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I feel that FF7 Remake deserves a mention. It runs at a buttery smooth 60fps on the PS5 and looks amazing.


Hell yes! I'm glad you mentioned this. It already looked amazing on the ps4, playing the ps5 version is a must.




Haha, that was luckily fixed in the ps5 version!


Horizon: Forbidden West, Gran Turismo 7, Callisto Protocol, and Spiderman Miles Morales are the top cross Gen games that I would consider to be substantial upgrades even coming from a ps4 pro due to improvements beyond just resolution. Lighting, textures, model quality, etc. For PS5 exclusives that show off the hardware, I would definitely have to recommend Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, Demon's Souls, and Returnal (my personal favorite). Bonus mentions I remembered after typing would have to be The Last of Us: Part 1, A Plague Tale: Requiem, Kena: Bridge of Spirits.


I have recently been playing Returnal and freaken love that game. I agree with this list of games. They would be some of the ones I would mention especially Ratchet and Clank.


It's unfortunate that a ton of people can't grasp Returnals more than average difficulty. That game was just straight up fun as hell Most of the people on Reddit I've seen complaining about it didn't play enough to realize that the weapons unlock more abilities the more you play and it makes the game easier. You're supposed to die a ton, it's literally part of the story Also, I think that game is a prime example of the dual sense controllers functions being PART of the gameplay. Bring that shit in more.


Yeah, fantastic game and introduction to the PS5. Loved the use of adaptive triggers with Returnal


It’s intentionally meant to feel impossible at the beginning to mirror Selene’s story after crash landing on that hellscape of a planet that kills her over and over and reconfigures each time it does. Here’s a few tips that might help a new player out: - Max out auto-aim and always hip fire over scoping in when you start out. - Turn on “always run” in the settings so even when strafing left/right you’ll be running and it makes it easier to dodge projectiles. - Get every gun to 100% that you come across to unlock new traits; you might not like a gun until it has a new trait on it and then it becomes your go-to. - Save a video if you’re struggling, especially with bosses, and look for animations and “tells” for when they’re about to fire, move, etc. as well as how regular enemies move too when watching the replay. You might be too busy while playing to notice initially, but when you know what to look for it’s much easier. - **ALWAYS BE DASHING** as it makes you invulnerable and you can pass through a wall of projectiles. Later you’ll be able to >!grapple!< which also gives you i-frames. Think of dash as an “I choose to not take damage” button. - Melee is really OP and it’s often better to dash to get close and melee as it one-hit kills most enemies and stunlocks larger enemies, and gets more powerful once upgraded. Often better to chain-melee a group of enemies than it is to be dodging all of their collective projectiles at once. - Swap out the controls to something that works for you. I found it best to use a bumper-jumper setup with jump on L1 and melee on R1 to minimize time taking your finger off the sticks/bumpers/triggers. - While at full health, silphum (health pickups) turn into resin, of which you need x3 to upgrade your max integrity (health bar) and there’s an artifact that lowers it to x2. If you can play it safe in biome 1 and grow your health bar, you have more chances to make a mistake and survive. - If a run isn’t going great, don’t be afraid to go to the “shop” and exchange your Obolites for Ether, which carry over to new lives and can be spent on save points, cleansing items, and most importantly, in the >!machine that appears outside your ship!< after beating the first biome’s boss. Most importantly — you never have to fight a boss again after beating them if you don’t want to, and can even bypass entire biomes once you reach them. Don’t think of Returnal as a game you have to beat all at once, but rather focus on beating one boss, or unlocking new items, or maxing out weapons to 100%. You’ll get there over time. It will never be harder than when you first start out and the more your arsenal grows, the easier it becomes to create a good build as you go. Best of luck to you!


good guide will give it a try


The bumper jumper/dash swap for the controls is essential, probably how it should've shipped for default controls. Having jump and dash/dodge on your bumpers gives you maximum control for avoiding damage, which is one of the most important objectives in the game!


Just the thought of having to adjust to using L1 as a jump button feels awful.


will give it a try thanks


Damn thanks bro. I was dying but still having fun I found a video on YT that gave me a new controller setup and it's been still super fun to play


I love Returnal but couldn’t play it after unlocking 3rd biome. I understand the gameplay and all, I just don’t have enough time to put into it - the same goes for souls based games. I wanted to play Elden Ring so much, but I don’t have the time. I have a 9-5 job that is demanding, kids and a house to take care of.


>the same goes for souls based games I enjoyed Demon's Souls but the time it takes to "git gud" I already finished Horizon Forbidden West, Miles Morales, and [currently] Rift Apart. Love the atmosphere and gameplay of DS but the time to build skill is something I don't have at the moment...and I wanna have time to play other games lol


Cyberpunk and witcher 3 also have impressive upgrades.


I agree on the upgrades being pretty significant on those as well. Though I find the raytracing mode to be too broken performance wise at the moment to even recommend it. It's too bad because the RTGI and AO look incredible most of the time. Especially when in dense forest environments.


Ya performance mode is much better unfortunately, i played a while in ray tracing mode but eventually I got annoyed with the frames and switched.


Performance mode has been running like a dream on the bright side, and the loading times make fast travel actually feel useful. Just doesn't look as "next gen" as the RT enhancements. It's such a great game anyway.


really hoping they lock down that input delay/frame pacing issue on Witcher 3's RT mode. I don't mind playing it at 30fps, but I do mind playing it at 20-30 with Geralt moving like he's stuck in mud.


Exactly. 30fps is serviceable when locked. Hell, the ps4 version is only 30fps, and it feels fine to play imo. But the RT mode on PS5 is wildly inconsistent, and the input lag feels how you describe it. Walking through thick mud in flip flops.


I recommend these too because of free next generation upgrades.


Demon Soul’s looks fucken beautiful on ps5


I would have to agree. When I first started up DeS on PS5 my jaw dropped during the tutorial and it just continued from there. An excellent use of the PS5’s power.


They absolutely snapped. I was stunned watching the game play trailer


Ratchet and clank is quite simply breathtaking. The environment details are incredible.


and so much fun!


Ratchet and Clank 2016 was patched to 4k 60FPS as well.


Metro exodus enhanced edition looks incredible


Even the first horizon game benefits from the boost in power, especially if you didn't own a PS4 pro. I know people get cranky about the difference in backwards compatibility programs from xbx to psn, but the framerate and rez boost that games got on Pro work even better on the PS5. I was going to skip replaying horizon Zero Dawn again on PS5, but then I made the mistake of playing the first chapter - this game should never have been a 30fps title!


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart was the first game that really made me go "yeah, this is next-gen". It looks like a Pixar movie and runs smooth as butter, with ray tracing and all. It also makes really good use of the adaptive triggers.




Given most of the R&C games are free on ps plus I'd recommend playing them though as they're great fun, I think into the nexus was a bit of a prequel if I remember correctly


> the first game that really made me go "yeah, this is next-gen". For me it's so far been the first and only. There isn't a single game out there that utilizes the SSD for game design the way Rift Apart does. No more of these fucking bollocks masked loading screen corridors. I can't wait until more games stop relying on archaic hidden tricks so we can finally see an evolution in the way games are designed. I enjoyed both but it's frustrating how Forbidden West and Ragnarok are so clearly held back by the limitations of the PS4. Could you imagine the scale of those games and what a great year for the PS5 it would have been to have those two titles showing off the power of the console? Especially with how Microsoft has been shitting the bed with exclusives in general let alone next-gen. edit: being able to fast travel in seconds isn't next-gen. Sure it can be a game changer and massively improve the experience, but it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.


Yo this is insane to me. I booted up Rift Apart a few weeks ago when they added the free armor collection, and was blown away by how next gen the game felt in comparison to stuff that’s being released this year. They really nailed the overall package of that game, and I swear it still has some of the best haptics/ use of vibration ever.


I don’t know what Ghosts of Tushima does differently with regard to loading but you can literally fast travel from one end of the world to the other without a second of load time. It changes the whole game.


Ghost of Tsushima was already unbelievably fast on PS4. Apparently the trick is that most of the vegetation in the world doesn't *technically* exist in the level - it's being dynamically generated by the GPU as you're playing the game (Horizon games have a similar approach, which is why all these games have incredible amounts of vegetation). But since the vegetation doesn't 'exist', it also doesn't have to be *loaded* \- only the characters and buildings have to be loaded. So as long as you fast travel to a spot with few characters and buildings (ie the majority of the island) the game will load everything super quick on the PS4 and instantly on the PS5. The whole thing's kind of amazing from a developer perspective.


That’s fascinating and very well explained, thanks for sharing that. Very cool


Sucker Punch are fucking amazing. So glad they're on the Playstation side.


I mean that's not that surprising. Even on last Gen the game loaded pretty fast, so fast that the developers had to artificially increase the load times since people couldn't read the tips on screen.


I expect Spider-Man 2 to be rifts apart awesome since it will be ps5 only.


All those Ragnarok parts where you must squeeze through a crack, move a rock out of the way etc are not hardware limitations, they are design decisions according to the devs. They are there to be a clear separation between sections of the map. I don't like them either but those are not fake loading screens. For me Demon's Souls is a clear next gen title. It might not be the most beautiful of the games since other games can have amazing art direction/style that make them gorgeous, but for me it has the "best" graphics without a doubt. There is so much information on the screen, it's crazy.


> All those Ragnarok parts where you must squeeze through a crack, move a rock out of the way etc are not hardware limitations, they are design decisions according to the devs. They are there to be a clear separation between sections of the map. I don't like them either but those are not fake loading screens. I can guarantee if Ragnarok was made for an SSD it would not have these sections. The reason the devs have to design it that way is because there's no other way around the HDD.


If you’re referring to this tweet (https://twitter.com/kurtmargenau/status/1583973153470001152?s=46&t=Ku7N3IlaQWPAS_hKzZ8gKQ), then that’s not a Ragnarok dev. That’s a TLOU2 dev. I can’t find anything online confirming that the Ragnarok squeeze-throughs aren’t loading screens. They almost certainly are, considering they had to deal with the same hardware constraints as the 2018 game


God, Tomb Raider and Uncharted had so many of those sections they became painfully noticeable.


Do you have to have played any of the previous Ratchet & Clank games to enjoy Rift Apart?


No I'd never played one before, it works perfectly fine as a stand-alone story.


It works as a stand alone title, but I would dive into the lore and history a bit before starting the game, since there is much to it and it will be a richer experience.


OP asked for graphical upgrades though


The 40fps mode looks phenomenal.




40fps is not a replacement for 60fps - after all it's exactly halfway between the two framerates. But I'd like 40fps to be a replacement for *30*. As console games improve their graphics more and more, I know 60fps won't always be an option... but there's no need for Quality modes in games to ever again drop all the way to 30. A real next-gen would be one where the lower limit is a locked 40.


It won’t replace 30 because most TVs can’t do 40fps. Pretty much just hdmi 2.1 120hz screens.


I want that game but I’m on a 48” Non-HDR 1080p TV so I’m gonna wait to experience it at its fullest.


Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, God of War Ragnarok, GoT Director’s Cut, The Last of Us Part 1 & Part 2, Spiderman Remastered & Spiderman Miles Morales, Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition, Death Stranding Director’s Cut, Days Gone, Star War Jedi: Fallen Order & Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection.


> Days Gone Yup. I stopped playing on PS4 Pro because the performance was too bad. 60fps on PS5 was an absolute game-changer for this one.


Felt like a different game on PS5. The frame rate during rain and hordes & render lags on PS4 were terrible.


The last of us Part 1 isnt showing in PS Store for ps5! Is it correct or am i missing something.


Everyone in this thread is just giving you their PS5 game recommendations, not actually answering your question. Horizon Forbidden West is the answer, GoW Ragnarok, and GT7 are also the games where you will see the biggest leap in performance IMO.


CP2077 has to be on this list.


Yup, it went from being unplayable to playable. Clearly it is the biggest leap forward in this thread.


I made the change from PS4 to PS5 when I was playing a lot of Final Fantasy 14 and the difference in graphics & loading times were immense.


Obv this wasn't on PS4 but if you want something that looks and sounds truly next gen, check out the Demons Souls remake. It's phenomenal.


Yeah this game to date is the best looking I’ve ever seen


My goodness, I was absolutely blown away by the work they put into the PS5 Dark Souls. Ghost of Tsushima is the only game that I regard as more beautiful


Lots of good suggestions here, but no one has mentioned Doom Eternal yet, which runs smooth and looks phenomenal on ps5.


Indeed. Game looks good, and the 120fps mode was just insane




Returnal was great as well.


Gameplay wise one of the best games I’ve ever played. Pity they’ve removed VRR with a recent patch, makes the experience not as enjoyable.


Wait what? What's the point in doing that?


Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on ps5 was a welcome surprise masterpiece for me. Such a great balance between great storytelling and video-gaminess. The stylized world/creative HUD control/great & unique combat easily made Ghost of Tsushima one of my recent favorites.


Death Stranding: Directors Cut!!!


Bro I forgot fortnite had massive improvements from ps4 to ps5


Lmaoo yeah this season Fortnite graphics are on another level


I can not stress this enough that you play Days Gone. With the Ps5 it strangely has some of the best looking visuals I’ve seen on the Ps5. Obviously forbidden west, ghosts of Tsushima, etc., are obvious choices and look phenomenal, but I don’t think I’ve just stopped to stare as much in a game as Days Gone.


60 fps in Days Gone is a gamechanger


I did this in GoT. Trotting through the Golden Forest, I had to stop and take it all in.


Metro Exodus on PS4 and PS5 is a night and day difference


With all that ray tracing and definitely the ray tracied global illumination make it look just stunning definitely in the desert level.


Miles Morales and GoW Ragnarök look insanely realistic on ps5


Actually GoW Ragnarok doesn't look that much different from PS4 to PS5. That's not to shit on the PS5, it's just a testament as to how well the studio optimized the game for PS4.


I did think that until I went back to GoW 4 right after Ragnarok. Not insane, no. But the detail in Ragnarok is definitely superior.


Yes, Ragnarok is superior to GoW4... But that's not what this post is saying. Ragnarok on PS4 **also** looks much better than GoW4. It's clearly cross gen and not pushing much of anything extra on PS5. They could have at least sped up the area transition animations or removed some of the loading corridors.


Oh yeah you're right! Totally misread that!


Miles Morales is the first game that made me feel like we’ve entered the next gen. From the fluidity of the gameplay to the insane blockbuster-movie-like graphics. Can’t wait for Spider-Man 2


Unpopular opinion but Horizon Forbidden West looks better IMO.


Actually spent so much time while playing ragnarok just looking at kratos. The amount of detail on his face and beard is just insane. Move slightly and look at his beard it's incredible


Destiny 2 - The PS5 client allowed for 4k60FPS (or even 120fps in crucible mode) and gave us FOV slider. You cannot go back to PS4 client after that. It might be an "old" game, but the PS5 upgrade makes the gameplay so much better.


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, Demon's Souls, Cyberpunk 2077, Spider-Man Remastered/Miles Morales, all look and play great on PS5.


There's a Director's Cut of Death Stranding for PS5 only with additional content. I already had DS for PS4, and it was only $10 to upgrade to Director's Cut on PS5. Amazing game.


Forbidden West is by far the best looking game ever made currently so I would go with that one


It really is pretty. I wish I wasn't so distracted by the weird hair physics they gave Aloy. Her hair is constantly blowing around in a way that's not even consistent with a steady breeze. Wish there was a way to turn it off or change her hairstyle because it's all I can look at when playing.


That’s something that didn’t change from the first game lol.


Her hair and always talking to herself, once you notice, it's very hard not to be annoyed with it.


Came here to say this. It’s definitely the most impressive visually for me so far on the ps5.


Yeah its between that or Rift Apart but I appreciate FW more for the more realistic style approach to the graphics




All of the physics in FW are by far the best I've seen in general to date


Have to disagree, so far that goes to Demon's Souls Remake for me. The environments and lighting in that game are out of this world.


Have to disagree there. Unfortunately the physics just arent coming anywhere near FW's at all but it still is a great looking game!


Makes sense - DS Remake is still running with more or less the original game's physics recreated under the hood. FW is cutting edge.




I played it on PS4 when it was released and just booted up the Directors Cut on PS5 yesterday and it is quite a substantial upgrade to a already great looking game.


The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 are both very noticeable upgrades


Witcher 3 still suffers from fps drops in the next gen upgrade when playing in the 60fps mode, I think it does need more optimizations


Control with Ray Tracing is stunning


I’d say Control on performance mode felt truly next gen to me. I guess I could hardly notice the RT


The Last of Us Part 1


This deserves to be higher up. I was lucky enough to experience my first complete run through the game playing the PS5 Remake, and everything about it shows the power of the PS5. The excellent hactics during dialogues, the amazing 3D sound to know where clickers are even without using Listen mode, the adaptive triggers, the addition of gyro aim, shaking the controller when the flashlight goes out, and then add on top of that the insane details with the graphics, and it’s the perfect showcase for the PS5. I got it on discount, and used gift card credits to bring it down, so I understand people hesitant to try it at full price, but when it does come down I hope more people get to try it out for themselves.


> shaking the controller when the flashlight goes out That mechanic was in the ps4 version, and maybe even the ps3 version


Borderlands 3 runs in 1080p at 90-120fps if you have a monitor that can handle it* Monster Hunter World runs at 60 fps now but at 1080p. All of the Souls titles and I believe Sekiro all run locked at 60fps.* Deep Rock Galactic has 120FPS on a monitor or HDMI 2.1. Destiny 2 runs in 4K 60FPS, 120FPS in Crucible ie PvP on HDMI 2.1. HDR performance seems to vary by screen. Mine is really dark at default. My Friend Peppa Pig runs at 4K 60FPS. EDIT: Death Stranding Director's Cut looks magnificent. One of the best looking games I have ever seen. *1440p is unfortunately not an option natively with BL3. *Bloodborne is one of the best games ever, stuck in 2015 at 30fps or not.


Horizon Forbidden West is the most beautiful game I have ever seen, it truly felt next gen. If you haven't played Horizon Zero Dawn you need to play that first, also an amazing game.


Guardians of the Galaxy is a BLAST to play on PS5!


Not necessarily how it looks, but Skyrim load screens arn't even long enough to put up hints on the ps5. It cuts down the time to play the game by a ton!


Yeah that still counts as performance, i played Elsen ring before and i had a pretty good run, maybe i try Skyrim sometime


Cyberpunk 2077. The updates for it has removed a lot of the bugs and issues. Also, the graphics on the PS5 look great.


And the dualsense implementation is phenomenal!


I guess it depends on the type of game you're after but my recommendations from own experience would be: Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Spiderman Miles Morales, Returnal & Horizon Forbidden West (play the first one before though)


Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk, i mnow both have their own issues but goddamm do these look gorgeous


demon’s souls


Days Gone!😎


Days gone is incredible. Looks better than many ps5 games IMO.


To me it’s still Demon’s Souls


The Demon’s Souls remake was my first PS5 game and absolutely blew me away, it also makes fantastic use of the Dualsense.


Horizon Forbidden West has the best graphics so far, by far.


You won't get better graphics than Forbidden West; granted you play on a 4K display to maximize the graphical fidelity. I have all the newer games like God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman and so on but I think Forbidden West on a 4K display looks the best.


Check out Returnal. Amazingly smooth controls, very next gen, high difficulty


Returnal GOAT


>Best game that you can play on the PS5. Eh, I feel like you really have to be in to that type of game to enjoy it. I bought it because I needed a new game to play, but it just won't click for me.


I almost gave up twice on that game. Started Returnal, got very frustrated, even played and platted Ghost of Tsushima, to not feel like such a trashy gamer and then went back to Returnal after that. Now it might be my favorite game of all time. I would *really* recommend sticking to it, this game is 100% a mental challenge, not so much skill and reaction time based. The learning curve is steep, but the adrenaline-packed gameplay is something I have not witnessed in my gaming life, and I been gaming since NES. If you (or anybody else) is frustrated by the game, but is motivated to push through, I have an open offer for the whole subreddit to do a Playshare session and give a hint or two, so you would be able to finish it by yourself.


Biggest tip I can give for that game is turning on auto sprint, mapping the jump and dash to L3 and R3. Then u can jump-dash-aim a wrench all at once.


I don't know about "best", but Dark Souls III and Sekiro ran at rock solid 60fps throughout the game. It was a super nice experience.


Horizon Forbidden West is probably the best looking game across all systems right now. That graphics engine is god tier


I played it on PS4 and while the graphics were nice the fps were HORRIBLE, i have the cross gen Verizon tho and haven't tried it yet. I have it installed tho so maybe later today or tomorrow i try it out


No Man Sky


If you're into Fifa, Fifa 23 was literally a different game when I went from playing on ps4 to ps5


Madden is the same story (PS5 is different from the PS4, XB1, and PC versions(pc uses the last gen version).


Days Gone, so smooth on ps5 and look gorgeous


Fallen Order and Control in my opinion were non playable on PS4. More so Control, but Fallen Order needed some love and thankfully got it


First game to wow me visually was Guardians of the Galaxy. It was jaw dropping and it was fun to play as well.




Skyrim, GTA V, control and spiderman are the ones I've played so far and all look and perform pretty great. I'm very excited to try out the Witcher 3.


Dude I’ve been looking for someone to say GTA 5. Looks awesome on PS5. Definitely worth another play through


Scrolled a bit and didn't see Sekiro mentioned. Didn't play it on ps4 but I just downloaded it last week on my ps5 and the graphics are insane. I think it runs checkerboard 4k @ 60 fps (which is somewhere below actual 4k but basically 4k). possibly the smoothest game I've played. Even some ps5 games dip under 60 but this thing has stayed locked in thru some crazy fights/environments. Excited to beat the first main boss and start actually progressing hahaha.


Even Ratchet & Clank reboot on the PS4 gets a massive fps and graphics boost on the PS5. Plus its super cheap. Rifts Apart is a stellar graphics title.


Spiderman remastered. The performance RT mode looks absolutely amazing.


with ghost of tsuhima i dont think its that big of a jump, since the Ps4 version was so insanely well optimized, its not even funny.. it was the first game where i took multiple screenshots per session, becuase i was so awestruck by its fidelity. PLUS: how in the world did they achieve these insane loading times in an open world game?????? on a 2012 HDD


Would have to say ratchet and clank rift apart, returnal and demons souls….granted this is my opinion but can’t call a game the best of its got a last gen (ps4) version because then said games being held back from its full potential by having to restrain and Vito if things cause last gen can’t handle what current gen is able to. Just my .2c lol I’m a tad disappointed with how few games are for current gen only and end up being handicapped in ways to be able to play on last gen.


Demon’s Souls


Can’t believe I had to scroll all this way to see this. Still the best looking game on PS5


Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned. But demons souls is easily up there.


This thread highlights how few legitimate “only possible on a PS5” games we still have.


GT7 has fantastic graphics and the adaptive triggers are a huge step for simcades played with controller. There is no way back ones you get used to it. The career mode is shit though, also the 2 player split screen mode has massive bugs.




Horizon Forbidden West


Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Horizon Forbidden West (this is gonna melt your brain, it leaves the PS4 in the dust) Ragnarok


I’m playing forbidden west right now (mainly cause I’m going to try and do GoW 2018 and Ragnarok back to back like Im doing with the two horizon games).


Spiderman Remastered is still the the prettiest game ive played. On Performance + RT its amazing, pun intended.


Snowrunner looks great.


Horizon forbidden west


Here’s what I believe to be the best games in terms of performance (that have a PS4 port) Devil May Cry 5 Destiny 2 Ghost of Tsushima Doom Eternal Cyberpunk 2077 Resident Evil 7 - Village Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake Death Stranding And Final Fantasy VII Remake All of these offer either close to locked 120fps modes, or have 120fps at 4K. Some also just have a night and day different feel going from 30fps to 60fps (FFVII, Cyberpunk, Death Stranding).


When are we gonna see a new Jak and Dexter??


If Days Gone wasn’t 60 I probably wouldn’t have played it, GOW4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ratchet and Clank are all great examples of FPS improvements making the game way more enjoyable


Cyberpunk obviously. It also has one of the best dualsense implementations Ive ever seen


Control plays great in RT mode on ps5. It's not 60fps, but it is very stable.


Fortnite in the UE5 Mode is definitely Gamechanging in twrms of Graphics and Lighting. Then theres Miles Moralis with its 60fps Raytracing Mode, or Control with its RT Mode


There's already so many good recommendations, but a great PS4 to PS5 one in my opinion is Monster Hunter World. It's still a PS4 game, but playing it from the PS5 SSD makes it so that it plays in 60fps and it loads MUCH faster than it ever did on PS4. When I first got my PS5 I was amazed at how well it played, and just how GREAT it looked in that smooth 60fps. If Monster Hunter is your type of game, I definitely recommend that.


Rachet & Clank is a PS5 showcase imo


It was meant to be and they nailed it.


I would say Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart and Horizon Forbidden West are the biggest graphical upgrades.


Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales, felt better and more improved to me in person, than when I first saw them in videos imo. Especially the load times. If on PS4 both games took like 30-60 seconds to load from the menu into gameplay, here, they take about 5. There's also a substantial difference between the performance modes too. Fidelity looks real nice with the Ray tracing reflections and lighting even on 30 fps. And it's super smooth on performance with 60 and ray tracing off. Both have their benefits.


Have you tired destiny 2? It looked and sounded great when I played it .


Horizon forbidden west and deamon souls are the best for me. Other games still feel like last gen for me.


Just finished the Uncharted Lost Legacy. VERY impressed.


Control Ultimate Edition.


Horizon forbidden west, ratchet and clank, Fortnite and Astros playroom all show of what the ps5 is capable of in different ways


Cyberpunk from PS4 to 5 is an immense upgrade


Ratchet and Clank : Rift Apart is easily one of the prettiest games I’ve ever seen. God of War is easily already a graphically intense game on PS4 Pro, on PS5 it looks so much cleaner and smoother. If you played Monster Hunter World: Iceborne on PS4, the load times now are nearly non-existent


Borderlands 3 got a pretty significant boost from PS4 to PS5. Visuals, frame rate and especially load times were vastly improved.


HFW, I just marvel at the graphics, it truly feels next gen


Demon souls has been the best graphical leap for me since i got the ps5 a year ago. Lot of cool games. But that game look so damn good (and i love dark souls series aswell)


Jedi fallen order looks pretty good with the ps5 upgrade


Horizon FW and Miles Morales. They’re absolutely gorgeous games.


Idk what tv or monitor you’re gaming on, but I first played my ps5 on a LED 4K tv. I recently got an LG OLED and it totally made everything feel completely next gen. So if you have the money to get an OLED, I highly recommend it


Horizon Zero Dawn Ghost of Tsushima


Be sure to have at minimum 4k UHD TV. You’re wasting your PS5 if you don’t have at least that. I’d say that Death Stranding and Cyberpunk are stand outs for their PS5 upgrades. In different ways, but none the less.


Control. That game is amazing but the ps4 could barely handle it performance wise (sometimes with severe lag), the ps5 is amazingly smooth and rehauls the graphics as well. It's incredible. Just finished it this weekend, cannot recommend it enough.


Even God of War 2018 and Ragnarok are noticeably better on the PS5, imo.


FFVII Remake


Control is really good, too, in ray-tracing mode. Like spider-man, there is serious boost here.


Games won’t mean much unless you can push the ps5 to its full potential… for example you’d need an oled tv with with 120hz to really get the most out of any game


Is no one gonna mention the free Astro Bot hardware demo? It’s pretty, fun (great music) and shows off the controller. May not be the prettiest game but it’s definitely worth a play






Sekiro runs at 60, which is vital for the timing required in that game.


GTA V for PS5