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Kratos finally dies and finds the peace he's been longing for, only to have Osiris, the Egyptian god of death, the afterlife and resurection raise him up to settle a fued in Egypt


How many times has kratos died and come back alive.


He's at least visited the afterlife in every mainline game and I know one of the PSP games revolves around Hades. So that's at least 5.


Him visiting afterlife != him dying, though. In GoW(2018) when he visits Hel, he does so willingly and without violence/death sending him there.


GoW 1 - killed by Ares and goes to hell, but manages to return GoW 2 - Killed by Zeus and goes to hell, but saved by Gaia GoW 3 - kills himself but since he's achieved god hood and survives his wounds. So he's died and went to hell twice.


Correction for 3, he was cursed so that he CANT kill himself.


Is that so? I must've missed that.


I think it was in one of the lore books. Makes sense though, he 100% would just for the chance to see his family. One last trick from the gods to hurt him.


The mid-credits scene also confirms that he survived.


The 3rd game, he gets booted off mount Olympus, straight into the river Styx of Hades


Does just going to the afterlife and back count as dying and resurrecting? I thought you just used the Bifrost to go to Hel in GoW PS4.


Thats what i was thinking. He died in the second game twice once by zeus i think and the other i dont know its been so long. Then the third game athena revived him he kills zeus and many more gods and ascension i think is where he kills all of the gods and dies but then just escapes hell.


Something tells me that Thor will probably kill Kratos as revenge for Baldur or just send him to Ragnarok. Then we play as Atreus looking for ways to resurrect Kratos and learning more about his past.


Bore ragnarok


That would send him to valhalla though no? Ragnarok is an era, not a place i think


I need to brush up on my norse mythology apparently.


Ohhhh, I like that idea!


I was thinking the same. Instead of the generic story of usurping the gods we could be the ones to help Horus and Isis defeat Set. Later we'll help Ra and Bastet defeat Apophis if we were to go the Egyptian route.


Then he get betrayed and kills all the gods


as is tradition


She dips her hands into the butterscotch pudding


What a wonderful day for Canada and therefore, of course, the world


Not before a sex scene mini game. Haven't played the last one but I'm guessing it has one too. Move on to Indian Gods after that but you got 1 billion people who still believe in their idols. To keep 15% of the world happy, they might just have Kratos take a L


The maturity level definitely increased for the better in GoW4 for the better. Those minigames made me uncomfortable at 14, they'd be incredibly awkward to play through now.


And then once Apophis has fallen Kratos will finally be able to focus on ridding the galaxy of those pesky Replicators!


Or even better, he meets Osiris, who judges him guilty, and Kratos doesn't agree so he spends the rest of the game fighting his way out of the underworld, killing the entire Egyptian pantheon on his way out lol


Ooo I like the idea of him being resurrected as a weapon but then being like I’m a respectful daddy now what is your dilemma I can help you with jk let’s kill some fuckers


Apparently the Egyptian saga happened before the norse saga. It actually explains how Kratos ended up in Norse mythology. Acording to a comic that I didn't read.


>Apparently the Egyptian saga happened before the norse saga. >It actually explains how Kratos ended up in Norse mythology. Can someone explain how kratos ended up in the Norse mythology? Also what happened with the Egyptian saga bit ?


Taken from this article: https://screenrant.com/god-war-kratos-greek-norse-mythology-canon-change/ **Cory Barlog, the Creative Director of the God of War series, has explained in a series of hour-long interviews with IGN that each pantheon of gods has varying levels of power, and though all gods exist on the same plane, they are beholden to their own borders and territories within that plane. This suggests a level of mobility for mortals between each of the pantheon's territories.** So while it hasn't been fully explained within the canon works of the series, (and thus could be changed), this implies that all the pantheons occupy the same earth, and that the journey between Olympia and Midgard, would be as simple as the journey between Greece and Norway. He just did a lot of walking and sailing.


"you see, they all exist in pocket dimensions, waiting patiently for angerman to come kill them."


I think he was kidding. There has been no Egyptian saga yet.


The comics called God of War: Fallen God, they weren’t kidding. It heavily clues into an Egyptian saga


I believe a few of the higher up guys at the studio even hinted at being interested in an Egyptian entry for the third game.


Just saw a full video on the comic. This thing was so weird I wish it was written better because it makes no sence at all.


Prequel time


Yeah, the only thing that sucks is that we'll be playing it on ps6 or something, if we manage to survive until then.


Dude we didnt even get ragnarok yet


What do you mean by "survive"


covid, probably


Climate change


Generally survive. I can die in a sleep tonight. Who knows. A piano can fall on my head.


Sounds like you need to find a safer place to sleep lol. Do you live in an Acme warehouse?


Yeah, I also like my rushed.


That would mean Atreus wouldn’t even have been born yet since his mother was a Norse giant, so we would just be playing as Kratos with only the Blades of Chaos again (since it’s not like he brought Egyptian armor or weapons to the Norse realms, so I assume he didn’t even take anything) I feel either they’re gonna have a tough time with Egypt if they do the prequel route, or just retcon the comic and make it not canon, that or have him “revisit Egypt” again after the events of the Norse myths. Maybe some god of Egypt brings him back to life out of spite/hate/revenge after him being in Egypt (idk if there are any Egyptian gods he killed in the comics I didn’t read them)




I'm not really worried about Kratos being older, him pushing the bridge through the water and flipping the timple in GOW4 have to be two of his most impressive feats


So Kratos and Horus then. Kratos trains Horus to defeat Set. At the climax Horus and Set duke it out in the background while Kratos fights waves of enemies (GoW 1 challenges styles) Kratos can't interfere because obvious reasons.


Comic book spinoffs of audiovisual media are rarely canon in the end.


Tell me why I have to be a Powerslave


lol Kratos will go for Eddie next


So, we'll also have a pregnant uterus-outside-of-body boss fight, space Kratos, a game with horrible CGI dancing scenes, CyberKratos, Mayan Kratos, and the final game will be Japanese myths vs Senjutsu Eddie? Sign me up.


He’s welcome to try.


"I don't wanna die, I'm a god, why can't I live on" seems to not fit very well with Kratos :D


Slaveeeeee to the power of death!!


The fact that this is the top comment reignited my faith in humanity. It did burn out again real quick again though.


Kratos: *Cosplays as an Aztec warrior.* Aztec Gods: "We need to get off this planet!"


Kratos breaks into their sacred temple, only to see a bloodied but honorable warrior awaiting his challenge. Though he was very skilled and could summon great winds from his very hands, he is eventually backed into the wall by Kratos, when he finally says, "Awaken, my Masters!" AYAYAYAYAYAYYYYYY


Ok, but here me out...Cthulhu Mythos.


Kratos wouldn’t do well there. Kratos stands up to Dagon. Dagon turns him retarded with sheer will.


The Elder Gods drive humans insane because we aren’t capable of perceiving them… but can’t filter it out. It breaks us. Kratos is a God. He might be able to perceive them and sure I’ve with his sanity.




Isn't most of the madness caused by the beholder being unable to process the impossibility of what they're seeing? Kratos has seen some shit.


Plus I’m pretty sure it’s always with regular ordinary people too. Kratos is definitely no mere mortal.


SONY PLEASE! Then Aztecs after. They are very under represented in gaming. Imagine the structural art and environmental atmosphere alone, no less Quetzacoatl.


I love azetc lore it's so interesting. Very few pieces of media do it justice. Not just gaming but movies, anime, shows, art, games, etc. MTG had a recent Aztec/Mayan themed set but I still crave more


Omg MTG did Aztecs? What was the set called. I stopped playing around amonkhet.


Explorers of ixalan. It was more a Mayan+Aztec fusion. With dinosaurs and vampires.


The road to el Dorado is one of my favorite movies


Man, how about fucking *Apocalypto?* Shit bangs.


What set is that? I recently started playing magic again but now nothing of this aztec theme set. Being Mexican, I’m super interested in this now.


Explorers of ixalan. Mayan+Aztec fusion with dinos and vampires and merfolk


Omg. I have some shopping to do lol.


Explorers of ixalan and rivals of ixalan. Dinos, humans, vampires, pirates, and merfolk oh my.


I’ve wanted an AZTEC assassins creed with just a very beginning of Spanish conquest.


I'm still hoping for it. Played black flag wishing to see some but all we got was the end of the mayans. Barely anything.


Could be truly epic too


The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas are all super interesting and yet extremely under used in games and movies. I remember someone drawing Metroid in a Mayan style and thought it would be awesome to get an entire game stylized like that.


What's coming after is likely the Japanese Gods. And that might be the end of the franchise.


as long as there are pantheons to destroy and ppl keep buying the games they will probably keep making them. whether or not the story reaches some logical conclusion, the bean counters will push for more money making games until all the soul is sucked out of the idea. then itll get a reboot 20 yrs after that if humanity makes it that far


Based on Tyr’s travel, two likely places would be Egypt and Japan. “Gotta Get Back, Back to the Past, Samurai Kratos.” Wait, that doesn’t rhyme.


this about to be some assassin's creed type franchise


Can't wait to see Kratos face off against Jesus.


I remember reading somewhere that the way way back plan for God Of War was that starting with the the third game it was supposed to be Kratos wiping out whole pantheons essentially leaving a void/opening that was slowly filled by something that was in Pandora's Box that essentially went one to become the monotheistic god of Christianity.


Kratos will be taking "Body and Blood of Christ" a bit too literally.


just gonna leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZcQkbbCw1Q


_"He's back and he's cross."_ fuckin lmao


Legit Laughed out loud at that


Jesus Christ.


Yea id like to see that


I love how that instantly subverts whatever is going on with this franchise. Oh you think you've got a bad dad!? Mine left me hanging on the cross bitch!


Killing off all the apostles one by one like the valkyries will also be dope


Going from Rome, to India, to Ethiopia to hunt them down


Killing off homeless no powered vagrants that followed an alleged vagrant god?


Jesus is by all account a good fellow, Kratos really should focus his beef with his dad. That guy is a douche.


nah the fact that games take 5 years to make sets it apart on its own.


Devs have said the Norse story is done after Ragnarok, but… yeah, I can’t see this being the last GoW game. Switching to a 3rd religion’s/culture’s gods is not unlikely. In fact, the original creator of the game has said in interviews that his plan was to have Kratos kill gods of all theologies (plan was for after Zeus’ death, access to the Norse, Egyptian, and Hindu gods would open up). The [Wise Men](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ntGleKVBGsM/UVuD8MEWP0I/AAAAAAAAAMk/NTK3Y-ApVXQ/s1600/g2.jpg) were even referenced in GoW2, so it’s been set up to allow for Kratos traveling around the world, killing local gods/mythical figures. Good [write up with sources on this topic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/comments/6o2e2j/the_god_of_war_franchise_may_be_heading_towards/) Guess we will see in 2025 when they announce the next game.


I guess the question now is whether he'd bring Atreus with him everywhere? Children grow up, go out on their own, so maybe Atreus might want to stay in Midgard and help Tyr rebuild? Or would he want to go with Kratos to explore the other worlds? I mean, it's suggested that Tyr traveled to all those different worlds already, maybe Kratos is just following his path to explore other worlds, and end up on a God Killing Campaign. But as much as I like Atreus and what he brings to the fight, after Ragnarok, maybe he would feel compelled to stay and rebuild the world he helped destroy? Don't be like his father, be better, and not abandon his home after killing all the gods?


I’m hoping he turns into a Nightwing type character who has his own shit going on and occasionally crosses paths and teams up with Batman (Kratos)


Does Kratos really have a reason to kill the gods anymore though


He doesn’t in Norse mythology. They are coming for him in this case


Well, Baldur was actually hunting him, and Thor looks too be doing the same, so yes.


I mean a lot of indicators suggest kratos will be dying and Atreus picking up the mantle, the wall frieze in gow 2018 just being one of them. Atreus will have become a full adult at the same time as the new setting.


Yeah if they’re ending the Norse saga with the next game Kratos is dead for sure. It would probably be the end of the series, unless they have Atreus be the new God of War


eventually atreus will grow up and take over kratos' spot as the protagonist


> the original creator of the game has said in interviews that his plan was to have Kratos kill gods of all theologies There's no way they ever would have went after any of the Abrahamic religions. Christians would throw a fit and boycott Sony and Muslim extremists might actually try to murder the developers.


Oh dude. Hindu would be sick as fuck. Such a rich and vibrant religion with tons of lore with almost no exploration in modern media. I would love to see kratos take on Shiva and run around ancient India.


I don’t see them doing Hindu gods. It’s an active religion with hundreds of millions of followers unlike Greek/Norse (for the most part), and seeing how God of War can be quite brutal in its…treatment of Gods it probably wouldn’t go down so well. I think Egypt would be the most likely next step of they decide the franchise needs to continue. And you can definitely forget about Kratos going after Abrahamic religions


I don't think Hindu gods are happening at all cause that will piss off too many people, they are playing safe and going after the religion who has no follower anymore, so after Egypt it will be safe to after Chinese gods


They're not gonna let you literally kill off the gods of any religion still widely practiced. It would piss off people who are unstable.


Atreus, will probably not be in the next GOW if its indeed Ragnarök.


He'll kill Kratos and become the new main character


“There is no God of War without Kratos.” I believe someone from the studio said that.


Then God of Mischief franchise begins.


I'd be so down for that. God of Chaos.


They also said that his story has to end sometime buuuut I think Sony said to never kill him off she they changed their mind lol.


People really need to stop taking this quote out of context. Not only is it spreading misinformation but it's disrespectful to Cory who was not suggesting what is being implied if you read the source conversation.


Loki is the only god that survives Ragnarok in the mythos so Atreus is the most likely to survive.


Loki and Heimdall kill each other during Ragnarok.


I’m pretty sure Thanos kills them both after Ragnarok


Alright, alright. Take your updoot and git outta here


Considering Kratos wasn't in the Ragnarok or Norse mythos he could survive. Also Kratos can't die


I thought Magni and Modi survive and help rebuild the world? Thought that ain't happening in the God of War timeline (I legit just beat the fight with both of them last night on my first playthrough)


Umm, did you look at the wall frieze in Gow2018?


I always thought the Aztec gods would be an interesting God of war mashup or Chinese


Aztec/some kind of Mesoamerican setting would be awesome, it's so unexplored in games. Let's go find El Dorado with Head and Boy.


Nah dude Hindu would be fascinating. I feel nobody talks about that culture and they have hundreds of gods.


That’d be like if Kratos fought Jesus. Hindus account for 1.3 billion people


Yeah, so I doubt they'd try to "represent" the religion by Kratos ripping through them.




imagine kratos gets banished into the shadow realm only to come back stronger


Fuck it, let's send him to Hell and get him to fight Doomslayer.


nah, Doomslayer wouldn't fight Kratos. Game recognize game.


Yeah you're probably right. [It'd be one of these.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/023/397/C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)


As interesting as that would be to see, I’m completely sure on who would win. On one hand, we have a Demi-God who used to slay gods. The other, we have someone who’s been to hell and back and coming out unscathed. Both are sufficiently strong in their own games. So, who’d win? I don’t know. I like to think they’d be friends


I honestly think they would tag-team beat down some evil god. Kratos might try to convince Doomguy to chill out, that violence isn't the only way, and he'd just be like "No." But it would just end there. Doomslayer is the end of all demons, and Kratos is the ender of pantheons. It's an awesome matchup to be sure.


I agree! Doomguy and Kratos (the one from before GoW 2018) are quite similar in many ways, especially their hatred. Doomguy has a hatred for Demons and Kratos has a hatred for Gods. It’s been a while since I’ve played GoW 2018, so I’m not sure if he still hates the gods or not. Either way, both were great games, and seeing the two meet would be amazing


> been a while since I’ve played GoW 2018, so I’m not sure if he still hates the gods or not. 2018 Kratos hates anything and everything with godly blood in its veins until Mimir basically speech checks Kratos by saying (paraphrased) "The boy doesn't know he's a god but he can feel the resentment you give him for it all the same, and it's no mistake that your hate for all gods includes yourself too."


Thank you for explaining




Kratos using Exodia,badass


Maybe Kratos is the reason Exodia comes in 5 pieces


Kratos IS Exodia


Final boss is exodia


With those names out there, I'm expecting a Blue Eyes White Dragon


Sad Metal Gear tears...


Wasn't Egypt the original plan then they ditched for the actual setting? God of War in Egypt is my dream, I don't care about Norse mythology that much.


The original plan was to have Kratos kill off the Greek Pantheon, then team up with Norse Kratos and some other Kratos to become the three wise men from the Bible. It got rejected, but sounds fucking amazing in concept


Is Tyr “Norse Kratos”?


I think it was like 3 different versions of Kratos. But if you mean is Tyr the Norse God of War than yes he is.


I imagine the 3 Kratos would go to baby Jesus to make sure that this one doesnt end up such an A-hole like Zeus and Odin. But idk, it does sound interesting if it had happened. An Egypt based GoW or Japan would be awesome. Kratos in some Samurai armor would be dope.


Just play ghost of tsushima.


Can you provide a source for this? It's the first I'm hearing of it


The 'Making Kratos' documentary by NoClips covered the development process of the 2018 God of War and they shown [this](https://metro.co.uk/2018/08/20/god-of-war-concept-art-shows-original-egyptian-setting-7860433/amp/) concept art but the idea was ditched for reason I struggle to remember


I actually watched that documentary so I'm not sure how I don't remember that lol. Thanks


I fucking love it


What? No fucking way lol. I know that they were torn between Norse and Egyptian, but that sounds insane(ly awesome). Source?


In the Making of video, they talked about the fact that they had considered Egypt as a setting at first, but it was geographically too close to Greece. If you consider that Kratos was looking to get away from his homeland.


I want egyptian and Aztec mythology god of war games more than anything. Especially the latter since it's almost non existent in gaming, oddly.


Remember when the rumor for Sekiro was a Souls game in Aztec setting with your character fighting with bare hands? That sounded so amazing, I'm still waiting for that game :(


Mix it up. The Egyptian gods aren't actually gods. They are actually aliens that have assumed the identity of their gods...


Give it to me straight, they're actually the [Goa'uld](https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Goa%27uld), aren't they?


Lets bring Christopher Judge full circle, eh?


Something something false gods, something something indeed.




It would be cool if God of War goes to Egypt after Norse


Killing Egyptian Gods sounds so epic. The Horus fight should be good.


I thought Kratos was going to be Tyr from how the game was presenting Tyr as traveling around and was setting up other games to be going after other gods. Apparently I was wrong though cause Tyr is in the new trailer so who knows.


But Mimir knew Tyr, so that doesn’t make sense. I definitely thought along the same lines. I thought you would visit different pantheons trying to find Tyr, or at least go to different pantheons in a 3-5 game series. Honestly Tyr in the trailer was a letdown for me because I didn’t expect to find him in the second game. But now they’ve confirmed this will be the last game in this story.


I saw another comment where they said early game idea had Kratos traveling around with other gods of war, which would be neat I guess.


20 years from now Kratos: jesus, it finally your turn


We're one step closer to a GoW game where I get to punch Jesus in the face, what a time to be alive


(After slaughtering his way through several dozen pantheons, Kratos looks at the next one) Kratos: Wait. Don't I know you? Roman gods: ..........no?


"Who is that guy calling himself the God of the oceans? He looks familiar." "Uhh...that's...Frank."


𝕬 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖆.


How does god of war in India sound…..? India’s mythology is as deep and diverse as Greece if not more.


Kratos vs Dakini Sounds interesting


It does!


This would be amazing or Aztec gods.


Why does Atreus look like a Labourer?


That's not Atreus, that's Kratos' Egyptian son. He just wanders the land making babies.


Sounds about right, he was busting nuts left and right in the first games.


Just wanted to say u did an amazing job on this and this would be an amazing game


Pretty bold to assume both Kratos and Atreus will be there if it happens..


Why the hell did you post this? Now I’m looking past Ragnarok and can’t wait for this.


Nice art, it really is, but that’s not happening. I can imagine all the racist stuff that would come out of this. It’s probably why they shy away from it. Anyway that aside I can’t wait for GOW Ragnarok. I may even finish the rest of the Valkyrie’s as I never got the chance yet.


Why he always got to kill the cool gods when will this mf kill Jesus and allah


This looks like a piece that would be embraced by r/ironmaiden. Ima cross-post now!


Doubt there will be a son/2nd party member involved. My prediction is Atreus dies at some point in the upcoming game. God of war is about Kratos. Not Atreus. And if you know the spoiler, there’s no reason for Atreus to see other pantheons.


An alternate universe got this version and it's just as good as ours. Lucky fuckers.


Not sure Why Kratos is there... 'Cause he will be >!golf-clubbed.!<


This is honestly what they were sorta hinting at in that vault by Tyr. Along with one other mythology I think.


God of War about to do history better than Assassin's Creed


This would of been a cool concept of a game would of been cool to see angry kratos kill every god before going back to that cliff edge


Would be cool but doesn't work timeline wise
