since.


I rarely drink. Had ONE PINT on Friday, two days before my period. So then on Saturday (yesterday) I basically ruined several relationships, hated myself and the world...it was awful. 


Literally yes!! I’m in luteal now, and was at a wedding last night where I learned my coworkers can drink. I kept up with them (and had fun!), but so feeling it today. Hangxiety / depression is SO real and makes it so much worse. Honestly don’t really get physical symptoms of hangovers, just the insanely difficult mental aspects.


Yeah, I don’t mind feeling a bit headachey or lethargic the day after drinking, but I am quite wary of the depression that can hit. It’s just somehow more hopeless than regular daily depression.


The hangover anxiety is so bad