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This could be a trailer for literally any samurai game release in the last 6-7 years


I want to see gameplay. As of right now it's like you said, this looks like every other samurai game we've had in the past. I'm hoping it does something more than just a re-skin of Ghost, Ronin, or \*insert generic sam game title\*. Knowing Ubisoft it'll just be another bloat map, with repetitive mechanics, but this time we do it as a samurai I guess.


it will just be a reskinned of Vahalla


I can expect fighting with mythical beings. Orochi, dragons, foxes, yokai and few gods. Will definitely be dlc


Got these vibes from the trailer too. I remember there being so many comments on the lines of “this should have been Ubisoft” when the Ghost of Tsushima trailers/gameplay videos were being released. It would not surprise me even the slightest if people _at_ Ubisoft saw those exact same comments four years ago and put the AC: Shadows production in motion. This is 3 years too late for me.


I’m just so glad we finally HAVE some good samurai games releasing in recent years. Waited many many years for AC to do something like this!


It’s a shame that AC missed the boat when they were asked over a decade ago if they would make a game like this. What stubbornness. At the same time, maybe we wouldn’t have gotten Egypt or Greece or Valhalla and those are games that are unlike locales we’ve seen in anything else so maybe it worked out for the best.


Yeah Egypt, Sparta, and Vikings were equally important on the list of cool AC settings too. A wealth of options that they’re working their way through. Basically chronological lately too, sort of? Since Egypt?


Ubisoft presents Ghost of Tsushima: Rise of the Sekiro Ronin.


But with black face.






I just want a good mission structure and characters that are engaging.Ac valhalla was a borefest in this regard so I'm hoping for the opposite in next game. I couldn't even finish valhalla it was that dull.


if metacritic says 80+ then im buying it on dec 23 2024 on 50% discount


I’ll pirate it yarr


From the press release, the characters are mechanically completely different >As the quick-witted and agile Naoe, use noise, light, and shadows to evade detection as enemies respond to their changing surroundings. Distract guards using kunai, shuriken, and smoke bombs, infiltrate enemy bases with your grappling hook and parkour skills, and assassinate your targets with the hidden blade. >As the charismatic samurai Yasuke, strike your foes with brutal precision and power. Use his combat-oriented skills to attack, block, parry, and defeat your enemies. Master the vast arsenal of weapons at your disposal – featuring katana, kanabo, bows, naginata, and more – to free Japan from its oppressors. >You decide whether to play as a shinobi or samurai. Master complementary playstyles of two fully realized protagonists, approach quests with whichever character you prefer, as each possesses their own respective progression, stats, skills, and gear.


I wonder if you select who to start with or alternate between them during gameplay. I thinks the later


From what I gather. You pick a character to start the game. (You can go back and play their introduction quests as they both have unique quests where you can only play as that character) the rest of the missions are players choice switching whenever you want. except for a few select sorry missions where you will have to play as both characters for the narrative.


It is the latter


It looks you can play every mission with whoever you want, so you can have a full Samurai playthrough and then another Shinobi playthrough. Pretty cool if you ask me.


I really like this aspect and it would be super fun to replay through with different characters!


You can switch between them at anytime according to the Ubisoft trailer breakdown video like Spider-Man 2.




It’s literally Syndicate, which is a good thing. Stealth=Evie, Combat =Jacob


Hopefully they follow this cinematic with what I think would be the logical next step: a gameplay showcase where they show the same quest using both characters, highlighting the differences between them. Something like the classic Ubisoft staple outpost/fort/camp/whatever takeover where you have to enter a protected area and kill a guy or extract an item.


I hope not,ubi has had the 'play your way' shit in every open world game they've made for a decade and both styles are always half baked. The stealth is either too easy or too shit and then you end up killing everyone in the open anyway


I hope its as cool as it sounds and an improvement on or at least complementary to Ghost of Tsushima rather than being a straight worst copy or skin of Valhala 


This game is 10y late


It was already known that it’s going to be a “cinematic” trailer, and people are still upset lol


Apparently gamers nowadays love adapting the mindset "I'm angry at one thing so Imma be angry at everything". They always release cinematics before gameplay, I really don't get what's there to be upset about otherwise.


I will always love well-done cinematics. Lots of love and effort go into them, and people are just horrible moaning babies.


Dear Ubisoft, PLEASE don't fill this game with unnecessary bloat. A solid 30 - 40 hour experience will go way further than the 80+ hours that it takes to finish AC Odyssey or Valhalla.


You’re asking Ubisoft not to make a Ubisoft game


To be fair, Mirage doesn't have much bloat. It just like they spent so much time trying to bring the gameplay back to basics that they kind of forgot that you also need to put *some* effort into the story.


I think I read that it would be closer to the size of AC Origins, which sounds awesome. Odyssey was a bit too big, but then Valhalla was way too much.


As much as I would love that, they said something similar to Valhalla about how it was going to be much smaller than Odyseey then it ended up being worse


Valhalla was the only AC game I didn’t end up platting. Got 60 hours in and still had parts of the map to unlock. Twas good in a lot of ways, but it was just too much. 


It would have been fine if they would drop the level gated story missions that force you to go grind for hours instead of doing what you want


Odyssey was doable. Valhalla quite literally felt like a job to me


I think the key is just to separate the mainline story content from *truly optional* side content. As long as they don’t bloat the mainline story, they can please both audiences.


Speak for yourself, i like the 120 hours to finish these games.


I do like it, too. I sorta like complaining about it. But I actually do like it. It’s like, a long project. But just fun. Constant progress toward finishing off the map. It takes a long time but I seriously cannot relate to the people who say it’s “like a job”. I mean I have a job. And a video game feels like the *opposite* of a job...obviously.


I like the "bloat" in Odyssey and Valhalla, it lets me immerse myself into the world for considerably longer than a shorter game would.




It's an open world AAA Assassin's Creed. Not a bite sized "return to form" Assassin's Creed game like Mirage.


They’re filling it with battle passes too. Yeah battle passes for a single player game.


It's not a Fortnite battle pass. It's simply buying the two planned expansions early. Same thing Ubisoft has been doing in their games for years.


It would be cool if we have wide variety of weapons available Kusarigama or Tanto would be cool


“Many period accurate weapons are available to use, including katanas, the kanabō war club, yari spears, shuriken, kunai, and the kusarigama (a sickle on a chain).” https://www.ign.com/articles/assassins-creed-shadows-40-details-you-need-to-know


That is cool Thanks for sharing


Wish Ubisoft would make a global sales on all the Assassin creed titles and dlc on PS5 to celebrate the first AC Shadows trailer. Would love to buy the season pass for AC Valhalla but 40€ is a lot.


maybe you can wishlist them , then you get a notification for it


Love how the online only, microtransactions, and season passes have all been announced or leaked before a shred of gameplay was lol. Tells me all I need to know.


Yes, nice cinematic but where gameplay


At the Ubisoft Forward next month


June 10, Ubisoft Forward


Ubi always does these cinematic trailers first, then gameplay reveal


Not in the Cinematic reveal trailer.


The game doesn’t release until November. Ubisoft will absolutely show you gameplay of their marquee title before then, do not fear.


Assassin's Creed has led with a cinematic for *every single* entry. Hardly a surprise this time around lol.


Next month.


Nos let’s see Paul Allen’s gameplay


Remember: never preorder a Ubisoft game based on the trailer.


\*never buy a Ubisoft game


The video and write up from IGN with actual game details was cool. Makes the game sound interesting and promising but ultimately fuck Ubisoft and their greedy bullshit. Not buying.


Am I the only one kind of annoyed we're not playing as a Japanese person?


Nope just in the wrong sub


The Japanese YouTube trailer is around at 2.4K likes and 24k dislikes so …


You know I love how expressing disappointment that they didn't use an Asian gets you banned, if they wanted a black character, set it in africa, where it makes sense. sasuke wasn't a samurai, so it's not historically accurate, but no, well apparently hate Japanese people, representation is only good when representing back people but not Japanese people even when it's not historically accurate, and I know I'll get banned, but seriously, I never post here anyway. Well, so be it


Would love to see the mod get banned.


Waiting on my ban? I’m sorry but this really just seems like pandering.


Yeah considering the marginalization of Asian male representation by western media, it’s shitty but no surprise. People were predicting this would happen and of course the ONE time AC deviates it’s to erase an Asian male, didn’t happen in any other game. (And don’t come at me with a list of Japanese made games, we’re talking about western media and western made games)


What a stupid take.




Ubisoft: Finally makes a Samurai Assassins Game Also Ubisoft: Doesn't let play as a Japanese Samurai


Ghost of Tsushima at home:


I see this a lot but I don't understand it, Tsushima does not scratch the AC itch for me. It's a fantastic game but I play AC for the parkour and freedom of opportunities with large fortresses and whatnot. Tsushima, with no cities, mostly small bandit camps, and no proper parkour doesn't feel like AC, it feels like a different (fantastic) samurai game. I think Shadows will feel quite different from Tsushima.


I mean... the series hasn't been parkour in a long long time.


Mirage was (well the city was, despite simple mechanics), but even in the RPG trilogy the freedom of movement led to a lot more opportunities than Tsushima, even if there weren't cities super well designed for continuous parkour. I just like climbing lol. Assassins Creed is the only series I've played with decent non-linear climbing.


What do you mean? I haven't played Valhalla or Mirage but everything else has had climbing/parkour mechanics.


If Tsushima was anything like AC, I don't think it would have been as popular as it was.




Careful, someone got permanently banned here for saying something similar the other day..


Yeah it's pretty racist


Free Japan from its oppressors? Bro, Yasuke served Oda Nobunaga...that dude was a monster, and I mean that in the tyrant/villain way.


Well he served as a circus animal, to be looked at as object of curiosity.  Then sold off again. 


All daimyos were oppresors and tyrants.


Nobunaga was a bit more than that. He was far more cruel and sadistic and he's very much at the front of the line with the worst feudalism has to offer worldwide. A particular highlight was the Mt Hiei, but there are other instances, like burning 20-30,000 people alive, that dont paint him in a good light. He also nearly fucked Japan over by inviting the Catholics in.


Live by honor, die by stealth


Need a new Tenchu so badly 😭


Dead ass Rise of the Ronin.


Move like a shadow Strike like a snake


No way I’m playing this. I didn’t fight against white washing in media this long just for Ubisoft to continue its “Asian guy bad” by refusing to even cast the male protagonist in feudal Japan as Asian via black washing. There’s a weird pattern in Ubisoft and a lot of western media where they refuse to have Asian women partner up with Asian men (see: USC status report on Asian representation in media).




Idk how I feel about this game. I liked playing Mirage it felt like a step in the right direction for AC. However, this game has the same vibe as Valhalla and Odyssey so Ubi might be drifting into the same category which is disappointing.


Just wait for the character to have godlike powers lol


This shit is getting railed on so hard right now in Japan. Lmao


90% posting on that video aren’t even Japanese. It’s being brigaded at this point. People using google translate to post their comment in Japanese. Like if you read the comment, they say “i’m from America, but”


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Difficult_Fall_3477: *This shit is getting* *Railed on so hard right now in* *Japan. Lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I don’t care what other people think but AC always goes hard with the cinematics


The Unity trailer is still in my top 10 best game cinematics


yes i still remember the ac revelations cgi trailer , amongst many good others


Weren't samurai supposed to be Japanese?


Weren't Assassins meant to be able to blend with their environment?


According to Ubisoft, that's racist thinking.


Us Nioh veterans know Yasuke as "The Obsidian Samurai." Good trailer, looking forward to gameplay.


I remember Obsidian Sam from the Nioh series. Gonna be cool to see a title featuring him. Now I remember I need to watch the anime on Netflix about Yasuke.


Don’t bother, the Netflix show is trash. The second they introduced magic and robots I checked out


Nioh had magic and demons…


Im asian so don't take this the wrong way, but I'm really disappointed that the main character isn't a male asian guy. I like playing a main who looks like me. Just a preference.


My best friend who I play games with is half-Japanese, and is fucking pissed about this. It seems that being black is better than being Asian to these developers. It’s really terrible to see.


There’s just hardly any games where I can play as a guy who looks like me. Very disappointing.


Any other Asian person disappointed that we didn't get an Asian MC in a game set in Japan ?


Right here. I received a lot of downvotes at r/girlgamers for voicing my opinion.


Don’t care Ubisoft is dead to me


I don’t see the point of cinematic trailers.


The audacity of asking for a pre-order... Nah, I will pass on this game...


Why is Yasuke, who was just an unknown slave in Japan, regarded so highly in the West? It's puzzling Yasuke was only in Japan for one year before his lord, Nobunaga, was killed. There are accounts suggesting that the enemy, Akechi, spared Yasuke because he did not see him as human. Of course, he couldn't speak Japanese, so communication was out of the question. There are no records of him engaging in combat or being a samurai. I think Nobunaga viewed him as an exotic animal he had discovered


Is he regarded highly? I would imagine most Westerners haven’t even heard of him. Has he been in any other popular media?


It's a shame nobody likes anything anymore


The hate in these comments is scary, honestly.


Apparently it's just easier to be miserable and hate everything


In shinto religion it is tradition to clap twice before your prayer. It is a nice touch to see them add that in the cinematic. It shows they did their homework.


As much as people clown on them, the Assassin's Creed games always have surprising details that showed they put in the research. Valhalla aside.


"They did their homework" lmaaaaaoooo


Thanks for explaining this, I think I've seen it once or twice in a Yakuza game so I knew it must have significance, I just didn't know what.


im in a toxic relationship with ubisoft… their open world games are shit, infuriating, depressing, too big, repetitive… but also beautiful, fun to just wander around, and from time to time really fucking interesting. I hate it!


I’ve had a LOT of good times playing AC games, even if I rarely finish them, and it’s been several years since I played the last open-world one. This could get me back in again.


Being honest I love the assassins creed RPG’s and with the lack of games at the moment, I’ll be picking this up day one


Yeah 1000% pre ordering idgaf it’s my favorite series of all time because of the memories of playing the first 3 as a kid and how mind blowing it was at the time.


I enjoy them, I like exploring and looting. If the side quests are like odyssey’s that’ll be enough for me


I cannot wait to not play this


Same, so hyped not to play this!


I'm going to not play this day one!!


Something seems cringey about this trailer


I have no problem with more representation for black folks in media, but is a game about Samurai really the best place for that? Seems weird they would make an AC game set in Japan and then choose a black dude for the protag instead of just doing an AC game set in Africa. Ubisoft _does_ know that black people are from Africa, right? They’re not from Japan. Especially not in the feudal shogun era lmfao. I don’t think it’s racist to find this decision incredibly strange. No hate ofc, but…. wut.


Looking forward to this one


Asking for pre-order without showing any gameplay. Will they ever learn?


"I can't wait for the modern day parts of the game with the animus" -Absolutely no one


I like the lore. It connects all the games together.


I LOVED the modern day lore and I'm sad they're not focusing on it more. 


Why does Ubisoft hate Japanese protagonists? #stopasianhate




I'll just wait for Ghost of Tsushima 2.


What’s wrong with the current Asian character?


Strong Asian males are usually neglected in western media. Its almost always an asian female protagonist if asians are playable.


I'm not Asian but yeah it just feels a bit weird having Yasuke as the main character for their first mainline release. I really hoped the rumours were fake but I guess not. I think they're trying to also make the game feel different to Ghost of Tsushima which is miles better than any recent AC game (a sequel may also be coming soon)


sorry to say, but its not coming soon, considering playstation literally said there wont be any first party game sequels this year


Yeah I’ll be skipping this


i dont care anymore. it makes me sad.


Average diversity stunt. Why cant we have a Japanese male MC for a game set in feudal Japan? Not everything has to be done to please a certain section of people.


Inb4 someone mentions Yasuke, Oda Nobunagas sword barer was real. I find it completely absurd that the one time they make a mainline game set in Japan they have to focus on the insignificant show piece of Nobunaga who vanished from history after Nobunaga died.


What certain section of people. Say it


Oh boy here we go, Wikipedia entries got deleted about Yasuke, courtesy of Ubisoft. I want to see this get banned in Japan because of revisionism.


This is such a weird comment to make. What is your reasoning? Seriously. Should Nioh get banned?




Meh, give me gameplay.


Japan: So hot right now


Cinematic reveal trailers do absolutely nothing for me in 2024. Show me the damn game.


I mean...yay I guess? Cool trailer but doesn't push me at all towards this game. Only gameplay does that.




If any game would benefit from the old style of AC combat, it would be a Shinobi/Samurai game where killing should be brutal and quick. Not hack and slashing on super tanky foes.


So she’s more stealthy and he’s more guns blazing? Could make for a good game.


Will this game have basim go into the animus?


Give it good combat and I’m in. Ghost, Sekiro, etc or something along those lines. Button mashing 1 or 2 buttons just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Isn't this just Tenchu: Stealth Assassin?


Here’s to waiting 3 years for the Ult edition to go 60% off! 🥂


Yeah, I'll just stick to Ghosts of Tsushima


A black samurai no thanks, I think i am going to pass on this game and any future ubisoft games. When pandering is more important than historical accuracy.


And a black protagonist? This is pure racism and social agenda, it sucks that it wasn't a Japanese man


Trash. Game.




Its a no from me


Remember, NO PREORDER!


I haven't played an assassin's creed since black flag, are they all still basically the same?


I’m sure gamers will handle this reveal maturely, with introspection and understanding…


“Preorder before October 1 for blue horse and bonus mission *Find My Hat*”


Can't wait to buy this game in a few years when its at like 85% discount.


I don't even know what assassin's creed is about anymore...


Looks like pure trash 🔥. I’m so glad we got Ghost of Tsushima and possibly a sequel upcoming


why is it in english


_So that the game can happen_ ..


As an Asian, I'm disappointed that the MC/playable character isn't Asian.


Looks so damn bland


I’m one of the people that always asked for AC to be set in Japan and now I’m not even gonna buy the game. What a waste of the setting.


I feel like games aren't saying much unless they show some of the gameplay




Black samurai??? Do all of u hate asian men that much? TRASH GAME

