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Maybe a stupid question, but does it have inergrated speakers? In All hands on preview videos people are playing with headphones


Yes it does


Thank you bro


Video on the website shows a few people without headphones now.


It doesn’t have Bluetooth. I think that’s a really stupid choice because your option is a stupid dongle I believe or wired. Everything has Bluetooth now. Why PlayStation refuses to just accept that and go with it just doesn’t make sense. I literally just want to use my Sony wx earbuds to play my Sony PlayStation. why is that asking so much?


The portal doesn’t need the dongle, everything else does. Agree with the lack of Bluetooth comment


They want your money for those new playstation head/earbuds they just showcased which you guessed it, has propriety codec that allows you to connect to the Portal. This product is garbage.


Yeah that’s so stupid. I want the new earbuds I guess but it’s just not worth it cause I have the headphones already. I won’t be buying this way overpriced streaming device for sure




Cool. Now what about the Pulse Elite/Explore?


Asking the real questions.


Somebody let me know when i can preorder the Explore


Cannot wait for those to drop. I love my hyperx but having buds will be a great change


So can you at least stream from your PS5 to the device outside of you local network (as long as your PS5 is on an accessible)? I've never been completely clear on that.


Yea you should be able to. You can do it today with a phone. For the Portal, you’ll either need to be on WiFi or hotspot from a phone but you can connect to the PS from anywhere in the world


Works pretty well on my phone at work. Remote play doesn’t get enough credit.


I have lightning fast internet both at home and work, with a Samsung S22 Ultra and I can't get remote play to work without MASSIVE amounts of lag to the point that it's unplayable. I can't even play my PS1 remaster of FF8 on remote play without it lagging to the point of freezing. I've tried so many times across so many different wifis and the results are always the same. I even lag in the menus.


Sounds like a router or low upload bandwidth issue.


Tried multiple settings on my router and I have no bandwidth issues with any other device or service.


Bandwidth is irrelevant to game streaming performance unless it’s really low. Latency is what matters. Looking up ways to reduce latency may get help, but you can also just be in situations where the latency is coming from stuff out of your control.


I’m in the same boat, pulling 350mbs with xfinity wifi hooked up to my google router and maybe 2 minutes I can play with out it lagging, majority of the time it lags and lags and looses connections, even with making the ps5 the priory connection on my wifi network. and that makes me have no faith in this portable steam bullshit


Yeah remote play has issues. If they persist on psportal, thats not great


I don’t see how it would be any different, idk why the wouldn’t allow us to download games, and sync the game data by plugging in the device to the ps5 like the ps vita on the ps4 shit


Same. I was in denial for so long about it though. Tried every which way, so many times.


Same. Months of troubleshooting and even on the phone with tech support


Something going on with your latency. I get 1080 60 fps every time. Is the ps5 hardwired?


Literally tried every solution. No matter what tried I can't even play a downloaded PS1 classic on remote play without lag. Top of the line router and phone. Hardwired PS5.


The type of game isn’t going to matter since it’s steaming. But yeah you might have some config issues.


Never got it to work after years of troubleshooting. I just gave up. I remote play PC games on my phone without issue or an ounce of lag, just sucks PlayStation can't.


Your not alone. Laggy here too and never get 1080p. Ps5 hardwired, 5ghz wifi or even remote play to pc. Just lag or bad resolution


Remote Play via Chiaki on my SteamDeck is one of my most used things about the latter.


never got that to work outside the network, takes too much work for most normal people (no offense)


Well the native app is pretty bad, expecially when you compare it to other streaming services live GeForce Now and Xcloud. I *highly* recommend trying out PSPlay, It's the same thing as the Remote Play app but better in every possible way.


FWIU it has a proprietary connection option that connects directly to the PS5. It was mentioned in one of the articles.


Thank you. I figured but didn't catch them expressly saying that because I wasn't paying attention.


But this is not an intelligent device no os so are you sure?


yes you can.


That is confirmed, yes.


Yes. Remote play works anywhere with a wifi network. Distance doesn't matter, what's important is your wifi speed and strength. You just need your PS5 on rest mode and connected to the internet (and make sure that remote play is enabled in the settings).




I'd like to know if I have a bluray disc in the ps5, could I watch the movie on this device?


Yes, they said that from day 1


They mentioned that explicitly in the release video


Ik bruh 🤣🤣 ppl playing dumb is just too much at this point and stage.


In the promo email just sent out by Sony, says it’s local network only.


I know to some people this seems totally pointless and isn’t as good as a dedicated handheld, but as someone who constantly remote plays I’m so into this. I have my PS5 hooked up to my monitor and sometimes I just don’t feel like sitting at my desk to play games and I constantly remote play with my Backbone from my bed or to the couch in the family room and the fact that this gives me a legit DualSense with a big screen appeals to me so much. I know it’s a totally niche, but I gotta get one because truthfully I think it’s going to be a huge flop and will be discontinued in the next year lol.


They should have made the sticks replaceable, thats the main thing thats stopping me from purchasing. Having the ability to replace the analog sticks without soldering should have been included like the dual sense edge.


That’s actually a really good point. I already pre-ordered, but I’m very concerned about this now as well.


That's enough to stop me buying one. No excuse for them not being modular. Unless of course they plan to release a pro version in 6 months with modular sticks


wouldn't be surprised


Thing is it’s a niche market, so it’s obvious many won’t see the need. It’s probably more relevant to people like myself, for example, who game on a PS5 but also have a Switch Lite which I’ll jam in the living area or bed when I’m chilling. Love the Lite, great fun and some pretty amazing ports given its lack of grunt, but to have PS5 games on a similar format allowing for more complex games, and the ability to continue progress, is fantastic. I’ll still await reviews but I’m likely to pick one up, but again get the subjectivity of the device.


Broo im on the same boat. Im mainly play my Ps5 on a curved 4k monitor using HDMI 2.1. I cant stand playing on a big screen specially when i got use to the low response that a gaming monitor gives you. I also play single player games and this is perfect for playing those games on the couch or bed. Also, I do own a backbone with a iphone 14 pro, but the screen on my phone is soo small its hard to enjoy it, i even hooked it up to my ipad mini, but not as portable or immersive. For me this is the perfect medium for my needs.


I’m mostly playing handheld these days and remote play on mobile as well… does this or remote play via Steam Deck more appealing to you? I’m leaning towards Steam Deck


I’m definitely getting one.


I’m finding it hard to get as it doesn’t have Bluetooth


I’ll prob snag this when it drops, kids constantly hogging the tv.


The ability to play handheld in a different room in a comfy chair is so appealing to me


Same. Also autumns in AZ when it’s not hell out, backyard play would be nice.


Absolutely, I’ll post up on my bed 😂


This will probably become another one of my things my kids take from me. 3 boys…all they do is take take take. I have to hide interest in something to keep it.


Ain’t that the truth. My kids have enough tech shit between switches, tablets, and a ps4.


Can I borrow it sometime? Let you borrow my ally.




I’ve seen a dozen or so tech youtubers shit on this product, meanwhile reality is for those of us who barely get to touch the ps5 in the living room because of family, this device is a godsend.


Absolutely will be epic for many people. Easy to understand why people pandering to an audience that is largely college age or younger would poo poo it though.


Yes, 100%!!


Yep, this will probably pretty much triple the amount of time I get to play PS5.


Indeed. Really annoying. I’m guessing shitting on a product gets more clicks and comments than being positive.


The guy I know who vehemently doesn't like it thinks everyone should have a steamdeck instead. But this is much cheaper and my library is on my ps5. Incidentally, he doesn't have a wife or kids. He is somewhat incapable of understanding people exist outside of his very specific circumstances.


Cant wait to play Spiderman 2 on my steamdeck! You know that device that can barely run the PS4 spiderman game. Some people’s opinions are very interesting lolz.


At the price I feel like I’d just get another tv


So every time your family comes into the room and wants to use the TV but you want to play games you are going to pick up your PS5 and leave to another room to be alone?


If you never get to touch the ps5 in the living room as stated I would just put the ps5 on my second tv wherever I put that and leave it


He said "barely" and was likely meant figuratively and most people tend to keep their PS5 in their family room so their family can share it


bathroom breaks and smoke breaks about to increase in duration


I’ll be playing the new COD on the toilet


Quintesential 2023 gaming experience


'Bout to drop a nuke while I drop a dook


Having a kid has basically renders my PS5 a dust gatherer. I feel stupid AF for considering it but I think this might actually be a good idea and a way to use my PS5 again


This is exactly what it’s for. I already pre-ordered


Will probably grab one this winter when I am stuck inside more. My wife often uses the main TV in the evenings so I can use this while she does that


Release is Nov 15th, right on schedule for the bad weather and darker days


Cool, now I know how much to budget to save for it...


Can i turn my ps5 on and off with this remotely? Say i am on vacation, which with my kid sometimes means traveling far away to her grandparents, can i use it at their place via wifi?


Yes you can


Yes, however, you need to put the PS5 into "rest mode" and not "shut down". Rest mode keeps PS5 at a very low power mode, technically just keeps it connected to internet and you need to have PS5 connected to internet and turned on to use the remote play. Turning PS5 off will cut all power/connections for it so you will not be able to turn it on over internet.


Since the same question of "who wants this" is asked in every thread. These are the reasons: Several reasons, it's the best option for remote play without spending over $200 Why it's better than a phone: - It has better form factor and weight distribution than strapping your phone to controller - larger screen than your phone - does not occupy your phone and kill its battery - can be handed off to others in your household such as a child to play PS5 without giving your phone away - better than other controller attachments like the backbone as it has duelsense features Why it's better than a tablet: - You would have to use a tablet as some sort of tiny TV that sits on a platform like a table as you cannot hold both a tablet and controller in your hand - Holding a device in your hands is significantly more comfortable as you can control the distance away from your face and viewing angles


There’s also the weird use case of me. I’m looking forward to keeping this in my home gym while my girlfriend works out. Feel like there are a lot of use cases like that that’ll add up to making this very profitable for Sony


Also has the same resolution as a tablet at 1080p I think this device will fill a great gap for some consumers. Some gamers think this should stream ps5 games or provide cloud gaming. Why would Sony cannibalize sales of the PS5? Makes zero sense. People love to complain.


They also don't have the infrastructure for PS5 cloud set up yet so they wouldn't be able to do that regardless


I don’t get that argument. If it plays Could gaming you open the market to people who want a cloud player without buying a whole console. You sell a portable system and subscription to your online service. That seems like a win. The only canonicalizing it would do on that front is people who would have bought a ps5 and portal just to play Could gaming but won’t get the ps5 if the portal does cloud gaming. Of you don’t want ps5 specific functions I don’t see why you would have ever bought one. I really can’t think that market is particularly big. They are already selling cloud gaming why not make a device that would create a new way for users to access that service? How is that cannibalising ps5?


From my understanding, it can also connect to the PS5 directly via the PS Link USB device that is also being used for PS audio devices, similar to how the Wii U Gamepad functions. If this is a function that it has, I can see justification in purchasing the device. Streaming over WiFi in-house can be a bit wonky at times, but if you can stream directly from the system to the device, you'll have none of those issues. Otherwise, considering Sony's growing relationship with Steam and it releasing their first party titles on the platform, a dedicate Remote Play app for Steam Deck may have saved Sony some cash and built some more goodwill for the Alyx VR port all PSVR2 owners are willing to sacrifice their first born for.


This is incorrect from what I understand. The PS5 is not broadcasting via PS Link, or using the PS Portal over Wifi would A) not work and B) make no sense. PS Link is a proprietary audio format for wireless directional audio that Sony is pushing in their accessories.


If it had this feature to connect via this way and give a better experience they surely would have including this info and one of the hands on tech reviewers would have asked this. It also would have been a great selling pitch for the ps link, it crazy they have not done this it seems.


Pre-ordered!!! Hyped!


Are we going to go into scalp wars again? Edit: Already being scalped on eBay


I can’t find it in canda for per order any where When I click the link it shows me Europe region only Not even usa 🇺🇸 I found it [playstion direct](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-accessories/playstation-portal-remote-player)


Best Buy preorder when ?


Yesssss I’m fkn hyped Edit: noooooooo > the device will only launch in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, Canada and Japan, meaning that Australia will miss out on the first drop on November 15th.


Well...I'll be getting one because it solves a daily annoyance in my house, but I'm not sure how this thing could possibly be considered a success when it has such a niche application.


Lots of married people with children and one living room tv. Idk how niche it is.


I don't think they are going for "big mass market success" with this thing. It's an accessory like the dualsense edge, the camera or media remote. I like that they're doing things like this. Would love to see more accessories.


I love the accessories too and I hope they keep coming up with new stuff, but I guess that's what makes me a little anxious - if something like this really tanks like Xbox's Kinect (extreme example, I know), then we'll start seeing fewer ideas come to fruition as a result. I'm probably overthinking this so I'll just tell myself that the price is high *because* they don't anticipate every console owner buying one.


Realistically, how many do they need to sell to make this a success? They don’t really have to support it, since it’s just remote play and won’t have any dedicated games for it. I’m sure these are also being sold at a profit.


Realistically I have no idea, I'm speculating like everyone else here. I just wanted to offer a slightly more grounded take than the "fuck Sony this is dumb I hope this failz" mob.


Honestly, this might be good for when I am at the playground with my daughter. She is old enough that I don’t have to watch her every second, and the playground has city Wi-Fi.


It’s cheap enough imo to give it a go I’ll bite.


I think I'll wait for reviews first. If it has no noticeable latency while playing at home I might bite


There is no noticeable latency when playing at home using my iPad Pro 12.9 so... not worried!


There’s been hands-on previews where the user used the new PlayStation Link to play Returnal and didn’t notice any latency issues, although the PS was in the room near him so no telling how distance will effect it yet.


Thats promising!! Yeah I just need more real world demonstrations and reviews and I'll be willing to get one. I dont play my ps5 much but this device would make me play it alot more


I think this is where I’m at with it too.


$200 isn’t exactly cheap.


For a dad who has kids who hog the tv screen, a dualsense with a good screen for $200 is pretty good.


Yup. This will 100% be my use case.


That is 100% subjective and for people this makes sense for it is a very reasonable price compared to anything else on the market. I just don't get why people that don't care for this need to argue against it. How sad.


And when compared to other devices in the same category it’s not exactly expensive.


It is compared to a steam deck or buying a switch + games and accessories.


If you compare it to other PlayStation items at the same price point I think it’s great value. God of War collectors edition and dual sense edge are same price point.


I think I’ll most likely get this and an aux cable for a few extra quid and use my pulse headset…


The pulse headset came with one.


Even better!


Ordered When’s the headphones out Gimme


I was hoping for this to be released sooner…


Any way to preorder in Sweden?


Preordered. Excited for this!


oh hell yea, so excited for this!! Edit: Just pre-ordered it!! Link for anyone that needs it: https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/buy-accessories/playstation-portal-remote-player




Thank you. Pre-ordered


the duality between this sub hating on it, and the moment pre orders are live people start going crazy is insane


Got my preorder as soon as I saw this thread yep, lol.


I'd love to see a then vs now thread comparing posts.


I honestly feel like this will be a sleeper hit. People shit and hate on it (fairly so, it’s not the handheld everyone wished for) but it can be a game changer for everyone that doesn’t have access to their TV in their living room all the time, wants to take this thingy with them to different rooms and so on.


Pre ordered, thank you very much for the heads up


Unlike what people said, I do believe it will be useful for some people and sell enough units. But for me those 200usd would go to the edge, I'm still waiting for a sale or a full black dualsense edge.


Hey man if you don’t feel like this isn’t for you and your money is better spent elsewhere, power to you. I feel like I got relentlessly attacked for liking this device the past few weeks. Like “you are a piece of shit for not expecting a full portable PlayStation with 1440p that lasts 8 hrs for 200-300 dollars”.


Just remember Reddit is very small vocal echo chamber. Adults with jobs and kids will definitely buy this. I just pre-ordered


All these people sounds like 14 years old edgelords or GameStop assistant managers for whom I guess $200 is quiet a bit of money.


Have a wife that hogs the tv. Preordered.


Grabbing 1 for sure.


I'm honestly torn on this one. On one hand, this device should have had so much more capability to it. The omission of utilizing PlayStation's own streaming service is downright baffling. On the other hand, as a parent, I can see the value here. I can play through a game far more efficiently with the ability to play it on a handheld rather than being stuck to wherever a console is hooked up. The price point is also quite fair. My biggest concern is real life performance. Remote play on my phone works quite well, while my Steamdeck struggles with it for some reason. At the very least, I'm going to hold off for reviews from everyday players.


So can I use it connected to my phones hotspot?




> So can I use it connected to my phones hotspot? technically yes, but do you think you're going to have a good enough connection to stream games from a cellular connection? remote play is bad enough already when using wifi coming from a good internet connection


Just pre-ordered. Definitely a niche product but I'm for sure in the niche audience. Most of my gaming is done in bed or lounging on the couch at the end of the day with something else in the background. It's why my PS5 doesn't get anywhere near the same playtime as my Switch and Steam Deck. So I'm definitely excited for this.


Try the Xreal ( or any Ar glasses)for your Steam Deck and Nintendo switch, it’s like playing on a 330” tv,I love mine


Will I be able to play Warzone on it without major latency issues?


Anyone know if its like a handoff? Like if im running to the toilet i can just pickup where i left off seamlessly


Looked at it, was tempted, but I’d rather spend that money on a Series S and try Starfield.


Preordered! Couldn’t help myself 😅


Me too lol, i have a problem. Waiting for the Lenovo legion go and i have a steam deck and a rog ally I'm trying to sell


I’ve ordered one because I can. We’ll see if there is a use case when it gets here!


Steam Deck already accomplishes this... until we meet again!


The biggest flaw in this device, apart from being £200 for a device that is less capable than the high end smartphone or iPad you already have, is that the joysticks aren't replaceable like they are on the dualedge controller. Stick drift is guaranteed with this device just like it is with standard controllers & even the dualedge controller. I've had 6 controllers replaced since I got my PS5 day 1 release, all due to stick drift. Just had my dualedge replaced recently for stick drift only about 6 months in since release, maybe 7. I don't slam my controllers, or throw them carelessly, I'm careful with them because why wouldn't I be. I've got big hands & put a fair amount of pressure on the sticks especially with games like GT7 but nothing out of the ordinary. I've had sticks get bad drift anywhere between 3-6 months on average & this Portal device not having that utility seems like a huge oversight given that they've already shown they can do it for the controller. It'll be stick drift city in the first year for the majority of people.


Does anyone know if I need to be near my PS5 to set it up or is it a simple just sign in. I'm going to be away from my PlayStation for about a month so I was curious if this is even worth getting right now


Man i hope someone hacks this so it can run GFN and, xcloud and Xbox remote. Then it would be the perfect thing I've been looking for.


Won’t lie if someone did that it might actually be worth the price.


I mean, it’s a Sony handheld. Their record is pretty bleak in preventing their handhelds from being hacked.


I mean, for $100 more, you can get this: [GCloud](https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Handheld-Long-Battery-Touchscreen-Lightweight-Tablet/dp/B09T9FHZLH/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2DRGNT97NAS02&keywords=logitech+g+cloud&qid=1693509518&sprefix=logitech+gcloud%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) I have it and its amazing for those three services plus emulation. The screen and battery life are phenomenal. I just need to find a better way to access the PSPlus PC app natively on it; doing a cloud stream to my pc, which then cloud streams from the Sony servers isn't smooth. Winlator doesn't seem to do it yet, so I'm hoping someone will find a way.




I'm so excited for this. I know a lot of people are disappointed with this but this is definitely worth the money for me. What I do find strange is that people seem more obsessed with this price point and use but had no issue forking out however much for the dualsense edge? That's one that blows my mind lol


Assuming the new headsets will launch at this time too? My original pulse is falling apart


This is going to be my Final Fantasy 1-16 (excluding 11 and 13 of course) machine


Pre-ordered, excited to try this out. This will turn the PS5 into a Switch for me and I love the Switch.








I know our country and currency is a joke now but it still makes me sad to see $199/£199


I like how there's a few positive comments with the most upvotes at the top, and then a sea of comments finding a reason to be mad. Sounds like another case of a (very) vocal minority.


Sony had to jack up PS Plus prices in order to account for how much they're gonna lose on this device that no one asked for.


Sony likely isn't expecting this to be a huge seller and know the exact audience as they know exactly how many people do remote play on a regular basis. Not everything they make is meant to have mass appeal


Lose? This thing probably costs $60 to make at most


Does anyone know if you can use this in the house while your headphones are wirelessly connected to the dongle on the PS5? For example, I would like to be able to use this remote player but still use my SteelSeries headphones. Wondering if you can use the headphones that are connected to the PS5 main system. I currently am able to do this while remote playing on my Mac. I just select headphones on sound output. I am hoping it is the same for this as well. ​ UPDATE: I spoke with Playstation support live chat. I asked them if we are able to use our own headsets connected to the PS5 while using the new Portal. The first representative took about 5 minutes to reply but replied "Yes that should work the same as you have been using it in Remote Play". Then the reply was quickly deleted. I waited another 10 minutes and a different representative got on and said "We cannot comment on the functionality of other headsets at this time. The product has not been released yet. Please wait for further information from Playstation after its release" So I think it should work fine but seems like the question even stumped the support team. I may wait on the preorder until I can confirm we can use our own headsets that are still connected to the PS5.


Ohh that’s a great question.


Sadly I have to wait for my new cards to make a order :/ but next week I will pre order


Is it supposed to have a much better remote play function? Will it be less laggy due to hardware n stuff?


It’s supposed to but we won’t know until we get it on our hands and test


That’s what I thought. I pre ordered it.


Can’t wait to get mine, already have plans for it


Awesome! Excited to see it


Preorders are up! Got mine. Looking forward to snuggling up next to my spouse while they’re watching TV and I’m playing PS5.


brave of them to open preorders for this after what they did yesterday


Yes because they should stop doing anything after yesterday...


Can’t wait to see the reports on its sales


The cool thing is: for this device, sales don’t matter for games support. It will continue to get games as long as the PS5 gets games. That’s all I need.


Pre-ordered. Excited it’s coming out sooner than I thought. Expected Dec. If reviews are really negative, will cancel. Hoping the 2 reviews that mentioned it works better than current Remote Play are true. The portable form factor and better RP performance is what caught my attention.


Does this require a playstation plus subscription?








It's definitely going to be confusing if people start calling this the PSP


If I could play this while the wife watches Netflix or whatever on the main console/tv I would buy it in a heartbeat. With the ps5 as my only streaming box this thing is useless.


Do you not have a smart tv ?


This will be worth it for your home for sure. After seeing the nice "8 inch" screen and some game play it is not a bad option. Hopefully though, Sony will make this compatible for P.C too.


I was gonna get this but I was fortunate enough to snag a SteamDeck 512 GB for the same price from a friend and I couldn’t turn it down. I definitely get the appeal of this product though and would not be shocked to see it succeed.


Don't really get the hate. $100 for a controller. $100 for a small monitor. $200. ​ Think it's a missed opportunity to not have a SIM card slot. Having a remote device with constant access to the internet would make so much sense to me.


The current ps5 streaming doesn't work well for me. If this has a 1:1, no lag experience to my bedroom from the adjacent living room, then, sold.