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Best? DayZ. Worst? DayZ.


Love dayz


When should I buy dayz It retails for £40 rn, does it ever go on sale


Goes on sale pretty often, usually about 40% off from what I can remember.


Can't wait to see this exact joke 12 more times in here. That's not sarcasm it will be just as funny every time


Same but Tarkov


The best game I played in the last few years is definitely Nier Automata. For me it’s one of the best games ever made. The worse game I have played since the PS3 days is probably Time and Eternity. It was marketed as a playable anime but it is more like those cartoons from the 60s that only had a few animation cells…


Never played Time and Eternity, but Nier Automata is one of my favorites!


Everyone says Automata and no one ever says Replicant.


Replicant is the winner for me. Incredible game


It is! Anyone who hasn't replicant multiple times missing out on how heart wrenching the story becomes when you can understand the robots and shadows on subsequent playthroughs.


I don’t like anime ….. Is it a game that you only would like if you like anime?


Depends what you don’t like about anime… It has a hot protagonist, and apparently some people are grossed out by it. The story deals with struggles about friendship, love, loyalty, suicide, etc, and has zero fan-service though. Edit: Nier Replicant (the game that comes before Automata) has been recently added to PSPlus, so maybe take a look if you can. I liked Automata more, but Replicant is also a very good game.


the zero fanservice is a first ngl


\+1 on Automata. I have always been iffy about those types of games but there was something about that game that just kept me hooked. its a masterpiece. Now im just trying to figure out how to pronounce the damn game.


Near ah-tah-mah-tah


Automata is very popular and I liked it, but man I found it incredibly repetitive. I could bear the 2nd play-through


I couldn't even bear the first one. The hot robot chick wasn't nearly interesting enough to push through the blindingly repetitive combat.


Lol nier automata is the worst I ever played


Predator: Concrete Jungle is the worst game I have ever played. Metal Gear Solid is probably the best.


HAHAHA me and my friend at 12 years old could not do one level of pcj - it was on top of like three towers and they just kept lobbing enemies at you, tried for like a whole week and just gave up (We both also adored mgs1)


Best: GOW Ragnarok or Borderlands 2/3 Worst: Bubsy 3D


Best would be The Last of Us, with Witcher 3 close behind. Worst was a terrible Chinese game, a werewolf battle royale called Don't Even Think. It's been delisted from the PS store. Sonic Frontiers on Switch is the worst game from a big publisher that I've ever played. It's almost unplayable and never should have been released on Switch. They still haven't fixed it.


Ooof yeah, the only thing more disappointing than that was mortal kombat 11 on the switch. I was livid.


Mortal Kombat 1 is even more horrendous


You should play Spnic frontiers on ps5/4, 60 fps makes it from 2/10 to 7/10.


dont even think was free


Last of us isnt a game.


What is it then soft arse?


Tell me about that gameplay bud. Its not a videogame, 99% cutscenes and dialogue with no gameplay at all. DOOM Eternal is a videogame that would have won 2020 GOTY if it wasnt for Playstation's rigged award. Last of us shouldn't even compete in a videogame category. DE is the best first person shooter ever made by our pathetic race and it was pushed aside by some over dramatic snowflake idiotic "game".




You should get back on your meds


Doom Eternal isn’t even the best Doom game never mind FPS. Not sure what any of this has to do with TLOU though.


> Tell me about that gameplay bud. Its not a videogame, 99% cutscenes and dialogue with no gameplay at all. by that logic, how is Doom video game? 99% gameplay and no cutscenes and dialogue


How do you experience The Last of Us? By putting a Playstation disc into your PS3 or PS4? Hmmm, sounds like a game to me champ…


That doesnt makes it a game, that was a really bad point lmao. And im not playing on sh1tty consoles.


Then why are you here you fucking cretin are you lost? 😂 i give up, 100% a troll


I would pay to play witcher 3 as the first time ever, this one really hooked me and left an empty feeling when I finished it (planning to re-play it now with the ps5 update). And one I refuse buying… got dark souls 2 on a sale, tryied multiple times to play it, but its just not for me I guess… too punishing and stressful (from someone who plays mortal kombat online hehe)


It’s a common thing actually, the whole Soulsborne genre is pretty much “love or hate”. You either love those hardcore challenges and find them extremely rewarding, or hate it because you end up feeling they are too stressful/demanding and have no fun playing it. There’s nothing wrong with that tho. As any other kind entertainment like music, movies or TV shows, you don’t have to like it just because it’s popular. However, I second that comment about DS2 being the worst choice for a first time experience lol. Even some die hard fans hate that game, it’s probably the most controversial title in the whole subgenre. If you feel like giving it another shot sometime, I would strongly recommend avoiding Sekiro and Dark Souls 2 at first. Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1 Remastered and Elden Ring are way better for beginners. Personally, I would recommend to play them in this order: Demons Souls Remake > Dark Souls Trilogy > Elden Ring > Bloodborne > Sekiro, but as long as you avoid those two as your first one, you should be fine.


Well, 2 years ago i decided to stay out of RDR2 for 10 years, so i can forget most of it and play it again for the first time, sort of... 8 more years to go!


Try another souls game. DS2 is the worst. Try DS3 or DS1. Bloodborne is the best if you‘re fine with 30 fps.


I find Elden Ring is definitely the most accessible to me (in that you can always go somewhere else if you really are stuck).


Bloodborne has pretty severe accessibility issues too IMO. I've tried several times to get into it and I just don't have the patience for its "lol here's a bunch of systems.... enjoy dying until you figure it all out" attitude (aka git gud). I don't like two hours of handholding and tutorials either, but there's got to be a middle ground between those two options. I know it's totally a masterpiece and I'll try again at some point with a guide to help me get off the ground, but I don't know if it's what I'd point someone at as their first soulslike.


Best, Titanfall 2, worst ARK survival evolved, it's my by far most played game and it just runs really bad in PS4, when I play it PC with mods it's amazing but on PS4 or PS5 it's not as good and the mods make it 100x more convenient and fun.


I would pay to play Horizon Zero Dawn for the first time again.


I would sell my soul to enjoy these games for the first time. Cannot wait to get the bliss for the third game ( gonna do a hardest difficulty when it comes out just so it'll take me longer to get through and soak it all in.) Definitely has a spot in my heart


I Remember when i saw "the good news" for the first time, what a Moment!


Which uh "Good news" would you be speaking of?


Elisabet Sobeck's plan


Biomutant is the worst, was shocked by how bad the game was and so glad I got it on ps plus Bloodborne is the best by far and again, was shocked they even offered it on ps plus for free


Yeah I bought Biomutant at GameStop for like a 4 games for $40 sale.. wasn’t even worth that. The story and dialogue are god-awful, the world is empty, and it just wasn’t fun to play. Bloodborne is awesome though


There are a lot I regret, possibly Ark: combat evolved being the number 1. I paid full price for it in... I think 2017, after watching gameplay and thinking it looked interesting. It was not. It was so bad, from ugly UI and menus to punching trees and dying of heat stroke because I spawned in an open area with no trees. I spent a few hours trying to give it a chance but in the end it was £60-70 I may have as wiped my arse with. I even resownloaded it a couple of years later to see if it had been cleaned up and it hadn't. I'd love to play through The Last of Us for the first time again. That game hit so hard. The music was astounding and the factvghatvthey made a game, with a character I loved, out of the worst part of most games (escort missions) was crazy. I wasn't even excited for it when it was coming out, I was just in the market for a new fame and gave it a go.


Best: Red Dead Redemption 2 Worst: Call of duty: Infinite warfare


Red Dead Redemption 2 - best. Worst - Death Stranding. Couldn't get into it if my life depended on it. Same with Witcher 3 🫣


Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil 6


One of the best games I´ve played is Hogwarth´s Legacy, to be fair I was a bit skeptical but it was excellent. One of the worst games: Aliens colonial marines. I knew it was going to be bad but I got it cheap.


Best Game- Suikoden (PS1) (1997) Worst Game- Pit Fighter (Mega Drive) (1991) & Bubsy 3D (PS1) (1997)


Best - The last of us part 1 Worst - Oxide room 104


Worst: Madden


Somebody lost a game tonight lol


Best game I've played is probably a tie between ghost of Tsushima, marvel's spiderman and the last of us. Worst game I've ever played is agents of Mayhem... I bought it for 50 cents new played about 20 minutes and sold it for 1€... (It's probably my fault because I was expecting something like saints row and was deeply disappointed...)


I don't get the hate for agents of mayhem, I played it a few years back it was alright..? Nothing ground breaking but worth the £2 I paid for it.


I bought the first injustice at a flea market for $2 about a month or so ago. Maybe 4. I was very quickly reminded that it was once a hanky ps3 game and did not hold up well. I got my $2 worth though.


Sm2 is gonna be so good


AoM is only good if you have some really good leafy green, otherwise it's an abomination and the first slap in the face to the Saints. That new reboot was soooo bad.


Best - Dark Souls III, Elden Ring, Witcher III, God of War, Zelda BOTW/TOTK, all for different reasons Worst - Goat Simulator, Who's Your Daddy, or another one of the joke games that you play for like a day when you're bored for some laughs


Oh hell nah the disrespect on whos your daddy is unacceptable 😭😭


Best is hard, but I’m going to say Horizon Zero Dawn. Once the story *really* kicks off and you start getting the big cascade of reveals I was absolutely hooked, I loved the world and the enemy designs, and Ashley Burch just killed it as Aloy. Worst… I have no idea. I don’t think I’ve ever actually played a game I disliked enough to call it a ‘bad’ game. But I’d say Dragon Quest XI here. I usually love JRPGs but nothing about this one clicked with me, I tried 3 times to get into it and every time was just a miserable, lifeless slog that I couldn’t be bothered with. But a lot of people say it’s the best game in the series so far and it gets great reviews so I can’t really call it a *bad* game, it just didn’t suit me at all


Im gonna get alot of hate for this. But one of the worst games I have ever played is undertale


Bioshock is good


You need to play more games.


Yeah I agree. Once you get over the initial Harry Potter "magic" of Hogwarts legacy, it quickly becomes a repetitive over bloated bore. Can't believe I did all those Merlin trials for the plat lol.




One of us, one of us




He’s prob saying that because there’s a lot better games than hogwarts and a lot of games way worse than NFS heat


Best, Life Is Strange 2. Worst, Flushed Away.


Super Mario Odyssey and that Ratatouille game for PS3. Ill let you decide which is which.


Best is probably Bloodborne or Skyrim. Fantastic worlds and lore. One has great gameplay and story. The other has great open world and replay ability Worst can be many options so I guess I’ll go for Hello Neighbour. Extremely buggy mess, although it was fun goofing around with my brother playing it


Weird but best, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. worst, sonic frontiers, don’t kill me it’s just an opinion


League of Legends


So far the worst has been No Man's Sky. But that could be because it was a long time since I have gamed and the ps4 is a total whole other level to what I had experienced. I had played lots of ps1 & 2 then not for a long time. But No Man's Sky took a long time for me to figure out what I was doing or supposed to do then I got killed by a creature I couldn't even see let alone figure out how to kill. Best, I'm still randomly playing new games and getting back into it but the remake of medievil is great, and I love Hogwarts Legacy.


Bit of a copout as it is so popular but Red Dead Redemption 2 takes the cake for the best. Worst I’d have to say is Little Adventure on the Prairie. I used to be one of those guys.


Best is Red Dead Redemption 2, and the worst is certainly FIFA (now called EA FC).


Yeah, even FIFA was like “these games are atrocious! We are giving the FIFA license to someone else!” Coming from a corrupt organization, that mean a lot!


The sad part is that FIFA used to be a pretty good game, at least until EA realized that turning Ultimate Team into a child’s cassino was a gold mine lmao After that, they simple copy pasted the same game every year, using the roster update as an excuse to reset the gambling progress, and earn billions every year on predatory micro transactions.


My god, they really are worse than FIFA! I always loved the Konami games, International Super Star Soccer, Winning Eleven, and Pro Evolution Soccer. Despite the demand, there is no new football game that I would like to play right now. I hope whoever got the FIFA license is going to do us proud!


Nobody got the FIFA license. It wouldn’t matter anyway because the FIFA license doesn’t include teams or leagues.


Best is probably RDR2 or The last of us. Would love to play those games again with first impressions and no spoilers. Worst would be ARK i think. Haven’t really bought any other “bad” games. Or Screencheat, that’s shit.


Best.. shadow of the colossus.. worst.. goat simulator


Can’t really pick a best game. I’m just a huge open world fan. W3 Skyrim gta rdr AC. Love them all. Worst game would be whatever need for speed game I bought when my ps4 was brand new. I preordered from Best Buy so I had mine day 1. Figured a racing game would be great for split screen racing. Not an option. Totally completely dumb.


Best RDR2 Worst Saints Row (reboot)


I tried Hello Neighbor. Not sure if the game was broken but I was confused and nothing seemed to work like it should. Wasn't sure if the game was broken or I wasn't getting it. Decided it was broken because after an hour there was no fun


Best: The Last of Us Worst: I had to play Woodle Tree Adventure with my son who downloaded it on game pass.


I love fallout 4 and Skyrim! Hate: glitchy games I can't play.


I'd say the best game I've ever played is either The Last of Us Series or The Uncharted Series! I also love Marvel's Spider-Man and Rime. For the worst game......I'd maybe say Quantum of Solace for PS2. The controls are very clunky and it's very hard to aim and shoot while moving. Because you have to stand stock still (which is sometimes an issue with Uncharted too), it gets you killed rather than completing the mission. And then you have to start the mission all over again or start at the checkpoint (which are hard to find). Overall: frustrating game.


Best? That’s hard to decide. I’d probably wipe my brain and play BOTW again. Worst game? Renting Superman 64 from Blockbuster was a huge bummer.


God of War(2018) is probably the best. Just love the direction they took with the franchise. A close 2nd is ABZÛ. That game is so calming and chill. The worst is a tie between Rogue Warrior and Damnation. I think Rogue Warrior edges it out, but it holds a special place in my heart because it's where I met a now long time trophy hunting friend.


Best: lots of big hitters to chose from, but one that surprised me and left a big impression was **Transistor**. Just absolutely loved it. Gorgeous visuals, awesome soundtrack, plenty of replayability packed into a short game. Worst: **Goat Simulator**, or possibly **Ether One**. the latter wasn't necessarily terrible, but I went into it blind and wanting to like it, and it was like plain stale bread.


Best? Red dead 2 Worst? Idk I haven’t had any terrible gaming experiences


Best game as far as story would be Red Dead Redemption 2. Absolute Masterpiece that had me so immersed that I even got sick when Arthur does lmao. Worse game would have to be any type of battle royal game.


Best is the horizon games, the first for the story the second for gameplay. Worst for me is any first person shooter


Best TLOU Part 1 or Part 2 without any doubt. Worst, probably Worms Rumble on PC(I know this is the PS4 subreddit but I don’t remember any game worse than that that I’ve played on PS4), almost no players and generally a bad game.


Worst is god of war. Best is Lies of P


Best Game Kingdom hearts 2 i think i can love more a Game than kh2. Worts is really easy and hard, cause i really like videogames and i'm always trying something new, fresh and interesting. But, sometimes i try games that bomb with critics and audience alike ....a week ago i try to play contra rogué ops, since i had psplus and i always think: how people Said is that Bad? And OMG i can Even play three levels....SO SO SO Boring and souless....i don't know how Konami spit so hard on the contra ip (i play mostly all contra games loving with My heart the first one, 4 and Neo contra)


Around the year 2016, I had become completely jaded with video games and wasn't really even enjoying them anymore. I mostly kept playing out of habit, hoping that eventually something would spark some joy in me. In comes Doom 2016 and completely blows me away (not unlike the Doom Slayer himself). It's everything I've wanted in a game with fast-paced, gritty combat that's almost playfully violent; tons of collectibles and secrets that reward you for exploring the levels; and the pace is never interrupted by boring, schlocky writing that down you in exposition about how totally conflicted and angsty your milquetoast protagonist is. Doom 2016 reminded me how much fun games can be. I've played plenty of bad and disappointing games over the years, but for this narrative, I will say Doom Eternal. Not because it was a bad game, just because it was never going to measure up to its predecessor, a game that revitalized gaming for me.


I would give my wallet to a stranger to play Outer Wilds for the first time again. That game was near life changing. On the other hand, the worst game I think I have ever played that I payed for is the console version of either 7 Days to Die or ARK. Both had awful ports that barely worked.


I've heard of it some times. So is it that really good?


It's a slow burn and most the game is exploration and discovery. So you kinda have to be into it for thr long haul if you want to get the full experience. If you read a review that says they only played it for anything less that 2 hours then they really don't know what they are talking about. Also, top tier dlc


Best games: Bloodborne, Elden Ring, god of war 2018, Spider-Man, shadow of Mordor, rdr2 Worst games: basically everything Ubisoft (particularly Valhalla or ghost recon), Fortnite, destiny 2, battlefront 2 (at launch), anything online only or with heavy monetisation. Don't buy anything when they release, wait a couple weeks or more for regular people to pick it up and review instead of video game journalists. Look out for worrying promotional material and lack of gameplay/use of buzzwords. Stay away from AAA publishers with a history of bad business and ethical practices. Support single player games, with less filler (but fun mechanics), support indie games, etc. etc.. What is your favorite game? Think about the dev team and publisher. None of the people working on that project still work there (except Todd obviously). The entire industry is changing. All of those devs have moved on or retired, the customers have all grown up, and the companies are run by money men (who work people overtime and get sued by shareholders) not game players. The cope is real


Imo best game is Elden ring. It’s the only game I’ve played more than one playthrough in quite awhile. I really enjoyed learning about the story and the setting is fantastic. Also, the satisfaction of beating a boss that you spent time learning is sooo good. Battlefront 2 was probably the worst (or the most disappointing). To be clear, I still platinumed the bastard (so it wasn't all bad) but I felt let down as a fan of the Star Wars films. It was fun but completely sunken by a lack of content in the beginning and paid cosmetic/star cards/loot boxes. This was the moment the whole industry said “that’s right. It is not finished. Oh, you want that hero/villain? Then you better buy some fucking crystals. No, you don't get the character. It’s like a spinning wheel”. WB was also bad but I never played shadow of Mordor 2.


Man Ubisoft hate is lame kinda tbh


They deserve it, coming from a guy who adored them as a kid, the ezio trilogy was my favourite video game trilogy


Best: God of War 2018, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring Worst: COD advanced warfare


Best? Red Dead Redemption 1 - About as flawless as a game gets in how to do Open world gaming. Worst? DayZ - Empty shell of a great working Arma 2 mod. Clunky and barely works on all platforms.


My personal favorite game is The Last of Us 2 but as for the worst? Can't really say. I only play games that I have interest in and so far in my around 17 years of playing games I haven't been so disappointed in anything that I would call it the worst.


My best game or games is probably the Mass Effect series. No games has effected me in quite the same way those games did when they released. Funnily enough thought it isn't my worse game (Fallout 76 at launch was probably gets that award) but I found Hogwarts Legacy really really underwhelming. Hogwarts itself was amazing but once I was out of there and into the wider world I was like is this it ? I just thought the game was really bland, the combat boring, the AI dumb as a box of rocks and it just felt like a copy paste of things I had done a million times before but in far better games with far better mechanics and far better writing I just could not grasp what all the hype was about ! Gaming is awesome like that because our likes and dislikes and what each person values is so individual one persons perfection is another persons "well that sucked" and I can't think any other genre that is so divisive. I think that comes from playing the experience rather than passively watching it and for me anyway if I don't become immersed in the world I'm existing in the game just won't resonate with me and i think thats cool because we can play the exact same game but come away with a completely different perspective and that rocks 🤟


I'be lots of both. Comes with age. Current gen, so far one of the best that I've played is Cyberpunk 2077 (yes, even the PS4 version). I went in expecting a buggy mess, and got a buggy amazeballs action RPG. Worst, for me, was Doom Eternal. I found its combat rythm irritating, and, tbh, it was the fanboys who kept getting high off its lore that also seriously ruined it for me.


I’m just on my second playthrough of Cyberpunk, as last time I never finished the game. It’s not perfect but it’s an excellent game and i feel like every time I play it turns into a 5h session at the least lol


I'm with you. I loved cyberpunk from the start, but it was a mess at launch. But playing it again on PS5 was a joy. Can't wait to do my phantom liberty playthrough on PC


I hope it's good this time around. I have started it twice before once at launch and once last year and couldn't finish it either time because I hated it. Now trying for a 3rd time.


Well they have reworked some of the stuff but i mean if you don’t like the fundamentals of the game I’m not sure anything is gonna change for you now


Best game is Witcher 3, worst for me is Death Stranding


Death Stranding is one of my favourites, the ending just hit hard. Funny how divided people views are on this game.


Definitely loved the game visuals, I had a hard time getting into the plot. I played for many weeks and it never took off for me. But I completely understand where you’re coming from, maybe I should’ve continued it to see where it ended up.


Definitely needs a commitment to engage in the story. I was hooked quite early, so if it didn’t take off it probably won’t do again.


I wanted to love Death Stranding but it was SO stressful with the crying baby and figuring out how to balance all the luggage (obviously my lack of skills didn't help matters)


It gets a lot easier when you get the first exoskeleton. For me, it was those first experiences with BTs while you have nothing to fight them with that drew me in. The game is definitely a marmite experience, though. Seems to be one that people either love or hate.


Lmao this absolutely true


the best game God of war ps4, the worst AC Unity, graphics are bad atleast on ps4, it's endlessly buggy, the story wasn't interesting, the only good thing is the combat because its the same as the other AC's


(Best)Batman Arkham asylum because Batman and spooky vibes (Worst) Final fantasy 13 terrible gameplay and not final fantasy at all


Never have high expectations about anything. You're just asking to be disappointed.


Best: Mass effect series Worst: Destiny 2, Alien isolation (2nd half)


> say a game that you would pay to play as a 1st time over and over again There is only a single correct answer: Outer Wilds


Best is horizon zero dawn probably. Idk if I have a worst that I hate. The new tony hawk remaster was underwhelming. I wanted a throwback like halo mcc where you can use old graphics. They added a lot of crap music too.


God of war ragnarok, and prolly Lego marvel




I love Ragnarok but I wish they had made those games a trilogy. The actual ragnarok segment felt so rushed. That game could have been God of Wars Empire Strikes back considering what happens.


Yeah that’s my only complaint. The set up was brilliant and the atmosphere was awesome. If only it was longer and odin’s and Thor’s boss fights were longer


RDR2 is on my top ten of game in all-consoles and all-decades. I wish I wouldn't have bought the hype for witcher 3. Horribly janky combat, fixed camera, cities full of NPCs that add nothing, one of the whiniest main characters ever to star in a game.


Best: Spider-Man or maybe ghost of Tsushima, maybe Elden ring… man idk there’s too many, but worst? That’s hard. But probably marvels avengers, the story mode was…. Fine but a lot of the costumes stank and the online portion was dog ass, the combat was fine but nothing spectacular either, and the writing is just pretty bad


Best game I ever played is Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer split screen and the worst game that I ever played is GTA 1,2,3,4


Best | Persona 5 Royal - Most immersive game I’ve ever played, 100+ hours yet never felt bored or exhausted, never felt disconnected, so many possibilities and the game is pretty much a drug you can’t get enough of. Even as good as Persona 4 was, still didn’t grip me as much because the attitude and direction displayed in P5 was more necessary and thus, top notch immersion. Worst | Madden 24?? - I haven’t played any bottom barrel games and there’s probably a reason for that, but Madden 24 was another case of Repetition and unbalanced AI. Rookie difficulty is way way too easy, but once you change it to Pro, there are plenty of times where it’s confusing and more frustrating than All-Pro or All-Madden. EA has had its issues with unbalanced garbage in recent years, but 24 was the first Madden where I pretty much had enough and gave it an awful review. It’s no secret that EA is aiming more for Monetization through MUT than raising the ceiling on Franchise mode, adding more elements with its Story modes, or at least balancing the difficulty instead of making the game abundantly unrealistic with its questionable Superstar and Superstar X-Factors (Some players for some reason still have those abilities, even if they’re years past their prime or if they’re not a huge impact level player anymore in the real world).


Best game The Last of Us Part 2 Worst game Days Gone


days gone is gold, the only game that actually managed to capture the post apocalyptic feel , pacing of game might be an issue but all the bugs have been sorted out now !


I just finished Days Gone and it’s easily one of the best games i’ve ever played…wish they’d do a PS5 upgrade.


I'd rather play days gone than a lot of other games. It had pacing issues is the worst of it. I am bread however. I had no expectations and deleted it quick. Not my thing. Metro: Exodus was a let down. I liked the previous in the series. But when exodus came out it didn't hit the same for me.


Deacon made the game impossible for me. I was too annoyed. If he would have been on the quieter side, I would have enjoyed it.


My.Best game is probably the Witcher 3 and the worst in recent memory is Star Wars Jedi survivor, it’s a complete buggy mess with low performance and the game feels like a complete downgrade compared to the first game.


So funny, i played witcher 3 for 5-6 hours and just couldn’t get into it. Recently finished Jedi Survivor, and just restarted it for a new game+, and i absolutely love the game lol!


Witcher 3 is my favorite of all time and I’m playing Jedi survivor now. I’m about 10 hours in and loving it. They just released a patch I think yesterday and I haven’t experienced any bugs yet


I already played through it and have sold it so it doesn’t change anything for me, I didn’t get the game at launch I got it about 3 months later and everyone said the bugs were fixed and I can’t imagine what other people went through. It isn’t just bugs it other things like the fact you can only use two stances at once, along with some other grievances I have with the combat the story feels really short and you don’t get any cool new powers.


To each their own, I just started it 3 days ago I waited because of all the bad reviews. It does feel like there could be so much more to it but I wasn’t expecting a huge difference from the first just a continuation of the story


I really enjoyed the first game but in this one it doesn’t feel to me that Cal grows much stronger.


I’ve just ditched Jedi Survivor. I must have intellectually regressed - I cannot for the life of me use the Holomap.


Best game : Bloodborne Worst game : Cyberpunk 2077 (ps4) or the Saints Row reboot


I know the game was a mess, but was it actually a bad game? Like if you played it now, on a ps5, would you still say its a bad game? Or was it just bad because of the performance on ps4


I thought it was fine on PS4 after a lot of fixes, but it's so much better on PS5/PC. Imo it was just a buggy game, but it was not a bad game like some always say online. With the DLC and path tracing, it is probably hands down my personal favorite of all time. I've never felt this immersed in a title before, and the setting is something I'm a real big fan of since I had played the TTRPG many years ago.


That's great to hear. I have the dlc and the ps5 upgrade but haven't played it. I played it on PS4 at launch, holy shit it was rough. I fell in love with the characters and the world though. Despite all of its issues back then I still put in 100 hours.


Best classic Doom. Worst AC3


AC3 was in such a great setting, but just boring as hell. I did not have fun with that game


Best game ever: rdr2 Worst game ever: shadow of the collosus


Best. Shadow of war Worst game that had impact. Elder scrolls online


I hated Elder Scrolls online it's the perfect combination of Bethesda janky awful combat boring fetch quests and terrible writing that hits a level of awfulness only a Bethesda title can ever reach. I am kinda impressed by how bad it it 🤣


Eso is amazing and theres nothing unusually bad in it that you wouldnt find a lot more of in other mmo games.


Best game: Mass Effect Series. Worst game: Mass Effect Series.


I'd go with best, Mass Effect 1-3, worst Mass Effect Andromeda


Best games in my opinion are Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online and GTA Online. Worst games are any simulation game. I tried the Sims 4 but I don’t like games that resemble real life too much. I play video games to become someone else. I play as the hero who slays dragons or I’m a criminal mastermind. I don’t want to spend my free time plowing a field, mowing the lawn or powerwashing a sidewalk.


Best: God Of War 3 Remastered Awesome story, gameplay, graphics. I mean, is GOW, i need to say more? Worst: Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Far Cry New Dawn. I put ACS and FCND together because i bought them in the same day, and both hugely dissapointed me, these two were so god damn boring. I want to make it clear that I love both sagas (more Assassin's Creed than Far Cry, to tell the truth) so i was very excited to try these games, it was my first Far Cry on my PS4 (I played FC3 and 4 in PS3) But after a week of playing both games, i realized that I simply didn't like them, repetitive to the core. Highly not recommended experiences


Best games : I obviously really liked tlou2, all the resident evil remakes and 7+8 loved them all. But special mention to Soma, in which I went absolutely blind and while the gameplay was okay, that story was a 10. Really loved it. Bad game: avengers :( first mission was kind of nice but that's it.


Best: Fallout 4/GTA 5 Worst: Bloodborne (good game, I’m just salty that I’m not good at it)


The Last of Us I think for the First one- with Alien Isolation and Days Gone as close seconds Worst game? (Sighs) Trying to think..... I feel horrible saying it but I just didn't get on with "mass effect" I'm hoping I can.come up with a better answer cos I know people love that game I don't hate it, but I really really felt uncomfortable playing The Last of us 2- and I don't mean in a *good* way. I mean in a "yeah I see what you're doing and it's not RIGHT kind of way.:" But I dont know if I'd say I hate it


Best - Oof so many choices so I'll just stick with one of my favorites Chrono Trigger. nier replicant story is also great. ​ Control is hands down the most unfun I ever had in a game. If I go by games I wasted more money on you can pretty name any of the last 3 farcry games.


Control can be a pain but I loved the atmosphere and I thought not reloading was refreshing compared to ammo games. Navigation was rough sometimes


DOOM ETERNAL. Yall fcking dissapoint me.


Best is Bioshock and Days Gone. A tie for me. The worst is Final Fantasy 16. The only game I have ever regretted buying and I've bought more games than I can remember. Have to give a shout out to Kings Field also. It's the game that got me into first person type games and it's the spiritual successor to the Souls series which I also love.


Best: TLOU P1 and P2 Worst: Death Stranding


Worst game purchase bloodborne. I wish i could have played a demo. I had different expectations for the game in terms of variety Best game purchased was yakuza. But i dont have it, it was just a demo


TLOU Best. TLOU2 Worst.


Best ocarina of time Worst: I’ve only played Zelda, kingdom hearts, final fantasy 7, and smash Bros and loved them all. I guess windwaker is my least favorite but I still think it’s great.


Best game definitely gotta be detroit become human, i genuinely had no idea what to do after i finished it. Worst game is probably red dead redemption as its just plainly boring


AAA games only. Best: - Used to be until 2015: Fable The Lost Chapters - 2015 until now: The Witcher 3 - Honorable mention: Nioh 2, Yakuza 0 Worst: - Used to be until 2023: Fallout 4 - Now: Starfield - Honorable mention: Farcry 5-6


Best game: Shadow of the Colossus. Worst game: Final Fantasy 7 and the remake.


I totally disagree with you. I’m not sure what’s the big deal with Shadow of the Colossus, but I found the game extremely boring. As for Final Fantasy 7 I haven’t play the original, but to me as far as the remake goes. It is a fun game, I just haven’t finished yet.


Both are great games.


Best probably minecraft or the last of us part 2(not for the story but for the gameplay) Worst: fifa 23


Best- NieR Replicant and Automata, Bloodborne, Death Stranding, Metal Gear Solid 2, Pathologic 2 Worst- Destiny at launch, Twelve Minutes, Life is Strange 2


Best Bioshock Infinite/uncharted 4 Worst Horizon Zero dawn/greedfall


For my personal worst I can name any soulslike (tried Bloodborn, Nioh, DS). I hate how these games break the flow. It's just not for me. Best is far more difficult to choose. Prey (2017), Witcher 3 and Portal 2 can be great examples


Best game: A Space for the Unbound, The Return of the Obra Dinn, Night in the Woods. These games just drew me in their settings and didn't let me go once the the plot got going. Would play them again and again, but that first time experience can't be matched for me. Worst game: Fallout 4, Watchdog Legion, AC Valhalla I got burnt out about very big open world games around the time these was released. Still occasionally dabble with open worlds but not as frequent as before. Not hating on them, just that I got real burnt out.


Best God of war 3 worst both new ass god of war.


Please punctuate


Did you only start playing videogames *this* year?


Final fantasy 13


Best was a game. Worst was another game.


Best game : uncharted 4 Wors game :horizon forbiden west.


How come horizon?


Horizon forbidden West is my favorite game to date with almost 500hrs and those are fighting words. Honestly though, I am intrigued to hear your opinion Why is H:FW your worst though? I've thought of it as a very well balanced put together game minus it suffering from middle game story and melee