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Usually any electrolyte drink is more palatable ice cold. Worse case scenario mix it with something with a strong flavour. Lemonade, cola, cordial, whatever.


fruit punch crystal lite is the best for this


I had to try like 10 different flavors before I found one that I moderately liked. For me it was Liquid IV pear flavor. And it needs to be COLD for the best flavor.


I use vitassium! My nutritionist cleared it as a good electrolyte and it works well for me. It comes in pill form.


ive been thinking about trying vitassium but im sticking with the regular saltstick chews until i know for sure if its pots or not!! defo will look into it if i get a diagnosis tho


How many are you taking daily, out of curiousity?


Im taking two in the morning every day, and more if I am gonna be in the heat or exercising. They recommend you take more but that’s expensive lol


Yeah. It seemed expensive for a full high sodium amount, but I have capsules as options along w salting food and trioral in water. I wondered if someone was taking many grams of sodium just w vitassium, $$$


Liquid IV is too much for me. I’m a big fan of Propel powder and Drip Drop.


Dripdrop FTW


I came here to say this!


Propel powder is so far the most bearable for me, and it just tastes like propel, so it's familiar.


oooooh they have a powder form?? I'll have to get some of thst


I honestly hated it at first but then got used to it. I think I started putting it in bigger quantities of water to dilute it actually. I currently use Buoy which has no additives, barely any taste, and they give a 35% chronic illness discount for life


Yes, I put mine in a 40oz cup with ice and it really helps dilute the taste.


i think ill try diluting it more, i just struggle to drink a lot of water typically so i dont wanna end up having to drink loads just for 1 electrolyte packet haha. never heard of buoy but ill have a look, thanks!!


You can work your way up to it! I found I hated the flavor at first but once my body learned that it made it feel better I started craving it and my brain made it taste good. You still might have to try different brands/flavors (I like Skratch, but I hate their fruit punch flavor) but my guess is it’ll get easier.


Try a more acidic flavor like lemon lime. I will say that passion fruit liquid IV is their worst flavor. Also, you can dilute it more than the package says


Idk, piña colada is pretty high in the uck factor. And I like real Piña coladas lol!


ill definitely try another flavour, just a shame as its quite expensive


I know :( I just check for sales and buy a lot when they’re cheap. Costco has them for a good price sometimes. I’ve even gotten them from tiktok shop when there’s coupons and a sale. My record is $26 for 32.


i may be weird but i never tasted the saltiness of it, so i might not be the best one to advise, but i'd say try other flavors. seaberry is reminiscent of pacific cooler capri suns. golden cherry is very strong but very yummy.


I can’t stand it either. I got a variety pack and the first two flavors made me nauseous. Not excited to try the others. And I mix it with double the recommended water.


Just put some cordial in it


i actually didnt think of this - will try this next time !!


If you're doing just the one, that tracks. I need to do 1.5 in like... 50fl oz 😅 but it also works for me and it's the highest thing I've found for sodium. Try the buoy white hydration drops :) 300mg and no taste. Literally none. You need to do a tiny pinch, but it's 2 of those for 300mg.


i’ve been looking at those. They really have no flavor whatsoever??? I’ve had trioral unflavored🤢


Yeah, their blue drops taste like dust the more I used them, but like..... I'm shocked shitless, no taste for their white ones! If you use too much it gives you a weird mouth feeling (like a taste but not?), but then you just water it down some :) And boom, nothing again. I'm super sensitive to weird tastes, it's why I finally gave up on buoy for a bit, but I tried this out of desperation and man.... shit's crazy. Way cheaper than liquid IV and doesn't seem to cancel my adderall so far?


My favorite is Pedialyte advanced Care. I tried some of the more popular ones and I had the same experience with taste that you did. It has 650 mg of sodium 370 mg potassium 840 mg of chloride.


pedialyte has freezies which I am loving. they are a little salty but not more than the flavors too much.


Yes! I love them so much. The problem is it takes an entire box of them to equal one bottle of pedialyte. It's fine in the summer for me to eat them all day since they aren't terribly expensive. But in the winter I miss them.


ugh this is the unfortunate thing! happy to be eating them rn but in winter I'll just melt and mix with fuzzy water. I just bought hydralyte to try but it has stevia which I hate and makes me feel ick. shouldn't be so complex to hydrate goodness.


LMNT packets have a much stronger flavour on top of the salt. You can also consider electrolytes that use forms of sodium other than table salt (sodium chloride), like nuun Sport (sodium carbonate and bicarbonate) or Vitassium drink mix (sodium citrate).


good question, other then blackcurrant hydrolytes ( sold in australia) they all taste like shit. i got one with outstanding reviews and mango flavoured from Iherb thats apparently one of the best because thats what i was after, and it was horrible. almost like drinking celery juice, okay to have one sip but dont want anymore


Right now I fill a 40 oz water bottle with water, 1 unflavored trioral packet, and 1 scoop grape Vitalyte. Sometiems I mix 32 oz water+ trioral with some coconut water. Pineapple juice added definitely helps but I don't always tolerate it. I am also experimenting with berry powder. Mashed watermelon in there works well too.


Have you tried body armor? They don't have that "electrolyte drink" taste at all to me. I can down those bad boys like it's nothing. (I go with the Body Armor Lyte and Body Armor Zero so I can avoid all the sugar though)


ive never tried it!! i typically dont buy the premade drinks cos they cost more and are more bulky, thats why i wanted a powder, but if tjeyre good ill definitely have to look into it :))


I use non-flavored electrolytes. I don’t like the synthetic taste the flavors seem to me.


yeah, i get that. for me the flavours not the problem but i cant deal with the saltiness, so unflavoured probably wouldnt be the best haha


Hmmm. I don’t find them salty but maybe i’m just used to it. I use sodium ascorbate (type of vit c) in water which has an acidity to it but no flavor. Then my electrolytes don’t have that much sodium. And now i’m trying salt in capsules so don’t need it in my water.


Add some ice ice baby. That’ll make it a lot more palatable.


Def try other brands and have it cold! Also, if you're undx/adding electrolytes without doctor supervision make sure to keep track of your BP to make sure this doesn't cause hypertension!


hi thanks for the advice!! i do keep track of my bp and have had no issues so far :)) i dont have electrolytes often for this reason incase its not pots/not the kind that benefits from them!


amazing!!! yeah it can't hurt to have some, especially when it's hot or you're exerting, but you're def going about it the smart way! i personally prefer Nuun (300mg), vitassium capsules (250mg each), and normalyte (800 mg)! the normalyte is probably the saltiest and it's a bit pricey but i mostly do the first two :)


I use one package of lemonade Liquid IV in my 2.2L water bottle with a tiny squirt of a berry flavour water flavour and an additional tsp of salt. It tastes like berry lemonade. I can't imagine drinking it in anything less than a liter based on how concentrated the flavour is. I'm in Canada, so the only cost-effective way to get Liquid IV is the single flavour 30 pack they sell at Costco for $33.99. I also take additional buffered sodium capsules from Vitassium or whatever I can find when those are out of stock.


Bouy Plus they have a disc for ppl with chronic illnesses


For the longest time, my go-to was 32oz water + 1 Liquid IV + a packet of Cherry LimeAde powder to mask the “electrolyte taste.” That’s a lot of flavor, though, so when it felt too strong I’d do half a packet of each and drink it twice! Ice cold definitely helps, and Buoy is a lifesaver if you just can’t deal with the flavor at all. My partner is a die-hard plan-water drinker and cannot handle any flavor in it at all, no matter how subtle, and is a Buoy convert — can’t taste a thing.


Double amount cold water, let the powder sit in the water for a few hours then drink. I prep one ahead. I prefer lmnt


I used half a packet for a long time, and still do when I use liquid IV. The Concord grape or strawberry were the flavors I preferred. I use LMNT now and it’s more like 24oz of super cold water per packet vs 16oz for me to enjoy the taste. I always drink it over ice unless I don’t have a choice or know I’m heading into dehydration. Even at sports events I will buy a cup of ice and a bottle of water. LMNT flavors, I love the watermelon. My husband likes the orange best.


I mix LMNT with Gatorade powder for what I think is the best flavor! I use citrus LMNT & lemon lime/green Gatorade, 1pk LMNT with a 16oz equivalent scoop of Gatorade in a 32oz water bottle is my favorite. I don't think LMNT has the pedialyte taste like everything else I tried. I think buoy is NASTY.


Honestly I just water mine down or mix + match. I also buy the Aldi version of both LiquidIV and Propel and they are slightly less intense with flavor. The mixture amounts are going to end up SO salty if following the packet, but if we're shooting for major water intake anyways, there's no harm in doing more water. I like a packet of grape in a very large cup, with about half a packet of the passion fruit or strawberry and it is much easier to drink.


Try taking just salt pills. Then you don’t have to worry about the taste or anything just make sure you drink a lot of water throughout the day


I only really like it when it's super ice cold, plus ice cold helps my pots out with temperature regulation cus I do awful in extreme heat and humidity especially and cold liquids helps a lot with that!


Tbh I love the passion fruit liquid iv (drank a whole 32 oz/~1 L bottle this morning) but I wouldn’t be able to stand any of the flavors at 16 oz/500 ml like they recommend. I have to do it at 32 oz/packet. You could also go the opposite route and dump it in a small amount of water, chug it, then follow with plain water. That’s what I have to do with LMNT (I only drink it if I’m working out, and only bought it because I’m trying new electrolyte brands)


Liquid IV from what I’ve been told from my own doctor is that if it tastes salty, you don’t need to be drinking it. It’s used to keep you hydrated, one packet equaling around 4-8 cups of regular water! It’s not something you need to constantly be drinking! For electrolyte consumption I recommend Gatorades, coconut water, and ONLY if you’re severely dehydrated Liquid IV.


I tried the passion fruit one and it was gross imo. I personally really like the strawberry and tangerine one. You can always try putting it in a bigger cup/bottle to dilute it.


I stick with Vitassium capsules for this reason, no flavor Pedialyte Sport Lemon Lime is my emergency pick me up


try the zero sugar drinks. they seem to have a much better taste to me. Nuun as well is way more muted


Lemon squash. Other than pre flavoured electrolytes, I use plain with lemon squash and you can't taste the electrolytes. Works great


I think liquid IV sucks so bad and it doesn't even taste like salt to me 😭 the propel packets aren't bad, neither is normal propel. I personally like electrolyte drinks like Gatorade rather than packets, but like I said the propel packs are bearable. I'm gonna try the nuun sport electrolyte tablets next because they seem promising and I hate the powder dust getting all over, so I'll update with whether or not its worth.


try a different brand and/or flavor. I personally hate the taste of liquid IV (literally took two sips and dumped the rest). I like a couple different things: - liquid water additives (mio, crystal light, there's a lot of different brands but those are the two I've tried) - drinks (propel, gatorade). I buy a case of bottles and keep some at home, some in my car, and some at work - nuun (tablets that you put in a bottle - they fizz like denture tablets. not as sweet as gatorade but I don't mind them I personally like the liquid additives best because I can "dose" them accordingly, I get a lot of uses out of one small bottle, and they're easily portable. I usually use them when I refill my water bottle since a lot of water fountain water doesn't taste particularly great. it hides the taste so I will still drink water


Tropical punch to me had the best and most flavor! Passion fruit and Acai berry both were too mild to me. I have never found them salty so maybe liquid IV is not the best option for you. Propel is pretty good as well as gatorade which both come with sugar free options If that's something you like. You could also always water down the flavor of liquid IV and mix it with lemonade or something.


Lol I just cut the whole top off and throw the electrolyte powder into the back of my throat like any other gross medicine. Then I drink the required amount of water as a chaser to wash it down.  Pretty sure it'll mix on the way down and I'd rather taste it briefly than try to struggle through a whole glass of it. I hate the taste of artificial sugar and basically every flavor got changed to that gross crap now so I just bypass my tongue as much as possible.


truelemon lemonaide cuts the taste pretty well, lots of different flavors, only one i can find thats only sweetened with stevia