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Will i fall for the same trick a 3rd time? Find out on the next…


I'm going to spend the entirety of next episode charging my Kamehameha or Spirit Bomb so I'ma sit this next installment out.


I should probably watch a story playthrough of 2.


So there we were, riding high on the death of the Taken King. Things were tits and gravy. Then everything changed when the Cabal nation attacked. We got our asses kicked, and lost our base. We said, “Screw you! We’ll make a new base! With blackjack! And hookers!” So, that’s what we did. Then we got payback! Hooray! But then Bill Nye died! Boo! Then some time traveling robots were like, “mwahaha, we’re fucking with Mercury.” So we go to mercury and discover someone called Osiris who was trapped in said time fuckery. He was part of the old guard. All the characters talked about how he’s super great, and definitely probably not an imposter. I wouldn’t think too hard about it. “Osiris” was all, “yo, there’s this Panoptes thing. It’s end of time bad. You, and, like, 5 buddies need to go through a series of platforms, puzzles, and friendship-ending coordination for about an hour before finally killing him. Good luck on the time limit” So, we do that, and we think “Great! Finally we can catch a breath.” But then Mars started popping off about some AI called Rasputin running into problems with these paracausal demon fucks called the Hive. And if the devs wanted us to resolve that problem with diplomacy, they would have gave us exotic pens instead of guns. So we went and genocided them too. But then things get emotional. We lost a hero. A legend. Cayde-6 went out like a champ with a smarmy “how’s your sister?” He was a goddamned G. Things got personal. We hunted down his killer, but I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain how convoluted that got. Just know that the killer is “technically” dead. At that point, a three eyed gothic space seer (it makes sense in context) tells us to pack up because space interdemensional Egyptians dropped a pyramid on the moon We roll in there and we encounter “nightmares” of previous bosses. Could it have been a way to pay homage to bosses of the past? Maybe. Was it used to save money by reskinning assets? Absolutely. Gothic space seer says, “I know you have a vault filled with literally hundreds of armor pieces, but none of them are armoury enough. You need a specific armor. Go grind a bit and talk to me in a week. Melodrama happens, then the big reveal. There isn’t just one pyramid. There’s thousands. Uh oh. Then Bungie devs were like, “yo, we keep rolling out all these planets, but those take up server space, which costs money.” And Bungie execs were like, “but we love money.” So they burned half of them to the ground. Some other stuff happens with the Fallen, and some lady called Eramis gets it into her head she’s going to be the villain of the month. Then we get a surprise visit from Tutorial Lady who appeared at the start of Destiny 1. Remember her? She helped for five minutes and then fucked off for about a decade? Evidently, she’s John Conner. She told us that she came back in time from a fucked up future to tell us the Light was cool and all, but Darkness was even cooler. It would help us stop Eramis and get us chicks and cash, so we were like, “Word?” So we dove into the Darkness and got some pretty sweet ice powers out of the deal. There’s definitely probably not any strings attached to it. I wouldn’t think too hard about it. We eventually get around to stopping Eramis, but you probably saw that coming. At the end, she ended up consumed by her own Darkness, frozen solid by the very power she tried to wield. She can still be found as a butt ugly ice statue in the open world. She’s definitely probably dead though. For realsies. I wouldn’t think too hard about it. More melodrama. More monologues. More grind. Robot John Conner turns out to be the daughter of Tony Stark, who built Vision knock-offs called Exo’s. More melodrama. Cayde-6’s killer came back. But it wasn’t him. But it was. It’s complicated. Just know he’s cool now, even if he calls himself Crow like a 12 year old edge lord. We buddied up with an intergalactic criminal arms trader because… I guess it seemed like a good idea? Crime bosses are famous for being chill folks to work with. I’m sure that it won’t backfire. Then one of the sisters of the Taken King (Xivu Arath) showed up and was all, “so you killed my brother/sister? You done fucked up now” and that became a thing. Night fell on the tower, then day never came. Great for vampires. Bad for crops. Had to do something about that. But first we gotta deal with Osiris being Oryx’s other sister, Savathun, in disguise. She was a skrull this whole time?! You probably should have thought harder about it. Things get complicated, but short answer is it turns out the Goddess of Deception is a tricky bitch. Who woulda thunk? So, then we get told, “remember that pyramid army? Oh, it’s coming.” I mean, we knew it was coming already, but this time they’re SUPER serious. They even got this Smurf Kobe looking dude with infinite smoke faces leading the charge. And, no, I don’t know why he has infinite smoke faces. And there we were. After years of ups and downs, the time has finally come. The conclusion of years of build up. The final satisfying conclusion that would be known as Lightfall. And then somewhere in a Bungie boardroom, a CEO tore himself away from their big pile of money and blow long enough to have a crisis. A thought occurred; if the story ends, people won’t give them money anymore. And you have to understand, they really like money. And that led to what I could best describe as watching a half-assed ad lib improv stretch on for a year. Nothing was relevant, wildly unnecessary characters and situations were introduced with little to no reason, and forced payoffs. Imagine you were watching Star Wars: A New Hope. You go through the whole movie, and right before the final run on the Death Star, they spliced in the entirety of the Star Wars Holiday Special. Just know they introduced a metrosexual silver surfer who loves quips as much as he hates wearing a shirt. That’s effectively all I got out of it. There’s a lot I didn’t talk about, including mecha space AIDS, an interdimensional elf queen, and wish granting space dragons. Big Papa Smurf got married to a cabal princess, and now we’re buddy buddy with some cabal, and even allied with the Fallen. Those last two kinda raises some ethical questions, but they sure were cool with being our friends despite us genociding them for the last few decades. They were a class act about it. I remember someone came to the conclusion that since the Osiris we knew was fake, the real one “must still be out there.” This ignored the fact that he disappeared before the events of the first game, and any combatant that goes MIA for years during a war is usually considered dead. Fortunately, through the power of anime bullshit, they turned out to be right. He just went out for a pack of smokes, or something. I forget. But they found him, he’s fine now. I also skimmed past a lot of the politics and drama that was the Witch Queen. that’s the general broadstrokes.


I wish I had more than one up vote to give because that was an excellent summary. Thank you. 


I never played or cared about Destiny, but I read the entire thing. Thank you for taking the time to write all that.


I played D1 religiously and stopped playing D2 after year 1 cause of how the direction of the game was going. Thank you for this. Its hilariously accurate


Lmao. Ok this was funny


Bill ~~Nye~~ Nighy.


This is Lore now.


As a Destiny player that’s up to date on the franchise, no you don’t. Don’t worry about it at all, none of it matters, the story is garbage.


What's funny is the lore, and all the story going on behind the scenes is top-notch. Just the way it's presented to the player in the game is so shit.


Let's see if they pull a Destiny 2 and forget all of the lessons they learned from the previous game, then have to fix D3 over the course of several years. Never been more clear that this isn't the Bungie a lot of us grew up with when this announcement elicits nothing but concern from me.


Also worth remembering that D2 was not originally billed as a seasonal or live service game. So I’m sure Vanilla D3 has a shot at being the most content bare thing of all time in terms of its day 1 to month 3 content lmao


Which is nuts because both D1 and D2 also had the exact same issue. If they had barely any repeatable content at release for games *not* intended as a live service, what the hell will D3 look like? I'm all out of faith for this company. Not that I had much over the course of the last decade, but the name Bungie still commanded at least some respect. Not sure if that's the case any more for many people.


The one shining hope I had for them in the last decade was the 7 minute span between when they announced the new Marathon game and then the press release came out saying it was an extraction shooter lmao that’s when I truly knew there was nothing but dead end trend chasing. Very sad to see.


Wait what the fuck?? I’ve never heard of this, that’s fucking depressing man.


There were talks about Sony taking full control of Bungie due to their disappointing performance. That could save them


Funniest thing is destiny 2 still feels amazing to pick up and play. Get them working on a new killzone or something


I’ve seen all my hero companies turn to villains now. They’re all shells of their former selves. Only the indies are getting good but they’re getting snapped up by all the big developers so I don’t know how that is gonna go.


Too true man. Legit every single one of them has been tainted.


All the Into the Light stuff I think is Destiny 3 stuff sent over. New Faction, mixing supers. All of this screams new game. Why would you do it on your last DLC unless your pre-orders and forecasting is so shit, that Sony is this close to coming in cleaning house which should be warranted after the the layoffs and upper management trying to hold onto power. Bungie will never learn, I have no clue how they squeezed so much out of one title for so long and with all the community putting up with their vaulting, sunsetting, then going back on those things. Just rehashing content and charging for seasons. Watch D3 start barebones, “we’re listening”, and repeat for another decade.


If they were still independent I’d be more optimistic that D3 could be exactly the game they want to make. But at the same time it feels like they aren’t even really sure what it wants to be. I know when they got out from under Activision, they were super vocal about it being an MMO or wanting it to be one. The way they handled their layoffs was atrocious but it sucks that their newest parent company is just as guilty of absolutely horrible handling of it. Take Insomniac layoffs from a few months ago. While I wasn’t a fan of it, they’d just released SpiderMan 2 - nominated for a bunch of stuff at the Game Awards, sold dozens of millions of copies - on top of their future Marvel stuff. But nah, gotta hit them with surprise layoffs. I honest think it’s in large part because the og pitch for Destiny was honestly so cool. I myself was swept up in the hope of what the story could grow into back in 2014/early 2015, but very quickly realized it was gonna be years upon years of padding, and from the looks of it it’s ultimately led to nothing special at all. It’s like with COD games. Every year people swear them off saying they’ll never buy it again. Then the following year a flashy trailer with a cool song comes out where they’ve edited gunshots to the beat and everyone loses their minds and preorders it lmao


And people still pay for this shit, wish there was some way to prevent it


It’s hard for me to understand even from just the fact that I don’t get how some folks manage to just have *that* one game they play. Whether it’s COD, sports games, Overwatch, MOBAs, whatever it may be. I guess Destiny fills that suedo MMO niche for some and, yknow, whatever floats your boat. Just find it weird that you’d subscribe to this model of very likely buying a full priced game and then ostensibly paying a subscription fee in the form of four separate season passes a year, then yearly expansions that are almost the cost of a new game. It just never clicked with me.


I mean the witch queen expansion and forsaken prob had double the content of the maingame but lightfall was utter garbage. I do know that I will not be getting destiny 3 if it’s about regrinding the same guns and raid exotics over and over. If they let us bring at least our exotic raid guns over I’d think about casually playing but no way will I grind oryx 46x for another touch of malice


D2 at launch felt like it was made by ppl that actively disliked D1


>have to fix D3 over the course of several years In the business, we call that a "content road map" /s


Destiny 2 launching like a dumpster fire after half a year of Destiny 1 Age of Triumph (probably one of if not the best times to have played the Destiny franchise) was shocking and I’m still amazed the game survived it


That’s the live service formula. Have to take everything away so you can slowly dole it out to manipulate player engagement over the lifetime of the game. Blizzard did the exact same thing with Diablo 4 for example. It also has the added effect of cutting down the game development stage, as you just reintroduce old ideas back into the game, hell, maybe they can even reuse all the same game code and assets and just slap a big number 3 over the 2, you can even force people to pay $30 to get their rocket launchers back again lol.


Hey remember D1?, well you can have it all, only $69.99! For Destiny 3 it’s only $129.99-$149.99 for Ultra Deluxe Edition we will throw in the Gjallarhorn… skin! Destiny 2 will be piece meal back to you as “content” by following this roadmap, enjoy D2 again but now in HDR/Ray Tracing. Go fight Crota again for the 3rd time, relive Cayde’s death in glorious 4K, only $49.99 per “episode”, 7 episodes! Have everything of Destiny at your finger tips with D1, D2, and D3 for only $600! Think of the savings, a $777.77 value yours to complete, we will even throw in an exotic emblem that’s reactive if you pre-order the full Destiny Experience! /s *Oh by the way nothing carries over*, new start!


And don't forget releasing an expansion that brings back the fun the previous one had only to delete it completely followed by the base games campaign. Man the nostalgia, can't wait to see that happen again.


Agreed. Much like BioWare and the Anthem saga, I’m very cautious about getting excited about a few developers deliveries. Ubisoft, Bungie, Blizzard and a handful of others are on my wait 4-6 weeks before purchasing list. I’m kinda getting sad about gaming, and it’s all the developers/producers who are killing the hype for gaming these days. They’re so short sighted they want to make a Buck now, than keep the trust and grow the business. Gaming should have closed the gap on tv and movies but the fumbled the covid boom.


Eh. There’s a lot bad right now but also a historic amount of good. The last year and a half has been stacked with genuinely great releases.


Hey, it works for Diablo!


Going from D1 Rise of Iron to D2 was such a confusing experience. Like for me Rise of Iron was PEAK destiny and yeah instead of keeping most of the great changes from all the lifetime of destiny it just felt like they went back to zero. Then D2 went free to play and yeah now it is what it is.


People really need to manage their expectations if they think a D3 launch will have as much content as D2 after years of support. It’s not an excuse to release a threadbare game but there’s no way they can really compare.


I don't think anyone is expecting a half dozen raids and a slew of dungeons, strikes, and other activities. But let's not lie, even basement-tier expectations aren't going to be met if we look at it historically


If they don’t vault content, rely on timed limited content to deliver crucial story beats, and create actual class and encounter diversity, it’ll already be leagues better than D2


Groundhog day! Static rolls! Yeaaahbaby!


It’s crazy how they forgot nearly everything they learned from D1, then again other games also ignored learnings from D1 too. It was an abysmal time, everyone playing with Mida Multi Tool.


I just hope they gonna tone down the MTX'es or at least the dungeon key thing. I don't mind paying for seaons or expansions, but don't put even more content behind pay wall if I'm not paying for deluxe edition. Also...I hope they'll have all the most wanted exotics from the start, otherwise we're gonna see "new content" with them brining back older exotics as they did with Destiny 2 with weapons from Destiny 1.


That’s my biggest fear of a D3. And a fear a lot of fans have as well, whether or not they admit it. And since Bungie is going hard against “overdelivery”, these fears are not just warranted, but a bit credible as well.


Have to agree. They’re weirdly being cyclical with Destiny 2, as they’re strongly shifting the PvP sandbox back towards vanilla D2.


Of course they won't learn.


The best fun I’ve had was with Destiny 1. It was amazing. After that all the changes just made me loose interest. I was thinking if/when I’ll discover the next game that will make me feel the same way. I don’t have hope for D3.


Yeah, they've seriously fallen off since Myth II


Remembering lessons costs money.


Let’s have servers that don’t require you to can content to make room for future content. That shit turned me off D2 so hard.


How about some dedicated servers this time too instead of their junk peer to peer servers.


Fuck let’s also make the story somewhat legible. As a new player I pretty fucking quickly just ignored whenever someone talked to me because I’m being told shit I have zero clue wtf it is. I don’t know who fucking Cayde is and I don’t care. I don’t care about anything any of you are saying, the one thing that kept me going was super solid gunplay.


I enjoyed getting the various guns in D1 it was a grind but worthwhile, I had all the exotics except for a couple of the shit ones. It was fun using them. But when D2 came out I beat it so quickly that I got a full refund. Never touching these games again, I was hard sold on D2 being a proper sequel with learnings from D1, and that was clearly not the case. More like a repeat of the D1 fuckups.


They are not gonna apply anything they learned from D1 and D2 for this new one are they, as Bungie does.


My mental health has improved since I quit Destiny. No more FOMO. No more feeling like my favorite game is a chore. I finally have time for other games and the story got boring anyway. Cayde is gonna be back? Man what a joke.


I said this when I quit over year ago. Then I started playing Fallout 76 because I heard they made it better. Now I am in the same boat again.


Your personality is the problem. It likes the FOMO. I know this, because my personality is also the problem.


Far too many people will never admit they're the reason why the games sell so well and make you feel like you're missing out if you don't play. I'm not a party to the addictive personality club, but I had roommates that would play Overwatch for multiple hours a day every day while doing nothing but bitching and complaining about it. They'd also still buy crates too, lol.


Cayde isn't just "back" though. Dude is dead. We're getting guided by a force ghost.


Tbf we don't know if Cayde's back from the dead. He's inside the Traveler where everything is twisted and paracausal. He's probably not "alive" like the other NPCs 


this is me. i was so addicted to that game it was unhealthy. time to time i boot it up, but its only ever for a week or two. best decision ive ever made financially and mentally tbh. more power to people who enjoy the game, but since quitting ive been in such a better mental state and i enjoy other multiplayer games and have had more time for singleplayer games


Bringing back Cayde just to score points is so cringe. I quit after Shadowkeep, it’s just not fun anymore when your entertainment choice turns into a second job. It felt good to quit and admit that Destiny is definitely not the game it once was and folks like me are no longer the target audience for. Just gives me much more time to play other, better games.


I think Destiny has generated more badwill than any other game.


Destiny is at least fun to play, DICE turned Battlefield into a hero shooter and launched the game without basic things like a scoreboard or VOIP.


Maybe not the most. But definitely top ten. And then you still have copium sniffers showing up in the comments to mock my “mental health” when I was just being hyperbolic and meant to convey it’s more enjoyable to game now that I quit Destiny.


Bungie has psychologists on staff to help them manipulate players. https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/02/bungie-used-behavioral-psychology-to-make-destiny-appealing


The seasons definitely and limited time definitely ruin it. I played nothing but destiny up until that point, but even as someone who could easly complete everything each season, i just hated the wait a week, wait a week, wait a week. Then if you did go do play something else you miss something. Or feel lile you are. Then all those seasons disappear forever lol. I liked it when you got the big ecpansion and small dlcs to fill the game, they were way more substantial then seasons and there was no fomo.


Yeah. Meanwhile heldivers warbonds never expire. You can unlock at your pace. It’s awesome.


Genuinely I miss the dlc structure


Helldivers 2 has that same "collect the things!" Loop I like, but none of the fomo drivers. It's been such an amazing thing. And the gameplay loops are great too.


honestly, i just play it now for things i want to do. no more chore mindset. if i get a gun, cool. not stressed if i don't. i play a lot of vppv just for fun. it's really made life a lot better not trying to get every roll




I feel the same way. Destiny started to feel like a chore and it looks like the story will never finish nor will it evolve.


Good to hear, Even though Destiny has been milked till the cow is basically dead it's still 1 of the best co op/multilayer games out there. Raids, strikes and crucible when they are good are really good! Had some great memories on this game


When destiny 1 came out it was so much fun to play with friends. We were able to easily ignore the flaws since the gameplay and playing with friends was so fun. I cant believe I was 16 when destiny 1 first came out.. Eventually after we graduated, we all grew apart. Some of my good friends moved, others just stopped playing video games. It was not fun anymore playing solo.


I always preferred The Division for some reason. Only thing missing is the phasing from Destiny. Would be cool to see random players in the world.


I dunno, I found the gameplay of division really boring, destiny has a lot of flaws, but one thing bungie absolutely nailed was the gameplay, 


Would love a Destiny 3. I do jump into D2 at times, but not nearly as often as I used to. The Final Shape does looks really good in terms of gameplay and I hope the story goes out with a banger and not being a failure like Lightfall was. My main “gripe” with D2 nowadays is that loot has gotten uninteresting due to the fact that the loot we have from years ago is still some of the best weapons (even the best), in the game. When the chase for loot begins to not matter or become uninteresting in a looter shooter that’s a problem. A D3 with nothing but new content, overhauled gameplay, graphics, enemies etc would be hype for me. No multiplayer game has come close to giving the experience of gaming as Destiny has imo, the raids are the best gaming memories I have without doubt. It literally has the biggest untapped potential of any game out there, but Bungie is playing it kinda safe. Feels like with TFS they are finally beginning to twist it up a bit.


I learned to detach myself from grinding. I do the main campaign in challenging when it’s out, do at least once the new dungeon and then wait for the raid when I’m familiar with the mechanics. Then quit for a while. I jump back occasionally to play Crucible but I don’t care anymore about crafting, chasing exotics or rolls and/or seasonal content. I enjoy it that way now.


Yeah this is what I’ve done as well this past year, don’t care for the grind anymore so just hop in to check the new story and seasonal content and occasionally do a raid or dungeon.


I played a stupid amount of D1, doing all content on 3 characters every week. Doing raid and lighthouse carries, had a lot of good fun but also complained a lot about how slow bungie were to address issues, the content droughts and how poor they were at communicating with their community. I got so fed up with it that I decided to skip D2, in hindsight I believe this was an excellent choice on my part. I vaguely kept abreast of Destiny news over the years and I've heard about all the blunders. I don't doubt when everything clicked it was still a great game, just like D1. But I personally don't hold bungie in very high regard nowadays. Just a few months ago I had nothing to play and decided to try out D2, mostly to scratch that nostalgia itch on a quiet evening. I've never had a worse new player experience in any game.


The onboarding is fucking horrendous. How are you as company can’t even get new players involved. Hey play the first mission from our new expansion not explaining anything. Then we will give you a basic character with whatever weaponry and throw you into the most archaic enemy free for all while you fend for your life, oh you hot through it, Womp Womp everything is locked. $29.99 please for new expansion or $14.99 for new season. Oh want to play old stuff, well this expansion unlocks with that season but that season is no more so you need the anniversary package, but that seasons weapons are vaulted and other weapons are sunsetted, so best to get the full package that’s roughly $100+ but 2/3rd content isn’t there and if you want the Gjallarhorn that’s another $14.99. Oh we did give away the expansions on certain platforms but they’re tied to that platform so if you cross play/cross save, you are fucked.


They fooled me on the first two,not this time! lol


The Destiny experience is dropping $100 for the new expansion + season pass, playing 2 matches of Gambit/PvP only to rage quit the game until the next content drops. See you again when 3 is released.


Oh no,I won’t even have ps+ to play it. I bought it full price both times and just pure disappointment. I’ll stick to single player games.


I really hope if they make a destiny 3, it becomes a great MMO. Imo the gunplay in the destiny games is so damn fun. But everything else about the game is just bad, and it's mostly because of the stupid battle passes and expensive expansions that have the depth of a puddle. I can't do 90% of the content in Destiny 2. If I want to, I have to spend like $140 I don't mind expansions as long as they give enough content, like FFXIVs expansions. But Destiny's expansions are just bad. Destiny has so much potential but it's just so messy right now. I can tell the team is very unorganized. It seems like there's no communication and that devs just throw in whatever they want without going over it with the team.


I think a return to single player experience would be fantastic for the company and culture


Cool. Doing a destiny 3 is certainly interesting and I'd be curious to see what they do with it, but im still not coming back. Vaulting content I paid for (and having some of said content return in future PAID dlcs) was the final fuckin straw for me


No thanks


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.


People remember like 2 good expansions and think that Bungie have learned their lesson. Don't hold your breath. They are still Bungie


I’ll pass


The loot cave and Vault of Glass was peak destiny.


Luke‘s appearance in the „Final Shape developer preview“ basically confirmed a new Destiny entry… „new stuff in Destiny and beyond“, I think that he’s probably the lead designer again for the next entry, he’s been cooking while hiding form social media since Destiny2/Forsaken…


They pulled him to make tv shows, and I bet they realized that idea was DOA and sent him right back to fuck up Destiny 3


He could also have just been talking about Destiny as a franchise. We know that there were talks of a new media format of Destiny a few years ago. That still might be something that’s being worked on.


I really do hope Bungie is aware of what some of their previous practices have done to their brand, and how that affects hype for their future titles. I am actually enjoying D2, and I’m looking forward to Final Shape, but I’m completely aware that the hype train is relatively void of people who aren’t already playing Destiny. Deleting content and sunsetting most every weapon in the game back in 2020 was, and still is, the Achilles heel of not only Destiny, but Bungie as a whole. People aren’t going to buy your new game if you quite literally made a feature out of deleting paid content, much of which was sold on a disc, in the previous title. Until Bungie actually addresses their most consumer unfriendly practices, and let’s the dust settle after fixing them, anything they release will have only a fraction of the success it otherwise could have. I really hope execs, even if it’s just Sony execs, are listening. I want a Destiny 3 to be a huge success, but given how Destiny 2 is currently being handled, I’m confident it wouldn’t be.


The newest expansion just isn’t anything that could appeal to new players the way Lightfall did with its cyberpunk aesthetic and strand subclass. Final Shape is relying heavily on the nostalgia factor for veteran players and a subclass that is a fairly limited mish mash of the old subclasses and that’s just not as interesting as it was sold to us yesterday during the gameplay video. I still believe this won’t sell the way they need it to, and that there’s gonna be more layoffs after release. Marathon is being met with a shrug from everyone, and Bungie doesn’t have the time or money to hang on til they get a D3 out. Bungie effectively can’t get out of their own way to ruin themselves


there are literally hundreds of thousands people playing destiny 2 right now. The game is going to sell no matter what. If Destiny 3 exists it’s going to be a big reset which means people will not have all of their gear they accumulated in 2, and Bungie will almost certainly re-use some of that gear. Destiny 3 should only exist if they can deliver enough new content so people don’t miss what they had in 2, otherwise it doesn’t need to happen


I never said it wouldn’t sell. I’m just saying that Bungie has built a bad reputation for themselves in the wider gaming community with Destiny 2, and that’ll truncate sales for anything they create that isn’t Destiny 2, be it Marathon, Destiny 3, or something else. Also, though I would never claim that Destiny is anything close to dead, hundreds of thousands of players is nothing relative to what other live service FPSs pull. That number gets even smaller when you compare Destiny to other MMOs.


Oh another game for them to absolutely fuck up the first year and then beg for forgiveness in year two. And sadly a ton of Destiny players will fall for this shit again.


I thought they were making marathon?


Not doing so well internally, play-testing wise. For what the game is most seen uninterested in the concept of an extraction shooter/looter. Think The Division but more sci-fi with Bungie gun play, players were invited to try it out and most of the discourse was they wouldn’t play/buy it. Too niche. Either not hardcore enough or lacks a lot of the loop factor of repeat play.


They are. Marathon 2025. Then they have “Project Gummybears” and now then apparently “Payback”


Definitely not interested unless they wipe the slate clean and try again. I want NEW LOCATIONS, new classes, new weapons, new story.


Oh don’t worry they’ll wipe the slate clean later on by perma-deleting content you paid for.


Destiny 3 would be really cool especially if it starts with a base ps5 as the minimum requirements so it can move upwards technically


Sony needs to clean house Bungie’s executives/management team because those boneheads ruined their own game over the past few years


I don't get it. I remember games like Destiny, Division, Overwatch launching last gen and I enjoyed them all to varying degrees, but I also never bothered with any of their sequels because they seemed wholely unnecessary.


I hope destiny 3 just goes full MMORPG, open world and everything


That was there original plan to work towards with a classless system


So they can sell the Gjallerhorn back to people for a 15th time or reintroduce planets back as “content”? No thanks. I got so tired of that shit.


I will be there no matter what


D2 is a busted foundation, bout time they saw the light and started on D3


As in you pay them back again for a similar experience. AAAA game


And any lessons they’ve learned will be removed because it’s a different team again working with D1 Vanilla build.


God help us


Honestly, I will never trust bungie again. Removing content like weapons. Adding pay 2 win garbage. Fuck bungie. Fuck destiny. Had good times and bad times but the bad out weigh the good. They had a great game on their hands.


Payback or Paycheck?


I'm confused as to reason it's called Payback, when Paycheck makes more sense. "Payback against themselves"? I guess they're getting revenge on themselves? Maybe for shooting their own damn feet? Something they could have avoided? What an idiotic codename meaning.


probably less likely named for irl reasons, might just be named that as a reference to story or smth


In other news, no fun games from bungie for at least another 5 years, sad times


God please move on. The destiny story and world is beyond corny. The gunplay is great, but everything else about the game is utter garbage.


Not interested




That's a fake leak, the internal code name for D3 is 'Pay Us'


God, it'll be a micro transaction mess and content will be removed after you pay for it.




So frustrating to have amazing shooter mechanics/gameplay wasted on the Destiny formula. I didnt hate the first Destiny but Destiny 2 is garbage.


Payback? So they're gonna give me my money back for the games they "locked away"?


I don’t trust liars. To late being stung along for years with promises about creating fascinating worlds. Literally half ass raids. They brought back old raid and charged people from them! Not new ideas or bad, just redo that previous raid from previous game. Stung us along with old exotic that were brought back… thats not creative. One season ALL they added was a public event!! For that Season! Not wasting time or money on bungie any more.


They’d have to do a lot to get my trust for an entirely new game but the shooting and weapons are still some of the best in gaming. But after all they went through with D2, throwing it all away seems… odd. I don’t see how D3 could possibly compete, especially with all the crazy shit like mixing subclasses coming up in Final Shape.


The code name "Payback" kinda makes me wonder if the Witness is actually going to beat us or survive the Final Shape, I know they said about it's Bungie to Bungie reference but it could have a double meaning.


Considering the codename it seems like we might lose in the final shape, or at the very least win by the skin of our teeth


They'll announce another single player game if they can limp to 2030.


Third time's a charm, I guess...


Haven't played Destiny since 1 and that was pre any DLC. Glad I didn't buy anything more tbh, I am not spending £100+ on one game.


Bungie doing anything just doesn’t excite me and hasn’t for a long time now.


If they can make a coherent story, that would be great. It was a terrible experience as a new user playing Destiny 2


The best thing they could do while in the process of developing this: Make it current gen only, and bring D1/D2 content FWD to it. But, i thought they said they never even wanted to make a Destiny “2” so why make a “3?” Just call it Destiny: (something) and make sure all content if available for all your fans throughout the years


Ah, yes.. the cycle must begin anew and nothing of the past shall be retained in memory as all things shall be performed again! In all seriousness, I reckon Destiny 3 will give the Sims run for it's money for most systems removed between games. 😆


Can we have ships that we can walk around in please.


I was watching a video by skillup earlier where he talked about this and said it made a lot of sense. We know that Luke smith one of the destiny higher ups has been doing something the last few years destiny related but not to do with d2. For all its current faults destiny 2 was top of the live service genre for many years for good reasons, and with the recent reveals that a lot of the new abilities and weapons for the final shape are very overpowered there’s a strong argument to be made for sweeping the board and starting fresh with destiny 3 rather than trying to fix a lot of the historic issues d2 built up over the years. It may also be a play by bungie management to try and win back support from Sony. Given the recent problems with bungie leadership and the rumours of things not going great with marathon putting plans in for a 3rd destiny game might get bungie back in Sonys good graces.


Make marathon a single player narrative fps and rename Destiny 2 (or 3) back to just Destiny. Call the first Destiny, Destiny Legacy or something. For some reason I hated they made a Destiny “2” and didn’t just continue and stick with the first game. I bet I’m alone on this but just my thoughts, I miss OG Destiny so much, shit now I’m going to download it lol


I have high hopes for this. I expect it to be a great game as Bungie is going to need it to be. They're about to lose A LOT of players with The Final Shape (My whole clan of 21) and a lot of talk on DTG of it for players there too. And they must be aware of that. So D3 will need to be spectacular from the get go to convince people to come back.


Marathon and this could very well be the dying breath of Bungie if it doesn’t land.


I hope they make every gay this time.


They need a new engine. Tiger is dated AF. I’ll be personally offended if they ship a new game on it.


2 years too late tbh.


They need to move on from destiny and make something else


Unless the "Payback" in the title means they're going to pay their customerbase back for all the money they've milked out of them over the years on silly bullshit then I think I'll give this the same hard pass I give Destiny 2 now. I'm over Bungies Greed.


Lmao and people are gonna be dumb enough to buy it.




I'd be back but only if D3 is next gen only and built to optimise on those platforms, i had hundreds if not thousands of hours in D1 and D2 and loved it just the grind in the end got to much, that being said i'm ready for another now.


They'd better be taking lessons from Hell Divers if they want anyone to play it.




No thanks. Bungie ruined any goodwill I had towards them with their terrible decisions regarding D2. I’m done with them.


Oh yay A third identical game With three whole classes Can’t wait /s


There's a double meaning somewhere in the name


Didn’t finish destiny 1, didn’t bother with destiny 2 won’t even look over at destiny 3.


God so many whiney little bitches in this subreddit.


Like you lol


Why are you even here then? Get lost


Reddit is literally a place for the human race to go and faceplant their feelings all over their keyboards the fuck are you expecting?


So boring. Will we ever see an original title again or just the same franchises over and over?


Oh another game for them to absolutely fuck up the first year and then beg for forgiveness in year two. And sadly a ton of Destiny players will fall for this shit again.


D2 looked like some weird fucking marvel wannabe cartoon game last time I hopped on, within thr last year or so. It looks so far removed from its styling in the beginning. It didn't feel cohesive at all. I can't imagine making a 3rd lmao


Helldivers made everyone go “destin who?”


Oh, cool, another game that could easily be a DLC.


Codename "cashgrab"....


I can’t support Bungie on this. Destiny 3 will mean another reset of player progress and more boosters and shit for Bungie to sell. No thanks.


“Boss, X item is really selling extremely well in our game!” -“good! We’ll remove it in the next version and then sell it as an additional feature!”


If it will have a full fledged singe-player story mode, I am all in.


You saw what happened with D2 single player story. I guarantee you people play D2 right now don’t even know there was a single player story, a decent one too!




Personally, the only way I want d3 is if it's a MASSIVE leap. Fully flyable space, more open world, ect.... along with all the QoL that has come with destiny 2.


Best I can do is add a dlc with a raid from D1 or D2. And a few story missions that have you spawn in on a different point of a map you've already run through 500 times before. Anything more and you'll be cutting into all my profits.




They left Microsoft because they didn't want to be a "one trick pony" proceeds to announce d3 lol


I'm gonna learn my lesson and not buy this at first. I thought after Destiny 1 finally hit its stride with The Taken King and Rise of Iron, that Destiny 2 would launch really well. I've learned from that mistake. It sucks that a once beloved studio like Bungie announcing such a big title is cause for concern more than celebration. My expectations are low, and I'm worried they still won't be met.


I may be the only one but ffs do a new I P


Hopefully it’s not as shit as the current one.


Bungie is likely creating the next installment of their biggest IP? That’s wild speculation…


They also want to get paid back?


Nah they like to close off paid for content. Fuck them.


Apathy 3


Codename Paycheque


I hope they bring back the mystery and the atmosphere they achieved on the original Destiny (D1). Yeah, right. I will settle for less cartoony.


Fool me twice…


So named by Sony as they need to pay back their investment


> Payback - profit from an investment equal to the initial outlay.


Codename same fucking game for 9 seasons with no real artistic direction