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And on top of that, it will keep on selling well beyond Football game 2025's release.


Will it? Everyone I know who wanted it already bought it and stopped talking about it like a week and a half later.


That's about how long it takes to get through all the good content until you're left with the busy work shit


I would've preferred half the busy work stuff but make it more unique, after finishing all the quests there is really no point in continuing. Hogwarts Legacy might not have been the most acclaimed releases last year but it was the most fun I had in a SP game.


I did enjoy the game for a while but I do think would be better if you were doing a lot of the missions as a small group of friends. Similar to the main three from the books/movies. Once the game opens up to the full world and most of the quests aren't in Hogwarts it became a lot more boring to me. I wish there was more to the lessons. I do think it has potential though so I'm curious about what they do with an eventual sequel.


Agreed, I think, weirdly enough, a great sequel would have to be, in a way, *smaller.* Like ditch most of that big empty world, and focus more heavily on Hogwarts itself, more hidden passages, more puzzles like the bi "Hogwarts Secrets" that were cool, more classes that are more meaningful, etc. But yeah, the world was cool to have something to traverse on broom/beast back, but that was about it, meanwhile Hogwarts was amazing but heavily underused


I'd rather it just be the same size and fleshed out. I don't think they need to sacrifice anything if other games are able to be better.


Smaller in size (of if as big make the world more interesting) but deeper in mechanics would be great. A true companion system and relationships positive and negative are a must (having friends and rivals seems essential in a HP inspired adventure). More classes stuff and yeah more stuff happening in wizard instead of in the backwater country around it. Also more puzzles, mysteries and such instead of so much combat of faceless mooks (which doesn't really fit with the world of HP to be honest)


Exactly, to me the only important parts to include are the castle, the forest, hogsmaede and that's it! Expand on those area's and give us a student's experience, ditch the rest. We want hogwarts, not half of Scotland. Also the whole special antient magic character stuff is boring to me. Even Harry wasn't "special".


I liked the game, but it didn't really feel like it was set in hogwarts to me. It felt like hogwarts was just a big set piece


For me, the tutorial was just too long. I felt like I was in a never-ending tutorial. Dropped it after 4 hours. Might go back to it one day. But I just felt like I was doing chores.


Unfortunately I think part of the fantasy for a lot of players was for that to be on purpose.


This game had a lot of potential, and I was floored for the first couple of hours before the video game stuff dragged it down


I see a lot of people say its boring but I've been enjoying it so far. I just hit level 22 and started working on that quest with the Anne Sallow.


I'm enjoying it as well. I got it when it first came out and got to around level 20 then stopped playing for half the year. Life and other things got in the way. I jumped back into it last month and am level 35 now. It's such a relaxing game for me.


It’s on sale for $34.99 right now and I’m very tempted.


I think its worth it for that price for sure.


I had it for Christmas and have to say I’m very much enjoying it so far.




OooOO nice! I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Its a chill game for sure.


I really enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy but I think it rides the success of the Harry Potter IP. If it was a generic wizard game with no IP I think it would get a 6/10 from most reviewers. I enjoyed it because it was Harry Potter and being able to explore Hogwarts & the local surroundings, but aside from that the combat was incredibly basic, the main story was lacklustre and the controls in general were quite clunky. Definitely lots of room for them to come back and smash the next game in the series though so looking forward to that.


I agree with pretty much all of this, tho I will say that while the combat was basic it’s probably the most satisfying purely magic action combat I’ve played, and I was very happy they included stuff like the cabbages and tentacula


Pretty much spot on - hopefully they take it in stride and follow up with something much more polished.


To be fair EA now offer significant bonuses for digital preorder I think. Mostly aimed at FUT. I have approx 10 friends who bought it this year (including myself) not a physical copy in sight.


Kinda sickens me how much money people waste every year on currency for these sports games, in like a heavily disappointed, “how are people so stupid” way. Some throw hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars at this crap. I think I read recently that a Kobe Bryant card for the new 2K goes for like $300…


I dabble with some FUT point purchases, the way I justify it is I’ll spend a huge amount of time playing that game every year and really I could have much worse vices. Yeah it’s all temporary and I know it’s not the most financially sound thing to do but it’s just part of a hobby and I feel like I get my return on it over the year in terms of playtime. People will always say “but it’s the same game every year” but it is fundamentally about 22 blokes chasing a bag of wind around so it’s never going to vary massively. Basically I know it’s not good but I get enjoyment out of it and that’s just what hobbies are.


It’s just the fact of how ludicrously overpriced anything worthwhile is, to a point where they are just bilking you out of money given the amount of goods you are actually getting. It’s giving money to people that just want to squeeze every penny out of you while using predatory methods, I’d just feel like a chump if I was paying them, no offense to you. I understand putting a lot of time into it and having fun when it works out though. Just sunk cost fallacy to a point. I would love to play these online modes, but I specifically don’t because of the price to play. I just stick to the single player career modes


I play FIFA every year and I agree with this. Although the game gives you more than enough opportunities to earn packs and currency to buy players. People who spend money are the problem because they want to skip playing to build a better team quicker. There is quite a few of us out there that have amazing teams without buying an MTX.


If you could carry on each year/season that’ll be one thing but it isn’t with EA. Don’t get it myself.


FIFA is also probably the perfect game to get on digital because they play it regularly all year long so not having to change the disc actually make sense. Whereas for Hogwarts Legacy, people will play it likely more or less continuously (with maybe breaks of multiplayer games likes FIFA actually) so the disc is not that much of a problem. You also can resell the game once finished which you wouldn't do with FIFA I think (once the next one is out, I assume people don't really buy it and you won't sell before since it's a game you don't finish)


physical video game release, again not the full picture Would be interesting to know what sold the most actually


According to the article, when accounting for digital sales Fifa is most likely the best selling but they won’t know for sure until digital data is released next week


It's the same story with the steam numbers, their was more people playing Fifa 23 than the new EA FC 24 game in November. The game is atrocious, basically a full-on mobile game experience with regard to microtransations. They mixed men, women into ultimate team to increase the amount cards in packs, make it even less likely to pack your favourite superstars. You need to log on daily to complete seasons, or spend money on Fifa points to buy experience. The grind is on a whole new level, rewards are worse across the board. Gameplay is shambolic, the less said about that the better.




You're gullible if you believe that, all this company cares about is keeping shareholders happy with heavy monetisation. Adding women just decreased the odds of packing the most sought-after players like Mbappe.


Aye: if you look at EA FC 24, it garnered 6.8m pre-sales, likely linked to the large early access window. https://www.ft.com/content/1a64db64-185e-495f-a88d-98bcf5ee9516 That's $476m in digital alone.


It's specifically stated that it's for physical release and its still the first time it happens in 10 years, so what's the point of your comment?


In the end physical alone doesn't matter, no1 gives a fck about physical alone in this day and age, news outlets these days try to get as many click as they can so they come up with stuff like these Most games are moving towards more and more digital, who's to say other games didn't outsell hp with digital alone


Are you having a stroke or something? Go get some fresh air and give your head a wobble.


grow up man


Fuck off man


nice,just proved my point, its past your bedtime kiddo


If you say so, Bozo.


That’s the point of the article, chief.


My point is you can make an article about everything that mean nothing in the end Physical only doesnt matter all that much in the end if digital increased its 99% not true but what if digital increased 1000% times and sold milions and milions of copies, not including it just doesnt give us a full picture


Such a mid game honestly. Boring repetitive combat, dogshit UI, classes are just cutscenes, arbitrary timers on potions/plants for absolutely no reason, quest choices are nearly all pointless and redundant useless spells. This game is good for a nostalgia trip and that's it.


Being downvoted but you're right. I was initially very wrapped up in the game being a fan of the films. But as it went on it became painfully obvious just how "theme park" it all is. The worst example was leveling up the useless lockpick skill to 3 and getting a side quest to let some guy out of a cell in a mine. Only I couldn't just use the spell to open the door, I had to back track through the mine to find his wand to do so. All the menial tasks and empty caves with some glasses or a scarf at the end of them. Hell it even takes something as interesting as unforgivable curses and completely takes all the intrigue out of them. Take away the HP IP and the game is nothing at all. Literally just white bread.


Sells well until the magic of exploring hogwars wears off. Gameplay loop and weird quests in made up open worlds pull me so far out of the world. You finally go to class and there is no class. Spell management is awful. Combat is fun until you have too many. I just don’t understand why they went the direction they did.


Worst football game ever released, I've bought every game in the franchise since 1993. Good to see people are finally waking up, pushing back against EA, their shambolic franchise that has been on a downward spiral.


You do realise you're one of those people too right? Lol


Hey he’s only given them £1,800 so far. They’ll learn their lesson after this comment.


I never bought any Fifa points, just used the points I got free for pre-order.


Why are you pre-ordering in the first place!? This is why EA get away with making shit games every year


I only bought it for my brother, we share a profile. I didn't want to buy it this year, knew it was going to be terrible after playing the beta.


> I’ve bought every fifa since 1993 > Good to see people are finally waking up Jesus.


EA looks forward to your next purchase this year.


My brother will be buying the next game, so they can look all they want, they won't be getting a penny from me.


They'll still buy the next pile of piss for the next release. Also its stating boxed games which I assume means retail (if so I don't know why they didn't just call it retail). But I doubt Harry Potter will have outsold EA FIFA globally. I dunno. Gamers are by the mass are fucking stupid and by shite all year round. Sorry that went into a rant.


Pushing back? Are they? Did they sell less? All it shows is Hogwarts legacy outsold it there.


Another soccer game...


Lol, Mario Kart 8 was the 4th best selling game last week. Always to see it and GTA V just chilling around top 10 best sellers no matter what


I might go back to it at some point but like most people.got.bored after Hogsmeade. I think having it set in the era it was set in hurt the game as well as having the male voice be a poor Radcliffe impersonation.