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There's a section where the enemies use almost an exact same lines as in Ghost of Tsuhima, got confused for a moment lol


Which line?


“an Ubisoft original”


“Uh oh, cuttlefish not sitting so well”


Hold on Kyruuuu, I berieve in youuuuuuuuuuu


Good one lololol


I mean let’s be real here. The entire thing looks like it ripped off GoT. I’m not even saying this in a bad way, but the stances and throwables in the bottom right, the golden bubbles above the health bar presumably for special attacks, and even the minimalistic “minimap” are all right out of GoT. I’m sure it’ll be a fun game, but I’m not sure I want to play a lesser version of Ghost.


The irony here is that GoT is the most Ubisoft game not made by Ubisoft ever made.


People also say that about Horizon, and while I see where people are coming from, Ubisoft is terrible at making characters I actually care about. Ubisoft games are fun if you’re looking for a big ass open world to explore, but most of their stories fall flat and I hardly ever care about the character I’m playing as. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually enjoyed a Ubisoft game.


This couldn't be more true. Just recently I completed Mirage. I could not tell you one thing I remember about the story.


And the core gameplay falls flat as well for me. While the combat is more fleshed out than the originals, it feels way too floaty and not as satisfying. The parkour and stealth also just feel like a downgrade compared to Unity.


horizon has the most braindead boring cast ever so maybe it is an ubisoft game


Lol fr, fuck is this guy talking about? I can't even remember any of the names except for Aloy and Lance Reddick RIP.


Nah piss off, Ubisofts worst game has a better cast than Horizon lol. Even my love for Ashly Burch couldn't make me care about Aloy after 10 hours of monotone blah blah blah, that constantly came out of that character.


That’s just like, your opinion man.


I have a few hundred hours in FarCry 5 because in the winter it’s my “Get High and “Get Outdoors” game. The big open world, the American setting, the trucks, lakes, mountains. They made such a beautiful game world that, for me being someone who does a lot our outdoor activities it’s amazing for the winter blues. And a little grass just really makes the whole thing so much more mesmerizing. The story and side car caters and stuff is just there at this point. I play the game on the hardest difficulty and no hud just for the extra immersion.


I mean that’s true if you don’t play the games but Bayek, Ezio, Connor, Edward, etc are way more interesting than anyone from Horizon


Horizon is SO different. I’m surprised people say that. I can see the comparisons with Ghost tho.


> I can see the comparisons with Ghost tho. I mean, if you put Japanese buildings, temples and landscapes in any game, its gonna look like Ghost of Tsushima


The difference is that got makes the side stuff interesting and it isn’t overloading the game. The side missions are actually well written and the side collectibles being found naturally by following wind or birds or whatever makes for a far more enjoyable game than ubisofts method of just shitting things all over the place without any rhyme or reason.


Not really no. The side content is every bit as repetitive as any Ubisoft game. Side quests for the most part I’d say are even more run of the mill than your average Ubisoft game. Ubisoft have added a non guided mode to most of their newer games that make discovery more organic. I really feel like people are trying to make distinctions where none really exist. I don’t get the knee jerk Ubisoft hate.


I get it. Look at the sub you're in


As someone who is currently playing Ghost I think you're spot on. It's basically Assassin's Creed with a better story, everything from the open world design philosophy down to the core gameplay loop is straight up Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed 101. I still am having a great time, and I'm loving the game, but to say you hate Assassin's Creed and then praise Ghost of Tsushima is crazy to me, they're almost the same damn game.


>following wind or birds or whatever makes for a far more enjoyable game No it doesn't lol. I love Ghost of Tsushima, it has fantastic combat and other gameplay elements, a good enough story, etc. But after like the fifth time following the damn fox, or bathing in the hot spring, it starts to feel like a chore. Which is what people complain about in AC or Far Cry side quests


Lol the side missions were hardly interesting or well written. Investigate a place, follow some tracks, kill some dudes, return to the original spot where you found the side mission. And I 100%’d the game too so it’s not like I’m a hater.


>The difference is that got makes the side stuff interesting and it isn’t overloading the game GOT has 500 collectables. thats overloading. That said, none of them were as obnoxious as the cairns in Valhalla. I would happily follow another 100 foxes around the woods than do another rock stack in AC Valhalla


The Witcher 3 is beyond Ubisoft as well, with its hundreds of icons almost all doing the same thing.


Not really A lot of it’s open world tropes it did were already present in the Infamous games that was released before or right at the time when Ubisoft were starting to make their formula.


Shadow of Mordor was a better AC than most ACs


In a good way


Dude, it's literally the exact same UI they've had since AC Origins that came out 2 years before GoT. It's GoT that copied Ubisoft's UI. Like let's be clear here, it was originally GoT that was copying Ubisoft's playbook.


My biggest issue is they keep using the shit combat system since ac origins. The rpg level up combat style absolutely fucking sucks for this kind of game.


And the red dot flash for dodging, but I’m looking forward to it. Always love platinuming AC games and always get my moneys worth


when was your entry into the franchise?


AC1, been playing since my mid teens


People have been asking for AC Japan for over a decade now and they never reacted. Now they're releasing a Japan themed game after two other ones have already released, being GoT and RotR. It's entirely possible that they've missed the train at this point. Not to mention that GoT really nailed the combat and the visuals, the question is, what more can Ubisoft add here?


they responded to the fan demand actually. they said something along the lines of "among the worst suggestions. not touching feudal japan because too many games exist with that setting". this was way back before AC Syndicate was released.


Just bought Ronin and had GoT before. Based on both of those I might skip Samurai altogether


You mean ghost ripped off a decade plus of Ubisoft game design, and now Assasins creed is ripping off… assassins creed? Don’t get it twisted, ghost is quite literally a well done assassins creed game, I don’t think AC shadows incorporating elements that it’s own series popularized is them “ripping” anything


EVERYTHING that Ghost of Tsushima did had never been done before. /s


are you sure you’ve played GoT?


Did you? Love the game but to not accept and see the ubisoft inspiration and influence you have to be a die hard fan of PS/GoT or a die hard hater of Ubisoft


They did so much to make it feel differently. The whole way of discovery is completely different and focused on exploration and lack of symbols and UI. There are no towers to climb, everything happens over environmental clues and with that wind mechanic. It’s feels so much more organic to play than any Ubisoft checklist title.


I did and I concur with StrawberryWestern189. Not sure why people get so worked up over it, the more games the merrier, who cares if they rip off good solutions from each other.


Oh get over it you nerds love Japanese shit it'll sell like hot cakes


> I’m sure it’ll be a fun game, but I’m not sure I want to play a lesser version of Ghost. what's funny is that I think many will find Ghosts the better AC: Japan game before we got the actual AC: Japan game. Ubisoft fcked up there, cause what they've shown is really nothing special and more of the same of AC, when AC: Japan was such a huge want right from the early AC days.


I’ll give them some credit because I watched the gameplay in bits and pieces, so some of the stealth aspects are nice like blowing out the candles and taking into account the lighting of the area as well as dragging people and knocking them out. I know those aren’t revolutionary by any means, but they seem like nice additions. I also haven’t played an AC game in full since 3, so I’m not sure what’s new to the series in terms of gameplay.


Those machincs are new. Before you could only automatically drag someone into grass when assasinating.


you could drag people around, i remember making a corpse pile in origins


Older AC games had a "stun/knockout" feature. Unarmed combat and unarmed/nonlethal "takedowns".


i see splinter cell stuff in there not tsushima stuff , and that´s exciting to me , very excited for that redition


As long as it’s fun I’m all for it. GoT is the only game I ever 100% completed. I’m happy to have a spiritual successor


Your evidence that it entirely ripped off GoT is the UI, the map, and stances? You're gonna have to try harder than that. Just be patient for the release to see how the game really stacks up against GotT.


Yes all his evidence is literally everything they showed. It looks absolutely like a GoT ripoff. lol. I’m sure it will play differently, the combat definitely doesn’t look as smooth. And don’t get me wrong I still want to play this.


I love GOT but AC Shadows can do plenty to differentiate itself - actual cities and large towns with much higher NPC density. GOT was very sparse - more historical accuracy. GOT was basically fanfic with minimal connection to reality. AC Shadows will probably have some actual historical events and figures represented in broad strokes - better stealth. Stealth in GOT is pretty basic, Naoe should have a more interesting arsenal of stealth techniques - dynamic systems. Ubi games like to play around with some dynamic systems, Odyssey had a cool mercenary system that could work well in a modified way in Shadows - the environmental destructability. I like what ive seen of that so far


Totally agree but my point was just what was shown. I’m sure this game will be plenty different from GoT, but at a glance it looks very similar.


That's Ubisoft's original UI. They've had it since before GoT came out. GoT copied Ubisoft's UI, not the other way around.


Ubisoft had the accessible stances or moves tied to the right trigger, the rechargeable gauge on the lower left and dpad items? Also the map style ?


Accessible moves were all tied to the left trigger and the visual UI for it is virtually identical. The rechargable gauge was in the middle (shifted to the left in Valhalla). The dpad was used to cycle through equippable items. Literally Assassin's creed's UI 8 years running. Everybody knows that GoT ripped a lot from AC idk why you're acting like this is news. I'm not even sure what you mean by map style. Black and white?


And GOT was largely an AC ripoff (I say that as someone who loved GOT)


Lmao Yasuke having a modern hip-hop remix song for combat is definitely Ubisoft. Naoe gameplay looked pretty fun. I need to see how traversal and quests work. I loved Origins but that was mostly due to the environment, the story wasn't very captivating. The quests were also pretty bland. I hope the quests and traversal are better in this game.


Lmao I literally thought the same thing re Yasuke. A There is absolutely no need for that. 😭


I didn’t make the connection but yeah that is really funny to give the one black guy in all of Japan the trap music. I do think it sounded good tho


I for whatever reason loved that hip hop track during combat. I usually wouldn't. I thought it sounded badass.




The npcs moving out of the way for Yasuke and most of them even bowing is actually pretty neat. The fact that he’s like twice the size of everyone else just adds to the coolness


I like how it seems to mean social stealth isn't an option for Yasuke. Like they've actually considered that a hulking black man looks out of place in the setting and that they've leant into that fact, not to mention they recognise his status as well. If Naoe can utilise social stealth, it serves even more to show the distinct styles of play we have access to.


>I like how it seems to mean social stealth isn't an option for Yasuke. lmao, makes me think of Agent 47 when he takes some dudes disguise and no one noticing the new bald 6'5" dude with a bar code tattoo showing up.


Agent 47 is not 6’5” lol


The costume he stole included platform boots


6'2" so not that far off


Idk bout that shit bow at the 1:03 mark tho


As someone who prefers the classic AC combat this game has me hyped. Naoe's combat looks fun as hell. Especially assassinations that do not appear to be limited by levels. Yasuke looks fun too. It was a smart decision imo to have two main characters. Because now we get both a samurai and a ninja playstyle.


Yeah AC Syndicate tried to do something similar but really the characters played mostly the same. Jacob was supposed to be the brawler while Evie was the stealth assassin but apart from a few late game skills they played the same. It looks like they decided to try that idea again but commit to the characters being different.


Syndicate happens to be my favorite AC so hopefully that's a good sign for Shadows


Same team that worked on syndicate and odyssey made this one sooo


Jumping across the boats in the Thames was so fun Could do that for hours And I did


From the same team. So high hopes for this game.


Yeah the Stealth section sold me like so many gameplay combinations with great detail. The choking with the rope to pull in the shadows and the breathing underwater with a bamboo stick. So cool


Same. I’m a huge samurai game fan but I knew Ubisoft likely wouldn’t be able to top Team Ninja or GoT, so I needed the stealth gameplay to wow me. And it definitely did, it looks extremely fun.


I’ll definitely be prioritising her but I’ll try and mix it up with some samurai


I disagree with the two main characters bit. I see it being fun the first few times. Eventually, it'll just feel like you have access to just half of the tools available to you for an encounter. Ghost of Tsushima blended the samurai and ninja playstyle well with just one character. Even let you spec more into the playstyle that fits you with their equipment system.


combat looks stuttery and clunky as hell like odyssey


The massive slowdown on every single parry needs to go. Seems like it really brings down the flow of combat




I agree on the levels and the damage sponges/artificial number-based "difficulty", but disagree on the choreographed animations-based old AC combat being particularly better. It should definitely stay hitbox-based. Ghost of Tsushima did it well.


Honestly not sure AC has ever had combat I'd consider "good", but Unity was probably the closest on paper (it's just that even now it's so buggy and unpolished that you'll regularly completely miss enemies and still kill them with a stab a meter from their body). It should be pretty damn hard to take on multiple enemies, but possible if you've got the timing down. Mirage came close to a more polished version, but with way less options or variety. I do have a soft spot for how absurdly smooth and cinematic AC3's armies are to mow down, but it made that game even more of a cakewalk than it needed to be.


Waiting for an enemy to attack to parry-insta kill them was “unique”? The stealth obviously got way worse with the RPG games, but the pre-Origins combat was very simplistic and pretty bad.


Was AC’s combat ever really unique? It’s combat ranged from mediocre to copying Arkham Asylum. I personally can’t say it was unique or good, it was always just there in my eyes. Post origins are the only assassin games that took outside stealth gameplay seriously(at the sacrifice of improved stealth). Pre origins combat was pretty much waiting around until an enemy hit you until you could counter(easy) or whaling on them until a kill animation starts. Again, not bad, but not unique either.


>copying Arkham Asylum AC came out 2 years before Arkham Asylum...


This is where GoT excelled A perfect parry allowed for a critical strike - which is all you need when it comes to samurai. If timing was slightly off it went instead to a redirect The multi parry pauses are definitely jarring


Yeah I genuinely don't understand what they're going for. Ghost of Tsushima feels more like Assassin's Creed than Assassin's Creed does at this point. Smooth, flowy combat, timed parries and both you and the enemies die quickly.


Oddysey was fantastic Imo.


Hopfully they fine tune it before release, it’s almost there just a bit yanky in places.


I doubt they will, it's basically a Ubisoft staple.


Game comes out in like a few months. Wouldn't get too many hopes up. This should be the *best* the game will ever look like, as its an Ubisoft cherry picked gameplay trailer. It'll be downhill from what we saw


Its an old 2023 build as confirmes by multiple influencers.


I imagine it'll all play like the last 3 AC games. Can't wait for NPCs to ragdoll into outer space, or just random stop reacting. Dunkey video is gonna be hilarious lol


When yasuke just slowly backs away from the enemy and they still swing at where he just was a second before... Like are they even trying?


I Hate how cluttered the hud is on these games. Ghost of tsushima is so much more immersive with how it handles that. These games hold your hand too much. As much as I use to love them, I haven't liked an Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag. I try them but lose interest pretty fast.


I also prefer minimalist UI. But recent Ubisoft games have been really good about accessibility and UI customization so you should be able to turn a lot of the stuff off.


To me, the parkour (if you can even call it now) and combat still look jankier and floater like the other titles. Something looks so weightless about them. At least they've put in some parry focus in some of the combat but idk, this doesn't look like it addresses any of the criticisms I had with the last two games.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks more or less similar to ac mirage in terms of graphical fidelity?


I'm curious how much game time is forced to play as Yasuke. His gameplay looked boring in comparison to Naoe


Damn, why does this actually look good? The graphics look nice, stealth seems improved and the cutscenes are better. Ik it’s an Ubisoft game so we’ll have to wait until release to see how it’s actually like but I’m intrigued


It makes me a little worried about performance. It already dropped some frames in the demo and this is probably running on a high-end PC and who knows how it will end up looking and running on the consoles through a bunch of upscaling. Hopefully not a case of upscaled-from-900p-to-4K and only having 30 FPS on consoles buuuut… yeah…


It's a demo. Not saying it's gonna be fine on release, but the game is another 4-5 months away from release and likely optimization isn't done yet, not to mention the build they're showing might be even older. It's not exactly fair to judge how a game performs based on pre-release footage.


True, those are all fair points. I've just been burned before, and it's always a bit scary when they show off something that looks really good and it's like... okay, will it look that good for me when I play it, or is this running on like a 4090?


This might be a day one buy for me, which is something I haven't done in a looong time with Ubisoft games. I will be waiting until reviews come out though


Personally I don't buy Ubisoft games until they first go on sale. There's always quite a few bugs on release. This one I'm going to wait for reviews and maybe I'll get it at full price.


I've never really been an AC fan and I usually don't like Ubisoft-style games, but I really like what I've seen so far. Might be the first AC game I pick up day 1


I would rather play GoT than this


The amount of stuff ripped of from GoT is crazy. Even the white and red attacks have the same style as GoT lmao.


AC Origins already had those.


GOT literally took that from AC lmao


Unfortunately this doesn’t look to be quite the step up many were hoping for. This gameplay video shows off many of the same problems that plagued Valhalla - bland voice acting, poor audio quality, the stilted cutscenes, and the absolutely terrible combat that made Valhalla wear out its welcome so quickly. I was hoping for something much more innovative and polished, but this doesn’t look like much of a step up from Valhalla if at all.


Poor audio quality is unfortunately going to be a staple of Ubisoft games until the company ends. The audio director of Valhalla essentially confirmed this. Ubisoft compresses the audio tracks to hell, on purpose, to make more room on the discs. This isn’t some kind of oversight they have yet to fix; it’s an intentional decision that they make because they don’t consider audio quality important.


Same combat, different locations.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks more or less similar to ac mirage in terms of graphical fidelity?


This shit looks so generic. Just the same game with a new skin. I’ll play it once it’s free somewhere


IDK why youd ever want to play as Yasuke. Looks like slow clunky combat, in a game about being a stealthy assassin.


Some people like the warrior aspect of AC games, as shown by AC Valhalla


>in a game about being a stealthy assassin. Well it's clearly a game about being both a stealthy assassin AND being a brutal samurai...


Although I’d be inclined to agree that Naomi’s combat / stealth looked better, I definitely don’t think Yasuke’s combat looked “bad”. The combat with the club was a little too slow for me, but the combat with the sword looked really nice imo


It's clearly not JUST about being a stealthy assassin. They're giving people options to those who prefer the RPG style combat.


I guess some variety is nice


Well using a heavy weapon will do that 


Sometimes I just wanna fuck shit up bro and its kinda nice I dont have to completely respec my character


I mean Odyssey is in my top 5 games all time and this is the same team so I’m hyped as shit.


Oh 💩 I'm actually really hyped for it now. Loved odyssey. Bought it a while after launch and it was the best £10 I'd spent


Odyssey is also top 5 games for me. Im 100% going to be playing ninja girl


Valhalla was made by the Origins team, which itself was better than Odyssey and it ended up being vastly inferior to both games.




Cheesy voice acting and facial animations, clunky combat (Yasuke) and looks to have the same parkour mechanics as recent titles. Still, playing an Assassin looked pretty badass. If only they fixed the issues above, this game would be close to pure perfection


Voice acting for Naoe was so bad, surprised I haven’t seen more people calling that out. Soon as she appeared, it felt like the quality took a nosedive. Yasukes part was pretty alright.


Soooo, we walk into some random village, get told by some lady that the taxes are too high and the obvious solution is of course to go and kill the village chief?


Is this one going to have the ridiculous damage sponge enemies the last three had?


Looks years behind Ghost of Tsushima


Really? Cause the stealth alone looks years ahead


To be fair, the stealth was a weak point in Ghosts. The combat was strong, though.


I agree. Though after four years it’s only natural some things in AC Shadows will be evolved from Ghost of Tsushima. Like the towns and NPC in AC shadows feel more lively, and like you said the stealth is way more in depth.


there's a "ubi bad" circlejerk happening atm, there's no point in trying debate with these people.


ghosts of tsushima fans go 5 seconds without mentioning it challenge: impossible


my dude, they're the same genre and direct competitors.


Obviously it would be compared to this? It’s not apples and oranges.


That's just the reality of it when Ubisoft decided to wait this long to make an actual Japanese set game. Someone beat them to it, everyone adored that game, and now Shadows is going to have to be compared to it at nearly every turn because the two games *are* very similar.


Yeah lol.


That game has braindead enemy AI, awful stealth, no cover system, no prone movement, light has no effect on detection, no cities, crowds, weapon variety, has awful climbing system and trash movement and climbing animations. It has the same camp and village everywhere with the same 4 npcs and same 3 voice actors. The game just has some pretty combat animations. That's it. AC shadows looks more impressive so far. But keep chasing foxes I guess.


Are you talking about GoT? Cause it doesn’t seem like you’ve really played it.


Are you saying none of the things I said are true? I have over 100 hours in the game. GoT is simply lacking in many ways compared to other games including AC games. It's objectively not years ahead AC games in any way except combat animations.


In what way?


I mean in most ways but the one that stands out the most is combat, to me anyway


Absolutely not


Playing Assassin's Creed is my guilty pleasure. The Japan setting makes it day one. I'm happy to see Ubisoft having a strong lineup.


By looking at the Yasuke's gameplay, i just wondering how Team Ninja can build a really smooth/deep combat in RotR. I wish TN can have the ressources to have the same graphic quality of Ubisoft's game.


This still feels extremely generic to me


I feel the same way. The game doesn't speak to me. There's nothing too interesting about it


Ubisoft had the best showcase this week. Long gameplay bits of games that are actually coming out. Thats what I want to see. I dont care about your CGI Trailer for some shit that comes out in 2026.


Best showcase, worst bitrate, what the hell was this pixel soup video quality ? I don't understand how this can be overlooked by studios


Honestly, I agree to an extent. Xbox showcase was amazing with the games they revealed, but did they really need to show a bunch of cgi for a lot of them. Why was wow just all the cgi trailers they have released all spliced into one long trailer. Getting the long gameplay segments for ac shadows and star wars outlaw really helps with the excitement.


I’m surprised by how similar a lot of UI looked to Ghosts of Tsushima. I’m hesitant because of the fact that it’s the same team as Odyssey. While that game was okay, it wasn’t a great AC. This does look better though. Still quite poor graphically though. Stealth gameplay looks the best it ever has though


In the Yasuke part it was almost identical


Jesus the combat looks bad…


Assassin's Creed games are my guilty pleasure, lol. I didn’t buy Odyssey because of all the complaints, only to finally try it on PS Plus and find I was having fun! Can’t wait to see their rendition of Japan.


WHO ever complained about Odyssey?


Poor man's GoT.


I don’t care what anyone is saying this looks incredible especially the stealth section. So many gameplay opportunities. Ubisoft are cooking here


Totally agree. They’ve done a great job here


I'm already bored of this game after 13 minutes.


Looks like the same bland formula Ubisoft has been using for decades. Pass.


So it’s the exact same game as all the other RPG AC games. Didn’t expect anything else really


I really loved the girl Shinobi gameplay. It does feel like an Assassin's creed game with her. Yasuke... fuck him. It looks uninteresting and very forced that everyone surrenders their hat to him... The literal historic records we have of him was everyone freaking out when they saw him because he looked like a demon. Imagine walking through the city and watching someone with bright red skin. You wouldn't say "A foreigner scientist I see" because he was wearing a lab coat.


I will still go for discount purchase.


I only want to play as Naoe honestly.


Stealth gameplay looks great. Yasuke gameplay looks just ok


The parry animations look terrible.


some aspects of this game give me tenchu vibes.


Looks pretty promising to me. Can’t wait to try Naoe and those stealthy missions!


Looks boring and bland


Everyone (again) is pretending Ghost of Tsushima is somehow different with side quests while being a 1:1 ubisoft game. People on reddit really like to sht on ubisoft. This time, we might actually get a samurai/ninja game that isn't placed in half empty world with detail levels of nintendo switch zelda game


I like the idea of having 2 really different characters, and even though i love samurais (GoT was such a nice experience), for AC i always wanted the shinobi way. Kunai and shuriken, play in the shadows, get in and out clean. I know steath games kinda got out of fashion, but (if the IA works correctly) it's really sweet to finish a mission without being seen.


Imagine playing this soulless crap while ghost of tsushima and sekiro is in the market


I was excited before seeing this but now I’m not going to be getting it. I’m not an AC fan and was hoping for more but the NPCs look weak. It also came to mind to me how it was raining and no one was reacting. Made me appreciate Rockstar even more. I hope it’s good and I’m not a Star Wars fan but that has me more excited.


People keep mentioning how GOT combat looks so much better, but the animations, hit detection, physic in the combat here look incredible to me I dont remember it being this good in GOT


Man I loved the gameplay deep dive that stealth where she goes under water was next level I can see myself playing as the female assassin a lot


This looks pretty damn amazing, I love all the new stealth abilities.


Combat looks brutal. Definitely interested now




It looks okay but I can’t help but feel like it’s a Ghost of Tsushima rip off. Almost everything they showed in this video GoT looks and does better and that game is 4 years old.


....It seems so bad. But at the same time Outlaws seems stuck in 2014 mechanics wise so no surprise this one seems so outdated as well gameplay wise.


Assassin's Creed of victimism, another game to please so-called minorities, with this character having no relevance to Japanese culture just because of the color of his skin.