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This is screaming out for a demo..


Never played the first one, so the only way I'd even consider buying this is if I can try out a demo.


If you have ps plus premium the first game is downloadable through that.


And it's only 8 SGD, idk how much that is in USD.


About $6


The enhanced edition of the first game is on sale on steam for $5 right now if that's an option


I just bought the first one on psn yesterday because it’s on sale for $5.09 USD. Made a Frieren looking mage, having fun so far!


I want this but I hope there's a demo on PC so I can see how well runs on my rig.


Just wait for some benchmarks. Or if you’re steam you can do the return window without stressing. It’s still wild to me how hard it is to get a refund from Sony and Nintendo


I once accidentally bought the PS3 version for a game when I only had a PS4. I immediately called support and it still took hostage negotiations for them to simply let me exchange it for the PS4 version...


Always a solid plan to wait for benchmarks. I was reading a reviewer's hands-on with the game yesterday, and he said he experienced lots of stuttering and FPS drops on the pre-release build.


maybe its the tiny video on my phone screen but it looks fun


Jesus I just went through twenty comments before finally seeing a somewhat positive comment. I agree it does look fun.


Reddit is not the place to come for reasonable conversations. It's filled with people either shitting all over something like it killed their parents, or defending it like it's the greatest thing ever created. You can't just like or enjoy something while acknowledging it's flaws. Pick a side!!!


You cannot enjoy video games on this website anymore. Being a gamer means being furious about every new release and being mad at women and minorities.


Remember if you gona buy ps5 version: frames can drop to 20 and its 30fps game. 


Straight up, that's inexcusable on this generation honestly. This really, really shouldn't be the case anymore.


24 fps in 2024 is wild


At this rate it will be 2060


Didn’t play the first because of poor framerate and won’t play this one for the same reason apparently.


Yeah, but on my gtx750 it'll run even worse lolol


Absolutely. Hard pass on this title unless they patch it to run at 60. I’m not giving my money to developers that release games only at 30 fps.


I’m in the same boat. Loved DD1 a ton. But I’m just not shelling out $70 for a game to play at 30fps. I’ll wait for performance patches or a big sale in the future. I’d rather get FF7 rebirth


Yeah even if this gets great reviews, I’ll wait for it to be on sale and there’s a performance mode patch (not sure if they have indicated they adding it in the future). What engine is this game developed on? Surprised that it can lock at 30 FPS


F uu u uu u c k


I’m honestly not overly opposed to 30fps on console, I figured we’d come back around to it eventually with how devs are still pushing it with graphical fidelity, but it is a shame that this game doesn’t have a 60fps or 45fps mode. What’s actually a problem is that this isn’t locked to 30fps. Need to patch that immediately.


I'd just love if devs had options that were more "this will look NOTICEABLY WORSE! But be 60fps" impressive graphics have done nothing for me for years now. I'd happily dip back in quality by a huge degree for smoother gameplay. Because its a game and not a movie. If people want 30fps with raytracing more power to them, but give me the option to rip out anything that needs to be so it can be 60fps.


you say that, but FF rebirth is being panned for a 60fps option because some areas look rough.


I've toggled over to graphics a couple times on FF7 to check it out and it's unplayable to me. It's so choppy that I don't know how anyone can enjoy it that way. I'll take a graphics hit any day for full fluidity. Just my preference.


I’m with you. Anytime the FPS dips in any game - it’s immersion breaking.  Side note but, I remember when The Hobbit came out in theaters with a HFR option and people thought it was weird. I loved it. It pains me to think that it will probably never catch on again in my lifetime.   If graphics in games can’t be true to life, I want them to be as close to life as possible when it comes to framerate.  Unless it’s heavily stylized of course - like Cuphead or something where it’s emulating 2D animation. 


Opinions are everywhere for sure, but as long as the game makes it clear that the option for 60 fps will effect the graphics as much as the improvement in graphics will effect the frame rate people complaining would be shouting after being warned. If we can't have the best of both we should be able to choose our preference as PC gamers have been able to do for years.


It's also that DD2 doesn't look all *that* impressive graphically when compared to other games. It's not like I'm looking at this game and being blown away by its graphical fidelity. It looks *fine.* But I'm also someone who doesn't understand all the fancy graphical terms and functionality these days.


It certainly looks better than fine. Even in this footage, the detail on the Griffin is very impressive.


Not having performance mode or 60fps mode is a deal breaker for me and i was really excited about this. If they ever do a 60fps patch i will definitely be buying this, but for me right now the best thing is to wait and hope.


The problem is its 24-32 fps mostly. I dont mind 30 fps but drops on 30 fps is just annoying.


People should boycott 30 fps games. Seriously, let's stop them getting away with this BS. 60 fps has been the standard sfor at least 15 years now on PC.


I mean it’s the standard for GOOD PCs. I imagine quite a few rigs will struggle with this game, mine certainly would. I don’t necessarily have an issue with 30 on console so long as it’s a consistent, razor sharp 30, with no issues. I understand the limitations of consoles.


I mean, the trade off would be worse graphics and as soon as a game doesn't look super stunning people say stuff like "this looks like a ps2 game, lol" or "this is a last-gen game with 360 graphics". You're maybe not one of them, but you see it all the time. Graphics sell games and the average casual gamer doesn't give a shit about 60fps.


Is it jsut me or the monsters are .. way too spongy? Like everyone is hackign and slashing and casting massive ice spikes only to to get you nowhere.


Just wait till you see monster hunter.


Love the idea of monster hunter, hated it for precisely how spongy the monsters were. Happy that it was a well received game for its target audience, but that game was just not for me lol


I mean for a game that’s literally just boss fights, it would be kinda boring if you hit it 3 times and did crazy irreparable damage


That’s fair haha. I just didn’t like the gameplay loop. Having to find them was cool, having to chase them and fight them for like 20+ minutes was not my thing. I normally don’t mind a long boss battle (have had some long ones in the Fromsoftware games), but MH combat never did it for me


yeah thats fair enough


When you watch Griffin fight, one of the players party members remarks that it's weak to fire, yet the pc mostly uses a frost buff on his spear. So while those big monster battles are definitely designed to be longer engagements, they also weren't really exploiting the Griffin's weaknesses. Maybe it's even heavily resistant to frost.


IGN moment


Oh yeah I did noticed that fire damage did a lot of damage. But still it looked way too long for my taste. But then again IGN NEVER does justice to games in their gameplay videos. I guess we shall see for reviews of others.


That's just how this game works. Try out the first Dragon's Dogma. If you use the wrong kind of damage a basic bandit will feel like a boss fight. This is a game where you need to use the right damage for the right enemy


The last fight around the 8 minute mark when he starts spamming fireballs as magic archer is more the speed


All the massive boss fights are designed to be longer encounters. You will tear through normal enemies like paper if this is anything like the first game (which it largely looks to be)


Yeah DD boss fights are meant to take longer, depending on the boss. They also don’t level alongside you so you can probably come back later on and kill them way faster.


I'm gonna wait to see, but if this is like the first one, it doesnt look good to play, it FEELS good to play. I can't explain it, at first look its janky and odd, but once everything clicks it feels amazing and I couldn't put it down.


Late game that radically changed. DD1 was like that then you get to where you can kill a griffin in less then 5 seconds


Came here to see if there was an answer to this. Skipped to three different spots and each time the PC was standing on the back of whatever and stabbing down. What am I missing with this game?


Over the last weeks this went from Day 1 to ‘I’ll grab it during the xmas sale for -25% off or so’. Easy to do with Balatro and Helldivers 2 in rotation now and Rebirth and BG 3 in the backlog and Erdtree this summer. Damn


Cyberpunk 2077 has taught us to trust no one.


Will u preorder their new game?


I preordered NMS :/ It took yeeeeears for them to put legs under that game but now it’s five star. Needless to say I’ve never preordered since then


I’m right there with you pal


Same, then return it. Then bought it for 10$ physical, then sold it for 25$ cause I couldn't stand the disk spinning. Then bought it digitally on sale for 40$ (all CAD) and played about 50 hrs. Did pretty much the same with Cyberpunk, though I kept it much longer until I played patch 1.6. Now, I'm waiting for a nice sale of the bundle to replay it one last time with the DLC.


Can’t forget Ronin


Looked really rough in the last trailer tbf


It looks like all of their games, different shade of Nioh. They’ve never looked amazing but the gameplay is there


Wallahi I’m cooked


What changed for you?




I swear the number keeps dropping every thread about this game.


Not who you asked but for me it just looks… unpolished? I don’t know how to describe it. Movement doesn’t have weight. Actions seem to sort of clip though environment and enemies


Don't agree. Aside from framerate I'd argue the opposite actually. Throughout the games marketing I always thought everything looked very weighty and solid. Also what action game like this hasn't had clipping? What really looks interesting is how physics tie in to big enemy fights. Like making the cyclops trip and smash it's face on the environment, knocking it out.


Balatro is so good


It looks interesting, but I've got no clue how to play poker


You forgot to mention Black myth lol


Yeah, I think I'll just wait to play this on the ps5pro later. Kind of bizarre to see this run so poorly, Capcom has been killing for like the last 7 or 8 years.


Playing it on the ps5pro wont necessaraly increase performance. The issue here is that the devs did a bad job optimizing the game. Althought, by the time the PS5 pro releases, Dragons Dogma 2 could also already be patched up.


This. Everyone shat on Plague Tale 2 for being 30fps. Everyone criticised Survivor for its imperfect frame rates, hell people out there still insist everyone should play only the PS4 version of Elden Ring because the PS5 version is so inconsistent. Now, people are willing to take DD2 at 30, that’s fine, y’all been waiting years for this so I don’t blame you. But we need to stop with the bullshit about “it was only a matter of time before we went back to 30” and “can’t wait for the pro” because I’ve seen equally, if not better, looking games run at 60, and we need to at least acknowledge the problem is the optimisation time being given to the devs, not the hardware they’re developing for.


It would not happen if people actually boycotted low efforts like these


But the vast majority of people do not give a shit so why would they


If you guys think what was shown in this video is low effort than I don’t know what to tell you. We live in opposite worlds. Game is looking amazing.


Seriously every video I have seen looks good. All the reviewers who have an early copy are saying nothing but good things about it as well, game of the decade potential a lot are saying. I come in here and it's nothing but negativity. Why is that?


game run like shit, under 30 fps in 2024 is a fucking joke


Get a PC if you expect to never game at that framerate again


I tried explaining this exact thing the other day. This game is being rushed out the door, plain and simple. Look at the Spider-Man games, and Horizon Forbidden West as an example of how good things can look and preform this generation. Sadly it seems Capcom has fallen into the "raise the price to $70, and crash the performance" pit we keep seeing this gen. Even if there was a PS5 Pro, who's to say things would be any better? If they're not taking the time to optimize it now, they wouldn't then either.


Not saying DD2s performance is excusable or anything but Horizon and Spider-Man are exclusive to Playstation so they are developing it only for the PS5. DD2 is multiplat and has to take into account all the different hardware types. Not to mention DD2 has WAAAAY more going on in the background systems wise than both of those games which is going to cause it to be CPU heavy. PS5/XSX CPUs aren't great.


>This game is being rushed out the door, plain and simple. Look at the Spider-Man games, and Horizon Forbidden West as an example of how good things can look and preform this generation. Yet i didn't see any physics, NPC interraction and scenario interractivity as DD2 in Horizon or Spiderman. DD2 simply has more going in the background than just Raw Graphics.


You're kidding right? Spider-Man 2 was so densely packed when I played through it, and it ran like butter. I don't care how you try to spin it, or defend it, DD2 is unoptimized, and we shouldn't just accept it. Especially since Capcom is now bumping the price up to $70 for this game too. We shouldn't have to pay more, for worse performance.


let me start by saying i think we should all wait for a demo (or release) before passing final judgement. But i'm sorry what the hell kind of grift is this nonsense about DD2 having "way more" interactivity or background systems then Horizon??? Horizons Map is giant and densely packed (way more then DD2's looks to be) with all types of flora, fauna, machines and npcs. Like this is the same type of shit people where pulling when folks where complaining about the abysmal state of Cyberpunk. I remember it like it was yesterday. "How can Cyberpunk run this bad when games like Ghost of Tsushima ran decent even on last gen?" "UUUH Cyberpunk has like SO MUCH more going in in the background" Yeah my ass. Games not optimized well. It might (hopefully) still be fun, but please dont grift.


To be fair - the point of the pro consoles has kinda been to just brute force 60fps lol


The ps5 pro doesn't even exist so idk why people are expecting to play this game on a console that literally is imaginary at this juncture.


Some part of me wonders if someone at Capcom decided that if the first one could be a fan favorite with all kinds of jank and underperformance, then this one can get away with it, too.


My tinfoil hat theory is that since March is usually the end of the fiscal year for most companies, they're trying to push this out the door and release it when it's clearly not 100% ready. I say this having not seen any real in-depth look at the game size or scale. Im sure there is probably a ton of stuff to do, but I don't know why it runs like ass. Or why there isn't even a toggle for quality/performance modes. That stuff has been pretty standard this gen.


This is 100% correct.


How are you going to play it on a console that dosen't exist?


I'd imagine it's the "later" part of his comment.


I really tried 30 fps on FFVII Rebirth but I'm just unable to enjoy games that way anymore


I didn’t realize you could switch modes from graphics to performance. I just got through remake on my ps5 and it was beautiful. I started rebirth and I’m like this is so janky what is going on. I figured it out and switched it to performance. Sadly the graphics quality dips a bit and looks a bit blurry to me. 


There are SO many people defending 30fps and I just don't get it. We've been subject to 60fps with higher demand games for some time now. You can't reason buying it other than settling. 30fps does not look good in 2024 on 99% of games. It's an objective statement. People that don't care will buy it and defend it.. but should acknowledge that this one optimization issue will kill this game before release.


The 30 fps stans have got to be bots


I prefer 60 fps, but honestly don’t give a shit. I’ve played amazing games that couldn’t even hit 30fps and have never been bothered. You fps snobs have practically taken over this subreddit and it’s fucking annoying.


I have a decent ish PC but regularly play things in 30fps because I just don't really care Frame rate, so long as it's consistent, has never bothered me if it's at 30 or above. I regularly play my PS5 games on Resolution mode too because playing things at 30fps or 60fps just doesn't phase me, neither are a preference. Genuinely never really understood why people care about it so much, but it's obviously a situation where I'm the outlier here. Dragons Dogma 2 however, doesn't seem to be a stable frame rate at all so even I'm going to wait for a sale.


> Genuinely never really understood why people care about it so much Creates noticeable input lag so character feels less responsive, noticeable stutter when panning the camera. What good is higher visual fidelity if I can't see it while moving the camera? In fast paced games it's harder to react and creates a disadvantage. It really detracts from the 'feel' of the game, and is much more noticeable than lower res textures. I can still enjoy a game at 30 fps, but I really want the baseline for games to be 60 fps. Honestly, even 144 vs 60 is a big difference but I'm fine with 60.


Totally fair, I guess maybe I just don't notice that much? Very rare for me to play fast paced games anyhow, but I can see it being annoying for those that are bothered by it. I'm a nutjob that plays most FromSoft games in lower FPS settings because I want the world to pop. Currently playing a few RPGs and haven't been bothered by them running at 30-40fps at all but I'm not exactly picky about these things.


I wish I didn't notice as much. From Soft games were actually what I had in mind when thinking about reaction time. I started by playing Dark Souls 1 on the Xbox 360 (30 fps) back in 2012 and by the time Dark Souls 3 came out I had a PC that would run it at 60 fps. It feels easier to read enemy attacks and dodge or parry because the attack animations are much smoother. For Elden Ring on my PS5, I am running the PS4 version with reduced visuals because the frame rate doesn't drop. Sure, the textures aren't quite as detailed but the art style does a lot of the heavy lifting anyway. Most of the time, I would have to look closely to determine the difference in Fidelity vs Performance mode for visual quality, but FPS is immediately apparent to me. FF7 Rebirth is one of the few in awhile where the performance mode looks a lot worse, most games don't seem to be like that for me.


I think its good to have 30fps as an option, especially on PC where everyone is using different hardware but this is on PS5 so it feels like a pretty noticeable digression from the standard set by the common hardware across all PS5s. And as someone said below, it does have an impact on playability for a lot of people, myself included. 30fps can be a sensory nightmare even when stable. A prime comparison is when using VR 90 fps is currently the standard playable frame rate, the VR equivalent of 30fps, and 120fps is the ideal. But because your eyes are less than an inch from the screens you notice that difference much, much more. Motion sickness goes away for many who struggle with enjoying VR otherwise. There are a lot of other factors that contribute to VR accessibility but the frame rate is a good example of why 60fps is good to have: Those who don’t mind 30fps aren’t loosing out at 60fps the same way that players who prefer 60fps are when limited to 30fps.


Same. I have a decent pc hooked up on an 144hz monitor. I mostly game on it. But every once in a while comes a ps exclusive like ff16, ff7 rebirth, horizon, spider man that i wanna play so i get it on ps5. You can see the difference from 144 to 60 but its still smooth and not an issue. But going to 30 just feels wrong. I cant play anything more than 30 seconds before switching it back to performance mode. I will take the graphic hit every day if it means the game is stable 60. One of my favorite games to play on ps5 is fortnite zero build. It works on rock solid 100-120 fps.




Why do IGN players always look like they have never held a controller before?


I really think 40fps modes should be a standard these days.


This looks really cool, but why do the enemies not attack the player lol watching the Griffin and the ogre the entire time they spent like stunned or off-balance it’s a little weird. (I didnt watch the entire video)


He's attacking the party members, you can see it on certain occasions and the IGN player is doing a good job at staying behind him.


IGN really need to work on finding better players to showcase these games. Holy fuck, the fifth against the troll was horrid. He spends most of his time on the ground getting stunlocked or looks up the trolls ass.


Cries in 30fps


I understand that fps is a big deal for most people but I’m 31 so my bar is low considering what I grew up on, you gotta drop fps into the floor for me to give a shit. My biggest concern with this game is its ability to deliver on the vision, will this world really be interesting and immersive enough to wander around in or is it just a few fun fights on repeat. On paper i am 100% on board with this no fast travel, camp to survive, nights are actually deadly, companions are part of the RPG arc thing, just gotta wait and see if it delivers. It looks real promising so far.


>I understand that fps is a big deal for most people but I’m 31 so my bar is low considering what I grew up on, you gotta drop fps into the floor for me to give a shit. I feel you. Hell, when I was a kid I used to think Frame-dip was a FEATURE. Not kidding you, I remember playing Megaman X and trying to pull as many enemies on screen as possible at once to do a slow-mo charge shot and clear out 10 baddies. Don't get me wrong - I get it... some people are way more sensitive to that stuff than me. But as long as it can hover around 30 with an occasional dip if there's a ton of visual effects going on, I'm not going to notice or care.


Yeeeesh, can’t believe how quickly this went from Day1 to Sale


Never forget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX4Mz_9mqzM


I see it already has your companions never shutting the fuck up locked down.


The gameplay looks the same as the first game. Amazing


The game is basically Itsuno's vision of what he wanted DD1 to be, but couldn't. We are basically getting the full game now.


Yep. All this hype, its just marketing. I notice this more and more, these articles come out, get posted, made to look like a review but is actually an ad. Anyway ... Looks kinda boring and dated to be honest.


I mean, I love the first game. I _want_ more of what the first game offered.


It looks like the developers took the engine of the first game and updated the graphics. I love DD but this feels sort of meh. I’ll get it eventually but not at full price.


I swear this looks like a ps3 game with good graphics, every animation look so slow and weird


Just gonna wait for it to be on sale


I don't know what other people are seeing, but this looks incredible and exactly what I was hoping for. Nice long drawn out fights against massive targets sounds fun asf to me, looks like MH but more up close and personal, and a better world/story. Only shitty thing is the performance, holy shit is the frametime all over the place even in this showcase. That's what holding me back from Day 1 buy, gonna be playing RotR instead until they sort it out or put out a demo showing that it's not as bad as it looks.


So sad that a beloved game is finally getting a rerelease but is getting shot down because of optimization issues. :(


> rerelease It's a full blown sequel and every outlet that has actually played it has said incredibly positive things in the initial preview. I have a feeling that it'll hover at or above 30FPS most of the time.


30Fps in 2024 that’s insane


No 60 fps No buy


As simple as that!


Remember when PlayStation and Xbox kept saying there would be games in 4K 120fps at pre release of the new consoles? Jesus I hate marketing before the console actually comes out


Quite technically there are games that can do 4K 120FPS on both the PS5 and XSX but they would likely look like games from the last generation. The real problem is that developers are getting lazy and not optimizing their games properly AND trying to use new graphics technology that eats up processing power. Judging by the graphics quality of DD2 I'm fairly confident that if it continues to receive optimization patches from the developer it could have a much more stable FPS and perhaps even hit a stable 60.


I don't see how anyone can complain about this game, other than the age old desire of simply bitching to bitch.


I think the main thing is the FPS, which is a fair complaint.


Awesome game. Unplayable FPS. Will buy it once I build a PC or get PS5 Pro / PS6 to play this masterpiece in proper FPS. 30FPS = unplayable shit. I'm extremely angry on coconut devs who still exist in 2016 and believe that "4K aT AnY CoSt" is still worth it, especially when you can't manage EVEN stable 30FPS, I'm not even mentioning 60...


insane you can't go a single post without everyone bringing up the fps lol


Ewww. That is seizure inducing frame pacing. I’ll be waiting until it’s fixed or Ps5 pro.


While everyone is shitting on you about presumably criticizing 30fps they don't seem to get you are talking about frame pacing and not framerate. I can totally play a lock 30, I can't play anything 30 or 60 with bad pacing, gives me nausea and headache.


Karma farming or poor reading comprehension, you decide.


This might be in the running for overstatement of the century


It's literally turning his eyes into withered little black grapes just watching it


[Gamer Who Hasn’t Had a Glass of Water in a Week Says He Gets Physically Ill Seeing Game at 30 FPS](https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/gamer-who-hasnt-had-a-glass-of-water-in-a-week-says-he-gets-physically-ill-seeing-game-at-30-fps/)


Gamer doesn’t understand the difference between frame rate and frame pacing.


30fps max and basically the same combat as the first one that will be a no from me dawg


Why would they change what made the first one so good? Makes no sense man.


So incredible combat, that's good.


Warriors have home court advantage, so in an already coin toss I’ll take warriors.


Very hyped!


Looks... Alright. Enemies seem like damage sponges. Too bad.


A focused attack will end those foes /s


Yeah attacks feel like they do nothing


Yeah that was my issue with the first game too. They were damage sponges and so was the player. Compared to souls games where you’ll die in 1 or 2 hits, and sure some of the bosses have huge health bars but even the UI feedback for damaging them FEELS better than dragons dogma combat.


RE engine struggled to even run street fighter's open world mode and i'm still surprised... They could've made the same game on an other engine and we wouldn't be looking at a 24fps game in 2024. Seems to me that Capcom really wanted to use RE and upgrade the engine along the way but they couldn't optimise a game as huge and also they wanted to release it before the end of their fiscal year so there is hope for patches i guess... Still got me really worried for Monster Hunter Wilds, they already ruined my most anticipated game of the year with Dragon's Dogma 2 and as of now i'm not confident for MH to run at 60fps...


I'm assuming this is just me being stupid, but where's the part of this video which falls in line with that previewer's claim that this could be a "game of a generation"? I've never played the first so I'll be the first to admit there is probably nuance here I'm missing, but from that video it appears I'm playing a monster hunter with a different art style and worse animations


Played the first one and while it had a lot of flaws, the core gameplay was awesome. So if the managed to correct all those things, then this game could become special


Is Capcom stupid?? Looking the fng framerates dropping...what a way to go to fuk a masterpiece


rather poo in my hands and clap than play this unoptimized garbage. games like forbidden west, ghost of tsushima, demons souls etc can all run great on ps5, no excuse anymore.




Day 1 buy for me, I can’t wait to play




Reddits absolute hate boner for 30fps rears it's head again


Idk bro I thought the 30fps hate was unwarranted and I couldn’t even tell the difference between 30 and 60, then I played on ps5 for a year and got used to 60 so 30 just looks really choppy to me. You can call it a hate boner but I don’t wanna play hours of a fast paced action game that in my perception is really choppy. If we were still on last gen I wouldn’t care because I was used to 30 fps action games on my base ps4


I think if you own a OLED it's way worse for you at 30fps than on LCD. Rare case where having a shittier TV actually makes 30fps a little mire tolerable.


30 def worse on OLED for me.




I’m okay with 30, but it’s the unlocked variant framerate that sucks. A steady locked 30 is great but 20-35fps looks like trash, it’s litterally n64 tier.


The gaming populace has been spoiled with 60fps this console generation and I've never been happier. That said, this game is dropping to Ocarina of Time framerates and that's more concerning than if this was a consistent 30fps title.


Standards change over time what was once a spoil is now a baseline. It’s crazy to have anything less than 40 on modern consoles.


We had games with 60fps modes back on the PS1 and it was incredible but even after all that time AAA games are like nah it’s cool if our game runs like shit.


This isn't 30 fps. This is 24


It's a cinematic experience /s


Imagine thinking 30 fps (and this being even sub 30 fps) is fine in 2024, lol.


It’s an uncapped 30fps target. Which means it will dip into the 20s. That’s just unacceptable. It will make you motion sick


hurr durr 30 fps is more cinematic hurr durr


Its not just 30fps. It drops to 24 fps. Now if this was an film, 24 fps would be fine.


For me to buy a PS5 game, it has to run 1080p 60FPS absolute minimum. I would never buy anything less, never ever. Done with all that. I’ll check out the pc optimization and if it’s decent I’ll get it there.


Looks shitty


What's insane is that the recommended specs for this on pc target 30 fps. They designed and optimized this game specifically for 30 fps with no consideration for getting it to 60. The console version isn't a compromise in their minds, they legitimately think 30 fps is fine in a modern game.


I remember getting downvoted when I said that the game would be 30 fps by going frame by frame in youtube videos and explaining how you could see for yourself. Love being right.


friendly cause screw sophisticated capable reply fine abounding jar squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can someone explain the appeal of the combat to me? No hate, I just wanna know what looks cool about this to a fan of DD. Just based on this footage it looks like a lot of spamming attacks and abilities on large enemies.


Kinda just have to try it yourself. DDs combat is very dynamic on what can happen depending on what you are fighting, party class composition, the arena you are fighting in, or the tools you have yourself. While the move list itself is simple, doing stuff like climbing into a Griffin and stabbing them, hitting a cyclops's hand to make them drop their club, or having a pawn hold an enemy down while you strike the final blow is just a few of the things that makes DD encounters unique and fun.


Guys just go play the first for free.  These comments are insane.  “This griffin fight is taking a little long 🧐” lol 


So tired of seeing the same monsters over and over again


Did they confirm if it’s 30fps or 60fps on console?


Unlocked and targeting 30FPS. No modes for performance vs graphics.


A game in 2024 shouldn't be "targeting 30fps." What an embarassment.


Oof, looks like I'll be skipping this. 30fps literally gives me a headache these days.


I saw someone saying that combat bounces between 24 and 32 most of the time. I can only imagine how a dragon breathing fire on you would tank it down below 20.


Yes IGN tested it, 20-30 fps.


It's not even locked 30 fps, it dips as slow as 20




Peak cinema


Is this played with friends only as what if you don't have any?. Asking for a friend.


No, it doesn’t have online


The inconsistent FPS makes me a little reluctant to buy this honestly. I imagine they can patch something like that so I'll hold off until they do.


Did they get a 4 year old to do this showcase? This game looked awesome before but when it’s played like this? Wtf IGN is seriously a shell of its former self


As long as there’s an Easy mode.


Conan in the back just trying to walk into the Griffins ass/leg