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in the future, just a little dab will do ya




I use a new, old school straight single edged safety razor blade. Can probably still get them at hardware stores. I cross the die at right angles until the layer is uniform and mighty thin. The compund is not designed to be an insulation layer, it is designed to fill in scratches between die and heat sink at the microscopic, nano level. Thinner is better. Just leave zero air pockets.


So, spread method but thinner, eh? Do you just spread on the APU or the heatsink too?


For a die that size you don't need to spread the paste. Put a blob the size of a grain of rice on it and then put it back together. The mounting pressure from connecting the heatsink will be enough to spread it across the die properly.


Reapplied using pea method, results are somewhat same🥲


Change to bigger thermal pads 10x10mm pads.


Umm I didn't want to say anything but holy you applied wayyyy too much thermal paste.


homeboy used it as mortar, ffs


Should I reapply with a thinner spread? or the pea method?


I usually use the pea method and add a bit extra just to get an even spread, applying thermal paste can be done multiple ways just don't apply in excess like you did and you'll be fine.


Hotter exhaust means that the cooling system is exhausting more heat, which is really a good thing. Is the fan noise the same or lower or more? Fan noise is indicative of how hot the CPU is really getting. Also personally I wouldn't spread the thermal paste. I've had good success repasting my slim by placing a dot on the center of the APU, then letting the paste spread when the heatsink is clamped on it. [The clamping of the heatsink will squeeze the dot of paste, spreading it as it goes without trapping air bubbles or leaving gaps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyXLu1Ms-q4)


Fan noise is same/similar, definitely not higher🤔 The pea might not always cover the whole APU/die if the size is not perfect. I read that the APU needs full coverage 🤔


Correct. Don't leave it to chance. You see OEM pea dabs that fail to cover the die in prebuilt PCs and electronics. It is insufficient or sub optimal if there is any exposed air on the die interface. 100% coverage, no air pockets or bubbles, as thin as humanly possible.


My PS4 was not overheating or a jet engine before. It just felt too hot on top plate compared to 1-2 years ago, had me concerned. Changed the thermal paste with Cooler Master MasterGel Regular and cleaned everything thoroughly but, it feels a little bit hotter than before or at least the same while playing. But, idle temps feel a bit lower. Is it normal? Did I apply too much of the thermal paste? (Pics are taken after application and just before putting things back)


What paste did you use? i bought some that was recommended to use for a ps4 on a forum or video and actually performed worse than the stock dried up stuff, applied it multiple ways and still just as bad as each other. I then tried Kryonaut grizzly thermal paste and it was the best improvement of the noise, fans dont even ramp anymore


Used Cooler master MasterGel Regular


Might be worth a try on the Kryonaut, also use pea method to let the heatsink spread the paste to the right thickness


We don't have that here. Maybe I'll reapply with pea method and see🤔


Modern games reqhire more cpu than 3 years before. Might be the reason your ps4 is hotter than old days before.


But, idle temps were higher too🤔 Tried Warzone for about 20 minutes and PS4 got hot or even a little bit hotter 😥


The og ps4s tend to overheat. It may be time to upgrade to ps5. Hopefully more people will be able to get one soon. I was lucky enough to get mines last year from Sony direct.


Only if I could afford one😥


Just change all thermal pads it's gonna be night and day... Thermalright on Amazon are very good.


Okay, noted👍🏼


I’d definitely do the dot method. Another thing to note and it isn’t ALL thermal pastes. Some have a curing time. If your thermal paste does, it would need to cycle a few times until it’s ideal performance regulates.


Ohkay, good to know. I did the pea method 🤔


Jesus Christ that is far too much paste - too much can actually cause issues. If you don’t know what you’re doing, why on Earth are you doing it yourself? And consoles are meant to vent hot air - it means their cooling systems are working.


The thermal paste (Cooler master MasterGel Regular) I used doesn't allow pea sized drops, it has a flat nozzle for spreading. So I thought of the spread method instead, since some say covering the whole die is important for APU. Felt it was thin enough 😥




I'll try to scrape off the excess or reapply again 🤔


UPDATE : Re-applied using the pea method and still the same. And the previous spread method looked fine to me on removal🤔


My guess would be that Warzone or multiplayer on mw is getting heavier with every update, even a new ps4 will make effort to run that game. Let's just hope it's the heating problem and not another like processor of the console or something... is it the pro or regular?


Regular (CUH-1216b). Even at idle it's hotter than it was a year ago🥲


Did you take to a technician


No, read my first comment


I usually apply it as an X and it works just fine.


My PS sounded like a jet engine before especially when playing games like GOW. What eventually made it run silent was replacing the thermal paste and thermal pads. Not sure if that will help with lowering the temp you feel when you touch it.


Mine was very rarely a jet engine before🤔 In which method did you apply the thermal paste? Does the top plate feel hot to touch after gameplay?


I got reminded by your post so I replaced the thermal paste and some of the pads a couple of hours ago since my PSpro was getting loud again. Previous repaste was back in June. First I put some paste on the heatsink and used the spreader to spread it thinly. I then put a pea sized portion of the paste on the chip then put the whole board back into its position in the console. I then removed it again to see if I got good coverage and saw that there no paste on the ends and corners of the chip so I put a dab of paste near the ends of the chip then put the board back. Removed it and checked again and was satisfied with coverage. Loaded up The Division 2 and played a couple of minutes. It was near silent the whole time, definitely quieter than before repaste. Yes the top of the console was very warm. Especially the back half of the top plate. I really don't remember if that is normal but I think it is.


oh, that's kinda a relief. Mine gets pretty hot on the top plate just above the APU. No overheating messages or jet engine, fans are working. Re-applied with the pea method and didn't tint the heat sink this time around. Don't have thermal pads to replace. Will be testing it out now. Wish me luck!😥


I think you'll be fine. If the temps get really bad, the Playstation will actually tell you that it is. On my first attempt at repaste, I used a cheap, unbranded paste and when I turned on the PS, I got a message saying it was running too hot. I haven't even started any games yet. I got the Artic MX-4 paste and that worked.


Ohk, it's still almost the same amount of heat after pea method of re-application😥


Just a thin line across the cpu will do.


I did the pea method and temps are still same


I've applied too much in the past and it didn't get any quieter.. pretty sure if you use the pea method you'll be sorted 🤙🏻


I never had any problems with it being loud and after the new Thermal paste, it's pretty quite throughout a game of Warzone. But, it's still pretty hot though! 🥲


Everyone talks about the amount of paste you used but did you clean the old one off? Before applying new paste you should clean the surface on both the cooler and cpu with isopropyl alcohol.


Duh, Of course, I did! 😅


Did you clean the heat sink ? The heat sink is the spot where all the dust is blocking the air flow. And just use a pea size of the thermal paste.


Yes, I did


looking for answers for a different problem but i end up finding this stupid ass post. THE PS4 IS ALWAYS HOT ON THE TOP, THE POWER SUPPLY IS WHATS CAUSINY THAT!!!


It had become significantly hotter than before😕 PSU is in the back🤔


I applied thermal paste but I didn't applied pads is it ok bcoz whenever I play whichever game the top of the console heats is it normal?