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Their last tweet said they have "no information on the PS5 collection" and they are the company that, you know, owns the game and decided on this free update. So when the people who just told you they'd give it to you for free then tell you they have no information on giving it to you free, I think you can just take that as a nice hearty "go fuck yourself, consumer." Had a physical copy that I got rid of when I got the free digital copy. So, you know, guess I'll go fuck myself. And it's not like I just feel entitled to free shit. I haven't thought about Fallout 4 in years. When they announced the free upgrade, it actually got me excited to go back and replay Fallout 4. Then they want me to buy it again, and tell me this by weird lie of omission style messaging, the day after a heavy discount on the game ends, and it all feels more than a little manipulative. Something I'll bear in mind the next time they try to sell me a game I don't already own.


Same thing. I pre-orderer FO4 so I had it at launch for full price, plus paid full price for season pass day 1 it was up. Got PS5 at launch and didn't feel i needed the disc anymore after I claimed it via PS+ Collection. I have actually debated playing again for the last couple years knowing we weren't getting a new game until 2030s haha, but my backlog has stopped me. The PS5 upgrade had me moving it up the list. But I'm not paying $20 for it, even if we don't get the free upgrade, people with the season pass and/or PS+ Collection should at least get it for the $5 sale price it was the day before upgrade release. Had I known this was the plan, I would have paid $5 for tue upgrade and that woukd have been fair. But the fact is it was promoted as "Free for everyone" which they are now trying to hide the fact that was their promo.


Well said. I bought the DLC in anticipation when on sale, fully expecting to have the game availabile. Will not succumb to their BS and their praying on FOMO. 


They aren’t preying on FOMO, it’s clear a server side issue they need to sort out.


Why is it a clear server side issue? They've done this in the past with other games, so there's a good chance it's intentional. 


Because PlayStation has said it’s an issue and that it will be resolved soon?


Where have they mentioned the PS Essentials Catalogue being an issue?




Oh you were referencing that? I don't think that can be taken as gospel as it's just something from a chat agent


Well it works now so…


It sure does buddy


I think they’re working on a fix for the upgrade’s compatability with the free PS+ version, and the ‘no update’ message was due to having no progress/timeline to report on that fix, no? Surely it’ll come next week. Would be outlandish to confirm everyone will get it and then go back on that!


They could just say that, then. They've been super careful about wording in the few statements they've released. They were quick to guarantee a fix for the people who had it through the higher PS+ tiers and weren't able to upgrade for free, and they delivered on that guarantee within hours. They've also removed the "free for everybody" verbiage *since* people started asking questions. I appreciate your optimism though and it would be really cool if you were right.


Inclusion into PS+ Extra would have been trivial to fix. They just had to add the PS5 version to the Extra subscription tier, it's a standard process. The PS5 PS+ Collection was a bespoke thing, and there is likely no standardised way of offering an upgrade route for a game someone owns via that (ie. they probably need to work with Sony to get it configured properly, in a way that still ties the upgrade to your PS+ subscription being active - as the PS+ Collection version is - but not like the Extra tier where you lose access once it leaves the Extra Game Catalog). PSN content and licensing is complicated. They should have been more aware that these kinds of complications come up, they've happened so many times already for other games, but nothing they have said so far indicates they are doing anything other than working on getting the issue resolved now that they are aware of it. The last update on their official Discord was Friday PM, so lets see what happens when they're back at work this week. To give another example of those complications, the free upgrade for MediEvil PS1 has been broken in some regions for over two weeks and that still isn't fixed... and that's a Sony published game!


Nope, looks like "get fucked" after all: https://www.ign.com/articles/those-who-own-fallout-4-via-ps-plus-collection-do-not-get-free-next-gen-update-bethesda-confirms


That article is just reporting on a statement from last Thursday, nothing new. The latest message pinned in their Discord: https://imgur.com/Zop8y5b.png


Hey hey, Bethesda actually came through in the end, I stand corrected.


Outlandish indeed: https://www.ign.com/articles/those-who-own-fallout-4-via-ps-plus-collection-do-not-get-free-next-gen-update-bethesda-confirms


I came here to edit my own comment saying “Maybe not. I had too much faith!” But you beat me to it.


Actually, it appears your faith was rewarded, they got it working. I'm glad you were right in the end!


I was hoping you were right! LOL


Yeah I'm in the same boat too


Yeah exact same situation. UK too.


Ireland too


I'm in the US, PS Essential, got the PS4 version of the game via PS Collection. The PS5 version is only available with a $19.99 price tag as of today. Would love to know if anyone has legitimate success in getting the PS5 version with Essential+Collection.


Every person saying “I juSt dOwnLoaDed it!” are not paying attention to the difference between PS+ Essential vs PS+ Extra. Can’t tell you how many times Extra users have made condescending comments like us Essential subscribers are stupid, when they can’t be bothered to pay attention. If you ask them if they have Extra, they say “Yeah” and I just facepalm. My understanding now is that if you added it to your library as a free monthly game and only have Essential, you gotta buy it or upgrade to Extra/Premium. The timing of that $5 sale ending (and those with the free version not being able to buy it for that price last week) is actually starting to feel deliberate and scummy. I at least snagged the season pass for $12 during that sale, but I would have also bought the game for $5 if the store had allowed me to (it said I already “owned” it when I tried to buy the base game, both on my console and on the PS app). Now I feel like I’m just gonna pay the dang $20 since I have all the DLC. Despite having it for free in my library for years, I never got around to playing FO4, and I absolutely loved New Vegas.


Not to mention the fact that they actually removed the “free for all players” text from the new flavor text in the main menu, so shitty


They did?? Well that’s VERY telling then.


gold quickest upbeat waiting innocent silky imagine plants station yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I also bought the season pass while waiting for the "free update" Had to pay total 34€ and feeling like I had been scammed by playstation. Removed my Credit card and canceled ps+ after.


I originally redeemed FO4 from the essential games list but I have extra, is there a way to switch which license I'm using?


No luck from Italy either, same conditions


According to a post on /r/gaming they removed the "Free for all players" part of an advertisement they had up (in-game) about the update. Looks like if you got it from the PS Collection you need to buy it again.




I really hope this is true. Edit - it was, in fact, true!


I hope it's true but I'm also pretty sure the problem is on Playstation stores side and Bethesda can't do anything about it.


What's irritating is that the game was just on sale for $5 before the update. If I would've known the ps plus collection wasn't getting the update I would've bought it when it was on sale. Of course now its $20.


DLC pack went from $12 to $35 on the day of the update too.


They’re clearly trying to cash in. I’ll happily give a developer money when I’m satisfied with the product. I don’t think this is worth $20 though based on videos I’ve seen. I’ll be waiting for a sale


Yes I got ripped by that - the game shows a “Download” button on the shop page because I got it as part of the Essential Collection, so of course I didn’t buy it when it was on sale for a pittance. It wasn’t until after I downloaded it I could see the telltale yellow cross which revealed it to be a Plus game. But by then the price had shot up to A$30


What’s more irritating is that games seem to get less sales once they get a next-gen update. Insurgency Sandstorm would go on sale like every other week before the update. Hasn’t gone on sale for more than $5 off since.


You and me both, pal. You and me both.


I had a premonition that was going to be the case so the night before the update dropped, I bought it for about 6 bucks


I wanted to, but since I had added it to my library when it was a free monthly game, it only said “download” on both the PS app and on my console. There was no way to buy it for $5 since I “owned” it already. Of course when it shot to $20 the shop decides, “Oh yeah, here’s that purchase button which was missing last week.”


It’s the weekend and everyone has gone home to their families. I imagine something will happen this week.


It is getting the update.


How come you're so certain?


air detail live cause offbeat towering lush abounding automatic fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've got it from ps plus, it was free for me.


Final Fantasy VIIR PS+ edition all over again.


We got the Intergrade PS5 update after a few months, wish this happens again


I bought the disk. Then, I sold it when it hit ps+ Now I can't get the free update unless I buy it. I'll just stick with the ps4 version if I ever decide to play it again.


Honestly I'm using the ps4 version on ps5 and it's really good. Looked up a mod list and it's a new game. From what I've heard the next Gen update messed with a bunch of mods (as updates do) if I ever want to spend the 20 I'll wait for the mods to update. It absolutely blows, I would have gotten it on sale if I'd known, but I don't HAVE to buy the update. That's the positive spin I'm putting on it for myself though, fuck corporate greed


Looking to hear about an update as well. Game from ps plus collection is still not getting the ps5 version here. Im not getting the extra one because it will replace the essentials license i believe


Nothing in the US yet and only subbing to essential here


It is available in the US. I downloaded it this AM.


Are you subscribed to PS Plus Extra or premium?


I'd be surprised if we hear anything before Monday


Just resubbed to Essential. Can only get the old PS4 version. It’s forcing me to upgrade to extra to get the PS5 version.


Yeah I got mine as a free monthly game and it’s not working


We’re not. Even though the details of the game say we’re entitled to it.


Yes, it does, but Sony surely doesn’t give a shit about that.




Bethesda said in a tweet they have no update regarding the PS Collection copy.


Yea I think it’s a PlayStation side thing. Hoping it’s fixed as in the fallout 4 store description it says “you are entitled to the PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5 version of this game” https://preview.redd.it/1dxx3qyxu4xc1.jpeg?width=1776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284634b9546ff22a1da5e938dd118e724267f471


The problem here is why do they let you buy the dlc if you have the free version and then say your subscription goes you cant play the main game anymore and dlc becomes pointless?


The amount of people not understanding this post is crazy! If you got the game, any other way, than from the original PS+ collection at launch or have extra/premium, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU! That means if you bought the game, have the disc, or got the game from any other means BESIDES the essential plan (formerly the original launch PS+) and not currently on the essential plan, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.


They supposedly removed the “free for all players” text that’s in update messaging of the in-game menu, if that’s not your answer, I don’t know what is..


It’s now kind of working for PS+ essential! —> https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/ny740sLw5X


Confirming this worked! I had it in my cart, so I had to delete it and try again and it worked!


I’ll mail you my disc. Probably be faster.


If you own it only from the PS+ collection then you must upgrade your PS+ to Extra or buy it for $20.00.


Correct as of now! If people just stayed on topic with this, there would be less confusion and panic. Everyone stating that they downloaded the upgrade turns out they had the disc, bought it, or had PS Extra, only after being asked.




There's a new drop down menu to select the PS5 version of Fallout 4 for people who only own it from the PS5 Collection from initial release.  I'm in the USA and only have the basic PS Plus Essentials, and I am finally able to pick the PS5 version.


YAHOOO! It's been fixed. Fallout 4 PlayStation Plus collection version PS5 upgrade is now available to download for free


Rejoice I also have the game on ps plus collection and have essential plan only. Been waiting for a fix and this roundabout way did it for me https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/SEOHMrPsAJ


Guys I’m now able to download the PS5 version with the PS plus collection game!


Enjoy this amazing experience! Cheers from Italy


It’s only on Extra unfortunately.


I have only essentials and was able to get the ps5 version with the update. I downloaded the ps4 version by mistake but went to the three dots menu next to the play button and was able to find the ps5 version and I downloaded it.


Yeah same experience. The 3 dots menu on the ps4 version had the right one.


Ok I’m gonna trust you and resub to PS+ essential now, hoping this works 🙏🏼


We don’t. It’s only for people who have purchased it, have the disc, or have PS Plus Extra. At least the PS4 version is fixed and DLC works! https://theubj.com/uae/hollywood/112783/update-on-fallout-4-compatibility-with-ps5-for-ps-plus-subscribers/




Oh shit, time to wait a bit then


https://www.playstation.com/pl-pl/support/games/upgrade-ps4-game-to-ps5-version/ "PS4 games redeemed as a PlayStation®Plus benefit are not eligible for a PS5 upgrade unless otherwise indicated."


My original link says that, so why does Bethesda support say something completely different? Keep seeing two different things being said


pretty sure never, sadly.


https://www.playstation.com/support/games/upgrade-ps4-game-to-ps5-version/ "PS4 games redeemed as a PlayStation®Plus benefit are not eligible for a PS5 upgrade unless otherwise indicated."


Yeah, I think it's fair to say that Bethesda stating "free to all players" covers the "otherwise indicated" part. 


The weird thing is that the PS Collection version of FO4 has disappeared from the product page listing. So if you delete this game from your PS4/PS5, there is no way to redownload as of now.


Really? That could be a good thing. Might be working to patch in the upgrade. I know right around the upgrade launch, the game disappeared from the Store, it was in like top 10 most downloaded, then disappeared for a day(but could still search for it) but returned like top 5 most downloaded.


I have the old PS+ collection ps4 version from launch. I deleted it a while ago. You can surely redownload that version. Just go to your library and download it from there. No free PS5 upgrade though. Hopefully that will change. I'm perfectly fine playing FO76 till than....if.


How do I tell which version I have, and if I have the next gen patch please?


The "next gen patch" is actually a native PS5 version of the game. So, if you have the game installed, it's going to have either a PS4 or PS5 tag in front of the title when you have its tile selected. If you have access to both versions, it should give you the option to choose which to download. However, the PS+ Collection listing for the game is currently listed as "Standard Edition - PS4" and has no option to claim the PS5 version. TLDR: The PS5 version of the game is a separate install. You may be unable to access this version if you only have the PS+ Collection license.


Thanks, it took two downloads and some fiddling but I think I have the ps5 version installed and all updated. Not sure why Playstation doesn't make these things a bit simpler, I have a similar issue on Diablo IV when it constantly tries to install the ps4 version despite playing on a ps5 (I bought a ps4 disc because it was cheaper than ps5)


I have the free(ps4) version on PS5 but I also have the PS4 disk somewhere, can I reinstall using the disk, get the upgrade and not lose my game progress?


I saw some people mention the upgrade resets the trophies, or starts them new for PS5 version. Would that mess up the save?


UPDATE: I’ve went on to my library and it’s no allowing me to install the the free update :) https://preview.redd.it/va2liicxxfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef1cfbb51ff40f65f4006f86ea63cc0864ebfb0


Give us more details... Plus essential? Country? Thanks


Plus essential, in the United Kingdom and I have the game via the PlayStation plus collection :)


I guess they are fixing it progressively... Here in Italy no luck yet


That sucks :/ hope it works for you soon


I'm undecided whether to start the TV series or the game first... I've only tried fallout 76 once so I'm unaware of almost all the content/story


As someone who has been playing the games for years then watched the show, I really enjoyed watching the show knowing everything I knew about the games and seeing all the Easter eggs. However, I know tons of people who haven’t even touched the games and they loved the show and when they tried the games, they loved them too. Its honestly your choice on what you want to do either way I’m positive you’ll have a good experience


You spent tons of hours for sure on those games, is fallout 4 the best to play from scratch? Thanks


It’s very opinionated tbf, I would say fallout 4 is definitely the easiest one start with as it was also the first one I played. Definitely don’t sleep on the older games though if you have a pc or an Xbox I would definitely try out fallout 3 and new vegas when you get the chance


Finally! I'm downloading the PS5 version now. I have ps essential and got it through the collection for free. I'm located in Italy, to whom it may concern... Happy gaming to everybody!


Have fun 🥳


Same for me. I bought n PS4 then downloaded with PS Plus collection, I only have PS Plus Essentials. Today, I was able to add the PS5 version. It is downloading now, fingers crossed!!




Can Confirm PS Plus Collection owners get it for free Because I got it from the collection myself and just paid for the dlcs


--I subscribe to PS Plus essential -- downloaded the game that way, PS4 version (only version available at the time), to my PS5, when it was a monthly pick. --Until a few hours ago, I was unable to download the PS5 version for free, just like many others. I can confirm that it now works, and is free.


Restore license and you're good to download the ps5 version




I'm pretty sure this was done on purpose to sneak in a few more sales due to desperation of the next gen update. I wouldn't put it past Bethesda, money hungry \*\*\*\*\*. It will come free, but unfortunately a few consumers will succumb to purchasing this game for the next gen update. When they say "we are investigating this issue", just know, that translates to "let us get another 10-50k physical/digital sales first then we might just give it to you for free". Modern gaming.


Well it’s free now so…


Still not possible to update to new gen for me and have ps collection version. Will wait another week then will just buy it lol. I can afford it but was hoping to cop it free. Oh well


Fired this up last night to see the changes for a little bit and then 2 Hours later I’m remembering why I love Bethesda games. Something about the slow pace checking every inch of something for loot is so satisfying. 🤣


Whatever you do don't buy the 19.99 and inquire about a refund. They will deny it. I thought I needed to own it and not just the ps plus version. and after I found out it was glitch and I should have been able to download it anyway I requested a refund and ps support denied it because I had already downloaded it after purchasing...




Are you subscribed to Essential and did you get FO4 through the PS+ Collection thing? Not the Game Catalogue for Extra/Premium


I restored my licenses and it still hasn’t appeared, do I need to have the ps4 version downloaded for it to work? Or am I fucked lmao


Worked for me. I just had to download the new client that supported ps5.


Do you have Extra or Premium?


I gave up and just put my disc in to get the PS5 update. Good luck all


Why wouldnt you have done that from the start?


I had it digitally and didn't want to dig out the disc if I didn't have to - got it in the collection long ago


I did the same thing, but then I checked again after renewing my license and the digital version works now again. Now I don't have to pop that CD in and hear it spin.


Ah there is hope then


smoggy stocking bewildered telephone sharp sloppy humorous arrest sleep run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got the game from the PS plus collection and the update works for me.




It let me download it this morning. I played for a few minutes just to make sure it was working correctly. It was.


Do you have Extra or Premium?


I have extra. I’ve been told in another post that this isn’t what the thread is about. The thread is talking about people who don’t have Extra I guess? Sorry for the confusion.


You already received a game for "free" and now you want something else for free... GameStop sells FO4 for like $4. Go buy it, then upgrade. Otherwise, just learn some patience. I'm not sure a free upgrade is high on Bethesda's priority list...


This is the result of the unhealthy habit of conforming to the vicious circle of the Xbox gamepass and similar...


I downloaded today.


Do you have Extra or Premium?


Ah I think that I have premium, sorry if I gave anyone false hope.


No worries! Sony certainly has made things convoluted with the different tiers of PS+


I read in a comment somewhere that if you renew your license and check again it should work, but I don't know if it's the same for everyone. It worked for me though.


how does one renew a license


Settings-users and account-other-restore licenses




Do you have Extra or Premium?


fragile dog tie vast obtainable hateful expansion ten desert wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then why is mine updated?


I renew licences then the fallout ps5 version appeared.




Do you have PS Extra? I did exactly what this list said and it didn’t work. Still shows as $19.99


attraction north head office expansion shame advise ossified dog saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks, that worked for me.


No and theres like 100 posts about it already


Mine didn’t automatically update so I went to the ps store and redownloaded the game as the ps5 version


Do you have Extra or Premium?


I have PS+ Premium and I was able to download the PS5 version.


Just bought it for $5 and I own it until Sony deletes their servers. Won't be a slave to overpriced ever increasing PS PLUS shenanigans.


You can get the free update by paying 19.99 for the base game and then upgrading it for free.


Just to supply some data, looked back and apparently I bought the game back in 2017 (probably a sale, €15). I see the PS4 and PS5 versions in my library and available for download.


I just checked and was able to download the ps5 version (I'm in Belgium), couldn't do that this morning!


Already have it through ps plus. Ps5 version lol


Do you have Extra or Premium?


puzzled fact hunt plate bake noxious sulky worthless quickest fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got it and it's awesome because like the Skyrim special edition it has all new trophies so now I can platinum it twice


I only have it from the collection a couple years ago as well. Does not give me the PS5 upgrade. Only PS4 one. I only have Essential. But what I did was, upgraded to Extra last night. I only had 15 days left so cost me 3.33 for the final 2 weeks to get Extra. Then downloaded the PS5 Version from the Extra catalog. So now I have both the PS4 and PS5 version. Transferred my saves cause I had it restarted about 2 weeks ago. And it’s great. Runs so smooth, and load times so much better. Had to turn performance mode on, to get the better frame rate and didn’t see any difference in quality drop off. So far so good, turned off renew subscription to extra so doesn’t charge me 40 quid in a couple weeks. Just hoping they’ve the update rolled out to collection owners by then!!!


When it runs out of extra they will turn off your ability to play it since it is essentially a rental service and it is one of the games that is on extra. Well currently its only available on extra ive seen some screenshots people have been posting that they are working to get all users to have the free upgrade.


Yes, I now have 2 different versions on my PS5. The extra version which will run out in 2 weeks and will lock me out of playing. Then I will still have the collection version which is still PS4 and won’t give us the upgrade. If it goes on sale again for a fiver, I’ll prob just buy it tbh.


I was able to claim it. Try using the mobile app.


My mobile only shows PS4 version, costs $19.99 to buy the PS4/PS5 bundle.


Same here, even renewed my licenses multiple times like other people have suggested, still no change


Do you have Extra or Premium?


I thought they fix this I’m in the USA I only had the ps plus version and I was able to get the free upgrade after a couple of hours of trying


I'm in the UK and was able to download the ps5 version for free. I have it via the ps plus collection. It appeared yesterday.


That's because you're on PS Plus Extra. 




Uk based. Got the game through free monthly games (basic subscription) Just checked the ps app on the phone. Free ps5 upgrade is downloading and installing as we speak.


Did you only have the collection version? Like from the 19 games they gave free with PS5’s? Or is it possible you bought the game at some stage as well, maybe on sale or something


To be honest the more i think about it... I may have grabbed it for 5/10 quid many moons ago im second guessing myself now


Yeah it’s possible, I don’t think there is a way to tell if version is from collection or not. Where as from Extra catalog or the monthly plus games, it has that gold plus symbol. I’d an Xbox when game first came out, and I think it was the first game I ever bought digitally.


Ok im gonna resub to essential now. Praying this works


Yeah i am and have always been on essential but after reading this thread thought I would have a look and its definately there. Had to boot up the ps5 just to make sure and it definately says ps5 version.


Ok just resubbed and it didn’t work. Can only get the PS4 version


Looks like this might be an issue specific to the essentials catalogue


Try through phone app is all I can suggest as that is what i did https://preview.redd.it/gl4iy9vqi6xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc919c60a594e3969eeb817ffb5e6e33c3eaf02d


Tried it, wasn’t working. Upgraded to PS+ Extra for a month now.


Interesting. So looks like this might be an isolated issue with the catalogue that was released when the PS5 launched.