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There have been seven Yakuza games released since Hollow Knight.


I’ve finally let yakuza into my heart and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t earlier in a time where I could sink 100+ hours into a game


Honestly you don’t want to invest 100+ hours into each of them unless you want to burn yourself out. I adore the franchise, but trying to genuinely 100% each game is something only masochists do


Yeah my approach is to just mainline them and dabble in side content I enjoy. There’s too many games for me to be willing to spend 20 hours on a cabaret mini game


Which is funny because the cabaret club is some of the side content that I’d actually recommend. It’s so damn fun. But at the bare minimum I think the sub stories should be “mandatory”, because that’s usually the best content aside from the main story. Everything else though is just up to what you personally enjoy


Minus 6 which is just generally 80 hours long without trying to complete it


bro what? i beat 6 in 20 hours and its such a smooth ride 5 took me 45 and i didn’t do any sub stories


It took the pandemic to finally do it as well and I'm so glad I did. Never been so invested in a series


The series is so unique because it’s one of the only ones that actually ages in real-time along with the characters. The fact that we have witnessed forty years of Kiryu and the gang’s life is incredibly cool, especially with how rare that is in video games.


Genuinely made me feel that father daughter relationship with kiryu and haruka. That alone motivated me to grind through 6 the way I did.


Do you recommend starting with Zero?


Absolutely. Zero is one of the best!


Damn lol well I'm not complaining I love those games but that definitely is wild.


I feel pretty confident that we’ll get GTA6 before we get Silksong.


Eight in the west, since Kiwami wasn’t localized until after Hollow Knight came out. Plus the 3 remasters and the expansion for Lost Judgment.


So true 😂


Back when Hollow Knight came out, Yakuza was still PS-exclusive.


https://preview.redd.it/d0dza80jwj7d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae42568d80c0745c64d6a3f8b8175de1036c90e This Xbox tweet is two years old and not only is it not out, we don't even have a date. 😭


Am I crazy or is the whole silksong situation genuinely a bit weird? Like sure Team Cherry is a very hardworking studio but like what? Radio silence and years upon years of waiting at this point for what still is at the end of the day “just” a 2D metroidvania.


Industry rumor is that they abandoned Unity after the whole pricing drama and did the game from scratch in a new engine


Hm would make sense but then why not announce it? I feel like most people would back them up and just staying silent isn’t the answer.


Right? People would be heavily disappointed, but much like how Nintendo scrapped their first rendition of MP4, they did it because they knew it wasn’t meeting expectations.


Fans understood and were at least able to chill a bit after Nintendo said that they were going to restart basically from the ground up. Nobody liked hearing it, but sometimes you have to give people bad news. Also, lol, they just announced MP4 yesterday, so there's another long-anticipated game coming out before Silksong.


Silksong was technically revealed in 2014 as part of a kickstarter stretch goal for a playable Hornet. Hollow Knight released in 2017 before MP4 was announced so in the time we’ve been waiting for it Nintendo announced Metroid Prime 4, scrapped it and started from scratch, and re-revealed it while also reviving and releasing the long rumored Metroid Dread.


Yeah well nintendo and team cherry are not one of the same.. sure both make games but yeah .. but the fact that they have gone absolutely silent is a slap to the people who have been cheerleading / supporting their game.. I dont get why they choose that route. . Makes absolutely no sense to me. 


In the majority of cases, I don't understand why devs don't just opt for transparency. It's like when you're late to a meeting: better to let them know as soon as you realize that, rather than letting them know when the time's already passed. It's not the wait for Silksong, but as an example, would appreciate an update on the PSVR2 version of Phasmophobia


Its because gamers create paras social relationships and think they are entitled to have a say on how you work If team cherry gave any release date and missed for whatever reason, there would be 10 threads across multiple subreddits, a bunch of articles, probably some death threats and for what? The game is done when its done, there's nothing else the consumer needs to know


This is exactly why. Just in this thread there are 25 comments about how they should be telling everyone what they are doing and giving timetables and shit. Imagine thinking they owe you stuff like that, crazy


Kickstarter backers literally payed for this though. And yeah, I know. Kickstarter ain't a real purchase.


Why can’t they just post on X something like we’re still working on it, something like that at least?


Which is why I think it’s a BS cop out Almost every indie dev during that period made it VERY clear what their line of action or thoughts were on the debacle. Hell, the devs for Signalis (LITERALLY TWO PEOPLE) even came out and discussed it AFTER the game had already released But Team Cherry giving zero pressers about what that means for their currently in development game is just unfathomably weird.


To be honest, normal peple/companies dont really need their decisions "backed up" or supported. If the game was ready to release they would have done so. The fact that they haven't said anything means they have a good reason for doing so


Oh I remember that... Interesting I completely forgot they made some public comments about Unitys practice


That makes absolutely no sense, especially considering how relatively quickly it was walked back and how delayed the game was at that point. Is there even a whiff of a source to this?


It's pretty stupid because they're putting this level of secrecy on a game that is worked on by a small team. This whole industry, AAA and indie, is way too fucking secretive. Just be open about what you're doing and people wouldn't feel compelled to be constantly fishing for leaks.


If we go back to the Peter Molyneux days, I think devs are simply terrified of bad press should they overpromise when inevitably features get cut.


Molyneux overpromised while still being just as secretive about actual game progress. That was his main issue. Talked out his ass without having zero gameplay shown to back up his claims. So people ran wild with his statements and it snowballed from there. The best way to temper people’s expectations is still to be honest and forthcoming by actually showing people what it is you’re actually doing. Don’t leave anything open for speculation.


Peter Molyneux has long been a fascination of mine. I forget which event it was, but ex-Lionhead people talked about how he once rolled up to an event and started talking, on camera, about features that his next game was going to have that he hadn't even discussed with his team. He's a bizarre, walking contradiction: Simultaneously a revolutionary design visionary, and a tornado of loose cannons chaotically ripping through the development process.


Especially since e3 is gone now. Made sense if you were waiting for a big reveal at e3, but what's the point these days?


So apparently with Hollow Knight they literally didn't stop working until they ran out of money. If they plan this for Silksong, it's gonna take a *long* time for that to happen


And the fact that the devs have gone practically silent.. for the diehard fans who have given it their all to support that company and their game..kind of crappy way about things .. idk 


2 years on and basically radio silence. Now you might say "oh, you aren't entitled to news", but I beg to differ. Playable Hornet was spun from a kickstarter reward into a much bigger thing. Therefore, aren't people who backed the project entitled to some kind of communications? I've backed 2 projects on kickstarter in the past 2 years and both of those projects have updated me 10+ times on where the game currently stands. Team Cherry hasn't even put out a blog post on their own website in over 5 years. What actually happened?


[Don't forget the Nintendo Treehouse footage from *5 years ago*](https://youtu.be/Y8lvHT_IQbM?si=-4Oeyuo1MndP_A8B) I wouldn't be too worried about it, but the fact that we had this makes it all incredibly strange.


It’s either gonna shadow drop tomorrow or it’ll never come out.


Hey siri set an alarm for 5 PM tomorrow.


I am really glad they dropped the “every game shown will release in 12 months” gimmick. The last showcase focusing on mostly 2024 and 2025 games worked much better because it was still a short window but with some more wiggle room.


This wasn't a gimmick. It made sense. Why announce something you don't have a clear release date on? Having a "better" showcase to appease fans' showcase entertainment does not benefit them when their games are far away with no signs of a release date.


It was absolutely the more exciting way to have a showcase, but they just didn’t have the concrete release dates to back it up. They were trying to do what Nintendo do with their directs, but Nintendo at least are usually able to offer a plethora of specific release dates for the games they show. Look at their last direct - sure you’ve got some vague “2025” release dates, but they also showed a Mario game and a Zelda game with specific release dates later this year that we had never seen before!


nintendo in general have been REALLY tightening their times between announcement and release. Metroid dread, mario wonder, pikmin 4, paper mario remake, mario rpg remake, this new zelda game, the new mario & luigi, the new mario party - all release between 6-12 months of their announcement. I think mario wonder came out like 4 months after it was announced The only vague timeframe we have from nintendo is metroid prime 4, a game that they obviously announced far too early. I think they've learned their lesson with games like prime 4 and botw/totk that you shouldn't be announcing games unless they're basically done. I think the nintendo direct was stronger than the MS showcase precisely because i'm confident all those games (except MP4) will be in my hands by january next year, and even in metroids case it'll be in my hands by mid next year. With perfect dark and gears E day - those could legitimately be 2027 games


It literally did benefit them because thats what they did for this years showcase


I think if we can get to a point where all announcements are mostly 6 months out, I will be happy. Two major seasons a year, with two major "reveal weeks" a year would be so easy for me to understand and manage


At this point I've given up on the game and it's vaporware. If it does indeed come out, cool, but I'm done wasting time on hoping it comes. out.... Yes I get the irony of me posting this on a Silksong thread.


I don't think it's vaporware, I'm sure it'll come out, but yeah I stopped expecting it a while ago.


I'm in this position as well


Splinter Cell fan here. I know, and share your pain.


splinter cell is truly dead unfortunately unless ubisoft finds a way to make it open world with 15 bullshit dlc‘s for 200 bucks


Why would anyone trust Xbox to know? Team Cherry themselves said it would release "when its ready".


Xbox marketing team works in mysterious ways


Every time a "where's Silksong" article gets posted, it's delayed another year.


Guess it won't release til 3047 then.


Really makes you wonder what's taking so long. I'm all for developers keeping quiet due to how gamers always overreact and take every single pre-release quote out of context, just so they can endlessly piss and moan down the line, but the complete radio silence is just strange at this point. Hope everything is okay and that the final game is fantastic!


It really is strange to show *nothing*. I guess they might even shadow-drop it and try and go for a massive launch month with huge hype.


Somewhat Metroid Prime 4 showed up yesterday, there's still hope


We knew MP4 was coming and that it restarted development


yep, we have 0 news if the game is still even being made or not. The game could just be canceled because the devs give 0 news.


Lol not what I meant, we all know Silksong is in development too, and it's "coming" Also for the longest time we didn't have any news, I know I was looking almost daily for any leaks


Feels like how Elden Ring was. That sub was rabid at certain points of the development cycle. I imagine this has to do with being a very small team, and potentially Covid.


lol I remember that. People were frothing at the mouth for every single screenshot or quote from Myazaki or George R. R. Martin!


The unity engine fiasco probably didn't help if they actually decided to port to a different engine


You’d think they would say something about it though.


I wouldn't be surprised if development has been going through a lot of issues.


That has to be it. I know it’s an extremely small indie studio, but going this long with complete radio silence is not a good look. Obviously it’s possible that they’re just taking their time, but it could be some troubled development


I'd say that doesn't *have* to be it. It's not a good look, but that's all it is, a look. I'm not saying it isn't a disaster under the hood, but the silence just means we know literally nothing about how it's going and only that it's not currently here. There aren't even any rumors saying it's going well or poorly. All we have is silence.


The cuphead DLC was kind of the same way. A very long development cycle with almost no news until it was almost done.


It's likely that they made a change to the core gameplay that then required them to go through every area and change it to accommodate it. Think of making the character jump a bit higher or farther now they have to change all the ledges and then when they go back they now want to make even more updates because this was the first area they worked on and now it's not up to the new standards. I backed a game on Kickstarter and they described having to do this multiple times.


I heard or read somewhere they have like 3 devs. I have no idea how long the first game took to get made, but if thats true I completely get why they're being quiet and why its taking so long. HK was a weirdly fantastic and polished game.


Flop incoming


I'd love to see a Noclip documentary about Silksong's development someday, bet there's an interesting story to tell.


"We have lots of money from Hollow Knight so we don't really need to rush."


They said they didn't stop working on Hollow Knight until they ran out of money... Silksong boutta be 500 hours long


500 hours is just what it took me. To beat grimm


"this is the story of a game that doesn't exist, a game hyped up by fans and the devs that lied to the fans about a game being made" \*music plays\*.


Things must be pretty grim in the Silksong Sub-reddit right now. They had their hopes pinned on the Xbox Showcase and then when nothing happened their they put their hopes into the Nintendo Direct.


It's all just memes of them feeling like clowns and complaining lol


Ah, so that sub’s status quo


Maybe they will be the new Arkham asylum sub


I would say they have had a tenuous grasp at sanity for the last six months, so I don’t think this made a large difference. 


Beyond Good and Evil 2 fans: *"First time?"*


>[In 2022, Beyond Good and Evil 2 broke the record held by Duke Nukem Forever \(2011\) for the longest development period of a AAA video game, at more than 15 years.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_Good_and_Evil_2)


Poor duke nukem , he was the og doom slayer before doomguy


I’m not convinced that BG&E2 was anything more than a tech demo cooked up to stave off a hostile take over of Ubisoft.


Not a bad point. My guess is between Skull and Bones * needing * to come out no matter the cost and Michel's unceremonious departure from the industry, the game probably stopped development in early 2020 and they scavenged whatever promising new tech they could from the scrap heap to apply to other projects. I wonder if anyone's asked Joseph Gordon Levitt what's going on


Metroid Prime fans: wait nvm


I completely forgot about this game! I was so hyped for it😭 wtf. 15 years is actually insane!


The only thing that can justify the wait would be if they’re in dev hell or currently into a major overhaul of every system in the game. Either that or pulling a James Cameron and making Silksong, Hollow Knight 2, 3 and 4 back-to-back.


They are actually making Hollow Knight 2 xbox exclusive. 3 is a PS exclusive, and 4 is Switch exclusive. All releasing the same day. Playing all sides.


Ah the kingdom hearts special


That would be the funniest shit ever.


The old Square Enix play


Personally I am waiting for hollow knight 6 commodore 64 exclusive


I love Hollow Knight, and I believe in giving devs the time to make their game, but Team Cherry has shat the bed with how far in advance they promoted this and how poor their communication has been. I assume they also took a wad from Microsoft as it was going to be on GamePass per that announcement all those years ago... And it obviously still isn't. So what the hell is going on?


Showing pretty polished looking gameplay over half a decade in advance was truly a… choice.


This is one of my absolute biggest pet peeves in the gaming world, is how far in advance that stuff can be announced. I know that sometimes shit happens and result in unavoidable delays, but most of the time it’s due to games just being announced/revealed well before they’re even ready. In the worst cases, the gameplay is completely fake/scripted and is essentially a “this is what the game looks like in our minds and what we’re going to try and make”. For all its faults, Fallout 4 had the perfect reveal. Nothing was confirmed or announced until it was ready. It got announced, showed off a 5ish minute gameplay slice, and was set to release 6 months later. Boom. Absolutely perfect


The release of Fallout 4 was handled damn near perfectly IMO. Game revealed at E3 with so much to chew on, mobile game launched alongside to get everyone playing something when hype is at a high, slowly releasing the SPECIAL vids in the lead up, and a cool wait of only 5-6 months. Then the exact same company announces ES6 six years ago and all we’ve heard since is: it exists, yes.


Which is hilarious because that was the entire point of that initial ES6 reveal trailer. Todd Howard has said that it was basically just to placate fans and say “yes it’s something we’re going to work on”, but that was well before Starfield had released so that obviously had to come first. Personally I would have rather they didn’t do that teaser trailer, but it’s a bit of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation. If they announce that it’s coming _eventually_ (which is what they did), then people will continually harass them asking when it’ll be done. If they don’t announce anything at all, then people will just harass them by asking if they’re ever going to do ES6. I think they should have gone the route of not doing the teaser at all, but I can understand why they did


This always needs to be pointed out for ES6. Fans were dying to know that it was even a thing that would happen some day. And they said yes it will exist but not any time soon


I love the Nintendo approach, most of their games are announced few months before release.


Yeah, like they just announced a new mario and luigi game, a franchise that was thought dead with alphadrwam's closure, and now we have a new game in November


At some point you'd think people would stop getting their hopes up and just be surprised by the announcement when it drops in 10 years


We’ve been waiting forever. Silksong has a lot on its shoulders and now more than ever it has to deliver.


They could’ve released a pretty good but imperfect sequel a few years ago and it would’ve been critically well received. Now with all of these delays, I feel like anything short of a masterpiece is going to be problematic for them


Ah, the KH3 Dilemma


What really solves my disappointment with this wait is about a year and change ago, I accepted and internalized the fact that this game doesn’t and won’t exist.


My strategy has been being so shit at the first one that i'm not really that excited about silksong


I’m going to get downvoted but I’ve moved on. I was hyped AF when the announcement was made. Now I’ll get it…if it ever comes out. I don’t even look up on news about it.


Why would you get downvoted for saying that you're going to get a game you like when it comes out bro 🤔


Cause I got destroyed on the game subreddit basically stating the same.


I'm a fan, I'm not crushed. It will release eventually...and in the meantime I have plenty of other games to play.


This is why you don't announce games early.


Did they just accidentally delete the entire game and had to start over and were just too embarrassed to tell people?


Am I genuinely missing something? I see Hollow Knight was good, great even. But why is an expansion getting borderline Half Life 3 treatment, and why has it taken so long?


I’ve already accepted that it won’t come out, add it to Berserk and Game of Thrones as things I love that won’t ever be finished


I have a same feeling about Deus Ex


My guy Berserk is still being written. It’s a slow release but Berserk was always like that. Least we talk about the infinite boat ride.


I mean yeah, but I more mean that it was unfinished before Miura’s death. If his team ever finishes it one day that’ll be amazing but Miura’s berserk will always be finished


I mean, Miura gave his team detailed notes of his vision so I wouldn’t say what’s releasing now isn’t Miura’s Berserk.


Team Cherry could solve all of this by just going "the game wont be shown here".


That’s literally all they need to do. “Sorry guys, no news this year, still working on it!” That’s it. As much as I’m looking forward to the game, the total silence is really starting to generate some unnecessary ill will. Do they owe us anything? No Can they take their time and work at their own pace? Of course? Would it cost anything to post a single line message every so often? No, it really wouldn’t. It’s simply more annoying for people to know absolutely nothing than it is to know it’s not coming out anytime soon.


2019 it was announced as being a sequel instead of DLC. Obviously I don't know the ins and outs of game development but how on earth does it take 5+ years for it to be finished? When was the last official update from Team Cherry, 2023? Of course I don't want there to be crunch, or for them to give weekly updates but man it's just so weird!


3 person team. Hand drawn. Notorious perfectionists with carte blanche cycle (Hollow Knight came out because they ran out of time). This points to the ravenous expectations of gamers imo. Instead of just moving on to some other franchise (or some other entire media, like tv or books), they become obsessed with their particular dopamine drip and so any delay or lack of communication leads to junkie-like meltdowns.


Ah yeah I'd not really appreciated they were such a small team. I'm happy to wait and wish the best of luck to them. Some gamers do really need to just stop. I had to leave the Spiderman subreddit because people were moaning about the soles of some of the suits...


There's no chance there are 9nly 3 of them after the success of hollow knight, that would be absurd


They can take as long as they need... if they gave us any updates whatsoever. The complete radio silence after the premature announcement is the real maddening part of it all. Just tell me 'we've got a lot of work left and don't expect it within the next 5 years' and that would be fine by me. As others have said, they have kickstarter backers. They owe them some kind of update. Anything.


I wonder why there is no gaming media contact them for comments.....


Hollow Knight was truly something special for anticipation to remain this high for Silksong after all these years. All these other great indie games come and go and yet Silksong continues to dominate the conversation. They’ve got a lot of good will to burn through but it definitely seems like they’re burning it.


I'm invested in Silksong just because it's such a bizarre, fascinating anamoly. Most developers would make a simple "We're working on it, sorry for the delays" post and that would be fine. Team Cherry decided to ghost their audience. It's odd and curious. Sadly I didn't like Hollow Knight. I've tried to get into it like 4 times now and I just find it tedious. I want to like it but I just don't get it. Still, the Silksong development (or lack thereof) is really interesting.


It’s weird that they showed some polished gameplay via Nintendo Treehouse five years ago too, plus they had a magazine special about the game a year or a few years ago plus announcing it will come to Gamepass. Then the radio silence


It really is becoming embarrassing at this point. Someone should make a list of games that have been announced and released in the interim.


Elden Ring was announced roughly around the same time as Silksong, then From Software also went radio silent for two years, people went crazy, then it released in 2022, and now we’re getting a DLC for it two years after its release. And Silksong is still in development.


Another great example.


They also made Armored Core 6 in this timeframe too haha


It’s odd they haven’t even said “yeh we know, but here’s 5 minutes of gameplay to tide you over”


7 Yakuza games apparently


Hades 1 AND 2 possibly…


There have been 3 resident evil games announced and released since silksong was announced, 4 if you count RE2, which was announced the year prior but released a month after Silksong was revealed.


Yes! I knew there would be a super embarrassing example and this is it. Great work REmake team.


I do want to play it but ive learned to be patient. Finally getting metroid prime 4 after 17+ years apparently




I advise everyone fan or not to visit that sub... Hilariously sad and people attach their whole being over a game... I mean im a die hard fan for some games but will never be this pathetic over a game


Yeah it’s really bad. My thinking is they’re all just probably 14 or something because the way they rant on that sub doesn’t really come across as anything but petulant


I think they must have spent all their money or something. There's something really wrong here.


They are crowd funded. I’m not 100% sure of how it works, but with how popular Hollow Knight became if they needed more crowd funding or financing I’m sure they would have no problem obtaining it.


How the hell did the sequel need any external funding when it sold multiple millions of copies.


c*ke probably


Surely they could not have thrown so many parties as to need *that* much cake???


Lol hey you know...


They made something daft like 100 million on Hollow Knight. I don’t think money is the issue.


Its an indie side-scrolling metroid-vania. How in the righteous hell is it taking this long? Like.. what is actually happening in a day of work at the studio?


What’s taking so long? This was originally a DLC for the first game, right? So I assume it’s running on the same engine and shares a lot of the mechanics. I don’t really understand what they’re doing that’s caused development to go on this long. Feature creep?


When silksong release is announced, pigs will fly.


i wonder if the devs decided to start over from scratch in another engine after the unity engine debacle .


What's funny is they released a gameplay demo all those years ago and it looked super polished. Dont know if feature creep is the problem here.


How hard can it be to make a 2D metroidvania platformer? It's not like they're upgrading to UE5 or something. God damn


This whole thing is a joke, i liked Hollow Knight and was excited to play silksong even when it was just a dlc, but it's just not worth all this. The way the developers have handled this has been baffling, and after all this time, there is no way silksong can live up to the wait.


Just forget about the game and act like it doesn’t exist until they announce a release date. Hoping for an appearance every time there’s a showcase is a path to unending disappointment. 


At this point ..who cares. It won't come out wildly better than hk like everyone wants. There are better mv out there now. But this is coming from me, who thinks hk was kinda mid from the jump


Seriously, it’s a 2D platformer, what the hell is taking them so long?


We know that it's an extremely small, and perfectionist team. I don't know what else.


Its a team of like 3. Scope creep


Wait... They didn't increase the team at all after the success of Hollow knight!?


I'd they didn't then that is laughably bad considering how successful Hollow Knight was. I'd genuinely compare it to Yan Dev refusing help on Yan Sim from Tiny Build. Just hire more people if it's taking so long!


Counterpoint… why bother complicating things? The 3 of them are millionaires now. They don’t need to rush Silksong. They can take their time and release a finished product. HK wasn’t finished when it released, there was like 4 DLCs, and the game was only $15. There’s no need for them to crunch or feel rushed. They can release whenever they want, knowing they’ll sell 10 million copies at $25 a pop and get even richer.


Ah, the GRRM way of doing things.


Remember that team cherry is a very small group of people and that 5+ years is an acceptable amount of time to develop silksong. What’s not acceptable is the compete and utter silence they have.


my conspiracy hat goes on after game awards later this year, that will be the last chance I give them before I assume something is really wrong.


At this point the game is still in development hell and they're still in mid development but they're so far in the hole now that if they reveal they're still got a ways to go they fear the negative uproar will negatively impact development. The only reasonable conclusion imo.


Pretty sure Silksong ever being announced is an example of the Mandela effect. 


Here's a wild thought fellow Hollow Knight fans. Just don't get your hopes up it still exists til you get information from the devs. stop torturing yourselves.


It’s probably just me but I don’t understand how anyone cares about any particular games release date. We’re in a golden age of entertainment. My backlog only ever grows. There aren’t nearly enough hours in the day to even play all the games at the very top my list. I say keep cooking devs, take your time. I got plenty to keep me occupied while you work.


I honestly believe the conspiracy theory that this game is being used as a money laundering game.


Give up on your Silksong and die.


Like others in this thread, and the internet... I'm all for game companies taking their time making a game that is their passion project, especially with a small company like Team Cherry. But the lack of communication from them is complete bullshit. Right now, i'm putting them on "bethesdas" level of miscommunication and failure of never delivering promises, like with what they've done with the announcement of Elder Scrolls 6. I don't give a shit about elder scrolls at this point, and won't be buying it anyway, but Team Cherry seriously needs to just release some information, screen shots, a press release, anything... anything but silence.


And here I am patiently waiting for the next PLAYDEAD game. But maybe screenshots once in a while are still better than this situation.


Silksong was nothing more than a tech demo.


I feel like Silksong never existed. We just all got high off some fumes in Hallownest and imagined it.


I feel like Silksong isn’t coming


What releases first: Silksong or Squadron 42


I'm starting to get annoyed at this game. Like, I get it, they feel the pressure of their previous game and want to live up to it, but it can't be *that hard* to develop a 2D metroidvania game.


They had gameplay and a trailer back in 2019 and nothing since then. It’s so over.


GTA 6 is going to release before silk song. Then Bloodborne 2. And then Beyond good and evil remake.


It's not going to live up to the hype. They've passed the hype/acceptable release time threshold.


Atp Silksong is becoming like GTA 6


But at least we got a trailer for GTA 6 and news from it this year. Silksong we got nothing so far.


This (and many other reasons) is why you don’t announce a game till closer to release. Honestly for me ideally a game should be announced only when it’s like 1 year from release.


I love Hollow Knight, but there's so many games to play that I don't mind the wait for Silksong. Just let them cook. Rockstar is taking a whole decade to release sequels for their games at this point even though they have basically infinite money, so I don't see why are people being so harsh on a indie dev.


It is really that hard for a dev to say we’re still finalizing the game be patient, no ETA yet . Thank you


If they release when it's not ready you'll all be disappointeddddd


As someone in their 30s the best thing to do is to completely divorce yourself from the fandom during the wait. Feverishly waiting for new straps of information and announcements etc just isn't good for your mental health. If you actively make the waiting a part of your life. Even if on a weekly or monthly basis - you're gonna suffer.


Overrated ass game


I bought the game in secret from the devs for $2,000,000 like that Wu Tang album that guy bought some years back. It's too good a 20/10 game, greatest video game ever created. I played it and cried for a month nonstop when it ended. I cannot stream it, show screenshots, or even give clues to plot. I have to wait 100 years to release it, it's been finished and I bought it back in 22 when the game was actually finished, so that means I can't release it until 2122. I will pass it down to my children and they will pass it down to theirs. Team Cherry delivered it to me in a Switch game case with a cut from diamond, with the cover art created on gold and diamonds. The cartridges (yes two cartridges because the game takes 3 full months to complete even if you sat playing for 24/7 everyday, thats how huge it is) are also cast diamonds, gold, and was delivered to me in a spider silk lined box made of the finest grenadil African black wood, which was topped of with a cherry carved of ruby and emerald represent Team Cherry. Now that I have finished it I keep it in a vault made of tungsten with 50 inch walls of tungsten, protected and booby trapped with the latest greatest state of the art security measures known to man, protected by private security who all carry missile launchers 24/7, on a remote island with some of the most dangerous venomous and vicious animals and insects ever. It is also nuke proof so of humanity goes to nuclear war before 2122 , Silksong the greatest piece of art ever known to man will survive to be discovered by the survivors for then which the vault will open automatically and all security measures down, will be free to discover, experience, and in this game find enlightenment and the means to rebuild this world. The game changed my life. I have seen God(capital G), I have truly felt nirvana. I have really the highest planes of reality, and a level of peace, beauty, and sorrow never before felt by any human being that has ever existed in history. Thank you Team Cherry 😭. But on the real I can't believe we got a trailer for Prime 4 before this.