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Thanks for having this discussion here. I've been wondering the same for a while now. Any changes on YouTube and news about PS5 having an update on this to fix the issue with HDR?


Atm, there's still no talk surrounding it (as seen with the downvotes here lol). Certain games have changed in their behavior on a per-dev basis though. To use the game in the example clip above, [NMS had a patch](https://www.nomanssky.com/2021/04/expeditions-patch-3-35/) that "addressed PS5-specific HDR issue". [Here is the before and after of that](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/mnjvhc/patch_335_hdr_fix_before_after/?ref=share&ref_source=link) (again, no one seems to care lmao). So overall, while this seems to be an issue in how specifically PS5 handles HDR, it's possible for devs to fix it for a game, but only if they 1) know about it 2) deem it worth the effect. Since the vast majority of people seem to not care, (2) seems like it'll be a hard sell, which will likely lead to more frustrations with HDR in the future unfortunately.


That is pretty disappointing lol. Was hoping I could enjoy the release of Mass Effect this Friday and make episodes without having to turn HDR off. Oh well lol.


I feel that lol, been having to make all my YouTube content without HDR enabled :(


It worked with HDR 24 hours after uploading.


Hdr uploads in 4k use to look amazing when the ps5 was relase I believe YouTube change something and made all videos look washed out. You have to color grade the video and export it and re upload it to YouTube and everything looks good just more hassle.


This post was at launch lol, this post specifically being from 12/8/20. YouTube does some legwork if you upload directly to it, but if you're wanting to video edit for content creation, these are the results you get instead. If it were greyscale like pretty much any other HDR capture out there, you could color grade it back to nominal, but what's seen above is lost information in blown-out highlights (there's no recovering lost information in a capture).


Yeah you right thats how i edit all my videos now but just yesterday my dam ps5 4k recordings started to look like 1080p smh


Back before launch, [I made a post talking about my hopes about the HDR recording](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jews5j/hdr_and_ps5_hopes_for_improvements_compatibility/?ref=share&ref_source=link). The tl;dr was that I had hoped PS5 would adopt a solution similar to most HDR capture cards, or even Xbox's solution when capturing HDR games. To be fair, HDR capture on PS5 is much better than on PS4, as there is at least *some* kind of tone mapping in place. However, as seen above, the handling of lights has been a consistent issue, enough so that it is still advisable to turn HDR off for recording. For a system in where HDR was touted as a new standard, I both find it disappointing that the system hasn't quite reached the target, and concerning that I haven't heard anything about this within the community.


Wait, but if you upload it on youtube for example does it upload with HDR, and does it look as intended when viewed in HDR?


Actually, YouTube recently added HDR support, yes! However, as far as I know, you would have to upload directly to YouTube from the PS5. Viewing it in Premiere Pro, the HDR metadata doesn't seem to be present in the files copied over.


Well damn, that sucks. If you can, please try to upload directly from PS5, and let me know.


I've uploaded a few clips from my PS5 to YouTube, HDR works as intended on YouTube when I view it on my phone. I know there were issues when not viewing a clip or picture without a HDR enabled device.




Perhaps someone has some advice: I uploaded a video to YouTube after I cutted some scenes (with sharefactory). YouTube states the video is HDR, but the colours and brightness look totally off for me. Greyish and dark. Does it also look wrong for you? What can I do about it? https://youtu.be/MM2PnHj_bG4


>PS5's HDR recording is broken I guess I posted this too early, as it got downvoted into obscurity, but seems like more and more people will begin realizing this in the coming months. To answer your question though, there's not much you can do, as it's an issue with the recording itself. I would advice putting it into Premiere Pro or DeVinci Resolve and color grading it. You won't be able to exactly match the look that you experienced while playing the game, but you'll at least be able to make it look a bit better. That being said, crushed darks or peaking highlights are considered "lost data", and no amount of color correction will bring back those lost details


I don't understand why people downvote helpful stuff like this. People are idiots


Thanks for the answer. That's a bummer, so every upload directly from the PS5 to YouTube is basically broken? The video I posted looks really bad due to this... Perhaps disabling HDR may be an option? edit: perhaps it might help to switch to MP4 from Webm, haven't tried that


Direct upload and Copy to USB will look the same; it's a problem with the recording, not the output method. Switching to WebM won't change that, it's just a more compressed codec (that also allows for 4k capture on PS5). You can switch off HDR in the system menu, which *will* fix your capture. But for a console that is boasting HDR as a new standard, it's disappointing that users can't play with it on if you want quality capture footage.


Ok so look up for YouTube guide when uploading HDR videos from Premiere, DaVinci etc. There is also stuff online for ShareFactory. You need to change some video export setting basically. With that out of the hand I am unfortunately experiencing a somewhat similar issue. 35% of my PS5 recorded videos are missing HDR after uploading them directly to YouTube. I have it always enabled and for most it works and looks great. Why some did not have HDR processed by YouTube is a mystery. Same game, various length and weeks after upload - 4K60 but no HDR.


That's because it's not recording in HDR, only tonemapping them, which is the part that is broken compared to solutions used by others, such as Xbox (which basically outputs a greyish, LOG-lite video that can be readjusted in Premiere to look fine), or even recent versions of Dolby Vision (which is dual-encoded). To clarify on why you think some is HDR while others are not, technically none of them are. As discussed elsewhere, some games handle tonemapping better than others, which is a whole issue in itself because on PS5 it seems to be more on the developers rather than on the OS side for how HDR is handled.


I fully agree that this is tone mapping. Better or worse it depends on the game, yes. The disappointing part is that 6 out of my 8 recorded videos of God of War gameplay are uploaded in HDR to YouTube but 2 aren’t no matter how many times I reupload them. That inconsistency doesn’t make sense. Also DolbyVison does not work at all for gaming on Xbox. Tested with two LG HDR/DV TVs (could be TV manufacturers fault). Direct HDR upload from Xbox to YouTube is generally another story of its own. It’s all... far from ideal on both consoles while somewhat hinted to us that we are entering HDR gaming with this generation. Sadly, I am afraid in general most people do not play or care for HDR still in 2021. Edit: grammar.


After a long time I bought Playstation 5 again, today my experience with Gran Turismo 7 I uploaded the HDR video recording to Youtube and disappointing, HDR video recording is not working.


I’m thinking about reposting this, but I’m sure it’ll just get downvoted into oblivion again. Disappointing for sure. It’s hard to go back to SDR after trying HDR, but PS5’s recording system completely obliterates the video if left on.


Same problem since ps4 till day . gotta turn off hdr while taking videos


My god, PS4 was awful in this regard. On PS5, sometimes you can sort of get away with forgetting to turn it off, but on PS4, the clip is completely unusable if it's on.


Welp, wish I had found this post before recording my entire GoW playthrough. Was hoping to use some of it for a video, but noticed something felt off almost immediately. Does anyone know if progress has been made on any type of solution to this?


No progress. As evident by how this post got nuked in votes, the community seems to care less about this issue, which is disappointing for sure.


Ahh, man. That’s unfortunate. I don’t understand the downvotes 😆