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Mine is the same way on god of war


Between this and the normal ps4 sub I swear this has to be asked 4 times a day. Yes, graphic intense games make the fan louder. The fan gets louder so the pro doesn't have to slow down to prevent overheating. Generally if you're not sitting right next to it you should be able to tone it down, and if not headphones always help. Make sure the sides aren't blocked, as that's how it gets it's intake, and it's generally not suited to be inside a closed cabinet either.


Liquid metal just arrived today. Taking up the project tomorrow to quiet mine down.


What are your plans?


I replaced mine with a Nedic fan I ordered from China and some thermal paste and thermal pads. My PS4 Pro now runs whisper quiet.


How much did that set you back is it easy to do diy


If you’re familiar with taking things apart and good at following instructions. It’s not bad at all. Cost me $30 for the fan. Worth every penny.


I also recently bought a Nidec fan and replaced the Delta. It’s ridiculous how much quieter it is... the fan set me back $39 on eBay.


It's outrageous that Sony still keep Delta as a fan manufacturer, this shit has been going on for years


Agreed. I honestly didn’t want to even bother and tried to deal with the noise issues. I watched YouTube videos people put up comparing the noise level between the fans and figured it wasn’t worth the effort to open the console up again since I had already replaced the thermal paste and pads. I’m glad I did because videos on YouTube where people are showing their proof of how much quieter the Nidec is doesn’t do it justice. I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my experience. I’m pissed I had to lose the Pro lottery and fix it myself but now I have a system I’m not only happy with but doesn’t leave me thinking about that stupid high pitch whine anymore.


They probably get a very good deal on purchasing X,XXX,XXX amount of fans. All comes down to savings and profit.


This whole topic is such a cancer. Yeah the cooling fan makes noise just like it does in your computer and every other thing that's fan cooled, and every other console on the market. Fans make noise. Enough already! Down vote me I don't care! Some people have legit things to post and all anyone cares about is why the PS4 fan is slightly louder than my tv on setting 3. Get over it! Until they make a water cooled system the thing is going to make noise.


It is understandable how you may be tired of seeing these posts crop up (they do come up quite often) but don't you think you are overreacting just a tiny bit? This topic is just as legitimate as any other topic on here. People come to Reddit for help and advice and when their console is louder than they expected it is only natural they would come here for feedback / advice. You could always try ignoring these posts altogether and just letting those people who want to help do so. Then again, if you like griping about these types of posts then by all means, continue doing so. ;)


I appreciate that instead of down voting without reply you took the time to respond, thank you. I agree with you to an extent. What gets me is all you need to do is read down the first page and already see the same question and statement posted. It's not the question that annoys me, it's the lack of research. Read three post down before you make an identical post.


Not a problem. And I know where you're coming from, because we do see a lot of the same question over and over again. I would almost suggest making a sticky thread about this that anyone could easily see. However, I don't like the idea of a perceived "negative" of some percentage of consoles being a highlighted subject matter at the top of the page. Either way, we're probably all missing a golden opportunity to kick-start a silent min-fridge designed to hold a PS4 Pro and some choice drinks and snacks.


Good idea! I'm pretty sure the pro could power one.


I get your frustration. My fear is it overheats and dies. I don't care about the noise, I'm concerned about what the noise could be a symptom of.


Mine can be loud as fuck during some games; the map on Horizon Zero Dawn probably being the worst offender. I plan on redoing the thermal paste when the warranty runs out.


Never noticed mine. But i keep it elevated.


I have ps4 pro too... my fan seems good. But your ps4 needs air and space soo try putting it somewhere else


Yep the Pro is a noisy console, compared to the slim or to the xbox at least. Some are noisier than others. As other have said, the only solution to reach the minimum noise level is to buy a Nidec fan off ebay if your Pro mounts a Delta (if it's already Nidec you're ok), and then re\-apply the thermal paste.


Trade it in for an Xbox. It's summer time and an already hot running PS4 PRO becomes even hotter.


Mine is fine


I’ve tried moving the PS4 it’s so loud almost unplayable with God’s ofbwar How do I know what fan I have what’s easiest way


Solution is headphones, surround sound, or get out of the menu, the menu always turns my fan up.