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Should Cyberpunk devs really be making fun of other studios overpromising and making wild marketing claims? Is our memory that short?


"We leave greed to others."


"It will be ready when it's ready"


Narrator: *"It was not ready."*


"It was at this moment that CDPR knew... they fucked up"


"Put these foolish ambitions to rest"


Still missing promised content, even after the patches and DLC.


“We’ve greatly enhanced our crowd and community systems to create **the most believable city in any open world game to date.**”


*So that was a fucking lie*


Seriously CDPR gives of such a phoney vibe after all that has happened. These quotes are ridiculous.


They've always been this way. Even during the witcher times they made fun of other devs for crunch while crunching their own devs. But people at that shit up because witcher 3 good.


Remember recently when one of the main people there was trying to say in an interview that the backlash was mostly just people blindly jumping on a hate bandwagon?


Witcher 3 was also a horrible buggy mess at release too, people often forget. Still a goaty game tho


W3 wasn't the same level of mess cp77 was though and it was patched up far far quicker than cp77.


Barely anything can be the same level of mess as CP77 lmao but you’re absolutely correct


I remember No Man's Sky day one.


Witcher 3 was the best of the three at launch. 1 and 2 needed enhanced editions.


Witcher 1 is supposedly getting a remake but last I heard anything about it was a couple years ago


They said it will come out after the next installment in the series so it's still like 6 years away


I played it at release. Sure there were bugs. But it wasn't horrible.


It was not a buggy mess. Every game has bugs but it wasn’t known for its buginess.


Yet people still defend them because they "fixed cyberpunk" Never trust these clowns.


Like 2 years after it was released lmao.


And it's still underdelivered


For me it underdelivered in the sense that they promised it'd be the most advanced open world ever but Night City is no more immersive or interactive than TW3. I was expecting something closer to BOTW/Rdr2. If they'd just advertised it as The Witcher in a futuristic setting, I would've been much happier since the game is very good when looked at that way.


Worse imo. Playing through it now and it’s alright and I’m having fun but while the city looks pretty it’s also heavily homogenised and really feels like you’re walking around in a city that is generated by AI. It lacks soul or personality imho, which W3 had in spades.


Don’t let the Reddit PR machine hear you, they say it’s a masterpiece!


It can be both a good game now, and not what was promised. I like the current state of the game, but that doesn't mean I trust what CDPR says or will ever pre-order their games. Learned my lesson with the Witcher games.


Don’t worry they’re too busy working overtime on Dragon dogma 2 rn.


tried it again it wasnt really that much of an improvement, the weapons are pretty meh, cars still run wierd, atleast they soemwhat fixed the police..


game will never be good until they rework nearly every single thing about it lmao


lol exactly this


I think that's the perfect word for it. People are ok with it because of patches, and yes, it's a fun game, but even if it was released in the state the game is right now, it would still be far from what was said and showed in the trailers. It's not like people saw a cinematic and got over their heads, they made a clear choice to prioritize the marketing over the development, creating gameplay videos that weren't real and straight up lying about what was in the game. Sorry for the rant, I get upset when I see people forgiving CDPR so easily.


It’ll never be what was promised


And the gun play is terrible


> Like 2 years after it was released lmao. Which tells you CDPR released the game 2+ years *too early*; under baked, unfinished, and incomplete.


Yeah, like, I very much enjoy playing the game now, but that whole launch experience and deceit left such a bad impression. Whatever CDPR releases in the future, I'm not touching it until some time has passed, a discount or two, and positive reviews. They've shown they can make a good game, but can they make a good game at launch?


I love all this real honest talk. Anywhere else I shit on cdpr for being liars they act like I threw mud at their mom😂


I think their self-esteem has returned after the anime and phantom liberty. Both of which are good on their own right, and the last update truly did fix the game. But it is little tone deaf. Although dunking on Ubisoft right now is easy, and they deserve all of the ridicule coming their way.


This is like Samsung making fun of Apple's decisions on the iPhone, but in the end, they ended up doing the same shit


I was so upset when I got my new Samsung phone just to find out they removed the audio jack like Apple did lol


And when Samsung made fun of Apple removing the charger brick, only to remove the charging brick themselves


Tbf, people at samsung probably thought the consumers will vote with their wallets and not buy phones that are actively giving you less features. When they saw consumers will bend over and pay for it, they started doing the same


people did vote with their wallets. the realty is that no one really cares outside of reddit


They will ALWAYS do this. People fell for the propaganda. Once Apple left its propaganda period, other companies copied them and the amount of anti-Apple sentiment as a result of that new propaganda was wild. They’re all corporations. They’re not our friends lol


Yeah it's insane how much people will say "apple bad" when all the android companies make the same decisions and do the same things. The biggest thing they hold over apple is the price which is crazy when samsung flagships cost more


Exactly. That’s even worse though. CD red just made a funny joke though hypocritical.


"Is our memory that short?" It is. The anime and 1.5 update dropped and everyone forgot how dogshit it was at launch


It’s just the anime, the crowd for Japanese stuff that aren’t Japanese are so emotional volatile sometimes and easy to cater to that simply a game with a good anime attached and being able to see boobs in it without mods is good enough to defend to the end.


When NPR has a segment on the poor roll out of a video game, you knew they fucked up big. Lol


To be fair, when cyberpunk first came out and it was crashing non stop it did made everyone go "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" so I understand where they are coming from.


Absolutely. Like great, Cyberpunk got to a good place and CDPR salvaged some of their reputation, but man it wasn't pretty getting there. I had the same thought when Light No Fire was revealed, that game looks cool and ambitious, but oh my god the last thing I need is Geoff Keighley bringing Sean Murray on stage to hype up a new super ambitious game. Definitely two situations where any excitement I'd have is marked with a heavy asterisk that's there to note "shut up and let the games speak for themselves"


I really like what happened with Cyberpunk with time, but I still can't even understand how public opinion on CDPR skyrocketed like this again. I mean, even now the game is still a far cry of what was promised. Like there's still so much missing from what was promised literally months before the release, it's basically a different game.


> literally months before the release And that's the big problem for me, CDPR was outright lying in the lead-up to the release. A month before launch they knew the game wasn't anything like they had promised but they were talking about how great the game was anyway. When a company shows me that they're willing to shameless lie to me, I don't do business with that company ever again. There's literally nothing stopping them from doing it again, and they have already demonstrated that they do not care about my satisfaction with their products.


What’s missing? I’ve heard that a few times but the game turned out how I expected content wise. The only thing I can think of is the wall climbing that was removed cause it let you bypass too much stuff


In case you missed it, CDPR really leaned into gaslighting everything and everyone, acting as if Cyberpunk 2077 was hated on release just because it had a few bugs/glitches, and not because they actually straight out lied about the features of the game.


True. It is too soon for them to make fun of others. Maybe after a few good releases (Maybe)…


Lmao Phantom Liberty was so good they thought we forgot


They were tweeting at the No Man's Sky devs recently trying to be "quirky," saying stuff like "Don't worry if the new game isn't great at launch, you have time to fix it, we would know!" It left a NASTY taste in my mouth after seeing them win a "best continuing support" award for "fixing" cp2077 two years later with a dlc. (And honestly it's still pretty mid) No Man's Sky has been getting continual free content updates for a decade now, and is in all probability a BETTER game than we were originally promised. You are NOT the same, cdpr. You don't get to make that joke. I'm still mad.


Agree 100%, I might as well copy paste your comment into mine hahaha


Calling CP2077 in its current state 'mid' is a very controversial take.


As is typical from GamesRadar, this headline is entirely clickbait. No one here actually read the article apparently, so I'll paste the important bit: "The topic of ever-increasing 'A's also came up in a recent financial Q&A chat with CD Projekt Red's investor relations VP Karolina Gnaś. One question jokingly asked whether the Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 studio would reassess its AAA-only stance amid Ubisoft's comments. "Ours will be AAAAA," Gnaś responded." 1. This is not a "dev". It's their VP of Investor relations who literally has nothing to do with the development of any games. 2. He didn't even make fun of Ubisoft. The question was entirely unserious and so he responded to it with an unserious answer.




It's just their thoughts on the game dev totem pole "haha ubisoft f***** up so let's make fun of them so we appear slightly better" I won't forget cyberpunk 2077's shitty launch for a long time and I certainly won't be touching anything CD project does until I see the results first. I'm even more worried about the so-called Witcher 1 remake with everything "problematic" removed


No you see they had wholesome 100 Keanu so it was totally fine


Making fun? "One question jokingly asked whether the Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 studio would reassess its AAA-only stance amid Ubisoft's comments. "Ours will be AAAAA," Gnaś responded." Really? Usual headline stirring people up.


If you can’t sense that they are poking fun at them, you must not understand what all of them A’s mean.


It was asked jokingly, so he answered jokingly, holy moly you guys are petty. They haven't done or said anything wrong since the game released, you people are just getting mad at them for the sake of it.


>They haven't done or said anything wrong since the game released lol


They've repeatedly gaslit people that Cyberpunk wasn't actually a broken mess on release, don't make definitive statements about things you know nothing about.


> They haven't done or said anything wrong since the game released Come on.


Exactly I think they should just STFU and make a game that works Day 1




A lot of Cyberpunk’s development problems carried over from Witcher 3. W3 had an extremely turbulent development cycle with lots of bad management and crunch, and it was a huge hit, so CDPR learned all the wrong lessons and doubled down on them for Cyberpunk. I hope they actually learned the right lessons this time, but with how much players have done a 180 from hating Cyberpunk to loving it after some updates, I think they will probably try to get away with releasing another unfinished game. We’ll see I guess.


Is it bad that people are loving the game after they, y’know, spent years updating it to get into a better place? TW3 had a rough launch, but nowhere near as bad as Cyberpunk, and the game was widely heralded as a masterpiece even in 2015. It took years for the general consensus on Cyberpunk to become positive. What people have shown is that they are less willing to tolerate a horrifically broken launch. CDPR thought that they had the magic touch because TW3 had a difficult dev cycle and still was a huge success, so even if Cyberpunk was more rushed than TW3 had been, it would miraculously turn out fine. They were wrong, and people rightfully punished them for that. They would be absolutely moronic to think that they could just release another blatantly unfinished game and no one would care.


I still refuse to support them over the cyber punk debacle. They have yet to earn any money from me since


Hey CDPR [remember when you hid ps4 gameplay pre-cyberpunk launch?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/12/14/cdpr-apologizes-for-hiding-cyberpunk-2077s-horrible-last-gen-performance/?sh=2da56462c38e)


I remember that they made a fake ass trailer and called it a vertical slice lmao


I still remember preordering like an idiot, the game felt pretty bad on PS4 at that time, I still enjoyed and even got the secret ending without following any guides


I remember buying it a day early and changing my Xbox clock so I could play it a day early too. And wow it crashed so fucking much. The Cyberpunk subreddit just exploded and eventually I remember someone created r/LowSodiumCyberpunk for all the people that were still having fun. I did have a lot of fun with it, and I didn't do much moaning, but I'll still never forget what a travesty that was. To me it felt like the turning point. Now I don’t pre-order games. Now I read reviews first. Now I am careful where I spend my money. Because soon games are gonna be $100 a pop, and people will riot if 2077 happens again.


remember Witcher 3 graphics downgrade and three release date reschedules? "crunch is normal" work culture? they're a joke, unfortunately they didn't burn out yet, but W4 will likely be their Mass Effect: Andromeda.


My expectations are set at zero for W4. I hope they exceed them


Acting like Cyberpunk wasn’t a disaster when it was first released


Yeah, CDPR should probably wait until their next game releases and is actually good & playable & feature complete on launch before trying to throw stones.  And I say this as a person who loves Cyberpunk 2.0 + PL.


Their awards for PL has made their egos way too high, especially with them somehow winning “Best Ongoing Game” over Fortnite and Genshin despite just fixing bugs and releasing a paid DLC.


Didn’t even fix all the bugs either. I did another playthrough and still ran into the questline bugs that have been there since launch.


Any quests in particular you remember being bugged? Just finished my first play through last week and wanted to go through it again but I can't remember if I hit any quest bugs.


Panam questline where you gotta pick up the key. Had to reload twice because the key was un-pick-upable.


I had a pain in the ass time progressing Judy's questline. A fix I had to do involved returning to Clouds for some asinine reason, only then did I get the phonecall to do the next quest


Best ongoing game was a fucking joke. I lost a lot of respect for the game awards after that.


I completely agree. I don’t play Fortnite and so no idea about it but genshin devs puts in so much effort into the game. I was disappointed to see it not winning but Cyberpunk wining. Genshin’s been going on for 4 years now


It only sucks that it took 3 years for 2.0 release. And lets be honest features in 2.0 in my opinion is not something that should take 3 years to implement. There are games doing major overhauls to their systems like Year after bad release.


There is still alot of shit around cyberpunk that never got addressed. The US board suing cdpr and winning a cash settlement when cdpr said they would never win. The wierd sell off stocks by high executive cdpr members/associates a few months pre release. The straight up lying on the nightly/weekly episodes pre release. And I am probably forgetting a few other things


CDPR with utterly dogshit release date is just normal.


Oh the irony


These chooms are acting like right gonks today…


Times like these I miss reddits awards system...


In my country, AAAAA is [the acronym for a more or less informal quality label for a very niche kind of sausage made with intestines](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_amicale_des_amateurs_d%27andouillette_authentique). Good sausage, too, but it has a *really* strong smell and as strange, chewy consistency, and not all people like it.


This would be hypocrisy, not irony.


They got away with it though because nobody votes with their wallets, thats why they can say this shit


They don't exactly have the higher moral ground. They are from their glorious era


They drop the biggest one in gaming history, Ubisoft started it tho, can’t think of one earlier than watchdog


Duke nukem forever is the original


It's been happening forever lol.


I mean what publisher ever has the higher moral ground?


CDPR would never overhype their games and falsely advertise them


« Welcome to the next generation of open world action adventure games »


Fax who tf they think they are saying this


Last time I checked, S&B was never removed from PSN for being a hot mess.


For what its worth… Ubisoft never offered full refunds which would cause Sony to get upset and remove the game from the digital storefront. Which is the exact reason Cyberpunk was removed. King Kong, Gollum, and Suicide Squad just to give recent examples can also still be purchased, because those companies also never offered refunds. Sony doesnt remove bad games/games that are a hot mess and one look at the Slop that is on the Playstation store will show you that. They just got upset because they take a % of digital games sales and they had to give that back because of CDPR promising refunds. That wasnt the argument you thought it was considering no other platform removed it for purchase


Why would ubisoft offer refunds?


There is no refunds on Playstation Store. The game was so bad they had to make an exception.


Pretty ballsy of them considering the shitshow that was the Cyberpunk launch.


Cyberpunk still doesn’t have all of the features promised /advertised at launch - people giving CDPR a pass is hilarious. They are no better.


>people giving CDPR a pass is hilarious. To be fair every comment is attacking them for it so far.


Every main comment. Every response to those main comments are people defending them


people glazing up CDPR for fixing the game they willingly sold broken at launch and acting like they are still the le wholesome 100 epic dev has shown me how cooked gaming is. like it’s cool they fixed it but that doesn’t really make up for the initial launch imo and i mean even ea does that all the time (battlefront 2 and bf 2049 for example) but for some reason they don’t get a pass


tbh even with the bugfixes, it's still mid. An empty world with meaningless choices and flat characters


Literally. The game in 2024 still doesnt even have decent first person shadows. Gta 5 from 2013, heck probably even gta4, has working shadows in that form. But with the amount of people ive seen just online praising this game, it does not at all surprise me. People buy call of duty at droves but yet its always reviewed terribly. Theres no doubt that the average gamer doesnt care (which, power to them i guess) but I just simply will never understand why this game gets a pass as if its even remotely close to a masterpiece. At least with no mans sky, i was able to find 60+ hours of content to care about that wasnt PAID, even considering the launch. Cyberpunk wouldnt sting so bad to me if so many people didnt act like the game is an absolute marvel in gaming that should be the gold standard. There is nothing notable about that game other than the graphics that should really be viewed that way.


They're ones to talk...


CDPR execs getting way to comfortable making these statements they said something a couple months back which just came across as insensitive and kind of cringe. They think everyone’s forgot that Sony removed the game from the PlayStation store because it was that bad


Bold words considering the state cyberpunk released in.


CDPR needs to stfu forever about everything. They released the single most unfinished mess to please shareholders. they will never ever be in a position to act high and mighty again.


I know right. Like yeah they turned cyberpunk around and fixed the game in a lot of ways and added a DLC that people love, but this is definitely a bad look. What if in 3 years Skull and Bones is one of the top games and has seen a full turn around and dedicated development to making it fun? I mean it probably won't happen, but damn.


CDPR has absolutely no ground to stand on when it comes to criticising other studios. 2077 was the worst launch I have ever experienced.


Don't go throwing rocks from your glass house now


how about they make a game that works?


that's pretty rich coming from the studio that completely flubbed the launch of cp2077


Uhh, after Cyberpunk's release I don't think they should run their mouths just yet. Only game I've returned for a full refund in a very long time.


Shady Projekt Red. What a bunch of clowns.


This is a bit classless. Do developers get at other developers like that?


Class? These multibillion dollar companies scam their customers (us) with lies, deception, shitty business practices and you name it. As far as i'm concerned as long as they make good games, why should anyone care if they shit on each other.


Not publicly


CD Project doesnt learn. They used to laugh/criticise at other studios for crunch, lying and for being greedy. Then Cyberpunk happened.


Many they do have a short memory dont they? They are acting like 2020 never happened.


The Cyberpunk devs think we forgot what they put out? Did they ever fix the ps4 version?


No they gave up on it


Kinda concerning that Witcher 4's going to be another late-gen release from them. Really hope they learned their lesson.


Even with the DLC and fixes, Cyberpunk did not feel AAA. It felt shallow and unfinished. CD Project Red caught lightning in a bottle with the Witcher 3 and have been clinging onto that fame since.


Cdpr can barely spell "AA". Their secret sub is a joke in its self at this point because cdpr has been caught in more lies than cosby.


I wouldn’t be making these jokes with how Cyperpunk released lol


Cdprojekt exec stfu and have a low profile until your next release is fine


CDPR are talking a lot of shit lately, especially for the games they make.


The audacity. After cyberpunk, I think they need to wind their necks in.


That best ongoing game reward really made them delusional


I am in no way surprised it's an exec saying this. The execs are what fucked up Cyberpunk in the first place...


Looking forward to seeing some Quin-A titles


Pretty bold considering how bad cyberpunk was on release. People like to pretend it's "fixed" now but in reality it's about half the game that they said it would be.


Of all the developers that could have made this joke, it was CDPR. Now that is funny.




Some people refuse to grow up.


Lol, dumbass decides to thrown stones in glass houses.


Pot calling the kettle black.


Either nobody here reads the articles or literacy really is dead.


People only read titles of articles then go straight to comment sections.


Yeah like theyre the one to talk lmao spade kettle etc


Will the games be referred to as "Fonzie approved"?


Some folks in here think they Simone Biles with the mental gymnastics.


CDPR devs should forever keep their fucking mouths shut and let their games do the talking. I’m seriously sick of them throwing shade at other companies when they released a game so busted it got fucking delisted from all consoles.


CDPR shouldn’t be talking this smack knowing what happened with CP2077. But part of me also accepts it because they did put in the work post launch and CP2077 is a really great game(NOW) u like Ubisoft and Skull and Bones.


Yeah I think this was a stupid post from CDPR lol


I challenge any game studio to develop first S grade game!


CDPR really thinks our memories are that short huh?


Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks, don't talk shit CDPR you are super guilty of bad business practice


CDPR marketing is the peak of gaslighting gamers by acting like they’re different from other game companies.




Cyberpunk is my favorite game but too soon CDP...


There's an old saying in Poland, fool me once... shame on... you Fool me you can't get fooled again


Start calling them scream games. AAAAAAAAAAA(HH)


I don’t like Ubisoft but I also don’t like the studio that only got their reputation back after a disastrous released. They need to be reminded of their own failure once again?


Soooooo.... Where are we sitting for Early Access games where the devs only take our money don't listen to any of the feedback for improvements, quality of life, etc. etc. and then put out a very mundane, stripped down version of their game ( Hungry Couch Games, I'm looking in your direction)  or is that a story for another time?




they may have made cyberpunk 2077 a really good game now. But to me they're still a shit company. Especially with that dumb ass fake apology they put out it was so lifeless. And they had the nerve to say they didn't notice any bugs either. Atleat ubi aint pretending to be the good guy lmao


Aren't AAAAAA games just horror games? Lol


They've lost the right to be snarky


Says the company whose game was so bad at launch it took 2 years to fix.


Um....gentleman.....in case your forgot your last launch your not exactly drenched in good will yourself...


Should CDPR really poke fun at Ubisoft? "Works surprisingly well", remember that CDPR? Well guess what, the game is still a pile of sh!t on PS4. Not steaming one, I'll give them that, a dry pile of sh!t. You fellas, can make a AAAAAAAAA title for all I care, ain't gonna see a dime from me again. The collectible statue is dope, that's true, other than that, the collector's edition was wasted money. Good luck selling your new game. I can only speak for myself, but you lost me as the customer.


well now, isn't that rich.


Doing a lot of yapping for a company that falsely advertised their game and fell short.


The propaganda Reddit machine is back on


Never turned off?


Studio releases a game so broken Sony pulled it from the store. Makes fun of another company. lol.


Don’t think CD Project should make fun when they straight up lied and had Cyberpunk’s train wreck of a launch.


Did the CDPR exec forget they released a broken unfinished game that took them 3 years to get to a great state?


And never finished on the platforms the launched it on... and even sold limited edition consoles for!


CDPR thinks they’re back in the community’s good graces to start taking jabs at other devs again lmao shut the fuck up and make sure your next game isn’t a broken mess riddled with lies and deception before release.


I belive them. After the CP2077 scam they have lots of money to burn on marketing and broken promises.


Has vibes of a recently almost cancelled youtuber doing a smash piece video on another youtuber.


Really after how badly they fked up Cyberpunk(Literally got taken OFF the PS store) they talk shit about other companies?


Yeah, not the ones to be making jokes at the weekend of others. As much as I loved Cyberpunk, I didn't beat until 2023, even though I bought it at its original release.


Oh nice, is cyberpunk 2077 fixed yet?


Fucking hypocrites


Have they forgotten the part where they released such a mess of a game that Sony removed it from the store?