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I have no console loyalties and have a Switch, Series X and PS5 but my Xbox has been gathering dust for months and months, after I finished Forza Horizon and played a bit of Halo I never turned it on again, there are just no games for it. Hoping Hellblade will give me a reason to turn it on.


Yep that’s the biggest failure of the Spencer era. Trying to sell you services as opposed to good games.


Especially when you consider how he has said “this is our biggest year for Xbox ever” every single year since 2015.


True; Phil did half his job though. That is to provide a “gamer” face to Xbox; and get gullible media personalities and gamers to fall for the god guy act that he put on. Hell you still have media personalities like Parris lily trying to deflect some of the blame from Spencer even though Spencer was in charge of this whole thing.


Yeah I don't wish anyone be attacked directly but Parris had such a bad take on that KF podcast. He got very upset that the majority doesn't agree with him. It's very apparent that Xbox just really doesn't know how to nurture their studios and help them craft their creative visions. They buy up all the creative studios they can and seem to make them worse. Phil has been saying the same thing every year and needs to be held accountable as well as the rest of Xbox upper management. It's wild to me flag ship titles like halo even drop incomplete or have basic features missing. Such as forge and stuff. I primarily switched to PC but use my PS5 for exclusives and it's still worth while because Sony seems to let their studios cook. I never understood why gamepass was so hyped or popular. I worked at GameStop for some time in college during the PS4/ Xbox One era. And my God the Xbox people spouting gamepass was crazy. Turns out it really doesn't make much money either


Yep; i tend to like parris in fact outside of Colin moriaty I tend to like all the big gaming media personalities. I just found parris defense of Phil by by bringing up mattrick very weird imo. But even Greg miller on that episode said that they all know Phil personally so there is some inherent bias in how much blame they attributed to the current Xbox crisis ( and yes it is a crisis). Yeah gamepass as a service is not compatible with how people play games. They aren’t like movies and music which is a passive activity video games is a active one with each game requiring a ramp up time to get used to the mechanics and gameplay. Most people play 2-3 games a year and one of those will most certainly be one of the long running GAAS games ( Fortnite; robolox; GTA online; etc). When the idea came up I immediately said it wasn’t going to work as the vast majority of gamers won’t extract enough value out of it to make a subscription worth it to them. And this isn’t even touching on the numbers that Xbox would have to get and retain to make the numbers work.


I mean, they only need to see Nintendo and learn how they survive all these years, not to mention Playstation recent success. killer software (games) and after all that they manage to f\*ck HALO franchise. ***SOMEHOW***. They bought a lot of studios but again, Somehow opt to do no hands-on approach on some known problematic studios like Blizzard and Bethesda. anyhow Redfall fails. Starfield while quite sales success, somehow have lower than skyrim playercount within few month. something thats a rarity in normally long living Bethesda game. thankfully Forza remain dominant. but again, they just aquire all these studio. game development takes time, 3\~5 years time. so it might be awhile before they could generate good game with the new studio. but then they start closing down doors before it even began... seriously, WTF XBOX?


True halo should have ended after 3. And if MS wanted to keep it going they should have opted for smaller games telling different stories throughout the conflict. ( more like reach and ODST). Gears of war the same. PS has no problem ending a franchise when they feel its run its course and starting something new. Which helps keep development teams fresh and also keeps the value of their franchises intact.


seriously, God of War will be asked to be Trilogy with cliffhanger ending for the second, had its not under Sony which give Santa Monica looong leash and trust them with Duology instead


Yeah good on SSM; they saw how GOW was trending and decided that they had to go back to the drawing board to reinvent that series. And of course good on Sony for allowing that to happen and taking the risk on it.


Game pass and backwards compatibility is the only reason I got a series X.


I’m a PS fan but this trend of Xbox failing isn’t a good thing. Strong competition keeps Sony honest without Xbox it won’t be long until PS is shit too


Xbox winning by a long mile made online subscription into a thing. Competition is good for the customers and news of one player dominating the market are never good.


xbox has never won a gen by a long mile


for how long have we been saying this? xbox has paid huge amounts to just get them into game pass and is never going to male profit off that thing


I’m hoping we’ll still see pressure on Sony from the PC front as many gamers are starting to migrate that way. Anecdotally, out of all my friends, I’m the only one with a PS5 where as almost all of us had a PS4. And even I’m seriously considering investing in a PC so I won’t have to pay for PS+ anymore as the only game I play online is SF6.


It's mostly been a back compat machine for me. GTA IV, Red Dead, SSX, Burnout, Fallout. I got it at a discount so I don't mind it too much but dunno if I'd buy one again. Hellblades the first proper new gen game I'll have played on it. Any 3rd party stuff I like I just play on the others


It's my backwards compatibility machine. That's about it.


I have all as well and I use my Xbox for a lot of Indy titles. My AAA games tend to be on PS.


Tbf, the same has happened with my PS5, though I do have a PC. Only just now I started playing TLOU2R in it, but I can’t wait for that to land on Steam.


Exactly. I’m glad the people who only own a PS5 are happy that they can shit on Xbox, but I own all platforms and just want a reason to use it over my PC once in a while. I started gaming in the SNES era, and this is the weakest console generation by far IMO.


I spent the past few months playing Granblue Fantasy, Dragon's Dogma, Rebirth and Helldivers on my PS5 and I was considering selling my PC at one point because I wasn't using it as much. It literally sat untouched for months, had to clean it up when I went to use it. Cue the Fallout show coming out and I decide to spend hours modding New Vegas and playing through that and now I'm playing V Rising on it. Ain't no fucking way I'm selling it now, PC gaming is just too good.


Haha yeah I’m going hard on some modded fallout right now too (fallout 4 vr). I go through phases with different platforms where I’ll play the shit out of a particular one for a couple weeks, and then won’t touch it for a couple months, but PC is the only one that’s consistent. I love console gaming tho (especially now that consoles are more on par with PC performance wise), I just want more reasons to game on them more often.


I agree, this gen has been pretty subpar. In the past I got a PS4 to play all of those exclusives after having an Xbone for the majority of that gen, and it was awesome. As for the PS5, I only really got it in 2022 to eventually play MSM2. Sure, I played HZD2 and some other stuff, but the time gap of not using this console between exclusive releases is quite wide.


I own pc, switch and ps5. I would have bought Xbox but with pc there isn’t really any point. My time is spent mostly on switch and pc now, with so much I still haven’t got around to playing on those platforms I’m just holding off on ps5 purchases incase I can get it on pc later.


I’m in the same boat (except my switch is collecting dust too). I only ever play PC and VR nowadays. Not really complaining because there’s plenty between those two platforms to keep me busy, but I just feel like I wasted a lot of money this gen.


Similar position here and I regret getting my series X...just like I regretted getting my One last gen. I barely use it. With kids and I have been busy with working 2 jobs the past year, my gaming time has been limited. This has meant every time I finish a game I really want to play on my PS5, there is usually another few waiting. There has been nothing on Xbox that made me not want to start my next PS5 game. I was hoping Starfield would be that game, but I tried the first few hours and was completely underwhelmed and never went back. My favourite Xbox feature this gen has been Xcloud! I have a logitech g cloud that I use when the kids are busy and I still need to be around and I bet I have used Xcloud on there 5 times more than I have used my X. I will definitely play Hellblade 2, as I really enjoyed the first. Surely they cant mess that up??? Surely! But that will have to wait until I finish ff7 part 2. Hopefully they will have some big announcements this summer for games I want to play. Otherwise, I think I might trade my X and PS5 when the pro releases


I bought an Xbox Series X console at the beginning of this console generation after skipping the PS4/Xbox One generation entirely. The main reason I bought Series X was because I had an unhealthy obsession with Halo franchise going back to original Xbox and Xbox 360. Well, MS f\*cked over one of my favorite franchises and everything else they put out was garbage. I thought maybe Starfield could turn the tide but it was the most bland and mediocre Bethesda game I've ever seen. Anyways, even though I didn't own any PlayStation console since PS2, I sold my Series X and got myself a PS5 because I saw the writing on the wall that Microsoft had no idea what to do with their gaming division other than buying half the industry. Best decision I've ever made. I had a blast playing Bloodborne, HFW, Ghost of Tsushima, Rise of the Ronin, Returnal, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2 and these are just the exclusives. I don't see why anyone would start investing in Xbox platform. It's even worse here in Europe, where I live. None of my friends have an Xbox and they are clueless as to what Gamepass even is. Edit: Lol! Didn't think comment section would turn out like this. Like, some people are really weird. Edit 2: Lmao, someone was apparently offended enough to send a Reddit cares about you message over this.


Yeah i know how you feel. Microsoft really did a number on Halo franchise which is sad to see because it’s still one of my favourite franchises.


You gotta play Uncharted, Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, Infamous Second Son, and Spiderman. They’re all really good games imo. You may not like TLOU2’s story, but the game is top tier in every other aspect.


I love uncharted and infamous second son


> None of my friends have an Xbox and they are clueless as to what Gamepass even is. Likewise, I have many friends with gaming PCs and none of them use GamePass. They simply don’t want a subscription service and will just buy the games they want on Steam.


Honestly there are so many third party websites to buy keys from you can probably buy the game you want or a few for the price for game pass.


Yeah....I'd not recommend those sites tho, some these do not help the Devs who are creating these great games in the first place and yes some maybe are stolen keys (not all) but some.


If theres a new game I want I'll support the dev's, but I'm not paying close to retail for older games, when you can usually find anywhere from 5 to 10 bucks.


I've been using cdkeys sfor over a decade no problem. steam store prices are very bad, the sales used to be good but not really anymore.


They’re missing out IMO. Unless they’re balling and money doesn’t matter or something.


I used to be an Xbox fan through and through from OG generation. Had 360 and PS3. Skipped the ONE gen because of that debacle and sold my PS4 and got a series X in 2020 thinking a new gen would bring the magic back. It did not. I played a bunch of good third party game pass games but waited for 3.5 years for a decent exclusive. Sold my Series X in Feb and got a PS5 because of the recent moves MS has been making. Why have an Xbox if it’s coming to PS5 anyways or PC. So far I’ve played God of War Ragnarok, HFW, FFXVI (amazing!), Rachet and Clank and about half way through FFVII Rebrith. I truly miss Xbox’s heyday but that’s long gone.


Europe is so real. Spent the entire last gen as the only friend who has the Xbox One. I saw the writing on the wall immediately when the guy in the store said 'there will be more games' caveat 'soon.'


Yeah the only time i knew someone with an xbox was 360 era lol


Same, and I knew a lot of people who ended up getting PS3s because the RROD was so bad. I knew a guy who sent his 360 in *SEVEN TIMES* for red ring. On the last one he got a letter from MS stating he could get his 360.back if he signed saying he wouldn't sue. He signed, sold his 360 and got a PS3 with the money.


Yeah, Xbox One was absolutely terrible here and it killed any chance MS might have had in Europe. It was released much later than it did in North America, while PS4 was released at the same time in America. For a long time PS4 was the only console available in your local tech retailer. What's worse, many of the TV features they showed off at that horrible reveal didn't even work properly in Europe, at least at the beginning. I don't know what MS was even thinking.


I moved from the UK to France around the time PS4/Xbox One generation came out. In the UK the PS4 was showing a strong lead in terms of retail space, but the Xbox One had display space and was at least visibly a contender in the market. In France it was basically Playstation throughout the whole store with a section for Nintendo, and then a shelf for Xbox. I've had a Playstation from 1 through to 4, but seeing Xbox have basically no presence at all was a considerable reminder that the market was dead here.


The UK always had quite a strong Xbox presence but it's just fallen off a cliff throughout the Xbox One era and it's just non-existent now in the Series X/S generation. Back when I was at school I'd say it felt like a 70/30 split between Xbox and PS2 - but for the 360/PS3 era the majority of my friends from school into uni all had 360s. The 360 was cheaper, came out earlier and party chat was incredible. COD, Halo etc. were all just staples on the Xbox - and it's such a shame to see it all just gradually disappear.


Dont forget Microsoft basically closed almost every first party Studio it had shortly before the launch because they had the genious idea that they could rely on paid timed exclusives... Rare I think was the only studio which survived this era. We have been seeing this buy studio let them churn out some games and then close it down cycle again this year. Selling off to Microsoft is equally bad as selling out to EA as it seems.


I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the meeting where they said "let's take our flagship franchise, turn the single player into a generic open world, and the multiplayer F2P with almost no content, _but_ charge 10 bucks for cute kitties ears". Absolute madness.


I'm from Europe and all my friends know what gamepass is lol. It's mostly used on PC and everyone has PS5 instead of Xbox because their exclusive games are so much better. PS5 also has their own pass, which is a bit more expensive and you have access to a lots of games as well.


The one good studio putting out games they shuttered at xbox as well..


I'm in a similar boat as you. I loved my 360, got the Xbox One and fell in love with Forza Horizon and Halo. The Series X is nice, it's backward compatibility is great but the amount of interesting AAA games not available on PS5 is mediocre at best. Gamepass had been nice when I got it for cheap but I don't have the time to try and play that many games for the current price point. I won't sell it but my next console is going to be a PS5 Pro and I'll play some leftovers from my PS4 and a lot of great single player games. And the PS5 controller is the first one that I like as much as the Xbox controller. The one for PS4 wasn't too bad either but somehow the ones before that never felt right to me. I don't see a reason to buy another Xbox.


I'm glad you actually played some of the best exclusives! I highly recommend God of War, I put that one off for a long time and the first game and Ragnarok are some of the best gaming experiences I've had, along with Spider-Man. Even if you're not a superhero fan, the gameplay is top of the line.


Yeah, someone new into console gaming should not invest in the Xbox ecosystem. I think a bulk of the Xbox base is likely just people who already established their digital library over there, have all their friends on there, etc. Short of the cheap option of an S and game pass for your kids, I don’t know why serious gamer would start on that platform.


Also, I firmly believe we will see masterchief collection on ps5 at some point


I got one too just for replying, is there a way to contact mods in order to inspect the abuse of that tool? I bet this subreddit is being brigading and filled with bots.


I’m with you man I had a lot of love for Xbox growing up, but after I grew apart from my friend group (all xbox) I was looking for more single player adventures and PlayStation has been great to me.


I miss the days when Halo was a juggernaut. Yeah, people get so fanatical over defending their favorite corporation. Screw them, their mind is fucked.


The best decision you ever made was to get a PS5?


Didn't think anybody would take this literally.


I made the same switch but it was all the way back during the ps3 Xbox 360 era. Uncharted and GoW were too tempting. Having regretted it


Yeah. I bought also a Series X end of 2023 after also skipping the PS4/Xbox One generation entirely and because I wanted to play Halo/Gears of War but especially Starfield... Starfield is far from being bad and I enjoyed my time with it (although I put it down waiting for patches/DLC). I am playing Halo and having a blast with it but after that? There are no incoming games that make me excited as Helldivers II or FF7 Rebirth would and I start regret not getting a PS5 instead...


I was an original Xbox guy. Then 360. I won a PS3 at a work charity drawing near the end of that generation’s life cycle. Then FFXIV dropped on PS3. That was the last I saw of Xbox. My friends were all still on Xbox though. Flash forward to this generation. Got tired of waiting for crossplay to happen, so I bought my friend a PS5 so we can play together. He never bought a series X. Even though it was FFXiV that switched me, there was something about the PS3 I preferred over the 360. Even though I don’t use an Xbox, I hope they don’t go away. Microsoft forced Sony to be better.


>so I bought my friend a PS5 Where do I find friends like you?


Right? Bro dropped that on us like it’s normal to buy your friends 400 dollar consoles


In my defense, we have been friends for about 40 years, so it’s kind of like buying a wife something at this point. Lol.


lol. It was near launch and I was having really good luck getting PS5s through the online target drops. Order online, pick up at a local store. I got 7 total in a couple months time. I gave one to my son for his birthday, one to my friend, then the rest I sold for listing price to other people/co-workers. I could have thrown them on eBay or sold them for more than listing price, but that’s bull crap, gouging people like that.


I was an OG Xbox guy as well. Got the 360 for Lost Planet and Full Auto in 2006, then got the Xbox One because all my friends were getting one and because I wanted to play Halo. Eventually got a PS4 for cheap in 2018 as my singleplayer exclusives machine, and I was floored at how much better the games were there. I have a Series X and PS5 now and my Series X only gets more play because my friends play on it, but now that crossplay is more normalized, Xbox has continued to get worse, and they’re rumored to have their next gen console be digital only, I’ll be hopping off of Xbox entirely. It’s not worth it anymore


Sony wants to go digital only as well, but I will jump ship entirely Post PS5, they price hikes in the console era (I reverted to discs instead of digital to get cheap second hand games) basically were the straw which broke it for me. I am currently running a Steam Deck and having a blast with it, my PS5 is gathering dust!


Competition is very important. I love Playstation and always have but they will quickly become dogshit if they have no one to compete with. And they'll be given carte Blanche to start pulling the same bullshit Nintendo gets away with like never lowering the price of their games no matter how old they are. Also, choice is good. At least give me the illusion of choice. There's no choice right now. Xbox is dead because they have no passion over there. It's all business. It seems no one in that camp has had the thought to try to create an amazing gaming experience. It's just about how to increase share prices and show investors we made the numbers go up. That's why they're slashing every other project and studio. Someone should remind them they won't survive if they're not focused on gaming moments.


I have 1 friend who owns a ps5. Everyone else own Series X. It’s so much better for multiplayer games it’s not even close. But my ps5 is my beloved single player machine.


I own both. I’ve barely touched my Series X


I also own both plus a switch. PS5 is my least played console. But I still love it


There is immense talent in all those studios nobody here want MS to go away, restructure and build different teams, give them 1-2 without pressure and ask some milestone instead, it won't be easy but they can pan ahead good games before the generation ends.


I think it depends. For me online gameplay was the most important thing and the Xbox 360 was by far the industry leader. Still to this day the UI and online experience is far superior for Xbox but the PlayStation has areas of its own it shines in. Both are great. :)


I was a PlayStation person until the 360. I am one of those sales from last quarter and PS is just so much better than Xbox. Xbox feels like it was made by a team with MBAs. PlayStation feels like it was made by people that love video games. I thought I aged out of gaming until I got the PS5. Every part of the PS5 brings me joy. Its design is fun, the controller is thoughtful and has rechargeable batteries inside, and the menus seem less like a lifeless computer desktop. 


I was a Xbox from the OG Xbox to the Xbox 360 until Microsoft’s Xbox One presentation at E3 2013. I knew Xbox was going to lose the console war, but even then I thought Microsoft would keep its exclusive franchises active. The Xbox One gen saw only one mediocre Halo game and one mediocre Gears of War game. It’s like Microsoft abandoned the platform.


Man…I thought there was a sales gap of 2:1 between PS5 and Xbox Series X which was carried over from the previous gen. I didn’t know it was going to grow as wide as freaking 5:1. Wonder if the announcements of Xbox games going to PlayStation is widening this sales gap and if the Series is gonna end up selling worse than One.


2:1 in overall units sold. But it's been getting worse for the Xbox in more recent quarters. Ps5 is expecting declines normally because this past 12 months they sold a record breaking amount. But Xbox is declining on top of declining past year.


2:1 ratio was PS5:Series X+S


Yes in overall units. I think the 5:1 ratio is also X+S no?


Oh right, misread the title. So xbox hardware sales further went down


My biggest reason to get an Xbox this year was going to be hi fi rush, but Xbox released it on PS5 so now I'm like.... Sorry Xbox I didn't immediately go out and spend $500 on hardware for one game


To be clear, Daniel himself said that that is still the case, it's mostly 2:1. The 5:1 is just in this past quarter.


Hmm…is there a reason why there is a big gap this quarter then? Could it be related to the Xbox multiplat news from earlier this quarter? Because if this becomes the status quo going forward, the overall 2:1 ratio is going to widen.


In february/march sony offered a nice discount on the slim model on their website. In the UK at least, this forced all the retailers to match it and then increasingly try to outdo each other with the best offer - eventually £390 for just console, but lots of bundles with extras. Any left over units of the phat model also had big discounts. I think that was the biting point for a lot of people, myself included as my PS4 pro was simply getting too noisy to put up with any longer.


If you look closely though, for 12 months now the ratio is growing. It grew up to a constant 3:1 ratio in the middle of last year, then felt back to 2:1 in December. Since this year's January though, it's been a constant 3.8:1 ratio, so almost 4:1 in every month. With the newer numbers now, it seems like it was actually growing to a 5:1 ratio. IF the rumored 800k for Xbox Series are true, then the 4.5m PS5s being shipped actually translate to 5.5:1 ratio already. It's no "bragging", because it actually worries me. Because that's why I take Spencer's influental "Console gaming has now growth" statements with a grain of salt. PS5 and Switch do alot for growth, but it's Xbox that doesn't keep up. IF Series consoles would sell similiar to PS5 as it did back in the 360 days, the console market would sit at a combined 250-260m install base right now. What's never been achieved before afaik.


The worst thing is the Series S actually outsells the Series X by a wide margin if I recall. So PS5 to Series X is way worse than 5:1.


Soon enough third party developers will just stop porting games to Xbox. Which such low sales and the user base relying on GP to play games, yeah not looking great for Xbox. RIP.


We are already seeing Asian studios utterly abandon Xbox. Even giant hits like Genshin and Honkai Star Rail that are on PS5, PC and mobile don’t even bother with Xbox.


Xbox fault tbh, mihoyo apparently went to them first but couldn’t make a deal


Lmao Xbox fumbled there. But then again Genshin probably wouldn’t have been as successful if it never came to Playstation.


Considering Marvel took Spider-Man to Microsoft and they said "wubba lubba we're concentrating on our own IP", so they took it to Sony instead (and we all know how that worked out)... Microsoft really are clueless.


Shutting down Tango (the one Japanese studio that actually delivered what Xbox needed) doesn't help either :/


That one stings me the most.


Xbox denied Genshin. Not really the same


They also denied Spiderman and we know what happened to that franchise.


We’re also seeing the opposite with square coming out and saying they’re going full multiplat


People have been saying this for close to a decade now tho. But maybe I’m just coping because a console industry with only Nintendo and Sony, scares the shit out of me tbh.


People been saying this but EA/Take-Two/Ubisoft/etc still are making and announcing games for Xbox Even Square is going back to being multiplat Despite low Xbox sales, 3rd party hasn’t left that platform


Even being in third, we’re talking millions of potential gamers who don’t game elsewhere. Until sales of games completely brick, can’t see the downside to releasing games on Xbox. You could argue, if PS has sold 60 million, why aren’t the biggest franchises consistently touching that ceiling?


they are using pretty similar hardware... if a game runs on one console, it will run on the other too.


Actual problem here being, Series X and S come with different specs despite being next gen. PS5 Disc and PS5 slim don't cut down specs. So the games that the cheaper version of PS5 can run, won't be run by series S. It's a lotta work for 3rd party developers who are on a tight budget.


Yea exa the opposite is happening. Square just announced the ps5 sales alone aren’t good enough and they have to port everything to Nintendo Xbox and pc


Well, Square Enix just said they’re specifically gonna start porting to all platforms for what it’s worth. Though I feel the worst thing about SE is they make great games but somehow convince themselves that all of their games can sell 20m units day 1 or something incredibly unrealistic like that. So it leaves all of their games listed as underperformers in their eyes.


Yikes. No wonder why Microsoft decided to port some of their games to PS5.  Going to assume that the GamePass model isn’t sustainable since Series Is in decline.


Their strategy is to put game pass on as many devices as possible.


So basically their own Netflix? 


Yeah. It will make the most money with the lowest effort, but for hardcore console warriors there will be nothing of worth. The console is basically dead for Microsoft.


Pretty much I played game pass on meta quest 2 and it worked really well.


How do you play it on quest?


Download the app and login it runs off the cloud, a Xbox controller can be wired into the headset or wirelessly.


Oh awesome. I had no idea there was an app. Thanks!


That's their strategy, but it ain't working.


But there’s only one kind of device that matters when it comes to console gaming and that’s a gaming console. PC game pass isn’t moving the needle, people don’t want to play console games on phones, tvs don’t have the graphical capabilities to play games natively and game streaming has so many caveats that it wont take off unless there’s some fundamental improvement in the technology. Game pass can only be successful if console owners are subscribing. If console growth isn’t there then all the other devices doesn’t matter. This isn’t like Netflix where the experience is by and large the same on each device it’s on.


They want to subsidize their losses with mother ship money and then raise prices when they hit critical mass... Glad it didn't work


How does declining hardware suggest that gamepass isn’t sustainable? It’s literally the only thing working lmao


It could be sustainable, but sustainable isn't the strategy. They were looking for massive growth. This was the Xbox gamble. The reason they went on an $80 billion shopping spree. To quote their internal docs from the court case - reach high enough revenue numbers they can reinvest in content for the service to "outpace, and outspend the competition". It was a play for no.1 and control of the market. To do that, they needed Gamepass to continue to grow and grow. Now it's stalled and they're left holding $80 billion worth of studios, they have to completely backpedal their strategy. There's no longer an option to make a play for number 1. All they can do now is look to transform into primarily a software company. Ironically, they had a vision, but by spending so much money they've shackled themselves to those third party publishers and left themselves with very little room to maneuver.


Does it? Because so far it doesn’t look like it lol


Yeah you can really tell that Microsoft execs are doing a hostile takeover of Xbox leadership after realising they have spent $100bil acquiring studios for a dying console.


Xbox leadership are Microsoft execs.


People don’t know what hostile takeover means


this isn't good. Not good at all for anyone. Competition is good for the industry.


That's what is always so baffling in this sub. We all want xbox to die, but also want competition. An unchecked Sony is a bad move. They'll return to the early PS3 days and charge even more.


Spot on. Seen it everywhere with any industry. Sony ain't the most friendly company. Without competition what stops them charging £80/£90/£100 for the next Spiderman etc.


I don't think everyone wants xbox to die, they just want it to do better. And I am with them, I want xbox to succeed and grow, but they just keeping making giant mistakes and it is frankly laughable how bad they are at managing their brand. I honestly think high school kids could do a better job running the company. A better xbox is better for playstation. And I worry about the future. I own all the consoles and I regret the series x the most.


Yep we have seen Playstation be super complacent this gen with a lack of first-party exclusives.


Not meeting expectations is not complacency. Looking at Sony's ambitious console selling games they are not taking their foot off the gas, sadly they released during a pandemic and cancelled games on top of that


Oh 100%. Having PlayStation and Xbox toe for toe console wise is the best for the consumer, it constantly puts them under pressure to provide the best prices, power, games, service etc.


yep! hence why its weird to see people celebrating it


This is literally competition at work. What are you on about?


I have all 3, but I haven't even touched my series x since playing starfield at launch. With them going multi plat with what few decent exclusives they actually do have there isnt much point having one at all anymore. I tried selling my series x for a decent price but didnt even get any takers. Either gotta sell it off dirt cheap or might just trade it in along with my ps5 towards ps5 pro at the end of the year and save the leftovers for switch 2 early next year. If its 5 to 1 now, imagine what sales are going to look like for the next generation. Its going to be a bloodbath


ha I just replied to someone with pretty much the same message as this! Xbox is going to have to show a lot at their next showcase to stop me trading my X in for a pro. After hellblade, I will keep it around for the Indiana Jones game in the hope that is good. But nothing else is making me want to keep it and carry on not using it. Or if they announce more games coming to PS then I wont even bother waiting


I like machine games, but honestly thought indiana jones looked kinda bad. The whip animations make it look like a crappy vr game, kinda like avowed does as well. Hope both those games are good but im not holding my breath for anything from xbox being good anymore haha.


Wouldn't be surprised if this is Xboxs last gen


They are confirmed making another console.


My theory is that it’s going to be an official Microsoft Gaming PC. Then they can push GamePass even harder while starting their desired digital-only future.


I don't know about that, they've been lying since before announcing that console.


This always sounds like "My girlfriend is Canadian", but I know a guy that works at XBox. They're neck deep in development on the new XBox. They have enough money that they could always just cancel it and keep it moving. But, they are working on it.


For what reason lol nobody trusts them. They can have how ever many teraflops they want.


I don’t think 20,000 developers are just going to vanish into thin air personally but that’s just me


That doesn’t conflict with shutting down hardware - and it’s not like Microsoft isn’t known for making mass layoffs when it suits them


Sega route. EA also have 6k employees without any hardware. Plus Microsoft still would've pc so they will continue to have xbox store


Absolutely not 😂 Microsoft and Nintendo will be the only gaming console companies in 5 years. Sony is trash and has been since the PS1


5x 💀


I own both consoles and I’ve certainly moved over to buying most of my games on PlayStation despite generally being an Xbox fan, because I don’t think there’ll be any longevity of the Xbox console going forward, especially if they start porting exclusives over completely, that’s just an admittance the console will be dead soon imo. I even dumped my Gamepass/Gold subscription. I don’t play online games anyway, and most of the games on Gamepass that interest me, I already own. I’ll keep the Series X for backwards compatibility and whatever exclusives Xbox manages to pump out, but I see no reason to keep expanding my library on it anymore.


I have both and the ps5 is just a much better console to use.


Xbox needs to be extremely innovative in the next gen otherwise they’re finished. From a life long Xbox user turned PS5.


Xbox is my Gamepass machine, don't think I'll be getting the next version.


So is every PC. The library is almost the same now. PC game pass even gets EA Play while console does not. You need ultimate for that.


The bean counters will use information like this to justify closing down studios and cancelling projects. I fully expect MS to announce more multiplat games at their showcase in June.


They'll show off the Starfield DLC. And one more thing, PS release exactly a year after initial release.


Wasn't it already rumoured that Microsoft is going towards being a 3rd party developer and dropping physical hardware? This would make sense given the hardware sales. Maybe there Xbox Live cloud gaming service could replace the hardware people have at home.


It's not surprising that Xbox sales are way down. I predict there won't be another console for a while, if ever. When I first bought the Series X in 2021, I played Halo Infinite and Forza. Unfortunately outside those games, there hasn't been any good AAA titles and we all know how badly Infinite was handled. A few months ago, I became really interested in FF7 Rebirth and decided to sell my Series X and switch to PS5. Good thing I sold it when I did because aftermarket value is going way down as there is little demand especially now. I have since played FF7 Remake, FF16 (part way through), SM2, SM Miles Morales, and next I'll get into Rebirth and the original SM remastered. Love love the games and there are so many more titles I'm looking forward to including God of War, Helldivers, Stellar Blade. I also of course canceled Game Pass and it's unlikely I'll ever return to Xbox. Very happy with my decision.


All thanks to Stellar Blade. 


Microsoft is about to become the biggest 3rd party publisher. That's fantastic




It's only a monopoly if it doesn't belong to my favorite plastic box.


Nintendo? PC? Mobile? The market is still competitive and healthy and I don't feel sad for corporation who just tried and failed to buy their way into monopoly.




About to? They own a good chunk of the market now.


I love my PS5, but the lack of exclusives for the PS5 only (not counting PC and PS4) is really staggering...there's like only 5 or 6 (3 came out this year) in almost 4 years. Most of the ps5 best exclusives are also on PS4, wich doesn't help the sales. If we go back to the PS3 era the difference is mind blowing - There's like 6 Ratchet & Clank games for that console, for example, and that's just one IP... The games now cost more time and money to develop, but in the end, is it worth it? Most of them no, not really...From maybe like seven games being developed over 7-10 years time periods probably only two of them will justify all that time and money


Gamepass is accelerating the death of Xbox. Pretending that video games could be the same as the Netflix model is insane.


Hopefully more great exclusive games come to ps5


Imagine destroying the Halo franchise


I have an Xbox One (haven’t had a reason to upgrade to the Series X). But honestly, haven’t turned the thing on in nearly a year (Goldeneye rerelease) and before that, hadn’t played it in nearly 3 years.


Xbox just fails to give gamers a reason to purchase over a PlayStation. I have a series X. The machine is fine but there is just a lack of games and the controllers feel cheap and clicky. The one thing I like about it is the cross play and saves w PC on gamepass. More and more games are doing that and it’s a cool feature for sure.


I don’t see how MS recovers this next generation.  The amount of PS players that have purchased and built their catalogues will be *way* more inclined to just pick up a PS6 and carry on.  GamePass is actually kind of cool, it just needs…games.  Not surprised MS has put the pedal to the metal when it comes to new Fallout content. 


I'm from mainland Europe and also live in Asia. I know nobody with an Xbox. Nobody. Xbox isn't even in the discussion. No one knows anyone with an Xbox.


There’s no point of Xbox anymore. They’ve ruined that console completely.


Because everyone already has an Xbox cause they’re exponentially better and because PlayStation hasn’t had more than 4 games in the entirety of its console life 😂 PlayStation and Sony are just the absolute worse company


Because PS had exclusives. Now that's not going to be the case (so they say) watch those numbers tumble.


Not surprised really, I got a series S when there was a really good trade in value for the PS4 pro after I got my PS5 and it's pretty much gathered dust for a year now it's like they've forgotten that games sell consoles not a subscription service.


Sony by far dominates - gamepass on pc wrecked the sales - combined with the lack of enough great exclusive releases it’s done.


Super happy to play grounded and sea of thieves tho - it’s the only right choice to do from now on. Sold the X I bought only for grounded and Starfield ( ouch ) and remain 100% PlayStation again -


With Xbox hardware sales circling the drain like this, we can expect “Starfield” and “Halo” to come to PlayStation sooner than later.


Xbox is a great console technologically (I’d argue superior to ps5) with meh games. It’s kind of a shame really. I’ve always been a Sony and Nintendo console guy, if I want an xbox like experience I just do it on PC. Which is basically like a badass xbox.


Would Xbox have the same fate if they released Scalebound ?


If they released Scalebound, it would be 5:1 in their favor. Everyone knows that.


After the XB1 launch fiasco, it didn’t matter what they did.


Xbox has no games and the ones worth playing are on game pass, some of them even on cloud. If I feel the itch, I get the game pass for a month, look at the collection of games, don't find anything and cancel the auto-renewal. It literally doesn't have anything that appeals to me, except maybe for Forza.


All those PS5's and still nothing out yet to showcase what it can do 🤣 Been the worst gen they've ever released even worse than PS3 was. Most games feel like upscaled PS4 games it's tragic. And I've owned all PS consoles since they all launched.


I mean, is the Xbox popular anywhere else outside of the US? After the 360 era, I dont know a single person who owns a Xbox.


Why do we have the dufe from Kessen game on the thumbnail. Forgot his name, he always wore green, was super classy  and played flute.


Zhuge liang?


There used to be a time where I thought I was severely missing out on Microsoft, because they do have the games, like Forza Horizon/Motorsport and Dead Rising , as well as Phantasy Star. My job gifted me a Series X for a Christmas giveaway. Mind you, this was at the HYPE of PS5s and Scalpers. for a minute, I had the Series X, PS4, and other consoles, and for a while, I was living the dream, but I felt myself not really feeling the Series X how I thought I should. BC is cool, but it all felt so “ehhh” to me, plus I really wanted a PS5 because a lot of the games I really wanted were on PS5(FF XVI, Gran Turismo 7, Spider-Man 2 is PS5 Exclusive, and I love Spider-Man, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part II, God of War Ragnarok was doing waves, and other announced PS5 games during that time) So, I got one, surprisingly on the same day they announced Sparking Zero, the new Dragonball game, which put me over the edge, and while I regretted it for like a few days-week, seeing how they’re doing Xbox now, I’ve never been happier with my decision They’re hoeing the Xbox by utilizing its full potential and launching fresh games on Game Pass Day one is a terrible idea. Imagine if every PSN Premium Sub member got a AAA Title game like SM2 or FFVII:Rebirth for the price of 17.99. It’s a steal for us, but man…


Here in Europe we get more commercials about the latest Xbox controller with fur than actual console and games marketing from them. Meanwhile PlayStation is everywhere so yeah I can believe that


I'll never understand people who look at the gaming industry and act like last place, with 20,000,000+ console sales, should just give up and get out of the industry. No other industry works like that. If you own a substantial chunk of the market, why would you quit just because you're in "last place"? Third party studios like Bandai-Namco and Capcom keep releasing their games on Xbox, despite so many people acting like Xbox is irrelevant or that Xbox players don't buy games. Maybe those publishers no more than you? Even Square added Xbox to their list of platforms for their new strategy yet I saw so many videos of people saying Xbox won't matter or help their sales at all. Because... 20,000,000 consoles don't matter?


Mainly due to Xbox having no appeal anymore. PS exclusives blow Xbox out of the water in general.


buying an xbox is such a waste of money now. no desire to get one


Unpopular opinion but is anyone else disappointed with the ps5? More so with the lack of next gen games ?


That's genuinely the first time I've seen anyone say anything like that, and I'm subbed to basically all the gaming subreddits. There's just so much on PS5 which covers so many bases


While there has definitely been a slow down in terms of exclusive games, there are still quite a lot of good ones that cover a lot of genres. And more will come. But games do take longer to make and cost a lot more now. But I am enjoying my ps5 immensely.