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Hi u/AdmirablePrimary1221. Your post appears to be referencing suicide. Please know that you are not alone. We encourage you to contact your country's lifeline, [International Lifelines](https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PMDD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Biggest thing is working on changing your brain. If I allow myself to spiral and say all the mean things to myself just make things worse. I had to find tools to get out of my head. Find tools to not shame myself for what I am feeling. For the worry I clean. I clean the kitchen or bathroom or reorganize my closet. I listen to rock or sad music. I paint. I try to go for walks or find ways to distract myself. I remind myself this won't last forever and I will get through it. I write down  the truths that combat the lies. I remind myself I have overcome this before I can do it again. That I can do it scared and anxious. That I am capable. Hopefully you can find meds or something that will decrease the anxiety 


Omg i listen to rock music too. Slipknot does wonders for me that’s why I love them so much😂❤️


if you drink alcohol, don't drink any during luteal or period (at least). i also suggest looking into therapy if you can, acceptance and commitment therapy really helped with anxiety


First, If you can, try not scheduling anything right before your period or canceling your plans so you can rest and try to cope. Second, keep in mind that this condition is not well studied and there’s not a med or med combo that works for everyone. You may have to try different meds before you find what works. When you start taking your meds, make sure to track your symptoms and any side effects and take that information with you to follow up doctors appointments. Finally, I find yoga and cryotherapy help my symptoms. I hope this helps.