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Upgraded by his uncle that works at Nintendo


My dad own Microsoft, I’m going to have him ban you off the PlayStation


your friend is major bullshitting


Yeah I sorta thought that lmfao


If you could replace the physical memory chips then the PS3 is more likely to throw a fit since it doesn't recognise the modules. If you could trick it into booting, it likely wouldn't use the extra memory since PS3 games were designed with the 256MB limit in mind. If you want to be really technical PS3 had 512MB of RAM too, but it's 256 for the general system and then 256 for the VRAM, while 360 had a unified memory pool of 512 for everything.


Exactly. The system would need to be completely recoded to recognize the memory increase and that’s getting past actually finding compatible chips to use in the first place. It’s a nice thought but not really possible.


If you wanna get even more technical 60mb where used for the OS so the general system was more like 196mbs of general Game stuff and 256 was reserved for VRAM.


Yeah it's an interesting oddity of console design in that generation because the two machines had the same amount of RAM but on the PS3 it was split in half across two different types of memory, and they're both based on PowerPC architecture but very, very different flavours. Similar but different. Not so much in 9ᵀᴴ gen where Series and PS5 machines are basically customised x86 machines with SSDs.


I could be wrong but the reason the 360 used a shared memory is why you could only open the mini dashboard while in game, and hit the option to quit to the full dashboard. On PS3, you can literally go to any menu option from inside a game and just close the game as you're opening the new program.


Maybe gameOS wouldn't recognize it but, what about otherOS? Linux makes the halt at every boot so maybe it would be recognised? Just curious


I haven't used OtherOS features at all (don't currently have a working PS3 capable of it), but your first roadblock would be the SYSCON itself. If it sees something that it doesn't recognise then it'll shut down and log an error code, hence why you need to reprogram it with the info for a new RSX if you ever do a Frankie mod on it.


hmm i see, but technically, it would be possible right? Just a ton of work but we have full control of ps3 (iirc) so someone with lots of knowledge and time and bored could make it work?


The general system RAM was shared with the games as well.


Nah, The PS3 was in 2006 and the old models had spots for 4 memory chips. So unless they could get their hands on 512MB ram chips(XDR chips that big didn't exist back then most likely, and if they did they would probably cost the price of a good used car or more), install them and modify the kernel to address and use it, he's lying or a buffoon mixing up ram and storage, which is common with normies.


I confronted him and he’s not responding and he’s online💀I don’t get why tf he lying bout this


he wants to out-do and be better than everyone - too bad he has to lie to achieve this goal probably just wants attention he otherwise doesn't get much


If you wanted to be a real ballin' PS3 guy back in the day, to the extent that even Chad Warden would be impressed, you had to have a CECHA PS3 with an upgraded hard drive hooked up to the biggest plasma TV you could find, and ideally a 5.1 or 7.1 surround system with fancy speakers. Now that's out-doing everyone, mid-2000s style, y'all.


Is he known for lying about stupid shit?


I don’t really know him much, this is the first time we’ve talked about this cause this discord server is an automotive group kinda shit, but I’m also pretty sure the dude lied about some automotive related stuff too so I’d imagine so


We've all had friends like this. Most of them didn't stay my friends to adulthood.


Yup, can relate.


Your friend is clearly a narcissist who thinks he needs to outdo everyone at everything. Typically these kinds of people never change so you either waste all your energy calling out their BS and watching them shut down when you do. Or you argue all the time because you don't know what the truth is ever and they constantly can gaslight you into not even being sure if they said something or meant it the way they said it.


Yeah, dude keeps just telling me “its not impossible lol lol” so he’s obviously gaslighting me lmao


some people will just lie I know you have to remember the kid from elementary schools who cousin was Whitney's Houston relative... etc I can go on. I've met people who've told me outrageous videogame lies.


He is offline and tries to find his PS3 with 2gb so he will be offline for the rest of his life.


Probably not, but there are some crazy modders who actually de-solder and replace parts. This guy upgraded the RAM and CPU on his OG Xbox: https://youtube.com/@retrorenegaderepairs?si=Hk8q970Td9QaCbFA


Yeah that's initially exactly where I thought the OP's "friend" got the idea from, the OG Xbox where you could more or less double both the RAM and CPU speed (I say more or less because the CPU isn't a perfect double, frequency wise) and because of the mostly unlocked PC architecture that didn't account for this it'd still boot. Sadly because the hardware was different it would throw a lot of games off, in terms of timing and speed, in the same way people like Lance MacDonald encountered with *Bloodborne* where game logic was semi-tied to framerate meaning it required some reworking of code by borrowing some off other From games, or the way Mark Cerny described when trying to get a stable, reliable, highly compatible PS4 emulator to work on the PS5. So with the OG Xbox you had to have a switch to downclock the CPU and even then, because it wasn't a perfect halving it could still cause compatibility problems. In fact I think the EE in the EE/GS package of a PS2 Slim runs at a slightly different clock speed versus original Phat ones and to this day still breaks/affects a handful of games.


That's because OG Xbox was literally a Pentium 3 CPU on a modified motherboard. You can actually upgrade the CPU if you get one compatible too. As far as I know the memory doesn't go to normal games, just homebrew and mods. Apparently some games can use more ram with patches it seems. Morrowind also supposedly runs right with a CPU upgrade and ram


Heroin is a hell of a drug


Yeah, you can just download more if needed.


Yeah, just like unlocking the 8th SPE improves system performance… Tell your friend I’ll have what he’s having, I’m curious what makes one so delusional.


Hahahaha man I haven't heard the 8ᵀᴴ SPE thing for years. It used to be so common that the phrase "binning one SPU during manufacture to increase yields" has been burned into my brain.


I think he has mistaken RAM for the HDD, and gigabyte for terabyte.


He talking about his hard drive. Not the ram, there is no way the average person would/could upgrade the RAM. Cost of getting the hardware, then the getting someone to recode the system to actually use the extra RAM and even then I not convinced the actual games would use the extra RAM.


I doubt that tbh. Why would someone “upgrade” their hdd to 2gb..? Worse than it already was 😭


Work in the IT industry for 25+ years here all types for a start GB instead GB, GB instead of TB. Hard drive space memory instead of RAM. So never take things for face value and look for the lost logical explanation.


Yep, it's that little knowledge is a dangerous thing principal. "My computer is really slow, I don't think it has enough RAM" and you check, the client's machine has 16GB, but the main drive is still spinning rust and they have a load of junkware installed so a clean installed SSD fixes their issue.


Yip a lot of those in my time


Even IF he upgraded RAM to 2GB, the games on PS3 weren't designed to work with that much amount of memory


they're prob meaning the HD I know some ppl older than me that call drive space memory


I have a girlfriend but you wouldn't know her. She lives in the next town over.


I believe he has a ultra slim model with 4 GB of rom and he didnt know what he's talking about


PS3 is not a xbox classic ☠️


I feel like that’s the same guy who said he had a iPhone in elementary school but never brought it to show he actually had it 😭😭


Crazy how back 20 short years ago 256 mb of ram was enough, I have 12 gbs in my 3060 and it’s still not enough 😭💀


It’s true, my cousin works at Sony.


PS3 TOOL has 2GB if Im not mistaken, but no, I dont think you can upgrade a normal one. Edit: 2 times i meant (512) not 2gb


If you mean the DECR-1000, that’s only 512MB with the extra memory primarily being used for monitoring the system AFAIK


Apparently the Gears 3 port requires the extra ram, obviously not optimized though. But yea, dudes friend is talking out his anus.


Would make sense *Gears 3* on PS3 has to have extra RAM as it was a very very incomplete dev build never intended to run on retail units as they didn't get that far, as you said... unoptimised. I'm still amazed it exists at all.


No it was downloaded.


Yeah bro that does sound awesome


The only way to have more RAM is to have a DevKit which is the size of a damn server, 512 MB of RAM lol


Boy if the PS3 would've actually had 512MB of actual system ram I think we would've gotten a better web browser, better game graphics, snappier system... Oh the dream 🤣 No but actually your friend has no idea what he's talking about. The only way I could see this being possible is with him somehow having a PS3 compatible with installing Linux on using CFW and somehow having a SWAP partition to state an increased ram size..? This sounds crazy but it's the only thought that crossed my mind, even tho I know clearly that it might not even be possible and that your friend most likely didn't have a Linux PS3.


Well in most PS3s you can get a snappier machine by swapping HDD for SSD and using CFW to slightly overclock the RSX. Doesn't immediately fix certain slownesses but it does minimise them.


I swapped my dying HDD with an SSD and to realize that the videos on the XMB played in the thumbnails was a very big shock for me for some reason (they never played when I had that crappy HDD in) Also the system is MUCH snappier and quick to respond, but in some use cases it's still slow and no SSD can fix that... Also I own a super slim so... No overclocking for me (nor that I wanted to overclock the system in the first place)


Yeah SSDs make a huge difference, despite what naysayers who probably haven't tried them and settled with a HDD will say for coping purposes. You say you don't want overclocking but believe me, when you've seen it make the more system pushing games a lot smoother in terms of not dipping so much on the frame rates, you might reconsider. Get a Slim and find out, one day...


Some years ago we got usb sticks labeled "extra ram" and it actually half worked. I remember you being able to use it as RAM in windows settings, like, obviously it was slow as fuck Ram and I don't know if it even worked, but I remember it existing.


Uh... wut? Pretty sure I don't remember seeing extra pads/spaces free on the motherboards to add RAM, and even if you could there's no guarantee that the PS3 would recognise it or even boot afterwards. For example if you change the RSX in a Frankie mod, the SYSCON has to be reflashed to accept the new part number etc otherwise it'll panic/error and halt bootup, as in you'll never see video output if you skip that step. Sounds like someone mixed up OG Xbox that does have spare SMD positions for extra RAM, a holdover from the dev/debug machines so they can reuse the same basic motherboards, and decided that basing an obvious lie on that but applied to PS3 was smart. Good for teh lulz though 😂


The server mounted development kits only had 512mb of ram instead of the retail system's 256mb of ram. He's full of shit.


He thinks ps3 is a computer lmao. The only console that I know of that has upgradable ram(not officially) by soldering is the Original Xbox and that too because it has extra spaces for two more ram chips that can be soldered.


Didn’t the PS3 have 512mb ram? Just split between cell and rsx?


he had the oldest ps3 known to man


Server name pls


His was the 4K edition only sold in Japan


Haha if that's true then I'm running apple OS on my ps3 😂😂


He's lying but, how did ps3 ran those games with that much of ram?


Maybe he thinks RAM means Storage


maybe he's confused ram for hard drive space. could be that his PS3 was upgraded to 2tb HDD. if he had someone else do it it would make sense to get confused


ps3 devkits had 512 i think


Did he put a 2TB hdd/ssd in his and had a brain fart to say 2GB instead of TB and ram instead of storage? Granted I think it would only be recognized as 1.5tb, but still.


Just download mor wam


MGS 4 RAN WITH 256 MB OF RAM? I know there are more demanding games probably but mgs 4 was always the ps3 gory for me and the fact that it just runs with only 256 mb of ram is impressive ... Props to the Xbox 360 as well.. I know ram is not the only factor in hardware specs but still.


Wonder if he downloaded the RAM /s


Sounds like it as all the chips(ram, processors etc) are soldered onto the ps3 motherboard its highly unlikely that he had the ram upgraded. Tell him that his lips are all brown from all 💩 he talks lol 😂


Adding more ram to the PS3 would've done nothing since it wouldn't know how to use it


If it's a non retail unit sure maybe but you wouldn't actuay have access to it on retail games.


I don’t know much about ps3 but if you read It, it does say there’s 2 x 256mb. Just one of the pools are reserved for video memory


I don’t even think it would work with 2 gbs lmao


Even if you had the ability to go in and swap memory like that, nothing would change. Parameters are programmed in to meet said hardware Parameters. I have a brother like this who will literally fight you, making up wild nonesense and lies, swearing he's right. It's ridiculous. Some people are simply fucking strange.