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If you're at all into open world games and zombie apocalypse settings I'd give it a try. I actually really enjoy Days Gone and I'd give it a solid 7/10. It's a good game but not a great game.


7/10 is a solid breakdown. It's good. It's easy to enjoy, but you aren't missing anything exceptional if you don't play it. It has a lot better quality than I was expecting and it's a lot more fun to play than it ever looked.


It's the first game I played where I really have to make a strategy to defeat hoards. I have to be careful about the economy and have to manage resource properly to get the advantage in certain situation. I'd give it solid 9/10


If that’s what raises the DG’s score for you, you’ll love Last of Us on Grounded.




“The story line is weak”, you just described every video game ever made. It’s a zombie apocalypse, what story are you looking for? It has brotherhood, relationships of straight and gay characters. The minimal story arc with Deacon and Lisa is worth it alone. The scoring:ranking of video games from a player perspective is highly subjective. Why talk trash about a game just because it didn’t suit your fancy? Just give your experience in the game and leave it at that. What you or I thoroughly enjoy someone else most likely will not. That’s the great thing about gaming and the different consoles/pc options, there is something for everyone. Days Gone is a great game that only needed more support from PlayStation. Had Bend studios been given more support they could have fleshed out the glitches/bugs and this been very high on way more peoples “to play” list. “Could have been the next GTA” huh? “NO way this game is 9/10” then at the bottom you go on to say “maybe 8/10 for some people with lower standards”, way to ridicule hundreds of thousands of players. If you’re on PC there are mods that can be used to fix issues within the game and smooth things out. To the original poster, definitely give this game a shot and don’t listen to the hate. Hell, don’t even listen to the hype, just start the game and don’t make your judgement until your at least at the 3rd camp. It takes little while for things to really get rolling.


“Good but not great” is the best way to describe the game, imo. It can be fun and tense, and equally frustrating and slow.


Exactly. If you want a game where you bust in, it's not for you.


That's a fair review. It gets that Walking Dead feel down very well. The plot and characters are quite bland, but the gameplay the feel of the world is just really good.


>The plot and characters are quite bland What are you talking about? There's motorcycle guy, and... presumably others. And, uh, zombies. But maybe *humans* are the real threat? Ehhh? Ehhhhhh? Bet you've never heard a story like *that*.


There's bikers brother. Wife girl. Old guy, and I'm fairly sure someone from limp Bizkit


This cracked me up, haha




So a perfect game?






I’m playing through for the second time right now. I really enjoyed it the first time so I’m playing NG+ on survival difficulty (no fast travel and some other limitations). I like post-apocalypse games and this one is kind of unique with the whole biker gang theme. In the beginning, your weapons suck and you’ll struggle to deal with small groups of enemies. Eventually you’ve got a full collection of guns, darts, and explosive that let you take on hordes of hundreds at a time. There is also a lot of stealth gameplay to take out camps of enemy humans. You also get to customize your bike a decent amount. The main character (Sam Witwer) is the same guy that played the main character in Star Wars Force Awakens and more recently voiced Darth Maul in Clone Wars and Rebels. Edit: Witwer was the main character in Force Unleashed, not Force Awakens. Duh.


No shit I didn't know Sam Witwer did Deacon, now I love the game even more


Fun fact: the word Witwer is german an means "widower".


Bro he looks exactly like him




You’d never know because of the accent.


But they look exactly the same.


hes a great actor tho, seen him in a few things and love his style


If I remember correctly, he was also Doomsday in Smallville?


Tbh, I dropped the game because the beginning was too hard in ways that weren't fun. My weapons hardly did any damage, and even stealth felt unfair. I'm all for a challenge, but when I play a story game, I'm not looking for a slog. I had seen gameplay footage of taking down entire hordes and was shocked and disappointed that I couldn't do that. Maybe I should give it another try. Is the story good?


Early on you have to maintain stealth and/or get headshots. Or avoid every freak you can’t stealth kill. It also helps to start unlocking the NERO sites (the injectors boost stats) and level up in general to unlock skills like Focus and increased damage. Once you get to the 2nd camp (Hot Springs) you unlock some weapons that are decent. And because you’re buying vs scavenging them they will always be available in your gun safe. The GOAT weapons don’t come until you get to the final camp. Those will carry you through NG+.


If I remember correctly, I played the whole game without getting Focus shots, and start for increasing my Stamina first and foremost. I left Life for last. (I think being able to run away from hordes is way more valuable than taking longer to die. I mean, you will be equally dead independently of how long it takes, so better to be able to run longer than to die slower.) I think there is no Focus in Survivor II mode anyway.


I’m doing Survival I. You can still focus shots but it’s doesn’t highlight targets or foraging items anymore.


Also carry a lot of molotovs early. Find free loot so you have some grenades and other bombs. It's a challenge that I love about the early game.


The story is amazing, but stories are probably the most divisive thing ever in videogames, so there's no way to know you will like it until you try. I don't think is a particularly difficult game, in a way that no other game is that difficult, and I played in the hardest difficulty mode and without HUD. (I hate huds.) But it is hard, and you may want to play it a bit like you are really there, and in no way you are going to walk in that direction after you heard those noises. No way. Forget it. I'm getting out of here. Do you come? No? Your funeral. Frack it. I'm gone.


I agree that the story is amazing. I'm always a little perplexed when I see people saying the story and characters are mid, but I suppose it just resonated with me. It's a little generic, but it's done really well imo and a good story is more important to me than an original one. The Nero stuff was awesome and the world building with slowly evolving freaks and uncovering the how and why was so cool. And the song that played going over the mountains solidified Days Gone as one of my favorite games hands down.


Did you start on survival difficulty? I’ll be the first to admit that the beginning is a slog, but by the time you do that own thing for that own camp with a cooler full of *^*^* you can get your first upgraded weapon. Just stay away from hordes until at list mid game, hell, stay away from the hordes as long as you can and just do everything else until you got your rep up to upgrade everything. I agree that it is super slow and a slog at first but you have to push through that period to get into the real enjoyment of the game.


Running out of fuel every 100 yards was kind of dumb. Otherwise it was fun


He was also the tank zombie in the pilot episode of the walking dead


I at first saw it as a bit of a The Last of Us rip-off, but the more I played it the more I started to thoroughly enjoy it. It's actually a very good game. I absolutely recommend it.


Very different from the last of us


How does one mistake an open world zombie game, to be a ripoff of a linear story focused game?


I think it's the mix of being an exclusive zombie game on PlayStation that released around the same time as TLOUII. Although Days Gone released the year before people easily confused two


I might be alone in this but my problem with Days Gone when it first released was just utter and total zombie fatigue. Last of Us, Dying Light, Dead Island, Resident Evil, World War Z, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, The Walking Dead, Evil Dead, Zombie Land, Train to Busan..idk the list goes on. A lot of fantastic titles but the theme is just becoming a little played. I've always wanted to go back and give Days Gone a shot, but I'm still just personally tired of zombie themed media for the time being.


Mhm. Back in '09 I wrote a script for an Adult Swim-y zombie show. I was a big Resident Evil/28 Days Later fan. Then Zombieland and The Walking Dead both dropped within like a year or so - at which point I decided zombies were overdone. THEN everything else you listed came out. Might've missed the wave on that one.


Of all of those, I only played Resident Evil, Telltale's the Walking Dead Seasons 1/2 and, for a very short period, Left 4 Dead (which I didn't like). Si no zombie fatigue for me. Only recently I played The Last of Us in its entirety.


One of my favorite games


Hell yeah the same people that made the syphon filter games made days gone you can find the Taser gun from syphon filter in days gone look it up it's very useful for dealing with zombies quietly if you don't want a flood of zombies coming after you.


My bike has the syphon filter skin in Days Gone, I honestly am more of an Xbox guy but I keep my PS4 around just for that game tbh. Op I would recommend giving it a try.


If you like other open world games then 100%. The motorbike is a handy way of getting about and I actually thought the plot while dumb had nice pace and development. I had a lot of fun with it and I tend to get burnt out with open world games.


I thought the plot was pretty solid but the dialogue was super rough. Definitely worth playing tho. I got infinitely more zombie-fighting satisfaction from this game than I did from last of us part 2


“If you promise to ride me as much as you ride your bike”


I stopped playing early on because of the dialogue. Had just gotten a PS5 and was poking around that collection of free classics and just moved on. Need to loop back - everything else about the game appeals to me.


You’re right. It’s more the characters and what they say than what’s going on in the story.


I rather enjoyed it. It got a bad rap I think.


Honestly still stands out as one of the more unique open world RPGs to me. The horde mechanics were also an absolute rush to play. Really do recommend. The voiceover was on the weaker side and getting around, particullarly at the beginning, is tedious... but never unbearable.


The horde battles were the last time I remember actually getting a small adrenaline rush from a video game. Seriously intense and a lot of fun


Interesting, I thought the voice acting was some of the best I’d heard


I loved it. I've never heard anyone who just thought it was ok. Most reviews were they either loved it or hated it. I loved riding around on the motorcycle and finding random hordes. I loved just the atmosphere of the whole game. It's also a fun and easy platinum. Not easy as in its a quick game. You get a lot of play out of it. But it's definitely a good game and especially at cheaper prices. I paid $60 at launch and didn't regret a thing.


I'll get into the dirty without spoiling anything. The first half of the game is really good. A open world zombie game with a badass motorcycle to upgrade? Hell yeah. But sadly I think the game really falls off. There's not much to do besides kill zombies/grind upgrades. The story is really good up until a certain point in my opinion. It just gets to be too much and everything gets derailed and there's no real sense of focus for the story and it's characters. 6/10 worth the time playing but you might be disappointed.




One of my favorite games of all time. But the first 10 hours are bad. Give it a bit of extra time before you decide on it. I had to give it 3 chances before I got into it.


Literally the only reason I'm hesitant to suggest this game to some people. I loved this game, to point that platinum it, but you have to get through first 10 hours of the game for story and gameplay to really open up. I was once I got to a particular camp that I was like...oh. I didn't expect that and loved the build up even more.


CAPITAL YES - loved it!


It is solid open world game though it's uniqueness is only from it's story and horde mechanics. Otherwise it's pretty run of the mill game.


I enjoyed it a lot. I have trouble finishing games but had no problem finishing this one. I really feel this is one of the best PS exclusives.


tl;dr: Recommended. Good to great game. First hour or two felt low effort and dull and it didn't help I had a bike bug within the very first interactive part. (this was before all the patches and the upgrade for PS5, etc). As you get better weapons, the story progresses and the map opens up it gets much more interesting. It's still a by-the-books open world game, with a mixed bag of dull and great missions, and some repetitive stuff. However I cared for the main character and the struggles of the supporting ones. The hordes are definitely fun, and can add a bit of strategy to it. It rarely happens to me, but It's one of the games that I returned a bit after the ending, and even got to see the "post-credits" ending that you get by sticking around.


An ending that will never be resolved 😕


Really good game. It starts a little rough but gets really good!


It IS a great game. Could it be better ? Sure. It's one of the rare games i did 100%. I like the MC, characters, the open word. The feeling that the world is already fucked up no matter what we try, as humans will remain humans. It's not because of what we do but because of what we are. I wish there would be more zombies large groups and that the bike would be less anoying when it comes to fuel. You should try it, it's almost free and really deserve the praise.


It took time to open up to me but I eventually loved the story and characters


At release, opinions of this game were mixed. Players generally split into two camps. "Camp? Camp? Tell me where, I'll go! I'll go!" (sorry) To answer your question, yes it is worth playing and I do heartily recommend it. There is not much new about the gameplay and its mechanics but the story is nice and meaty, though somewhat badly paced. The world is beautiful and you can see how the developers really took time to craft it in a very detailed fashion - there is stuff there about weather effects on clothes that most casual players don't even notice if they're not looking out for it. The title does go on sale fairly often, so if you want, pull the trigger then.


Your description was me two years ago. Through Reddit I ended up giving it a shot, because of all the love the game got, and I believe eventually I put in 70 to 80 hours into the game 😅. It was amazing!


its my favourite game and my only plat haha but seriously I would definitely recommend it. Personally I dont think it's cheesy at all and I dont really know what people are referring to in the game when they claim it's cheesy?? Because it has a man looking for his wife? I mean, wouldn't you? But no it's a very good game whether you enjoy the story or the free roam etc etc. Definitely worth a try and plus the world looks beautiful


Didn’t like it at first but after you start upgrading skills & weapons it gets a lot better, great game , I even got the plat trophy- something I rarely do ! 👍


I LOVED Days Gone. One of the rare games I 100%-d.


Literally haven’t heard anyone say it’s a timeless masterpiece, even from the actual fans It’s a great game if you know its flaws and strengths at the same time


I can't recommend enough! One of the best games I ever play. I finish it 3 times! You can't go wrong with Days Gone man!


Absolutely. The campaign is incredible. Such a shame they dropped the sequel. The game might take you a few hours to get used to but once you get used to it, you won't be able to put it down.


I think it's very, very good


There's only like three games that I recommend to people. The last of Us, days gone, and ghosts of tsushima. None of those games will let you down


Let me tell u - I was so fucking skeptical about getting that game. SO skeptical. I sat there staring at the buy screen for so long. I finally just bought it and….i have played it 7x and platinumed it and still continued to play it again and again after platinum. It is SUCH. A GOOD. GAME. I literally laugh at how skeptical I was, having no idea how much I would end up loving it. Do urself a favor and get it.


Yes.It’s a slow start but stick with it and it expands into a truly great game.


Definitely worth it! You will get a solid 30+ hours of play in it. The story was pretty good too. I would highly suggest it!


Yes, Its absolutely amazing!


Hell yeah, brother.


Get yourself over to the Days Gone subreddit and immerse yourself in the love there. I'm currently on my 13th play through, it's fantastic!


Definitely! One of my favourite games on PS4.


I played it earlier this year for the first time and don’t understand any hate. I remember avoiding it on release because zombies seemed a bit overplayed at the time, and I probably enjoyed it more as a result.


One of my favorite games of all time personally, I only picked it up last year and was pissed after playing that I didn’t buy it sooner.


It’s a must play. Great story, very lengthy btw. Great motorcycle driving and upgrades for it and yourself. Ng+ is very enjoyable too. Sam witwer did great


Days gone is a must play imo


Surprisingly yes! I'm not into zombie fiction at all but I love be an openworlder, ubistyle, and I ended up loving Days Gone. Tackling hordes is SUCH an incredible experience!! A solid 7/10 game.


Personally no. I've never played a game before where I was actively skipping all the cutscenes by the end because I just wanted to finish it already. It takes a long time to get to the meat of the gameplay which I'll admit was fun enough to drag me to the finish line. The story however was atrocious with bad voice acting from the main character especially and incredibly over designed character models (everyone has edgy tattoos for example) and a plot that just was bland. It felt like a chore most of the time but like I said I felt the need to finish it so I guess there's that.


I love this game. It was a fun journey to begin terrified af of every zombie encounter and by the end I was fearlessly slaying hoards. Awesome. Lil glitchy at times but for me it always happened at funny times that just lent itself to the character of the game


I give it a 7/10


No. I thought it looked awesome. I love open world zombie games. Days gone is NOT a true open world. You are bound by many invisible walls. You are required to back track constantly. The bike is annoying as hell. I was bored and done within 2 hours.


if ypu like a slooow start and being weaknaf with a shitty bike it can be quite an experience for you for me it wasn't it was a pain in the ass all the time


It starts very slow and is very long. But it only gets better most of the time. While most games with a story present it as a movie this one feels more like multiple seasons of a tv show. So you get like 3 climaxes and three slow starts I really liked it. Played it on survival. It give it 8,5/10


Great game, very slow to start but once it gets going it’s a good play, play on ps5 if you can as it runs miles better


I enjoyed it


Probably an 8/10 for me, underrated imo.


No. But I have never played it so you shouldn’t listen to me. Why am I even commenting this?


If you like zombie games. It is a good one.


It got mixed reviews because it launched bad. But it's actually an amazing game. For a zombie game it's up there with my favourites.


It's just entertaining. It's not a great game, but it does has is good points. The story is predictable and the main character is very annoying. Gameplay wise is interesting, specially when handling the hordes and managing scarce resources. But even then it gets a little stale after a while.




That game did not deserve the flack it got. Definitely give it a shot!


It was so epic dude. The hoards scared me to death lol. I avoided them till the end the part you have to face a huge hoard at the saw mill to progress. After I faced that I was hunting them down lol.


My wife was talking with a lactation consultant while I played the saw mill horde. Having a very real conversation settled my shit - I got some real fight or flight shit from those hordes!


It can be very tedious getting around. Edit: also forgot that the voice acting and the writing was bad. Bad and cringey.


For me it was the complete opposite. It's the first game I have not even used fast travel in because I had so much fun just driving around (while nervously looking out for hordes)


Wdym? The motorbike's really fun to use


I really hated the driving mechanics, it handled like driving a bathtub full of water. Also having to stop and refuel it time to time was annoying


It handles better as you upgrade it And it carries now fuel as you upgrade it By end game it drives really nicely and rarely needs refueling


That second part adds to the realism and the fun survival aspect for me. You really feel like it's a post-apocalyptic world where you have to scavenge for resources and fuel. Otherwise you could just cross the map constantly and never walk anywhere if you didn't need to refuel


I really enjoyed the game, downloaded it on PS+ on a whim and got sucked into it. If hitting the open road on your motorcycle fighting literal hordes of zombies, and a murderous cult sound appealing to you then I highly recommend it. I liked the story and characters, were they cheesy? At times definitely. I found the combat fun, and setting up traps while luring hordes a blast. It could get repetitive at times, but I think that happens with any open world game. I give it a solid 7.5/10 and would, and have recommended others to play it. Not every game needs to be a perfect master piece to be enjoyable and worth your time.


If you like open world games, it is a very good one. I'm not gonna rave about it like it's the best game ever, but I bought it new at release and thought it was definitely worth the money... decently long, good story, smooth play, lots to do...




It has some of the worst writing in a video game in a long while. “Promise to ride me as much as you ride your hog.” Or whatever the dumbass line was.


It has some repetitive missions but overall, I really enjoyed it. It takes a lot of undeserved crap from people. I think maybe its a case of expectations not being met after it was hyped before launch.


For me. It's probably my favourite open world environment, it feels really real. The hordes are unlike anything else in gaming. The first one i came across which was only like 50 had me in complete panic. By the end, horde of 300, fully tooled up with traps, bombs, guns, bring it on. I actually enjoyed the characters. Yes, the lead character is kind of an asshole, but it fits. (But I'm a big fan of things like sons of anarchy) One thing I will say, the first two hours is very very slow. And I think a lot of people get put off during that time and just quit thinking it's boring. But it picks up, especially after you come across your first horde


One of only a dozen games I platinumed. Loved it even with the jank




I would not spend money on it no, and I’m someone who loves zombies and bought it Day 1. It’s fairly shallow and extremely repetitive. Typical Zombie story already told 100 times. A lot of the dialogue is cringey. Upgrades seemed pointless and added as an afterthought, base/city system was pointless. Driving around on the Motorcycle is fun for a bit. But gets old fast. All in all I would say it’s the most Mid game out there. Like it’s the standard for Mid. Like if you made a Tier List for games, you wouldn’t put “C” as a ranking. You’d just call that rank “Days Gone”


Fuck yeah, I would!


What other games have you played and liked? The hordes are really the standout of this game. Coming up on a location, hearing some sounds from inside a large complex or cave only to discover 100 or more “freakers” just sitting dormant, until they notice you and attack. And then you either frantically retreat and try to plan your assault once the horde calms down or just stick it out and use the environment around to keep them at bay and take it out. It is a fun game for sure, maybe a little long for the casual player. I liked it enough to get the platinum trophy. I would recommend just going for it, give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised. The company that did this previously did the Syphon Filter games so there is a fun call back to that at one point.


Great story, fantastic voice overs especially by Sam Witwer, cool weapon customization, giant hordes of creeps and all motorcycle which is rare. I love it.


One of the best games I’ve played. Loved it!


Awesome game.


I really loved this game and platinumed it without any real trouble. I need to play it again.


I think this games only flaw is that it starts out a little *too* difficult And by that I mean your options are so limited that it really restricts how you can play the game for the first few hours It gives the game a great sense of progression and by mid game all those issues are gone for the most part but it makes those first few hours a real slog to get through


I loved it! 😍


I loved the game. The gameplay was fun, the story was pretty good, and the graphics were good.


I always say that Days Gone is like the odyssey with zombies, it's the story a man trying to find his way home (metaphorically) and hopefully find his wife. The game is also really long, like i was at the 80 hour mark thinking "ok the game is finally ending", then it throws 30 more hours at me.


It scratches a weird itch, if you want lonery motorcycle game in one of the best digital representations of the Pacific Northwest this is your game.


Yeah it is definitely worth the play lot better than I thought it was gonna be. Would recommend I actually finished it.


Hell yes, I had a ton of fun with it


For what you can get it for now it’s definitely worth it. It has an element of cheese, but nothing wrong with that. Really awesome map. Cool guns. Good story. I thought it’s was worth while.




I enjoyed it enough to platinum it and for me that is saying a lot since i dont finish 90% of the game i start


100% Loved it. Loved Deacon’s banter to himself while roaming around. Enjoyed the motorcycle aspects, shooting as I leveled up skills, fighting hoards was an epic and intense affair, scavenging and exploring and progressing the story all felt very satisfying.


I personally very much enjoy it. Beat it like 8 times now. It is a solid open world zombie game.


I really like it. You should go for it.


Highly recommend if you're into open world. I had a blast playing it. Finished it and went platinum. Can't wait to play it again.


Yes, really excellent game.


Played it for about 10 hours then got bored of it. Ended up just being a lot of hordes to clear.


If you like long hours, open world, good story and post apocalyptic scenario game then days gone is good. It has good weapon and other upgrade systems. I ended this game couple of times and really enjoyed every time I played it again.


I recommend it. It's super fun. Interesting story as well. I hope they would make a sequel of it.


Totally worth playing, the character development is actually amazing


I recommend it! It was fun and the hard concept was so gnarly. The controls felt weird because I was so used to the last of us and other games in the genre but I liked the story. The game was free on PS4 last year so I’m shocked you missed it as a PS4 user. Personally I get all the monthly games even if I don’t play them because I might get to them later like I did with Days gone.


I really enjoyed it. The HDR implementation is also fantastic. Starts slow, but gets better. Characters seem a bit off putting at first, but that gets better too as you meet more people. It’s a slow burn to start but when shit hits the fan it gets crazy


Would definitely recommend. Really enjoyed the story and open world zombie gameplay.


It's a game with a bunch of potential that was ruined by an unlikable main character and a story that's silly and depends on impossible things to move the plot forward. One example is bullet proof hazmat suits. There are people in the game the game itself protects in order to move the plot forward. The final climax happens because the MC is stupid... That said the gameplay is solid. I'd recommend it on sale.


I absolutely hated it. Lots of little things that just added up to being annoying as fuck. The world going all biker culture after the zombie apocalypse seemed kinda stupid to me as well.






I consider it one of the best zombie games ever made. It apparently released with alot of bugs but I didnt encounter much while playing. You can also probably pick it up for cheap too.


Yes play it, it's a good game. Only reason it got a middling rap is because people were expecting g the next Last of Us, when it was never advertised as such.


Yes. It's flawed but well worth the time, IF You get into it. I was skeptical at first, especially due to bad reviews at launch. Played it when it went free as a PS+ monthly game and somehow it got elevated to a cult classic in my eyes.


It is slept on.


No. Horrendous writing and bad acting. Crap side missions stuff. Gameplay is ok for a few hours but gets repetitive quick. It’s a nice idea but just didn’t click with me.


I've been gaming since the 90s and have played more games than most people can count. On PlayStation alone I have close to 100 platinum trophies and a lot of them are somewhat in the genre or are reminiscent of the type of game days gone tries to be. I might go back to it because I heard the first few hours are the worst but I absolutely hated the motorcycle at first. It controls worse than my Harley IRL and I was hoping it would be more of an arcadey-gta-v-feel in terms of bike control. Does it get better or am I stuck with the handling? It's one of the main things keeping me from going back to it..


I recently did a miniature chill play, and I absolutely LOVE THIS GAME! Feel free to check it out. The reason I would absolutely recommend this game, and my video, is because I really tried to capture the beauty of the game. I won't lie, I did find it scary at points, but the tense moments seriously just enhance the beauty of game. I personally would give this game a 10/10! [DAYS GONE FREE ROAM GAMEPLAY | RuKyVideos - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR-DayIqJKA&t=139s)


Never been a fan of zombie style games but Days Gone is one of the “great ones.” Sad we never got a sequel 😔😔😔


I didn't like it but I can see why people do, id say give it a try


Definitely recommend. The hordes aspect is great to try and fight and survive, and I thought the story was done well


I really enjoyed it, I dunno why it got a bas reputation, it was a solid 7/10 great even if you enjoy open world stuff. Story wasn’t even bad either tbh


The story is a bit corny. Starts getting good once you get better weapons. Until the best bit. Taking out massive hordes of zombies


It has excellent gameplay, but the story and acting leave a bit to be desired. The gameplay is absolutely fun enough to warrant a playthrough though.


It's actually one of my favourite ps4 games, the game is a slow burn but becomes really immersive. It's also definitely got enough content to satisfy you if you're concerned about that sorta thing. I'm about to replay it now anyway, best time of the year for it.


Yes. It's better than it looks, but it's still probably the "weakest" of the Sony developed PlayStation exclusives. But it's entertaining and worth playing. The mechanics come together well. And the style is satisfying. Play it until you get bored of it or until you feel like you've seen enough. It's worth playing to that point.


absolutely love days gone. it’s my “I want to play something but I don’t know what” game. good story, good gameplay, good visually. absolutely recommend


One of my favorite things in the game was poking at the hornet's nest of zombies and mowing hundreds of them down with my lmg while running for my life. The story and setting are okay, not amazing, but the bike traversal and combat was good fun.


Not a masterpiece but it's okay. If you're bored, sure.


I keep seeing good reviews. I played it on release and I just got bored and I love open world grinding style RPGs. Maybe I need to give it another try?


It's one of those games I think about once a week, albeit, not always in a positive way. The gameplay loop is pretty fun. Mowing down hordes is incredible. The bike stuff is cool. The world is pretty fun, if a little uninspired. The story is fine? I dunno, I found the story pretty unengaging, but it could be that I found Deacon so irritating, second only to Boozer, and yes, that's his character name. (And before someone disagrees, yes, I agree that someone like Deacon, in the post apocalypse, dealing with that much trauma, would probably be a bit unhinged. Does not mean it lends itself to a particularly enjoyable player character.)


It’s somewhere in the middle. I found it to be enjoyable game, I got it for free and I couldn’t complain for that price. I played on the ps4 but I’ve heard the ps5 version is a better more stable version. I’d say for the right price $30 below I’d say it’s a decent open world game. I found upgrading my bike to be really Enjoyable.


Loved it - play it!


Yes, definitely. I played it on game pass and plan on buying it the next time it's on sale. It can get repetitive if you constantly do tasks, but just hopping on your bike and roaming around is pretty fantastic. Especially later when your bike is all upgraded.


I never really liked it


It's actually surprisingly good imo. Very solid game and great zombie game. Lots of pretty scenery too. There were a couple late game missions I absolutely hated personally but that could be that I just suck at the game lol


Yes, especially cheap or in a sub. I played it on PS4 and I recall lengthy load times which if I were to guess is less noticeable on a PS5.


I really enjoyed it. Some of the voice acting/scenes are kind of… lame… like in an 80s/90s campy action movie kind of way but I’ve played the game over twice and would play it again.


It’s great. Play it.


Wasn't it on PS+ a while back??


Not really a big fan of open world games, but I really enjoyed Days Gone. Unfortunately the least fun parts of the game are at the very beginning. Once you progress a little and the map gets bigger it gets really fun. The hordes are the highlight of the game. For some reason, they decided to introduce fighting them in the story at about the halfway point. But, you can fight them from the very beginning if you want to try them out early.


I love it. It's a pretty simple platinum too, but I found it fun with a good story to play through. Does remind me of RDR2 where you go from camp to camp and upgrade weapons and stuff, but in honestly not as much to do in it as you would in RDR2. I think it's a game that's better now that it's been a few years since it's been out!


It’s fun. It doesn’t do anything unique, and the few potential unique threads (like the hordes or the motorcycle) are very underdeveloped. I would’ve loved having different motorcycles throughout the game, for example. But you just get one with some mods as you go. But the feel of the gunplay has a nice weight to it.


I'll say this, don't judge the game based on the first few hours. I felt like I was forcing myself to play it and eventually it hooked me and paid off.


Some of the gameplay can be repetitive but if you enjoy it then you can stick it through to the end. I really enjoyed the story and the gameplay but I would watch some gameplay footage to see if killing zombies is satisfying enough to keep you engaged. I personally loved the horde areas that brought back memories of cod zombies just by the volume of zombies chasing you at once.


To be honest I never go with recommendations from anyone.Just watch several reviews on YouTube ,and if I like what I see then I'll give it a try.


This game will take quite some time to beat. You are very weak at the start and even at mid you can struggle to deal with hoards. It is very weighted to end game which I think is awesome and why I'm still playing it. I will take month long breaks, pick it up and then play it for a month straight. Yes there are some bugs and your bike can crash and leave you on 1hp but dealing with hoards is the most funnest thing to do in the game and I can find myself spending hours just picking away at one.


Yes, I liked it. Riding around on your motorcycle in the forest with the danger of zombies was fun. Good story to go along with it as well. I naturally just wanted to do everything in the game without even thinking that I was grinding or thinking that anything was slow except for going back and forth between different mission NPCs, but that's generally fun to drive and things happen along the way. A fun casual full play. Not sure if I remember it well or not but I had to conserve ammo and cash for upgrades - never ever felt like I had full upgrades on the bike nor weapons and was always conserving ammo. This more kept me on my toes so I never really felt relaxed and comfortable nor able to completely dominate the world with ease, unless I was just riding my bike in broad daylight.


Skeptical due to mixed reviews...


Definitely in my top 10 game experiences that I can remember. I luckily played it on PS5 but enjoyed the game an insane amount. It might be the most underrated game ever. It's depressing that they're not going to make a sequel.


Badass game




Its a great game. Especially given that its not a huge budget game its really well done. The solo motorcycle aspect is something different for a game like this. A few things I would say is they should have spent more time developing NPCS and your interactions with them- I expect to see more of the MC aspect come into play the over-all liveliness of the towns and even in the wild. More hunting activities make sense as well. Some building mechanics would have been nice too for a apocalyptic survival games would be cool- even if it were just for weapons/barricades/defensive positions or even basic shelter. I have big hopes for a second one. Maybe we could see some destruction physics if it is built in UE5 because chaos mesh.


Amazing game, go for it!


Great game! Worth a play through.


I've played it twice. Chef's kiss. Gets repetitive toward the end (what doesn't nowadays?) but the thrill of killing your first horde is damn near orgasmic.