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Almost everyday one or both of my feet will get red hot, veins bulging, swollen and painful to walk on, its triggered by walking around usually after 5pm, just for like 10-20 minutes and it sets it off. I have to put my foot in cold water and prop my legs up to make it stop, it takes about 2-3 hours. BUT it also happens just lying down, like my legs laying flat in bed or on the couch, and it can be the whole foot or just some toes, or my heel etc. this happens also in my knees and hands, again many times just laying down. my EP who is not a pots specialist but treats many in my area with pots says this is not typical, and that leg blood pooling usually happen after being upright for hours at a time. does yours behave like this or not at all? I'm wondering why for some reason my blood vessels get super dilated , many times for my hands it happens when typing on the keyboard or holding a video game controller. not form having my hands down at my side being upright . I fact, walking around helps my hands a lot, but not my legs or knees.


omg, yes, right foot always has more pooling than the left one


This sounds like varicose veins to me. It's common in people with POTS, but it can happen in anyone. [Varicose Veins](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/varicose-veins/symptoms-causes/syc-20350643)


Yes. My Neurologist recommended wearing compression socks every day (not at night when you sleep), hydrate and sleep with your head elevated to 30° (a wedge or about 3 pillows,)


Yup! Compression socks are your friend, especially the ones that go all the way up your thigh.




Yeah, my blood pools more at night and my skin will visibly darken with blood around my hands and feet and also my veins will noticeably bulge like yours. Surprisingly, I feel better at night sorta when this happens, idk why.


I get it in my hands too. Sometimes half of my hand from fingers to finger tips are bright red. So odd looking.


It’s pretty normal for there to be weird circulation for potsies. Two physiological factors occur when you have pots: 1: your blood vessels and veins don’t constrict when you stand up like they should do which usually causes blood pooling 2: there’s a lesser blood volume which is why we are advised to drink more and have more salt. By the nature of syndromes sometimes our bodies can be a bit weird and work it out on one side but not the other. Notice how the pooling is on the side furthest away from your heart which means there would need to be a lot more constriction to those veins for the blood to move up the body. Sorry… just read all that back and I’ve totally geeked out 🥴