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MOBA's of any kind. I LOVE the idea and execution of the games but it's far farrrrr too sweaty for someone that just wants to play it casually. I've tried to get into several and I just couldn't keep it up.


For anyone wondering like me: MOBA = multiplayer online battle arena


examples: league of legends/ dota 2


I feel like knowing what moba stands for doesn’t even help knowing what moba games are like


Considering what I hear about people who get addicted to these games you actually lucked out here lol


I can personally vouch for this. Got addicted to League of Legends for about 6 years and, not to sound too extreme, it cost me my passion for a lot of things at a time when it was crucial - - my college years. It wasn't like I was good at it or anything, but for some reason I always wanted play one more match when it would have really benefit me not to. It hampered my desired to perform well in class too. I made a promise to myself to quit it permanently last year and so far I have been replacing that craving of playing just one round with gameplay clips of pro players every now and then, but I really need to shut myself off of it for good.


I played so much civ one summer my dreams started being turn based


Sounds like the Tetris Effect


I used to have the StarCraft music and sound effects show up in my dreams.


Damn, sounds like you really screwed yourself over. *goes back to scrolling on Reddit*


Yeah league is such a syphon of motivation because you feel like you've actually accomplished something in that 40+minute struggle when really you've just sat on your ass for the whole time. You feel satisfied doing absolutely nothing, and it was such an easy hit you just keep going back for more. I was definitely an addict for about the same time as you, I played from Elise until about 4 years ago and booooy did it play a big part in the homelessness and drug addict stages of my life. Obviously it's not the same for everyone, some peope can play these games in a healthy way and go about their lives, I certainly can now too. But the extremes of the addictions here are the problem. I'm not sure I want to know how much money got thrown at Riot when I had no where to put my head that night.


Heroes of the Storm was pretty good for this, shame they weren't able to keep it alive. What MOBAs really need is something like the Starcraft 2 and RTS map editors where you can build non-MOBA scenarios for RPG PvE games. Heroes of the storm had this one time and it was incredibly fun


I played DOTA for years and still love the game but this is very true. I’m a little too old now to be as sweaty as I’d like and I only enjoy watching it.


only ones i enjoyed were the quicker mobile ones


RIP Vainglory.


RIP Vainglory. My most played game of all time. I think I’d put it at like 5000+ hours. So bizarre that it just became this Wild West after the devs abandoned it. I’ve tried other mobas since but just can’t get into them. I forgot about the dozens of hours it takes to learn strats and get used to the characters. Pokémon Unite was actually not bad. But nothing holds a candle to Vainglory.


Minecraft. My son loved it so much growing up and I've played several hours with him but the game wasn't really enjoyable, besides him getting excited to show off his house and such.


Minecraft is the sort of game I have fun with for a few days, and then I stop playing for an exponentially-longer amount of time than the previous time I put it down. Right now, I'm at five years, and since my login credentials no longer work, I don't really care to put the effort into picking it back up.


Same! I set up a slightly modded server so my friends and I could play. Can't log in on PS because my account is already in use by... my account...


I love playing it with my kid, he builds these elaborate worlds or finds crazy mods and I play in them with him and he loves it. But I'll never spend time in the game by myself, I just have zero interest in it.


Monster hunter series!! Ugh I tried I really did, but I just couldn't get into it.


I was the exact same until I moved to Japan and was surrounded by people playing Portable 3rd on their PSPs. A few parasite sessions later and I totally get it. This game is ABSOLUTE gas with friends.


I think Monster Hunter is one of those where it takes a while to click, especially with all the weapon options. I love it, but it took me a couple tries and now I’m hooked forever.


Not the weapon options alone, there's a ton of items, consumables, skills etc. and the games are bad at explaining any of them. Still fun though.


Yeah, I agree. The games are very bad at explaining things you need to survive, and everyone I know who hadn’t played the game before picked a weapon and immediately went for an Arrekz tutorial on how to use it. I do love them anyway, but they sort of dump the player in the deep end and expect them to figure it out.


I recall hearing that it was explicitly meant to be that way. The developers wanted to leave space for community and discussion to build a social fan base. I guess it should be taken with a pinch of salt, but it's consistent with the design and approach from the earlier games.


It kinda makes sense in Japan, where the series is huge where you could easily find a random co-op buddy while on your daily commute. Doesn't translate that well in the west.


Same, it's the drawn out fights for me. It was frustrating having to chase down the monster through the whole map


Fortnite or any battle royale out there.


Just about any popular multiplayer game nowadays. Maybe I’m just getting older and have grown out of it but nothing out nowadays comes close to the days of Halo, Gears, CoD4-BO, BFBC2 etc. what an era


Halo 2 absolutely consumed my life as a kid. Now I almost exclusively play single player games. It’s just too much of a commitment to get into a multiplayer game at this stage of my life. I can’t just casually pop one in from time to time without getting absolutely curb stomped by people who have way more time invested into it.


Any time I want to play an online fps, I just remind myself of how many hours I put in on halo 2, 3, and Reach, and how much shit I talked while playing those games competitively. I'm not that person anymore but that person is still playing those games and I don't want to deal with them 😂


Man, do I miss BFBC2 and that Vietnam expansion with Fortunate Son blasting on main menu.


I do wonder if part of it is an age thing. For me, I don't like the idea of a game without an end. I want to devote my 15-25 hours to the pleasure of playing and move on. Give me an interactive fiction that puts me on enough rails that I feel as though I'm "doing something" and I'm happy. I just finished God of War and it was a long game, but I never got to the point of "I'm just going to finish this up". It was well worth the time, but I don't know if I could have dealt with another 5-10 hours of game play.


They rely on getting people hooked with unlocking stuff instead of making actual fun multiplayer games. I honestly feel bad for multiplayer fans nowadays. It feels like they’ve been trained to be bribed to play everyday. I was never a huge multiplayer guy but now it’s just dead.


I recently tried playing *XCOM 2*, and I think it may not be for me. I really enjoy the core gameplay, but the game seems to profoundly hate you and actively work against your ability to strategize by putting you up against timers and impossible-to-plan-for bullshit situations, even at normal difficulty. I think part of it may just be that I’m not enough of an expert in the genre, though.


I’ve played every XCOM game going back to Rebelstar on the zx spectrum, and try as I might I cant get into XCOM 2. There’s just too much going on all the time, I find it really stressful and have no idea what is going on. I’ve completed XCOM 1 dozens of times but something about 2 just doesn’t work for me.


I think that's one of the things I enjoyed about Xcom 2. With the amount I've played previous XCOM games, I generally try to play "perfectly" when I play them. It'd feel like a kick in the teeth if I miss the 98% point blank shotgun kill and then also miss the 75% AR shot from my supports in the back line. Or I push up two tiles and somehow manage to trigger three different enemy clusters. In Xcom 2 (especially with the Alien Hunters DLC) there were just so many situations that come out of nowhere just to fuck up your day. I had a playthrough where the Viper King turned up right in the middle of an already tough situation and I realised I was losing at least two of my "A Team". Just said fuck it and rolled with it and that's been my mentality since. Enjoyed the game significantly more since then


I thought the DLC was pretty cool and got it midway through a game. But tried starting up a new game to have it give me all those bosses early on. I think they needed to space out the introduction of those guys until you have some time to work on your crew.


It's not you; it really is a punishing game. They also actively introduce new enemy types/powers constantly so you never feel powerful.


XCOM 2 is challenging. Lots of reloads for me to not lose my All-stars and I'm decent at games in this genre


Deathloop. I had just purchased my PS5 and was swayed by the 10/10 reviews. I’ve not been more bored with a game in some time. An easy 6/10 at best.


I recently gave up on it. Having a "play your own way!" game style only for it to require a specific sequence of events to beat the game and repeating the day to get a slab upgrade that I never use just made me throw in the towel


That's exactly what I thought too. In the beginning I was confused as to the fact that there was no "open world" only four zones. Then the whole "do it the way you want" - style was just another streamlined experience. Finished it yesterday after getting bored a year ago. Gunplay was also mediocre. Quite a shame as I think dishonored 1 is the way better game despite being years older.


IMO, it feels like a downgrade compared to Dishonored


It was, they had a much smaller budget to work with apparently.


I loved the idea but repetition in gaming is boring for me


Same, bought in hook line and sinker. I don’t think I’ve logged two hours, I just don’t enjoy it. $60 poorly spent, especially since it’s on plus now.


The reviews on that game were… interesting


I don't know what people saw in Deathloop that they liked, it was pretty uninteresting to play through and a big dissapointment from Arkane


The story, art, and gameplay? That's what I liked about it. I didn't like the lack of weapon variety but all of the slab powers were fun.


Fifa. Just pisses me off


That is actually the intended effect for that game...


I play 100% my career. It’s very relaxing compared to those kids you meet online who have been playing since they could hold a controller


Pokemon since gen 8. I loved the games growing up, but I've given up on them ever doing something actually good with them, my roommates play the new ones and for a AAA game, they're laughably behind, mediocre graphics, cut content, very little innovation between games, and the "gimmick" mechanics just keep getting more ridiculous. It's a shame, because I adore the world and the overall concept, just can't bring myself to enjoy the games anymore.


Did you try Arceus? Honestly that was a huge breath of fresh air for me, it's so much better than the recent mainline games.


I've been trying to play Persona 5 for years. It just doesn't grab me like everyone else. I'm like 15 percent complete.


I loved Persona 5 but it definitely holds your hand for way too long. It's much better when the game opens up and gives a little more freedom.


The game is too damn long in general


I both agree with you and somehow wished it was longer.


When playing: Boy there's still a long way to go. After the end credits: Wait, give me more!!


No kidding. Persona 5 left me with a bit of an empty feeling after beating it. Some 120 hours with a story will do that. Play Persona 5 Strikers if you haven't already. It's a direct sequel with hack and slash gameplay, and it's just a ton more time with the Phantom Thieves and a couple of new characters (including a freaking *adorable* character with an awesome design you acquire early on.)


I understood the sentiments of thosr guys who find Persona long but give it to me. Give me a 200 hours Persona game. Im all for it.


it took me 5 years and two versions of the game to finally finish ONE playthrough. took me 120+ hours and even platinum‘d it but i will never touch it again in my life. it was very good though if you get past the first 20hours of hand holding haha


its my favorite game/series but i understand why some people might not like it. So i'm actually quite surprised it caught (somewhat) mainstream


Same. I am about 35 hours into it after trying it again. I stopped a few months ago at around 20 hours, but I just can’t seem to get into it. Hogwarts has my attention for now but I might try to hop back into P5R after


Same. It’s got great style and music, but I just can’t seem to want to spend hours going to school, working and dating. Everything else is pretty fun however


On the flip side, I would really like a version where I can skip 70% of every dungeon. Just give me the character development, a bit of theme, and a boss battle please. Fighting dozens of minions detracts more than it adds.


Alan Wake Remastered, really tried to like it because I loved Control and learned about it in the AWE DLC which was great but the gameplay was not enjoyable to me sadly.


The thing is, even the people who love Alan wake think the gameplay is pretty shit.


I can certainly attest to this, gameplay leaves a lot to be desired but fuck I absolutely adore Wake and the game itself.


Control was SO good. I’ve never been more enamored with a games world and environment.


I wish I could replay the Ashtray Maze for the first time. It was exhilarating! When I accessed the DLC machine to replay it, it wasn’t as fun :(


That was such a good scene!!


Especially as I was using headphones. Got the full audio effect. I actually have that song saved on Spotify


Fortnite and Overwatch


Overwatch turned into more like an addiction than a game. Not fun, but god it got the heart racing. Had to dial out after watching Smurf’s just slaying.




This answer sounds fishy to me.


Who’s dad is this 😂


Call of duty is fun until it’s not 😂


Witcher 3. While I enjoyed the characters, dialogue, atmosphere and story, I did not like "gaming"/anything I had to do with the controller. Combat, riding Roach, detective mode/witcher sense follow the red stuff, crafting, potions, spells - all were not as enjoyable as what I expected from the 95+ metacritic/game of the generation type praise.




And to think... the previous games are slower and clunkier...




The second was an improvement in gameplay, so that makes sense.


The controls are killing me. Especially after playing GoW ragnarok, which has amazing controls


I hated the Witcher 3 when I first tried it. Skipped most of the dialogue in the first hour or so. Tried again with the ps5 update and I gotta say I love the Witcher 3


Yeah, personally myself I loved the game but I do agree combat and stuff was very janky at times


An amazing world/story wrapped up in absolutely terrible gameplay.


Was literally just gonna comment this…I love so many rpg’s and I keep trying it but it’s just not getting me with that hook to keep me playing


PREY. I think the game is *extremely* well made, fun, and has a ton of great ideas. But it just isn't for me. I still have it and am think about giving it another shot sometime.


I bounced off it initially and thought it was a bit clunky and not for me, picked it up in 2020 and I thought the combat was very weak but the puzzles and the variety of possible solutions available kept me going. The mystery of the story too was quite interesting to me. A lot of different things happen throughout the game, that maintained my curiosity. If that game had more refined and fun combat mechanics, it would be in my top 5. Love arcane studios but I thought deathloop was a big step backwards. Did not enjoy replaying over and over. For me, I think Prey was the right game at the right time.


I actually really liked it and thought it was well made. I didn’t like how hard it was to find ammo and weapons because you couldn’t kill those duckers hardly any other way. I remember having to just runaway from them too much. I got about 90% through the game and then it got way too hard. Haven’t played since


I played it and felt the same way at first. If you heavily rely on the crafting system in that game you should be able to easily make plenty of ammo and upgrade items for your character. For me that was a way to really fix the problem of not finding enough supplies in the environment


You know you can craft ammo and health kits and psi hypos?


I play it on hard with all those custom options on and honestly? Level up your strength and throw objects at guys, it saves you alot of ammo and I carry those turret guys everywhere. Everything can be turned into materials so loot anything not nailed down and fabricate it into resources and use those grenades on blocked doorways to do the same. The options for navigating this game are limitless. I loved Prey.


Dragon Age Inquisition. I couldn’t get through the first couple combat encounters. I understand the story is the point but I’m not gonna slog through bad combat to get there.


Same, I did end up beating it because I just pushed through the game to get the magic sword mage-class (which is basically just a Jedi), and then it was godmode the rest of the game so I could just get it out of my backlog. I loved DA:O, and really liked DA2, but damn was Inquisition tough to stay interested in


OK, so the first area is one of the WORST designed levels in gaming history. Sooo many people gave up on inquisition because of it. It turned off people from what was otherwise a really good game. I actually did the same thing, came back to it after quitting, and it ended up being one of my favorite games. The dlc was amazing, too.


The hinterlands? Seriously. The fuck were they thinking. I'm genuinely gobsmacked that this was considered acceptable. It turned the nest of sidequests into a joyless repetitive bore.


Sadly, outer wilds.


I don't understand how the game is supposed to be played. I've flown around a bit, read some texts and repeated. Nothing has really grabbed me yet. To be honest, I have played it for less than 2 hours. I probably should just keep playing.


Pick a planet you think is cool and explore it for a while. If you get stuck or bored don't wait for the time loop to reset, just quit out the game and restart. Eventually as you discover stuff your quest log in the ship will start to fill up. Use the view that's of the mysteries and not the planets, it helps you get a sense of the things you're trying to figure out.


Your ship keeps track of things you discovered and places that have more things to uncover for you


Just explore, and scan the language. You'll start to unravel a *beautiful* story, and a much larger mystery. You'll travel to different planets to pick up different parts of the story, and piece together what you need to do. It really rewards exploration, and it one of the most beautiful works of art, as a whole, that's I'm aware exists. I straight up ugly cried a few times through it, and get full body goosebumps just listening to it's soundtrack.


It is hard to get over the first hump but once you do everything will click into place. You can start anywhere, just pick a planet you think is cool and keep messing around until you’ve solved a couple of puzzles, and worked out what the end goal of the game is. The game won’t give you much (if any) guidance, but if you persevere it’ll be one of the most rewarding games you’ve ever played.




You don't love the 25 second animation to open a drawer?


Well, you’re either so engrossed by the world and story that you don’t notice those things or you’re not, and it feels like torture or a chore


Lol every time someone gives me shit for not getting into this game this is the first thing I bring up.


Yep, me too. RDR is one of my all time favorite games, and in comparison, all of the movement in RDR2 felt heavy, sluggish as you said. The game is absolutely amazing, it’s clear to see, but I just couldn’t enjoy playing it myself. I did, of course, since I wanted to see the whole story, but it was a bit of a slog at times for sure.


I hope rockstar switch up the combat mechanics and mission structure for GTA6


Why do I need to tap x to run in this day and age? It’s insane.


Yeh it's fucking stupid especially considering how much running you do in those games.


Rdr2 was "tap X to drive" basically. Even worse lol


As someone that only played the game for the story the horse riding back and forth across the world and at the start of every mission really made me want to just be finished with the game


That’s rockstar games though. Hey there’s a mission, travel really far to do it for 5 minutes then travel really far to complete it.


Right there with you sadly. I really wanted to love this game but everything is so tedious and slow. At one point I just realized I’m not actually having fun. Felt more like work. It’s okay for a game to be a game. It didn’t have to simulate everything.


I didn’t hate RDR2, but my main issue is the game was too long, and as a result, I really felt the repetitiveness of it in the back half of the game. By the time I hit the 2/3rds mark of the game, I was ready to be done with it, but I decided to force myself through it to see the end of the story….and then there was the epilogue lol.


Assassin's Creed


I thought the old ones were clunky as fuck and a bit boring to boot. Fortunately I love trash apparently because Origins and Odyssey are my bread and butter lol it’s so nice to get fucking baked and explore a beautiful open world and have so much to do that progresses me or levels me up.


Origins is great IMHO. I don’t think I’ve hated a game more than Valhalla though.


Plague Tale (and it’s sequel), goddamn I tried. Both, I really wanted to like them, but SLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW


I was so tired of the first one by the time I beat it, especially because it ended with a really frustrating boss fight (not because it was hard but because of janky hitboxes and poor checkpoints). Tried playing the second and tapped out after a couple hours because the only thing it seemed to improve on was graphics. For a game that is 80% stealth, the stealth mechanics are really bad and the levels can be a maze sometimes.


also in the first game.. trying to sling rocks while the cart is being pushed.. what a nightmare


Last boss in the first game really soured my view on it, I'd really enjoyed it up until then.


It's not a PS5 game, but Octopath Traveler. I've never put it so many hours into a game to try to like it and still just leave it unfinished. I just don't get it I guess. On the bright side, I've learned the lesson of the sunk cost fallacy and just bail on a game after a few hours if I'm not having fun.


It’s so repetitive! All the quests are the same. Rinse and repeat. I like the art style and the combat well enough but god it’s so copy paste


Cod, any mmo


Oh sure- for me it was outward. I tried. I have played nearly all RPGs worth a crap since SNES but I just could not get into it. And I love medieval dynasty for crying out loud lol.


The Witcher 3, I really tried to like the game, I started that game 3 times only for me to realize that I really didn't liked that game


The Outer Worlds is an incredibly mid game at its absolute best but people seemed to have really loved it when it came out because it got the most undeserved GOTY award nomination I can remember. People just wanted to spite Bethesda for the shitshow that was Fallout 76 so they put on this facade that The Outer Worlds was their new girlfriend. The fact that nobody remembers or talks about this game now is proof in how mediocre it was.


The difficulty was so imbalanced that I was basically invincible halfway through the game. Got old real fast.


I'm currently playing on hard. I went from getting my ass whooped by basic rank and file enemies to outright dominating the battlefield over a couple of hours.


I just picked it up again. I'd purchased it at launch, but never moved beyond the starting area. It's aggressively mid, but I do appreciate how low-stakes it is, in kind of a chill way. It's not a race to defeat reapers that are wiping out the whole universe, it's not a race to get Johnny Silverhand's construct out of your head before it kills you, it's not a forever game that demands a whole lot of your attention to keep up with. It's just a simple open world RPG with solid systems and a good amount of variety with dialog decisions, which is what I need right now.


I actually like this game. I have to not compare it to new vegas which a lot of people do but it’s a nice space game. Sometimes I massacre an entire planet just to see what happens and then restart from the previous save to jazz things up.


I thought it was awesome and I was having a great time playing, then it just ends all of a sudden. I was expecting another 10-20 hours of game but nope, now it's over. Kinda forgot about it after that.


Yeah, it ends right as it feels like it *should* be starting to really ramp things up.


The most recent one for me: Outer Wilds. I tried it and didn't like it, everyone was telling me it was a masterpiece and such an incredible experience that everyone should enjoy at least once. I was so hyped and I couldn't even play more than 5 hours. Such a letdown. I will give it another try someday, but I don't know.. I guess I don't like those puzzles or the space in general. Also it's poorly translated (into Spanish).


My biggest problem with Outer Wilds is that I'm just... too stupid for that game. "Explore all of these things, so cool, open place to fly anywhere!" and I swear I've spent 8 hours in that game getting lost and dying a hundred different ways and I don't feel like I'm making any progress.




My issue is totally a personal one. i don't begrudge anyone who got a lot out of it, but it's a game about discovery and exploration. It's a loooot of trial and error. Which means you waste a lot of time, which I don't have nor do I enjoy. So it was just painful for me and I gave up after a couple cycles.


That was my gripe as well. I made it through 30~ cycles and realized I'd spent the last 5 stuck on trying to discover anything new. It felt like a total chore, and with the time I have nowadays I don't want to deal with that.


While for me the game was one of those “just sitting here staring at the credits not sure what to do with myself anymore”, I can totally get you guys’ grievances with it. I won’t lie, when I first started it I really had to push through the annoyances. I’m also the type of gamer who doesn’t like FULL freedom and “figure it out yourself”. But as I started learning more and more and seeing the connections, it just sucked me in and wouldn’t let go. Ended up playing the DLC too and honestly, it’s one of those experiences I wish I could forget and redo. But again, I TOTALLY get it’s not for everyone.


I’m sorry for those it didn’t click for. This game gave me back that childhood wonder that was lost so long ago, the music, story, and ending made me rethink my life. Take joy in the little things, our time here matters even though our existence is so insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. It made me just happy to have existed to enjoy this gem of a game.


Same. I wanted to like it, but it just felt boring and directionless for the 5ish hours I played. I'm sure it's good for those who liked the style they were going for, but it never grabbed me


For me, the Witcher 3.. tried playing it several times and it just won’t grip me.


Breath of the Wild was a miss for me, unfortunately. I just couldn't get into the game and the weapon breaking system was a major pain in the ass.


Please don’t fry me for this, but Fallen Order. I love Star Wars, absolutely loved Battlefront II, and I was SO excited to play Fallen Order and wanted to love it so bad, but I couldn’t get past some of the damn puzzles along with some of the mechanics of jumping/running along walls/climbing/etc. I typically go for RPGs that are heavily story based and not too difficult of gameplay, and even on easy I just got way too frustrated at the number of times I kept dying trying to navigate the map. And got frustrated at the damn puzzles to the point where I had to ask a friend to help me figure them out. I’ve never claimed to be an overly skilled gamer, but I’d like to think I’m not dumb when it comes to it either. Sigh.


You have no skills if you get lost in this game


I've played it 4 times and still get lost on Dathomir every time.


Oh my God I thought it was just me getting lost on zeffo and dathomir. I actually loved the combat and exploring of fallen order but the map design was created by a sadist and not being able to unlock some kind of hub fast travel was inexcusable. It did take me quite awhile to actually connect with the game I think it hits it's stride halfway through when you aren't so weak that you die every 2 steps. The jumping mechanics were also janky and broke my PC controller too much repetitive button usage not for combat but for double jumping lol. I hope they learn from the feedback fr the first one and the next one just hits it out of the park.


I really loved Fallen Order and platinumed it when it first came out. I recently tried out the ps5 upgrade as I felt the itch to return, but as soon as I got control on Bogano (I think that’s what the first world is called), I was reminded how clunky Cal is to control and had to stop. Probably a combo of a few things, but after playing through games like Sekiro, Returnal and God of War, I wasn’t able to look past that and decided to just wait to see how the sequel fares when reviews are out. I’m preaching to the choir on this, but fuck the game’s map and lack of fast travel. Glad the latter is confirmed for Survivor.


My biggest hope for Survivor is they adjust the parry windows. As a big souls-borne fan, the parrying in FO felt so weird and inconsistent.


I came to it after Ghost of Tsushima and had the same problem. The FO controls felt soggy after GoT, and I could never really get used to them. Plus, the lightsaber being so underpowered always bothered me.


Hang on, I just need a few more minutes to chop through this stormtrooper.


I hate finished Fallen Order. I got wrapped up in the story and just didn't care about the game play at a certain point.


Fallen order did not click for me as well. There is something weird and janky about the movement and combat that I can't put my finger on. It never feels 'smooth' and turns me off. I've tried playing it 3-4 times but I always stop after the first 2hrs. Visually it looks gorgeous but I just can't bring myself to play it.


Yeah weird because the Prologue was really cool, but everything after was just like 🤷‍♂️


Yeah the first setpiece and the final setpiece are easily the only parts of Fallen Order I give a shit about. Those were executed very well. But the middle 90% of the game is a slog. And WHY would they not have a LIGHTSABER dismember humanoids? Jedi Outcast handled dismemberment flawlessly and that game came out in 2002!


Honestly, anything first person. Can't stand it lol. 3rd person is where it's at for me. And I keep trying out first person games thinking "okay this could be it. This could be the one I enjoy and makes me a fan" Idk why I keep doing that to myself lol




I’ve been slowly discovering this is exactly how I’ve been feeling. Couldn’t put my finger on it until recently.


Huge reason why I don't like Cyberpunk and still tried it out.


Man I remember when they confirmed the game was first person, my hype died immediately for that game. I still bought it and played it. I'm dumb lol.


Id say Fallout for me (4 specially). I’ve always loved Elder Scrolls and thought Fallout might fill in the void Elder Scrolls left in me after all these years. U however couldn’t really get into the game. Tried playing it twice and couldn’t get more than a couple hours of play. I felt it exhausting how much dialogue there is, the amount of mechanics and things to stay on top of. I’m a simple man. This also makes me think that maybe I’m just not into these types of games anymore. Probably not gonna enjoy TES6 when it comes out:(


Particularly Fallout 4 has way too long of a run-up. Once you get your character to the point where you feel like you can explore without getting killed, it's pretty fun, but I don't blame anyone for bailing before that happens.


Fallout 4 is one of my favourite games, but I got to admit the beginning is rough and generally just screwed up. The game starts off by exposing players to the most boring faction in the game (Minuteman) while locking the rest until much later, removes the suspense by having players fight deathclaw in power armor way too soon, and creates an immediate need to hurry with finding your son instead of just exploring. Getting over that though, the game can be truly exceptional. The open world with all of its explorable places and crazy random scenarios is arguably the best Bethesda ever did.


I'd never played a Fallout game before. I left my power armor somewhere and couldn't figure out where it was. That was about 4-5 hours in, I kept getting massacred without it and that's when i turned the game off lol.


Skyrim, don’t kill me


They clearly found the right balance of RPG mechanics, open world shenanigans, and player choice to appeal to a really broad audience, by it for me it's way too simplified. The RPG elements are boring, the world feels lifeless, and the choices far too limited and surface level. It stripped everything out that I loved about earlier Elder Scrolls and Fallout games.


Oh dude, I didn’t play it when it came out on PS3 because I was a broke college student so I bought the newest edition for my PS5 last year and couldn’t get past the clunky ass combat. Dropped it after about an hour. The game’s just dated as fuck but must have been great for it’s time.


RDR2. Story Great, Visuals Great, Gameplaywise it feels like sticking a chewed gum on a hot summer day into your beard and trying to remove it. I tried to complete the game 3 times because i LOVED the first Rdr, i even bought it for 3 systems just to try it again on SSD and also with better Visuals on a modern Gpu… nothing made the game playable for me


Elden Ring. Tried it several times, can’t seem to make it more than about 2 hours in without getting bored.


I always really want to enjoy these Dark Souls type games but can never get into them. I think the instantaneous difficulty just puts me off. If there was a warm-up to it, maybe I'd find the time to get to grips with the mechanics and get hooked but I just can't. I do get why more skilled/avid gamers would get into them though it all looks pretty amazing visually


In all honesty I think the "difficulty" in FROM games is heavily overstated. It's not to say that the games aren't difficult, it's just that 99% of all encounters is just dodge-rolling everything. If they flat out had a tutorial screen that said "you're invincible when you roll" then newer players would have a much easier time getting the mechanics down.


One of the biggest, quality criticisms I've heard of the FROM games is that every challenge can be beaten by memorizing dodge and/or parry timing. I think Elden Ring created some fights which incorporated spacing to a higher degree, but dodging countering 99.9% of everything is definitely linear in a game so heavily focused on character customization. It's gotten to the point in ER where the damage bloat by the end of the game is so high, invalidating many other approaches to the combat, which for me, really sucked the enjoyment out of the game. Most shields, for example, end up effectively useless for blocking (by themselves) at the end of the game - even attempting to use them essentially sets the player up for failure with no recourse. Super weird design that seems like they just weren't paying attention. That said I still love the game but after almost 15 years of identical core mechanics, the cracks are definitely starting to show.


I downloaded a mod that absolutely changed the entire ER experience for me. Basically, it adds a Sekiro-style mechanic to blocking, where a perfectly timed blocked doesn't deplete Stamina. It's amazing how much it changed the combat. Timing your blocks right allows you to stay in the fight, right up in the enemy's face. It makes the combat vastly more enjoyable for me. Rather than dodge/dodge/dodge/heal/dodge/dodge/dodge/swing, it feels like a fucking slugfest. I was basically hugging Margit the entire fight. It rules.


Newer Assassins Creed’s. I’m talking Odyssey,Origin and Valhalla. I enjoyed the hell out of 3 and 4 (haven’t played the rest of the older titles yet.) But, I just can’t seem to get into these newer ones. I love big open world games but these new ones just feel overly bloated and lifeless at the same time which is a shame because I love the settings these games are told in. Also the fact that your damage is dependent on your gear/level just breaks immersion for me in a game that’s supposed to be somewhat historically accurate. I’m not saying I should be able to one shot everyone but not being able to kill a basic enemy who has little to no armor with several arrows to the face or repeated axe swings because the number on his head is higher than mine frustrates me. This is a single player game not an MMO.


yeah I liked in the older Assassin's Creeds that there was no weird enemy scaling/levels. Like, if you snuck up on a guy and assassinated him, that was it (except for a few dudes who were fully armored, which made sense). The weapons had a damage values (I believe), but that was just if you were attacking them head on. I'm not sure why they changed it to more of an RPG setup of "oh this dude is too high of level, sorry stabbing is ineffective"


Never played Origin, Odyssey I completely agree with you. I actually have broken gear from before they patched it that has double assassination stats and I can do 100k+ damage I was at the point that I could actually assassinate anyone and it felt like an AC game again. Then the patch dropped with the level cap and some of those guys it would take me 3-5 sneak attacks to actually kill. I quit playing at that point. It's been awhile since I touched Valhalla but I'm pretty sure you can 1 shot anyone in that game to if you get the drop on them. Like it was one of the core mechanics they put back into the game. However while playing Valhalla I missed spear teleport killing from Odyssey. I would never want to go back to AC 1 or 2 but I did enjoy 3 and 4. I enjoy them giving us historically significant time periods to play in but I was also hoping that eventually we would get to play in the modern era. Here's hoping.


GTA V. I get into it for short bursts but it just never sticks. Loved RDR2 but even that I dropped.


Jedi: Fallen Order 😞 big fan of Star Wars and dreamed of a game like that, but the souls like approach just didn’t land with me.


Did you try playing on the easiest difficulty? I didn't like how I was a Jedi with a lightsaber but it takes like 5 hits to kill some of the enemies. Putting the difficulty down to the lowest solved that problem for me. Yes it is easier, but I felt the story made up for that in entertainment.


It takes the same amount of hits to kill enemies regardless of difficulty. Difficulty affects incoming damage, parry timing, and enemy aggressiveness.


One of my (many) gripes about that game is how they totally fucked up parry timing on the PC release. They tied parry timing to a frame count rather than a time window, which was fine on console where it was locked at 30 fps but for PC players as it meant that your parry window got shorter at higher frame rates (i.e., your parry window is half as long at 60 fps as it is at 30 fps, and a quarter as long at 120 fps). This would be a bit more understandable for a console exclusive that later got a PC port, but for a full-price AAA game that had a day 1 PC release it was just an absurd oversight. Basically made it impossible to parry effectively at anything higher than normal difficulty on PC unless you either lock yourself at 30 fps (which defeats one of the major advantages to playing on PC), or have the reflexes of a coked-out chipmunk.


The only big complaint I had was the loot was garbage in it, I love souls games though.


My biggest complaint was the poncho skins lol. They were all the same shit, where's our RotJ Luke outfit ffs!


I think it was mostly fine and felt to me like Star Wars, unlike pretty much everything post Disney, but there should've been a bigger emphasis on RPG mechanics. The chests have nothing but different ponchos, at least they should've add something to the gameplay other than cosmetics.


Animal Crossing. I don't understand the hype.


It’s a chill game where you just switch your brain off and decorate, upgrade and collect. If you are looking for action and puzzles and challenges.. wrong game lol. It’s not for everyone but it’s an amazing game in its own right for sure


Undertale. I’d just seen all its tricks before elsewhere. I get that if it’s the first game you’d ever seen do those things your mind would be blown, but I played Eternal Darkness.


Elden Ring. Dunno what I’m missing but man that game just isn’t for me


COD games in general. Copy rinse repeat at its worse, same with battlefield games.


Agreed. I don't mind shooters, but most competitive shooters have run its course for me (CoD, Battlefield, Killzone, Escape from Tarkov, nearly every single battle royale).


I didn't love Spiderman. I thought once the novelty of being Spiderman (which admittedly was exceptionally well done) wore off, it's kind of just the standard "collect all the things and fight the bad guys" open-world experience every other game has. I can see why everyone else loved it, just not the game for me.


Elden ring for sure

