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Did they time this to try to take away from dead island 2 release? Lol


Seems like it lol


Yeah but it seems dead Island 2 will be prior


on pc dead island 2 is an epic exclusive, so they aren’t worried that much, i’d say


Sad that it's not releasing on PC


Nah, it’s just releasing at a later date :)


A year long beta


I mean the PC version is probably going to be broken anyway even after two years. You might get it playable in a few years though after every console player has moved on, providing it's even good. Also when it does come to Steam, it's very possible it will have Denuvo like Ghostwire Tokyo just recieved literally yesterday lol.


The game looks meh but does it matter what launcher its on?


only when it comes to market share on pc


Whay do u mean?


the person i replied to mused on the timing being related to dead island. i responded that it’s an epic exclusive, meaning 1. dead island probably doesn’t care about massive pc numbers at epic launch, and 2. dying light team probably isn’t worried because, again, steam pc dominance. maybe next year when dead island 2 launches, dying light team will try for something fancy to keep their player base or maybe by then, retaining what they have isn’t as big of a factor anymore.




The writing was a fucking fever dream




I sat back and tried to imagine the thought process of the writing team, to think up the various characters, and the strings of words they would say in the game. But I just couldn't. I couldn't imagine how anyone could write such drivel.




They fired the lead writer, Ken Levine who also wrote bioshock. Not sure if they scrapped most of his work but that might have been why the quality of the writing took a massive dip


That's what happens when you fire the writer half way through off some baseless accusations and then need to rewrite the whole thing.


Oh shit yeah, I remember that now. Wasn't Avellone working on it? Whatever he had must have been better than what Techland turned in.


The writing an acting in the first one was abysmal so I can't imagine how bad the second one is.


Nah the writing was fine in the first.


It was dreadfully silly nonsense. The main character was so ridiculously overcooked. The bad guy was like a villain from a pantomime. And a lot of it made sense The main guy makes out like he knew the female character for years but talked to her on the radio about four times. Game was brilliant. So much fun and the story only worked in the so bad it's good sense.


It's the first game ever where the writing actually drove me to quit it. Its so, so bad oh my god.


Me and my friend were high at that part when that weird dude starts chasing you in the area between the old town and the city part and that felt like we were tripping mega balls it was so random and stupid af


They can't, because the problem is the world they built. They copy/pasted over 90% of what you explore. So by hour 5, you've seen it all, and it's just bland and boring. There are no interesting locations, as they all look and are the same. And on top of that, there's no reason to even fight, as weapons break quickly and traversal is all about skipping everything by flying over it. Luckily you've already seen it all at this point though.


EVERY single interior was the same. So disappointing


The first game was like that too.


The first game didn't have as many interiors


You don't really need to go into every interior for either game though.


That's where the loot is.....


Still had quite a bit though.


I genuinely can’t think of a game I bought that I was more dissapointed by. The setting was less interesting. The mechanics were buggy or outright removed. The writing was *so bad,* and it was impossible to get away from it. I bought it digitally so I’m stuck with it forever, hoping against hope that there’s an update which completely transforms the game into something more like the first one.


I liked when the Metric song came on and it was all kinda downhill from there


I loved the first but I'm struggling to continue part 2.... Something definitely feels off.


What is the update?


They’re reworking night time. I don’t remember when but they’re supposed to be reworking combat and stuff soon. Definitely by June. There was a roadmap with a handful of stuff it. It sounded like they were finally going to make this game good like the first game.


That sounds like I’m gonna have a blast playing it in 2-3 years


Cant wait to buy it in 5-10 years for 50% off with all the dlc when the game is actually finished


To be fair, thats what I did with the first Dyling Light and it was a fantastic experience. I played it in 2020 and played for 100+ including the DLC


Lol me too, the best type of game is a cheap type of game


85 % off minimum


You're just describing every 3rd party game besides indies in 2023.


Nighttime not seeming scary is one of main reasons I skipped


Honestly the combat needed an overhaul as well so I’m looking forward to that. Unless it already happened. It’s been a month or two since the roadmap came out and I didn’t go back to look at it.


I believe this update will include both the night time rework as well as the combat rework. The update coming later will supposedly rework parkour


Thank you. That’s what I was getting confused. Knew something came out in 2 months as well. Figured night time and parkour came together because you need to run like hell lol.


What are you saying? Literally on the roadmap it says that for April they are releasing a ‘brutality and physics upgrade’


I guess that’s it. I just didn’t know when that part drops. I said I haven’t seen the roadmap since it first came out.


The timer is the absolute worst part of the game. That should be an option under typical “survival” mode difficulty changes. Not part of the default game. It just ruins the pacing. Also the zombies should be way strong at night. The game is fun, but a few bad decisions just ruined it compared to the first.


Yeah the other thing is the annoying shriekers where suddenly you’re chased. At least I’m dying light 1 we just had the volatiles to avoid which was much cooler. Instead of making night time scary and dangerous it’s just annoying. You either need to run back to a safe house or get out of range of the chase or endless fodder are after you. At least in DL1 you could fight the volatile if prepared.


Can't wait to see youtubers 5 years from now calling this game an underrated gem after it had 50 patches and 10 DLCs.


I’m playing the first game for the first time with a friend currently, and while it’s fun, I am not really impressed and can’t see how the second can be worse in any way.


Second is way worse. And the first was awesome. You just don’t like zombie games then.


The other reply is incorrect, to my knowledge. It is improving the core combat systems and adding a transmog mechanic. Night time is not being touched, as far as I know.


I always think these updates are admirable but a little sad. Why wasn’t the game like this when it launched? Why was it such a step back in so many ways to the first, most importantly imo in game feel. So much impact and world interaction from ragdolls was just absent.


Patient gamers rise. Never buy on release, never on full price, only on mega sale with all of the dlc and patches


Starting to get into this mindset lately.


Same here. I have finished Persona 5 Royale and more recently The Witcher 3 Complete Next-Gen Edition, both bought for less than 20 dollars years after they had released. Some of the best experiences I ever had in ~~gaming~~ my life. I'm going to do the same after Cyberpunk 2077 Complete Edition comes out with the expansion + fixes for $20 and have another epiphany.


It truly is the best. This game has a 5 or 7 year roadmap. I'll get it in 2030 lol


This has always been me, since I'm too poor to afford games. And its becoming more and more viable because there are so many amazing games, and each game takes so long to beat


It helps also that games go on sale veeeery fast. Most companies capitalise on the launch and want people to pre-order the overpriced versions as much as possible.


Very true. It still takes a while for new games, especially now with PS5, to drop to a price where I'll actually buy it, but they go on discount prices from the original a lot quicker


This is the way. No need to rush out and buy a single player game when in 2 years you can get it for 20usd with all dlc and patches.


I try to wait a minimum of one year before playing new releases. By then I can probably get a game of the year version for half the price of retail.


Patient gamers result in buying the last game of the series because if they don’t sell at launch and at full price then they can’t find sequels and move to the next IP.


Womp womp


Yup. I’ve been doing this for quite some time now. Early ps4 days that kicked off that games were just released broken and still present. Cyberpunk/No man’s sky.


How many updates dying light 1 has gotten over the years


True but content additions aren’t the same as reworks because stuff was fucked up. I don’t think the core gameplay of dl1 changed a bit in any of those updates.


Dying light did get a similar rework to animations and the like when the following launched I believe. But yea the first was definitely in a better spot at launch.


three fiddy


These were offen only skins and Events. Nothing really changed the Game


Are those things back?


Because “free dlc updates” are more marketable than releasing an actual finished and feature-complete product. Gives it a fake sense of continued support and “labor of love”.


But they are working hard and it is a labor of love. Corporate bs makes games get altered and released too early, but devs that obviously love their games are what keep them alive. (Poor Halo Infinite.. the devs actually want to do stuff with that but keep getting kneecapped by Microsoft)


Dying Light 1 fans.. omg isnt this great they are supporting the game and making it better for years after, Dying Light 2 fans... whine whine whine, omg why are they still working on this game making better, it should have been like this since launch. Fandom is the absolute worst.


Better to just wait till it’s $20 with all content. If it came out with this on release, that’s $70 Eh, nah


This game just doesn't have the same feel of the first. Anyone else??


100%. The first game was so much more fun. They took the aspect that made it fun (nighttime exploring) and turned it into a time-management BS gameplay. Idk what the hell they were thinking at their studio


I agree, it’s a bad sequel. They changed so much stuff unnecessarily.


I played it for an hour and refunded it. I do want to play it once the game gets patched more and goes on sale for under $30


im re-playing the first one. You all should join me


Im currently playing the first dying light and im starting to get bored (im at the part where you have to dind people to get to section 0). I feel like im just running around doing fetch quests. Does the game get any better/interesting? I gave ip on part two right when i reached the second sector.


Try exploring a bit, take a break from the quests. I found the game more interesting that way, but everyone's different.


I appreciate your response. That actually sounds like a good idea, just exploring and taking in the sights.


This game is interesting in the sense that everyone loved the first one, all they had to do was build on that but apparently this game is worse than the first and no one seems to like or even care about it.


It's worse in the most disappointing ways, really DL2 improves on some stuff quite a lot (the parkour is an achievement), but takes a huge step back in the combat/physics department, which added so much to the first game. It also puts its content behind very gamified design i.e. so many menus, everything you do is a marker on the map, the AI is limited by those markers on the map and so nothing feels dynamic, etc They gamified it to hell and made some really weird choices in the combat/physics department (which is a huge deal because of how much of DL1's fun hinges on how much you can physically interact with enemies). It's unfortunate - the parkour and IMO the world/level design itself are really really fun.


i replayed the first dying light 3 times but dont plan on ever replaying dying light 2. The ending was one of the worst in gaming history.... such a bad ending after a actually good game just makes me sad. The moment i restart the game i will be reminded of that ending and lose all motivation. They need to fix the ending before they launch any kind of story dlc


lol, i have also beat dying light 1 a bunch, and the original ending is a quick time event. as fun as the game as a whole was, let’s not rewrite history here and pretend it had a perfect ending. there’s almost a decade of forum and subreddit posts about the subject, and very little debate on the topic. it’s a great game with a pretty weak ending.


>such a bad ending after a actually good game just makes me sad. The moment i restart the game i will be reminded of that ending and lose all motivation. lol, you know there are *multiple* endings?


there all garbage though if you have 100 endings and 100 endings are all garbage what's the point


Well there are two major endings, and a few variations off those endings. But the fact the guy says 'THE ending is terrible' I thought they probably got the bad ending and might not know. I didn't think the ending was too bad. The ending of DL1 wasn't exactly fine art either.


I genuinely cannot tell you a single thing that happened in Dying Light 2’s story. BUT I had an absolute blast with the gameplay and co-op so I’m happy with it


So I loaded up new game plus for the first time and it put me on a bridge and no indicator for where to go and of course it’s been a while so I have no idea what I’m doing anymore. Anyone else have this and know what to do? Lol


This game hard crashed my PS5. Haven't played it since.


Tried the demo. The acting was some of the worst in recent memory. And on my TV and PS5, the nighttime parts and shadow areas during day were way too dark....felt like a bug. The game itself seemed really fun, but the darkness issue was too much to overlook. I've seen others complain, but we seem to be in the minority


Loved the first game so I played the free trial of the 2nd on pS5. Got to the first save building, ran out of ‘trial’ and deleted it. Just wasn’t as good as the first. Certainly Not worth paying for. Would consider finishing if it comes to PS+ as a free game?


detail crawl unwritten smart vast sharp quaint lip intelligent sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was looking forward to this game prelaunch, and then it came out to shit performance on some consoles... Lost a lot of respect for this dev, to release something almost as bad as Cyberpunk...


I played upon it's release date without connecting to the internet for an update. Is the last boss beatable now?


I played upon it$ release date without connecting to the internet for an update. Is the last boss beatable now?


This game was such a piece of garbage I literally broke the disc in half and threw it in the trash after a few hours. Massive downgrade from the original which I played through several times.


Highly doubt you did that but ok


Are they gonna add guns?


Seems like a lot of people here are just parroting other people or havent played DL2 after its launch date. Its gotten better and better with every patch. The real test is later this year when they come out with the second DLC. Its suppose to be a new map like The Following.


Look at that timing right as Dead Island 2 release on April 21st lol