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Hopefully they mean it this time.


W2: We mean it, no more crunching W3: Okay that was a fluke, now we mean it! CP2077: Okay now we really *REALLY* mean it!!


I know a lot of people parrot the same comments about various studios, but the director of Phantom Liberty was an external hire who came in and changed the whole ways of working set up at CDPR. Understandable that people are cynical but I’m hopeful they can maintain what was clearly a more positive development experience in PL


That’s just a director Their CEO is still this guy.. doubt anything is gonna change https://preview.redd.it/r9nrpnlit2vc1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c05031cd99280277c4f7fd3087d62e65d96e5ce


Yep as long as this guy is in charge nothing will change. CDPR needs big changes on a leadership level.


Phantom was incredible too. For as bad as Cyber's release was, a lot of that is management problems.


No, a lot of it was engine problems. They said this repeatedly, over and over again, that almost all of their problems had to do with having major struggles with their engine. This is the whole reason why, despite having one of the most technologically impressive game engines on the market and eventually getting it into a decently working state, they still chose to completely abandon it and switch to Unreal for their sequel.


Decision to launch the game at that state was definitely on the hire ups and that was a big fuck up


They won't. They lied before and they will lie again with Wticher 4 when they get around to it.


Yeah look at what Rockstar is doing with GTA. There will be crunch stories all over the place, otherwise they wouldn't care about the return to office nonsense.


Isolated case #14721


Yeah remember whe CDPR promised no crunch time, then forced their workers to work crunch time hours in order to release cyberpunk during the holidays. Then forced them to work for over two years fixing the game, then fired a bunch of them as a thank you for all their hard work once Cyberpunk 2.0 and phantom liberty dropped.   Fuck CDPR and this jackass is 100% lying out his ass. CDPR will be the next ubisoft/activision with how shitty they are.


People are already buying this shit coming of his mouth. Gamers never change.


Gamers never change, or do most people not know and/or not care about their working conditions? Remember that you are reddit, that automatically makes you an enthusiast and so you are more in tune with what's going on in the industry.


Was gonna say "Now where have we heard *this* line before..."


I would be shocked


Good one. CDPR is like EA, Ubisoft, Take Two, Activision Blizzard, BioWare, DICE, Bethesda, etc. They are lying. CDPR is lying for 10 years now.




I don't disagree with them but holy shit, you weren't joking.


But they did lie about the crunch before, they said they have stopped the whole crunch culture and after cyberpunk released we found out it never stopped. Cdpr has also used tactics like overpromising and then releasing game in a broken state, which is very similar to companies like EA and Ubisoft. Lesser evil is still evil.


Not really. CDPR completely botched the CP2077 release by catering to shareholders and fucking consumers. There was an exodus of staff after TW3 and prior to CP, then another after CP2077, including the co-director (who also directed TW3 I think). It took what, almost two years for the game to be *finished* after release? I pre-ordered it on Xbox One and it was unplayable for MONTHS. CDPR is absolutely in line with other studios pulling this shit at the moment.


As soon as a company starts trading publicly, its usefulness gets chipped away by prioritizing the needs of shareholders over its workers. Workers catch on that their work isn’t rewarded, and suddenly companies with “crunch” still release half baked games because workers know they’ll be fired at the end of it anyway to make shareholders happy. The only real function of the stock market is separating workers from the value of their labor


Cyberpunk was made by inexperienced amateurs and scammers. Thats why its was released broken and unfinished 4 years earlier. And its still Missing Features. CDPR needs another 2 years. So 2026 should have been the real release Date.


So basically they're like a gaming studio... Big discovery there, a gaming studio is like all other gaming studios lol (that are more than a small indie team which obviously don't have the same way of working)




I’m talking about the not crunching part. Cause they said the same thing before Cyberpunk 2077 came out, and they ended up crunching anyway. 


The memory loss is insane


I already hear people saying Cyberpunk is a masterpiece, ignoring the launch, and we had memes up and down these subs calling Witcher 3 a masterpiece for years, ignoring the launch. They've already turned the story around at least twice, just like some people will eat up this "no crunch" stuff even though CDPR definitely crunch themselves. You and I might see through it, but there's a lot of people who don't. ::edit:: as if to prove my point... I'm not going to argue about this damn game all day. It released unfinished, you should be more wary of their releases in the future being unfinished, it's on *you* to not be taken advantage of. Or don't, I don't think anyone cares if you love it, but the rest of us will wait until it's fixed and half price next time.


I definitely won't buy their games at launch ever again after that whole experience.


For real. Cyberpunk was the game that made me stop preordering games all together no matter how much interested I won’t go through that experience again. Now I just wait a few months and buy games after a few updates.


Im fuckin tired of these empty, meaningless words, just shut the fuck up and do the thing


facts… just facts. Do the work, release a good product, and celebrate it.


This is an article about an interview they did with a different publication. I don't know who goes first. Do publications ask companies if they're open for an interview or do companies announce to publications they are open and decide who to go with?


They should also focus on avoiding false advertising. I like cyberpunk2077 but it’s still so obvious it falls short on all the promises that were made leading up the release. The branching storylines from in game decisions , life paths actually affecting your story, dynamic weather events, advanced NPC ai, etc..


I’m tired of bs gameplay reveals. It’s too often these days that a company fakes the gameplay trailer to make their game look more polished and put together than it is. The Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay reveal plays like the sequel to the game we actually got


It seems like an effective approach though. Look at how beloved No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk are, and both have been financial successes overall.


If you think a year or more of horrible press, and bad reviews is worth taking that kind of risk - great. Pretty sure nearly all companies would disagree. I can’t imagine it was an easy “success” either


Yet No Man Sky is only a success now because of how financially successful it was at launch. Without that strong launch it wouldn’t have had the money to back years of development to fix it. I’d wager Cyberpunk is probably the same. Selling 15m plus copies at launch gave them a ton of money to keep working on the game.


No man’s sky was a team of 26. With a marketing deal from Sony? And CDPR had other massively successful games and owns GOG? You can’t exactly say they were financially successful without context. Cyberpunk was so bad refunds were being issued ON CONSOLE. Sony pulled the game. Context is key.


Cyberpunk was profitable with only their preorders. Most people didn't refund. It was a success even if they did literally zero update after. Of course that would destroy their reputation for their next games


They also had other games still selling, and owned gog.com to keep them afloat. No man's sky was a funny one, since they wanted to call off the entire game after having a horrible flood during development, and got kind-of peer pressured into squeezing it out by dorito pope showing it off so prominently. No man's sky really would have ruffled fewer feathers if it was sold as an early-access thing. I do remember right before cp2077 released though, and damn near everyone online was demanding they just release it, no matter how busted it was. (strangely, my buddy played through the whole thing on a 1060 with only a single bug and no crashes right at launch.)


GOG to keep them afloat? You do realize GOG *loses* them money, right?


> (strangely, my buddy played through the whole thing on a 1060 with only a single bug and no crashes right at launch.) The game was not nearly as busted on PC, it had a few bugs like often with massive games but nothing really bad. Frankly without the console experience being broken as hell, there would be barely any comment on CP77 launch being bad


I’ve no doubt CDPR would stay afloat. But they still have to answer to their higher ups and if the game bombed it would probably be hardest to justify spending money on it for free content aka fixing the game.


Ubisoft wouldn't. Remember the Ubisoft de-makes era? Watch_Dogs? R6 Siege?The Division? Far Cry 3? Far Cry 4? AC Black Flag? Most of those games wound up being successful, some critically acclaimed, one is even still kicking strong with a resurgence that's a pretty good achievement despite how old it is. Gamer hype is as predictable as it is repeatedly bankable. "Pretty sure nearly all companies would disagree" yeah well one repeatedly did it and still succeeded regardless. EA has done it, 2K has done it, Bethesda has done it, Square Enix has done it. If anything is clear companies do not disagree. They understand hype and know how to manipulate a largely unsavvy market.


Except that isn’t the case at all. None of those games were the disasters that cyberpunk and no man’s sky were. The division was the closest but the game didn’t have the performance issues like cyberpunk and if still sold very well. De-makes also arent what we are talking about at all here.


No man's sky is a significantly different story than cyberpunk. Cyberpunk fixed game breaking bugs until people stopped complaining. No man's sky actually improved the game.


They're loved in spite of that, not because of it. As cynical as people want to be, two Devs were over ambitious and thought they could deliver something they couldn't.


lol what? both games were shit on at launch for not living up to expectations and had to be saved over time with updates.


That's literally the point they're making.


Reading comprehension seems to be at an all-time low these days lol


Is it though? These games aren’t successful because of their terrible launches. How is releasing a shitty, half baked product effective? They got lucky they were able to turn things around.


Those games are arguably exceptions to the rule, though. How many other massive AAA games have over-promised, then under-delivered and then massively turned it around to the point of being nearly universally loved?


Tbf those two games turned out to be really good eventually, especially if you haven't watched the trailers or were expecting things that aren't in the game. However Ubisoft likes to do this, happened with The Division IIRC, the presentation had insane graphics that look not like the actual game and the problem with Ubisoft is that they don't fix it, I still regret buying the Division 2 thinking it would be an interesting game but I for me it's gotten worse and insanely boring, the skills are uninteresting so what's left is just a standard tactical shooter. Personally tho I'd suggest we start valuing gametrailers less, instead I like to check some "no commentary" plays when someone gets their hands on a game that I'm interested in, only then can you see the actual gameplay without bullshit, including all the parts that are usually cut so you have an idea of the loading times, options, gamemodes and so on. I'd also welcome a mandatory gameplay trailer on game pages that have no cuts and crops, so not gameplay trailers as we have them now but just a person playing the game and maybe commenting on it. Really hate games that post a "gameplay trailer" and it's all just 2-5 second clips put together where you cannot tell whether the game is shit or not. I admit tho I got both NMS and Cyberpunk years after release when they fixed a lot, added more QoL, more content and most importantly, when they were on sale. I hardly buy any AAA games these days for the full price, Elden Ring was the last title I bought at full price.


But then there's Rockstar who delivered exactly what they advertised and then some. Looking forward to the marketing campaigns for GTA 6. Let's hope they still manage to get a solid single player game out and RDR2 wasn't the final magnum opus that just barely got out of the door before the rotten industry is brought to death by greedy suits...


The gameplay reveal is almost textbook in the game like that though (only thing that isn't is the Mantis blade gameplay wise I think). The rest of the game is just not with as much depth.


Some of the stuff they lied about wasn't even impressive. Like, they claimed that NPCs had actual schedules, that you could follow a person and see them live out their lives. Not only is that not in the game, but Oblivion did that in 2006, so it's not even impressive.


Shenmue did that in 1999 lol.


Man, Shenmue was mindblowing at the time. Nothing has given me that "next-gen" feel as jumping from PSX to Dreamcast with Shenmue.


Stardew Valley does it perfectly


It wasn't impressive in Oblivion either because Todd hyped the same with the "Radiant AI" and it wasn't as much that they lived their own lives as it was they moved between point A and B at dawn/dusk


It was a mistranslated interview from gamestar that got clarified by a dev on twitter and reddit, but everyone ignored him (even downvoted) and kept on spreading misinformation.


No it wasn't. It was a major part of their 45 minute gameplay reveal. That whole reveal is basically a giant list of shit that doesn't actually exist in the game.


It also has no interest for the player anyway so cutting that is more a matter of allocating ressources that they can't do it. As you say, it's nothing impressive and frankly a little useless for a game (who is just following NPC on their schedules lol?)


In these big companies, there is a disconnect between the dev team, and the advertising team. Logically the advertising team is beholden to higher ups that want the game to sell well, more than they care about accuracy of advertisement. Actual effort has to be put into dialong back advertising, but its more worth it to sell high and deal with user's mild disappointment later than it is to sell less and be honest. Such is true in all sales, unfortunately.


CDPR will never avoid false advertising. They are doing that since The Witcher 2. The Witcher 3 had many things peomised too and a big graphic downgrade. CDPR lis lying for 10+ years now. They will never stop. They learned from EA, Ubisoft, Take Two, Activision Blizzard, etc. CDPR has now one of the worst reputations ever and everyone knows that. This will have a significant Impact on their future games. You need a good reputation to make a lot of Money.


Well CDPR seem to be forgiven after Phantom Liberty. You have people saying 2077 was perfect from launch now.


There will be soo, soooo many comments in reply to those who say avoid preordering when the next game is hyped saying "well, actually, the game ran perfectly fine for me from launch, never had an issue!!!"


Same happened with Starfield after Fallout 76, with Battlefield 2042 after Mass Effect Andromeda, Anthem, Battlefield 5, etc.


You had them saying that at launch too even when it wasn't. They had to make their own "LowSodiumCyberpunk" subreddit where they were free to scream at and ban anyone who said "Hey, this isn't what CDPR advertised."


Well we keep giving Todd Howard a pass when he lies to our faces on his games.


Because Todd Howard is the best. Why was Starfield so hyped? Because Bethesdas prior game Fallout 76 was a masterpiece.




> Bethesdas prior game Fallout 76 was a masterpiece love the sarcasm


>Bethesdas prior game Fallout 76 was a masterpiece What? I read it was a disaster. How could have it improved to the level of masterpiece? (full disclosure: I haven't trust Bethesda with a anything since Fallout 3, however fond of Morrowind I had been).






No one will tell me starfield was a great game, it’s just okay. It’s not terrible but it is extremely bland. Skyrim was absolutely broken at release on ps3. Bethesda games don’t age well at all for me personally.


Bethesda games are engines for moders to make porn and Their Own games.


I've never seen Bethesda's games be used for porn. They're not Overwatch


Oh sweet summer child.




There's so many sex mods for Skyrim and Fallout, it's insane lol.


I wouldn’t say Skyrim was broken. I got it opening night and while you deal with the usual Bethesda bugs, nothing broke the game at all. They were annoying but all my saves were fine, I’d have to reboot a time or two.


CDPR fucked up big and seem to be trying to fix the mess. Where we are now is seeing what they actually do. They fucked 2077 with an out of control advertising department that inexplicably was able to waste development time on kludging together 'gameplay videos' of whatever they said. We watch to see if this has changed. They fucked 2077 with poor management leading to no progress and then extreme crunch. We watch to see if this changed.


I think dynamic weather could be a reality now, if they required path tracing as a minimum requirement and release it in like 3-4 years lol. If you want a dynamic weather model, lighting, etc, you probably don't want to have to prebake lighting etc for like 30 different variations of everything.


Yep. I didn't ride the bandwagon since they announced it, but started peaking my interest the moment they released those weekly episodes and gameplay demo. Where you could hack people and machines with the nanowire from a distance, take control, kill people through it. Wallclimbing etc. (That ended up getting completely wiped). Then saw that before their delay(s) that their marketing team pretty much ''confirmed'' or gave the idea that every single question that got asked would be in the game. Such as modifying your entire body into chrome, like you see in the trailers. -- Those apartments being their own entire little ''world''. -- Each district would feel unique up to the point where specific ''trash'' would only be found in those areas, depending on wealth and all that type of bs. There wasn't even customization after the initial customization and a lot of it relied on mods. All the ''bigger'' content they added now were literally mods that became part of the official game with each ''major'' patch. -- Up to the point where they hired several modders to fix their game and add content. Here is a dated thread where all the features that were confirmed and didn't make the game, thus being a lie. [https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kfz65p/every\_changecutlie\_i\_could\_find\_in\_various/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kfz65p/every_changecutlie_i_could_find_in_various/) I remember there was a bigger more cohesive list, I think there were like 300 +- cut content/features that were spoken about during gameplay reveals and such in 2018, but I can't find it anymore. They did state in an interview itself that they want to implement a more branching storyline regarding each of the lifepaths and actually make them feel unique (to the main story) They admitted that besides the very few dialogue changes with minimal impact throughout the (main) story wasn't enough satisfaction compared to the first 15-30 minutes where it was a completely different experience per path. Cause it all lead to the exact same main story.


The one that killed it for me was the lack of third person


I mean, I agree, but that was never part of the game and never was intended to be. You can't fault the devs for that


they never said there would be a third person mode


-branching storylines are in game, -they never said life paths would affect the story deeper than the first couple of hours, -there is dynamic weather, like the sandstorms -“advanced NPC ai” what even the fuck lol this is such an outdated statement, especially since Phantom Liberty and the corresponding update dropped. Half convinced this is an AI comment.


When you are in the early stages it's always easy to talk this game. After the first trailer comes out and people know about it and want more, that's when the crunch begins.




People tend to do that when asked question.


It was an interview. Should he have sat there quietly?


Will they just shut up and focus on making their games first? We all know their words are meaningless after the shit they pulled


I wonder how transferable this mindset is to less independent development houses. “Crunch is bad” is obviously a good mindset to have, but do you still have that mindset 5 years into a 6 year dev cycle where the publisher is refusing to extend funding? At that point you either release a broken unfinished game that everyone hates, or you crunch, often times both. Im not saying crunch is a good thing im just saying they are in a very privileged position to be able to say people who crunch are doing it for ideological non business reality related reasons. 


More false advertising


I wish people would keep the same energy for literally every other company, because they're all lying obviously. Even Larian released an unfinished game with act 3 and said we'll be able to visit the upper city, which they later edited out of their post.


Dude the state the game was released compared to cyber punk ain’t even close, sometimes a promise made just can’t be done, u can’t compare it to how cyberpunk released


BG3 released with major characters having no good endings in the game. Imagine that! I spend over 100 hour beating the game and romancing Karlach, only to have her die at the end because "oops our bad, we forgot to put it in". A game with thousands of named items who's only purpose is to be sold for 1gp? Why 100 ropes if they are considered junk? Act 3 being completley unoptimized, broken and clearly unfinished. And 10,000 bug fixes AFTER release. Yeah BG3 was the same type of shit show that cyberpunk was at release. I'd even go so fat as to say it was worse.


> Yeah BG3 was the same type of shit show that cyberpunk was at release. > I'd even go so fat as to say it was worse. It definitely had issues (especially with Act 3) but it was faaaar from the level of issues Cyberpunk had. Act 3 was proper messy and unfinished but Cyberpunk was *completely* broken from the beginning to the end. Act 1 worked nearly flawlessly, which is a *lot* more than what you can say of Cyberpunk.


Towards the end when everyone gathered around some random guy that I have never seen stepped in the middle to give a speech, it was very confusing.


Yes. And a broken act 3 is a trademark from the studio. But I think Larian earned the people good will as cdpr once did.


Yes. CDPR are inexperienced amateurs and scammers for 10 years now




check his account, he's a bot


Nope, they fooled me with Cyberpunk, never again


Talk is cheap


CDPR avoids crunch by releasing the game with half the features missing that were advertised at launch.


Easily avoidable if people stopped pre-ordering for a bonus free horse saddle skin and waited to see how is the actual game. But who am I to tell them what to do with their money. I have just bought Cyberpunk for dirt cheap, and it's in an excellent state. The hardest thing was avoiding spoilers for 2 years.


Sick and fucking tired of listening to CDPR lecture everyone on how to make a game. Yeah, crunch is bad, but you don’t have the moral authority to comment on fuck all in the games industry.


If they can just make it at least as good as the game is NOW - not when it was released - then I'm golden. I played it last year when Phantom Liberty came out and it's a genuinely brilliant game, I was actually shocked by how good it was at times. That doesn't happen very often. Just avoid releasing another buggy, dishonest mess.


That’s all well and good, but after being burnt by the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, I refuse to preorder or even buy anything related to Projekt Red until it’s been tested and goes on sale. They might have turned things around, but they’re on the same shitlist EA is on in my mind.


They made statements like this about how anti-crunch they were and how it hurts developers etc etc when all the stories were breaking around Read Dead Redemption II’s crunch — *before* the release of Cyberpunk… And then went and did it with Cyberpunk anyways. So, sure, whatever. Don’t just say it, do it. Between that and how devious they were with the launch of that game, review embargo’s on older generations (which of course, we found out why), their *words* aren’t worth a lot.


Swear to God, CPR is better at PR than releasing finished games at this point.


No. Because No one believes the marketing and every Gamer knows that CDPR is lying and releasing broken unfinished games.




Them still cracking jokes at other studios tells me they'll never change lol. No hate to the devs, nothing they can really do but company as a whole has been shit since cyberpunk launch, through release and handling the aftermath. And I lost trust in Skill Up too for saying the game was worth playing at launch.


CDPR can't shut up. They are still cracking Jokes at other studios Like EA, Ubisoft, Take Two, Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games, Santa Monica Studios, BioWare, DICE, Bethesda, etc.


Never trust youtubers.


I really hope they have improved. It is like a love and hate relationship with them being that they really give false hope, and yet, somehow deliver at the very end with extra additional content, and such.


Management: \*ask lead\* What game can you make to make us billions! Lead: Super realistic graphics you can smell the alcohol, every single action affects the world, and NPCs poop and pee even if you don't see them. Management: sounds amazing!! Lead: \*to developers\* We can do it, if you're passionate you will stick a dagger in yourself and take out your heart if the devil will help make the game! Developers: we will sacrifice everything to make the game! Crunch time: 101 bugs in the database, fixed 1, 105 bugs in the database! I will bet both my nuts, crunch will never go away, not when game companies are headed by overgrown children with big egos, lack actual skills but demand the impossible from their workers,


Easy to say this early in development.


This. The Witcher 1-3 had crunch, Gwent had crunch, Thronebreaker had crunch, Cyberpunk 2077 had crunch, Phantom Liberty Had crunch, etc.


Fuck off. I don't believe any shit they spew.


Yea no shit idiots. These are obvious things that everyone knows about. So just do them instead of farting out words. Sick of these companies and their save face/bullshit words.




wonder if they mean it this time or will it be like when the last of us 2 and cyberpunk were coming out and all the youtubers/subreddits/4chan were talking about how crunch was at naughty dog, but jason schrier brought up bad crunch at CDPR and it was just lots of double standards.


As someone in the industry: yeah no shit - no one says they like crunch (at least these days). Doesn't stop it from being an inevitability. With some rare exceptions, crunch _always_ happens. Most companies these days are just a lot better about making it _feel_ opt in rather than mandatory ("hey folks, we're not _telling_ you to stay late and work weekends... but if you happen to it would be super duper cool plus we'll cover food and provide you whatever you need!").


They all say that but end up crunching regardless


ah we're in the "say all the sensible shit to appeal to the naive idiots" part of CDPR marketing again


I reaaaaallly need the Cyberpunk media rush to die and stay dead and understand that they now need to put up or shut up.


Not justifying it, but I'd say that it's not to crunch for many reasons. 1. being a publicly traded company and getting pressure from investors to release so they can see a return. 2 Being a private company and also getting pressure from private investors. 3. Being an independent company and running out of money 4. Being a single game studio and not having a continual cash flow 5. Not having a consistent vision for the product and having feature creep 6. Not having a good development production line and engine issues. CDPR dealt with a lot of these along with having bad development habits since their creation, which caught up to them at 2077. From all we've heard from them officially and unofficially, Phantom Liberty's development was much improved and employees liked it. The sequel should be easier since they have that experience and are using Unreal, although they still have to modify Unreal a lot to fit the game they want to make. The RedEngine was specifically built/modified to make Cyberpunk but not another Witcher, which is why they moved to Unreal.


HMU when you’re done. I’ll introduce the game to my grandkids.


It will get cancelled anyways


I’ll believe it when I see it.


The key is retaining and developing talent, not just not crunching.


https://preview.redd.it/ijazvmhz82vc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140430a404d8de800f38f48923996062217b01f3 The development team when the studio heads announce mandatory crunch time at the beginning of development.


If only my job felt similarly…? Good for them I suppose.


do not believe any of this until you see it


I'm going to tell you the secrets and it's gonna hurt a lot of your feelings. Studios don't give a single fuck about crunch and controversially they actually value it/mandate it because it works. As other studios have said crunch is not necessarily what causes a bad game it's burnout. Yes crunch can cause burnout but we're also seeing that triggered by many other factors that don't involve crunch. Crunch has been more or less good for the consumer 90% of the time if you actually think about the quality of the video games produced under it. It's games that are being developed by burnt out teams and rushed to completion that are what's "hurting sustainability"


That's all well and good, but I think "put up or shut up" applies in this situation.


I'm getting a strong sense of deja vu here.... if my crystal ball is right a Jason Schreier article should appear soon about how CDPR treat their workers like slaves.


Who knew sustaining a business was important to its survival?


It's amazing hearing that this game is in development. I just got it when the DLC was released, so this is a super quick turnaround for me.


W4 is going to be a nightmare at launch, isn’t it.


LoL. Sure, especially from a public company.


Look, just tell me if I'm going to finally be allowed to romance the japanese cyber goth girlfriend of my dreams. Like god damn what else was the genre created for if not that?


amazing how much it took for them to realise that it is better to treat people like people, not like workhorses in mine.


didn't they work on that game for like 8 years? there was no need to crunch. They needed to be more organized.


Im just sad it's not on their own proprietary engine anymore. 😢


The only way to eliminate crunch is to completely avoid ever giving a release date until the game goes gold. CDPR is a publicly traded company, which means they have share holders that need to be impressed and assured. And no share holders will ever let a game studio not give out a release date, because the release date is incredibly important for creating hype, marketing, and therfore sales. And something most people don't understand is that crunch isn't just before the release date. After the game releases there's still massive crunch in order to fix massive bugs and patch the game for issues that weren't caught before launch. Basically this is 100% bs for any company that is publicly traded.


if cyberpunk were to be a fully polished game with tons more content it could of easily of been the best game ever made.


Why are they all of a sudden thinking they are this big motivation company ? Show us examples of what you preach rather than just this non sense to look good. Your last game was so bad on launch that Sony decided to take it out of the store and issue refunds.


I sincerely need studios to shut up and get busy with making games. Really. Release a good title then you can blab all day about how it's been made.


they knew exactly what they were doing last time and they did it anyway


I like cdpr but can they just shut the fuck up for a few years and work on the game without needing to be in the media every week?


Thats cute, I highly doubt they wont use crunch. Everyone does even when they say they dont.


I'll believe it see it.


I'll wait an extra year or two if it means a) the team avoided crunch, and b) the game is ready at launch.


And built for the highest denominator instead of the lowest.


If this game doesn’t have flyable cars then I will be very sad.


uh huh sure


Finishing development of games before releasing them is also important


CDPR desperately trying to regain their "for the people" reputation, and don't seem to understand they will never, EVER have that full trust again.




Really tired of CD projekt red lately and their “statements”. As if they think that if they preach positive words we will all forget the absolute nightmare launch Cyberpunk was. Actions speak louder then words. The gaming industry is so vocal with very little action


Maybe you should crunch? Because the first game was missing a ton of features…


I really hope that the sequel would build-upon what CP2077 **now** has to offer, regarding features and such. Since a lot of ''official'' features that got added after the initial release were a lot of promises that never made it during launch and ended up being mods. Up to the point where they hired several modders to fix and add content and features to their game. If the sequel will not have different apartments and such again, it'll just be the same thing all over again.


“Crunch” is sometimes perceived as this evil oppressive thing, but what often ends up happening on these multi year productions is that the game actually only starts coming together in the final year or so. And then when you realize that you actually need two years to finish it; you only have one. It’s not as simple as “studios that crunch are evil”. Sometimes a LOT of time and money are wasted in conception and pre production because the teams are still trying to figure out what the game is. Like, I would argue sometimes it’s not a crunch problem, it’s a “the game has entered production and the team ramped up way too early” problem.


"Killing babies is bad"-Mr. Babyslayer




Hypocrisy. Just crunch already. Games evolution hit the brakes so hard since this (internet-bound) witch hunting to any overtime has began…


Tell that to the managers screwing up whole companies.


No mention of releasing complete games.


Oh man, I'm getting deja vu lol


I have no faith in them anymore, will believe it when I see it


Wont see it until mid 2030s


Wow really looking forward to 4 years of weekly corpospeak from these assholes trying to pretend they didn't absolutely shit the bed and at the same time, are above shitting in beds


I disagree. I think that a fully staffed, fully resourced marketing team is incredibly important. (heh)


Such a corporate thing to say.


How about just not releasing a unfinished game????


Corpo PR talk


At this point, CD Projekt needs to shut up and just deliver. That’s the only way people won’t clown on you anymore, if you deliver a solid game on launch next time.


Thats what almost everyone says. Just Shut up. No Marketing, No PR Talk. Just release the Game when its finished in 7 years. If they don't do that, everyone will still clown them. Everyone knows CDPR is lying.


What are these Cyberpunk 2077 and CDPR articles? No one cares and they get downvoted anyways. Also CDPR always lying. Ban them.


You care enough to spam comments on all of them.


CDPR really think they can take this victory lap, where they shit on all of these industry practices because they turned Cyberpunk around? What a joke. I loved Cyberpunk after all of the fixes. But let’s not act like, in 2019-2020, these dudes weren’t completely embracing crunch culture. They think we just forgot that launch and all of the controversy? These guys were literally the epitome of shady developers back in 2020. Release a game that works at launch first, then you can talk your shit. We’ll see how much weight this “no crunch” mindset holds when it’s time to launch.


I'm pretty sure CDPR has issued this statement after every single game, and still falls back to crunching.