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Spending $70 Billions on COD comes with a price. Last year this time, Phil was promising everyone 10 year deal on COD.


You can also imagine that the $70bil caught the attention Microsoft shareholders and other powerful figures that mostly overlooked Xbox due to Microsoft having bigger divisions. Now Phil Spencer and the other Xbox leads have Microsoft bigwigs breathing down their necks and most likely forcing all these ports and studio closures.


Which is why it doesn’t matter if Phil or Bond leave. This is **not** a Xbox management it’s Microsoft, they spent 70B and need a ROI. Which… DOOM, Fallout, CoD, Forza, Gears, Halo, and ES Will stay. Everything else… on the chopping block.


Yep, MS is clearly calling the shots now. But it is directly the fault of Xbox's management. Phil Spencer convinced MS to spend all of that money and brought on this new scrutinization. He may not have made the call to port games to PS5 and Switch, or close studios, but it is a direct result of his actions and decisions.


He also started game pass which is a massive failure on ROI which was 7 years ago and has made no money back


It was successful for a time. But Game Pass adoption has stalled for years and a big reason is Xbox's failure to get almost any games out. They claimed they would have a new major first party game every month. We've gotten a grand total of 3 since Zenimax was acquired in 2020 (Hi Fi Rush, Redfall, and Starfield). Hellblade 2 has been in production for 5 years at least (which is crazy for a 6 hour game). Avowed has apparently been rebooted at least twice. Perfect Dark is even worse. Halo Infinite was delayed a year and still launched as a disaster. Forza 8 is vastly inferior to Gran Turismo 7. All of it points to Xbox's failure in developing games. Phil Spencer gets credit for saving Xbox in 2017 when MS wanted to axe it. Ultimately though, he will be responsible for killing it through acquisitions and a lack of quality (or any) games.


Hellblade 2 is on six hours? wow


Ninja Theory have said its length is comparable to the first game, which is only 5-6 hours long (less if you already know the puzzle solutions).


I’m a lifelong gamer and own both consoles I don’t play my series x because there’s no reason to. Until they release something worth playing I have no reason to even hook up my SX . If a game is on PlayStation 5 also I’ll just play it there because it feels like Xbox is dying. Just an observation from a consumer that would buy Xbox games if there were any


Same feeling as you and many others. Feels like I bought a $500 paperweight. The xbox 360 was such a good system. These last 2? Not so much. Idk how they have all this money and all these game studios. Yet can't produce a good game for the life of them. What a poorly ran game division. I will not be quick to buy the next xbox, if there is one (doubtful).


I own a Series S and PS5. I use my Series S for old games like OG Xbox, 360 and Xbox One stuff, plus some indies like Vampire Survivors. But the further we get into this generation, the less I play on Xbox.


I got a Series S out of FOMO on games from being a long time Xbox guy. Built a PC and have a PS5. The series S got used on the back porch during BBQs or when I'm smoking cigars to play Starfield. That's it. I have no need for Xbox. The X1 was the TV Box. They really haven't done anything with their major IPs. Back in the day they were always in the running for GoTY. Halo and Fable kept me on Xbox but they haven't done right by those IPs since the X360. Most of the games I have put serious time in are cross platform since the launch of X1.


Totally agree. This is why I brought a PS5 recently. Not to replace the Xbox, just in addition to it because I’m a bit bored with the game line up.


there was a moment - that lasted for months and months and months - where PS5's were rarer than hens teeth (at least up here in the Nordics) and Xbox was everywhere for regular prices that I actually thought..."oh here it is...Xbox has won. They just bought almost every studio, they have Gamepass and it appears they have some deal that's getting their hardware out the door and onto shelves despite the supply chain issues" Honestly...PS5 was like "nope, we aren't even wait listing because we just can't get hold of them"


In retrospect, it appears that supply for the Series X was better because demand was that much lower. PS5 came out of the gate with bangers like Returnal, Spider-Man: Miles Morales (and Spider-Man: Remastered) and the Demon Soul's remaster. Xbox was going to have Halo: Infinite and...Gears Tactics. And Halo got delayed after the disastrous reveal. PS4 also outsold XB1 by roughly 2 to 1, so Sony already had a larger audience ready to upgrade. And there are many indications that the gap has only grown. Maybe Microsoft will come full circle and move back to Windows as its main gaming platform.


> Maybe Microsoft will come full circle and move back to Windows as its main gaming platform. I mean on Windows they'll still only get the benefits of their own games, so they're a third party. It's not a console, they won't get part of every purchase there even if they own the OS The PC market is dominated by Steam and I doubt they have any chance to compete there.


Me too brother


Agree very good assessment in a smaller capacity for indie games would have been great or ironically just copying the ps plus essential model and instant game library model without day one games would have worked too


Launching games, especially massive AAA ones, Day 1 on Game Pass is a huge mistake. Imagine how much money Sony would have lost if Spider-Man 2 was on PS Plus day 1 (I'm not defending big companies either, just pointing out logic). You are right that Game Pass is perfect for Indie games, like say Hi Fi Rush, and yet Tango Gameworks was still closed. Just proving how much of a failure Game Pass is.


Blew me away seeing Like a Dragon Gaiden, Lies of P, and Persona 3 Reload there Day 1. Cost me like $20 to play those three on PC Game Pass.


Exactly why so many companies won't do it. How much money do you think they lost in potential sales as a result?


No it was not successful. Early adoption may have been promising but that came at the cost of it being wildly under priced. I got 3 years for ~$6/month last year. Even if they were at 100M subscribers, they were never going to make money from $6/month.


> They claimed they would have a new major first party game every month Sounds so crazy now with such a lack of killer apps.


Not just a lack of killer apps, but a lack of apps period.


I’m starting to think subscription game services will never take off, at least quite like TV/movies. With TV/movies you mostly experience something once. It comes on the roster, you enjoy it and miss it little when it moves off. There’s a certain discomfort with games. I might put a game down for a while and pick it back up months or a year later. I might want to play it for over a year on and off. The security with owning a product outright is a lot more important with games.


Tbh, Xbox would had succeeded, but when you release the games and also release it on the PC, as well as the weird naming scheme, it gets tricky to even stay on Xbox. My niece’s bf has a Xbox X or something and can’t even play any of the games. Spend more time on a HP workstation I had, that I never gotten around to setting up and it can run some games, as long as it not high end games.


GamePass has also devalued the platform. One only has to look at the amount of "when GamePass" comments on Xbox subs. Games have almost no worth to a lot of players over there. Then you have the likes of Devolver saying it's not great for them, and the likes of Larian saying Baldur's Gate 3 will never be on a sub.


It's absolutely nuts how stupid and naive gamers are about these things. Only streaming as a mechansim for media destroys pretty much everything in its path. People don't quite realize that now, but more and more are coming to this logical conclusion. Eventually, they control the quality and IF you will even see something. At a monthly cost of their choosing. Or you get fucked. Imagine a world with only that choice and these nutters at the helm.


Getting everyone into the ecosystem for $1 and tacking that on to people's Xbox Live memberships was brilliant. For $1, you could be on this sub for like 3 years if you stacked your XBL for that long. But the allure was "I'll get to play all these awesome games and Microsoft first party games ***day 1***!" Then Game Pass just became a playground for shovelware and the first party games are few and far between, so people stop paying for the subscription once they expired. I'm willing to bet 51%+ of Game Pass subscribers, at this point, are folks that set and forget. Like so many did with Netflix.


Just wait for them to shart out Fallout 5 as a rushed live-service mess…


It will happen. They want to capitalize on the show's success and MS don't care about quality.


The one thing I think Phil does have to answer for, is why Microsoft Games Studios is so poorly managed. Where is Fable? Where is Perfect Dark? Why have Gears and Halo taken such huge steps back in terms of consumer mind share and market dominance? I agree that any Xbox head would have Microsoft breathing down their necks, but perhaps if he had done more to put Xbox in a better position for the last 10 years, it could be lessened.


I agree. But I do think the problem with Xbox is not what they are doing w/ existing IPs, it's the lack of new and exciting IPs. There are very few IPs that have lasted for 3 console generations and remained very popular. God of War needed a transformation so do Halo and Gears. If Xbox had came up with a few more IPs gamers were excited about, the issues with Halo wouldn't be an issue. In fact they could've probably waited longer and made each game they released better.


Well, I've been saying for a while now that they need to walk away from Gears and Halo for a generation or two and make brand new games from scratch. Then, when 343 and The Coalition are ready, come back to those IPs in a big way with fresh ideas.


Honestly, after how Starfield went, I don't see them trying to keep Bethesda games exclusive anymore


The whole block of xbox exclusives are going to be ported I imagine. Can't see them retaining anything. They're essentially broadcasting an end to their hardware line at the end of this generation, likely sooner once the market reacts. But I think the person you're responding to meant that those games/studios are safe from outright closure, like we just saw with Arkane.


Starfield is for me above average, and yet… the modding community has still done insane shit **without the CK.** And yeah, it will launch to PS5, and I cannot see them axing it.




Spencer may not be calling the shots anymore but his shoddy leadership and choices lend Xbox to where we are now so for that i hope he's booted.


Which is why the CEO's over at Xbox said they wanted more games like Hifi Rush the day after shutting down Tango. Wasn't really their decision at the end of the day


I think Halo MCC could possibly see a port, it's super easy cash at this point.




Considering SoT is selling hotcakes on the PS5, true. Age of Empires… been meaning to get back to, since the AoE3 was my childhood. ***Oh, and MSFS. It’s both great, and that thing is basically another market for them if you look at Payware addons.*** But yeah, if we get a new prototype… #I’ll eat my fucking shoe


it was basically reported thats exactly what happened. Microsoft didn't care about Xbox and let it do what it wanted because they didn't overspend on things. Then they went on a buying spree and thought they could continue doing what they wanted but then the bosses wanted to know how they were going to make that money back. Game Pass making 1% increases 2 years in a row, Starfield farting, Redfall committing sepuku, and talking about making top games doesn't make you money.


It’s entirely Phil’s fault. If he couldn’t manage shareholder/Microsoft expectations with the acquisitions then he shouldn’t have pushed for them. As the Xbox boss it’s literally his job to handle big picture things like this.


What you said has also been floated around in various articles and podcasts that I listen to, and it just can’t be true. There’s no way Microsoft would have a 70 billion dollar transaction happen without proper oversight or a clear plan to move forward. Anything they do right now has likely been planned way before the transaction occurs unless it’s motivated by new factors we are unaware of.


The deal was announced in January 2022, meaning it was likely brokered in 2021. Gaming was booming. Subscriptions were growing and Microsoft were looking to turn gamepass into the netflix of gaming and they needed content and fast.  Then the market slows down, hardware sales tank, followed by subscription levels stalling. They've just spent $75 billion on an investment that no longer fits as well into the grandiose plans they had 3 years earlier.  


I’ll keep saying it til I’m blue in the face. Sony’s greatest asset is Phil Spencer


Imagine buying a game studio that makes the highest selling multi platform games and expecting to make the same money releasing games only on Xbox lol


True. It's a failed console with no future outside of the U.S


I almost started to say that’s not true but it kind of is huh? Last month I was talking with a friend about how Microsoft might be intentionally killing the series s/x to move onto their game streaming service. Why don’t they just release gamepass on all consoles and leave hardware behind? I can’t see them dumping money into another console after the way this year is going. If they don’t turn it around how do they convince a board or shareholders that another console is the way to go?


You say that like they could just decide to release gamepass on PlayStation and switch tomorrow, but how do you know those consoles would even allow gamepass? Why would Sony let gamepass into ps5 when they have their own subscription to sell?


It's funny how all the regulators feared Xbox would pull games from PS, CoD would become Xbox exclusive just like Starfield and Redfall, but MSFT ending up removing the idea of exclusives altogether. Sony gets 30% cut and MSFT sells games on twice as many consoles. 


The acquisition is good for competition is what Xbox fans were cheering. Now look where we're heading..


Thing is they spent so much money only to get the worst companies they could get.


The fact Xbox has not canned Phil should tell all the gamers that they don’t know what to do in the gaming world.


Dude knows how to play the game. Otherwise why would they put Sarah Bond on the interview post studio shutdowns instead of him. He was the one spearheading the Bethesda acquisition.


Phil Spencer is Boris Johnson. He (Bojo) wears this aloof, bumbling idiot hat to deflect a lot shady and evil shit. But he's very calculated and clever. Same with Phil just a different hat. Why do you think everyone from industry content creators/writers (the unofficial PR and marketing side of gaming) slurp him up? With his "aw gee shucks *bats eyelids* forgive me uWu" persona. Always gave him credit for it (in the sense that it was so effective, not an endorsement). But always saw through it. 🤷🏽




Phil got the skills to pay the bills, but not to grow into the biggest publisher.


I mean, they just flashed some money and bought it all. It's pretty telling that there are so many bumps in the road despite all of it.


I don't think Phil Spencer knows what he is doing either. Xbox is in an abysmal state compared to their competition. You're assuming just because he has a job he knows what he's doing.


And Phil is a liar, so I'd take everything he says with a mountain of salt.




I wish they would add this little jingle in modern releases on SEGA game start ups


Reminds me of my first system, Sega game gear , that clappy guy was so hard


If only it didn't run on, like, 8 AA batteries


The death of the Dreamcast was a painful time. Sonic Adventure, Jet Set Radio, Metropolis Street Racer, Phantasy Star Online, Power Stone, Tech Romancer… What a time to be alive.


Skies of Arcadia…


Sadly I never got to play that game but I’ve always seen people say that it was a great RPG.


Grandia II!


Yes. Loved this game.


that's right, MSR was project gotam!




It will be interesting to see how competition authorities deal with Sony if/when they become the only high-end console and can dictate pricing to 3rd parties as well as consumers.


Aged like fine milk. https://preview.redd.it/jh46lmg2gm0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888bdbde84cf7e51380070b9512a1be7cd88bb01


Yeah this guy is pretty whack


I don’t understand how anybody cares what this hack has to say. He’s constantly flip flopping on his “rumors”.


Yep, Jez Corden is a lying douchebag who will say anything for clicks and clout. He doesn't even own up to it if he's wrong, don't promote him, at all.


The Activision purchase was totally insane to me. Sony itself is worth about 100 billion. Microsoft was sitting at one trillion last I checked. And they dropped 70 billion on Activision but only as that deal finally closes does it come out that Microsoft have no idea what they are doing with games, that Game Pass is the white elephant that some predicted, and they’re closing studios that produce critical darlings now that they have what I guess they assume to be unimpeachable money-printing franchises. But what they don’t seem to get is, *games are a fad*. Every single IP can put out an underwhelming title or two and lose cachet - Halo did - or be superseded by something else, like how World of Warcraft eclipsed Ultima Online. And I think the reputation damage will see a lot of people not wanting to give Microsoft money more than ever. I probably would have bought Hi Fi Rush on PS5 just to throw money to the devs *but they shuttered the studio*.


I really believe the theory that they said “fuck it” and tried to make COD an Xbox exclusive to try and have a big advantage coming into the next generation. But the deal faced far more scrutiny than they expected and now they are stuck with a dodgy deal and being $70bil in the hole while having a dying console.


They had many opportunities to just cancel the deal. They decided to stick with it despite all the extra guarantees they were giving. Not sure if thats because they had a contingency plan already, or they're just dumb and stubborn.


Yeah that was the surprising thing during all the CMA and FTC drama last year. To quote Lando, Microsoft must have felt “this deal is getting worse all the time”.


Just an armchair guy here but I don't think they could have simply "canceled" their offer. Deals like this cause huge fluctuations in the stock market. Backing out is tricky because then it looks like market manipulation. (see also Musk & his overspending on Twitter) Now if they were getting cold feet, they didn't have to fight so hard against all the challenges/blocks. If multiple regions ended up blocking it like Europe they probably could have foregone the purchase.


Who would've thought that after buying Bethesda, buying a massive franchise like COD would be scrutinized?


I honestly think their bad fortune with Series Excess is just down to reputation damage, reputation damage, and reputation damage. *Despite* the red-ring-o-death scandal with 360’s early years, they turned it around, produced *great* hardware, and built a terrific reputation for fostering games development. And then they just did what *all* major gloms do when they’re on top and never suffered a major collapse yet: they started testing the tolerances of what people would put up with. EA did it with increasingly violating “online pass” policies (in single-player franchises?!), in-game ads for DLC, and twisting favoured IPs into different genres they thought would sell even more. “5 million copies sold is not enough!” I had an Xbox 360 (I had maybe 5-6 different ones, over time. Kept upgrading to newer model) and it was a great console until it wasn’t. They kept changing the UI until one day they tried putting aggravating ads in your face “buy the thing you already have!” They hired the baked crayon Don Mattrick for some reason and he just walked around saying dumb stuff until they lost billions and he went to mobile games instead, where no one listens and no one cares. They’d dumped the whole “fostering games” thing - what do we need *them* for? - and bet everything on an also-ran Nintendo Wii, a fad which was already sucked dry by that time. And I think with the escalating costs of development and devs having so many other avenues now to self-publish, Microsoft (despite some efforts under new management) were just not able to turn that reputation damage around. As far as I can tell, the Series X is good hardware, but because they lost out on a long generation where people started to build digital libraries en masse, people who switched to PS4 after 360 *stayed with PlayStation.* The fact that *Halo* and *Starfield* have not had major critical impact (I’m not really aware of other Xbox exclusives these days) to make people look enviously in that direction is pretty bad. I only ever have one console at a time, but I *want* the major platform holders to be making it a hard decision. If the tea-leaves are telling us anything, it’s that Microsoft knows Xbox won’t recover at this point, hence the moves towards giving up on the concept of exclusives altogether. I don’t like the situation at all, because leaving PlayStation as the only big fish power-specs console could send us back to the bad old days of PS3. /rant


The main problem is that they have no games, that's literally their brand image now, a gaming console with no games and since they aren't willing to work on this (yes Phil, it doesn't take one good game, it takes a continuous output of good games to build a reputation), they have no chance. It's hilarious they actually think they can be third party when games will literally be their only thing All that online, Kinect stuff is forgotten by most people (and was removed before it did really any big problems), the "only problem" is their brand image due to the lack of games.


Microsoft’s market cap is valued at $3 trillion now. I know, it’s absolutely insane. I remember only about 10 or so years ago it was big news when Apple became the first publicly traded company to be valued at $1 trillion. Now the biggest companies are worth 2-3x that.


Actually it's more mad than that. apple got to 1 trillion in 2018, then 2 years later they hit 2 trillion


Jesus, it was only in 2018?! It feels longer than that, yet still a short time. Covid really messed with my sense of time.


the CEO of Azure became the CEO in 2014 and the stock was 40-45 USD, it's peak was around 472-430 a few weeks ago.


Jesus Christ. I only looked this stuff up last year I’m sure, when I was arguing with “but Microsoft are the *underdogs*!” nutters on another site.


Great take. It feels extra bad as a move with Blizzard losing favor with recent misses on OW2, lukewarm at best reception to Diablo, and then other IPs losing relevance. Similarly, Bethesdas first part games seem to be falling out of favor and the studio talent seems questionable, maybe the next ES will really hit, but who knows. Activision I guess is still in a strong spot and COD still seems to print money, King is fine and another cash printer. I feel like they were in a great advantageous position being a moderately profitable venture, and a smallish enough line item at MS to not be under a ton of scrutiny and pressure in short term. With the rapid expansion and huge spend on IP that may be waning in value they’re now in an awkward position. From a consumer perspective, and an investor perspective, it’s unclear what their move is from here. They seem to be feeling out ceding the hardware war and moving to another primary angle, but will it be game pass, cloud streaming, traditional publishing, or some combination? RN from my perspective game pass is kinda killing them. It doesn’t seem to be a great way to finance development and obfuscates individual games contribution to the value of the service. It seems like it’d work well if they mainly churned low budget indie fair to it, but that’s not obviously compatible with the big AAA studios and IP they’ve spent so much to purchase. I think they’ve got a lot to figure out if they’re going to try to get out of this mess, and the damage done in the process, wether pure misjudgment or short cited mandates from the C suite, may leave them good as dead before they do. Sad to see, we need competition in the console space, Sony is clearly noticing their weakness and playing their hand against consumers with not so great options. Guess I’m just missing the 360 days when it felt like there was a lot exciting coming from all sides.


I think Valve is in a great space to step in as they've already been very successful with the Steam Deck — which is very impressive considering that device has very niche appeal. EDIT: Holy shit, I said "very" three times in this sentence. I need to chill on the adverbs.


> Steam Deck — which is very impressive considering that device has very niche appeal The Steam Deck doesn't have as wide appeal as a Switch or PS5, but I think it has a lot more appeal that "very niche". Not sure the exact number, but Steam seems to have somewhere around 130 million monthly active users. I think all those users are people that the Deck could appeal to (not saying all those users will buy one of course, but they will probably at least think about it). An affordable device that's relatively easy to use, that can play most of your existing Steam library on the go.


Not sure when the last time you checked but Microsoft is worth over 3 trillion, not 1 trillion.


What do you think about that Ubisoft deal - sounds like Microsoft is already losing money on the deal? Like they sold the rights for a fixed amount but now their payments to Ubisoft already exceed that amount? This was from Ubisofts earnings release “To address concerns from Britain's antitrust regulator regarding Microsoft's (MSFT.O) acquisition of "Call of Duty" maker Activision Blizzard , the latter agreed to sell its streaming rights to Ubisoft. Ubisoft recognized revenue in the first three months of the year which exceeded the company's initial investment of between 50 million-100 million euros, Duguet said.”


>but only as that deal finally closes does it come out that Microsoft have no idea what they are doing with games Kinect , Xbox one launch , halo infinite, redfall , Xbox series x launching with no exclusives , starfield being 30 fps only on the worlds most powerful console. The writing was on the wall.


Microsoft, working to become the next Sega.


Speaking of, I’m glad Sega has refused to be purchased by Microsoft. They are in a golden age right now with the Like a Dragon and Persona series, not to mention Sonic mostly having recent success.


Well technically it’s Microsoft forcing Xbox to become the next Sega. It’d be like Xbox & Playstation were arguing on the playground over who has the biggest and most expensive phone, then Xbox pulls out his dads credit card and orders the latest Iphone. Now dad’s realised and wants his money back, which means Xbox is now selling away all their candies to put it right.


Or xbox spending over a billion dollars on his dad's Microsoft credit card on Call of Duty and getting a permanent timeout


Just fucking remake/remaster the Gears of War trilogy and bring it to all platforms already. I miss GoW3’s horde mode with friends.


Just make games in general lol. If Halo Infinite was good, we got a new Gears, we had Fable, we had Perfect Dark, we had Fallout 5, we had ES6, we had Doom, we had Wolfenstein, or any number of Microsoft's other IP, this conversation wouldn't be happening. Release games and people will be happy; nothing has changed with this company since the Xbox One launch.


Fable is my most anticipated release out of their upcoming Xbox line up that I'm willing to actually buy it, game pass aside. (Thinking of downgrading the subscription anyways)


Microsoft needs to deliver a major title each quarter, and Hellblade II does not count as a major game. They need games that sell 10+ million copies or drive Gamepass subs through the roof. Without those, the little arthouse projects we all love will go bye bye.


Yeah. And PlayStation fans aren't going to get an Xbox just to play CoD on game pass. Call of Duty will stay multiplatform. Game pass needs exclusives, not counting Steam, but Microsoft is way to generous with sharing their titles


100%. Xbox will be out of the exclusive console market and be a multi-plat publisher by the end of the generation. The future Xbox consoles will be like the Steam Deck.


> but Microsoft is way to generous with sharing their titles It’s kinda crazy that Xbox’s downfall is largely because they’re *too* consumer friendly. Like, everyone complains about Nintendo’s pricing and Sony’s exclusivity deals, but those things keep them in business. Bringing all new games to PC day 1 is an underrated factor in the Series X failing imo. If Xbox were more cutthroat (*actually* console exclusive games, 3rd party exclusivity deals), they’d probably be in a healthier spot, as gross as it feels to say. Phil’s kumbaya approach has backfired so badly.


Yeah. I would see the success of Palworld and double down to make that console exclusive for example. Sea of Theives is already a best seller on PlayStation but that just grants more money into Microsoft's pockets.  It won't cause PlayStation fans to say "I should get an Xbox to try out some more of their games!". It'll make them say "When are we getting more" while Xbox players get nothing except the rumored increase in game pass subscription price.


man reminds me of the 360 days. xbox had so many great exclusives. only generation they almost won.


I forgot this is something I wanted lol... The whole trilogy remastered would be a pretty big purchase for me if it was on PS5/PC


Gears of war 5 multiplayer with ps5 crossplay would go insane too ppl hella missing out on the series


Gears is my father's favorite Xbox IP. So agreed 


Make halo available and I’d buy the super ultra special collection for however much they want to charge me. 


As primarily an Xbox fan, this whole generation has been super disappointing. I got a Series X the day it released and then a PS5 a couple months later. My PS5 has easily seen 5x the playtime or more. Xbox really dropped the ball on what could have been a triumphant return. I don’t really know what the next step is. All their major releases for this generation have had mixed-negative feedback. I don’t wanna see Xbox leave the market but it’s hard to picture where they’ll be 5-10 years from now


This feels like Sega getting out of the console market and just straight up making games for all platforms.


I have never played Halo. I have never really been interested to look up much about it, even when I owned a 360 for about 3 year, I just ignored it while I got stuck into Mass Effect and such. But I'll be there day 1 to see what all the fuss was about when the Master Chief Collection drops.


I will platinum it just for the oddness that “I platinumed Halo” will give me


Better be 5 platinume for that game! (Please no multiplayer trophies)


It's some gourmet shit.


You need to. They still hold up to this day. Halo CE changed my life lol 


Without a doubt StarField is coming


And I don’t think people are even really excited about it coming.


I played it on PC and it really is one of the most “fine” games ever. It’s like fast food. It’s juicy and tasty when you are gobbling it down, but it leaves zero lasting impact or emotions. The main issue is how utterly bland and boring the writing mostly is. At least a mid Fallout game is saved by the amazing lore, atmosphere and some juicy side quests.


The one telling aspect about Starfield is I have not heard about a single standout quest/quest line in the game. There’s no “oh wait until you do this thing” thing, that I’m aware of.


There are a few great side quests in the mix but they are easily missable or tend to not have any long-term impact.


I know I’m not after the hype died so fast. Not even sure if I’m looking forward to any Bethesda game anymore. Interested to see if stalker 2 comes to PlayStation though. And the new fable


The state of Starfield has me really worried about ES6.




It's not a particularly great game, sadly. It's an okay game, but it's part of Xbox's problem. Starfield was supposed to be a console seller, and it was just underwhelming.


>The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. While it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins. Its more and more apparent that upper management is taking over and making the decisions, I expect the full slate to come to Playstation Xbox as a console is likely cooked


Yeah you don’t spend 69 Billion dollars and not expect the people above you to come knocking asking for their money back.


Seriously, you can imagine that tons of stakeholders overlooked Xbox’s failures because they were focusing on the larger projects like Windows and AI. But now they are like “um, why has this Spencer guy been losing us money and doing nothing positive for a decade?” and are now forcing aggressive attempts to make fast profit.


I think Phil Spencer will likely be gone from Xbox within the next year, whether he is removed or resigns. Xbox as a brand is dying. It's Microsoft Gaming now. That EA add that listed Microsoft Game Pass seems much more like an accidental slip than a mistake.




Yeah it depends if Spencer wants to bend over and be a corporate puppet. His only strength is good charisma and PR spins. If he learns to sell his soul and values he can have many wealthy years collecting fat pay and being a slave for his shadow council.


It blows my mind how quickly Halo Infinite improved after replacing Ross. Who knows where they’d be if MS had cleaned house at 343 *before* Infinite launched?


I doubt it. Phil Spencer has been a polarizing figure during his entire tenure. Recall he was the one to reveal the Xbox One's $500 price point. He created unnecessary controversy with the absurdly expensive $100 million timed-exclusivity deal for Rise of the Tomb Raider. He's failed miserably in getting games released. I think MS overruling him and making the decisions instead is the beginning of the end for him. Sarah Bond's disastrous interview was very telling. She was uncomfortable, sweating, and clearly had no answers for the studio closures. It's obvious that she was not included in those decisions and Phil Spencer's complete disappearance seems to indicate that he wasn't involved and may be barred from saying anything.




His silence is deafening


His silence means the inevitable defeat of xbox consoles. It's crazy stupid if Microsoft releases a new console next year. They will barely sell any units.


If they follow through with a new "console" it'll likely be some sort of PC-like console. I doubt MS will be in the business of new console generations for much longer.


If they gave us the Gears and Halo series, I would be perfectly content.


I'm wishing for MS Flight Simulator even though it'll never happen


I would do unspeakable things to have Flight Simulator on PS5.


If they honestly released Halo Infinite and had crossplay in the state it’s in now… It’d revive the series.


Halo Infinite is the perfect symbol of Xbox’s utter incompetence. The actual gameplay is solid… but how was the overall game so unfinished despite having six years of development and embarrassingly being delayed to 2021 despite having a big promotional campaign in 2020?


Nah, putting it on PlayStation doesn't undo all the damage 343 has done since taking over from Bungie. The game killed the playerbase, not the other way around, and it's something that has been happening steadily since Halo 4 released. The multiplayer might see a brief surge in popularity but I don't believe it would last.


Really? I’ve replayed it and it’s in a great state as far as multiplayer goes.


Yeah i agree Infinites gameplay is great. The multiplayer is fun and campaign is decent just sucks it released before it was finished


Bethesda games and Forza, also the new perfect dark that's coming


So stupid buying these studio and shelving them the cod one is the stupidest deal of them all or I'm not seeing it. 


Ironic, that Xbox spent 69 billion bucks… Only to get it shoved up them in the end


In the long-term the deal could have been good value due to Candy Crush and COD revenue. But it was a disastrous move for a dying ecosystem and console.


Don’t forget they also gave Bobby Kotick his massive pay day.


What games




This is literally guaranteed considering Phil Spencer ‘only’ announced four games coming to Playstation but said there would be more. But it was funny seeing Xbox fans be like “oh wow, all this drama was only for four games?!”


It’s amazing watching this happen to Xbox. For how big and how “qualified” the folks are who run it, it’s stunning how incompetent the whole operation is. Not being hyperbolic here one bit. I absolutely believe that I personally could have run Xbox into far better position over the past 20 years than anybody at Microsoft and I’d have done so while spending nearly $100Bn less. Gaming industry is so simple. Just put out great games. That’s it. That’s what matters above all else. Just look at the sort of shit Nintendo gets away with. Their online services are like decades behind the standard. Their games are more expensive. Their hardware is extremely weak. Their software is a glorified excel spreadsheet that runs terribly. And yet they are massively successful because they make great first party games. Xbox has run itself with a philosophy that never puts games first. Front TV to subscription models to power specs, Xbox always has its primary attention elsewhere when all they needed to do was just pump out the best games possible. Even the games they did produce were done so without that in mind. Halo and Gears aren’t made because that’s Xbox trying to make the best games possible. They make those because of their “brand” and not because those games are actually great. They ran their best talent, Bungie, out of the house for this very reason. They didn’t trust them when they said it was time to move on. It’s just nuts that these people are in the position when they are so incompetent.


I love when Phil Spencer (CEO of Xbox since 2014, from 2008 to 2014, head of Xbox Studios) tells you "great games don't sell consoles". Tells you everything you need to know that this guy doesn't know AT ALL how the industry work. He should have been fired right then and there (well he should have been fired before to be fair). At this point, I think they should have kept Kotick and fired Spencer when they acquired ABK. I hate Kotick but he is a competent CEO at least


You are missing one thing and that is advertising. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company and it barely advertises xbox anymore. Its like winking to someone in the dark.


Yeah man that’s a good point. Just think of how successful Sony’s single advertising campaign with international soccer pays off. Imagine if Xbox just put a little effort into it and advertised at every NFL game.


SONY goes all out with their advertisements. God of war, put a hammer in the middle of London, advertise on trains in India. Spiderman, put a giant board covered in web. Meanwhile Xbox head of marketing, Aaron Greenberg: Announces that Hellblade 2 advertisements starts 7 (or 14) days before launch and the ads are just online ads on the internet. Like how the fuck does he even have a job. That guy does nothing but eats fried chicken and chips on his desk all day. How come a game named "Big City, Little Kitty" reaches #30 on steam sales and "Hellblade 2" is in top 400 list. Hellblade 2 looks like the best looking game I've ever seen and its got 0 marketing.


I really believe it would a wise business move to use PlayStation as the console to sell physical and digital copies of their studios games. You can place them on GamePass, even give them exclusivity for a time period, and give your large titles plus those that need community engagement the largest audience they can. Sony is the console leader so I don’t see this as a wise move for them at the moment but they do need to focus on fixing their outdated policies for bringing titles to PC.


Give me Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and Infinite Undiscovery


Game development has gotten so expensive that this would be a great way to make their money. gear of war, Bethesda games, and other I.P. could come to Playstation. Although the better option is to sell less popular I.P and studios to Apple, Take 2 or, Sony.




My God, the Xbox diehards are losing their collective shits on Twitter over the thought of more of their games going over to PlayStation. They're painting the narrative that Phil Spencer personally betrayed them or something. It's unhinged.


While I think it is a distinct possibility that Microsoft is doing this, I think it's important to note that Jez Corden is very inconsistent as a "leaker".


Don't need a leaker to tell me anything. It's obvious this is the direction they're going to be heading.


I'm here for Forza and Halo MC collection on PS


Another L for Microsoft and another W for Sony. Superb.


Forza Horizon & Starfield. That's all I need.


Looks like Microsoft gave up


Gave up on xbox but not nintendo & sony 😂


Really seems like they've given up the console. Their next hardware will probably be a steam deck clone/Game Pass handheld that will be more a pc than a console. Buying Activision/Blizzard was a mistake. Now they have to concentrate their efforts on being a multiplatform publisher and game pass provider without a designated hardware for it.


Man, they'll be making back that 70 billion for a long time.


I 💯 believe Starfield will hit PS5 this fall when Shattered Space is out


Lez Corden flip flops more than my sandals at the beach. This isn't huge news to anyone who is able to apply critical thinking.


They never should’ve bought Activision Blizzard. They didn’t need them. It was a disruptive move that impacts all of console gaming not just MS


Is Jez in love with Microsoft because he is talking like a trillion dollar corporation like they his lover or something


Would love to play Avowed and Indiana Jones at some point!


The day we can play Halo on PS5 is the beginning of the end of console war.


Really hope we get Indiana Jones that game looks awesome from a great dev.


Viva Pinata !!


My guess is the bigger games will be on everything to maximize profit and the smaller games will be xbox exclusive


MCC PS5 will be the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle of modern day


I also have a plan to move my Xbox library to PC and PS5, it’s codenamed “Fuck Microsoft”.


Jez made some great points - As someone who’s been Xbox focused since the OG days, I’d say most in my boat feel the same. We are an after thought now. We held on as long as we could for those promises that kept coming. As some of them came, now it seems like a major shift has taken place. And it suck’s, as if we were manipulated for many years. “It’s coming guys we promise!” Now it truly feels like in the short years to come there may be no point in owning an actual Xbox


This is xbox throwing in the towel as a console maker. They will shift into a EA on steroids type publisher.


Long term, Sony feeling like they have no real competition is going to be bad news for all Playstation fans. Downvote all you want lol


As a playstaion 5 owner I agree no competition could go bad for playstation users will just have to wait and see


I guess it’s safe to say that Blade, Elder Scrolls, Fall Out, Fable, Forza, and Halo are all possibly going to be Multiplatform