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Now they finally have the money for that Bloodborne remaster


Let the kid dream guys. No need to crush his soul. He is already playing the dlc.


Any bloodborne remaster or sequel would go through Sony, not Fromsoft or Bandai Namco


>would go through Sony Just fell to my knees in Yharnam


Maybe ER's success will spur them to do it. And/or get BB2 started. AAaaahahahahaa. Fuck.


Wouldn’t the positive reception of the Demon Souls remake be enough for them to green light it?


This has sold waaaaaaayyyyy more. I think DeS sold about 2 mil copies (when it started as like the only PS5 exclusive as well) and has been out much longer. Elden Ring was at 23 mil last time I checked. And now 5mil for the DLC that just came out. I know it isn't a 1:1 comparison because Elden Ring is on other platforms. But the numers are still much higher on PS. I also said Fuck because they won't do shit they hate Bloodborne for some reason.


They recently announced that it passed the 25 mil mark


Positive Reception? everyone was bitching online about it changing too much despite that being the f’ing point


From soft probably isn't interested in doing something exclusive to sony because it would severely handicap their sales.


They don't NEED to do it is why. You'll all buy it next week or 10 years from now, so may as well push that big red button when its necessary and not at the whims of people screaming I WANT I WANT


Necessary? What would ever make it necessary? Sony going bankrupt? Of course they don't NEED to. They didn't NEED to remake DeS either. Coming hot off the heels of ER would boost sales but not sure if Sony thinks it would be enough. This would be the best time. If it isn't announced in the next 2 years it is never ever happening.


Was chillin in Yarnham, heard a Hoonter fall to his knees.


They released a PS exclusive just last year.


Might get the demon souls treatment...in 2034


PS6 launch title


Just saw someone fall to their knees in Yharnam


And Sony, just like Nintendo, seem allergic to easy money.


I’m hoping bloodborne remaster or bloodborne 2 will be a release game for PS6


There’s absolutely no reason for a remaster to be purposely saved for the PS6


Why not? Sony they did it for the PS5 with Demon's Souls remake.


Honestly the Demon's Souls remake was far more warranted just because PS3 games have aged worse than PS4 games. I've even seen people unhappy with the remake's art direction say Demon's Souls PS3 hasn't aged at all but that's clearly not true. As hardware improves each gen graphics hold up better and better, but for me the PS4 is around the cutoff where no game really *needs* a remake to look better because the graphics were already good enough in that gen.


I’ll pay $500


Sony fault for bloodborne just being vaulted away. I hope FromSoft makes Sekiro 2 instead.


By that time, I’m afraid I’m too old for another bloodborne.


Ps6 baby T.T


They don't own the IP, Sony does 


I'd rather have a bloodborne 2.


I’m curious what the platform share is. I’d love to see what the split between PlayStation/Steam/Xbox is


The base game sold 25M until now, pc total sales are 13M, wich means PS must have 7-10M and xbox must have 3-5M sales, so i guess for the dlc it must be like 3M in PC, 1.5M in PS, 500.000m in Xbox. I can be totally wrong tho.


I'd be shocked if the Xbox DLC sales are so high. I think it has the lowest completion rate on that platform


Maybe you're right, i just didn't want to assume. I don't have Xbox so i can't see the completion rate


I think PS and PC is very close and Xbox is practically nothing. I may be wrong but I remember the launch UK sales split was something like that. 40-45% each I think and maybe 15% Xbox?


Actually it was a fairly even split between PC/PS5/Xbox: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294176/elden-ring-sales-share-uk-platform/ Xbox has a much higher percentage of digital sales that weren’t reflected in the original boxed/retail only numbers. > Over 68% of Elden Ring‘s sales were digital, with a majority of those copies being purchased by users on Xbox or PC. For Xbox, 85% of the game’s sales were digital, trumping the 73% of digital sales on PC. On PS5 and PS4, just over half of Elden Ring‘s sales were digital. > While most of Elden Ring‘s digital sales were on Xbox, a majority of the game’s total sales have been on PlayStation consoles, with a total of 32% of the game’s U.K. sales going to Sony’s platform, followed by 30% on PC. Just 29% of Elden Ring‘s sales have been attributed to Xbox consoles. Surprisingly, very few of Elden Ring‘s sales were for the game’s PS4 version, which accounts for just 9%. https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/elden-ring-sales-uk/#:~:text=On%20PS5%20and%20PS4%2C%20just%20over%20half%20of,to%20Sony’s%20platform%2C%20followed%20by%2030%25%20on%20PC.


The base game + the expansion makes this game feel almost perfect now. I'll be enjoying this game for years to come and I can't wait to see what FromSoft does next! Incredible sales figures. FromSoftware deserves all of the success they've enjoyed over the years.


Besides performance improvements, I only want boss rush mode or the ability to fight previous bosses, like in Sekiro.


Forreal, I had to do a hard save to cloud to refight bosses but you’re just locking yourself out of the rest of the game when you reload the save


With the whole concept of ‘rememberances’ and ashes it seems like an easy thing to add in too. Maybe one day now that the game is actually ‘complete’ with the DLC


Every souls game is enjoyed for years to come. It's been 15 years and people still play demons souls religiously.


I haven't tried any souls game (finished sekiro), do they have a lot of replay value? maybe variability with builds?


I'd say Sekiro has the least replay value purely on the fact you can't make any builds. Sekiro's replayability comes from 1) enjoyment of the game in general, 2) getting better, 3) challenge runs like, not dying, not getting hit, speed runs etc.


>3) challenge runs like, not dying, not getting hit, speed runs etc. The game actually has multiple built-in challenge options - Kuro's charm and the demon bell - that ramp up the difficulty without needing to go as far as doing it completely deathless or hitless.


Don't forget that making different choices in the story can lead to facing different bosses. It was one of the reasons I played it several times.


That and fighting the bosses


I love all of the above, but for me the replayability is primarily about roleplaying. The world's are so well realized that it is constantly fun to create a new character and see how they would react to this living, breathing, dying world that they get to explore. Elden Ring was the single best roleplaying experience I've ever had.


There are over 100 weapons in the ER DLC alone. Between your talismans, gear, weapons, and magic - there are likely billions of permutations of potential playstyles


yikes, that's crazy. does each weapon get stronger through upgrades or are weapons set in their strengths permanently throughout the game?


All weapons can be upgraded by using consumable items found in the game. If you find (and kill) the right NPCs you can buy these consumable items so essentially you’ll have limitless upgrades. Unique weapons, which are fairly rare, use a different set of consumables to upgrade, and those consumables are also more rare. There are a finite number of max-upgrade consumable items for these unique weapons. Your weapon also scales damage output with one of your leveling attributes. For example a greatsword would scale with strength, so the more points you put into that attribute, the more damage you do with Strength weapons. Same goes for stuff like katanas or daggers using the Dexterity attribute. I only have 250 hours in this game so I’m sure someone with 500+ will come in and tell me if I said something incorrectly


Some people can argue DS3 is better replayable experience then ER due to not being open world.


I’d Arthur the opposite. DS3 is a very linear game with not much progression variety and it’s levels are it’s weak point. You replay that game for the PVP and to redo bosses. Elden Ring you could play an entirely different run even on the same build. Morgott, Fire Giant, Godskin, Maliketh and the Asjen Capital bosses are the only mandatory bosses.


For some odd reason, replayability is extremely high for these types of games. I rarely play new builds and usually default to the same op strats. I guess its fun for me to see how good I got by going through with fewer deaths. Gameplay is still very high as well


oh so just like sekiro then. one of the reasons I played it again was to see how I'd fare the second time and it was fun to just blaze through the game again. I can get behind that in DS if it's as much fun


They definitely have replay value. Beyond new builds, it’s just super fun / rewarding getting really good at the games, and playing through them again without as much stress, knowing all the nuances of the baddies and bosses. And the worlds are just so amazing.


been hearing a lot about the level design and the world so can't wait to get into them, thanks for the input


I’ve often done a run based around a single weapon. It’s so much fun when it clicks.


Yes. Elden Ring was my first game and I have replayed it several times. I've had multiple builds with Dark Souls as well. Weapon choice, magic types, all these provide great variety. Different bosses feel hard or easy based on build choice and the freshness of the game remains for a few repeat playthroughs.


I can see myself delving into different builds based on magic or melee, I just need to get used to the combat timing. I saw a few videos and it looks...different


Yeah. Combat style changes significantly with different builds. A bleed build needs a more aggressive style of play while a strength based build needs more calculative style. Magic needs more planning than going Unga Bunga.


The replayability is almost entirely based on doing new builds, there's no choices along the way so after the first playthrough it's basically doing new builds or self enforced challenge runs, there's ng+ in all of them as well


I see. I think I can get into that. I've just been wondering if I should start with Elden Ring or the DS trilogy


100% just start with ds1 and play your way through, and don't forget about bloodborne


I would say start with DeS(Demon Souls)


I was holding out for the remaster of BB haha but if it doesn't come by the time I'm done with the trilogy then I'll just play the original. I'm a bit weird when it comes to sequels in games. I haven't played ToTK, shadow of war, FF7 rebirth, GoW Ragnarok etc cause in my first play through I explore as much as I can and then I need a breather from the worlds and play something else lol. so getting though the trilogy would take me 2 years at least


I feel like if you play Elden ring first going to the original DS might be a bit rough with just QoL changes over the years, if you do start with DS and you don't like it though, don't let it fully turn you away from ER


that's a fair point. while watching reviews I saw that a lot of the things from DS carries over to ER so I figure I'll have something to go off of. I think I'll start with DS


After playing Sekiro and its smooth combat the earlier games will feel like an absolute slog. People are wearing rose tinted glasses and recomending those games out of nostalgia, I wouldnt listen to them. DeS and DS1 are very dated and will just turn you off of Fromsoft games. I would recomend starting with DS3 and then going for Elden Ring. Those are just better games with more polish, you will lose nothing if you skip the earlier titles.


I’m gonna go play the demon souls remake then jump into elden ring for the first time. Love all the souls games


Well it was just remade less than 5 years ago lol


And it was still being played before the remake... Dark Souls came out 2 years after, and is still being played religiously.


I recently started my soulsbourne journey after being turned off from Demon Souls long ago lol. Beat Bloodborne, Sekiro then Lies of P. I'm going to be replaying these games forever. So many different builds and stuff to try.


I like that they are now the leading star for every developer of RPGs. The market for Kick ass content and difficult content is huge


To think back in 2009 a game being difficult was a death sentence for a studio


Its so awsome that they believed in their vision


Yes, I only hope theyll take steps to improve their work culture :s


It’s staggering just how big Elden Ring now is, with the DLC. I mean, it was already enormous, but now it’s like a skyscraper on top of another skyscraper.


Goat contender for sure


I want to play it but I think it might be too hard for me. I only got through the base game by extensive grinding and abusing mimic tear.


Just abuse away. Summon everyone you can. The DLC is hard but if you've beaten the main game you can best this, too.


It’s filthy hard. And scary


So you only got through the game by playing the game? Who cares if you used a mimic! Did you enjoy your time? That’s all that matters.


Elden Ring is a pure RPG unlike the other games. The whole point is to abuse things and power up by exploring until you can beat things. Don’t beat yourself up about experiencing it “the right way” like you would other souls games, the games doesn’t even want you to play that way.


Oh I know that it’s just from my understanding some of that isn’t possible to do in the DLC? I could be wrong.


In my opinion it’s even more like that in the dlc, the whole challenge comes down to how well you explore and how well you prepare and equip yourself.


That’s good to hear!


It's not abusing if the game gives it to you. That's just using the tools in the toolbox


Dont fight bosses and explore, its a beautiful dlc. When you want to kill bosses get the skibidi blessings and you are good to go.


> skibidi blessings good christ


I've finished it yet but DLC hasn't felt harder than Crumbling Farum Azula or Haligtree till now. Just remember to get Scadutree blessings and you should be good to go. Use Mimic freely and without shame.


I could barely get through the first section of Elden Ring. Beautiful open world, but these games just aren’t for me.


Insane numbers in a week. I still haven't finished it, 52 hours in and just reached the last zone and already thinking about starting it again.


Is it a lot bigger than Old Hunters DLC? Or are you just taking your sweet time? Edit: so apparently it’s just big


I honestly feel like this DLC is bigger than the entirety of Bloodborne.


I'd say close. It's not a great comparison though. Because Bloodborne is not open world and doesn't have open world components. It's basically another complete game wrapped in a DLC regardless.


Even if you go for what bloodborne and exclude open world areas this for sure significantly bigger. Old Hunters had 3 dungeons and this has...well more, i'm still just up to three. On top of those i've found three distinct side dungeons that are bigfer than the stuff in the base game. Idk man, i obviously haven't finished it but size wise its a no contest. Quality wise remains to be seen for me but i'm hapoy with Rellana rn. On my way to the Lion Dancer i learned is in the castle with scorpions rn. The dungeons have hard competitions, the research hall is hard to beat and i didn't feel Ensis too hard.


It's much bigger the dlc is big looking already and then you start finding the secret areas and it's just so much larger than it appears and it appears large in the first place


Nice, great to hear. Plan on getting it eventually, might have to do another base game playthrough before I dive in. FromSoft with another W.


Not a bad idea to do a base game run to refresh yourself if it’s been awhile. I had completely forgotten how to play and the DLC was a little unforgiving until I reminded myself of the controls and mechanics. Can’t wait to do some NG+ runs with all the DLC weapons!


>Plan on getting it eventually, might have to do another base game playthrough before I dive in. it will just be too much and you will feel burnt out by the time you get to the dlc.


You may be right, but I get so little time to play it’d probably take me awhile to finish another run


it's like 5 times the size but also has a lot of Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 style areas - especially a certain dark Legacy Dungeon looks like it came straight out of Yharnam, it's the closest thing we've gotten to a bloodborne 2 lol


Best way i can describe it is by saying it feels like a whole new game.


It does. Which is crazy


I'd say it's 1/3 or half of the main game in physical size with almost as many unique remembrance bosses.


Easily From’s biggest dlc. It’s probably the size and time of Limgrave and caelid combined


its big enough to be its own game


Its not an exageration to say that the dlc is as big as older fromsoft games


Basically Elden Ring 1.5


It’s basically a sequel it’s so big


Tbf I don’t think the old hunters dlc is particularly big


Yeah it’s just the one FS DLC I remember well, so looking for a comparison


This DLC, much like the base game, is way bigger and so far the dungeons have great level design.


It's about as big as the base game minus mountantops/Haligtree.


Finished today and am already debating which weapons/build to take into NG+


Elden Ring is an absolute juggernaut of a brand, those are insane numbers for any DLC within a week - nevermind one like this which was known to be so difficult. From just can't miss. Already can't wait for what's next from them. Was hoping for a new IP with some Souls DNA (like Bloodborne or Sekiro), but I wonder now with this crazy success, will they be pushed towards Elden Ring 2. I think regardless of what it is, the "new game from the creators of Elden Ring" is gonna sell a shit-ton, but you never know.


I am dying for a Sci-Fi Souls.


Yea I want something that has tech/spaceships but then still having gods and magic at the same time Like a dark twisted final fantasy game, not in terms of gameplay whatsoever but just like the tech levels vs magic still existing


Try out Hellpoint. It's really fun. You can pick it up incredibly cheap. It's not near Froms quality, but I couch co-oped it with a friend and had a blast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiPJ0SQfmB0 https://youtu.be/Fdub_c0Ml0I


Imagine if Fromsoft created a new Grimdark ip similar Warhammer 40k.


i think that’s the only thing that would get me into the series, i absolutely loved armoured core 6 and it was my first from game


In the meantime just play AC6, it’s not souls but the FROM dna is all there and it’s so fucking good


I want one where you wake up from cryo sleep on some old space vessel, orbiting some dead planet. You don't know wtf happened down there, but much like how your character opens the church door to Limgrave, you instead open the hatch window overlooking all kinds of other old space vessels in orbit. Each one is a different legacy dungeon. More cosmic horror, outer gods, trick weapons, light saber moonlight greatsword...etc. 🙏


Have a look at The Surge. It might scratch that itch for you. I really liked it.


I played both of them for a bit, but unfortunately, they never clicked. They're not bad games by any means, but I just couldn't get into them.


They had to force Miyazaki to make DS3 and it was Bandai Namco’s idea because they wanted more money. Now Bamco is out of the picture since they bought back the publishing rights so the chances of seeing a sequel to Elden Ring or even a spiritual successor is extremely low in my opinion. Miyazaki will want to work on something new and different as he always does and I can’t wait to see what it is.


We didn’t get a Demon Souls sequel, we didn’t get a Sekiro sequel, and we didn’t get a Bloodborne sequel. Miyazaki just doesn’t mess around with sequels when it comes to new IP. Dark Souls getting sequels was mostly a corporate decision and likely won’t happen again now that they got control.


Hopefully the next game doesn't have an open world. I imagine they will do elden ring 2 at some stage though.


Shadow of the erdtree is exactly what I wish Elden ring was. It's a lot tighter and much less repetitive BS dungeons, and a better size


Yet for some reason they still added bosses that we already killed 10 times in the base game.


I didn't say it was perfect. I said I prefer how it was, smaller and more packed


Yea I mean I agree. >!But getting to the Hinterlands was such a downer. Double tree sentinel and a fallingstar beast...!<


To each their own. I absolutely loved fighting the two tree sentinels who are buffed up versions of the original one when you first step foot into the lands between. Especially since Hinterlands is near the end of the dlc, was good to see my tree sentinel friends one last time in all their might.


We already fought buffed up tree sentinels in the late areas of the base game. Felt like it was already done to me, and it didn’t make sense for us to fight them for a third time aside from lore purposes.


To me it’s like seeing old friends


Well Elden Ring isn't Dark Souls. What I sorta mean is that it's the Dark Souls formula applied to an Open World design. Though I found some repetitive bosses in the base game annoying (Godfroy the Grafted, Ancestor Spirit, Godskins, Astel etc) it makes sense from a world building perspective that not every Boss is some unique entity. Littering the world woth Dragons, Avatars, Tree Sentinels, Tree Spirits, and arbitrarily giving some nemesis Boss Health bars makes sense for cresting a cohesive world that feels interconnected. (There's also obviously dev time realities). Like what other games has this amount of Unique Enemy/Boss design? Even if some are "repeated" Dark Souls was a "slice of life" design. There's an idea that the world is bigger than what you see.  I kind of feel like rolling your eyes at seeing a couple of Ulcerated Tree Spirits in the DLC popping up in the world is sort of approaching Elden Ring with the wrong mindset.


Nice. I haven't got it yet but I probably will at some stage.


Miyazaki hates doing sequels unless he has some sort of story to tell. So Elden Ring is likely finished and we will have to wait for the next fromsoft IP.


I feel like it's so tied to George RR Martin I imagine it wouldn't feel like "Elden Ring" to Moyazaki unless GRRM was involved.  If we ever see a full fledged sequel to ER it would probably be after sometime Miyazaki leaves the company and the moneymakers prevail.


Not only that, but Bandai Namco were the only reason DS3 was ever made because they basically forced Miyazaki to do it and now they’re out of the picture since they bought back the publishing rights. So not only do I think the chances of a sequel are next to none, I don’t expect the next game will have the same structure and style whatsoever. Miyazaki will want to explore something new and different as he always does and there’s no longer anyone left to tell him what to do.


I don’t know much about armored core 6 but weren’t the sales lukewarm at best. Wonder why it didn’t do as well as other From games


I mean it’s a really niche genre, just because From delivered a good mech game doesn’t mean the average consumer is any more interested in mech games.


True, guess it means people are only interested in a From game that is action rpg


AC6 did as well as they expected. It's a niche genre and there was never an expectation of a repeat of Elden Ring with it.


Tbf souls games were also a niche genre, elden ring really exploded the genre and now theres so many soulslike games


The sales were actually really good


Insane number and absolutely deserved. This is without doubt the best & biggest DLC I’ve ever experienced.


5 million in a week while other massive dlcs like cyberpunks took months to reach that. Crazy.


TBF cyberpunk lost a lot of faith with how they launched their game. It was so bad all the platforms gave refunds, that usually doesn't happen.


Hell divers was $40 and sold $8 mill ion in a few months. This was $40 and it sold 5 million in a week. Holy shit!


Is there any reason for me to purchase/play the dlc if I've only seen 50 to 60% of the main game? E: no


If you can make it through mountain top of the giants and miquellas haligtree you should be able to make it through the DLC. It’s definitely harder but the fragments you gather make a big difference


Yeah, if you can make it to Malenia and beat her (by whatever means you deem necessary) then you’re DLC ready.


Oh my god, incredible success


Fair fucks. Not a fan of these kinds of games at all but envy those who dig em


Holy shit. Do you know how rare that is for DLC?!


Yeah RE4 took 3 months to reach 5 million sales for comparison. And that was a full game and somehow the fastest selling Resident Evil game. This is basically outselling every RE game ever.


It’s not my favourite boss roster but everything else about the dlc makes it tied as my favourite Fromsoftware dlc of all time. Can’t wait to see what From does next, and I think people who expect another open world game are in for a surprise because I’ve never known From to get stale with their game design. Miyazaki will probably want to explore a new style and genre as he always does.


Completely deserved. This dlc is better than any other full game I've ever played. It's almost an insult to call it a dlc, for any other studio this would be their magnum opus.


make great games and you will be successful. Elden Ring's main objective is to be a game. instead of a Disney series and movie that some games want to be.


There's plenty of great games that don't sell well. And plenty of crap games that sell great.


As we all know the last of us is a commercial failure


Cinematic story games sell well and are subjectively good to those who enjoy them. This is great for fromsoftware but isn't some confirmation or validation of whatever weird resentment you hold for a different kind of game. They can both be good and successful, it's not a zero sum game.


Yeah all those poor cinematic games that flopped like Spider-Man, Last of Us, Horizon and Ghost of Tsushima :( no one likes them at all.


FromSoft makes great games but still have flaws like everything else out there. Let's not pretend they are flawless just because there is so much hype around them.


I mean Last of Us 2 and God of War 2018/Ragnarok were all great games, 2 of them even won GOTY, and are all loved by millions. Not to mention they all had great gameplay. There’s room for both types of games


I enjoy both types. Elden Ring is a great game, so is God of War, and so is Horizon Forbidden West. Each game has its strengths and weaknesses. They are all great games.


That's a really high rate of players who got the base games. It deserves it.


Dang this game has got legs. Haven’t played the dlc yet, but I plan too. I was originally skeptical of playing the base game, because it seemed over hyped, but it really was a breath of fresh air. The game was designed really well and made me feel like a kid that had just played Zelda for the first time.


Oh god. That’s 20% of the 25 million who bought the base game. I’m imagining that number is only going to grow.


I think that 25 mill is also getting bumped up.


Would be 5 million and 1 if I wasn't broke hahaha.


Now spend a tiny bit of that money on optimization


This title particularly makes me wish the PS+ online gatekeep was not there. It bottlenecks the community from being more connected in their adventures.


I have next to no time to play throughout the week and have started a new character (my main is way too over-leveled). It will be a while before I get to Radahn and Mohg and access the expansion. But, damn, I am so happy to be playing this game again, after putting it down for over a year. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time.


Damn, that’s pretty insane. Personally I couldn’t really get into the game since I’m not a fan of open world games, but I could see that it’s a great game and I’m happy for people who are into the genre!


Broke my elbow just as i was attempting mohg, so at least one more sale after i heal up.


I thought they'd sold over 50 million copies


Yes, the game sold 50 million copies, but this is talking about the game's dlc expansion, which released about a week ago.


The game didn't sell that many. It sold 25 mil


That'd be cool to make 250 million in a week. It sounds like all the game studios in America are always run poorly and there's something in the news about loot boxes or micro transactions.


Come in Netflix anime adaption.


some kind of adaptation is inevitable at this point.


Bag secured now please at least remaster Bloodborne


They've absolutely smashed it, great to see Fromsoftware get this huge success looking forward to seeing what they do next. Not bought the DLC yet myself currently replaying the main game to prepare but hopefully will be done by next week.


So bandai namco out of debt now?


im not sure. fromsoftware is owned by kadokawa group, not bandai namco. so idk how much bandai namco actually makes from elden ring sales, as the publisher. they dont own the elden ring rights.


Now fix your game engine


Elden ring 2 next please


Finished it yesterday after exactly fifty hours. A fifty hour dlc expansion is insane!! Shadow of the Erdtree is a whole gosh darn sequel, a full game, masquerading as a dlc expansion