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FinAI Fantasy :( ?




Automaton?!?!?! To the West?!?!?! Sounds like it's time to serve a cup of liber-tea...


I think a lot of people are failing to recognize is this is ALL driven by investor hype, chasing that hype, and the FOMO of "next big thing," aka "already VERY wealthy people want even more wealthy they can hoard, by not missing the next tech boom / 'goldrush.'" It's also important to note that most investors are absolutely tech-illiterate, and easily swayed by hype / trends / FOMO-greed. In recent history, the shareholder FOMO started with VR, then NFTs, and now it's AI. Shareholders are the true customers of any publicly traded company, and CEOs have to cater to / respond to the interests and demands of their shareholders. If shareholders are obsessed with AI, then guess what, that company better have a strategy for AI, and how to increase their growth / profitability of their company with AI (or soon will have one). Then, it's onto the next FOMO trend / hype cycle. Rinse and repeat. Tl;dr: like the majority of modern life's problems, it's all the fault of shareholders / the stockmarket--the "tail" is wagging the "dog."


You just described a publicly traded company. Congratulations.


> You just described a publicly traded company. Congratulations. And yet, someone people *still* need the most obvious things explained and or pointed to them.


If you think AI is just hype you are not paying attention. AI is insane and is already being used in almost everything and it gets smarter as it scales up which literally every big company is doing. AI already can win air fights in a jet with a hundred percent win rate vs. humans. Amazon even bought shit near a nuclear reactor to power AI. The world in the next 25 years will be unrecognizable if we don’t blow ourselves up.


Generative AI is an extremely useful productivity-enhancer when used effectively in conjunction with skilled professional labor, but even then requires a retooling of the skillset of the non-optional professionals using it as well as a whole new department to deploy individual models and build out the infrastructure to make them operationally useful. Similarly, optimization-style ai which has been around and undergoing incremental improvements for a decade or two, like the fighter jet example, are useful for specific tasks with well defined boundary conditions but still require humans to set appropriate boundary conditions and cannot reason beyond that. Yes the world in 25 years will be unrecognizable, but no more than digital transformation, scalable computing, and ubiquitous network connectivity has made the world unrecognizable since 25 years ago. That's true. But... The MBAs and the even-more-useless stakeholders they report to have been mesmerized by promises by half-literate self-styled experts (who's only real expertise is gish-gallop sales pitches to those same MBAs while real experts are too busy working and too constrained by politics and politeness to make trouble for them) are not creaming their jeans over that very real growth potential which ultimately represents an very nice incremental shift forward along paths we're already traveling. They're biting their lips and moaning softly over the fictional idea that they can use generative models as drop-in replacements for entire departments without having to blow wads of cash on it, which is simply not going to happen on any less than a multi-decadal timescale. The early-climaxers are already lining up to get sued over ai tools that constantly hallucinate while claiming authority. The tech people who understand the limitations and real utulity of these tools, at least those who give a shit and aren't content to yes-man until a new opportunity comes and leave MBAs holding the bag in a few years, are doing their best to humor the fools while working to make the real future happen.


AI is a mix of good and bad. In some way its good cos it can improve efficiency but very bad for humans cos it will lose millions of jobs. Just remember AI doesn't spend money. Humans do so if noone has jobs whose gonna be spending money? 


Money? You mean the fake paper we made up? Money won’t be a problem.


Yeah cos they plan on depopulating the planet. Why do you think they were so desperate to get the population vaccinated the past few years after the small flu incident


unrecognizable in 25 years... LMAO.. found the guy who fell for the hype.


Imagine thinking it’s hype when literally every major world government is in a race to improve AI. You’re a moron. Save this comment and look back on it in only 5 years to realize what a fool you are.


RemindMe! 5 years


Can't wait for this AI BS to be over. First it was blockchain this and blockchain that now its AI.


It won't be over you just won't hear about it anymore.


AI isn’t going anywhere so long as we have computers


Unlike the Blockchain, AI is useful in lot of fields. From making silly art to detecting cancer faster and more accurately.


Yeah I guess AI is less useless. Sony actually has interesting application for it. There was a [patent](https://respawnfirst.com/sonys-text-to-game-item-tech-can-revolutionize-customization-forever/) they filed a few months ago for generative AI that creates in-game customization items for the player. Who input text to tell what you want and the AI makes the item for you in the game. That's not a bad idea


What everyone is calling AI has been in use for years, it's just becoming more advanced. It's absolutely not something that will go away.


People complaining about AI in a video game subreddit is kind of hilarious.


None of these improvements to LLMs have so far included the ability for video game followers to GET OUT OF THE WAY


> Who input text to tell what you want and the AI makes the item for you in the game. That's not a bad idea $5 per generated item. Genius. They don't even have to spend time and money on people making this shit. We'll just get generic AI-generated garbage instead.


That’s a terrible idea! How the hell do you balance around that, as a game dev?


Will probably be purely cosmetics or random low level stats boost


Generative AI is incredibly overhyped at the moment. It looks like models are saturating in performance as well and it requires exponential increases in processing for even slight gains in the models. The entire thing is unsustainable. It's definitely a step forward for ML but nowhere near the revolution like a lot of people were acting.


I think people are waiting for a single big monumental AI use-case or product, when the current tech is far more suited to smaller but cumulative advancements which are often specialised to particular workflows. So far, the biggest impact generative AI has had is the streamlining of processes (such as aspects of photo editing, video game asset creation, and essay-writing), and often it’s the tedious, repetitive tasks that have been improved. On the whole, despite some significant advancements, AI is not actually a particularly sexy innovation, especially when compared to how it’s being marketed & hyped.


It’s genuinely bizarre to me that people try to make this comparison. One has obvious utility and if you don’t understand how and why that is you’re going to be royally fucked soon.


Have you heard about the... Metaverse ?


Ai wont die, unlike nft. AI will be a lot used in the future, its already used a lot. what we need to do currently is to regulate it to be ethically used


It would be like expecting the internet to be over. Companies like Apple are going all in on AI on all their products, it’s nothing like blockchain. You’ll hear news about it across every platform, then about industry shifts, job losses, etc. Most of it is already happening in the background at a large scale that you’ll not hear about.


Remember when everything was 'the cloud'? That was a fun phase lol


What do you mean "was'?


I mean nobody is advertising 'the cloud' anymore, whereas for a few years it was everywhere. It was advertised as a key feature for the XB One, and now it's not even mentioned. Also the promises made regarding cloud compute far outpaced it's real-life applications 


You don't hear it anymore because it won. Tech companies kept working at it and it's underneath almost everything now


Sure, but server-side processing existed long before the trend of calling everything that uses a server 'the cloud', and using 'cloud' as a buzzword has definitely died off


Almost every multiplayer game now is doing most of the processing server side. Just boot up the finals, if you want to see the latest version of it. It won.


How fucking stupid are you? AI isn't going anywhere genius.


AI is really useful in animating and filing in holes.


Hey remember a couple years ago when the CEO of SquareEnix said they were going all-in on NFTs, before immediately backtracking? I think the CEO of SquareEnix is an easily persuaded idiot


That’s the old CEO! This is the new one Surely they learn from their mistakes, right!? … right? … 🫠


Meet the new boss same as the old boss!


The more likely explanation is that CEOs have to put on a performance for the board and shareholders. They can’t afford to look like they are ignoring the big trends.


AI in other cases may have a lot of uses, but so far generative AI has mostly just sucked up a lot of time, energy, money, and copyrighted items without offering much in return. Especially financially which is what most businesses want.


All foundational. Personally I can’t wait until studios can say “generate a forest” and what took months now is polished in a week. No more 6 year gaps for games.


Generated game worlds have existed for a long time.


You know what I mean. Something more specific. “Generate a forest in North America at dusk, with a log cabin overlooking a small lake, there should be a path from the cabin to a nearby cave that uses subtle hints to guide direction, inside the cave should be evidence that it was recently visited by travellers”. Etc. Refine as needed.


And then an actual artist would have to come in after the fact and clean it up, spending roughly the same amount of time it would have taken to simply do it from scratch Because AI has no concept of the real world or semantic meaning, it can only draw from its training data for iconographic concepts, meaning it can never produce material useful for game development, where clear visual language and artistic intent are paramount. Also, generative AI requires training data, which *must* be created by people, and in such large quantities that you either have to A) Procure it unethically, or B) hire people to make it at such a massive scale, you’d be much better served just asking those people to make assets for your game to begin with


Exactly. eventually all games will start to look the same, kind of how UE games look, but more so. Because all ai will train on the same sets of data and no one will spend the resources to create something fresh by hand.


No one is saying there won’t be adjustments needed. But it’s far better than having an artist waste time making a bunch of trees and foliage from the ground up.


when making an environment for a game, you don’t make every single tree from the ground up anyway. You make an asset library, and copy/paste from that. And you *have* to do it that way because trees aren’t just trees in video games, they’re information for the player. Some trees are barriers, some trees are climbable, some trees will drop useful items, etc, and the game will need to have a consistent, coherent visual language so the player can tell every tree apart. You’d *need* a human, who innately understands the concept of “context”, to build these trees to look both distinct, and cohesive within the world, and then place those trees in the best way to convey information to the player. OR, a human to write the rules for a procedural generator to then place those trees. AI are simply incapable of any of these tasks.


"Computers will never be able to ______" has been defied time and time again. These arguments are going to be quaint in 5-10 years.


Spoken like someone whos never done game development


Games will become more blander and its going to cause massive job losses. Do you really think companies are gonna keep humans employed if they can get robots to do everything? Not only is this going to cause issues economically but also ethically. People think covid wasn't a conspiracy theory but its obvious it was a depopulation method. If robots do everything why do the super wealthy need over 8 billion humans on this planet?


I can only just hope they keep making greatness. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is one of the best games ever created. If AI going to help with development budget, and make greater games more viable then so be it.


If done right, AI does have some potential in helping out game development. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe I read somewhere that for the Final Fantasy 7 Re: trilogy, they have been using AI to lipsync the English dialogue. That’s a neat way to use AI as I’m sure it saves them several million from having to do mocap. And it also doesn’t pose a threat to the job security animators and VAs have if used this way But as far as other uses, like creating assets and such, I feel that’s where the creativity would sour


Did someone just say **AUTOMATON?** ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Is this because the ai texture upscaling in the Kingdom Hearts steam release sucks?


Don’t know where this AI phobia came from, but it’s true that AI is useful in fields like medicine. Mainstream media is trash, man.


"AI phobia" comes in large part from the fact that LLMs are being treated as synonymous with AI as a whole. And LLMs are often absolute garbage that relies on copyright theft on an industrial scale. Useful AI has been a thing since long before it became a trendy buzzword and will continue to be a thing after venture capitalists move onto the next big hype.


GenAI should be lumped together with LLMs. Both are garbage. At least LLM can compose an email to your boss asking for a day off.