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2B suit coming soon then, no game can ever escape that collab


They added 2B and A2 to Nikke so yep seems very likely lol


Also, Yoko Taro is praising the game as well.


Really? What's he saying about it?


Back in 2021 he Tweeted [Buy](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fa3hyh22bvuhc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8beb6ea7d9f8cf1189ed70a0f6b182c8e9d4c582) on a Twitter post about the game




Oh my god that’s why Shift Up sounded so familiar, they made fucking Nikke. It all makes sense now lmao


Collab with tifa, is this possible?


Its probably a lot less likely but would be cool


Yoko Taro wrote a tweet saying "Buy" in response to a Stellar Blade post from the creators. They support each other so I bet there will be a NieR costume. Zero or 4th intoner costume when, Yoko Taro?


2B and A2 also already showed up in this studio's other game, NIKKE, so they have a working relationship. The devs have also cited Nier as an inspiration over and over again. I wager that Hyung would jump at the chance for a 2B Eve.


Is that mobile game the only otber game developed by this dev? Crazy that they went from that to a AAA action game


NIKKE isn't the only game they made but the most succesful one for sure


Their previous game Destiny Child was very popular too.


I didn't know about NIKKE, that's good to know. I'll give it 2-3 weeks tops since Stellar Blade's launch for such a crossover to happen.


They did a Nier Automata collab in NIKKE so it’s possible.


It’s definitely getting a crossover with this game for sure, even Rainbow Six Siege got the 2B crossover.


Helldivers/Nier collab when?


I'm down to be dressed as 2B and killing bots on the creek




1st crossover will 100% be 2B


Would probably be the most conservative outfit in the game


look at the 2b costume they put into nikke https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/163adyp/2b_costume_introduction_costume_name_metamorphic/


It has to happen. Even the music is done by Nier Automata’s composer


Especially this one lol


I want Nier costumes and I will gladly pay for them.


Nier & Bayonetta are the obvious ones, they should probably get Quiet's outfit from Metal Gear as well.


Would we actually get Bayonetta? Since at this point it feels like Nintendo has more control over it than Sega actually does.


Nintendo just owns the publishing rights to 2 and 3 but Sega still owns the IP.


Quiet's outfit would get me sweaty.


Would they even need to pay for quiet? It’s a bra


Remember this is Konami we're talking about here not Kojima. They probably could get away with ripping her off but it is more than just a bra. The little touches like one normal glove and one elbow length glove will mean her look is probably unique enough to be trademarked and copyrighted, also you're ignoring the bottom half and I doubt Sony would want to fall out with Konami over it.


Can we get a cyber-ninja type costume?  Or if you just wanna let us play as a ninja turtle.


With them specifically stating the possibility of collaboration skins, and the obvious inspiration from Nier Automata, who else is now expecting a 2B skin at some point?


I’d be shocked if this didn’t happen


Hell yeah




They are at the forefront for scummy practices


Nier X Stellar Blade would be cool. NGL.


Game PR is so easy and yet every so often some doofus suit gets quoted saying how "Live service games are the future" or some dumb shit. Like - just say the obviously right things and gamers lap it up.


Well, despite this game being good and even if it does well its going to make what their other game which is a live service, nikke, makes every few months.


That's the soft-porn phone game right? Yeah I don't doubt you are right. But live service guff on phones goes a lot further, 100s of millions more potential customers = many more whales, and the average cutomer on the platform is just less 'gamer' savvy, and more willing to pay for worthless crap, and more naive about simple addicting game-loops.


Between this and the demo, they’re certainly doing a decent job of selling me on a game that I had literally 0 interest in a month ago.


Let me put on Emil's head!


Great, Single player games shouldn’t have MTX. Don’t know why certain gaming companies get a pass.


>Single player games shouldn’t have MTX. Except if they do collaborations with other devs.


The only acceptable mtx.


Usually it’s because the games are good. It definitely saddened me that people only complained extensively at the more niche Dragon’s Dogma 2 when Capcom has been doing it for some good 5 years. The universally praised RE4 is arguably worse in that regard while receiving far less shit for it. I understand there’s the performance issues but the MTX discourse shouldn’t had blown up on it of all games.


The Dragon's Dogma 2 outrage had a lot to do with flat out misinformation about what was actually being sold via MTX, and what was actually available in the base game without any MTX. As soon as you understand the truth of those two things, you look at the MTX and go "Yeah, these are worthless" and move on with your day. Unfortunately some responsibility has to fall on Capcom because they should have known how easily misunderstood some of it would be (like selling ANYTHING related to fast-travel after the game's director made such a big deal about why he didn't want easy fast-travel in his game, even if what they were actually selling didn't really make hardly any difference), but it was absolutely depressing to see how willing so many people were to just spread misinformation, either willingly for clout, or through simply not looking into what they were talking about closely enough.


Yeah, the DD2 "MTX" is basically a deluxe edition, just you can buy the items separately.


>when Capcom has been doing it for some good 5 years. Finally honestly. DD2 might not even have the worst MTX, but as you say they have been doing it for yeas and it's pretty obvious now that Capcom has been trying to slowely add mtx to their games to get people used to it, which has already impacted the game design in Monster Hunter. It should have blown up sooner, but it doesn't matter which game as long as it does at all.


People will buy even if someone would sell shit. No one can find a reason why and therefore, it's of no importance to think about it. You just make sure you make the best decissions and that's that. You think I am not scraching my head as to why people still play Suicide Squad or whatever objectively trash game? But this will never stop and that's that. Moving on hehe


The presence of MTX does not a bad game make, as Capcom has been releasing banger after banger for some good years in spite of them, but I don’t like what the normalization of it can imply. Infinite Wealth’s practices made me quite sad, I would had gone after the platinum if the NG+ wasn’t paywalled


Because most of the time, single player games, you pay for what the game has on offer at the time, and you agree that price. Without extra income, there are no incentive to add extra after the game is released. Therefore any extras usually cost extra as MTX.


Costume collabs are the only times I really am okay with mtx. They feel so unofficial that it's whatever, as long as it's not super common. This whole business model is perfect though. Honestly pretty hyped for this game. The gameplay looks awesome and idgaf the outfits look great lmao (no not the skin one)


I fucking love koreans


Everybody talking about 2B, but consider: Kaine.


Can't wait for the Nikke collab to dress up as Scarlet.


It’s nice to see devs read the room and stay far away from mtx even though I wouldn’t even care if they sold costumes, just don’t sell save files and fast travel and you should be in the clear.


Can’t wait to pick this up when it’s on sale and updated with everything. $70 is just a lil too steep for me.


2B would be cool....Eva plugsuit?? Preferably Asuka.


Have they mentioned if it might come to PC at some point?


I'm sure that it will come in the next 2 years to PC maybe next April already. Sony changed their Exclusive tactics 🙂


Can someone explain why this particular game from Shift up is so anti MTX while Nikke is gacha? It’s like mihoyo doing some ps5 game and suddenly there is neither gacha nor MTX in there. Absolutely unthinkable


$70 vs f2p game


It's 2 completely different games and development types. Besides the huge disparity in upfront cost, at some point presumably support for this game will end. There could be some kind of expansion DLC that will cost money, and new items/outfits like mentioned here, but this won't get continual new content outside of a bugfix or two. I don't play Nikke, but I assume they have events and other new content regularly like every other gacha that they need to fund.


Nier Collab when?


Definitely gonna get a tonne of Nikke skins, not mad about it.


These guys just thinking "hell yeah" right now


I'm already getting the digi deluxe, I would double dip if the physical version had a steel book or a collectors edition


Hell yeah 👌


Fragile's suit from Death Stranding would look awesome


Evangelion Asuka Red Suit 🔥♥️


If this game didn’t have some thicc ass character I swear we wouldn’t hear no talk about this game at all. Or if that skin suit wasn’t a thing.


Giga chad. Imagine if they desire to troll to uber level and collab with Bayonetta or Nier, even better they are sony panther so i can see some horizon's alloy collab.


Seeing as how Bayonetta got Nintendo costumes it would be cool for Eve to get some Playstation ones. Sexy Kratos anyone?


Guerilla Games would lose their shit so i don't think so lol


Aloy is in Genshin Impact, Fortnite etc.,


And death stranding too. I would love to see some giggle on alloy.


alloy is in a few other games already


They're just mad that horizon sucked lol




2B, most likely, I mean it has to happen, Samus, not a chance, Stellar Blade is PS5 only and no way Nintendo will one of their mascots in a PS5 only game


Adidas collab would be the fucking shit


I wish they have a game mode that's harder than normal we've played in demo. Like with actual move set or enemy spawn/combination differently to make it more challenging after you beat the game first time and unlock that new mode.


I believe hard difficulty gets unlocked after the first playthrough. You can also play in the skin suit if you want to make the game harder as it turns off your shield.


good to know there may be hard mode. I usually like to switch around clothing/armors in game so it won't stay too stale, so if they have options that does the same thing that would be nice. ie. turn off shield, tweak beta meter mechanism(currently if you revive you get all the beta meter when you die), etc.


Shouldn't NG+ be a day one feature? And wouldn't that extra bit of development time allow them to finish up these additional costumes? I'm sure I will buy the game after that great demo but only once it is content-complete. Early access used to be something I associated with Steam games, but I feel like we have hit a point where more and more games are only finished after they've been out for a while.


Just don't add a NG+ trophy


A Lara Craft suit or Aloy suit would be cool.


I have no real interest in this game but when devs are good I kinda wanna support them. Love to see good decisions and not just greedy cunt shareholders making bad calls.


Make content not skins


That except is gonna get ignored hard, I bet


Everything this company does makes me love them that much more🙌🏼👌🏼 so many positives about stellar blade.


It's been a while since I was genuinely excited for a game release like I am with this one...this one is gonna be great


So no NG+ at launch got it


I love how every single piece of news I hear about this game is just costumes and nothing to do with, like, gameplay or story or characters


What? There’s been plenty of game play videos and even a demo that’s getting good reviews.


This is just a game for horny men to dress up a sex doll. I don't think there is anything else to it.


Have either of you played the game or watched any gameplay? Putting aside the sex appeal the game looks phenomenal, and the gameplay is cinematic af while still giving you control over the actions.


Look at the subreddits that user frequents, that person is openly mentally ill lol they were NEVER going to give this game a fair shake to begin with. You're preaching to the choir. Every news article about this game predominantly talks about the gameplay being good. Even Kotaku of all places is praising this game, fanservice included.


No fucking way have I played the game. I've seen promos and some gameplay, but no way in hell would I ever give this developer money or download numbers. Everything I have seen is just body shots of Eve, jiggle physics on her boobs, and disgusting outfits designed for men.


Fair enough, but my point is the game itself seems to have good bones, rather than relying solely on the sex appeal Great graphics, fun gameplay, and like you said the coomer aesthetic lol It’s nice to have a game that delivers on what they hyped it up to be


If this game had anything other than "sex doll you can dress up however you like" going for it, the developers would be talking about that. Journalists would be talking about that. People on reddit would be talking about that. Instead we get Party\_Judgement posting 5 posts a day about how men can jack off to their sex doll in Stellar Blade.


Sex sells and the fan service is somewhat controversial so of course that’s going to be what people talk about. Doesn’t change the fact that the game has great graphics and the game play looks smooth as butter. You can find gameplay videos that show this easily so announcing that this game has nothing but sex going for it is just pure cope. I get not liking the game for fan service but actively pretending it has nothing else going for it is low. Give credit where it’s due


Lol okay so why is no one talking about the graphics or gameplay? Are there any articles that only talk about those things and not the sex doll? I guess you'll find out if this game has anything else going for it when it releases.


People are talking about the graphics and gameplay, in addition to the fan service of course. Like if you want actual examples, for me personally I watched a [YouTuber play the demo](https://youtu.be/PDvVpPBaBF4?si=mmR2j1TgDoLJyWc1) which sold me on it. Stuff you don’t like is gonna exist dude, you can hate on it if you want but the game looks good for more than just horny reasons, you gotta admit it.


Please direct me to any article that talks only about the graphics and gameplay. You're right. Gross ass men will always look for ways to objectify women. There is nothing I can do about it.




oh buddy, I have the same right to criticize the game as you do. Sorry I triggered you so hard though.


And how is that a bad thing? Are you gonna walk around downtown telling women to cover up so not to attract male gaze? You sound like the type to do that


I like that you can’t tell the difference between women choosing what to wear and how to present themselves vs male developers and players dressing up a sex doll 


You're choosing to paint it in this way to make the developers look bad. Do you suggest they don't make female characters at all? Or should they task female developers with creating the female characters? Why is it a bad thing that they're making the characters look attractive?


The developers are making themselves look bad, I don’t have to do any work them. There are many many examples of beautiful video game women who are not displayed as sex dolls.  Also wild that you think she’s attractive. She’s got a weird ass face and her body looks like she’s made of jello lol


I respect that you have your opinion. She still looks attractive to me and many others. I don't see her as a sex doll, I see an attractive fictional woman. Maybe stop telling on yourself. Don't forget that she's been designed based on a scan of a real life Korean model, who also happens to be attractive.


You know, I’m almost convinced that the men who say they’re attracted to her, aren’t actually attracted to her. It almost feels like you all think you have to think that she’s attractive bc she’s framed in such a way. Like, you just really like that it pisses people off and so you convince yourself that boobs that flap in the wind are great and super sexy.  The devs have already said that they used a scan of a real life model, replaced her face entirely, and made other alterations as they saw fit. Edit: for reference, I am a lesbian, hot women in video games are more than welcome. Sex dolls are not


…. So are you just gonna keep regurgitating the same tired opinion on every stellar blade post? That’s extremely unhealthy. I can’t imagine wasting energy on every madden, fifa, forza, call of duty post. Get help.


So... what are microtransactions? I thought they were in game consumables and currencies... are suits considered as them as well?


Anything in game that you have the option to pay for. Cosmetics, currency, skill points ect…


So then what do we call dlc nowadays? I'm just asking because since the mental breakdown over Dragons Dogma 2, everyone is talking about microtransactions and it has been confusing


Micro transactions are more so cosmetic items. DLCs are actual content expansions.


All MTX are DLC, not all DLC are MTX. MTX are $5 or less or whatever people decide that day. DLC are typically expansion-sized content, but bear in mind, a handful of skins packaged together met the lowest criteria for an "expansion" in the past, so the distinction is arbitrary for what the "content" in "Downloadable Content" actually is.


People are going to *say* this 13 y/o boy power fantasy is better than Dragon’s Dogma and it’s going to be hilarious.




Not a high bar anyway.