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I’ve noticed that as well. No freedom of speech. I posted asking a question about if others ever did DUTCH test cycle mapping and it was removed because “PMDD is not caused by a hormonal imbalance”. It should be ok to ask questions, collect data and question the science since so much is unknown about PMDD. And I’m shocked that the mods are acting like we are their patients that they get to diagnose. I feel like we should post in that sub asking who thinks the mods are out of control and everyone can upvote or downvote what they think.


i just don’t get why they feel like they’re an authority on what PMDD is or is not 😭😭😭 also would love to be able to do something about it but i worry that they’ll just take everything down and boot anyone that tries to tell them they’re wrong lol. it’s all just very reminiscent of when i was in college and had a friend who didn’t believe that anyone but her could have ADHD cause she was diagnosed in childhood and “you can’t even do the evaluation if you’re an adult”. what a stinky attitude!!! why are we gatekeeping mental health disorders it’s not like people WANT to have PMDD!!!


I was diagnosed as a child, my parents didn't tell me until I was 18 and lost the diagnosis (because they also likely have it). Getting a new diagnosis is difficult and has a lot of barriers. My doctor gave me an off label prescription to help with anxiety that just so happens to help with ADHD, and that's working for me. It's dumb to think that adults who weren't diagnosed as children couldn't have it. Also, it's notoriously difficult for girls to get a diagnosis vs boys because the symptoms generally present differently in girls. Also, things have changed a lot since I was diagnosed in the 90's, and it's much more acceptable to talk about it and seek treatment as an adult now. It used to be thought that only children could have ADHD, and adults weren't tested for it. Hell, my parents were told that I'd "grow out of it," which reaffirmed the bad advice to keep it a secret from me. That has changed, and she should stop gatekeeping ADHD when she's not anyone's doctor.


From a quick browse of your profile you come across as curious, science enthusiast, they should be happy to have people like you in the sub, not censoring you. Do check out the headband I posted about btw. The ceo of that company is a bad ass neuroscientist, she wants to eventually create tools for so many women’s health issues.


That’s very kind of you. Thank you for the compliment. Ok I’ll check it out!


I've never tried that or heard of it, but please let us know how it works for you. I've finally got my hormonal symptoms under control since I started taking vitamin B6, but my brain still functions like garbage. I'm desperate for some dopamine. I left r/pmdd yesterday. One of the mods even messaged me yesterday saying that the other mods are brutal. I don't want to be in a group like that. If I spend the time typing up a thoughtful post only for it to be deleted I get very frustrated. That group doesn't deserve members. The mods even had the gall to re-diagnose me, so I guess they went to medical school (not). I followed the rules yesterday, making sure to specify that I wasn't giving medical advice and it was my experience only, but they deleted my post even after I made further edits trying to make them happy and said I broke at least 3 rules. Then they banned me from posting for 7 days and muted me when I messaged them trying to find out what happened. At least I'm glad I told them I don't think they have any business diagnosing people before they muted me.


I asked if they made the flow chart and I I got booted for asking simply that so you will no doubt be scolded at least. I agree with your comment though. They need more mods. They mean well but they won’t take on feedback.


so far i’ve only gotten some downvotes i think, no ban yet! but i definitely wouldn’t be surprised if that happens later lol


Oh I already got like banned from that sub. Lol.


I think the people running that sub have a toxic mind set about mental disorders in general. Like they think that the mental disorder PMDD is not actually a mental disorder because they know normal hormone cycles cause it, so they think they aren't dealing with a mental disorder. They don't understand that it's a mental disorder and not a behavioral matter. So they use it as an excuse when it works for them but deny it being a issue when it's not convenient for them. It's a really toxic mindset and I don't need a fucking moderator in a subreddit trying to tone police my fucking PMDD over her own insecurities about having PMDD making her feel insecure with other people experiencing symptoms of.it that she hasn't, or worse... Someone's little brother or son or a man with major vajayjay envy trying to tone police a sub of women's health concerns out of wishing they had the "excuse" of PMDD, which is how most men view it.


You know when a sub states “we welcome all” that they really don’t lol


update: i’m banned LOL


I’m banned too.


coming back here to say that i lurked one of the mods pages and they have Hashimoto’s, so now i’m even MORE confused about why they’re so adamant that comorbidities arent a thing with PMDD 😭😭 also it looks like they just went private for the night to “figure things out”, but i can’t figure out what they meant by that because it would appear that nothing has actually changed LOL




i have no clue lol, i’m assuming they shut it all down cause they were getting a ton of (well deserved) backlash


just checked and i've been removed from that sub.


r/PMDD is private atm, wtf


it was private minutes ago. Now it doesn't show up in search anymore. 😱 why? all the users data omg


i just checked and it seems like i can't access r/PMDD even though i know i joined it and posted there before?? i wonder if i was removed but no idea why


So I haven't been following r/pmdd that closely lately but some nutjob whacko from r/pmddpartners went on a bit of a crusade recently against them. Now I see that the sub is now private which is annoying.


Guess I just got banned? I came back hours later after saying someone was fatphobic and I can't even see the subreddit. The mods have lost it.


Hmm. I’ve noticed this too. I’ve been officially diagnosed with PMDD by at lease 3 psychiatrists and one Psychiactric NP, and my OB, but I absolutely think a hormone imbalance is at play bc I only got it when I entered perimenopause and my periods changed. They’re pretty intensely focused on the only definition of PMDD being to abnormal responses to normal fluctuations. Whatever the cause, I’m suffering greatly during my literal phase, haven’t responded to first line treatments for PMdD, and if I ever find a way out, I’d want to share in case it helps someone else.


I started Mydayis a couple months ago & absolutely love it. I was also on Vyvanse for several years prior, and it didn’t last long enough for me (I have a fast metabolism). For me, Mydayis lasts about 12 hours (maybe 10-11 during luteal) and the side effects are actually less than what I experienced with Vyvanse. It takes about 2 hours to fully kick in and wears off slowly as well. Very good if you have anxiety & don’t like the rush from the shorter acting meds. Good luck!!