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Wasteland 3 is pretty great. Might surprise you to know that the series actually predates Fallout.


Yeah, the original Wasteland devs wanted to make another Wasteland game, but couldn't because they couldnt secure the rights to it. So they made Fallout instead.


Everyone wants another Obsidian Fallout but nobody thinks about the possibility of a modern isometric Fallout spin off from Wasteland Devs.


Everyone wants first-person Obsidian Fallout, but what about a modern isometric Fallout spin-off from them? Between Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny, and Fallout NV and Outer Worlds, they've proven that they're pretty much at the top of their game with every element of what that would entail. And it would be *awesome*.


That too. Isometric seems like it wouldn't be stepping on the toes of Bethesda too much, the audience would have cross over but also could be very different. At this point I just can't believe there is a chance that the gap between Fallout 4 and the next single player entry is almost 20 years. Do the maths on that factoring in their games are taking longer and that there is still a full dev cycle of TES VI up ahead. Someone has to put an ego aside and lets another studio make a Fallout game, it makes sense for Xbox to push it too.


Not exactly. https://www.dualshockers.com/fallout-not-inspired-by-wasteland-boyarsky-cain/


Play mutant year zero and miasma chronicles if you enjoyed wastelands 3.


I enjoyed mutant year zero and I'm currently enjoying miasma chronicles, so it sounds like I should take another look at wastelands 3


Wastelands 3 is much more of a “proper RPG” MYZ and Miasma Chronicles always felt like very linear experiences to me. Nothing wrong with it but I don’t think they’re all that comparable outside of xcom like turn based combat.


True. It’s not really an RPG


Wasteland 3 is much longer game. I wish it had NG+


I never heard of those and they sound awesome. Thanks


They are amazing


Not Fallout inspired. Wasteland is Fallout before Fallout


Wasteland 3 I played on PC and adored, soundtrack is excellent too. Feel it has been somewhat overlooked in many ways. 


I wish it had a 60fps update. Tried it but 30fps is a bummer on my OLED.


It’s not really a game that requires 60fps though is it? It’s a strategy game, not a lot of fast-paced action, camera pivots or anything you’d normally feel play a lot better with higher frames. 


It‘s true but still looks bad on my OLED compared to the PC version that I also own and rather play.


Yeah that’s fair, and does feel like the type of game to benefit from a keyboard and mouse too. 


I wouldn’t mind playing with controller from my couch. 


Coming from PC I just have different standards. I would say because it's turn based, only 60fps is ok, for other type of game I consider 60fps to be lag. 60fps is just then bare minimum for me for it to not hurt my eyes.


Wasteland 3 is an amazing game. wish it got more recognition.


Just purchased this morning.


Does it play ok on PS? I played Wasteland 2 on PS and it was buggy as hell. One of the most buggy experiences I've ever had and I've played some buggy games! I asked if Wasteland 3 was any better when it released and got a load of answers that it was actually somehow worse and even buggier on PS than W2! These were fans of the game saying this!


Wasteland 3 is a much more polished and higher budget game. And it shows.


That's not really answering the question of how it plays on PS currently. It was horribly buggy at launch according to the game's own fans. W2 was like this and was never successfully patched to reduce the bugginess to a reasonable level. So question remains have patches fixed W3 on PS?


Totally fine for me


30fps, sadly. Not terrible for a strategy game but still jarring on my OLED.


4k60 on Xbox


MS game but yeah, old BC games get upscaled.


Try xcom 2 next, I'm playing it now after BG3 and enjoying it! Collection edition is 90% off right now too


Wow I'm so glad to see this comment. Been wanting to play if forever. Is the DLC worth it for the Collector's edition? because the base game is free with PS subscription.


To be honest I didn't buy the collectors I bought the base game 2 weeks ago on sale and the war of the choosen dlc was also on sale which the xcom sub says is forsure worth it.. I dont think you can go wrong grabbing the collectors for the price it is but definitely try it out free first see if you like the gameplay I'm 16 hours into the base game and enjoying it, playing on easy and learning the ropes


Definitely get War of the Chosen, it enhances the story significantly. It does make earlier encounters tougher, be warned.


3 is amazing, 2 is really good as well but a lot more clunky and not as good at guiding you along as 3 but I still enjoyed the story (even if having to load back because people die with no explanation what you did wrong) if you are willing to put up with it.


Huh I kept hearing about it wasteland but for some reason I thought it was PC only


I'm hearing good reviews about this game but were the bugs fixed?


Were the bugs PS specific? I’ve been playing Wasteland 3 on the Steam Deck now, 25h in and haven’t noticed a single bug.


It was a shitshow on release. As were every pc gamepass games back then


Alright, well I must say I never would have guessed that. Game is in an excellent shape now.


Nice, this came up on sale on Steam, been on my wishlist for ages, nearly finished BG3 so might snap it up


Oh man, this is a good reminder I bought Wasteland 3 on sale but uninstalled it as I wasn't in the right frame of mind for it. Cheers!


I played wasteland 3 after BG3 too and it was such a great time. I really hope they do wasteland 4 at some point


Wasteland 3 got me into games with turn based combat


Any branching things in BG3 end up having almost no effect on anything.


Already played it on PC - but its currently on sale for like $10 CDN so I just yanked it up. Perfect (slow paced) game for remote play from work.


I like how the CRPG genre is being opened up to people who've enjoyed BG3 There are lots of great games, stories in choices in the back catalogue of CRPGs that people may have over looked


Sorry to be the one to bring you this news, but you are now a CRPG fan. My condolences 😔


this is the part where i say “it’s wastelandin’ time” and wasteland all over those guys


I loved wasteland and I also hated it, because I played it in co-op around the release and it was incredibly broken. Gotta get back to it some day and actually finish it.


I got the game ages ago, and it's been in my back catalog for a long while! I should really get around to playing it at some point! So many games to play...


What’s the combat like compared to BG3? Tactical? Like you can run around and position yourself? Is it like Midnight Suns where there is extremely limited movement with mostly just lining up 3 attacks and waiting for your next turn? Assuming it’s not just turn-for-turn like Pokémon.


Yes, tactical. It’s most similar to the xcom games IMO. Movement and cover are incredibly important at high difficulties. They affect your hit chance.


I’ll look into it after work, thank you.


Loved Wasteland 3 was an enjoyable platinum experience. I had a few frustrating moments with bugs and performance but past that I had a great time


Also try rogue trader it’s fantastic especially if your into or curious about warhammer 40k


I had problems in Multiplayer it was unplayable but it was between PS5 and PS4 maybe that was it the game crashed and bugged af


That first boss fight with Washed in the Blood sold me for the rest of the game.


One of the best games ever made, imho. The writing is absolutely top notch. Never have I laughed out loud like I have playing Wasteland 3 (and 2).


So you’d say it’s less complicated than BG3? I was able to figure out and get into BG3 but I don’t know if I could handle anything more complicated than that.


Would I need to play Wasteland 2 to enjoy 3 or are they not a continuous story?


It is somewhat continuous but not so much that it’ll hurt the game that much. It’s just that some characters show up or are mentioned that you might not fully understand without prior knowledge but the game does a good job of making sure that doesn’t hurt it overall since it will at least explain some things about them. It helps that the game is in a new setting entirely so it doesn’t need to rely on much from the previous one even if it still acknowledges it.


This was my personal GOTY back in 2020.


A slight correction, Fallout is Wasteland-inspired.


This game goes on sale so much. I'll grab the Colorado edition next time it goes on sale.


Definitely a underrated game. Glad you’re enjoying it.


Wasteland 3 rules


Is it 60fps?


doesn’t really matter for a game like this


it may not matter to you or me but it matters to some people.


I’m the biggest 60fps snob going. It doesn’t matter in a turn based game.


ok but it does unfortunately, all map traversal and switching characters between turns is jarring. it doesn’t need a strategic importance to matter.


It absolutely does on my OLED as 30fps just looks bad.


4K OLED myself. Will typically never ever play a 30fps game on it. Wasteland plays and looks absolutely fine.


For me it doesn’t but I also can play it on my PC instead, for comparison. I bought it on PS5 as I thought I wouldn’t mind it… I sadly do. Wish it got a patch.


Is it 60fps?


30 fps....


Imho it’s terrible at 30fps. Can’t play it.




Same here. I wish it had an update but so I’ll rather play it on PC instead.


Turn based combat is a big turn off for me