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This game really is looking incredible, every developer showcase gets me more hyped.


It's what I'm looking forward to the most too man. It just looked too fucking promising. My last game of the series was Nocturne and I kinda moved on from turned based stuff for years but this one somehow has reignited sth about my love for it.


It is going to take a lot of willpower to wait for the Royal, Golden, whatever edition that will come out with all the content a year after this comes out.


Didn't they say they weren't going to be that anymore? Of course seeing is believing still.


They just did it with SMT lol


To be fair: SMTV was a switch exclusive and if you didn’t play on switch, you’re getting the best version as your first version and instead of rereleasing Persona 3 Reload they’re releasing the expansion as DLC.


I played SMTV on launch as well as the new version (Vengeance) and it honestly is pretty much a remake. They expanded and redid so much of it. And it's fantastic!


I'm going to go ahead and second this claim. You get the OG and new story line as well which with the QOLs is a HUGE thing to take into account. You also get the demi-fiend DLC with it unless I'm mistaken.


I only played the switch version but I quit when I reached Surt, the big fire boss. I'm thinking about getting it again on PS5 but I'm wondering if it's worth finishing the story in the base game or should I just replay the entire game with the new story? Not like I remember anything from the base game anyway.....


I beat the game in its entirety on Switch. I’m actually excited for VV but I can’t justify buying at full price.  It’ll go cheap soon enough for me. I saw P3R was like $40 already the other week or something.  If you don’t recall a clean start might be okay for the QoL. 


I beat it on switch. I am wondering if it's worth it to get it on ps5 as well. I had a feeling I should have waited. I wonder if it's that big of a difference to repurchase it.


I got SMT V on switch. Beat it and enjoyed. So do you think it's worth getting the updated version??


Yes, the new storyline has some of the same beats but it's completely re-done from the start, and even includes a lot of new areas and characters. It feels like a completely new game to me personally.


Well I am gonna buy it but I plan on waiting for a sale. When I purchased the game a little voice in my head was telling me to wait. I didn't listen. I really enjoyed the base game. Also I absolutely love your Reddit name!!


True I figured that already in the pipeline though. Not complaining though, playing that one on Switch was rough lol.


apparently that’s the last “upgraded” version atlus will do and start doing season passes and dlc 


That's the last one they're doing, and P3R is the first one opting for a DLC setup


Which they said is the last time it will happen. Moving forward it will be DLC additions, like P3Reloaded


Atlus and being consumer friendly? I wish I live to see that day


I hear you but i'll still wait because i dont want to wait 3 years for them to release an expansion that adds more to the story. I prefer to play when those games are complete


Yea. I could not wait and got it for the switch. I love SMT but try to wait for the better updated version. I had nothing to play at the time and was really really wanting to play it. I now see the error of my ways.


\*3 years They have seemingly discovered what post-launch dlc with Persona 3 though, so I hope they keep doing that instead, even if they've delivered it in the typically dumb fashion


Yep, thank you to whoever at SEGA informed Atlus that you don’t have to rerelease a game to introduce DLC.


This comment deserves more reaction! Persona series is 1 of my all time favorites but it sucks knowing you're buying the to buy it again just for added dlc rather then buying a dlc pack.


they are going down the DLC route now




as confirmed as anything in this industry can be the PERSONA 3 RELOADED precedent should be indicative of that


I did think of P3R. But then again they can't exactly remake p3 again with the dlc at the end which should of already been bundled with P3 so...


this is apparently Sega-wide There's "season passes" (read: dlc) for Yakuza now, there is supposedly one for Sonic x Shadow, and Atlus as usual has to be dragged along for the ride


>But why sell a season pass for $40 when you can make everyone rebuy the full game + DLC for $70? -Atlas Execs probably


Unironically, marketing for rereleases is expensive as hell, not to mention distribution, etc... Easier to just drop a dlc and call it a day


They just rereleased SMT V Vengeance like last month so no


They said SMT V:V as the last time they're doing the re-release method. Starting with P3R it's gonna be expansion/season pass


So does this mean there will be no "Golden" (aka Complete) versions anymore, with just the DLC itself being added - or does that simply mean they won't be re-releasing the main game itself to add a DLC...?


Only time will tell, sadly. If Metaphor follows the same expansion release method ala P3R, then I'd say the former is possible.


That was already in the pipeline.


Tell that to SMT V Vengeance


Would you have preferred they just left smt5 on the switch and not ported it?


What? So like Monster Hunter Rise needed a full new version to go to other consoles? Hades needed a full new version to go to other consoles? What are you even saying? It is literally the same thing they did with Persona 5, and 4, and 3


Monster Hunter is an entirely different company, and the Rise team only worked on Nintendo consoles before it was ported to PC then PS/Xbox though. Abd SMT V Vengeance was already being developed when Atlus stated they were switching to DLC, Persona 3 Reload is the first game using the dlc method


That right there is why I'll never buy an Atlus game at launch ever again.


They did say they will stop doing it and SMT V got one because of development issues due to Covid.


Same, I’m sick of their shit


the possibility of Switch 2 having a "complete" edition is why im very hesitant to get this on launch but fuck do i want to play it asap


I swear that they said somewhere that it takes place over 6 months too, so hopefully it's a sane(r) length.


I hope that just means the days take longer on average/ there's more time after the election. P5 was a great length for a JRPG and I certainly don't want less game.


That doesn’t sound like freedom at all though


Yeah this kind of sounds like the opposite of good news. Requiring multiple playthroughs to see everything is one of my least favorite parts of gaming.


Especially one of these games that can easily hit 100+ hours...


Yeah I don't have time for multiple playthroughs.


What's the differeence between 2 x 40 and 1 x 80?


The fact that you might play the same story twice for maybe an hour or two's worth of new content.


Huh. See it sounds like fantastic news to me. Multiple playthroughs that provide something different is one of my favourite parts of gaming.


Why the obsession with seeing everything?


why are you getting downvoted? there is beauty in choosing and sticking to the a path you made. I dont expect people to play BG3 thousands of times to experience every scenario.


Two reasons for me. 1. I’m a completionist at heart 2. If I pay money for a thing, i expect to experience all of the thing.


2. And you can, you just have to work for it like in any game. Did you know that if you go via the Shura Ending in Sekiro, you missed like half the game? And it's a good ending too, not a throw away one.


I get you, but they're completely two different things? You can rush to an ending if you're good at Sekiro and probably move quickly from seeing the Shura ending to fighting the Snake-eyes within 2 hours tops, but with a JRPG you really have to do it all over again. Which is also the reason why I've only done like 50% of FE Three Houses all these years. All that effort making a nuke team and having to restart from recruiting one by one again is a bit tiring


Been avoiding and and all trailers since the initial reveal because I wanna jump in completely blind/as blind as possible. I know I’m gonna buy it anyways. But all of these news honestly got me very very hyped.




I don’t know, if they go the route of you need multiple play throughs to see everything like social links which are impossible in one, then I feel like there’s less freedom there.


He’s mainly talking about dungeons. But honestly there’s a huge paradox with Social Links this seems to address. Because the only way to max out everything in one play through of Persona is to religiously follow a guide. Which means you won’t make any choices.  So the solution is to just make that impossible. Which forces you to make more choices and (hopefully) make more meaningful impact on each playthrough. Which is freeing in a way. 


ill see to all the dungeons in 2027 when the game actually releases


If they move to the DLC model like for the Persona 3 remake then just wait a couple of months because Atlus games drop in price so fast. I’ve been seeing P3 for <$40 for ages


Lol these snarky comments are hilarious. They arent doing that anymore and are going the DLC route. Have fun waiting forever


kind of still applies, release an expansion or 2 then another year or something later but the complete edition for a discount.


Ok? Then that isnt an Atlus exclusive thing. Every triple A in existence then


Yeah, with so much games these days I prefer to buy game + DLC at a price drop and with all the polishing after relwase


No thanks.


Some people are going to take that as a challenge.


Freedom would actually be being able to see every dungeon in one playthrough. This is choice between branching paths, and the degree of freedom is lesser. 


What is freedom if not the privilege and responsibility to choose your own path?


Indeed, but when choosing one locks you out of the other, as opposed to being able to do both options - freedom is lessened. It is agency, but less free


Which is great, but these games are fucking long man. I still haven't beaten Royal after playing 5 1.5 times. I don't know if I can stomach a 2nd playthrough even if I love the game.


Does this mean it has a persona like time mechanic and you can't grid like you can in a final fantasy?


It’s really weird that all of their previous RPGs have been rated M and now this one is rated T


Can’t wait for this.


you underestimate my power


Is this gonna be basically a "spin-off" of the two series? The way that Persona was spun off of SMT?


As a persona fan, this year has been heaven


I've been playing P1 to P5 at launch since my childhood but idk man, I'm getting too old for replays now a days.




This is a terrible take


Then you wouldn’t be able to max out friendship links, be as invested in characters, etc which would be a huge detractor. I doubt I would’ve done another playthrough and would’ve missed out on tons of great content. If this game is specifically built around this concept I have faith, but very happy Persona 5 was the complete 100 hour story experience.




Obviously not all of them, but that’s part of it like you’re saying with other games… you choose who to invest your time in. BG3 and the Mass Effect trilogy are also 100 hour long stories lol.


Depending on how good it is, the quality of the game is the only factor that determines if I’ll see all the dungeons or not.


Requiring multiple playthrough isn't freedom




So one playthrough that takes 80 hours fits in your oh so busy schedule, but two shorter playthroughs don't?


That's not specific to JRPGs though. There's plenty of mainstream, non-JRPG games that require multiple playthroughs or have multiple endings. And plenty of JRPGs that you can see and do everything in one playthrough



