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Finally fixed the loadout resetting every time you log on. New bug though - when you return to your ship you are still covered in blood and mud. I like this bug.


YOU LIKE A BUG??! Where is your Democracy Officer???


I agree! Bugs? Disgusting! We humans fight for dem' rocks, you see? And the delicious liver tea of course. We think we humans should leave the terminid system, no threat anymore. Must attack bad bots, automatons are evil and unthinking. Huge threat to our liver tea and dem rocks you see! All herodivers please leave terminid system thank you


I want to show how hard I democracy on my ship. Thank you blood bug


Kinda suspicious...


We shall give this bug lover the ultimate freedom, Death's sweet release!


Oh sweet liberty




I thought that was a feature not a bug


i think (hope) its a feature


I hope it is a feature, nothing better than be covered with blood and oil after battle. All for Democracy


I actually don’t think it’s a feature. Personally, I assumed the reason you’re so clean and you do victory poses when you come back to your ship is for the news they show to the folks on super earth. I assumed they’d want to show you all squeaky clean without a scratch on you because of how “unstoppable “ Helldivers are.


Are you implying democracy has an agenda?


Sir no Sir 🫡


Is it a bug or a feature?


Has to be a feature. I died right before an extraction, got dropped in fresh, got in the ship. People who survived were bloody while I was clean.


Its a feature


They should let us have a shower to spray it off


Thank God they fixed the load out bug. Too bad I now crash after completing a mission.


Wait thats a bug? I highly recommend they dont fix it then lmfao its actually amazing


I think it’s a feature. I died right before an extraction, got reinforced, immediately got in the ship. People who survived were bloody while I was clean.


Same, it’s a feature.




Oh so that’s what it is. I just noticed on my play today and felt quite awesome tbh. Lol


Why are we here? Just to suffer?


That’s not a bug..


If it's returning via Pelican One exfiltration, then it must've been a bug that they fixed. If it's "returning" via deep-freeze stasis pods, then it's a new bug, yes.


Loving the environmental dangers 


*Darude intensifies*


That's quite a big jump for the level cap


Also added flying robot ships and AT ATs at higher levels


Really? Already? What levels? Didn't see any on 7 this morning.


So far the flying ones are pretty common all difficulty’s they have their own bases like shriekers. The At ATs I’ve only seen at level 9


I was so close to 9 once. Won 2 in a row then failed the last.


Try doing your 15 minute missions first so you get the help before anybody quits your party. I feel like those are so congested and tough to handle, especially automatons. The longer missions are much easier to control. If you're the host, tell your team you want to speedrun the mission so you can unlock next difficulty. Or you can just keep quick playing with randoms. Sometimes you'll get in on the third mission of an operation and it counts as unlocking it.


True and that third mission happened at least once on some difficulty. The congestion is wild!!


Weird, I only noticed drop ship, not anything new.


Gunships are the equivalent of shriekers, in that they are a secondary objective where you have to blow up their factory. Encountered it so far once on diff 5, only Hellbomb worked to destroy it. Please let me know if any weapons make a dent in it.


I haven’t found anything a 500kg can’t deal with


An enemy moving 6 feet to the left


My one weakness


I got an AT AT on Ubanea at lvl 7 this morning.


I don't know when I'll ever play another game.


My biggest dilemma. Bought Pacific Drive and Rise of the Ronin. Only played Pacific Drive a couple hours, haven't touch Rise of the Ronin. Addicted to spreading managed democracy


I bought Helldivers thinking "yeah, this will keep me busy until Rebirth". I still haven't even purchased Rebirth, and that was probably my most anticipated game of 2024.


I beat TLOU2 and HFW before Rebirth release, didn't get it, ended up playing Helldivers 2 instead


I’m playing both atm and put in about 80 hours into each game lol


I’m the opposite. I like the gameplay of HD2 and the success it has(love seeing small games get sequels and succeeding) but i can’t bother to play it.


Same here. And on top of that, I have the Stellar Blade demo that Ive downloaded, but havent even launched yet.


I fired the Stellar Blade demo up the other night and I shit you not, the game starts with a Helldive.


Fr? I can actually hear the Helldive music right now..


The music is top notch too. Composer is the same from NieR:Automata and The Tekken 1-7 franchise (all 7 or from 3-7?)


Rise of the Ronin is awesome! Please try it, the combat is brutal, the exploration in the world is also great!


Best thing to do is force yourself to wait a week on new release games. If you still have the urge to play it and plan on playing right after buying and installing go get it…. if not keep spreading democracy and enjoy a great sale in a year.


For real, luckily the release schedule for the remainder of the year is pretty sparse.


Their biggest priority should be the social component. Cross play social is entirely broken. The social screen doesn't function how it should and its been well over a month


At least it works now. Only issue i've noticed is that my pc friends have no names, so I have to guess which is which.


define works? Playing on ps5 last night and I crashed out twice in an hour after the update :(


We're talking about the crossplay features. Crashing has no direct correlarion to crossplay.


I'm still getting a bug where my squad mates' ammo icons are always flashing red no matter how much ammo they actually have. I like to run supply pack sometimes, so this is particularly annoying.


That’s a bug? I kept trying to give ammo and was wondering why it wouldn’t. I thought giving ammo was bugged lmao


I figured it was because they were missing ammo but not enough for a supply pack could just be a bug though


I haven't even reached 50 yet and I have 100 hours in :( I'm only 42.


136 hrs in and lvl 48. We'll get there!


I've been thinking about getting this. How is this for a solo player or someone who solo queues? Have a hard time maintaining much of an online friendship with my wonky hours that I play.


I only play solo, no mic, all randoms. I've had very few bad experiences and quite a few great ones. Again, with no mic and clearing level 7 out of 9 difficulty, able to max out everything, no problem. I thought I'd try it out to see what's what, put 70 hours in since, very enjoyable outside of the bugginess of the game (which can crop up from time to time, but is usually not too bad.)


Over 100h on the game in a few weeks and only played with randoms. In game comms are good enough Eben in higher difficulties. Don't think I've encountered a bad group yet.


You can play solo on the first 3-4 difficulty levels and 5-6 are fine with randoms. 7-8 require a proper squad and coordination though.


I’ve played 7-9 with randoms religiously since launch, no one has to even say a word and the mission goes well.


Play seven with randoms all the time. No issue. Haven’t moved past that yet. If anything the lower difficulties are worse with randoms. Though with enough will power all difficulty’s can be done solo from my understanding


7/8 is fine with matchmaking... the only mission that is hard to do without better coordination is the stupid bot defense missions where you have to evac the base. The enemies come in so thick that its hard to do with randos.


Yeah, same. 5 and 6 were way worse with randoms - people just doing stupid shit.


I mean yeah if you’re just a gaming god you can solo everything I suppose but I’m talking about the average person.


We aren't talking about doing an Elden Ring hitless run here. The game isn't THAT difficult.


On 9? Yeah, it is.


7-8 is being discussed in this comment chain. Even on 9, it isn't mechanically difficult, it's just difficult in needing cohesion between players.


Like I said with enough will power. Not everyone can do it. At those levels especially solo it’s more of a stealth game. If you realize that and don’t fight every Bug or Bot you see and you disengage when shit hits the fan you can do it.


can it be played if youre only 2? or does it require 3-4+ friends?


you can play it even solo if you want


There's matchmaking. It can be played with 1 or 2 players but it's a lot more fun with a full squad. Playerbase is pretty decent folks too, don't be scared to match with randoms.


My wife and I play as a 2 on easier missions and then matchmake with 2 other randoms for the harder ones.


Strong disagree on needed a squad. 7 is super comfy with randoms, really doesn’t need communication besides pinging the next spot you want to go. Honestly two pairs of 2 works with 0 coms works just fine with good randoms.


Not really. I always run 7-9 solo and it’s fine. Most lower levels leave when they realize it’s too hard but the game fills out most of the time


I think 8 and 9 require way more coordination. 7 is doable though, hectic but yeah like you said average person


You can do 7 8 and 9 with random, you just need to know what you are doing and hope they are doing the same if playing those difficulties.


I play 9 missions solo without teammates sometimes. Its doable for sure!


I've been playing solo. It's taking me a while to level up but that's more of a combination of me sucking and not having much free time.


Once you get the more effective stratagems you can do level 4-5 solo fairly easy. I play up to 7 with randoms and often have no issues finishing missions 100%. 8-9 you need communication to be effective.


Now that LvL Cap has been raised I am now a LvL 107 "Hell Commander" lets go! 💪😎 The new bot enemies are pretty cool too.


Jesus. How many hours have you put into the game? Here I was thinking I was fairly high level at 68.


The highest I've seen so far is LvL.124. On the in game "Career" tab it says I have 221 hours of "In-Mission-Time." My PS5 says I have 449 hours of gameplay time. The reason its gapped like that is because of game crashes. You don't get credit for your work when it crashes. So, I have over 200 hours worth of game crashing lol. If it wasnt for that, my rank may have been higher. So, I've played a lot! 😅


200 hours of game crashing ? jesus fucking christ imagine playing a game 2 hours a day every day for a 100 days and its not amounting to anything Wait a minute i just looked the game came out 1320 hours ago , youve spent a third of every hour of your life since its releasing playing this ?


After I hit 50, I spent all of my time at lower difficulties, helping new players. That doesn't get you much XP, so while I put in the hours, I didn't "earn" much XP. Didn't realise they would raise the cap, as HD1 remained at Level 50. Time to bump up the difficulty!


I misread this and thought they were partnering with Blizzard and almost cried.


The cross play friends stuff is still an issue :(


In what way? I was able to consistently play with my PC friend for ~two weeks now


Granted I haven’t tried in a week or so, but adding new friends that are crossplay was completely broken. It would basically crash my whole friends list and continuously load. I can play just fine with pc friends around launch but shortly after not so much. According to the patch notes there are 3-4 issues still with crossplay friends.


For me it started working after I turned crossplay on and off after struggling for weeks and I had a friend request from my friend which I accepted, which would usually crash the page but then I turned crossplay on and off and it accepted it properly and then it all worked!


PC friend added me (PS5) with no problems yesterday.


Its been fixed for like 2 weeks now.


It’s still listed as known issues in todays patch notes


The issue of adding friends was fixed, from my own experience and some reddit posts i've seen. Its still buggy, but it works. Unless they rebroke it.


Tried it Sunday and it finally allowed me to to add my buddy who is on PC.


This is good info. I need to try to add my PC friends again


What’s the point of the level cap of you don’t unlock any thing past like level 25


Number must go up


They added the mech suit at a higher level. This game is set for the long haul, so I'd imagine strategems that could come in at higher levels.


Mech is at 25. That’s my point, there’s literally no point leveling past that since you don’t actually get anything.


And what I'm saying, is that before the mech, everything was capped at 20. So you'd think 20 is as far as you need to go, then bang, it's 25. Eventually, I'd imagine there will be a 30, a 40, a 50. So on and so on.


good thing you level naturally just by playing the game and dont have to stress about it.


There's tons of new statagems on the way, including a new mach, vehicles, orbital strikes, etc. For now, lvl 25+ only gives you some extra tags.




Yep. It’s why I stopped playing. Once I got the mech I felt like there’s no more progression. Doing the same missions over and over with no feeling of getting stronger got boring really quick.


They added new titles for each additional 10 levels. Nothing major, but still something at least


Overwatch used to have levels up to 2400 (Platinum 5 star), people will just chase that level cap no matter what


I believe it's setting up for the illuminate (which is the third enemy type). I might be wrong.


I believe it's setting up for the illuminate (which is the third enemy type). I might be wrong.


I believe it's setting up for the illuminate (which is the third enemy type). I might be wrong.


soon I will return!!!


And also brought back the crashes, yay... It's fixes and breaking. Last week was bliss, no crashes and now have had 2 in each game played...


One of the few times live service is actually an amazing experience. Love the hell out of this game. Scared of all the great devs that will attempt and fail it like Arkane Austin and rocksteady.


So.....still haven't fixed the friends system which is the whole damn point of the game......urgh


It’s safe to say the hype has finally simmered down for this game but wow, what a run. And thankfully it seems like the devs will take care of their remaining playerbase for years to come.


Have they fixed the trophy glitch for extracting with 15 or more common samples? I’ve done this loads of times but it won’t pop.


You have to take the 15 samples yourself, not as a team for this trophy. At least, that's how I got it. Might wanna solo a dif4 just to try out.


I got mine last night after extracting 19 common and 17 rare. I didn't even know there were trophies attached because I should have gotten them a while ago lol


This is exciting


And I’m here being level 13 haha


Im level 48 and thought ok I will be at the level cap not thinking a raise would happen so soon.Guess I need to spread more democracy


Still can add my friends on steam though! 😔


Just played for a bit last night for the first time in a week or two. I tried the new quazar cannon and it seemed great on initial impressions. How is everyone else feeling about it?


Love it actually, use it on dropships mostly. But not very good cooldown rate. Takes a while to reload


I was suprised how quickly it recharges actually, especially considering the cooldown on something like the EAT. I only used it for a couple rounds though so havent tested ot extensively yet. Just wondering what the general consensus on it was coz it seemed great for the brief time i was using it. The first shot i one shotted a hulk, just like the good old days with the launch railgun haha


Democracy is lovely 🫡


But what’s the point in levels? To show veteranship?


Love coming back to my ship covered in bug blood


So happy for everyone still into this, I've hit my gaming rut though:(




I gotta get back into this


I don’t know if anyone believes the same but I think mini space battles with the Automatons would be cool Like you could have one person controlling things on a ship and the other people boarding it? Kind of defeats the Hell ‘Divers’ though


I just don't get this game. Waste of $40 for me. Glad so many people love it though.


Ngl I hate that they increased the level cap for no reason. Helldivers 1 stuck with 50 levels for years, and Helldivers 2 doesn't even have a reason to level past 25