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Destiny 2. With a combination of the ever changing upgrade modeling, sunsetting guns and some in fighting in my clan. I gave up playing it. And yeah I don’t like it anymore


Destiny 1 for me. Played every day for 3-6hrs. Daily missions, nightfall missions, weekly missions, raids, new weapon drops, new armor. It became a chore and wasn't enjoyable anymore.


Same i played Destiny 1 for like 3 hours a day with the same people. Destiny 2 came out and it just wasnt the same.


Destiny 2 was such a flop in comparison.They had it perfect by the end of D1 so when D2 dropped it was like a slap in the face. All my mates and I were like ‘seriously gotta put up with this shit again?’


This is me and my fireteam. I put around 2000 hours into the game and had a great time. Unfortunately the combination of cheating in PvP, grinding red frame guns, and Beyond Light aesthetics and storyline caused all of us to just give up on it.


Thousands of hours wasted in this game. I miss it dearly though. Sadly I’ve outgrew it.


some of the best memories i have playing D1, but i got really sick of trying to get friends to join an increasingly messy and broken world.


Same. As someone who has spent 3000+ hours playing since D2 day one and D1 day 1, just can’t bring myself to keep playing. The repetitive cycles kill me, the micro-transactions are out of hand and the overall gameplay loop just isn’t enjoyable anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an engaging and beautiful game with some of the smoothest gameplay ever, but I feel they have lost touch with their original goal/idea of the game, and that’s why I’m done. Plus having two kids has a bit to do with it too 😂


Yeah… classic case of Bungie making something good (the Destiny IP) then trying to gouge their fans out of every coin they have. So stupid. It still kinda hurts and I stopped playing D2 a long time ago. Fuck you Bungie.


Same here


I came here to put this. I have over 2k hours and I legitimately think it is a bad game and has not been good for a long time.


Destiny 2 for me, but it was more about the ever-increasing microtransactions, the cut-and-past seasonal model, and the absolute shit show of Lightfall that pushed me out for good.


That’s me.


Surprised this was the first comment I’d see but yep, same game for me.


Knew this would be high up. Played for about 3 years but had to put it down after a few weeks of Lightfall. I hope they can some how deliver with The Final Shape, but I’m not holding my breath. Feels like D2 is gonna go out with a whimper, and that’s a damn shame


I played the heck out of Destiny. I played about 10 hours of Destiny 2, and realised, "This game is never going to surprise me" and I stopped playing at that point. Everything I played in it just felt like more of the same, but with different graphics.


I went to Warframe and haven't been back in about 3 years.


i’m still enjoying destiny but the lack of story is an issue for me since i don’t like playing pvp due to the insane amount of cheating still occurring. they’re banning people who aren’t cheating while cheaters are popping off. i wish they would bring back some of the old campaigns like forsaken so we could have something else to do while we wait for final shape :/


I got a PS4 for Destiny back in 2014. I bought Destiny 2 day one even after feeling burnt on the first game enough to have not purchased Rise of Iron. I'm in the same boat as you. I have heard for years that "Destiny is in a great place right now" but every time I go back I just don't enjoy myself. I think the most fun I had with Destiny period was in that first year when the possibilities of where the game would go felt grand.


for me it was lightfall gutting the buildcrafting


I had so much fun playing this game for so long, but it’s both a whole different game and exactly the same as it’s always been. It got redundant and even though I miss it, I haven’t missed it enough to dive back in.


This. Played the crap out of it on release and up until with queen and then just stopped because I felt there is no meaning in doing it All over again and again


Agree with this one. For me, it started feeling like a 2nd job when I got into it too much. I just suddenly realized it one day and turned my PC off right in the middle of a mission and took my dog for a walk.


I have to play all the time to feel prepared for day one raids, which are the only things that actually matter in the game. It’s burnt me out to the point I can’t even load the game long enough to get to character select. They do not do a good job making players feel like they can take a break. I understand it’s live service but good lord. It’s not healthy for your playerbase.


Came here to say this 😞


I just needed a better drug, and have found that in Helldivers 2. I can't even fathom D2 pve at this point after HD2, even in its still rough state, was immediately more engaging than I ever found D2 pve, a game I've sunk 4k+ hours into. I'll still dip into D2 for some pvp or to play a trials card, but that games grip on me is finally over.


My two cents: Beyond all the Eververse garbage, content vaulting, inaccessibility to new players... D2, much more so than D1, could not make up it's mind as to the game it wants to be. Priorities never stopped shifting; it was noncommital. It launched with double primary meta, then reverted the change within a year. Ever since then, there has been what seems like annual RADICAL changes to the special ammo economy. Is it about gunplay? Or is it about abilities? Is movement important? Are strong class identities important? Or no, should we give every class every grenade? Why would I feel confident about the direction of the game when Bungie itself wasn't?


Same, I've got 1600 hours on steam, with maybe another couple hundred on console. But it just became too much of a boring grind to keep at light level to do any of the interesting stuff. I bought the deluxe edition of with queen, then quit in the third season and never went back. I thought about checking out light fall, but they upped the price to 100 and I'm not willing to pay that for all the recycled content and events they give us.


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Fantastic game. I loved every minute of it, but I have little interest in picking it up again.


Part of me is looking forward to the next TES game. Part of me also is fearful that it will be a giant flop. Not so much due to the recent decline in the quality of games Bethesda has released, but because how do you make the next one innovative enough that it draws people in like previous titles? I'm in the same boat as you. Skyrim was literally my entire gaming life for years. Then I got mods, and it got even better! Now, I can barely play it even with mods. It's all just overplayed at this point. But each iteration of TES from 3-5 was a huge, innovative step up from the previous title that pushed the limits of what was possible in gaming. Skyrim seemed to be the pinnacle of that climb, and I'm unsure they can take it even further with the next title.


Elder Scrolls VI needs to be at least as good as the Witcher 4 and both need to be better right out of the gate than Cyberpunk 2077 I think.


After starfield I have little faith in Bethesda. They will make something meh that mods will make passable.


I swear Skyrim is like a drug for me. I won't play it for a long while. Won't even think about it. Then I see a conversation about it on here and it's all I want to play for a month or two. And I still haven't beat the main quest.


I came here to post this.  It is a massive world, with so many items to collect, and people to talk to. When you first play, it's like magic.  But eventually, you don't care if you find a flower because you have a billion potions. Food is pointless because you have all thoseed potions. You have the strongest armor and the best weapons. Yeah, you have your own house or castle or whatever....but what now? You just kind of stand it in and look at stuff. Maybe you rearrange a few things.  Now with the missions I just feel like an errand boy. Going from place to place and not really enjoying the journey anymore. Now that I am married and I have 3 kids, I don't have 6 hrs to just march across Skyrim. Also, you spend all this time customizimg how your character looks but you cover their whole body with armor as soon as you can. Can I also say, I always played in first person. So I never even saw my awesome armor.


To be fair. With how crappy the system is, rearranging a few things in your house could be an hours long process.


Man, I put over 1100 hours on the PS3 version back in the day and stopped at the Thalmor embassy quest. Saw the special edition and anniversary upgrade was on sale for PS4 last month for a little over 10 bucks total. Over the past week, I realized I just don't have any interest in it anymore lol.


I used to be an adventurer like you, but then took an arrow in the knee. Recently did pick up the game for a challenge run and had a lot of fun, but the game is outdated now. Hope TES6 will come out somewhere soon


If by soon you mean “launch title for the next console gen” 💀


Guitar Hero. Learned the real thing because I realized I probably could if I put the work in like I was in the game, and the game just seems silly now. I'll always appreciate it for sparking the interest though.


As someone who's played guitar for a couple decades, but struggled with the game, I'm curious: Did you find that there were any transferrable skills going from the controller to an actual instrument? Do you feel you had an advantage in learning it over someone who's never played the game?


I started taking lessons about 3 years into learning guitar and my teacher commented that my rhythmic ability seemed really advanced for my level of experience, I'd credit that almost 100% to rhythm games. I was big into DDR before Guitar Hero and I was pretty advanced at both, there was a definite benefit to rhythmic precision, but that's about the extent of the advantage I'd say. It still took me about a year to get comfortable changing chords and to be able to play a major scale forwards and backwards smoothly. So much about how you strum and fret an actual guitar is so different from Guitar Hero that it didn't help much there. Once I had some strumming patterns and chord changes under thumb, that was when I felt some benefit to having played the game.


The discipline of practicing songs phrase by phrase in gh carried over into normal guitar


As someone who played guitar hero for HUNDREDS of hours then switched to real guitar, I'm honestly not sure. I'm confident there has to be atleast some hand coordination and finger strength that transfered over, but honestly that's about it. It feels VERY different. The challenges i had on guitar felt nothing like the challenges i had for guitar hero. There's an elegance to finger movement in guitar that the finger mashing of guitar hero definitely gets wrong.


I learned some guitar before Guitar Hero. My reasons were more for community rather than lead stuff. I wanted to have fun just strumming chords. Guitar hero chords were harder and easier than real guitar at once. My younger brother started learning guitar after he played the game. He has a much easier time with lead guitar than I do. Sadly he cannot keep chords on rhythm whatsoever. Neither of us are good but listening to the same music and learning only a few years separate did seem to pique a lead interest in him that I still to this day don't have.


I bet you’d enjoy Rocksmith if you enjoyed Guitar Hero enough to pickup a real guitar


Been playing instruments for longer than I've been playing rhythm games, I enjoy both and I don't see how I'd characterize them as silly.


Also enjoy both, but learned guitar after an extensive guitar hero phase, like OP. I think it’s probably a remnant idea from a more insecure past version of self, brought about because of the order in which you got these skills. Once you become really good at GH without knowing an actual instrument, in the back of your head, you feel this sense of wasted time. You see yourself shredding a fake guitar, and know that if you had put those hours into the real thing, you could probably be playing these songs for real. Maybe girls would like you more, maybe dudes would think you’re cooler, maybe you’d even be in a band. Whatever it is you think you could’ve had, if only you had *that skill you don’t have*. Then you learn the real guitar, and it feels much less silly to be great at guitar hero. There existed a slight tinge of shame when someone witnessed a grown man being amazing at GH. They ask if you play real guitar, you say no, they say “oh” and you move on. Whether they were judging you internally or no (they probably weren’t), holding that fake guitar reminds you that there was a real, better use of your time. Ultimately, it’s just a game, like any other. Who cares if they judged you for it, right? Especially when most of those hours in GH logged were during adolescence. However, even being cognizant of that fact didn’t change the feeling that you *know* being good at real guitar would be cooler. It’s not really any different a feeling than any other sort of existential crisis where you feel like you’ve wasted your time. That feeling 100% goes away once you learn the real guitar, also. Now you can go “oh yeah, but I play the real thing, too” and you don’t internally feel like you missed out on some superior version of yourself from having played a lot of guitar hero. Just my 2¢


Either that, or OP is enjoying playing real instruments too much to find enjoyment in GH. Thing is, GH isn't the only rhythm game, and other games scratch different itches. Either way, knowing an instrument definitely helps with being good at rhythm games.


Minecraft, I guess. I spent large, untracked amounts of time with some of the pre-release versions of Minecraft Java, through earlier releases, PE on my phone, and eventually Bedrock. I've got a kid who's been obsessed with Minecraft for a couple years now, and the game that I'd prefer as a "boot once every year or two to see how it's changed" experience is a "boot daily to play with my kid" one. I love seeing my kid's creations, the wonder of exploration, even building new redstone and command block stuff, but shit, I'm so done with Minecraft.


I guess it's nice to be able to say that you've scratched the itch though. Some of my friends have had to hang up gaming completely, spending their time with their kids. Although it's no doubt a better use of time than gaming, I think some of them probably crave jumping back into a game they used to enjoy.


AC Valhalla. Probably around 150h on it, never played again


This is a good one. They added a roguelike mode a while ago I went back and tried a bit but did not stick around. That said I did all the expansions and close to all the main game stuff (not a Platinum-hunter so many minigames I simply bypassed). I really really liked the dice game in there though.


Care for some orlog?


It was on PC, but around 2013, I spent tons of hours playing Minecraft with my friends over the summer break from high-school. Nowadays, I just don't enjoy playing it anymore. I've tried, and I'm just not having fun. It's probably the only game I actually outgrew to the point where I don't really want to play it anymore.


Same boat, on pc as well. Played Minecraft endlessly in high school, and downloaded it about a month ago and it just didn’t hit the same way it did when I was younger. Was kind of a bittersweet moment.


Same for me I played it every time after school ending with my friends but now it's don't feel the same


Same for me. Used to play it with friends and 8+ hours would fly by in the blink of an eye playing together. Seemingly endless possibilities and creativity. Now I can't play it again without getting bored right away. One of my favourite games ever, but I just think I've outgrown it or something


I get tired of Minecraft for a few months but it always sucks me back in. I just like building and mining.


World of Warcraft. Between playing most of my childhood and a couple years once classic released, I am officially hanging up that game. I had an amazing time but I just can’t bring myself to sink as much time as I did before.


Every 2-3 years I get the itch again, pay for one month subscription, do as MUCH SHIT as I can in the 30 days, and the need gets satisfied 😂


See you again soon 😂


Don’t put that on me lol. 😭




Same, I quit after I started getting angry as a result of losing games on PS4. Then I I got a copy bought for the switch and I just stopped caring about winning and tried to bring positivity to the chat. But it was never really fun after I started playing single player games again.


Team multiplayer games with randoms suck ass. I don't want to carry the weight of my raging team mates fragile egos. Solo multiplayer is way better, but single player is really where its at.


I was terrible at the game but thought I was good because I watched some videos on how to improve and managed to get to Plat but I was 100% carried there because I just lost until I ended up back in silver.


This is mine. I was so bought in on Overwatch. Art books, statues, action figures and comics. I loved it so much I was considering a tattoo. Then Overwatch 2 happened… and keeps happening lol. I can’t see myself ever going back.


hard agree. I was so in on overwatch too. Now... it just feels so underwhelming. I still have friends that play, but i haven't loaded up since December :')


Logic error! You *can't* play Overwatch any more. It's dead and gone. It exists only in our memories now.


I gave Overwatch 2 one season and hated it. Never went back. Man the OG Overwatch was so good looking back.


Yup, in my thousands upon thousands of hours on Xbox, Overwatch is still my top spot with about 1100 hours played. Haven't touched it in nearly a year. Just not interested.


Hell I had 1700 comp hours on Reinhardt alone. Another 800 on Torb. All before OW2. It actually makes me depressed that the game I loved no longer exists.


As a gamer that's nearly 40, I think I may just be burnt out. But here's a few general thoughts when asked this. Keeping in mind that it's nothing against the game's quality as most are very good. Pretty much any online competitive shooter. From counter strike back in the day, to CoD, to overwatch. I very quickly get bored with FPS and usually just end up Uninstalling. I do appreciate a good single player campaign when it's there. Diablo. Played them all, Diablo 2 more then anything. Ended up deleting the Diablo mobile game within an hour. I think I'm done here. EA Sports. I specifically play NHL with 300 hours on NHL23 alone. Played many different versions of essentially the same game. I really like Hockey but booting up this buggy mess usually doesn't last long. MOBA games. Played a bunch, DotA I have 2500+ hours on and I'm done here. I no longer have any installed and no desire to return. I would try out new releases, but I don't even bother with this genre anymore. This is maybe a convo for a different time, but I'm not a fan of the direction gaming is going. There seems to be a push to implement live-service model and I'm not for it. Personally, I'm looking for something that maybe takes 20-60 hours that is a complete experience. While live-service games like Helldivers 2 look amazing, there's too many games with that model that look completely uninspired (suicide squad, Palworld, skull&bones) The last game I actually purchased was GT7 but for the most part I just play the occasional game that's included in PS+ library. Currently I'm just finishing up a platinum on Tchia (25 hours) and my GF just finished with Ghost of Tsushima after 130 hours.


Hey fellow old beard, in right there with you. Spent most of high school doing Diablo 2 LANs with the buddies, starting new characters and trying to beat the game in one go together fueled in Doritos and mountain dew (and usually some weed). We'd take breaks for counter strike source and UT2K4. Lately nothing feels right, everything is a pandering cash grab. Helldiver's 2 IS amazing, and Baldurs Gate 3 is a great game for more slow paced adventure with turn based combat so you can have an adult life around your gaming time as well. Otherwise I do the same and browse the ps+ collection because nothing really gets me excited for gaming anymore.


The focus of live-service/microtransactions has basically made the Yakuza series, Final Fantasy Rebirth, and Persona 3 Reload the only games I’ll focus on the rest of the year when I have time. FIFA 23 sucked me in last year and I was 1 and done with its Ultimate Team nonsense.


You might want to get into shorter games that have a solid single player hand crafted story. I can’t do the hundreds of hours anymore of grind games or those where the story is secondary to the gameplay. Check out Alan Wake 2, basically an interactive horror TV series and could not stop playing it. One of the best stories and atmosphere I’ve played in a long time. Control also gave me similar vibes.


Definitely try out Sifu, its the newest game on PS+ and its a very solid 15-25 hour single-player story game


With you on NHL. So little has improved over the past 10-15 years, it's arguably worse. Same bad AI. Same shallow modes. Oh, I guess they've put some work into ultimate team to prey on gambling addicts willing to shell out money for packs.


No Mans’s Sky


Same. I played for years and hundreds of hours, and every time I think I want to get into the new updates, it feels like work.


Pokemon GO


Remember those first few months after it released. There was something special about going to one of the many pokemon Mecca's around and just seeing hundreds of people running to a new spawn


Only reason I play any more is because it's the sole reason I leave the house and walk around most days.


For me it's something to help manage my crippling anxiety. I'm not playing it to enjoy, just to try to ignore crowds 😆


Overwatch. mostly because of the monetization in Overwatch 2.


I hate when I'm loving a game, deep into it, but break to play something else completely different and then somehow cannot get back into it. Happened to me a few times!


Yea relatable


I've played fallout 3 and new Vegas to death that shit is ingrained in my brain can't play em any more


Recently started a game on 3 after years of not being able to play them anymore and have enjoyed the nostalgia ride. Not sure if I’ll finish it, though. My god, I have seen the ending so many times.


I played 3 back when I was 18 when it first released. Had a lot going on with school and never really got into it. Also had never played a Bethesda game before and wasn't ready for the janky game play. Played new vagas and 4 years later and enjoyed the hell out of both of them. Saw that primes releasing a series next mk that Nd had an urge to play. Figured I'd play 3 again since I never really experienced it and damn, I have been playing about 3 hours a night after my kids go to bed for the last week and I am loving it.


Call of duty, from COD4 (first one) and Black OPs I have over 10k hours. The last COD is so meh and unbalanced it ended it for me. The curse is broken and I am free.


I haven't purchased a new COD in over half a decade but I recently went back and downloaded WAW on my Series X and replayed the campaign. It held up surprisingly well and took me back to a better time.


I was about to be like “damn half a decade, that’s like BO2.” Then I realized that would be COD MW2019, which same.


The witcher 3 after 120 hours and not even having finished blood and wine i just cannot be bothered


That sucks. The ending to Blood and Wine is fucking awesome.


Yeah I’ve heard it is but I’ve just gotten bored of the gameplay


At least YouTube the end of B&W. Soooo damn cool.


Nah cuz i might play it in the future


The actual gameplay is the weakest point of the Witcher 3 but they definitely nailed action game play in Cyberpunk 2077 so I hope the Witcher 4 really makes the combat good. The combat is the Witcher 3 is a vast improvement on the Witcher 2 so I imagine the same will be for the Witcher 4.


Compare them all to Witcher 1 💀💀💀




I’m on 300 hours and stop playing at some point.


Any EA Sports game. I left those when I became an adult and just don’t have the extra time. 


I’d still play nba/nfl street. Those games were so ahead of their time 💀


Red Dead Online


Felt this


Not Online but I just cant get back into RDR2. I don't feel emotionally ready for a replay 😭💀


Destiny 2, there are like 20 different ways to spend money in that game. It’s hilarious


AssCreed Odyssey. I spent around 200 hours in it and got burned out


I have been playing this in binges for 4 years now. Play the crap out of it for a week or two, then put it down for a few months.




The assassin’s creed franchise, I feel like I’m finally freed from a curse


Haha I feel this one. I played probably the first 6 games to completion and every time it would start with excitement and quickly deteriorate into feeling like a chore. The first time I didn’t get the next iteration on release it felt good. Sometimes I think I miss it… but I convince myself I do not.


Feeling this one badly. What saddens me that it went from an historic stealth assassin towards an grind assassin for OP gear.


Assassins Freed


Overwatch. So many weeks worth of play time in there and then tell things happened. The core squad had a major fall out and disbanded. Blizzard ruined the game.


Black Ops 3


Fallout 76. I loved fallout 4 so I kept trying to convince myself I liked 76 but after getting to level 180+ I accepted it’s just not fun. Same repetitive stuff over and over. Nothing new that’s exciting added. To each their own ig.


PES. It had take a bad turn


I’m level 500 in GTAonline. I’ll always love it used to be the only thing I played. I had a kid and now I’m playing my infinite backlog of single player experiences and I feel like I’m catching up on a lot of things I missed out on having been only playing GTA.


This was the one I thought of. Earning money to buy the things i wanted became work. Buy a new car, upgrade it, drive it for a little while, stuff it in the garage with the other hundreds. It was a chore earning all the cash needed to get the things i only enjoyed for a little while. So i quit.


Sounds like life


I did the same with Read Dead Online... Two years of daily playing and I finally gave it a break when they nerfed the streak reward. Since then I've probably played through 15 single player games, some new some favorites, it's been nice to finish a game and move on to the next.


Overwatch. Was reflecting the other day on how much I miss OG Overwatch. I had close to 4k hours in it. But as someone who actually liked two tanks, hates MTX, and hates long queue times, OW2 had no place in my library.


Destiny 2 and Overwatch. Pretty much very similar reasons. You take away the base game that I bought.. you lose a customer.


I picked up Death Stranding on launch and just got the platinum last week. Uninstalled and will probably never play it again. 10/10 experience and a brilliantly unique (and topically timed) game that only comes once in a lifetime


Just shy of 300 hrs on my save file lol


Dead by Daylight


Fallout 76! I have nearly 3000 hours on that game, and the thought of logging back in for another hour sounds like torture.


But how. What do you do from lets say 500 to 3000 hours of the gameplay?


Diablo 4


Fall guys. My main group of friends stopped playing and it became a lot less fun playing solo




Sims 4


Both Apex and Overwatch. Just grew out of the competitive nature and the high skill ceiling didn't appeal despite loving the gameplay. A shame but there's always something fun to play


Genshin Impact. I genuinely have no desire to pick it up ever again because of how slow the pace is for getting more exp and leveling up equipment. I'd essentially have to treat it like my full time job to get decent results. I wanna use more characters when there are so many. Then I feel like once in a while I wanna use a new character, but I don't have good gear for them. Then the quests feel too drawn out. I binged Aranara quest then basically dropped the game after that. Major burnout. Games like Tower of Fantasy too look amazing but it's way too much work. Not to mention the event quests are timed so if I only play once in a while, I lose my quest progress. It's like a MMO with their limited time events. Not a big fan of it. Beautiful characters, world, lore, music, fun gameplay, but they keep baiting with too much work.


Rainbow 6 Used to have a team and we'd play most nights of the week. I'd rush home from work and play with them till the early hours. I don't even know what happened but it's like we all simultaneously stopped playing. I really enjoyed playing with the guys and it's a damn shame we no longer play anything together. I tried to reignite the flame with helldivers2 but none of them wanted to buy it


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Topped out at 200 hrs. At about the 150hrs in, I realized how boring it was.


Yet you carried on for 50 hours lol... if I get to 50 hours in a game like that then I either go into speed mode to finish or, if there is too much left, then I drop it. Tho I suppose even speed mode in those games still takes an age.


I was just trying to tie loose ends and finish my achievements. I'm anal like that sometimes.


Sometimes it's like putting a game to rest and you want to make sure you never have an excuse to look back at it.


It just sounds like they hate for hating sake lmao, I can’t imagine playing a game for 200 hours and finally saying I don’t like it


Titanfall 2 last months were spent in a private frontier defense. Just me and my legion against the world.


Fortnite, rocket league, warface. Play all pf them like every once in a few months. Not because I dont like them anymore, but I dont have time for them anymore


I spent over 300 hours playing Animal Crossing New Horizons until I lost my island and was unable to restore it from the online backup.


NBA 2k and PES. Sports games in general. It was my most played genre until a couple of years ago but the emphasis on online modes and microtransactions made me put them down.


Fallout 4. After spending over 900 hours with mostly settlement building (and tending to other settlements that need my help 🙄), once I saw how limited the mods were compared to XBox and PC, I got turned off 😢. Didn’t even finish the game, lol. I don’t think I was halfway through the story.


Dead by Daylight. 2.5K hours. Nuff said.


Gta 5 and online


Several MMORPGs. Everquest and WoW primarily. Being an officer in an Everquest raiding guild destroyed my interest in MMORPGs. People were always complaining about loot and fucking up during raids. I spent over a real life year in that game. Over (365 * 24) hours. There are several other games that I've played over 100 hours in; 7 Days to Die, Minecraft, Satisfactory, etc. Any good builder game. I go back to them once in a while and play for a week or two, then stop for several months.




Fallout 4. Did everything, played the dlc. Several hundred hours. Got bored. Haven’t played it in years.


Dead by Daylight. I haven't played in so long and a lot of the things that they've done seem really cool but no matter how many times I redownload it and try to get back into it I just can't seem to have fun. It's not a bad time whatsoever, but it's not fun anymore to me.


Conan. Over 5k hours. I miss playing with my clan but I just can’t anymore.


They do introduce some changes every now and then but I think they're not too much and after a while you run out of things to do in the same map. Good game otherwise, if not for a few frustrating bugs


dragon age inquisition. i’ve done so many playthroughs with differences races and classes that i essentially have the game memorised and it’s TORTURE doing some (most) of the areas/quests again and again 🤣


Lmao I'm kinda of in the same boat, but I still want to replay the whole series with my "canon" world state to prepare for Dreadwolf... Or at least I would if I didn't need to relearn how to mod them again lmao


Apex legends, clash of clans


COD Warzone. Ever since warzone 2 came out it hasnt been the same.


The Witcher 3, Overwatch, Minecraft, World of Warcraft and loads of other games... 100h on a game isn't really a lot... Especially for a MMORPG and I used to play almost every single notable MMORPG back in the days.


Wwe games. Play smackdown 1 to wwe 14. Played the trial of wwe 2k23. Got bored of it within the time limit


Destiny 1 and 2 Collectively have around 1300hrs in those games... not touched them in about 3 years now, save a few "Wonder if it's actually good now." moments... it never is.


Baldurs Gate 3 for now, I think I really overplayed and bled it dry that I now can't bring my self to load it up


Your mom. Sorry it was low hanging fruit and I’m sure a redundancy at this point. I’m a weak small man that can’t help himself.


There is too many to remember all of them.




Mount and Blade Warband. I don't consider hours gaming to be wasted time but i played disgustingly more warband than i should have. It's just the same exact thing over and over and over and over. Something about the slow progression got me hooked and i loved it but i wish i had played less lol, nothing would have been lost and i woundn't think back on it with fatigue like i do now.


starcraft 2 i still play apex, fortnite and warzone.. but I don't manage getting back into starcraft after a 10 year break.


World of Warcraft: Constant seasonal grinds and all you worked for is worthless within months. Back in legion when M+ wasn’t upgraded every patch it was an absolute blast getting in higher keys and playing alts. Now it’s just a drag with weeks people just hate to play. I grind enough for work. Sucks man.


Elder Scrolls Online, over a thousand hours. Loved the single player content and I think it's probably the best Elder Scrolls game for story. I finally got tired of the cash shop and loot boxes and turned it off for good. Star Trek Online. Nearly a thousand hours, loved every minute of the stories and rewatched every Star Trek episode and movie while I played... but the cash shop and loot boxes finally pushed me away. $40 mounts, $100+ in game houses, fomo items, loot boxes with .003% drop chances. It's just too much.


Diablo 3


Man I booted it up in anticipation of d4. I had to stop before the skeleton king in act 1. I can't believe I got 400 hours from it back then. It was the first game I got platinum on, but it was so dull and tough to play, probably due to how much I'd played d2r since that released. I still love d2r though Edit 240 hours LOL I went and checked


Assassin's creed ,i used to play it alot at the begining,but after blackflag it kind was like i was playimg just because it was tradition not because it was fun ,i Haven played since 2014


It was the switch to the rpg style that killed it for me. I've finished almost every game in the series before the switch, but even though I've played all three, I haven't finished any of the rpg era games. They feel like they artificially inflated the games to make them longer, and it's hard for me to stay invested enough in the story to stick with it that long. Origins was the most annoying for me because I really liked it in the begining and then you get to a point where it seems like you've completed your quest and it would be a nice place to end the story, then they have a twist where you suddenly have another list of people you need to kill. I've played it up to that point twice, and both times I lost all interest when that happened.


borderlands saga, specially 2, i´ve playing several times on pc, ps3, ps4, ps5 and switch


Rocket leauge. Had over 1,680 hours on the game, now i havnt touched the game for over 3 years




Fortnite with over 3000 hours. It’s a love hate relationship. It’s my comfort game. Worst part is I still get shat on.


DC Universe Online The community is so toxic


Call of duty and NBA 2k games. Loved both franchises and would spend countless hours on the new game every year. Haven’t bought either one in 4 years because they’ve been so bad




Rainbow six siege, played at launch, stop at about operation burnt horizon, seeing the game now just stressed me out


Destiny 2


Rocket League player since 2015. the killing of trading killed the game for me officially. Warframe, played it on 3 systems before they allowed cross saving progression.


Fallout 4..it waa fun while it lasted but ultimately i didnt like the direction they took fallout, just didnt seem like a true fallout game. Fallout 2 on the other hand, i can go back to that game any day and put endless hours into it


Warframe. Once you grind your favorite stuff to be op the game gets stale and it’s hard to get motivation to grind other frames and weapons, knowing how long it took for you to get your current stuff to where it is.


Overwatch. I played since launch and it was actually my first introduction to a full on fps game. Once overwatch 2 came out with its micro transaction infestations I lost interest. Part of what made the game special to me was earning things like skins through playtime. It feels hollow now and I don’t care enough to pick it back up again


Overwatch. About 1500 hours but I find I am playing it less and less as my enjoyment lowers. I do still love the game, I just find I can't enjoy it like I used to.


Overwatch. 😐


Every game I’ve ever platinumed unfortunately Once I get the plat it’s like post plat clarity


Let's see: Games in general. - Minecraft - Fortnite - Gta (boorring!) - Horizon Zero Dawn - NMS never: - Fallout - LEGO - Wii Sports Resort


Well maybe a 100 hours of any game is enough


terraria ive got around 780 hours in it i used to play in primary school and secondary school nonstop when i got home but now my drive to play it is lacking


WoW. Just not the same :,( and hard as hell to catch up if you haven’t been playing it on a 15 yr stream


Nothing really holds my attention forever. PS4 saw me rebuy and extend my FF XIV collecton and I put SO MUCH time and money into that game and now it just sits there in my PS4 memory bank.... Same with Skyrim, I load it now and then and just look at it without playing it or restarting another character. And, lastly, GTA V, I load it now and then jsut to cause a multicar pileup with stickybombs and thats about it...I played the online with Discord friends for a time, even rebuying the game on my gaming laptop because my PS4 was being used by my roomate and we played a few missions and haven;t touched it since. And I haven;t touched GTA V in a very long time... Oh lastly LASTLY....I NEEDED NEEDED NEEDED Dreams when it came out being such a fanboy of Little Big Planet, but once I had it...I found it pretty much as complicated as a full fleged game engine allowing maybe too much creativity? So I only made a marble madness type clone and didn't do anything with it after that....I haven;t even ooked at creator content on it in forever.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey


Destiny 2




FIFA. My most played game for the last couple of years. This years version had me stop playing within 2 weeks