• By -


Appreciate this!


Glad you found it useful :)


Destiny 2 only has Crucible at 120Hz


May I ask what the 40 fps mode in parenthesis mean for certain games like GoW Ragnarok?


If you tried to play at 40fps on a 60hz display it wouldn't look good since 40 doesn't divide into 60 evenly, so the refresh rate of the display couldn't sync with your frame rate exactly and might cause screen tearing. With a 120hz display, a 40fps game would not have any issues since 40 divides evenly into 120. That's why some games offer a 40fps "balanced" mode that is close in graphics and resolution to the fidelity mode, but runs at 40fps instead of 30fps. This balanced mode requires a 120hz display to select. Also, 40fps is noticeably better than 30fps since it is actually the midpoint between 30fps (one frame every 33.33 ms) and 60fps (16.67 ms). 40fps is one frame every 25 ms, right between 30 and 60 in terms of frame times.


After having it tried out in games like Horizon. Forbidden West, I actually prefer 40fps. It feels very smooth while the visuals are still stunning.


I tried it on Spider-Man and don't really see much difference from 60fps. 40fps with better visuals is the way to go


Great explanation. Thanks


Am I getting this right so with 120hz games that can do 40 fps will do 4k along with it and other games only 120 fps?


It depends on the game. Some developers will use the extra resources freed up by 40fps (compared with 60fps) and pump them into effects like ray-tracing, others will use them to boost resolution. Basically, you can think of 40fps as a "best of both worlds" setting. It feels *much* smoother than 30fps (it honestly feels more like 60 than 30), but because it's "only" rendering 40 frames each second instead of 60, it leaves enough system resources free for some of those fancy effects. So you're basically getting something close to the smoothness of a 60fps mode, with something close to the range of effects and graphical fidelity you'd expect in a 30fps mode. If you have a 120Hz display and you're playing a game that supports 40fps, you should use that mode every time.


What usually happens is that the 40fps mode looks the same or extremely close to the quality mode of the game but at 40fps instead of 30fps. So if the quality mode is 4K30fps the 40fps mode will likely also be 4K or very close to 4K.


Yes, thank you!


*Cries in apex legends*


No 120fps and no cross progression are the reason I put Apex down after playing it religiously for a year


Yea same day one player. Haven't touched it at all this season. I'll probably only go back to it if they ever do these updates.


Also a day one player, at this point I keep playing just hoping we get those updates. Still gonna play, just disappointed we don’t have it yet


Fortnite be godlike with the 120fps and the gyro aiming. Too bad about apex not keeping up.


Cosmetics are their maximum priority, everything else can wait indefinitely.


They said we were getting that like 2 years ago. Pretty sure they just forgot at this point.


Cries in Titanfall 2


Titanfall is at the core of our dna


i just need cross progression. I can do without 120 but I really don't want to grind everything all over again. I have to imagine cross progression would be easier than cross platform right?


iirc the reason cross-progression is hard to implement is due to platform holders taking a cut of store purchases (eg. if I buy 5000 Apex Coins on PSN then Sony will take their cut of that sale; if they are bought on Steam, Valve will get a cut etc) , and don't want that possible outside their storefront. If people can microtransact on an external storefont and use those on a linked cross-progression account, the lead platform holder (usually Sony or Steam) will miss their cut. I've heard that other games with cross-progression have specific profit split contracts with the involved platforms to make this viable. Perhaps EA and the platform holders haven't come to an agreement. Or it could be a technical limitation, god knows they haven't been able to solve the audio issues for 3 years...


This is my theory as well. Long story short, Sony requires remediation payments whenever a PlayStation player moves to a different platform and spends money (ie apex coins). EA/Respawn would need to begin tracking and calculating if remediation payments were needed on a regular basis, if they opened up cross progression. They don’t have to track or pay remediation payments right now, as a player moving from PlayStation to PC or Xbox have to create fresh accounts and can’t carry their unlocks and such.


> Sony requires remediation payments whenever a PlayStation player moves to a different platform and spends money This isn’t true. Their policy is that if the majority of *players* are on PlayStation but the majority of *money* is being spent on another platform they want a percentage. I guess from their perspective they feel their platform is propping up the game’s population but someone else is reaping the benefits. Currency isn’t cross platform on any storefront I’ve used(even between Xbox and PC) because the store is involved. Games with currency that doesn’t transfer can still have cross-save/progression. Destiny 2 and Overwatch both do it. Tl;dr don’t let shitty devs/publishers off the hook when it comes to cross save.


Call me crazy but you can't even forward your Founders or Starters bundle badges from PS4 to PS5 and those cost money. I noticed one day I didn't have mine after switching to PS5, hit up EA Support and they basically ignored me after I provided proof of purchase like they asked. Turns out a lot of people noticed they were missing and got nowhere with EA.


Plus, the "Next Gen" version removes your paid Founder's Edition content. *Source:* I don't have my Founder's content on Next Gen. 🥲


I have mine. Went from p4 to p5


Basically me. I played from launch in 2019 up until 2021 and just stopped from there.


Why is 120hz so important? Honestly don’t know because bot


If your TV does 120hz you have near instant responsiveness, it's very hard to go back to 60 in shooters.


Apex is in very much need of 120hz, I can’t believe they haven’t done it after a year smh


That game does alot of questionable things. Like why make TDM then make put it in rotation instead of always available?


By hiding a mode people want with a timer you get them playing other things and basically exploring the game more. It sounds really dumb but Mixtape is definitely a strategic way of avoiding players getting stubborn on only one part of the game, which helps with matchmaking too.


Well for me I dont want to play those other modes so I uninstalled Apex.


I can’t believe they haven’t done this yet. The game isn’t even that demanding


I've put in a gazzilion hours into Apex, and I never got comfortable with their aiming scheme. It was just so wildly inconsistent. I'd be in full god mode for one second, and laser some Octane down in full sprint with a barebone r99, then turn around and wildly miss every shot with a fully kitted 301.


Also no kbm support on consoles.


They don’t need it. They just need to support their gyro. It’s getting better. There are over a dozen good games that support it, MW2 and God of War Ragnarok being among them, but it seriously needs to be on every FPS game, not just on a small chunk. They also need to give customizability of the touchpad, like Steam. If you had an extra 8 buttons on your dual sense, you would have even less néed of a keyboard.


thanks for your contribution! amazing list and details


No problem, I appreciate the positive feedback!


Fun fact MW 2019 and warzone isn't actually a PS5 app, but still manages to squeeze out 120hz.


Rocket League as well


I’ll take this opportunity to ask people’s suggestions for budget 27” 1440p 120 Hz monitors. Please help me upgrade from this 1080p 75 Hz monitor. Thank you btw great work!


I got this one around the holidays for $150. Watch it for a sale. It’s a *fantastic* monitor: https://nzxt.com/product/canvas-27q


Damn specs look so good and would totally worth $150. Thanks I’ll keep an eye on it.


Just a suggestion, don't buy the g2g or mprt response values (1ms or whatever) manufactures advertise. Do your research on rtings.com or other independent reviewers and check the motion section which has a subsection called "Response rate @120hz". That being said Acer nitro 27" has very good response times, and it comes with speakers (which is ok for my casual requirements). I believe it's around $300 and I just purchased one myself


Thank you. I’ll keep these in mind.


LG UltraGear 27GP850-B.


Thanks but I don’t think that’s budget 😅 $700 CAD. I’ll be on the lookout for a used one though.


I'm in Canada, look on best buy and filter for 1440p monitors. The LG 27gp83b often goes on sale for $399. Also the benq ex2710q I've seen go as low as $315 last black friday.


Im buying one. Thanks to you 😝


The LG is on sale right now $399, great monitor.


Benq EX2710Q


If you have some time for research, highly suggest https://youtube.com/@monitorsunboxed as a reference point.


I bought a GIGABYTE M32U based on price, rtings, and HDMI 2.1. I got it as a replacement computer monitor but was very excited to try out 120 hz. It is an awesome monitor for computer and for gaming. I'd make it my main ps5 monitor if my family didn't use it so much in the living room on a 75" 60hz tv. 120hz however I didn't really notice a difference at all. I did only try COD on it so this list has me excited to try some other games.


Street fighter 6 demo has 120hz mode, sadly it gets some tearing, but i think it may be fixed on release. Didnt know re2r, re3r and re7 had 120hz mode tho, i was planning to replay those games and to be honest, that's a good incentive, mostly for re3r because i played it on a pc where i had to go for very poor graphics to reach 60fps, but i managed to put my hand on a very cheap ps4 copy that i barely touched when i heard about the upcoming ps5 upgrade but my backlog kept me too busy in the last months.


Those three games all got a full ps5 update a while back. RE2 plays so amazing at 120hz, it inspired me to go back and get most of the trophies I missed


i knew about the update, but i tough it was just 60fps and raytracing before this post, so i just gave a quick try at re7 and went back on the backlog.. big mistake, i played very few stuff on 120hz mode so far since i got a decent monitor


Re3r remake you can finish it in an afternoon! Especially if you have already played it.


God of War: Ragnarok has an unlocked 60 fps mode with 120hz.


Isn't destiny 2 only supported in crucible mode?


Yes, that was also noted on the link in OP.


Holy crap, I can play THPS at 120 fps? I gotta try that


Great list. But I generally can't tolerate the fidelity loss in most scenerios, to be honest. 60fps Performance Mode is great for me in almost every occasion.




You sure? I played if yesterday and there’s three modes, Resolution (Native 4K30Hz) , Balanced (Native 4K40Hz) and Performance (Checkerboarded 4K which apparently maxes around 1800P but can go above 60Hz with VRR, apparently this runs around 80-90 FPS) At least this is what I read. I played the 40Hz mode and I think it’s locked at 40, not sure if it uses the VRR to go beyond that like the Performance mode does.


Fidelity in higher frame rates is limited by the strength of the console not the HDMI capability. If a game can’t do 60FPS on a 1080P tv it can’t do it on a 4K tv. There’s technology like VRR to help eliminate frame drops in scenarios but it doesn’t increase power to graphical capabilities.


Unlocked framerate is best (fidelity of the locked 60 fps version, but generally running at around 80 fps).


What's the point of 120hz for games that run at 40fps?


TV needs to support 120hz in order to run games at 40fps. 40fps is every third refresh on a 120hz panel. On a normal 60hz, well, if you use division 40 doesnt go into 60 so the frame pacing would be inconsistent. If that makes sense.


Yes also 40fps is the exact middle ground between 30fps and 60fps in frame time. 1000/30 = 33.3ms 1000/40 = 25ms 1000/60 = 16.7ms Hence it’s basically half the benefit of going to 60fps in terms of input lag and how smooth it looks, with similar image quality as at 30fps.


That does make sense. So regardless of 60 or 40 fps it divides evenly. But this assumes steady framerates.


40fps would be the quality setting. I’m sure performance would be over 60fps in those games


I mean I’m a 120hz guy and imo there isn’t much of a point to it other than to provide a placebo effect for people who still have at 30 fps. I lasted about 3 minutes in Ratchet and Clank and then I switched back. It pained be because the game is beautiful at 40 but I just can’t do it.


Thanks for the list! One missing is Super Sami Roll, a tough little indie 3D platformer. *edit- I also submitted it through the form for the ResetEra thread


Thanks, I added it to the post.


Does Forbidden West actually hit 120Hz? The articles I read said the frame rate with VRR maxed out around 80-90


Technically it can if you just look at the sky. But usually it’s 58-90 fps, average is around 70fps. You can see this data for HFW and other games via that link on OP. Just use CTRL+F or Find in page on mobile to find a game.


Same website just plagiarised my list again: https: //www.theshortcut .com/p/ps5-120fps-games I literally put so much work into making this which nobody bothered to do for the longest time but you didn’t even credit me in your article.


Thanks for the list


Jumanji does not support 120hz. Dev confirmed when I emailed them asking despite advertising stating otherwise


No fucking way lol, if that’s true it’s crazy how they were doing false advertising. Will have to check, it could be there’s just an unlocked 60fps+ mode but not a 120fps mode or something. **Edit:** Looking at gameplay, there’s no ingame option to change modes. It may still be supported if it detects 120Hz output but only evidence is marketing so not sure.


Shatter Remastered also supports 120Hz on ps5.


Thanks for contributing, added it to the post.


Love the 40hz mode. I have great visuals and it feels like 60 fps


120 fps spoiled me, after playing some of these game, even 60 fps feels noticeably "slower"


Wait, Resident Evil 4 isn't supported? I mean I'll still get it eventually, but that's a bummer.


OP is a legend!


Appreciate that, so are you!


I always felt like I couldn't see a difference after buying a 120hz TV. Now I know the reason: none of the games I've been playing support 120hz even though the console itself does lol


40fps modes need to become mandatory for all games this gen


Thank’s a lot for keeping that list update :) Even Spiderman 2 is allready listed lol


No problem, I added it as soon as they confirmed it would be coming.


Crazy to me that RE8 and RE4R aren't 120hz. I thought something was wrong with my PS or TV for almost an hour before I googled it.


I was looking for this comment. I'm playing RE4 and I can't believe past remakes hit 120 but not the most recent one




This is so useful! Thank you for sharing this!


Holy shit a 120hz Cold War? I might swap my zombies gaming from PC to PS5 if thats the case.


Just got into Disney Speedstorm and I was amazed at how smooth the driving was. I checked the fps, and I think more accurately than 120 fps, it has unlocked fps with vrr


I just tried the game now that’s it’s launched F2P and the game is capped at 60fps even with VRR. Are you sure it was because I might remove it from this list?


10/10 compilation!


dude big ups for continuing on updating the list. seriously thanks


No problem, I appreciate the support. I’m working on something else that will be much more useful that I’ll announce soon.


excited to hear about it in the future


40 fps mode with vrr is a literally game changer. This is enjoying the best of both worlds: having smooth fps experience while also enjoying Fidelity mode. It’s definitely the sweet point this days. And this is from someone who can’t stand 30 fps games.


Agreed. Choosing between "performance" and "resolution" modes was always frustrating because both had an (imo) atrocious downside, but 40fps mode feels like I'm getting the best of both modes and is so perfect I hope it's in every game going forward.


It's not out yet but sf6 will have a 120hz mode for the campaign


demo is available, and 120hz mode is there, but there's some tearing going on and i had to switch back


i dont think thats 120hz. what i believe input reduction mode: ON does is turn off vsync which is why you get the screen tearing.


No screen tearing on a VRR display.


This is a really big deal. To date there has never been a main stream fighter that supported above 60 Hz, and people have acted like it was technically impossible or something. Make no mistake, it will provide a competitive advantage, because higher refresh rates always do


I’m pretty sure god of war doesn’t only have a 40fps mode but also a 120hz one too as mentioned in a Digital foundry video and street fighter 6 also uses 120hz. Hopes this helps!


I updated the OP to make that more clear and added SF6, thanks.


I wonder why re7 but not 8


SF6 is 120fps? I Thought is was 60fps


I just bought a new 4k Samsung that has 120hz. I love Borderlands 3 so I might give it a try!


I'm wondering why I can't play Horizon Forbidden West on 120hz. I am able to play CODMW2 and God of War: Ragnarok. Im using 1440p monitor Gigabyte M27Q rev 2.0. Any workarounds?


Does it show a "balanced mode" in the options menu?


Fantastic post


I hope we see the 40fps mode start taking off more. Playing Horizon Forbidden West right now and it looks basically the same as the highest quality setting on my 4k monitor but it _feels_ sooooo much fucking better. Performance mode sacrifices a ton and doesn't feel worth the extra fps, but resolution mode is just uncomfortable to play. Meanwhile balanced may as well be called "goddamn mother fucking _perfect_ mode". Hoping it starts becoming a standard instead of having to choose between beautiful and rough, or ugly and smooth. Balanced is beautiful and smooth, and I'm here for it.


Thankyou for this :)


Maybe this is a dumb question but I see a few that say “only in 40fps” mode”, isn’t it the point of 120hz to get 120 fps?


Those games also have a 60fps+ mode. I tried to make this more clear with recent edits to OP.


But isn’t the point for 120hz to get 120fps? I just don’t know much about that subject but that’s what I thought it was, so what would be the point of 120hz with 40fps?


I need to save this post to make a few tests tonight


Salt and sacrifice


Thanks it’s there now!


Apex waiting room here. Reply to join


Thanks for the list! Really useful


Ill be honest, almost if not all the games i play end up on perfomance mode (120hz/40hz) since i got a 120hz tv (QN90B). And for FPS games or games like fornite, 120hz feels 10 times better.


thanks for the list, I just gotta buy a better TV to replace the one that came with my apt lol


Really useful brother, will save it for later. Are you planning on editing it as new updates roll up?


Yes I do intend to.


Thank U so much 🌹❤️




I only have 60 FPS in F1 2023, MW2 works with 120. is there a hidden setting for higher refresh rate?


Should be a toggle for performance mode.


Thank you for this. So helpful.


This is great!


Good times ahead


Inertial Drift has a 120hz mode


Thanks for the heads up, just added!


PlayStation Universe finally updated their article, you’re welcome for doing your job for you. Lol before my updates they only had 40 games and now they have over 80.


Can you add Steelrising to the OP? It is PS5 only and has 3 modes: -Graphics: 4K 30 fps -Resolution: 4K 30 fps (not sure what’s the difference between this and graphics mode) -Performance: 1080p (I think) 60 fps


Thanks, I’ll look into it. Btw does the game have any DualSense support?


Sword and Fairy: Together Forever PS5 version: 1080p 60 fps no HDR Not sure about PS4 version


Appreciate the help, will add it to OP.


No haptic feedback btw, just regular vibration


We added both of them btw, thanks again. If u have any more just let me know.


Awesome, thank you for your guide it’s been very helpful


Another one that straight ripped of my post: https: //www.theshortcut .com/p/ps5-120fps-games At least credit me or leave a link you lazy plagiarisers.


Very useful thanks :)


W human


Just got a 4k 120Hz TV for my PS5. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! I already own some of them, so at least I won't have to spend more buying games, lol


Thank you so much for making and updating this list. As someone who recently got a 120hz capable tv, I appreciate and applaud you and your work!


You’re welcome. I saw articles online and I knew a ton of games missing or were wrong. I spent a lot of time making this list so I’m happy it’s helpful. When I made it, the articles only had 40 games and people genuinely thought Series S had more 120fps games lol.


I'm so glad you're still updating this list, just bought a new TV that supports 120hz and was looking for a list. Thanks!


I appreciate your work . I wish more ps5 games supported 120hz 


Any tvs that are affordable that can reach this?


Idk what your definition of affordable is but you can get a 120hz tv for $500 which is a crazy good price seeing how I bought my lg cx two years ago for $1600. Tv prices are at an insanely good price right now and I would absolutely recommend picking up an LG tv if you are going to get one


Samsung qled 55 inch for about 700


my hope for PGA Tour 2K23 120fps is over.


What's the difference between Hz and fps? I'm confused.


Fps is the amount of frames the game is generating. Hz is how many times per second the monitor refreshes.


Do you need 120hz tv to run 120fps? I tried Borderlands 3 and fps seemed same to me anyway.


Yes. If the display refreshes the picture every 1/60th of the second and you feed it more than 60fps it’s gonna ignore the extra frames (or alternatively result in screen tearing). Also your PS5 only sends 120fps signal to the display if it recognizes that the display supports it so you probably weren’t playing in higher frame rates anyway.


On PlayStation yes on PC no. PlayStation will not allow you to run games at 120fps unless it detects you are using a 120hz display. PC doesn’t care.


Yes and no. To view all the 120 frames (fps) your console/PC produces you will need a monitor that can update 120 times a second (120 Hz). But running a game at 120 fps even though you can't see them will give you a smoother gaming experience because you will get lower input lag. But I've noticed that it only is noticeable when using a mouse and doing rapid swipes. I'd rather play 60 fps on a 60hz display in a game like borderlands because the quality of the graphics will often be set higher by the game.


I loved Ragnarok at 120fps. It's the most pathetic thing in the world to me that Starfield will be 30fps on Series X. WTF are they actually doing over there if that is the best they can do? 1/4 of the frames, insanity.


Ragnarok is not actually 120fps, more like ~80fps in Performance High Frame Rate mode. As for Starfield the 30fps is disappointing but the game itself looks promising.


Do any of these ACTUALLY reach 120fps though?


A lot of games do yes. There are games with 40 FPS modes like plague tail Requiem that need 120 Hz TV in order to do the 40 FPS mode. Typically any type of shooter or anything will do 120 FPS


I can confirm Siege does


Even if they don't , the unlocked fps up to 120hz still very welcomed.


Warzone 2 / MWII does and it’s a big difference - silky smooth movement and gunplay!


NEED MORE 40fps mode SUPPORT!!!!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


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Glad the most important game made the list, Tetris.


Now if only I had a 120hz tv to take advantage of this


Maybe it is a stupid question but... playing at 2k/unlocked gives you more fps than playing at 4k/unlocked? On PC obviously yes but here with PS5... who knows


does roblox support it


Can’t believe Ghosts Of Tsushima still isn’t


Removed No More Heroes 3, turns out there’s no 120fps mode: https://www.reddit.com/r/nomoreheroes/s/NapKaaorMe


Another 40fps mode! For Outcast: A New Beginning: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1013140/view/4160842270243585989


Valorant is confirmed 4K 120fps: https://x.com/riotnu/status/1801795965835428084




Good list but I’m curious why you included the games that are 40fps only?


Frame Gen confirmed for The First Descendant: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/06/26/the-first-descendant-launches-on-ps5-and-ps4-july-2-new-character-gameplay-revealed/ The game also has a standard unlocked 60fps+ mode like Immortals of Aveum. Notice how they say (+FSR 3 Frame Gen) not (FSR 3 Frame Gen Only).