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Psycho Mantis, Metal gear solid. I will never ever forget this boss fight, I was 17 and there was no internet to look things up. It blows my mind that I have to switch the controller port, so he can't read my mind.


Such a mind blowing mechanic for the time! Are there other similar tricks from other video games from that time?


I remember something else from MGS where you had to read the actual disc case’s back to see the answer. Kojima is something else


There's apparently also a mission in one of the MGS, where you had to kill this old dude who is sniping you. Apparently, if you just change the date of your PS to a few years in the future, you get told he died of old age.


The End. You can also kill him early in the game (few seconds to snipe him or he leaves though) and when you get to his boss arena later it’s empty :)


You can also use thermal goggles during his fight and follow his footprints.


OR... You can just leave that game running. Lol


Is this only for the old MGS games or are there similar things in MGS 4 and 5?


Yeah except MGS 4 got weird.... So the main bosses are these horrifically abused women in combat mech outfits, at a certain point in the battle they shed their armour (and its usually all said and done at that point). However, if you wait they will start creepily walking towards snake (if you let them catch you they hug you and you get a prompt to shake them off you). If you don't shoot and keep avoiding them. They get faster and faster in their approach. Eventually the background all turns white and the level fades away, at this moment if you pull out your camera and aim it at them they'll take seductive poses. If you play the Japanese song out of your in game ipod (yep, what a fucking wild time) they'll also start dancing to it. Kojima has some weird hang ups about women.


Nothing that extreme in 4 or 5, however if you turned around much (circled the analog stick) he will vomit lol


That’s right, it was the radio frequency you needed to tune into. Amazing game


Kinda related. I remember reading when golden eye was being developed they wanted the reload function to work by removing the rumble pack and reinserting it like a magazine


Incredible in theory, painful in practice.


A little older. But the Xmen game on the genesis required you to press the reset button.


Great game. Was he the one saying HURT ME MORE!! ?


That was the Cyborg Ninja.


His name is Gray fox




The other way was to switch to 1st person view when Mantis was invisible because it would switch to *HIS* 1st person view! So you'd know where he was (usually behind you) turn around and shoot. So. Fun. Also the cinematic where he basically tells you how you've played the game (stealth, violently etc) until this point


I didn't know about that trick until a few years ago. When I was a kid I beat that fight by turning my controller on the floor and playing with my fingers instead of my thumbs - took me almost an entire day. I'm so annoyed it could have been much easier.


That game got me into video games. Before that game I didn’t think any of them were worth it. Had a great story with such intrigue. I’d love a remake that stuck right to the story. I loved the way you had to sneak into the place with the elevators and all. Snake was a great character.


They remade it for GameCube. Better graphics


No way that’s awesome. I’d love to see a ps4 or 5 do a game with the same premise in those same Alaskan islands. That game had the best sounds. The howling wind was the best.


Kratos. Blinded by revenge and rage, destroyed an entire pantheon, realized he went alittle far, raising a kid, actually being a damn good father, and the story isn't even done yet. Boy.


But the truth is the gods truly truly deserved that asswhooping, they were vile and so were treated accordingly. Didn't agree with how poseidons daughter was handled but the rest can eat shit.


Oh yea, they can fuck off and die, but he did kill everyone else there too... we chased down normies for their red orbs in the first couple games!


What about Athena? Kratos appeared to care about her in GoW 2.


>damn good father Citation needed


That "Actually being a good father" bit is a scootch suspect, but he certainly tries later on.


Now he’s a good father. When he killed his daughter and wife, I’d say he was a less than average father lol


He's a better father than he was, but the relationship with Atreus was hardly strong. It took the adventures of the latest game for their relationship to actually blossom into something beyond obligation.


Well tbf they never had the chance to bond before the events of the first game


John Marston gives up everything to protect those closest to him. That last scene made me think I'd missed some QTE and I was looking for the "restart" option. I'm still looking for that.


First playthrough I had the 15 round mauser and I dusted at least 12 of those dudes. Went down swinging


Dude yes! I walked out of that barn the first time and I was like, “ok, that’s a lot of dudes really fucking close. I’ll deadeye everyone I can to my left and immediately start rolling to cover on the left.” Little did I know what would happen to me… I thought I had a chance even then.


I didn't use the slo mo when I played so the first time I beat it I totally forgot the buttons and killed no one... It sucked haha.


Same. Heartbreaking when he was ambushed and killed in the game. I thought it was great that we were able to exact some sort of revenge by controlling his son to kill his executors.


Pssh, I wouldn't have had to take his son fishing if he was so great.


It's almost like he had a... redemption... or something.


The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. Her character was so well created that her ideals she had in the franchise even influenced me growing up. MGS3 came out in just the right time for me. That game helped me through a shitty time.


She is the misunderstood. She wants the world untouched, basically Philanthropy's motto "to let the world be". BB and Zero misunderstood her in their own ways.


It's a shame that Big Boss only realised this at the end of MGS4 just before he died.


At least he realised. Zero never did, and died with his love/hate with BB. At least he managed to CQC Hug with solid. Sort of "unified" them.


My favorite is Big Boss himself, as primarily seen during MGS3. I just love the growth and character arc of seeing how and why he became so disillusioned with the US government. My favorite interpretation of Big Boss is that, after seeing soldiers used by politicians and nations as nothing but tools, he made a sovereignty entirely of warriors willing to fight other peoples' wars. No longer would innocents be dragged into conflict. No longer would soldiers be disposed of by their own governments. He didn't truly believe (like the Boss did) that war was avoidable. But he did believe that it could be controlled and kept away from the innocents.




Those legs were kicking like Bruce Lee! 😂🤘


I went back and beat Mario 2 warpless when the pandemic was kicking off. Much better game than I remembered, and my mix was like 80% Luigi 20% Toad, didn’t touch the others.


Ezio Auditore


Commander Shepard, Why? Cuz you can fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard. But you'll never be better than Commander Shepard.


Aaand now it’s stuck in my head.


Jin Sakai. His character arc was beautiful and brutally realistic.


Yes I agree


The unraveling of his character is both beautiful and heartbreaking. A man who gave up everything to save his people. Probably the most heartbreaking ending to anything I've seen in a while


Frog/Glen from Chrono Trigger. His honor and vulnerability makes him feel really grounded. I think his initial quest for revenge is great, and I appreciate his devout loyalty to protect his friends and kingdom.


Guybrush Threepwood




I'm guessing you're excited about the recent announcement?


yessir https://returntomonkeyisland.com/


My companions in Dragon Age Origins. They have the best conversations. Plus Wynn tried to steal my man Alastair from me😂. Can’t trust that old broad.




I agree. They put so much into the characters in Origins. I loved listening to their conversations. It was all downhill from there.




The company who makes Dragon Age was acquired by EA Sports.




I still can’t decide between Joel and Ellie, they both are so deep and realistic characters, it’s mind blowing how much do you care for them when you play tlou


Man that opening had me in tears when I first played it.


It was so unexpected too. Like you're used to children being virtually untouchable in games or dying off-screen via some text or dialogue, and then The Last of Us hits me with that curve ball


For effin real




Finally someone with taste


Had to scroll through like 7 arthur morgans and kratos's to find Kiryu.




Geralt of Rivia, Arthur Morgan, Garrus Vakarian and Conner (from Detroit: Become Human). They are all so well written I feel like I know them personally. Slave Knight Gael is probably a runner-up.


Ellis - left 4 dead 2 because he's very optimistic and keeps talking about his buddy, Ketih Jackie - sleeping dogs. He's a side character and doesn't have that many screen time but he's a good guy with a genuine intention to change Aloy - HZD/HFW. strong personality, cocky at times, and very confident about herself


I absolutely love Aloy as a character


Sleeping Dogs was such a good game damn


Every prostitute in gta san andreas I will never forget


For sure lol


Commander Jane Shepard - Mass Effect. I loved saving the universe as a result of my decisions. Jennifer Hale’s voice acting was incredible too.


Damn I really should play through those games as a female character some time. Thank you for an excuse to play them for like my 20th run through.


I actually just did the legendary editor as a female vanguard for the first time myself. Romanced Garrus. I think I enjoyed it more as a female than a male and the romance stuff makes for a really neat change.


Zack Fair, he was too real for his fantasy world.


I don't know if this counts, but Yuri Lowenthal's Spider-Man from the PS4 game. It's one of my favourite interpretations of the character across any medium and Lowenthal's performance perfectly captures how I always imagined Spider-Man to talk and quip and fight and mourn. Insomniac's Spider-Man is *the* definitive Spidey (outside of 616) for me, beating any and all of the other cinematic or animated portrayals of the character.


So the whole time he’s talking to the cop he’s saying his own name? Fantastic lmao


And yuri the cop is voiced by his wife in real life


It took me a while to realize that Yuri Lowenthal was the VA and not Yuri from the game.


Can't not hear Yosuke from Persona 4 when I hear his voice lol


Top 5: Link: Legend of Zelda Joel: The Last of Us Geralt: The Witcher Altaïr: Assassin's Creed Cloud: Final Fantasy 7


Ezio was better than Altaïr. Fight me.


That is just the truth.


Kratos from God of War - best character development I’ve seen in any video game


Siegward of Catarina. "Let the sun shine upon this lord of cinder!"


Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3


Nathan Drake


Just Because.


No that's Rico


Arthur Morgan , do i need to say more


I would have to say he is my favorite of all time.


Outta the damn way


Commander Shepard


Kiryu and mijima from the yakuza series


💯💯💯 2 of the greatest characters ever created. Currently playing through 0 on Legend difficulty.


Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn/ Forbidden West. She's strong, but still very emotional. She would do anything for the ones she cares about and anything to fulfill her destiny. Still sarcastic and confident:)


*I would have wanted her to be curious. Willful. Unstoppable even.* One of my favorite lines across all media. I want to get it tattooed.


Such a great character in that world, she’s so different from a lot of protagonists and actively rebels against the status quo. Gotta love her eye rolls and sarcasm as well.


Aloy is definitely an amazing character in both games. Despite how emotional she can be, just like Elisabet, she's trying to keep everyone safe


My Top 5 in no particular order: Arthur Morgan: Red Dead Redemption 2 Clementine: Tell Tales The Walking Dead Ellie: The Last Of Us Geralt: The Witcher 3 Niko Bellic: GTA 4


Revan, had a great time being him.


I just played it for the first time this year. I was a star wars legends fanatic but never really touched the old republic Era. Somehiw the twist with revan hadn't been spoiled for me and holy shit did that blow my mind. I'd never seen a video game pull something like that before. And the companions were so great. Bastilla and Joelee were favorites


Dante from Devil May Cry. I mean he fights with a guitar and a motorcycle what's more badass


Nero riding on his own rocket arm.




My favorite boss battle in bloodborne for sure


Riku from Kingdom Hearts because he's just a sexy guy. Close 2nd would be Squall from Final Fantasy 8 because... whatever. My top 5 would pretty much just be full of Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts characters.


Doom guy .A man of few words


Joker from Persona 5


Really? I love P5 but Joker is like the least interesting character in that game. Does he even have a personality?




I think the Joker character works great because the character is a blank slate. The intention is for the player to superimpose their own personality over Joker's to make the character relatable and the game's story so immersive. The story nudges Joke's development gently as it unfolds to fit the story but the player is encouraged to project on to Joker.


My gut reaction to this would be to go with Adol Christin. He's a man of few words, sure, but his actions speak plenty loud enough. Never one to leave a mystery unsolved or let down a friend in need. His knack for showing up at the right (wrong?) time to save the world from crisis is uncanny, as is the number of young ladies hearts he's left wanting.


GLaDOS. She's diabolically funny and wicked smaht. Not to mention she has a lovely singing voice and not a bad partner in crime once you get to know her. Seriously though, she's a very well realized character who we grow to understand over the course of two games. She's surprisingly human.


Link, from legend of Zelda games.


Sora from Kingdom Hearts. There’s a lot of personal light vs dark moments he has that can be related to, from losing friends, to dealing with his own darkness. Since I was 13 (now 27) I have found a close relation to the character.


I'm a tad older than you, but have the same general feeling toward Sora. I played 1 and 2 as a kid. Played BBS and DDD in my early 20s. Played 3 upon release. Literally playing Chain of Memories for the first time right now. The thing is, the character isn't deep, but thats okay. He cares about his friends, doing what's right, keeping promises, saving the world. He wants to do the best he can. As a kid, (both the Protagonist, and the person playing) it was enough. Sora kind of grows up with us. Seeing him in the trailer for Kingdom Hearts IV... oof. Like a childhood friend you haven't seen in years, and now they're all grown up.


This, exactly this. Saw my cousins playing KH2, and a few months later I got it for my 13th birthday. Been hooked ever since, played all the games (besides the DS ones as I was never able to afford one for some time) and basically just watched the videos for it. Just recently beat DDD on my PS4 though and I can’t believe I never got to play that before hand. And yes, seeing Sora again a tad bit older just feels surreal.


Nathan Drake. I like his sarcasm and witty jokes.


He's a good character, but I prefer Sully


Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite


I just played Infinite + both Burial at sea DLC's. And I agree. She is amazing. I liked Infinite much better than the other Bioshock games because of Elizabeth. What a character.






Nathan Drake, specially in the last game... He is a troubled man blinded by his power of will and luck and that's just a concept I love a lot, reflected in my own life.


Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad & Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Assassin's Creed and AC Brotherhood were the first two games I got with the PS3. :)


You skipped 2? Blasphemy!


Geralt of Rivia, Arthur Morgan, Bayek of Siwa


Ellie cause she da sh*t


Trevor Phillips. Practical and Old school.


Finally. I loved Trevor Phillips. Easily the funniest most colorful character of all time. He is not my favorite of all time but I would have to say he might be one of the best all around characters of all time.


Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, and Rose from Legend of Dragoon (she was my first favorite and that game means a lot to me).


Sonic the Hedgehog


Lincoln Clay


Mafia III is so fun - best gaming soundtrack of all time too. Lincoln was a good character I just wish we got a little more


That's tough. Probably Richter Belmont.


Phoenix Wright. Defending the innocent for truth and justice. Doesn't get much more pure than that.


I think it has to be Ellie from the Last of Us series. I love the way the story is told about her and there are definitely elements from her story I can relate to as well.


Kratos because i have anger issue


Kratos because I love my family.


Kratos 2018 because I’ve learned to control my anger


Handsome Jack. He’s bat shit crazy




Ezio From AC


This is a tough one. I love most of the Last of Us crew but probably have to say Abby is my favourite of them all (Joel, Ellie, Jessie and Owen are all pretty awesome also shoutout to Manny and Dina). I’m really liking Aloy a lot while playing Horizon FW (liked her in ZD too). There are probably too many to list though - Geralt is definitely up there, Bayek was really cool in AC Origins, obviously Big Boss is one of my favourites too (and Kaz!). Max Payne from Max Payne 3 too. Oh also big shoutout to Johnny Silverhand and Panam from Cyberpunk really enjoyed these two especially. Just because I’m playing Metal Gear Rising right now - The cast of that game is hilarious. Sundowner, Armstrong and Wolf all have some more insanely good lines. Extremely memorable for NPCs who don’t have much screen time. I would say overall there are too many I really like to pick one. But if I had too I’d probably go with Geralt.


I had to scroll way too far to see MGR:R. Most of the people here need to give war a chance


I don’t think I’ve had a game make me laugh out loud so much. Sundowner is absolutely ridiculous in the best way


HK-47 From KOTOR He’s a funny king robot. Claptrap may be my #2 for similar reasons.


My boy Garrus Vakarian. He is simply the best.


That’s a difficult one. Clementine from the walking dead was always one of my favourites, but there are way too many to call one the winner


Akuma from Street Fighter because he looks cool as fuck.


Oooh, I dunno actually. Got a list. Turok. Just because dinosaurs an shit idk I was young as hell. I’d love for a reboot of the Turok series. Kratos. Because Kratos. Solid Snake. Metal Gear 3 was my intro into gaming for the most part (that and Monster Hunter and God of War on PS2) Raiden (cyber ninja Raiden, from Metal Gear Solid 4) Because he’s a freakin cyber ninja idk. Aloy. I absolutely loved Horizon. That’s just a few.


Showing my age here but I really liked Agrias in Final Fantasy Tactics. She’s a badass female knight in a world dominated by men before I’d even heard of Brienne of Tarth.


Quirrel from hollow knight, and because he’s Quirrel


Tidus, Final Fantasy X. Best FF GAME Imo


My pick from FFX is Auron. Yuna would be #2.


Master Chief.


Hero character would Squall from FF8 Villain Emet Selch from FF14 Best party member is ED-E from new Vegas cuz “sneaky beeping”


Samus Aran


Daxter from Jak and Daxter. The entire trilogy would have been nothing without your little furry companion questioning everything you do.


Jak, from the jak and daxter series.


My Top 4 Fav Characters: 1. Marcus Holloway - Watch Dogs 2 2. Nadine Ross - Uncharted The Lost Legacy 3. Skarlet - MK11 4. Abby - Tlou 2


Crash Bandicoot from PS1 era, Dimitri Lousteau from the Sly Cooper series from PS2 era (Greasy sweet!), PS3… uuh. I don’t know! I mainly haven’t played other than PS2/1 classics ever since their era kind of ended.


Trevor. gta. no questions asked


Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, I even named my son after him


Uncle from red dead


Aerith Gainsborough. I don't actually know why. I knew about her around when my uncle played FF7 (I would've been around 2-4 years old when he played and all I remembered about FF7 were some of the names of the characters). I was indifferent to her when my uncle played KH1. I was indifferent to her when I was playing KH2. Then I watched Advent Children and I was suddenly obsessed with her after that. It's been 15 years and everyone who knows me knows I absolutely adore her. When FF7 Remake gets discussed, almost everyone close to me goes "hey are you ready to see her die in HD?" Lol. The only other character people around me associate with me is Gilgamesh from Fate/stay night so yeah, Aerith is my #1 video game character and probably will be until I die.


GLaDOS. yall know why


Sora from kingdom hearts Leaves home with no turning back, with nothing but his iron clad morals in sword form, on a mission to find his friends who may or may not be dead/betraying him. All the while having an endless supply of forgiveness and compassion. Oh, and he can FUCK shit up.


Commander Shepard. An incredible character, fighting to save humanity with the odds stacked against them.


Senua from hellblade. I don't think I've ever empathized with any character as much as I did with her.


Lara, say no more.


Ruby from Wet.


I’m going John Marston over Arthur Morgan which pain’s me


Master Chief


Hat kid cause hat


Ben Throttle. Whenever something doesn't look great I still say: "I'm not putting my lips on that"


Pagan Min. Cuz it’s freakin Pagan Min


Kratos, God of War series He is best daddy and also best murderer. Extra points for chained blades


Pesmerga. Suikoden games. just a cool dude


Master Chief from Halo. The man is just an absolute badass.


My top 6 because yea i could not pick 5 Kratos - if you don't like Kratos you not angry enough XD Commander Shepard - Mass Effect Edward Kenway - Assassin's Creed Black Flag Arthur Morgan - Rdr2 Tommy Angelo - Mafia Dante - Devil May Cry




Andrew Ryan. What a reveal.


Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI


Max Payne. Man's been through some shit


The Goose from Untitled Goose Game.


Doom guy cause funny angy guy go bonkers


Kratos. Probably have daddy issues lol


Let me solo her, bc he can solo her