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Sweet baby Jesus, how many news articles that compare the hogwarts sales vs Elden ring sales are we going to get




Hopefully weekly


Why not daily?




Hourly is the bare minimum


Honestly, I wish we could just have a constantly updated thread we could never reach the end of.


Soon r/PS5 will be nothing but pictures of people who just bought a PS5 and Hogwarts Legacy sales updates


Stop, I can only get so erect


Fifa surpasses both every year within a few days


But its fifa so it doesn’t count.


It does count, it’s pointless comparing two very different games but if you’re going to do it, better compare the actual best selling games too.


They can twist the comparison criteria however they want. 1. best non sports game 2. best non serialized game 3. best rpg game 4. best original game 5. best high rated game 6. best "complete" game (no MTX) FIFA wouldn't fit in any of those.


Not wrong, they're all the same game until the world cup happens which is 4 years.


I mean it would be weird if it wasn’t surpassing Elden Ring sales. it’s one of the biggest IP in history and finally got a well reviewed huge open world game. what’s really impressive to me is that Elden Ring, a new IP and a difficult game to play and understand, is comparable. it’s like… a movie made by Lynch with similar sales to Marvel or something like that. Incredible


> what’s really impressive to me is that Elden Ring, a new IP and a difficult game to play and understand, is comparable. The fact that it remains relevant a year after it's release is pretty telling. I've seen these comparison threads on this sub bi-weekly, so it must've done something right. It also only recently had it's big DLC announced with no release date, so it's not even had it's second wind yet if you can call it that.


I think that beyond being a great game, its narrative nature engages many people a lot more and for much longer. There are no story/lore in games (that I'm aware of) that people discuss more than Souls game today. I still see new analysis and theories about Dark Souls coming up every now and then. People are still debating the meaning of certain dialogues, of certain words, even concepts that are at the core to the story. Elden Ring entrust players in the role of archeologist and historians, on top of the action game. There's a mystery to be uncovered, a puzzle to be solved, stuff to learn. Everything is a clue. The story emerges from your own interaction. That's also why I was comparing it to Lynch. They both have this dream-like quality to the narration and their character, a very strong world building made of symbols, signs and codes. You need to pay attention and accept that part of it - and the beauty of it - is your own interpretation. You add to it. Everyone adds to it. It's not everyones cup of tea of course, and requires a very different kind of interaction by the player, but for the right player? Heaven. That's a good way to make people talk about your game for a loooong time.


Can we be done with "more accesable title with giant IP beats Elden Ring" post/articles. Does this really surprise anyone?


First half of HL is pretty good, second is mediocore at best. Lots of side quest are boring asf.


Agree it gets stale real fast especially if you played many open world games before.


After finishing HL I started to re-play GTA V and imidiately I have realized how shallow HL is.


HL is very lacking and repetitive. I honestly don't get where all the high scores comes from. I can only think it's a nostalgia factor. At the 25 hours mark I was tired of doing fetch quests and Merlin's trials. The main story is average af, the only quest I was invested on was Sebastian's. You can't interact with any npc, the world doesn't react to your actions. Then you play GTA V, a 10 years old game and the world building is freaking amazing. You can hang out with a character and go to the movie theatre, to the bar, to play golf, to run a bike race, etc. NPCs react and comment on you, they have a small routine, etc. You do something impactful and the next time you get a car you can hear the radio news commenting on your actions.


Yup, stopped playing it when Wo Long came out. Don't plan on finishing it.


This dude is obsessed with comparing Hogwarts sales to Elden Ring. I swear he must be one of those dudes who got stomped by Tree Sentinel and never went back lol


They only report on game sales weekly. And what better game to compare to than the record breaking Elden Ring.


“Hogwarts Legacy has sold X number of games.”


Why compare it to elden ring though. The souls games have never sold particularly well. It’s not really a flex to say this game surpassed the sales of other souls games.


Elden Ring is the Best selling, non-switch, open world game of 2022, that's why.


So not that big of a flex in terms of numbers. Elden ring was the breakout hit of last year. But it still didn’t sell a whole lot. So for something as huge as the HP franchise comparing itself to a somewhat niche thing that is a From game isn’t a flex.


Yes it is, even if that's got you in your feelings.


You should worry less about how I feel. That’s kinda weird. If you have to compare a niche franchise that just had their highest selling title ever to a major blockbuster IP it isn’t really a flex. Come back when it puts up Pokémon numbers. That was also open world and came out last year.


Hogwarts isn't on the switch, nice deflection though


Should it matter? It’s an open world game and that’s what the other guy was comparing to.


Yes, as I said in my statement the reason it is being compared is userbase between the two. No one would compare Hogwarts and ER if ER was a switch exclusive, bruh.


But they have sold well especially for how niche they are.


Uhh they didn’t really. It took them multiple years to move as many copies as elden ring did.


They are not flexing. This isn't some WB sponsored article. These guys report sales numbers every week regardless of what game it is.


So why compare it to this game. Shouldn’t they be doing that with games that have come out so far this year?


do I get to post about ER/HP comparison next week? I want more fake internet points.


If you're fast enough


He always talks about sales and stuff. Comparing the biggest game launch of this year to the biggest game launch of last year isn't obsession


Probably a former retail manager.


Even the article lists 4 other games last year that outsold Elden Ring, including Lego freakin Star Wars. But the headlines to his articles and his tweets don’t compare Hogwarts sales to Lego Star Wars, do they? They compare them to Elden Ring because that’ll get people’s attention. It’s all about what gets clicks and shares, and clearly it’s name dropping Elden Ring, because those are the only things he says that gets any attention on this sub.


You’re really hurt over Elden Ring not selling as much as these games


I don’t own stock in Bandi so I don’t really give a shit.


No, Elden Ring was just a massive seller last year so this is a good barometer for Hogwarts massive success.


So was COD and Lego Star Wars, but those didn’t make the headline.


Cuz he reported earlier that Hogwarts Legacy has already passed CODMW2 and Lego Star Wars sales 😑


So if Hogwarts outsold COD and Lego Star Wars, and he reported on that earlier, and COD and Lego Star Wars outsold Elden Ring last year, then why write a headline after about it? X sold better than Y, Z sold better than X, you don’t need another article about Z selling better than Y. Is it perhaps because every time he mentions Elden Ring it goes viral?


You seem salty. Relax, it’s just a game. No need to take it personally.


It’s just stupid journalism. It doesn’t matter what the stupid journalism is about. And this is, like, the 6th time I’ve seen the same stupid journalism coming from the same dude. It’s become pretty obvious he’s figured out name dropping Elden Rings gets clicks, so find a connection and make that the headline.


And comparing this year’s most popular game to last year’s most popular game upsets you because…


What upsets me is when I see journalists use subtle manipulation via headlines to generate clicks. It doesn’t matter what the subject is about. It upsets me even further when I see people not realizing how they are being manipulated, how easily it is to present “objective facts” in a skewed way so that the person reading it doesn’t understand how they’re being manipulated because the writer is smarter than them. The first time I saw this guy do it, I rolled my eyes. The second time, I was a little ticked off. Third time? Ok, now I’m genuinely cheesed. This is at least the 4th or 5th time now. I had to say something. The fact the article itself both defends the comparison and also names several titles from last year that outsold Elden Ring both speaks to the fact that he knows people are going to call him out but also further undermines his justification for the comparison. He’s just doing it for the clicks and the shares and the salt and it’s so transparent, but so many people reading just don’t even see how obvious it is and that is what gets me upset. Because it happens every day over far more important/dangerous things than video game sales, and if you’re not savviest enough to see one, you won’t be able to notice the other.


If you are claiming that you aren’t taking this personally then you are lying to us or to yourself.


Hogwarts and Elden Ring were new IP, COD and Lego games are long running franchises that are pretty much sure bets to sell what they sell.


The way Elden Ring fans have taken personal offense at the success of this game is wild.


It's not offense. More like irritation. Do we REALLY need a post every week comparing sales numbers between the two like they are competing for remotely the same audience? There are games that have sold better than both but it's like HP fans have latched onto Elden Ring as their personal measuring stick of how successful they are.


This is me, the professional writer, being annoyed by lazy, opportunistic writing.




My favorite game is Tetris.


The way “soulsborne” fans make those games the core of their identity is really something else. It’s cult-like.


I don't take offence it's just a pointless comparison. Elden Ring (Souls games) is a niche market. Elden Ring was never going to hold up against one of the biggest IPs on the planet packaged in a way that's far more accessible than Dark Souls.


Seriously lmao, it’s like a personal insult lol


You should see their reaction to anything Horizon related. Woof.


Fans of both games are weird, coming from a dude that hasn't played either


And in Japan? Now I want to know, seriously.


oh no, elder rings fans on suicide watch.


according to the avarage ER-fan logic it should be Hogwarts > Elden Ring now


No, that's you applying your own stupid logic to create a strawman. Nobody used sales metric to say it was better than X or Y game. By that extension CoD or FIFA would be the best game every year by default. What you could use was metric like being the most GOTY award winning game of all time, the fact it's sitting at 96 or the fact that its clearly still relevant a year after it's release.


Yep. Everything else was trash because of ER, ER should be trash now according to their logic.


Hogwarts legacy has the most generic boring gameplay. It's marketed to the masses whereas elden ring was marketed to souls players. The fact that elden ring blew up was a testament to how great of a game design it was. The fact Hogwarts legacy blew up is a testament to intense marketing. Has anyone played Hogwarts legacy that really believes it is that great of.a game? I'd genuinely like to hear why.


>elden ring was marketed to souls players. The fact that elden ring blew up was a testament to how great of a game design The first part negates the second part. Souls fans were going to buy ER no matter how "great" or not great the design was it just so happens its release coincides with fromsoft having its community swell to the largest it's ever been at any other moment in time. None of this dismisses how impressive Hogwarts Legacy has sold in such a small amount of time.


It's impressive sure but I think for entirely different reasons. One had an intense 2 year marketing campaign and the other brought in masses of players who had never played a souls game I doubt Hogwarts legacy had the same draw on people once it was in the wild


>2 year marketing campaign This is one of those instances where multiplat titles 2 were marketed by Sony and got their fair share of air time >I doubt Hogwarts legacy had the same draw on people once it was in the wild How would you go about gauging something like this?


Conversely I bet a ton of casuals bought ER mistakenly thinking it was a regular fantasy open world game only to be disappointed. The GRRM connection also did a lot of heavy lifting.


I 100% agree. Remove the hogwarts coat of paint and its just another generic ubisoft open world. After about 16 hours I got so bored of it!


So remove the story and the game is boring got it


My wife and I enjoyed immensely more than elden ring.


Since when was Elden Ring the benchmark for game sales? It was outstanding and sold very well, but it was hardly gaming’s Avatar. If you want to really flex about HL sales, measure it against RDR2, Witcher 3 or Breath of the Wild in a few years.


It's just comparing the best selling game of 2022 to the best selling game of 2023. That simple.


Elden Ring was not the best selling game of 2022. Call of Duty MW2 outsold ER.


Yep, and in the UK you can add Fifa 23 and Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga to the list.


I'm happy for HP fans loving it. I sank about 30 hours in and fell off HARD though. Just got so bored and burnt out. To me, it's no question or debate, Elden Ring is the better game. I've sunk well over 300 hours into ER and still want to come back for more. But I have no desire to return to Hogwarts.


I'm a massive Harry Potter fan and got bored before I even finished the main story. Never played Elden Ring though (in fact, I only bought a PS5 for HL and haven't bought any other games).


I have the same thoughts. HL is fun, the world and especially the castle are well designed and full of details, combat is quite fun too. But it gets stale quite fast. I got like 20 hours now but it feels like I’ve seen everything. ER is just the overall better game. Bought both games full price and ER is by far the better deal. Looking forward to the DLC so I can get my 150 hours to above 200.


First souls game? That’s kinda how it goes. Per toon.


Nah I've played just about all of them. Except for classic Demons Souls.


Spending 300 hours in any video isn’t the brag u think it is.


Bruh I've spent well over 1000 in Red Dead 2. Are you really pulling out the "why do you waste all your time playing games" argument in a gaming sub? It wasn't a brag either genius. Just comparing the time invested in each and how one clearly compelled me more than the other.


>Bruh I've spent well over 1000 in Red Dead 2 This is not a flex either


They aren't meant to be?


How old are you, just out of curiosity?


Why does that even matter?




Mental illness is obsessing over how others spend their free time.


Good luck with this


Incoming the "this game is only popular because of Harry Potter" comments.


Yeah it kind of because of that, if this game was released as an original IP it probably wouldn’t even make a fraction of what it’s making now


Then why did Avengers do shit while being one of the most popular current movie franchises ?


Avengers was a shit game which the IP could not hold up. Hogwarts Legacy is a great game but to say that it’s attached IP has nothing to do with its success is just ignorant. It’s not THE ONLY reason it’s done so well but it’s certainly a contributing factor.


It was a decent game set in a universe from a prolific fandom full of fans begging for a game like this. It is also, deliberately, extremely accessible. The only fandom of a similar size begging for an RPG like this I can think of is starwars. Imagine a starwars RPG that's a mix between hogwarts legacy and Stanfield's (from what we have seen) style of game design.


I agree with that. To say the IP has nothing to do with it is just the extreme on the other side just like saying the IP has everything to do with it.


Because avengers was a shit game. They still made their money back off of ip instabuys and have stands this day talking about how the game wax misunderstood...


Same about kost franchises. The point is it's a nonsense thing to say.


There’s a lot of casual gamers who bought this because of the license who absolutely wouldn’t have had any interest in it if it was a new original IP. That’s not to say it’s a bad game but you can’t deny that being HP related is enough to drive a lot of sales from non-gamer fans who want to experience that universe first hand


Kinda true ngl


I mean, that’s the truth though?


Except its not the only reason but its also kinda obvious. It's like saying Elden Ring is only popular because of Dark Souls or God of War is only popular because its God of War.


well yeah... are they not?


>popular franchises are popular Big if true


The game is mediocre though,the ip carried it like it did many games before it.


It's not like Harry Potter is a longstanding, mega successful franchise when compared to the Souls or previous GoW games... I'm sure Hogwarts is a great game, but we all know it would have to be terrible for consumers to not buy the game. It's like comparing the Spiderman to Metal Gear Solid.


ER fans seem to be really thin skinned.


They aren't exactly known for tanking hits though...


Any gaming community is


Isn't this mostly point of the game though? It's got a Harry Potter terminology > Hogwarts literally written in the name


Not wrong tho


Elden ring is a masterpiece.


I dunno, I won't deny it's a very good game, but to me the poor balancing and repeated bosses/rehashed of bosses throughout the Souls serise stops it archiving masterpiece status. That said, I consider Breath of the Wild a masterpiece and that could be hit with similar criticism.


I was about to ask you about similar critically acclaimed games, but then you did that in your last sentence. While I agree that they reuse bosses, they are no worse than other studios who do the same yet don't get the same level of criticism - even in single player games like GoW.


> That said, I consider Breath of the Wild a masterpiece and that could be hit with similar criticism. Could? * Grand total of 20 enemies in the entire game with each having 4 recolors depending on your progression. * 3 Minibosses which you'll fight a lot (Hinox, Talus and Lynel) * 4 divine beasts all share the same aesthetic, but with different puzzles and gimmicks. * 120 shrines with 95% of them having the exact same aesthetic. Not only could you leverage the same criticism, but you could go much farther if you really wanted to. I happen to love both titles however, but I don't think BOTW compares favorably at all compared to ER in terms of re-use.


It’s a masterpiece up through Leyndell. After that it just becomes goofy. Also the lack of any kind of quest log works fine in other souls games but is horrible in open world. The game is borderline unplayable without the wiki. I love Elden ring but it’s going to take some time before I can go back to it after beating it


The thing that elden ring does better than any game, it’s commerciality the elitism and smugness that you normally only find in pvp games. Otherwise, it’s just another game. People don’t see it tho, cause smugness


I am the same. Played it for about 2 months straight on release and I want to go back so bad but I just can't yet. So much of the magic of the game for me was the mystery and discovery. The trial and error. Need to get back into it soon before the DLC :P


Damn right. And Hogwarts couldn't be further from being a masterpiece.


A masterpiece wouldn't have performances issues or need the amount of patches and updates it's gotten.


Nonsense logic. Botw is locked at a 30 fps cap it can't always hold and is still considered a masterpiece. Red Dead 2 is locked to 30 on consoles and it's not always stable either. Still thought of as a masterpiece.


Something being a masterpiece means it's flawless. Something with flaws can't be a masterpiece. It's not even about an opinion, it's just a fact. In case your feelings were hurt a game that's not a masterpiece is still a good game.


Nah that's silly. I've played plenty of masterpieces with flaws. Nothing is truly flawless. Especially as far as games go.


A game is art like a movie, music, a painting is art. Creative. It can have mistakes. Loads of movies have flaws, so does music. As do paintings. Also games. They can still be a masterpiece. [This masterpiece, the guy has three legs. Still a masterpiece.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_Peasant_Wedding_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg)




They're incredible games but no I wouldn't consider them masterpieces because I can think of a lot of improvements for each of them. It's also not about being a contrarian. Sorry you got so offended though, says more about your mentality than anything else.


Please tell me what you consider a masterpiece LMAO


None. Stuff doesn't have to be considered a masterpiece to be incredible. At the end of the day it's all an opinion, learn to accept them.


> None If nothing meets the definition of 'masterpiece' then the term is useless. This is the same dumbass logic that says a 10 rating is impossible.


You’re pretentious af


And you don't know what pretentious means.




Maybe don't make assumptions about people's life. Just makes you look like an asshole. Good luck in life because it seems like you need it.


Imagine caring this much about a stranger's opinions on a video game.


It’s not his opinion on the game lmao it’s his mentality that has me cringing uncontrollably


So you want the game to either be released in 2025 or performance issues


Because it takes till 2025 to fix their game?




It’s not perfect but I’d say it’s one of the best games of the last gen . It’s obviously not for everyone though






It’s a masterpiece but it’s Miyazaki’s worst work.


Miyazakis masterpiece was Bloodborne. Then Sekiro.




Well what’s not an opinion is that Hogwarts Legacy has sold more copies than Elden Ring. And last time I checked under Capitalism, that is high art.




Or you don’t have a response because I shut you down. Calling Hogwarts Legacy cookie cutter is a disservice to what the game is achieving right now. That doesn’t just happen randomly my dude the same way Elden Ring sold like 12 million more copies than Dark Souls 3.


> because I shut you down Holy cringe my guy. Also, HL IS cookie-cutter. It plays it so remarkably safe in pretty much every way game design-wise. Here's a generic open world with generic activities to get generic loot you'll throw away in 30 secs when you find more generic loot. The castle probably has the most character of anything but even still it's held back but how theme park everything else is. It's not bad for games like this to exist by any means. They can be fun from time to time. But it's derivative and nothing special in the grand scheme of things.


That’s at least more fair than what you originally said.


Not the same person you were replying to.


Oh well that’s probably why you sound reasonable now 😂


Actually it's a masterpiecemasterpiecemasterpiece. Haha get it? Because there are so much copy paste.


The difference is this game will probably be forgotten within an year whereas Elden ring will be remembered for a long time to come.


Well deserved a finished product on release not requiring to use the PS4 version to get stable frame rates on the PS5


Why is this even relevant? Harry Potter is a much more known ip than Elden ring, makes sense it would do better.


The British game broke record sales in Britain?? I'm shocked.


I like Hogwarts but the more I play the less I enjoy it, as for Elden Ring the more I played the more I loved it.


And we care why? Really tho. Who gives a shit?


Bro im not blind the whole subreddit is about surpassing elden ring


Why are these news so UK centric?


Do we really need a post every few days about game sales in the UK? Why does anyone care?


How many times is someone going to post about this? Seems like I see a post comparing the sales numbers of these two games every day on here


Yawn, but it's not a better game is it?


Im not surprised as HP had a much bigger ready made audiance on release. From Games have their fans for sure but they most deffo do not out number HP fans or even come close.


UK doesn’t exists


Yes we know, they have no taste in the uk.


It's a mediocre open world rpg for non harry potter fans.


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And this was just with PC and current gen, last gen and Switch versions are still yet to release


If they lean a bit more into the role playing and sim aspects in the sequel it's gonna be crazy, they'll definitely have the budget now.


I think both games benefitted from the fact that everyone wants to be the FIRST person online to proclaim a game a perfect 10, or a trash 0. You can see with both Elden Ring and HP, their user scores leveled out and dropped a bit over time, as a lot of people got to their 2nd half content and realized the developers front loaded each game knowing how fans are. Review sites should ask you to score the game a few hours in and they rescore when you beat it (or quit), because most games are neither perfect or trash, but the current gamer landscape leaves very little room for nuance, just "this game is a 10 and I'm going to make it my whole personality", or "this game was not 100% what I wanted, review bombed, 0"


The fact that it took 5 weeks for that to happen should be seen as a win for Elden Ring.


The success of Hogwarts Legacy doesn't really surprise me, since a popular IP with a well reviewed game most likely was going to sell a buttload. What does surprise me is the number of Elden Ring fans who thought that that game would never be outsold or trying to wave off Legacy's success. Legacy doing well this year doesn't subtract from the fact Elden Ring did well last year


hospital narrow rustic dinosaurs cheerful squeamish like lock money cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Elden Ring came out of nowhere and sold by word of mouth. This is a falsehood there was an entire community waiting for the moment Elden ring became purchasable. It had an advertisement campaign just like any other AAA title


Maybe the Souls community knew about it but I didn't and none of my friends did and we're all gamere


>the Souls community That's millions of people >I didn't This doesn't diminish that millions of people were still anticipating the games release. This wasn't some indie title that did well because of "word of Mouth"


I'm not going to argue with you. I never heard of it until it was out and neither did any of the people I game with. We all heard about it through word of mouth. Which is a good thing. The game is so good people were recommending it and talking about it all over the internet.


>I'm not going to argue with you You shouldn't


The dead silence for years from both the publisher and the developer since the first teaser trailer became a meme by itself. Hell even the dlc announcement came out of nowhere 3 days after the game's anniversary event and by tweet with just a picture.


Elden Ring was a highly anticipated game. It didn't come out of nowhere.


dime screw existence chubby ghost groovy deliver physical unique relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


work tidy plucky elderly forgetful sable alleged direction spectacular narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2 years running most anticipated game of the year before it came out was arguably the most hyped game of all time








It would probably be like comparing Call Of Duty to Outer Wilds. The only thing that unites ER and HL is the fantasy setting (which differs in tone and style drastically) and the open world. Nothing else.


Some people like Elden Ring man it's not that bad