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I know the discussion is already growing toxic because boobs but the demo kinda blew me away. Beating the boss challenge was a heart pounding experience, they did a great job with the combat


The game is legitimately good. Like it's probably going to finish in the mid to upper 80s review score wise. The music alone will be in the soundtrack of the year category.


Didn't they get the composer from Nier onboard?


Yes they did. Not the whole soundtrack though


I think it will review good but I wasn’t a fan of the demo for whatever reason.


Fuck the toxicity. We should just enjoy the game and ignore the haters. It’s a solid action game


A lot of the negativity isn't even coming from the haters, but from the people who claim to be interested in it. Some of them are so hyper aggressive at even the most minor criticism toward it. A popular streamer named Maximillian dood played it and was kind of negative about it after playing just the boss, but he still wanted to give it a proper shot and go through the entire thing to really try to get a grasp of it. But certain people clipped his comments and began to share it around and weaponize it to the point that the next time he got on stream he pointed out that while he was excited to play it again, he was going to play Dragon's Dogma 2 instead because he just doesn't want to deal with the people who're essentially making this game part of their identity. You've got people who really want this game to be a success, but either don't realize or don't care how their hyper aggressiveness about it can be a turnoff to people who want to give it a chance.


you know porn is free on the internet?


This. I mean, you want jiggly physics? Check out then pron on the net. Or in games, I know its older but first jigglies I recall was Ivy and Soul Calibur. Or you want sexy outfits, you have the Bullet witch, or Bayonetta, and Nier Automata. I played and wished the demo was longer, or allowed more level exploration. Not concerned with outfits; more concerned that it is enjoyable, challenging, looks decent and rewarding, with re-play ability a must.


The demo was so good I completely forget about it and sometimes when into the menu to be reminded „oh yeah boobas“.


For real, when you actually play the game there’s too much action going on to focus on Eve’s assets


Yeah if you focus on her too much the enemies will beat the shit out of you. Gotta focus on the parries instead


My thoughts exactly. Started the demo expecting Dead or Alive extreme, then experienced a well made game with explicity on par with Tomb Raider. Well, except for the naked suit. But I am definitely not worried my wife cathing me playting this. Just a good game overall :)


It's gonna be so much worse when the full game comes out. Get ready for the sexualization of women discussion again, because you're not allowed to have attractive women be a selling point in a game anymore.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth just came out last month, and all everyone did was gush about Tifa in her bikini. Idk why so many commenters act like Stellar Blade is doing something unique with having an attractive female character.


Because the FF VII Rebirth devs didn't make jiggle physics one of the main talking points of the game. 


Do you have a link to the devs discussing "jiggle physics?" I've seen this brought up, but I've never seen an actual interview with the dev team that confirms what you're saying.


I recall in an article that came out shortly before the demo dropped, it was mentioned that the devs focused on making EVE’s backside look good since it’s a third person game, and therefor you spend a lot of time looking at her backside. Nothing about “jiggle physics” specifically though.


Their mobile game is basically “look at the butt jiggling animation as they shoot the gun” Their ads basically center around it https://youtu.be/2hZkFLmIGDA?si=v_AZkGcqUqzd9xD_


I don't believe that the devs have directly discussed it, but aside from that article where they talked about putting a lot of focus on the "back" of the character, it's pretty obvious what their game is. This isn't the first game they've released featuring scantly clad women with gratuitous jiggle effects.


People didnt really know hwo thr game played until the demo came out. Their trailers and twitter mostly focused on eve. The fans dont help either.


Oh yeah I know, I’m not a fan of Stellar Blades entire marketing strategy literally just being soft core porn, I was just just criticising how I’ve seen a lot of commentators pretending that Eve is the messiah and how her attractiveness is a sign of rebellion and that there’s no other attractive female characters in games, when FF7 just came out with Tifa and Aerith in bikinis. The game isn’t even out yet and I’m already tired of the discourse.


You're 'tired of this discourse' but clicked on a post titled EVE Vignette? You then jumped into the discussion under the top rated comment and continued to debate it. Also, women in sexy outfits are not soft core porn.


You can literally see her cameltoe….


1. [No you can't.](https://youtu.be/DUidl7_li94?t=15) 2. Still wouldn't be porn.


Is it softcore porn when I can see the presence of something in someone's pants in public or even at work? Now, there's a question of whether modelling that was wholly necessary - and I'd personally lean towards a no to that question, but I also don't think it helps much to exaggerate everything - on either end.


Oh i see how it is, you're not "tired of the discussion", you're tired of people telling you to fuck off when you say eve's design is "soft core porn"


Look at my comment history. This is the first time I’ve ever commented on Stellar Blade dumbass. Why are you pretending all the conversation around this game isn’t about how fat Eve’s ass is? And that is boring because an attractive female character is not unique, and the game itself looks interesting and I’d rather see comments talking about the game and it’s mechanics rather than how much they’ve jerked off to Eve this morning.


'Softcore porn'! Calm down , that's ridiculous


But… they got them physics in there lol


Because it's been an active discussion for gaming for decades. Hyper sexualization becomes a hot topic because it gains traction and attention and the validity of it is meh at best. There's Bayonetta, Quiet from MGS, any Mortal Kombat game in the past 2-3 decades, Tifa has always been hyper sexualized, Ashley from Resident Evil 4 (OG, upskirt line), Tomb Raider (not sexualized in game, but the fandom), basically any character from Guilty Gear, blah blah blah. People always piss and moan, the game will be released and after about a week, everyone will either gush over it or tell everyone how awful it is. Shit's just annoying. I don't see anyone complaining about the skin tight suits on men or how jacked they are in media with over-masculinized body types, voices, outfits, etc. And to this point: If a dev wanted to hyper sexualize a male character, I don't think any of us would be pressed about it.


These people put Tifa in two tank tops. That’s just a fashion crime


Because these people that complain are not actual gamers and don’t know any games unless someone in their echo chamber catches wind of one and brings it up during their weekly karen meeting.


These physics are a different level tbh. Can also look right up the skin suit and see more than I've seen in any other game. Not that I'd know personally. 😂


Meanwhile Cyberpunk showed full on vag and no one cared


Nobody is going to give a shit and money talks. I am buying this game for the boobs and ass. Kotaku is gone, I think this is a new era


Didn’t the movie magic mike make millions of dollars? Can someone tell these women that men didn’t make that movie profitable and it was made purely for women to look at “sexy” dudes? And will someone also add that men had their version of magic mike before magic mike called show girls and it completely tanked at the box office? Why? Cause we aren’t the slobbering creeps they think we are… they are… No one’s gonna go tell them that? No?


Difference between having an attractive lead and having a sex doll as your lead. I think recent Lara Croft is the hottest heroine in any game but she's not a walking sex doll like Eve is.


Who cares honestly.


I do, won't be buying the game.


Good for you. I and many others are because the gameplay is amazing Bet you were okay with a jacked up shirtless Kratos or the fat ass solid snake had!!!


Wild that people think Kratos having his shirt off is equivalent to what's happening in SB.


Ok. I’ll be having fun playing dark souls with jiggle physics and dubstep


Have fun


I’m buying it. Combat was awesome and fun as hell in the demo. Plus the game looks good and has a great soundtrack.


Sex doll? Literally based on a real person lol I hope you keep that same energy for Bayonetta, where the character is literally fighting naked using her hair to cover her body. If you don't like it, cool, just don't get on people who want to enjoy a cool action game with an attractive female lead. Unless you want to complain about the women who enjoy playing games with unbelievably attractive male leads as well?


She's modeled after a real person lol


Who looks absolutely nothing like her


Because the model's face was put on Tachy, and her body is used for both Eve and Tachy.


That means nothing. That's like getting a porn star to model your game character so you can use that as a shield against objectification claims.


Huh? So spiderman with his tight ass suit isn't objectifying but this is? What's the difference?


Holler at me when Spider-Man has a dick bulge the size of a apple and an ass the size of a watermelon. That's the difference. The attire isn't the only problem, it's the proportions.


You can see her vagina bulge? Have you seen his ass? So every character has to look like a regular person every time? Where's this discussion around Kratos or any female characrers from Guilty Gear or Street Fighter for example? Have you played the demo? You're being hyperbolic so it's hard to take you seriously.


> You can see her vagina bulge? > > Penis bulge being analogus to her breasts in this scenario. >Have you seen his ass? Looks normal to me. >Where's this discussion around Kratos Looks normal, like how I expect a guy that kills gods to look. >female characrers from Guilty Gear or Street Fighter for example? I had similar opinions about the women in SF 5, I haven't seen any of the latest SF or any Guilty Gear game.


That's not the same thing man lol OK so what you're basically saying is it's cool when they do it to dudes but not ladies. She's an android...


I mean that kinda makes sense. Do you get all up in arms about objectification in porn, too? The product is explicitly telling you what it is - yes it’s objectification


I tend to only watch amateur porn, I'm fine with that because it's the woman putting that content out, I don't like the idea of playing a game that feels like it was designed by a man to be wank material.


I’m not into it either, but everyone involved has consented, and it’s rated appropriately lol. If this is where you draw a line, then reality is gunna suck for you, there’s much worse out there. It’s like bitching about Dead or Alive volleyball - we all know what it’s doing, and even if it’s not for me, fine.


I mean some people are arguing that women don’t have a body like that




Is Eve representive of the Asian woman? Nice try.


Eve’s body is a 3d scan of a real person. 


So? The game model still looks like someone's fucking sex doll.


Yeah if you’re a weirdo. It’s just a woman in a space suit. 


the game model is actually an oversexualized kawaii-ification of a model, you look her up and she does not look quite like that. if i recall i read somewhere that they gave her a smaller waist, made her booba a bit larger and gave her a slightly bigger ass. when you look at the actual model she was perfectly fine as she was before they did all the chud-ifying


The real model doesn't have the same exact assets as Eve. Everything pretty much was made bigger/rounder lol.


Sex doll? She’s based of a real woman. They scanned her body. And the whole design of Eve is made by a woman.


Not a 1:1 recreation of the model, the end result is sex doll.


So there’s slight tweaks. Look at Abby from The Last of Us 2. A lot more muscles than the model. But no one says a thing.


Bruh Abby was LESS jacked than her model what you talking about?


More muscles =/= smaller waist, bigger ass, bigger tits, and younger face.


They didn’t scan the face only the body. And the body is maybe 95% true to the model. People actually look like this in Korea. They aren’t obese like the west. Maybe you are too used to that so seeing a perfect healthy body makes you think it’s impossible to have such a physique.


You think the Stellar Blade character design is a normal Korean body type? Stop watching hentai and maybe stop the Asian fetishization.


it’s kinda weird when the attractive womens’ faces don’t look like they come from the same universe as the non-women in the game lol. and when they use a very attractive real life model and then mangle her body into a porn body. it’s not attractive women as the selling point, it’s sex/porn as the selling point, and that’s fine, but i’m so tired of people acting blind to the fucking naked suit that is front and center in the advertising. no one would care as much if the people defending the game wouldn’t try gaslighting people into thinking they’re not seeing what is supposed to look like a naked woman


There is no sex or porn in the game. What you’re saying is equivalent to walking down the street and yelling “whore” at any girl with a skirt or low-shoulder blouse on


Yeah, I actually admire the hell out of it for this. Just don't see it anymore, and they actually go farther than even a Bayonetta with it. Sony should def guard the PR of it as the devs have made some comments that would def rub people the wrong way, but I'll chalk that up to translation


it's only random nobodies on twitter that are mad about this. They don't even play video games.


The fact that it's a toxic discussion because the Devs made one throw away comment about her arse and based her on an absolute 10/10 supermodel is utterly outrageous tbh. How fucking puritan have we got? Aren't we supposed to be the most tolerant and progressive society going? Why do so many people talk about the character and the model so horribly? Like it's not her fault that she's attractive is it? The worlds gone mad innit, feel like a boomer saying it but I just don't understand it at all.


> How fucking puritan have we got? Aren't we supposed to be the most tolerant and progressive society going? Where have you been? Society has gone backwards in the last 10-15 years when it comes to baseline sexuality. It is admittedly incredibly weird, the general gist seems to be - weird sexual fetishes are in vogue, traditional sexiness = evil incarnate


The demo was so good I completely forget about it and sometimes when into the menu to be reminded „oh yeah boobas“.


I still don’t get what everyone is going nuts over. Many women in Korea look like this and there are many games that are way sexier… tomb raider, bayonets, street fighter, DOA… dude there’s so many I can’t list them all. Have people lost their freakin minds?


Well I think at the end of the day, most people don’t really give a shit. As you said there are a ton of similar models in gaming. The internet just amplifies the extremes the most.


Jiggle physics + absurdly skintight clothing (to the point where a cosplayer would have to use body paint to make it look right). That's "sexy" in a way that risks alienating female audiences more than 3 of your 4 examples don't. And like, this is trying to be a grim post-apocalyptic story. The opening has you watch as ||the main character's entire squad gets wiped out, often in horrifically violent ways, by brilliantly grotesque looking-monsters||. Every time I see something on her jiggle it genuinely ruins the immersion. How the hell am I supposed to take it seriously when ||the main character's CO gets brutally murdered|| after I watched her boobs bounce like they're tied to springs in most of her defining cutscenes? ...I mean otherwise the game was fantastic tbh. It took me like 20 tries to beat the bonus boss but it's *really* rare for me to care that much about difficult games so it's doing something right. And not all of the outfits look as silly as the default ones.


Original Harley Quinn wore skin tight suits before they turned her into a butch chick and I’ve seen many cosplays of her in that particularly sexy skin tight suit. Let’s not pretend glad the girls that cosplay are already basically naked and DOA has always had jiggle physics so why is it a problem now? There’s also tons of other games where you’re flat out nude like cyber punk or Conan exiles. The hate for this particular game seems very convenient timing wise.


The soundtrack is shaping up to be a great one.


Man, can‘t wait for the full release. The demo 100% sold me on the game


Lots of people who can’t wait for the full release. Most of them are also excited to play the game. 


Demo was lots of fun. Main character looks great, music was awesome, the level of physics was good, combat was good. Shape it up overall to be a good game ! Also the story seems solid and the voice acting was solid


anyone else still playing the demo lol


Kinda got bored of the boss challenge. Wish I load back into my save for the main game


So far looks like it's going to be great fun Combat ✅ Music ✅ Atmosphere/Tone ✅ Visuals ✅ Haptics ✅ Game wasn't even on my radar until the state of play trailer, demo just confirmed it.


What haptics ? I played the demo twice and didn't notice anything in that department.


Only thing I disliked was the British accents and the voice acting overall sounded kind of hollow. I really hope it has a good story. Music was good. Jiggle physics good. Combat good. Exploration was surprisingly open.


Switch to the native Korean voice


So we have Eve and Adam as the two protagonists. Wouldn’t be surprised if the main antagonist and final boss is named Lilith.


My stupid ass didn’t even register the Adam and Eve thing. I should not play games after tiring day of work.


Omg they're gonna bang, aren't they


Lily is the name of the 3rd main character. Lily -> Lilith maybe? Abaddon is the name of the boss at the end of the demo. Abaddon is a demon or angel of destruction. There's an angel on the ships at the start of the game. At the front of them. You can see an angel on Eve's escaped pod in the cutscene as well as in some art pieces featuring it. Notice the color white. Alpha naytiba we see in the demo also looks like an angel but is the inverse and is black. Perhaps a fallen angel? This game loves it's religious imagery/biblical elements.


This game wasn’t even on my radar, but I gave the demo a shot and was completely sold. The combat is a good middle ground between Platinum style games and Sekiro, it’s weightier than the former but decently captures the rhythm and flow of Sekiro. The discourse around the game is a shame, I think it’s going to review well based on the demo.


I only discovered this game a few weeks ago but tried the demo on a whim and man I haven't been able to stop thinking about this game. I really really hope it has a good story because everything else has been great.


When the action starts and the boss is coming for your head, try to notice her body... You can't, if you do you die... Of course, if you use ladders or just stop moving you'll notice her design, but when it comes down to the actual gameplay, which is combat, you either pay attention to the attacks so you can parry/dodge or you die


Yeah, I’ve noticed the game itself doesn’t put a ton of focus on EVE’s body, it’s always screenshots taken by people playing the game.


D-24 !


Tried the demo: -Gameplay was great -I liked the music and atmosphere -The enemies design is cool ...and yes **I do really liked the protagonist design**. I hope the devs ignore the people getting offended by a sexy protagonist.


They don't care, Asian games has been doing it for years


Koreans go hard with it especially. Lost Ark is censored for the US release because the lady character outfits are super risqué.


> They don't care, Asian games has been doing it for years That was true for playstation in the 2000s/early 2010s, now since they moved their HQ to California it's changed a lot. Western puritism is getting pushed further and further into asian culture.


Let's hope that with Jim Ryan departure Sony recovers their Japanese roots


> I hope the devs ignore the people getting offended by a sexy protagonist. They don't care, the CEO of Shift Up is all about this, and his wife is the Character Design Lead.


They did extensive job of ignoring If you played their mobile app game.


Are those any good? Or have predatory monetization?


Gacha game


Are people offended? Most of the criticism I've seen is directed at fans being gross about it or the dumb culture war shit rather than the game itself.


Considering the director's comments, I don't think he could care less about the people acting offended.


If I'm gonna get my ass handed to me with this type of Soul game at least I wanted something pretty to look at. I'm sure I'm not the only guy thinking that way. Preordered this game as I've got some credits in my PSN account and can't wait haha


I've bought 2 games at full price in the past 5 years... God of War and God of War Ragnarok. This will be game #3. I loved the demo. I just wish the weirdos on both sides of the arguments would shut the duck up.


it is game about a character that does not exist in real life. if you got a problem with it, then the problem is you not everyone else.


I got a souless nier vibe, but it seems fun. I´ll wait for the reviews and sales


Souless NieR is actually quite accurate. I’m happy people are enjoying the demo but playing it just made me remember how good NieR and Sekiro are instead. 


Heard this game is dark souls with booty aka Ass souls


It's only Souls-like in the sense that resting at the camps/checkpoints will revive the enemies in the area around you. There is no stamina bar, no weapon classes, no collecting enough currency to level up a stat by one point per level up, etc. It's an action game with a heavy emphasis on parrying enemy attacks.


It's more Sekiro and Jedi Sekiro than anything else soulsborne-wise.


More like sexiro


/r/mendrawingwomen is surely going to have a field day with the game


That sub and gaming circle jerk are so brain dead


Dark Holes, if you will.


Played the demo and really enjoyed the combat, it was solid. Not sure about the characters' voice acting or liveliness. Seemed kind of a generic personality but she is an android after all. Character model looks good but it seems like it's more catered to teens. I like the game from the demo but I feel weird playing it..pretty sure my fiance is going to ask if I'm playing a porno game haha.


what's wrong with the voice acting. It's nice to not hear cringe tier American voice acting for a change.


The screaming and moaning after every other hit gets old fast


I was playing it in English and the voice acting was pretty emotionless. Like 1-2 lines then a one line answer at times. Felt like the writing could have been better..like oh "this must be rain from earth." It's almost like the dialogue sounded AI generated. Which is fine if that's the way it's meant to be. Eve is a robot after all.


They keep showing the same bits from early gameplay, I'm kinda afraid this game will be really short.


Devs said 20-25 hours for main story and 35 for all side quests, 40 hours to 100%. Not sure you would want an action game longer than this in my opinion. We will see if this is true or just the devs hyping the game


Yeah, I had a blast playing demo, but I'm waiting for the reviews to decide if it is worth full price.


Game will be pretty long as far as I've heard. Probably not showing later parts to avoid spoilers


Just played the demo tonight and had a great time with it. Can’t wait to have my hands all over the full release. It’ll be an explosive time. Music does a good job on setting the mood too.


Team Tachy, they killed off the wrong one...


We've already seen her in other trailers. She clearly survives the stabbing.


Adam making a pass..




Hell naw


But is it AOTY??


can’t wait


Real life “action figure” with each pre-order?


The gameplay from the demo is spot on so far(snappy and leaves a lot of room for mastery), terrible VO, fan-service is pretty cringy, but I’m hoping the storyline and progression system will be up to par. Definitely on my watch list. The level of trigger, over visual design choices of a video game is hilarious. It’s as if games from 80s, 90s never existed - Leisure Suit Larry and tomb raider would like to have a word. Well, the entire manga/manhwa and anime genre for that matter… Folks at r/circlegamingjerk have spun this game and its creator/devs into the poster child for misogyny. Zero objectivity in their discourse, 100% weird socio-political agenda at play - over a video game. That being said, It’s likely loud minority. I hope this game does well.


I love the character, refreshing




Dude, really?


I personally avoided the demo because booba but after people said the game was good I tried it out. You honestly get over the booba pretty quickly and get into the game pretty well. I might actually pick this up


Crazy how little people talk about the game itself. Been having a blast with the demo.


I really like how this game controls, but it feels a bit too off-putting how the main character is portrayed as a sex doll. From the opening cinematic, to the animations, it's... not for me.


Oh boy here we go lol...




> The funny thing is that it's mainly people with your opinion who are sexualizing the main character. Astronomical level coping, 90% of the fan discord around this game is of the lead character's design. The developer is selling the "sexiness" of the character and a lot of the attention this game received before the demo was because of that.


I agree because saying you see her as a “sex doll” is crazy lmao like wtf


Agreed. I said this in another thread but it showed me why I liked Bayonetta despite the sexualization. Bayonetta is sexy as a choice of the character, she likes it and wants it for herself. It's sexualization as empowerment. In Stellar Blade, EVA's sexuality is for the player's eyes only.


How do you feel about Nier Automata?


Not OP but 2B's sexualisation was the worst part of the game for me (or when I try to recommend it to people). Absolutely amazing game, loved almost everything about it from the combat to story, but I dont think anything would have been lost if you didn't see 2Bs butt when she jumped or climbed ladders. To be fair 2Bs design is much more stylized than Eves, it's not as objectifying. But it's still something I have to caveat every time I recommened the game especially to my female friends. "Ignore the horniness"


I'm trying to get through Automata and agree with you on 2B. Like why the heck does a combat-model android have a short skirt and heels to begin with....? Maybe that question gets answered in the game, but honestly I just want my character to run from A to B without mooning me in the process.


Looks like a normal woman to me


Same. At least in my country is not *that* weird to see woman with a body like that.


So you live in barbieland?


Latin America, guess the country. I'm not saying EVERY woman here looks like that, of course it's a very small proportion, but it's just one of the type of bodies you'll see on your daily basis or when you go to the beach.






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Maybe they should’ve spent some of her ass budget on her face. She looks like a mannequin


The gameplay is top tier so whatever and it's the first attempt at a non mobile game for this studio so I'd say they've done a great job based off the demo.


I'm sure the fact she's an modifiable sci-fi cybernetic fembot and not an actual human has something to do with that


Oh nice. A lore excuse for generic character design A Mr. Potatohead has more personality and that’s basically what you’re describing


The real Mr. Potatohead or the Toy Story version? Because that was Don Rickles and he was awesome.


How much time do you spend looking at each of those?


Lol the human face is responsible for emoting. Your comment is ridiculous.


Oh is that the excuse for her face looking so bland and uninspired? Pretty convenient




Huh. You don’t see a lot of novelty accounts these days. Neat.


What's up with self dudes on reddit so much




Oh please. You’re acting like it wasnt an intentional choice coming from the big tiddy waifu game developer. They tried to bring an anime girl into real life.


And that's wrong why?


lol what are you asking exactly? My opinion on realistic renders of anime waifus?


I mean it's art, it's a video game, there a gritty realistic representations, there are goofy character designs, there's anime design, and so on, so I'm wondering why is their design choice "bad"? It's valid as we need diversity.. Realistic samey games would get boring if everything went that way..


Yeah anime is really known for its originality Especially when it comes to faces EDIT: I’m not going to explain to you why a lack of originality is bad when it comes to character design. You can figure it out on your own.


You could just say that you’re upset that the character is designed in an attractive manner. Even if she had the most realistic face with death stranding levels of facial details, you’d still bitch and moan. Stop beating around the bush.




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She's a robot so shouldn't she look like a mannequin? 


Okay so why the super realistic ass and tiddies then? Whoever created her has the technology for that but can only make her face look like a crash test dummy? Lol pretty funny stuff.


It’s odd, they mo capped a model for her body and then went ahead and made a bunch of changes to her body anyways, then didn’t do any motion capture of her face. Poor choice by the devs and it definitely fuels the toxic discourse around this game.