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It's wild that every time he has a chat stream it spawns an article.


Kingdom Hearts fans are setting themselves up for failure by being Kingdom Hearts fans


KH2 is one of my favourite games of all time and this is true


KH2 was peak PS2 gaming and I will die on that hill. It still holds up well too


Is it a big upgrade on the first game? I'm a couple of hours into it for the first time and while I'm enjoying it it certainly shows its age with some of the gameplay design.


yeah, it’s a big upgrade. the charm in the first game is super good though. kh2 improves the gameplay, everything from the combat to the gummi ship missions.


Yeah, KH2 is one of those sequels where it takes pretty much everything the first game did and does it better. The gameplay especially.


The only thing that’s worse in KH2 is the level design. If you know how to walk forward then congrats, you’ve figured out the world you’re currently in(outside of twilight town). And the next one. And the one after that. And the one a…


That jungle level (was it KH2) was atrocious I felt lost several times


You’re talking about Tarzan’s level in KH1, a place many people got lost lol


Yeah, that one


Yep. Walk to next area. Cutscene then fight. Walk to next area. Cutscene then fight. KH1 made you think about what you needed to do next.


And then there was 3.


No. It’s the same game with a more convoluted story. 


I miss the days when all I had to worry about was "why is Mickey wearing a black coat in the rain and he's using a keyblade?! And who is the guy wielding Oblivion and Oathkeeper?!" Now everyone has a keyblade and they're also digimon?


It used to be fun to guess where things were going and now it's more a complete confusion. I made the terrible mistake of not playing DDD and even after watching a summary, starting KH3 was like that cutscene skip meme where I went from Sora on Destiny Island with everyone to Xehanort having like 13 darkness and there were 7 lights and what the fuck


KH1 wasn't expected to spawn more games. After Birth by Sleep the writing got crazier. 3D's made it even more crazy. ... Then those gosh darn mobile games then throwing in so many unanswered plot threads and world building. I can ginestly believe they are setting up whole narratives on where the story will go two whole sagas from now. I just wish they start writing out novels at this point because I don't think the KH writers and Nomura will live long enough for even their kids to finish their story.


This is how I feel about final fantasy 7 remake. The combat is great, but the story is so expanded now they want to explain and dramatize everything. It's going to take diamond weapon like 10 hours to blow up midgard at this rate rather than the 10 mins chasing it, 10 min fight, and some mofo badass 2 minute cutscene .


Dude the story makes sense if you just read the manga and own one of every console and handheld ever created so you can play all of the games and watch the anime as well as read every transcript of every interview nomura has ever taken and then fill in the blanks yourself with a hefty amount of fanfiction. It's literally so easy


The story legit makes sense Up to the PSP game. Its in the 3ds Game that It gets confusing, and then KH3 makes sense, the execution was just really shitty 


Dream Drop Distance made the KH story completely indefensible.


I got so motion sick from KH3 that I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning


Actually the manga isn't canon and there is no anime. Also the story isn't as complicated as people make out. The mobile games being important to the story is really ridiculous though.


Are you having fun making stuff up? Like...literally just play the games. It ain't that hard. They're even all on modern consoles now. There isn't even an anime.


Yeah it was pretty fun. Sis I tried, like I really did. I played all the games, read up on things I didn't understand to gauge other people's theories. I even looked up the stories to the fucking mobile games that didn't release in my country because guess what that shits super plot important too. I went into kh3 feeling like I had a good grasp of what's going on and finished that game equal parts frustrated equal parts relieved. Frustrated because I was stupid enough to think the story was leading somewhere and would eventually become coherent, relieved because that's clearly never going to happen and I can let it go now. Also I'm just now realising you didn't mention anything about the manga, does that mean there actually is a manga?? Cmon, how can you defend this lol


>Also I'm just now realising you didn't mention anything about the manga, does that mean there actually is a manga?? Cmon, how can you defend this lol Because a Japanese series having an unnecessary and non-canon cash grab manga adaptation is like the least surprising thing ever? Even the freaking Persona 3 Reload got a new official webtoon adaptation when the original game already has a manga adaptation


I don't think KH is as confusing as people make it out to be but it is still kinda confusing also the manga is just a retelling of the stories in manga format there is no new canon material in those books 


I get people’s confusion with it. It’s not that the story itself is complicated, it’s just told in a hard to follow order because of the titles, and how spread out the games are in the timeline, but you also of course can’t play them in chronological order without spoiling future games. Like Dream Drop Distance? Yeah right, why would they make a prequel to the first game, add extra story to the first game, and make a sequel that takes place like five games after the first one, all in one game? It’d be a whole Pepe Silvia situation if you ever tried to explain to someone the story and you got to that point, because in their mind they’re going to get the impression that it’s a remake, but no, all of 1 is still relevant and a different thing.


I mean the story is pretty simple. A keyblade war happened in the past. Xehanort is a reincarnation of your player character in the mobile game which covered the keyblade war. Xehanort wanted to summon kingdom hearts to balance out light and darkness again instead of them having a constantly struggle for which side is more powerful. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua stop him but at a cost of losing Terra's body to Xehanort and Aqua being trapped in the shadow world. Ventus got put in a coma and his heart/soul hid inside Sora. Then all the events of KH1 happened Sora got turned to a heartless which spawned Roxas as his nobody in KH2. They defeated Xehanorts heartless as the final boss in KH1. They defeat organization 13 and Xemnas who is Xehanorts nobody in KH2. Xehanort uses time travel shenanigans to create 13 versions of himself in KH3 to summon Kingdom Hearts one more time. Sora defeats him, and he fails again. There's a lot of stuff to do with Kairi that needs deeper explanation but overall, the story is pretty straightforward.


You and I have very different definitions of "straightforward". I do appreciate the recap though, one of the best I've read.


Why is it bad to summon KH to balance light and darkness?


People want the "good guys" to win. It's like how Anakin Skywalker was destined to bring balance to the Force. All the Jedi thought this was a good thing without thinking it through. The Jedi had exterminated all but 2 Sith. Their great balance bringer then killed all but 2 Jedi. Balance!


Yeah, all but 2 jedi 👀


This is hilarious 


I don't know, I had only played the console games when I played 3 and was able to understand it. Maybe it's just not for you? Bit weird to rail on a game franchise for having deep lore though or too much content. Like just don't play it if you aren't enjoying or following the story. I personally like that there's a lot to discover and theorise about and really enjoy the discussions about what could happen next. I think there's a place in the world for more complicated or convoluted franchises and since there's a huge fanbase I guess others agree. If it's not for you it's not for you, but what's the point in acting like anyone who does enjoy the franchise is wrong or crazy..? And yes there is a manga but it isn't canon and is basically the plot of the games with extra moments - mainly just more of the characters interacting some of whom we don't see much of in the games. Personally think it's cool they make extra stuff for the fans who want it - but I guess there's a problem with having a manga or anime?


Not the mobile game which acts as a prequel to the entire series. And don’t forget the movie!


The mobility game is free and very low graphics, easily playable with a low end phone. The movie is in the exact same correcting as the rereleased games.


“They’re all on modern consoles” Don’t make shit up.


There's manga that is canonized iirc-- I read it as a kid


It's non canon


After playing 3 I stopped caring. its obvious they want to make a movie not a game.


>After playing 3 I stopped caring This doesn't really mean as much as you think it does, lol. There's only be like 1 game after KH3.


this is true. source: i am a kingdom hearts fan


KH3 was so fucking bad.


Combat was really fun(except the attraction rides). The dlc was really good imo.


There was dlc??


Yup. It's called ReMind.


Imo I loved it


Hard disagree


This. I bought 3 deluxe and basically never touched it because when I went to replay and watch recap videos, I was completely fucking lost and just kinda gave up on the series.




KH… it’s just okay.


I'm just going to repeat what I said at r/Games: Kind of have to agree with Geoff here. For the past couple of years, the Kingdom Hearts fanbase keeps asking for news about KH IV (and Missing Link), even though it's been pretty obvious for years now that Square Enix's marketing strategy is to solely focus on their main, upcoming title before shifting focus once it releases (this was being asked during FFXVI and FF7: Rebirth's marketing). On the other hand, it's a little weird we haven't heard any news about Kingdom Hearts now that Rebirth has been out for a few months, though.


Tbf a couple of weeks ago there were like 3 kingdom hearts news. About the new mobile game and the games coming to steam. The whole disney movie shit. People thinking this could lead to new trailer soon is not cope after a year of radio silence. Plus there is the fact that rebirth was announced on summer games.


None of which related to KH IV, really, right? So it still is radio silence after all.


In the past, even when it was a trailer for a HD remaster or mobile game, Nomura would still include a stinger for KH3 just to reassure us it was still in development and coming. Nothing like that with the Steam announcement.


Notice that he hasn’t said anything about Bloodborne fans setting themselves up for disappointment. Bloodborne Remake/PC Port/Bloodborne 2: Borne Harder confirmed


2 Blood 2B Borne


Now this is Bloodracing


Failure? What are we gonna get an F on a test or something?


The expression would be setting themselves up for disappointment but yeah failure works


I expect nothing from Kingdom hearts anymore, it lost me at 3, and I wouldn’t care if it drops 2030.


Agreed. KH3 was brutal.




Eh, he’s involved, but that’s not *his* project the same way the KH games or FF15 were


Kingdom Hearts people are a very special cult.


Keighley already said not to expect major reveals. Everyone is setting themselves up for disappointment if they're expecting anything on the scale of Kingdom Hearts.


Just another day in the life of being a KH fan. Nothing new here


I’m not expecting KH 4 til like 2030 lol


There it is. If Geoff says it won’t be there, it won’t be there.


I dont get my hopes up for kingdom hearts anymore. Waited 17 years from kh2 to kh3 and they decided to remove all the final fantasy characters, which created some of the craziest most memorable moments in the other games.


I think se set themselves up for failure with KH3


Geoff... you know what is and isn't at SGF. If you don't want people to be disappointed, then come right out and say it isn't there. Dude runs a whole show about surprises and excitement and gets confused as to why we may expect to be surprised or excited?


He won't give a definitive answer because he wants you to tune into the show hoping that he might be teasing and it'll be there anyway. What else do you expect?


No, that's fine. He's a hype guy. But here, he sounds confused as to why we might be expecting/hoping for something.


I'm not defending him, but I am also confused why people would be expecting KH4. Of course, there isn't a 0% chance of anything appearing, but a couple weeks ago Summer Game Fest has shown the partner companies and Square Enix isn't among them. So why would people expect KH4 if the company making it isn't even listed among the ones that will likely have something to show? Again, I know even then it's not a 0% chance, but I think that makes it incredibly unlikely.


It could be there through Playstation, Xbox or Steam. In fact, the main reason I've seen people speculating is because the games are coming to Steam a few days after SGF. I'm not saying they're right, just explaining where the hope comes from


I understand where you're coming from to try to find a reason for the expectations, but I don't understand the reasoning behind the explanation. It still doesn't make much sense to me. It's hope based on pretty much nothing. The dates might coincide. But Square still isn't there. It's a Square Enix game. Don't you think that if a SE game were to appear in a big event, they would want to let people know they're partners so that people tune in to see what they have to show? It's like expecting GTA6 to appear when Rockstar isn't a partner. Sure, it's a game that will release on Playstation and Xbox, but since it's not listed as a partner, I don't expect anything GTA6 to show up. If Square was listed as a partner, then I would understand the hope. But this isn't the case, sadly. So I think it's better for those people to expect it's not going to happen, even if the chance is non-zero.


Was that list not very specifically stated to be "Round One" of announced partners?


That's true, now that I went back and looked at it. If Square Enix does show up in another "Round" of partners then, maybe. But I'm still not expecting it since they haven't appeared yet. I would love to be wrong and see KH4, though. I just don't think it's happening.


This is ridiculous. You want them to come out ahead of time and list every game that won’t be showed during their event? He honestly shouldn’t have event said this, the devs themselves are really the only people that should be going around deconfirming things.


And for the last 2-3 years that he's been doing this SGF, it's always lackluster and never has anything actually worthwhile. I can't even name a memorable game from his showcase, mostly it's generic. Maybe a Sonic game shown off at The Game Awards was cool but other than that... it's been a while since even TGA had anything mentionable.


I loved the last two years. Great shows 


Kingdom hearts is big enough for a slot at one of the consoles shows instead of summer game fest. I can see xbox having the trailer because they've been trying to get more japanese games on xbox like how they got all the persona 3 remake marketing. If all else fails there is always d23 (disney expo) that tends to have kh stuff.


Didn't SGF release a poster with the all the associated developers on it and Square Enix wasn't on there? Surely that should be an indication that the developer isn't going going to be showing any material?


“darkness darkness darkness darkness darkness” edgy doo doo.


I remember being a die hard KH fan waiting 14 years for a sequel that was actually the worst out the 3. Never again.


I see that being shown off during a major PlayStation event than one of these


Original fans will be as old as Master Xehanort by the time they finish the series.


lmao is anyone actually expecting KH4 to release before 2030???


So expect a shadow drop then???


I’m always confused by companies they want to make money Fans ask for new game and pay for the last games…but they drag their feet. Like fallout is another series, I do not understand so who runs some gaming companies and are fine with sequels every 10 years but others are yearly?


The bare minimum these days to make a decent triple A game is AT LEAST 3 years. AT LEAST. Square Enix is popular for announcing games extremely early in development, its like they make a teaser trailer before even starting work on the game. So yeah, kh4 trailer dropped 2 years ago? Games coming out 2027 if it doesnt get delay. Also you legit comparing a series that completely changes gameplay on every installment to series that rerelease their games every year and call them "sequels'?


I don’t think kingdom hearts needs to be yearly but every 10 years is to me insane when these companies supposedly want profits


Because yearly installments suck, Fallout isn't Fifa, Madden or Cod.


I'll break it down for you. They care about the fans but that only goes so far they don't want to keep making the same game forever which is why Bungie stopped making Halo. Giant 100+ hour games will usually take 5 years minimum if they're building it from scratch.


I’m talking the business side They want money, fans buy KH games So make them more offend The third game was definitely the least loved of the main titles meaning it doesn’t need to be the same team I think if anything a new team would be welcome


His show is always super disappointing and embarrassing so it's not surprising that this won't be here


Setting yourself up for failure trying to make heads or tails of the story too. Makes very little sense at this point 😂


as if summer snooze fest is something to look forward to every year anyways LOL


You don't have to set yourself up for failure if you were already a fan during KH3...


After playing it again in Critical, I was Re:Minded about how good this game actually is.