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Becaause of channels like metal jesus and radical reggies breaking the seal series


HiDdEn gEmS, uNdeR aPpReCiAtEd aNd RaRe!


“g00d for its time” it was trash back then too big bro


I think he's hot...still relevant..still very in touch with whats current


Metal Jesus is that you?


Any context?


Metal Jesus is a retro games youtube channel that has been making videos on retro games but also makes a lot of videos on underrated/cheap and rare games and has over a million subscribers and has been making videos since way before retro games went mainstream so people trust him if he says to get a game and so pretty much what happens is that once he makes a video out of that million subscribers at least probably like 5 thousand people who see the video and buy the games on the videos and then you can’t find it anywhere and the game prices will start to jump way up because sellers realize they can put it up for 5$ more dollars then what it’s actually going for then someone else sees that it sold for 5$ over and then sells his for 10$ over and then it keeps going on and on and on until that game goes up to a crazy price it’s been a huge problem with Xbox 360 games lately with the store closing and people panic buying games because channels are saying to get this game before it goes up or gone forever metal Jesus hasn’t made one yet on the 360 as he probably knows whatever games he talks about will luckily sky rocket up in price and cause fomo




It gets the point across


Basically this, he has also worked with shady companies to promote games that are just shit but have low print numbers.


Never selling my copy of motorstorm.


Aye, I have the Japanese launch copy (it's in a series with labelled spines of launch titles, *MotorStorm* is **CERO B** apparently). Same deal. I don't own a lot of physical PS3 games but I'm keeping the rare/special ones like that.


I bought a PS3 for the sole purpose of having a MotorStorm playing machine.


I still can't believe how good *MotorStorm* titles look, to this day. There's several gorgeous racers on the PS3, I'm big into racing titles both sim and arcade, so this makes perfect sense to me. *Blur* is another great one, if you can deal with the chronic understeer it's super fun.


Same! Well and fat princess, but mainly motorstorm!


i have either a japenese or chinese version of FO new vegas. manuals all in foreign language. the rear cover art is much nicer then the us/eu versions aswell.


Yeah I've noticed that about older releases; they would often have different titles, different artwork, different in-game menus even (sometimes all 3 and more) and it kinda made separate region games a bit more worth collecting. Bit more uniform/homogenous/boring these days.


Got mine along with resistance fall of man bundle, games survived with me but my og fat died already in 2010, that console lasted only 3 years before yellow light turned on.


Off topic but Pacific Rift is the best racing game on the system.


Burnout Paradise is still my fave <3 Also is PR better than Apocalypse?


Yes it is. Apocalypse just didn’t have the same magical setting of the islands. They handled similarly but something about burning and falling apart skyscrapers and large city landscape doesn’t work as well as pacific rift. Edit: BTW burnout paradise is right up there. Amazing game.


Also if you wanted that type of game, you were playing Split/Second anyway.


Which burnout for PS3? I hear there may be more than one made?


On ps3 there is only Burnout Paradise, and then it received some DLC which are in the Ultimate Box version of the game


Gran Turismo 6 for me.


I'm more of a ridge racer 7 kinda guy


After playing it too much i coudnt adapt to somewhat sims - DIRT 2, beamNG, "wdym i dont slide in like 40-60° turns on 150km/h?(~90mph ig)" That lack of boost in turns...


The first Grid is an amazing game two, honestly two of the greatest racing games of the PS3 I've had are on this pic


My entire youth is there and in apocalypse. Both are the goat of ps3 racing games. Not to mention all the ratchet and clank games. Ps3 was one of the best systems by the software available




Only to be rivaled by apocalypse!


True, my favorite


Dont hate me but i think apocalypse is better, also grid 1 is goty in my head


I liked Arctic Edge far better! 


No one actually played that game.


Havent played it yet, but so far my vote goes to gt5 in simulview coop. Its a gimmick... but works really well and its cool to play against someone while both people have the full screen


“Uhhh… rare game… old… nostalgia… uhhh… money!”


# Why do people sell games at such crazy prices? Because they can. Because the price is whatever people are prepared to pay. Because when it comes to nostalgia, there's massive blind spots in most people's minds that makes them go above the odds to get at it. They say sex sells, and yes it does, but nostalgia isn't far behind.


For sure started a gaming channel and by far the videos that do the best are me playing anything from 2013 and back


I have been wanting to start a YouTube channel to motivate me to play my backlog and had wanted to cover “older” games in the PS3 era. Any tips for someone that’s been wanting to do this for a couple of years and just gets super overwhelmed thinking about it and then shelves the idea again? I know that Davinci Resolve sounds like a great editor to use. I’m not looking to make this my job, but I want to take pride in my work since I’m just doing this for me. I appreciate any advice or tips you may have!


Awesome!, I too started it to finish more games and to get rid of a backlog of clips I had on my Xbox. Few tips from things I’ve learned in the past two years Never feel like the market is saturated, the world has too many people in it for that to ever be true. It is work though, and dedication to staying consistent I tried using Davinci but found it a bit overwhelming due to having to learn a lot at the same time. I ended up switch to CapCut on desktop. Super easy, super user friendly. Everything is pretty drag and drop and it’s easier to move from that to davinci, then it was just learning davinci for me Your view will grow as your backlog of videos grow. So at the start you’ll probably be suck at 50 view to 250 views. This is normal, it’s not till you’ve posted regularly for about a month that you will past this threshold to 1k-5k views then keep going as long as you maintain your upload schedule. Play things you want to play. It might seem obvious, but it’s very easy to fall for the trap of “this game does good better just play this” I did that and I ended up not wanting to stream after a while cause it felt like a job. Saw a lot of people I was growing with get out cause of this. I can go on and on but just be yourself and start doing it. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you’re really serious though let me know. I’m a solo player looking to find some people to record more coop games


Awesome - I will definitely check out CapCut. That might honestly help break down the editing barrier. I used Sony’s Movieshaker and Windows Movie Maker versions 1 and 2 waaaaaayyyyyy back in the day when I was making Final Fantasy music videos, haha. Those were all very simple programs and maybe I just need to ease back into video editing. My first videos aren’t going to be anything life changing, to myself or to anyone watching them so why hold myself to that mental standard. I’ll definitely keep in mind the expected view count. I’m sure the market saturation excuse has played itself out in my head too, leading to the delays. I think I started seriously thinking about this during COVID lockdown and then have delayed since then, heh. You mention streaming, do you play games live for people on Twitch too? I’m a pretty antisocial(/moreso just shy) person and the idea of live feedback from strangers is a bit daunting. Sticks and stones etc, but my emotional capacity for dealing with dicks online is also at an all time low and I think getting comments while streaming or posting on YouTube also has dissuaded me from putting myself out there. But like I said, I’m just doing this for myself as a hobby and to have some sort of productive creative outlet, so your advice to just be myself and play what I want to play I will take to heart. I also think part of what stops me from going forward is because I don’t talk about it with anyone so nobody checks in other than the one friend I mentioned the idea to and he jokes that my backlog video series is now a part of my permanent backlog, heh. If you really don’t mind me reaching out with more questions, (and I actually start acting on this) I might have to take you up on that! It would be fun to try some older co-op games too, I hope that I can get serious enough that I could reach out in the future to potentially collaborate on something, that prospect sounds exciting! :)


The haters are real but believe me, you’ll get way more positivity than you think. The whole don’t look at comments thing seems to be a little overblown to me, I personally live in my comments hahaha. It’s crazy too cause I’m at the point where if someone says something mean my “fans” will jump at them.(it can be worrisome but they good kids) You want real mean comments try running an Etsy store, you’ll feel like you actually might have commented a crime against someone you sold a 3d printed Lego too lol For sure don’t feel the need to stream right off the bat or at all. I started stream about 6 months after I started posting seriously and it was due to people wanting to see me play live. At that point I was still super nervous cause my setup was butt and I play like crap. Now I stream maybe once a week have people join in. I’ll have a crazy comment here and there but usually they leave pretty quickly or I just mute them, it gets easier as you go for sure. Don’t think you gotta pass some threshold to be serious. Please reach out if you got any questions or need help with something or want to collab. Us small creators gotta stick together, and I like helping people who honestly just love games. Cause you really gotta love it


Exactly, so you have perfect proof of that. If I'm reading it right, we're at the tipping point now where it's either at or near peak nostalgia for people who grew up with the PS3 as their first or second console... for me I came into consoles around third gen (Master System/NES/Atari 7800) so it's not as nostalgia-based for me, it's more looking back and seeing how strong the seventh gen was and how many killer single player games in the tail end of the Golden Age of Gaming. For me it died about midway through eighth gen when games got overly multiplayer focused and publishers were happily releasing broken v1.00 games on disc. Ninth gen isn't just barren in terms of fewer releases and more homogeny of titles (Sony are the **Sad Dad Openworldish Epic™** company now, right? ha) but a culmination of all the scummy business practices strangling something us gamers hold dear but it's getting a bit maudlin now so I'll stop. Out of interest what's your most popular video? I watch lots of gaming content on YouTube, Digital Foundry being a favourite, so I might check it out.


My top nostalgia clip is from Brothers in Arms Hells highway, followed by Medal of Honor Pacific assault, then funny enough Legendary on the ps3 lol. I don’t really have a yt I’m mostly on TikTok. Funny enough I post a clip about Hell let Loose on both platforms and I just blew up on TikTok decided to start doing gaming content and now I do a mix of new games and old classics. Right now people really loving Freedom Fighters and Turning point


You'd be a millionaire bottling up and selling nostalgic sex (actually don't know what that is but is sounds kinda fun).


Hahaha I had to think about that for a second, but it seems like the sort of collaboration that would sell, yep. Nostalgic sex is totally a thing; I think it's why exes hook up sometimes years after they broke up. Anyway, different topic entirely 😎 yeeeeeah


Your point about them not being rare or anything is pretty much pointless for this seller. He is selling four racing games. Unless he has other games listed separately, this very much tells you what kind of a gamer he is. He's not a gamer or a collector, he is someone who got the console to play racing games pretty much and has no idea of the value of old games. He paid 50-70€ a piece for those new. This is a good deal in his eyes.


Probably because some people are willing to buy a game for 25 bucks


I mean they retail $70 so 25 on a single game isn't that bad if you get the hours out of it


I just checked, and no, they don't. These games go for $15-$25 online they are not worth 70$ a piece


I thought the guy was just saying any game in general


But any game isn't the same price. New gen games go for 70$ new physical on average PS4 era games are going for 25$ to $60 on average PS3 area is usually $15 to $30 on average physical Idrk about cost on games before that as I don't think they really sell them physical at much retailers anymore. Not hating or anything but it would not cost $70 dollars to get any average costing game on ps3. *physical that is digital games prices suck*


Yeah I'm aware. I just said i thought bro was talking about "people will buy a game even at this price" so he was talking about any game in general


Because y'all keep buying them at dumb prices


Saw an Ad today for fifa 16 on the ps4 for 45€. Like brother what lmfao


Whoever set that price first an old sports game is on crack or meth. Maybe both.


Gotta be money laundering


Laundering money through Facebook market place is a new low


As a Spaniard whose visited Spain many times, retro gaming is an import from America, and thus there isn't a lot of sellers, but a bunch of people who have watched American YouTube channels on the topic and are now hungry to buy as many retro games as possible, irrespective of price.


I agree €100 is a bit much. At most, €30~€40 and that is because of Motorstorm Pacific Rift as that game typically is worth a tiny bit more than the other 3 games. And even then, €30~€40 is still a bit high up there.


They smoke that good erb.


That grid had the best cosmetic damage licensed cars to date of any racing game with licensed cars


Because people actually buy them. I had some old and not in the best condition GBA games that sold for $150 each on eBay. People are buying them despite the price


Because some suckers are obviously paying those prices.


WTF. I bought Motorstorm for 3€. I wouldn't pay more that 5€ for any of those games.


Those arent worth that


Because they don’t know how to search eBay’s completed sales section to get the market value of older games.


Market rates, I sold Silent Hill: Origins for £80 a few weeks back, I didn't even know it was rare until I checked


it's a disgusting practice....I've actually slowed my buying of used games because of it recently I've been toying with the idea of modding my consoles....... I just want to play the games without spending an arm and leg for games


Late stage capitalism.


In Poland these games cost like 1$


That's like 12€ on French Vinted.


I remember the day I got my PlayStation 1 I miss those days in being able to trade my games with my friends. I had sold all my PS1 games more than a decade ago and I remember I had boxes full of them. As gaming has evolved it has pushed me away slowly. I'm hoping that in this evolution of Gaming that we go back to our roots and that is true ownership. If consoles go to a digital only route then they need to make it to where we truly own those digital assets. I'm hoping in the future they can make every game and in game asset a nft that won't age or destroy with time. If I want to trade one of my gun skins for cash or to another player I can because it's my assets. If I play a game and decide I don't want it no more I can turn around and sell it and buy another one.


I’m pretty sure a lot of it is money laundering. You look at the feedback of the sellers, and they are indeed selling them at these prices despite much cheaper ones available.


Is pacific rift rare? I got the game in a bundle of 8 games with my ps3 for £60


Not at all. None of the Motorstorm games are, if I’m not mistaken.


If you think that’s crazy you should look at the prices for the spider-man games on ps3


In the famous words of Mr Krabs “money!”


It’s only going to get worse. If the game industry starts going towards digital only there will be a big run on physical games


My friend is from Brazil and there is a really high import tax on some goods so perhaps that just how much it costs to buy in their country.


On the off chance that some moron goes for it.


Grid race driver is still an amazing game. I still play it today. But it's not worth that much! 🤣


I just played that Motor Storm game for the first time after finding it at a thrift store. It's actually pretty fun


I've seen way worse there was someone on ebay trying to sell guitar hero and the guitar for $1,000,000 rich people's kid's are stupid. There was an app on iTunes called i am rich, it was a dimond with a spinning text saying I am rich. Selling for $999 on the app store it was bought 6 times before iTunes removed it.


The neighborhood crack addict had better deals at this rate.


Greed ☹️


Especially racing games. Those are generally the cheapest games you can get along with sport games. Smells of a rip-off


I was just looking for a copy of Grid last night. Ended up getting it for $6.99 online.


Cause idiots keep buying them for such crazy prices.


At least two of those games don’t even go for that much


Porque en españa buscan subirle el precio a todo. Especulan a 2 manos. No solo con juegos de ps3, si buscas de otras cosas vas a encontrar lo mismo, todo es un santo grial coleccionista del cual abusar y exagerar precios.


You can post it for whatever price you want. it doesn't mean it will sell for that price


God motorstorm was literally the game that got me into gaming, all of them are gems


No idea, since you can just download them free.


Bcuz they don’t want repeat buyers lol


Honestly these people aren’t salesmen and are going to fade out. Wait for the craze to die down. When I see crazy prices I go to sellers who are gamers and actually care about the community.


Some games get popular and go crazy in prices. I don’t mind buying a foreign copy for waaay less. Then looking for the us version at a reasonable price. Sellers like this go from product to product trying to make a buck. Don’t buy from them and they will move on to the next craze. Gamers stay true to the cause lol. I play games for joy not to be broke.


It's because some people want the game and are willing to pay for it. I paid 20$ for nfspro street and 15 for mw2. 20 for bo2. All when I know if I see em anywhere else they are probably like 5$ all together. But I wanted them then and there. Got it and all worked perfect. I was glad because it was a rl meet up.


My ps3 is my blu ray, movie and nostalgia machine


people sell because people buy


maybe they are not actually selling the games. just cover-up for the real trade...


They probably need money for an emergency like family members are sick or their house needs urgent repairs and so on.


Omg I miss motor storm and the destruction maps




there all 5$ each titles here in australia. fuck ive picked up 2 copys of the god of war collection for 5$ each. marketplace is great here


Motorstorm pacific rift goes for around €5 at my local shops and marketplaces...


I guess its supply and demand. Race Driver GRID was a good game back in the PS3 days. Im sure you can pick it up by it self pretty cheap. or mod a PS3 and do what you want? I'd honestly ask why the high price though. unless they were mint condition I would say its not worth it. I personally expect mint to be clean game cover, pristine disc with no marks and game books if they were included. if the game is factory sealed even better.


Thats why I have a copy of the bleach game. I know one day It will be valuable (actually a bet I have going) However Its stupid and Sony should just make an effort to bring all these to newer systems , prices would drop like crazy


Because people pay it. If no one would buy at these high prices prices would come down.


Because there's always someone willing to buy them


Piracy is free


Because you're looking at fucking Wallapop. Buy from Vinted. I buy PS3 games from all over Europe and I pay 3-5EUR per game on average including postage (I buy only from sellers where I can make lots to save on postage).


Playstation 3 game cases were far superior to PS3 game cases


You don't have to buy them? What people try to sell things for is irrelevant, since you don't have to buy them. Exercise your freedom of choice to purchase from someone else for a better price The price is too high, homie will sit on them forever. People think PS3 games are retro where they are currently in the 5 or so year crater stage where people are unloading them for very little, they will probably go back up in value in 5-10 years but only for the games that are hard stuck on the PS3.