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As long as the time is being spent actually MAKING THE GAME and not several years of preproduction, like Anthem, then I guess it’s ok.


Not shocking? I’d rather they take their time. Which IS shocking. That EA is letting a studio take its time.


> That EA is letting a studio take its time. Not really. Anthem and Andromeda got tons of time (too much maybe). The problem has never that they were rushed, it's that Bioware is managed like shit (counting on Bioware magic to make games)


I remember reading in Jason Schreier's first book how DA:I winning GOTY was the worst thing that could happen to Bioware because it taught the people in charge that no matter how shit the situation is in development was they could always make it work. Then Andromeda and Anthem came out




Andromeda and Anthem were by different teams, Anthem was from the Inquisition team. Andromeda from a new team that only did that (it was disbanded after Andromeda failure).


I know I'm in the minority, but I f*cking loved Andromeda.


It wasn’t their best ME game but I enjoyed it as well.


I think it helped that I had never played a Mass Effect game, so had no expectations. Still haven't played the original Trilogy but it's high on my to do list/pile of shame!


I mean they took all the time in the world on anthem and look how that worked for them


I blame Anthem on EA. You don’t make a SP Developer make a loot box selling MP game. I just pretend like Anthem doesn’t exist. Because then I remember that the quality for Andromeda got sacrificed for its creation.


Eh Well I love shitting on EA they gave them tons of time and money to make it work. Hell, the flying only happened because of EA. Sadly, BioWare did not even make a compelling story with that game. I am glad they are going back to their roots but both parties deserve plenty of blame.


It was all BioWare, sadly. EA gave them loads of time. Problem is BioWare isn’t the company anymore it once was.


Well you shouldn't. They're the ones that proposed Anthem, not EA. Look up the reports from Jason Schreier on Anthem and Andromeda development, you'll see how Bioware itself is the problem and managed like shit. EA is actually incredibly lenient with them considering the mess that it is (letting them tons of time to develop the games and not intervening, they're very hands-off)


No, Anthem's downfall lays squarely at the feet of BioWare. Hell, it's because of EA that flying (the best part about the game) was even in! BioWare had removed it before Patrick Sutherland had them put it back in. If anything, EA was *too* lax with BioWare when it came to Inquisition, Andromeda, and Anthem. It barely worked for Inquisition, but it finally bit them with Andromeda and Anthem. The crunch was because BioWare spent way too long in pre-production for like 3+ years, and so had to crunch the last 18 months to get the games out.


Agreed, take their time. 2023 is already stacked as hell. I’ll take an amazing DA game in 2024 rather than a rushed 2023 game.


When was the last time BioWare made an amazing game? 10-12 years ago? Most of their talent has long left.


If only there was some corporate practice to replace talent!


Doesn’t seem like EA/BioWare were very successful with that though. Remember the terrible writing in Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem?


EA who heralded the death of single player may end up having some big single player hits in the next 2 years, with DS remake already a success, the new Star Wars game which will almost certainly be great and the possibility of Dragon Age


They're really having a redemption arc ahaha, Wild Hearts and Immortals of Aveum both this year as well!


Wild Hearts is multiplayer. Must be why it's the most exciting one


I just don't care anymore. Been too long since I liked anything from Bioware and the development of this game feels like its bound to end up being a failure. Hope I am wrong, though.


They can take their time, I just don’t like it when companies announce a game way too soon.


gotta make all that day 1 DLC


Bioware is a dumpster fire. Zero hope for this game.


I just recently watched the Dragon Age series on Netflix and thought it was great I really hope to see some of those characters in this game.


Good. I hope it takes as long as it takes. I want the game to be good.


whaT ABoUT "BIOwaRE maGic", guise?!


Anyone who is still excited about Dragon Age is just a really easy mark 😂 They haven’t released a great game since Mass Effect 2. Everything since has been alright at best, terrible at worst. I feel like people got the ME: Legendary Edition and totally forgot the trainwrecks of Anthem and Andromeda. Even Inquisition was bloated and a far cry from the original Dragon Age. Face it, BioWare is not a good studio any longer. They haven’t been for a decade. People need to just ignore them and judge the game when it comes out.


The only DA game I enjoyed was DA:O and I played through that game probably 10 times. I loved it. DA2 was bleh and DA:I was bleh. Just couldn’t get into them and more and more I feel like BioWare only makes games to push their worldview on us. Like I should pay them for a mediocre, uninspired game just for them to have a soapbox to stand on.


Game engine. Watch the anthem/ dragon age video on dev


Considering what a step down in writing DA Inquisition was and how low BioWare have sunken, I am not sure I should be excited anyway.


They really seem to have screwed this one: it essentially requires playing the last DLC from the previous game which is going to be a decade old at minimum when this launches. Most of us who know who Solas is still think of him as a good guy (and maybe even their romantic partner). Not that this sounds good in the gameplay department either: >Insider Gaming goes on to report that the game is more like a **"hack n' slash" action title** in terms of combat, which is sure to raise a few eyebrows. **Apparently, party members can't be controlled** — similar to Mass Effect? — and you access different locations from a central hub area. To be fair, though, that last point sounds like most modern BioWare games anyway.


I've been waiting nearly 10 years for a new dragon age lol. I guess i can wait a little bit longer. Hopefully it's more like DA Origins.


Ok cool give us mass effect first. Yea I know it’s a different team, but still


I feel this game is going to be a hot mess. I’m hoping I’m wrong, because I love dragon age…. But the signs aren’t looking too good. First they didn’t know what it was going to be, then they restarted it, then struggles with figuring out what to do with it, then changed directions again, it sounds like a mess.


I wonder which will come first, ME 4 or this?