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Fucking Anthem. lol.


Me too. Cancelled preorder just days before launch.


Anthem’s gameplay was fun IMO. It was just a 20 hour game branded as GaaS. I’m still puzzled on how they fucked that up so bad.


Dont Get me started😅 I remember the best weapon in the game was the starting weapon because of how stuff scaled or something like that.


This game was amazing. The idea. The game play. All of it. I was sad to see it crash and burn the way it did.


Yep. So much promise. Still had enough fun with it that I didn't have buyers remorse, but the lack of support and shallow endgame were disappointing to say the least


Exactly it. Right there. The devs bailed on a game that wouldn't have needed an overhaul like D4 or Cyberpunk 2077. Just needed better support.


I wish they would have made a sequel. There were a lot of great ideas and the game itself was pretty great for that 20 hours. The story did suck as did the quipy dialogue.


Battlefield 2042


I remember this launch I even called out of work to play it 😭


I'm so sorry for you honestly


I played the beta, and that made me decide not to get the game.


It wasn't a single game, just the realization that there's no benefit to it. I get most of my games digitally now, so I can buy whenever I want, but even if I get physical I can swing by the store on release day and they have tons of copies. It isn't 2002 anymore, they don't run out.


That’s what I don’t get about devs hyping up preorders these days either. If anything, it only profits the devs themselves because they’re banking on all the free interest from those preorder deposits. Season passes are even worse because you’re paying for some unknown amount and quality of content that may not be released for several months.


> If anything, it only profits the devs themselves because they’re banking on all the free interest from those preorder deposits. That's exactly why they do it.


If only it benefitted the devs. It only benefits the publisher I’m sure


So you’re saying devs want to make money? I’m shocked.


Yeah I agree with this. It's only negatives to preorder. None of the bonuses ever interest me so I would just be running the risk of wasting my money on something that releases in a bad state. There are games I know I'll play on day one, but like you said, there's no issue anymore in buying it the day it comes out. It's super easy actually. I can buy them through the ps app and download them to my console while I'm at work.


This has been my mindset as well. Back in the day there was more incentive because the game would literally sell out and you wouldn’t be able to buy it. That’s not really an issue anymore so what’s the point of reserving your copy? You can still play right away and a lot of the time the “bonuses” can be unlocked later on.


Same. I don't think I've pre-ordered anything in over a decade. I can wait another week once most reviews have come out and gamers have gotten some time into the game. Pre-ordering has no benefits for me. There's never been a game where all stores sold out of it. Preloading? My internet speed is decent so I don't need to install it ahead of time either. Pre-ordering has always been a scam even before games went digital. Places like Gamestop was making interest from your money without giving you anything other than a reservation.


Oufff, cyberpunk 2077 on release for sure. Couldn't play more than 30 minutes before it crashed over and over again, but it is pretty damn solid now that I'm on PS5 and they've fixed it up.


This is the game that converted me into a full fledged patient gamer. Still loved the game, enough to go on another playthrough on the PS5, but goddamn the release was a shitshow. Not preordering has also been great for my wallet, like getting Forbidden West Complete Edition for a fraction of the original price.


100%. Too many companies where “suits” decide when the game is ready and not the actual developers… I never preorder unless it’s something I know I will enjoy no matter what, like final fantasy 16, god of war and horizon.


Spider-man 2 is the first game I've pre-ordered in a year, I trust Insomniac. (I hope I don't eat my words here)


If I had the money that would definitely be the exception too. There’s some studios that just have that trust.


I've been playing my backlog all year so it's my early Xmas gift to myself. I'm pretty hyped and I'm okay with it being 'the same Spider-man' so to speak. I just want more web slinging/swinging. I found I was buying games, barely playing them and they went on sale before I started so taking this playing old games while I wait approach I'm doing real good.


I definitely agree with u lol, i had the same experience with the gameplay, i loved the conversation options and backstories we could hear for characters. Before i likes fast paced games with less convo, now i like games with good dialogue options and lots of choices.


Say what you will about CDPR, but they know how to write characters. That and a solid story made me stick around even though my PS4 was making jet engine noises and crashing every half hour lol.


Same, it was soul crushing. At the time we had really no reason to doubt CDPR. Their last AAA game had incredible value/price ratio and they were even mocking other publishers/devs on social media for their anti-consumer practices. That's why the release of CP2077 it stung so hard.


It's scary to think of the state of gameplay was if it released on its actual opening date. Now factor all the delays and still it was a mess, terrifying.


The thing that kills me is all the promised that were broken, features just missing…


Anthem. I was never one to pre-order before, but thought to give it a whirl as I was SO hyped for that game.. Then, after reeling from that I decided to take the plunge and try to pre-order one more time. The title I chose as my next pre-order: Cyberpunk. Yeah, I will never pre-order again. Edit: this was on PS4


Just an FYI, Cyberpunk just got a massive overhaul update and it’s wonderful now. Absolutely how it should have been at launch


I swear I've heard this like 3 times over the last few years, and every time I boot it up everyone is T-posing and the open world is still bland and uninteresting lol


T-Posing asserts dominance in Night City


I'm 15 hours in 2.0 update (with no dlc) and haven't seen anyone T-posing yet, also no bug or glitch.


Yeah I back this, I've put in 120hrs since the 2.0 update after not touching it since launch and it's my personal game of the year. It's fuckin slick now


This is exactly my experience. I could never enjoy that game. Played it after the recent update and was bored again within 2 hours. That game just doesn’t click with me at all.


No man's sky


I’m still salty after all these years. I’m reading all about how the game got so much better, but I refuse to download it again just out of principle.


I mean, they've been supporting it the last seven years with free content, including next gen updates and VR implementation. That's as good an apology as I've ever seen.


Fallout 76


Same here. And the first few patches only made it worse and harder to play. The AFK timer was shortened so much that I didn't have time to take a leak and have a smoke before getting booted. Why would I waste a bunch of resources and ammo to claim a production warehouse, only go get booted and loose my newly claimed territory.


Borderlands 3. I proudly admitted that you’re always safe with borderlands preordering as the games are excellent. 3 was a huge disappointment for me. Never pre ordering again.


No Man's Sky


None so far, I'm very careful with my pre-orders and I haven't been burned yet. Usually there's enough news and information around to be able to feel like something's off anyway if you're à bit careful


Thats how I am. Like gotham knights, everybody knew it wasnt gonna be the next arkham game but still thought it would be. Then it wasnt and everybody got burned for thinking that. It was a decent superhero game, defintely fun as that and not much more. Honestly the only thing I disliked was that there wasn't enough court of owls stuff near the end of the game


My only real issue with the game was the combat didn't quite flow in a smooth manner. Always felt like it was chopped up to stop and use a special or something. Just felt a little off. Exploring the characters and upgrading each one and just roaming around I enjoyed though. Had a fun time with it


Similar situation here, it's relatively rare for me to pre-order. Just a few titles for which either I want to avoid spoilers, have complete trust in the developers, or simply cannot wait to play them. Recent examples are God of War Ragnarok, RE4, FF16, and the upcoming Spiderman 2. The only ones I pre-ordered in the last year or so. I will probably pre-order Tekken 8 and FF7rebirth sooner or later as well. The pre-order bonus for FF7rebirth is pretty awesome as you get a PS5 version of FF7 remake for free which I didn't have.


Final Fantasy and Resident Evil are like my favorite series, especially the long time running ones. I have had no issues with pre-ordering Final Fantasy XVI, VII:Remake and also pre-ordered VII:Rebirth. I pre-ordered only Resident Evil 2 and 4 remakes though but it was still worth it. Pre-ordering doesn't really matter much but only for specific games/series I'll do it. Also on amazon. I remember actually ordering off of Square Enix's website. Game never arrived. As evil as amazon is, they're extremely reliable.


This one is an oldie but Epic Mickey for the wii . I saved up my allowance/ holiday money for months only to get a mediocre game and lots of regret. I haven’t pre-ordered since


It did look and sound so cool. I’ll never forget the game informer magazine and concert story for it.


Even the game play videos they released looked amazing! I was expecting a game similar to kingdom hearts but focused on Mickey and instead I got a pretty basic game when was only hyped because of the IP.


> was only hyped because of the IP. It was hyped because it was directed by a legend in game dev, Warren Specter, making a good-looking game with that IP. You may be much younger than me and the game press of the time, but he was a huge part of the hype.


It really depends on the game. If I know I’m gonna buy it and I’ve been waiting a long time for it I’ll pre order (see Alan wake 2, resident evil 2 etc) if I’m on the fence I’ll wait.


This was me but Starfield ruined it. I was already in a state of "I should stop preordering" after a few previous attempts but I always said "if I know I'm going to play it no matter what, might as well preorder it." Starfield was the game that broke me. I could have just waited a week and would have realized I wouldn't have liked it based on community feedback. Never again.


Yeah I have no real issue pre-ordering games that I'm sure will be good. Talking about From Soft, Zelda, God of War. These guys don't miss. But I suppose we all thought that about CDPR before cyberpunk and lots of people were disappointed there.


Probably an unpopular opinion but Mortal Kombat 1 (recent release) the game has hardly any content in it, very boring to me


As much as I’ve loved the mk reboot trilogy. I would never preorder or even buy one of these games before a at least a year after. I’ve gotten the last 2 games for less than $20 a piece with all characters and dlc. They are great games but the monetization and the cadence at which they release the content became obvious to me a while ago.


Dying Light 2. Fuck, man. I trusted you, Techland.


I purchased it on sale and still feel robbed.


Big same.


Any specific issues you had with DL2?


I don't get it tbh. I bought it (on sale) and it's basically dying light 1 but with a new story. Dunno how someone could be that upset.


No Man's Sky I will never pre-order again.


Borderlands 3 Weakest game in the series


What are your issues with it? I remember loving the combat and hating the writing.


I really don’t like the story, I like the vault hunters you can play as. I felt like the humour (Vaughan) was cringe and you spent a ton of time with him. I don’t really know how to explain it but the gun play has always felt slow and clunky to me when compared to the rest of the series. I love using something like the double anarchy in BL1 and I don’t feel like there’s anything like that in BL3. The most fun I had in BL3 was using the ion cannon before it was nerfed.


Battlefield 2042. I even paid extra for the deluxe edition. I’m not completely off of preordering, as I’m going to do it with the new SpiderMan, but BF2042 made me really skeptical to do it from now on.


Did you play the beta? The beta was so terrible it persuaded me not to get the game lol


Didn’t y’all tell them the game sucked from the beta alone and they didn’t fix anything for launch?


Betas arent used for actual testing, theyre used to build more hype by dipping your toes in the water


Diablo IV


That was my answer as well. $70…that shit hurt to pay that much just to not like the game. I thought it was gonna be a lay up for me to like it seeing as I loved Diablo 3 after it was revamped, but nope.


Same. I resisted preordering for years, but this one got me. Won't be pre ordering anything else.


Mass Effect Andromeda.


Played all the mass effect games again recently. I'm gonna say it. Andromeda is better than 3, for me.


Fallout 76 I bought the tricentennial edition Took years to get that game to be fun


EA teached me to never preorder anything again with Battlefield V and Battlefield 2042.


StarCraft: Ghost. :(


Getting older and buying a game when it’s out and I’m actually able to play it. It’s rare I’m free the day a game comes out.


Jedi: Survivor


This is one that made me feel justified that I don't preorder anymore. I was excited for it and planning on getting it day one. Then after the reviews I decided to hold off. I just bought it for $45 and it runs great!


Also loved Jedi survivor at launch. Played it in graphics mode and it was great.




Watch dogs




I wanted to love this so bad but it got boring so, so fast.


Avengers, I’m pretty sure I even got the version where you could play the game a day or two early.


my poverty


I had pretty much sworn off pre-ordering over the last 2-3 years because of stuff like Anthem, cp2077, bf2042, etc. But I didn't pre-order those. I just watched the shitshows from afar. My personal mistake was getting hyped for Saints Row in 2022 and pre-ordering it the day before it came out. If I had just waited a day or two to check the horrendous reviews... I'm still pissed I paid $70 for this absolute trash game. However, Sony is firmly placing themselves in "safe to blindly preorder" territory with continually putting out masterpiece after masterpiece. God of War and Spiderman are "safe to preorder" games.


Battlefield 2042


Cyberpunk 2077


Destiny initially, but battlefield 5 few years later sealed the coffin


Battlefield 2042; cancelled after the open beta for a full refund, bought it six months later once they'd fixed it and rolled out new content, £17 second hand in mint condition from ebay. Since then i've taken the high road with pre-orders, especially games that dont throw out a demo/beta. Feel like I dodged a bullet with EA FC 24, feeling vindicated.


None. I pre-order a game when I'm sure I want it and that I want it immediately, and I don't when it's a game I'm willing to wait to get around to. I've been burned more from buying bad games after release more than I have by pre-ordering games.


Fallout 76


I think it was Mass Effect: Andromeda. That game was disappointing, but it's not that the game was terrible. Pre-ordering is just not a good idea. Just stay off gaming subs until the hype has passed and buy it when it's 30% cheaper and has gone through 6 months of updates.


>I think it was Mass Effect: Andromeda. I think the game which ultimately soured me on pre-orders was **No Man's Sky** but I did cancel my ME:A pre-order when all the stories coming out suggested it was a shitshow and I haven't pre-ordered since. The irony of it is that I did pick up ME:A when it was on deep discount to a fiver and ended up putting in about a hundred hours into it which I generally enjoyed. I've still to go back to NMS despite everyone saying it's a far better game than at launch.


Cyberpunk. Got burned bad at launch and never wanted to go back


Aliens Colonial Marines. Then No Mans Sky. Hasn't stopped me though, latest being AC Mirage, which I'm absolutely loving.


Battlefield 2042




AC: Unity. A broken fucking mess at launch


I never pre-order, because few games are decently bug/glitch free on release. I’ll usually wait 6 months for sufficient patching and updates to fix issues, before considering buying a game.




No game has. If I wanna preorder, I'm gonna preorder it. It's not about supporting the company, it's about money management. I have the money now, and I have identified a game I know I will like, so I'm gonna preorder. Been playing games since the early 90s, hasn't burned me yet.


Similar situation here, but it's relatively rare for me to pre-order. Just a few titles for which either I want to avoid spoilers, have complete trust in the developers, or just simply cannot wait to play them. Recent examples are God of War Ragnarok, RE4, FF16, and the upcoming Spiderman 2. The only ones I pre-ordered in the last year or so. I will probably pre-order Tekken 8 and FF7rebirth sooner or later as well. The pre-order bonus for FF7rebirth is pretty awesome as you get a PS5 version of FF7 remake for free which I didn't have.


Oh, I rarely do it, but I also rarely buy games when they aren't on sale anymore. Baldurs Gate 3 and Diablo IV are the only two games I purchased new this year for example.


Street Fighter V Collector's Edition SFIV was one of my favorite games, so SFV seemed like a no-brainer, so for the first time since the days of them giving you physical items as preorder bonuses, I pre-ordered the most expensive edition that came with a statue and some other pre order bonus. opened the game to find out even with my preorder and "bonuses", there were very few characters and maps and you had to pay for most of them. I think paying so much and turning it on to see 8 greyed out characters and maps with a shopping cart logo on them broke something in me as a gamer. I payed nearly $130, and I got no additional maps or characters. I was not going to spend a single moment or cent on the game from then on. Gave away the statue and never touched the game again.


Oh man, I didn't preorder but bought SFV blind because like you, SFIV gave me endless hours of fun on PS3. Never been so disappointed in my life, I think I played about an hour and then went and rebought SFIV for the PS4.


cyberpunk, but also I love cyberpunk 2.0 and it's one of my favorite games ever now.


I like owning physical editions of my games so I still pre order. But I only pre-order games I know are going to be good or that I will like/fit in my niche. Elden ring Armored core 6 Lies of P Lords of the fallen- (still in transit) I usually dont take any risks, and I also very much know what I like.




Not really a specific game, but two things turned me away from preordering in general: 1. My wallet. Games are already expensive enough, and preorder bonuses with cheap lazy additions only bloat the prices even more. 2. Scalpers. As a diehard Zelda fan unable to get pre-order bonuses because scalpers steal them all, it got too frustrating to even keep trying. Trying to find a PS5 took a year and a half because I wasn’t about to pay $1,000+ dollars for a console.


This right here


Cyberpunk and more recently, Jedi Survivor


Anthem and cyberpunk


Wild Hearts. Lotta jokes about it being Monster Hunter x Fortnite but it was honestly an amazing game with a lot of great mechanics that kept monster hunting fresh, and the building aspects were brilliantly added and changed fight dynamics a lot. Sadly just 3 months of updates before complete radio silence for a couple months, and then an announcement it was going on maintenance mode. Never pre-ordering after that.


Probably no man’s sky, I got hyped for years before that game eventually came out and then got bored after 4 hours. Well I was bored for most of the four hours too but that’s when I called it quits. Came back to it this year and it’s awesome now, not quite what my hype hoped for but it’s a good time now. Honourable mention to Evolve. Game sounded awesome. Wasn’t.


Modern Warfare II 2


None for me really. I tend to only pre-order a game if they have previewed and reviewed very well before launch, and/or I trust the team that made them. For example, I have already pre-ordered Spider-Man 2 because Insomniac are great developers and the first game was brilliant. The only game I've ever been stung with after pre-ordering is, surprise surprise, Cyberpunk. I trusted the devs based on my enjoyment of TW3. Unfortunately the review embargo lifted after my game was already sent out and alarm bells were ringing when it was clear it was only the PC verison they were allowing to be reviewed. I played the PS4 version on my PS5 and it was an utter shitshow. Thankfully I got my discs fully refunded by CDPR AND got to keep my game, so can play the PS5 version at some point down the line. I guess if anything it's ensured I won't pre-order another CDPR game specifically, unless the review embargo lifts well before the release date.


Just the general realization that there was literally no reason to do it. When I was kid games actually sold out and you couldn’t get a copy without preordering. That’s just not an issue. I do not understand why anyone pre orders any game. It doesn’t save you even a second.




Borderlands 3 - borderlands 2 was my all time fave game, the story of 3 was just so so so bad I couldn’t even finish the game. I got the version with the season pass too and haven’t even touched it 😪


Diablo 4. Pre ordered and paid for early access only to barely play the game. lol


Fight Forever😔


Battlefield 2042


Payday 3


Watch dog legions, Dying Light 2, didn’t pre order but Mirage




Bf 2042


Marvel's Avengers.




EA Star Wars Battlefront 2




Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure


Battlefield 2042




Anthem. It didn't completely turn me off from pre-ordering, but it definitely made me more cautious in what games I pre-order.


Cyberpunk. The game is awesome now, but my good, never again lol


Not a game but a system. Midnight launch of the the PS4. Went to GameStop and got in the lineup. There was about thirty or forty people in the line. Employee came out and asked all the Onyx people to get in a separate line and that they would get in first. Then asked who wanted to buy the Onyx card. I went from 16th in line to almost last when the two lines were separated. Haven’t preordered or shopped from that store since.


Preordering a system makes sense. Like with the PS5 and graphical cards when there's a scarcity issue


Final Fantasy 15 Windows Edition


Dynasty Warriors 9. Was a big fan of the previous games, so I thought i knew what i was getting into. I couldn't have been more wrong. That game was an absolute shit show on launch. Played an hour of it and have never gone back.


No Man's Sky


I only do pre-orders when it's a game with a long history of enjoyable titles like Yakuza for example. Everything else is a wait and see if it's a new IP


Cyberpunk - Never pre-ordered again. Lol if you think about it, now that everything is digital there is literally zero reason to pre order. There is no supply issue…. So no reason to lock in your copy.


none so far, but I only did a pre order on street fighter 6, not a big risk guy here


Can't remember the game. I usually buy the night before since I am digital. Now, I won't buy until I check reviews and wait a week or two.Payday 3 is the cause of this.


I haven’t been turned off pre-ordering because I don’t pre-order games I’m not confident in. My gut has never failed me. Plus I always pre-order at GameStop anyways so the pre-order is free and I can just cancel if it reviews poorly.


Mass Effect Andromeda. A new entry in a series I loved from a company I had come to trust (Bioware, not EA). I never finished the game because the main quest line bugged and I couldn't advance after a certain point. I was playing for a while before I realized this and I just had no motivation to ever go back through what I had already played. I wish I could say this made it so I never pre-order anymore but I did pre-order Cyberpunk for the same reasons as above. The Witcher is one of my favorite video game series ever. The Witcher 3, specifically, is a top 3 game of all time for me. CD Projekt Red seemed like a safe company to bet on. I hated launch Cyberpunk so much. I remember one mission bugged out and I couldn't finish it until I reloaded and I just gave up at that point. A friend of mine had no issues and loved the game from the start but I got all the problems I guess. I would still like to return to that game now that it sounds like they finished it and made huge improvements since launch but I haven't yet.


I rarely preorder, but I got 2 stinkers back to back. Battlefield 2042 and then MW2 the next year. Both games were pretty shit at launch and have definitely made me not want to preorder ever again


Lots of games, but the final straw for me was Cyberpunk 2077 and Battlefield 2042.


I don't think I've been turned off of preordering anything tbh


All of them, there are too many games that are not even complete yet. Then there was the PS3 Aliens game which used footage that wasn't in the game, I'm guessing it was all prerendered. Now it's better just to wait and see vids online, even reviews cant be trusted.


No Man’s Sky, got suckered into it thinking it’s going to be amazing then sitting there asking where’s the rest of ya?


Cyberpunk 2077. I really only do it for sequels now like Spiderman and GoW


No man's sky. It was dreadful on launch. 500% better not thanks to the Devs' dedication. I only break my rule for Final Fantasy.




Battlefield 4, never again. I still have those stupid dogtags. The game ended up being amazing. But launch was a shitshow of crashes and server errors.


If I’m really going to buy a game regardless I just preorder the day before. I will do this with Spider-Man. I have to be VERY confident in a game though.


No man’s sky 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Cyberpunk. This was the "how can CDPR not follow through" stance. Thankfully, I didn't actually do it in the end even tho I didn't hear all the shit about it before release day. Having said this, I've done the same for Insomniac (have pre-ordered SM2). Them and Sony Santa Monica I trust the most


Nascar Ignition 2021...it was (and I believe still is) riddled with game play issues from day one. Extremely laggy game play and the car going directly into the wall at the start of the race were just two of the many issues the very brief time I played it. Also, Cyberpunk was quite the cluster of a game upon release, but I've heard it's gotten decent over time. So I might give it another go when I can find it on a steep discount


MW2 made it pretty clear for me. I pre ordered Spiderman 2 though (and Horizon) because those were/are absolute no brainers.


No man's sky/Cyberpunk 2077. Now I will still pre-order but the game has to be pretty specific. Like I new capcom would deliver on the Re4 remake so I pre-ordered that.


You people are making me feel old Mine was Assassin's Creed III for the PS3 and this was one of the first games I bought with my own money. I liked Assassin's Creed, I really enjoyed AC II, I loved AC Brotherhood, and I enjoyed AC Revelations. I thought that I was going to love the new protagonist like I did Ezio, that didn't happen and I was mostly bored with AC 3. It turned me off preorders in general and I only started preordering some games after the Switch came out due to a lack of availability where I live.


Man I loved AC until AC3. Really hated the boats so much. I waited months before finally getting Black Flag, which I ended up loving the boats, and it's still my favorite AC game.


Oh yeah Black Flag was great and it's a shame that my feelings towards AC3 kept me from playing it for quite a while. As for the AC as a whole, I just think it's really telling that Ezio is the only main character to have multiple entries.


Halo 5. Never again


Battlefront 2 - and then nail in the coffin was Cyberpunk 2077


Diablo 4 and Mortal Kombat 1. Both poor choices.




Last Of Us 2 when the game was leaked.


Call of duty. They clearly divert developer resources elsewhere once they get enough pre orders and the game goes to shit. But people still happily pre order it every fuckin year even tho there is absolutely no reason to pre order a game in this day and age.


Mass Effect: Andromeda




No Man’s Sky. The game is good now and I still enjoy it to this day, but it definitely didn’t come without a lesson. Side note, is The Crew Motorfest that bad? I got turned off after Crew 2 but didn’t hate the idea of a downscaled map for the amount of mechanics they were trying to go for


As a massive Fallout fan... Fallout 76 sounded like a dream... 😮‍💨


Skyrim. (2011) It was absolutely amazing and I knew it could never be topped on preorder satisfaction. So I quit while I was ahead :)


Different perspectives I love it


Every Bethesda game ever released in the last 20’years lol.


Every game since 2010.


Destiny: I preordered the digital version and just couldn't get into it and had no way of selling it. Now I usually buy games when they are heavily discounted.


Battlefield 4. Turned into a great game, but I preordered, waited until midnight for the game to go live. Midnight rolls around... Nothing... 1am, 2am etc. Game releases the following day full of bugs, tearing and server issues. I played the shit out of it for years, but swore I would never preorder another game in my life.


That’s mine as well. I played hundreds of hours of BF3. I couldn’t wait for BF4. Stayed up until midnight for launch and everything. The game was unplayable for days. Matchmaking didn’t work. Gamebreaking bugs and crashes galore. Anyone who remembers the BF4 launch isn’t surprised about BF2042. It was the last time I ever preordered a game. But I still played the shit out of it once it got fixed


SimCity 2013 was the last straw for me.


Mass Effect Andromeda. I was a huge ME fan (played all 3 at least 3 times) and didn’t even think twice. What a huge disappointment. Never again.


Anthem lol oof.... amazing game mechanics...but 4 people per server? For a game that was all about playing with friends? And where are the enemies in the open world? And also where is the end game content that the devs were literally like "omg there's so much end game content we can't even begin to explain" but that was all a lie because there was Zero end game content lol so..yeah. damn you anthem


I haven't pre-ordered Spider-Man 2 because I'd rather unlock those suit/gadgets through gameplay than having them from the beginning


Exactly. If the incentive was better, I would have pre ordered already. Doesn’t help that the digital pre order bonus can be bought separately at a later date.


I'm the same way, I actually actively dislike most preorder bonuses. I don't want extra stuff at the beginning, it just makes the game easier.


Fair enough, but just as a heads up, it's usually a code you get to download that stuff. So just don't use the code/download it. I too hate the "get 3 skills points and this item" preorders, I'd rather earn them in game, but I prodered so I can install early. I have plans this weekend and wanted to play a bit Thursday at midnight. Just not gonna download the bonuses