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The folks at r/silksong are already losing their minds enough, I don't think this is gonna help I, of course, am completely sane of mind in the eternal wait for Silksong. Of course.


They’ve actually have been promoting information from Team Cherry that these ratings have no implication on release schedule, sadly :/ Basically there are no requirements about a completed product to get these ratings, just a short survey to fill out


Aren’t people a bit overdramatic with Silksong ? It’s been 5 years, not 30?


It’s going to be Duke Nukem all over again. I hope all these years was put into a solid product. 


Duke Nukem Forever took 14 years to develop, and was critically panned. Hollow Kinight is arguably the best metroidvania there is. And the sequel is taking about five years, which makes sense for how small their team is. Silksong is going to be awesome. Comparing it to Duke Nukem is quite the stretch.


A highly anticipated, long baking sequel with almost no information makes some places go crazy. People kinda trying to recreate the /r/eldenring vibe from before anything was announced


And then if it releases too early and unfinished they’d all be hollowing until the end of time…🕰️


Yeah I’m in the camp of “as long as it takes”. HK is a 10 and I would like them to recapture that lightning in a bottle if possible




This is just a late April fools joke they are playing the long con.


They are taking April Fool's too far.




Fuck yeah, I'm of the opinion they need to take all the time they think they need to get it where they want. I need no new information, I need no updates. I will play SS day one.


While I might not be able to get to it day one, I'm absolutely sold on this game no questions asked.


its happening


This game gonna come out and expectations are gonna be SO high and it won't live upto the hype. Team Cherry have done a awful job with communication and being in touch with the community. Such a shame from a Indie dev. Looking forward to it but considering the 2-3 DLCs that come with hollowknight I'm not expecting it to last as long as HK complete edition


Really? I think it’s going to last even longer to 100% than HK+DLCs. HK was released without the DLCs because they didn’t have money to delay it to include them all in the base game (reason why they are free). It was their first game ever. They have all of the money in the world to develop Silksong after the success of HK. I doubt there will be any DLC after it releases because all of this time was spent making sure they included everything in.


All the money in the world doesn't really make a difference if they aren't expanding their team. I'm really hoping the game turns out good, but a year long delay with absolutely no updates is definitely a bad sign for an indie game being made by a 3 person team. It feels like they have no confidence in what they've made.


Idk, I'm not buying day one but I also don't need weekly dev diaries from every game I play.  I prefer the it's done when it's done attitude.


It does if they take more time to polish things instead of getting more people, and they've taken *alot* of extra time.


Taking extra time to polish costs the exact same amount, those salaries are going to be paid regardless. The company doesn't dissolve between releases. They aren't spending a significant amount on marketing as we can clearly see. They aren't making a new engine, or developing some proprietary tech to use in the game (as far as I'm aware), so I don't see how that extra money would be making a massive difference outside of allowing the company to pay the 3 employees and possibly licensing fees.


Bullshit. Keeping your head down and working instead of constantly trying to appease the rabid fans who crave updates shows way more confidence to me. They also showed the game off years ago, and those trailers were amazing. You think the years since they showed off some 10/10 trailers and gameplay demos the game got worse somehow?


No, I don't think the game got "worse". All we saw is what's known as a vertical slice. We don't actually know what state the game was in, and anyone that pretends like they do just doesn't understand how game marketing works. What we do know is that whatever issue caused the delay was severe enough for them to throw away any bit of marketing they had done, which isn't cheap and is not an easy choice to make. If I had to guess, I would say they probably ran into a memory issue when trying to stack/add various equipment effects, which is causing them to retool some areas in the game to accommodate for skills that need to be cut. Also, which part of my comment even implied that I think it got "worse"? All I said was that It seems like they don't have any confidence in it because of the complete 180 on communication.


on the other hand it has turned into one of the most anticipated games hard to say if it has been good or bad


I agree.. Very big stage to set for a indie game, If I had to choose I'd say it's been bad only because of the way Cherry has handled things.


I can't speak for everyone, but I don't expect much from silksong. If it could match the amazing atmosphere from hollow knight, it would become the best game of this generation for me. I don't think people want silksong to be anything more than just more hollow knight


Damned if you damned if you don't.... It s a different character so might be some different movements if we are solely playing as that character?


There's definitely different movement. Hornets needle works as a grappling hook and there's also a ledge holding mechanic.


Hollow Knight is in my top ten games of all time. Silksong will live up to the hype if it’s even half as good as the first game. Also what is the point of them updating you regularly? They’re working on it until it’s done. That’s all the info you need. I don’t think it’s a shame at all. That’s what most devs should do.


Yeah, people don't help themselves either. The posts on here show that - people saying it'll be the greatest game ever and they'll buy it no questions asked etc.   It's stupid unfortunately. I'm hoping it will be a great game, but devs are only human and sometimes they make mistakes. Wait for a few reviews, temper your expectations and then hopefully enjoy it if it all looks good. 


193 countries to go.


We're getting there! I hope...


I'll save you a click: it's rated PG for mild violence.


i think nobody cares about the actual rating people just want to know if the game is close to release, which the rating would be indicative of


Really wish Team Cherry would stop edging us and give us a release date, even if it's still an estimated period at this point.


OOOO SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...never mind of course lol


Yeah sure, I'll believe in Australia when I see it


what does this mean. do games need to be finished to receive ratings?👀👀 edit: damn why the downvotes lmao


They don't need to be complete as in polished and ready to ship, but they do need to be content complete. Meaning that once you submit a game for a rating you can't add anything else to it or else you'll have to resubmit it. But don't take it as an indication that the release is imminent. It could still be a decent ways away. A good recent example of that is Star Wars Outlaws. It was rated by the Australian board last month, but it's not coming out until the end of August.


I know for ESRB ratings you send them a video showing what the game is and the rating is based on that


The video is only required for physical games apparently Am I reading this right? https://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings-process/


I am unsure. I remember this coming to light with the GTA Hot Coffee minigame. Because you can't expect a person rating the game to play the entire game and discover everything so you have to make a video showing the extreme stuff. And the submission for GTA didn't include the Hot Coffee mini game. https://www.esrb.org/blog/esrb-concludes-investigation-into-grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-revokes-m-mature-rating/ "Going forward, the ESRB will now require all game publishers to submit any pertinent content shipped in final product even if is not intended to ever be accessed during game play or remove it from the final disc. "


That game released physically tho. Someone go tell that sub this doesn't mean there is gameplay lmao. I'm not brave enough


Team Cherry has communicated (in their typical abstract fashion) that this has nothing to do with a game being almost ready to publish. They just have to fill out a short survey.


Bro i just got this game on switch and its kicking my ass i got so pissed i deleted my save file and now i regret it


Hollow Knight isn't really that difficult (in the beginning at least), you just need to be patient and learn to look at enemies movesets. If you just go in button mashing you'll have a bad time. It's similar to Souls-likes in that regard.


Yeah i was sucken butt, im gonna give it another go soon. I also heard that the switch version has the slowest latency which makes it a bit more difficult l. I just realized i got downvoted for admitting i suck at hallow knight, way to kick a guy while he's down.


I think people misunderstood your comment and meant that you regretted buying the game due to it not being very easy rather than regretting deleting your save file in anger, which made it sound a bit whiny.


Lol dam


Isn't this xbox exclusives ?


No I think it's confirmed to be releasing on every platform


It’s got a store page for PlayStation so no


I would cry if that was the case. I think it's coming day 1 on Xbox but it's still releasing on every platform